arcana-amore23 · 5 years
Worn down being February, dreaming of being January
Need to be cautionary
equally as scary
nicest is temporary
chant my name like I’m the spirt bloody Mary
the pain I suffered wasn’t temporary
dropping all the pain I had to carry
I’m no missionary, god darn visionary
Never going to call myself the next virgin Mary
How’s that for being secondary
Master of the personal attacks, poet or mercenary
Wouldn’t call my self legendary or revolutionary
‘he’s speaking about himself, could his ego get anymore inflationary
Trapped in a centenary only think its necessary sick of being ordinary
My mind is unsanitary, but I would say evolutionary
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arcana-amore23 · 6 years
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arcana-amore23 · 6 years
Person attack!
The huntress
You’ve set the beast free ,need a solution
I’m going to go ask your mate Susan !
No one asked you to play piggyback
Reload my chamber for another personal attack
Why is the huntress protecting her prey
Oh you better wait for that day
There’s some bonds we should never break
At least you and everyone else drowns me in crystal lake
Want to tell me how angry you are
Then be nice to me .... how bizarre?
Remember remember the fifth of November
Lit a flame in me , created ember
Screw the PA and let me speak directly to you :
Yelling that you don’t trust me
See right through me
Wanting to hit me
Shaking because of me
Always blaming me !
Listen I’m numb to the pain
Something you can relate to in many ways right?
Thank you and goodnight!
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arcana-amore23 · 6 years
The first time in a while I want to hit something to feel a different type of pain .
I escaped my cell yet still insane
I’m shaking crying my eyes out
Unable to release a shout
What fucking right do you get to say that
You don’t get to walk over her like a welcome mat
Fuck !!
This is madness no that fun
This anger when my blood boils as hot as the sun
This isn’t a poem to be analysed and torn apart
No I’m just a man speaking from his heart
Everything in my body shaking
And I can feel my will breaking
You think it’s okay what you say
I actually love this girl day by day
My heart is broken
My inner demons awoken
I’m beginning to drown
Don’t mind this or me just having a mental breakdown
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arcana-amore23 · 6 years
Part of the job
So I asked my friend @lachicapequena to draw anything in the world and I’ll write a poem about it. She drew a detective so here is ‘part of the job’ :
Why would a person pick up a gun or a knife
Have the ability to take another’s life
Ripping a husband from a wife
Tearing each other apart like wildlife
There was this one case I’ll never forget
The murder of a young brunette
Her throat cut in the night
Her baby holding onto her tight
I walked up to the girl holding on
‘Where has mummy gone?’
How do I tell a child about This
How can I make her dismiss
I was clueless what to say
‘The person who did this will pay’
I hugged the girl and wiped her tears
Her body shaking with fear
Her mum was now lifeless
The baby left in a crisis
I grabbed the door knob
‘It’s all part of the job’
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arcana-amore23 · 6 years
Rise up! I said Rise up !
Grab my hand and stand up !
Understand everyone falls down !
We had enough of nerovous breakdown !
Everything can be flipped on its head
The best part of life isn’t when we’re dead
Now open your eyes
It’s time to rise !
Rise up ! I said Rise up !
Grab my hand and standup !
Understand everyone falls down !
We had enough of nervous breakdowns !
Have you not cried enough tears?
Or felt your body be influenced by fear
We all say we give up
Instead we should rise up!
We are not alone anymore
No more blood and gore
We been all through the pain
And realise how we actually gained
Rise up ! I said Rise up !
Grab my hand and standup !
Rise up no more hiding rise up !
Grab our hand and standup !
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arcana-amore23 · 6 years
My kink is writers reblogging each others’ work and loving and supporting each other
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arcana-amore23 · 6 years
Social pressure
Am I allowed to be me ?
You hold the keys
please let me free
What would it take ? Me dropping to my knee ?
Maybe I just wanna make my poems fresher
Oh wait I can’t because of social pressure
Maybe I just wanna make my poems fresher
Oh wait I can’t because of social pressure
I write poems about depression
Hoping they’ll have a lasting impression
It has appeared I have dug my own grave
And by accident became a social slave
Maybe I just wanna make my poems fresher
Maybe I just wanna make my poems fresher
Maybe I just wanna make my poems fresher
Oh wait I can’t because of social pressure
I wanted to help those in pain
To certain people that sounds vain
I want people to relate
But trust me I’m not gonna celebrate
Maybe I just wanna make my poems fresher
Oh wait I can’t because of social pressure
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arcana-amore23 · 6 years
A change?
I wouldn’t want to live like this
Not even for a second longer
But my heart clenches all its valves
And shrinks, and shrinks, and shrinks
Until my lungs are black
Because i want to make a change
But somehow I can’t
Too scared to take a step forward
In case i take a step back
And ruin all the progress
I’ve made so far.
I’ve worked hard these past few months
To get to where i am
Mentally, physically, finally.
