astroccultr · 1 year
Rising Age of Aquarius
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Welcome to the Age of Aquarius.
Keywords for the new age: information, knowledge, I know, technology, electricity, people, time and space, baby boomers, millennial, past and future, generations, social media, cults, astrology, ai, protests, the death of hierarchy, humanists, revolution, independence, spirituality, science, oppressed, extraterrestrial, physics, space.
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astroccultr · 2 years
Astrology for Black Women Part 1: The Age of Aquarius
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Fun fact: Sza rising is in Aquarius..
Black women will awaken in the Age of Aquarius and reflect to humanity what the world will experience. I observed this began in the great conjunction of december of 2020 (more on that later.)
There is a yearning to bring about change and to question what we were told about ourselves for centuries. As Uranus and Saturn rule this sign, you'll observe that you are breaking free (Uranus) from the limitations (Saturn).
We question and think outside the box and experience enlightenment if that's the path you wish to take.
A long history of violence, trauma, verbal abuse and cursed words that we are lesser than and at the bottom of humanity is fading before our eyes. We are no longer in the age of pisces "i believe" We are in the age of "I know"
Do you dare to look and find the water of knowledge and abundance that lives inside you?
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astroccultr · 2 years
Sun in Gemini ♊️
A life of duality.
So I moved away from the house that held nothing
But waiting for messages
And all through the day's seasons
I went running with the sun
And I pray every day for the answers
In a still and almost silent night
-Mabel Normand, Stevie Nicks (gemini) May 26, 1948
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Gemini is represented by the tale of Castor(mortal) and Pollox(immortal). Geminis stick to the "live while we're young" The Castor is their 1st half of life. The mortal twin. A life that at times dangerous, addicted to such pain and darkness because that's when they feel alive. Perhaps it's their own fear of being a mere mortal that becomes a toxic physical manifestation. What lies in such self sabatoage is the longing for fulfillment and connection.
The Gemini Icons:
1. Tupac Shakur
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Tupac Often impulsive and quick to anger, he had what could be a self fulflling prophecy where he often told others he did not see himself living past the age of 30.
2. Shia Labouf
"I thought excitement was joy, I thought lack of depression was serenity and I had no spiritual life. I was bankrupt spiritually"
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Later in life Geminis discover their true connection to immorality comes in connecting with their own souls. Geminis learn that they heal this disconnect and destructive behavior through honesty and telling the truth of their past mistakes. What was once a being who told a life of falsehood later becomes a beacon for honesty.
3 . Colin Farrell
I guess you can say it was a spiritual malady. You feel very alive when in pain. And I also know that from another perspective someone in my life has passed away there is something incredibly and internal vivicaious about pain and morning. Even if it is as egocentric and self indulgent as mourning for yourself.-colin farrell
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A life that is of peace and war, truth and life, black and white, emptiness and fulfillment. Duality. Our immortality lies in spirituality.
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astroccultr · 2 years
The Virgin and Dark feminine.
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BEYONCE gives us what Virgo represent in its highest form.
I know the title is complex. I listened to Church Girl and it inspired me to discuss the power of Virgo when they're in their highest forms of themselves.
Beyonce shows radical self acceptance. What it means for humans to embrace all sides of themselve. to embrace our darkness, power, themselves.
Virgo is the only sign with the figure of a woman. Since biblical times women were diminished and forced out of the sacred. Did you know virgo represents ISIS, MARY, AND MARY MAGDELENE? women are everything, we are nature. And nature hides herself.
Mary Madgelene in the Bible casted out as a whore and the counter part to virgin Mary. Persephone became a woman as she embraced the darkness of Hades.
Behonce songs ebrace purity, sexuality, dark feminine, and the divine. everything that a woman is.
Virgo in her highest self, knows her power lies in embracing both sides of herself. Your act of service is showing all of you and embracing the duality of being the "virgin and whore" that society places on women. The darkness and light.