But if i am to become who i ought to be
I have to leave all these behind me
Close my eyes
And step into the spotlight
Where I’ll either get applauded
Or ultimately booed off stage
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arcana-amore23 · 6 years
Amazing 🖤 plz go check out and show some support @wokeupgayer
my life feels like a twisted carnival recently, there’s a big tent full of people crunching on peanuts watching as i walk the tight rope. pointing out every time my foot slips and taking bets on which slip will be the last. they gasp as i recenter my balance by backing up. i don’t look down for that would surely be my demise. the task is deciphering my thoughts from the loud watchers below. none of which have walked a tight rope but many have tips. the yelling floods my mind and my legs almost fall from under me, when my thoughts finally grow louder than the crowd i exhale, step forward and walk. the rope dips as i near the end forcing me back and the crowd is loud with excitement and worry as i wobble towards safety once more. my feet hit the platform and my mind is quiet. the watchers are quiet.
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arcana-amore23 · 6 years
Life support
I just had a overdose
I wonder what you’ll diagnose
They all say its a phase I’ll be better soon
So they say over time we’ll all be immune
He sat there just rocking back and forth on the floor
All he did was beg for more
He only spoke to the voice in his head
They all assumed he’ll end up dead
She walked in head looking down and cuts all up her arm
They all blamed her for doing the harm
“Just take this pill’
Can’t they see that we might all be ill ?
Pain is not always visible
Beaten with words, never felt so invincible
I want to do die !
No wonder why she grabbed that knife
We feel like we’re drowning
Our demons dragging us down
Shame all you could do is look around
Thanks for the help I mean it a lot
But I guess In the world’s eyes ....
We’ve just lost the pot
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arcana-amore23 · 6 years
Doesn’t matter
She was 17 and a bit 
Fair to say her life was full of shit 
She was a beautiful piece of art 
Until you walked in and tore her apart 
Day by day by day by day 
She was beginning to fade away 
You lied to her face 
Now she only sees herself as a disgrace 
She walked in head up high 
Once again she wanted to die 
Can you imagine it from a outside point of view 
Clueless of what to do 
You led her to this pain 
What was there to actually gain 
Day 1 on her wrist 
Day 5 on her thigh 
Day 14 she still wanted to die 
Day 25 I walk into her covered in blood 
I tried and tried and did all I could 
You thought you won this twisted game 
Afraid to say ..... what a shame 
I stayed by her side because I knew she was strong 
I see you stepping back what’s wrong ?? 
It doesn’t matter how many scars 
 Anyone can shine like a star
The face she was happy to throw them away 
What did we have to pay to get to this day
Without you she dropped the knife 
And began to restart her life 
- lewis 
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arcana-amore23 · 6 years
I’m a poet on tumblr but art can take many forms by many different people. This one example of my friends art please if you want go follow her . She’s a artist and writer ( a little) 💜 @lachicapequena
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arcana-amore23 · 6 years
am I trapped in this cage? 
Am I some creature you need to study ?
what gives you the right to analyse my pain without asking?
wanna to break it down for the author 
let the author do you the honours 
Tap Tap Tap on the glass 
dance monkey dance kiss my arse
‘ I promise I'll leave your work alone’
11:05 pm you’re blowing up my phone 
step of your high horse and take a step back 
and you wonder why I personally attack !!
don’t even get me started on what you do to joy 
get the message I'm not a whipping boy 
my first attempt was a miss 
all it did was make the rat hiss
get her to read this for you 
analysis this for you 
explain why this is another personal attack at you 
be ignored again by you 
replaced by you 
everything is fed to you on a sliver spoon 
I hope you get the message very soon 
- lewis 
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arcana-amore23 · 6 years
I know I do attack people in my poems but don’t think I could have justified my work any better than she did in this piece. Much respect to Bellatrix 🖤 please do go follow @bellatrixthekilljoy
No offence intended
A personal attack is not what I intend,
I don’t mean to hurt or offend,
The things I write just come from the heart,
I don’t intend them to tear anyone apart,
But at times I just feel so panicked,
So worried and unsure,
That if I don’t write these things down,
They bubble up to the shore,
I’m not the type to lash out at others,
I don’t like to scream and shout,
But at times when my world starts to crumble and fall,
When I feel I can’t get out,
The world starts to spin,
And I just can’t stop my heart,
It begins beating so fast,
And I just can’t breathe,
My pulse rises,
And my tears stream,
So I write how I feel,
Down line by line,
So I’m sorry if what I write,
Comes at you with a bitter bite,
But if what I write you think is aimed,
Don’t get self conscious,
Don’t get ashamed,
Because honestly hunny all I’m saying,
If the shoe fits,
Then fucking wear it.
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arcana-amore23 · 6 years
things that are nOt okay:
going through your children’s things (phone, journals, backpack)
talking badly aBout your kid to other people
insulting your kid both to their face and behind their back
“this is my house you have no privacy”
hitting your kid
compare them to other kids
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arcana-amore23 · 6 years
Another week
Another month
And then maybe I’ll see her
I doubt it
But something in her voice
Makes it seem so true
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