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astroccultr · 2 years
Vertex in synastry:Fated relationships! 💫
(The most important aspects that you should consider are the ones of personal planets in synastry knowing that the outer planets are generational but again they have their importance too.)
Sun/Vertex :The relationship is destined to change your identity,the way you see yourself can be different after you meet the Vertex person . The Vertex person pushes you to see who you are for real and to understand your flaws and what makes you special . The sun person can make the Vertex person feel important ,admired around them.
Moon/Vertex: The relationship will have a great impact over the way you feel and it will make you aware about your deepest feelings. Probably taking care about each other may be essential here. Emotional needs are met and deep understanding and emotional support can be met . It is like you feel that one or the other is your savior,your healer.
Mercury/Vertex: Communication here is the main thing. Many discussions, understanding can take place. You stimulate each other to express your ideas and probably the impact here will be on the way you talk,the way you think. Probably you can make important deals with this person.
Venus/Vertex: The romantic feelings can take place here very easily. The Vertex person sees the Venus person as the partner of their dreams. They feel so pleased in the presence of each other. The Vertex person admires the beauty of the Venus person and it can create a sense of inner peace and satisfaction to the Vertex person or even both of them. The Venus person can stimulate the creativity in here. It can make the Vertex person aware about their artistic talents and push them to focus on their creative side more. There may be a lot of playfulness here too. Especially from the Venus person and it is a very funny relationship in general.
Mars/Vertex: Well things get hot here. The sexual tension can be felt with this aspect in synastry for both sides especially from the Vertex person wich also is pushed to jump into action from the Mars person in a very spontaneous way. The Mars person brings strong impulses here and it can make things a bit exciting too.
Jupiter/Vertex: Your beliefs may be the main thing here. Your need for progression and expansion may be met here with the conjunction,trine ,sextile in a an easier way. With the opposition/square these needs may be met to but it may be more difficult . Probably the Jupiter person will bring new ideas,new chances for you that will make you more optimistic,more wise and even Spiritual. The knowledge you may get may be about something deep,like spirituality. Your views can change. Travelling,new cultures ,new l languages can be essential here. The Jupiter person can even be like your Guru too, leading you to a brighter way full of knowledge.
Neptune/Vertex : Probably your illusions can feel like they become real with this placement but try to don’t lose yourself in it. It may be difficult to put boundaries with this aspect and to separate reality from illusion.
Saturn/Vertex: This relationship can be destined to have obstacles that can push you to be more responsible and mature. The Saturn person may be the one who is wiser here or at least with more experience and through sharing them with the Vertex person they may learn a lot. It is a kind of relationship that you consider very serious and it can be a long-term relationship and the one that makes you feel like you have grown up a lot from it.
Pluto/Vertex: This aspect in synastry can be intense and the transformative.Secrets,darkness,your deepest fears can be triggered with this aspect and what you have been trying to hide here can be exposed . It can leave a deep impact on you
Vertex/Ascendant: The way you that others see you and the way you see the world can change. The mask you wear in front of the world can be different after the relationship with this aspect. Also one can feel drawn to other about way they look like .
Nodes/Vertex: This is Karmic with old debts,from past lives. Both people feel like they have a lifetime knowing each other even when they just met. In the case of North Node/Vertex in synastry the relationship will be important to direct each of them to their life purpose
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astroccultr · 2 years
Synastry of the Last Movie Stars- Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward
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The glue that held Joanne and me together was that anything seemed possible. With all other people, some things were possible. But not everything. The promise of everything was there From the very beginning.
-Paul Newman
Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward always fascinate me. Married 50 years, known as the longest marriage in Hollywood. They kept their love story pretty private throughout the years and they settled in Connecticut and raised their family and built a theater community.
HBO premiered “The Last Movie Stars”, docuseries directed by Ethan Hawke that traces the legacy and complicated story of Joanne and Paul.
Let’s get into some astrology (Mostly from Paul's perspective). What made this such an enduring marriage and the love affair of the Golden Age of Hollywood.
Paul Newman
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Paul had an Aquarius Sun, Pisces Moon, and Capricorn Ascendant. A man of ideals, emotion, and burdens.
North Node in Leo-A soul mission for the spotlight, but such a desire and drive brought about burdens and guilt. Responsibility often weighed the desire with Saturn square North Node and Ascendant quincunx North Node gave paul the burden of responsibility. Though he wanted the spotlight, weighed down by those around him. I could imagine Paul was often hard on himself in his art.
Sun square Saturn- His father played a big influence on Paul, burdened by his dad's death. His own role as a father is a hard lesson.
Saturn conjunct Midheaven- Success as he gets older.
Ascendant conjunct Venus and Jupiter gave that star quality.
Joanne Woodward
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A Pisces Sun, Aquarius Moon, and Capricorn Ascendant, Joanne had the same theme as Paul, a theme of dreams, emotion, creation, and hard work.
Moon quincunx Pluto-The ability to display her emotions on the screen. She was a rising star before Paul. Known as the instinctive, experimental actor. The Pluto-moon aspect could explain her issues with her mother,
Her Sun conjunct Venus, faith in the career. They said she often told others she was going to be a movie star and marry a handsome man. This aspect gave an unwavering faith in her dream.
The Composite
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It was just nice to be able to go out and do with Joanne in public what we longed to do in public for years. To put on the screen what had already been discovered privately between us.
-Paul Newman
The composite could explain this. Their Ascendant square Midheaven shows they would work together at this time, and their career was important in this union. The 2nd house composite in Sun and Moon, what an earthy, sensual, love. Apparently, they got physical pretty early on (a five-year affair btw!). Besides the love-making their composite aquarius sun and moon gave them the permission to dream and wish. Drove them to community, often speaking out for the collective, humantarians and using their stardom for the good.
. Paul's Sun conjunct Joanne's P. of Fortune blessed Paul to speed up in his acting dream. She inspired him every day. His Saturn trines her Venus, and Paul learned to love with Joanne, love art and life, and romance. The beauty in life seemed possible with Joanne.
"My meeting with Joanne gave birth to a sexual being. She taught me, encouraged me, she delighted in experiment. And I am simply a creature of her invention.”
Paul Newman
(Paul) North Node opposite Mars (Joanne)- These two had a love affair before, and often a woman's mars can ignite a part of a man's sexuality. Looking at the houses of their mars and north node- it's the theme of 2nd and 8th house. Paul was reborn and his soul not only longed for the spotlight, 8th house means he longed for intimacy. His daughter said Paul needed Joanne and Joanne didn't feel the same way, makes sense with her mars in the 2nd house. She found her worth on her own, and Paul found his worth through making love and bonding with Joanne in every way.
Another past life aspect between the two is (Joanne) Mercury conjunct South Node (Paul). The two shared commonalities and love of art and stories before and continued such love between each other.
What I love most about their synastry is Joanne's Saturn conjunct Paul's Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus. Joanne grounded Paul, and helped him become more of a man, and grow into his responsibilities.(sometimes). She had her life together while Paul was inspired by her art, love, and how she took on her own responsibilities.
What an honest, sensual, wishful couple. Their synastry tells the story of hard work, love, faith, and destiny. You can tell Paul loved destiny with all his being.
Feel free to reblog!
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astroccultr · 2 years
John Lennon and Yoko Ono--The Astrology of The Beatles Part Three
This has become somewhat of a series. Read part one with Paul and Linda's synastry. Part two: the Synastry of John Lennon and Paul McCartney
In part three, we’re discussing the synastry of John Lennon and Yoko Ono.
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Interestingly enough, they have the same meeting destiny points as Linda and Paul's synastry. John’s North Node conjunct Yoko’s ascendant and his vertex was conjunct her ascendant. I always look to Nodes and Vertex as a fated meeting. Especially when the North Node (Our soul mission) is in hard aspect to another person's birth chart. This could mean this person can speed up what a soul wishes to learn this lifetime.
I explained John’s 'soul' theme in the last post. He had a North Node in Libra in the 6th house (of service, health, routine).
John's south node (our past lives and always the opposite of the North node) was in Aries, conjunct his Lilith in the 12th house. His past life shows wounding with women and his sexuality. I would say in a past life, he could have been very self-serving and independent, perhaps of masculine energy, of war, order, logic, and discipline. This might have influenced his lesson in this life with women. Back then, John didn't need others or wanted to be a part of others, particularly women.
Other feminine wounding aspects are the moon-Chiron aspect and moon-Pluto in his chart. I wonder what his relationship was like with his mother before she passed. Or the relationship with his first wife? There's a rage that lies here. This masculine vs feminine energy was going on inside of John and played out in his relationships. He had to learn how to be less self-serving and try to accomplish a life that surrounded feminine divinity, fairness, partnership, peace, collective, sex, pleasure, and creation. Things that remind me of Libra..
Libra suns learn of themselves through another person. With his sun and north node in libra, intimacy is something that could heal and break him. Intimacy would help him grow if he was conscious of the need for partnership. If he wasn’t conscious of his need for partnership and went back to his previous life of intimacy, it would show through prisons, addictions, violence, karma, and enemies, the dark side of the 12th house.
So what does this have to do with Yoko? The 6th house is his theme in libra and Yoko’s ascendant is in Libra and conjunct John's Sun, Mars, Node, & Vertex. He saw in her what he longed to express. Libra rising’s display of charm and art, beauty, care, and the themes of Venus that John knew was something he wanted to accomplish this time around. A part of his sexuality that he ignored before. 
There was emotional healing Yoko provided with John. Yoko inspired and awakened what he needed or wanted to live, her Lilith sextile his Chiron, and moon offered John an unconventional way to heal his inner wounding with feminine energy.
Thier other parts of the synastry
John's Venus in Virgo Conjunct Yoko's Neptune: They shared a love for service, and routine, and what Yoko (Neptune) offered John seemed like a sort of spirituality, privacy, and intimacy, the Neptune can represent that they idealized the ideal of servicing humanity together and expressing such a thing through their art.
Let's point to the composite with the Sun, Moon, and Mercury in the 12th house, this can represent an affair between two people, it can represent seeing each other's flaws, dreams, spirit, and drowning deep in a love where it's hard to see anyone else.
Their relationship was complicated, and it's written in the stars, the theme of air signs with Libra and Aquarius on both sides. Created a meeting of the minds. The 6th house theme creates an easiness to rely on each other, and the love of everyday life together. The 12th house shows an element of what goes on between us no one could ever understand. Let's shut the world and our loved one's out and focus on each other. Or since their ascendant was conjunct their personal planets in the composite, their inner world was put on display.
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Because of the air theme between John and Yoko's chart, I can see how this can create some kind of coldness for those outside of their relationship, kids, exes, parents, and friends. The focus was on each other, and when it was time to look outside of each other, it was easier to look at the ideal of the collective rather than those around them.
Their peace in bed campaign makes sense. They gave the world a display of their own intimacy, as their composite chart has ascendant conjunct their moon and mercury. Let's make what we share a display for the good of human beings, a great message, but can be a way to block facing their issues with those closest to them head-on.
But, it was part of John's soul mission to understand the collective, fairness, imagining a world of peace, a vision Yoko made him believe was possible. Through Yoko, he could fall in love with the light side of Venus. Learning and basking in this, the leisure and pleasure that Libra is all about, gave John the permission to love and be responsible and want to serve others. How he serviced others was showing what Venus could be about for humanity.
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astroccultr · 2 years
hi there i love your post on the chiron synastry of paul and linda mccartney! i would love to read your thoughts on the synastry of john and paul and also john and yoko. everything i find on those sort of repeats what we already know as part of the historical narrative, but i want to know what astrology can reveal of the hidden things in those two relationships. eg john and yoko get the starcrossed lovers stamp in every reading i can find, yet they get into a heroin addiction together, so there have to be more challenging aspects in their synastry. and while john and paul might have been destined to break up according to you, there has to be something incredibly deep going on for paul to still talk about john all the time. please don't feel obligated to get into these charts, just if you're bored and find it interesting yourself, i would love to read your thoughts! take care! 💖
Hi! Thank you so much for the invitation to dive deep into the astrology of Paul, John, and Yoko.
When I look at synastry, I look at the natal chart first to see what themes a soul has to learn in this life and when they get into a relationship with someone, how is this theme playing out between the two?
Looking at the synastry of John and Paul, I can see their theme was on collaboration, individualism, service, careers, and expression.
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Paul’s Taurus in Venus (9th house, so he’s in love with learning and expanding his horizons) is conjunct John’s Jupiter (1st house). There was a love of art that brought them together, an expression in the voice since Taurus rules the throat. Paul loved hearing the things John had to say or sing about, and John felt the same way. I can see a lot of admiration and, from Paul's perspective, Paul was definitely the staying power between the two. Was John the first to leave? I ask because Paul's Saturn touches a lot of John's personal planets. I can see with Paul that responsibilities are nothing new to him. Being responsible for others is something he's probably mastered in another life (Which is what I'll get into later). But for John, it was something he was learning this time around, so mistakes had to be made along the way.
John and Paul share a commonality of the moon in the 11th house. The moon, based on shamanic astrology, is our comfort something we're used to, so of course, they decide to build a group. I can see why their songs were based on wishes, collaboration, and togetherness. Since 11th rules the Aquarius theme. But to achieve such a beautiful theme, eventually, John and Paul do this separately.
I know there was a separation destined based on the individual charts. Our North Node is what we learn this lifetime. It shows us the themes and challenges of our soul journey. South node is based on our past life. So our North node is in a particular sign and house for a theme (ex. My North Node is in Capricorn and it's in my 12th house, the opposite of that is cancer in the 6th house, so my theme in my previous life was being of service in the home).
Paul's north node is in the 12th house in Virgo and John's north node is on the 6th in Libra, the 12th and 6th houses are opposite of each other. The 6th and 12th house theme has a lot to do with unmaking and making of oneself. A theme of sacrificing and service, spirituality, and karma.
 Paul's 12th house NN tells me that Paul, in another life, was all about serving others (south node in Pisces in the 6th house). There was a lot of sacrifice for the greater good. The focus is on how Paul could learn how to take that time to sit in the garden and be within himself. Reflect and find privacy and be outside of group settings. I can see why Linda came along the way to show him just how important a safe space was, although in his chart he’s meant for public settings (10th house sun), he needs that time to learn how to be an individual and be of self in his career.
I believe the reason John had such an impact on Paul was some sort of subconscious bond. Paul could see since John's soul learned what he already accomplished: service is for the greater good, the theme of the 6th house. He could sympathize with such a tough lesson. And the same goes for John and how he viewed Paul.
John, his North node, is in the 6th house- opposite Paul. It's meant for John to understand how to serve others. He had to understand how to be less self-serving.
Now, just because the North node in the 6th house was something John had to accomplish, it doesn’t mean it was easy. With Saturn quincunx, his north node, he definitely turned down any sort of emotional responsibilities earlier in life. Saturn's responsibilities in his chart include being responsible for himself and caring for himself so he could care for those around him. But with Saturn quincunx node, he would not accomplish this until he reached his Saturn return. This means he had to break from what he was so used to doing, unmaking his collaboration and being identified in men in order to service and learn how to love and be responsible for others.
Also, I just looked it up. John and Paul broke up during John and Ringo’s Saturn return. It was time, John's time, to learn intimacy and not just through collaboration, but learning how to love a woman.
With John's birth chart I'm not sure what it was with John, but I think he had an issue with women. I’m seeing Lilith conjunct his south node in Aries. Also, the moon conjunct Chiron. Pluto-moon aspect, There was something he carried to this life that has to do with anger, violence, and women, and it had to be healed this time around. Which probably happened once he met Yoko. 
His sun in the libra, John expresses himself through relationships, learning of himself through another to balance his scale, so learning all about himself in his friendship with Paul, then moving on to a wife, then Yoko.  Now are Yoko and John star-crossed lovers? Destined- yes! Destined in order for John to shoot towards the lesson he wanted to master this lifetime.
John’s theme based on his birth chart was, “Hey I was furious at one time, and now I want to learn how to be at peace, how to work with another, love others and service, can someone help me do this?”
And this is where Yoko came along. But this doesn't mean it was all sunshine and roses.
John and Yoko's synastry coming later today with a link.
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astroccultr · 2 years
Sun in Cancer- The Crustacean- Pacifists and Fighters
We often hear in mainstream astrology of cancers being nurturing and emotional. Cancers represented by the moon and crab. In this post I want to analyze that hard shell that cancers can master.
We're going to use the following examples. It's interesting that the most notorious fighters in mainstream have sun (expression) in cancer
Connor McGregor
Sun and moon in cancer
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Conor rated #12 in ufc fighting. Conor displays an attitude needed to compete in UFC. Conor is known not only his fighting but often his celebrity lifestyle and displays of feuds.
Mike Tyson
Sun in cancer
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Considered one of the greatest heavy boxers of all time. After a career fueled by violence and brutality through maturity Tyson accomplished periods of tranquility in his later years.
Rose Namajunas
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I think out of all the fighter cancerians, she displays the expression of cancer in its most high. In n interview, she mentioned just being a good person. She's deeply spiritual and talks about the art of fighting and human beings connecting to nature. She also mentioned being a hermit which is so funny.
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Her displays of vulnerability is a healthy cancer sun. She created this hard shell with fighting, but she is open to displaying the power of her emotions to others. She leaves the fighting inside the gates.
Cancers thrive in processing their emotions. They do so by creating a protection to deal with cruelties of the universe. Think of the representation of cancers and the moon. The moon, it's feminine, represents the dark side of spirit that has power over our emotions. Cancers work with the universe and everything it offers. More than anyone, they know this universe is both cruel and loving. Nourishing and neglecting. Brutal and gentle. Cancers build a hard shell, to retreat when they need to and to protect their vulnerable sides. But to make sure the hard shell is not used to guard- they have to be okay with displaying such powerful emotions and vulnerable. They have to show the duality this universe offers. We can't just be protectors and fighters.
Cancers teach us to be fighters and pacifists. That's the way of the spirit and human experience.
Humans are both cruel and loving.
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astroccultr · 2 years
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Kiki Layne at the 2022 Met Gala
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astroccultr · 2 years
Johnny depp texting amber "I have other uses for your throat that don't include injury" is such a gemini thing to say.
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astroccultr · 3 years
Astrology Reading Inquiries
I'm a 10 year astrologer, expert in natal charts with a personal touch. Synastry and astrocartography hobbyist.
Check out services and prices here- https://linktr.ee/astrocultr
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astroccultr · 3 years
hey i love the way you write about astrology. do you offer services? i'd love to know more about my chart. 💖
Hi hun! Thank you so much for the compliment. I love writing and astrology so it's a great combination for me.
I'm so sorry I haven't been on tumblr in a minute. So natal charts I charge $65 for a PDF reading you keep -all written by me along with a pre-discussion so we discuss questions you have. Synastry is $75, an addon to any service like transits or astrocartography for a certain date is a $15.
You can email me at [email protected] for more info.
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astroccultr · 3 years
A thespian's natal chart- moon - pluto aspects
"People with Moon-Pluto aspects wield powerful emotional waves. The emotional experience is intense and the individual is highly receptive to the physic music that circulates the invisible realm. The individual is responsive to unconscious messages and easily intuits the divine profile of her company. " -link
Thus far I've counted over 40 actors with moon-pluto aspects. My clients who are aspiring actors tend to have this aspect as well. I feel most Astrologers when looking at a client's natal chart who aspires to be an actor goes to the basics, 5th house/leo/mc/jupiter/rising. Makes sense when you're thinking of fame. But oh the art of acting is so underrated. So overlooked on what it takes to be a thespian. You must be able to step out of your comfort zone and be emotional vulnerable. To move an audience through emotional waves and what a gift it is to be able to witness such intense emotions.
Moon-pluto actors:
Bette Davis- moon conjunct pluto
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Daniel day lewis- moon trine pluto
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Jodie foster- moon conjunct pluto
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Sarah paulson- moon trine pluto
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Cate blanchett- moon quincunx pluto
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Nicole kidman- moon square pluto
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Michael shannon- moon opposite pluto
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Sally fields- moon trine pluto
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Joan Crawford - moon conjunct pluto
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Jessica lange- moon opposite pluto
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astroccultr · 3 years
The Astrology of Harry Styles
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Hello everyone, I decided to try reading on Harry Styles.
A free spirit with a dominant air chart- you attempt to label him he will go cold.
-Neptune square the ascendant- he was made to be in the limelight- he has that leading man look. The public, his fans, think they know him, but you're more than likely projecting your feelings on to his being (Ryan Gosling, Johnny Depp, Elvis Presley, and Frank Sinatra have the same aspect)
-Aquarius is ruled by both Saturn and Uranus- no wonder he can flawlessly create trends in music and fashion by honoring the old and the new with some charming rebellion.
-Although he is ruled by all air, his sun, Venus, mars, and Saturn are in his 4th house. His moon is in a water house- the 12th house. His emotions lie close to his heart, those closest to him, where he considers them his home- you’ll see his nurturing side.
-His mom is a late libra, and his moon and rising is in libra- his mom is a huge influence on him, this is why he will continue to date older women. He has an affinity and natural love for women- genuinely loves and understands feminine energy. I don't mean sexually (we’ll discuss this later) but spiritually he knows and loves the feminine energy of women.
-venus in 4th house- his soul mate will be someone he's known for sometime, someone he's worked with or met in a group setting.
- Most men with Venus in Aquarius are private when it comes to love life, no not with flings- I mean their true love life- someone they’ve fallen head over heels for, the I can’t go anywhere without you type of love, that’s something the public will not see or know about when he finds his person.
-You’ll never see their true person out doing PDA to the public not until years later with a baby on the way- The Olivia wild thing is just that, a fling.
-Venus in Aquarius men go through a few marriages and divorces- so yes, I predict there will be maybe 2-3 marriage/broken engagements in harry’s life because Venus in Aquarius men- are finding themselves just as they are finding and learning the person they’re dating- which means they will stumble and fall along the way
-Sag in north nodes have wild publicity in their younger years, but as they get older and focus on a cause to fight for, truth to believe in they can become role models
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astroccultr · 3 years
To honor my saturn return in the 3rd house I want to make a discord community for black women who are into and practice astrology (or you just want to learn more), tarot, dream interpretation, and love do readings on pop culture and celebrities.
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Would any active black womyn on tumblr be into a discord space for this? Message me for details
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astroccultr · 3 years
“Menelaus, if you are really going to kill her, then my blessing go with you, but you must do it now, before her looks so twist the strings of your heart that they turn your mind; for her eyes are like armies, and where her glances fall, there cities burn, until the dust of their ashes is blown by her sighs. I know her, Menelaus, and so do you. And all those who know her suffer.” — Neil Curry, Euripides: Helen, the Trojan Women, the Bacchae
— LOVE IS MAGNETIC. one look at her and you wonder how far would you go for her (the answer: far. as in, starting a war for her kind of far). if you’re lucky enough, she’ll look back at you, too. you feel like you’ve known her all your life – five minutes and she makes you feel like her best friend, ten and you’re too far gone already. you contemplate running away with her, to keep her for yourself; but she wasn’t made to be kept hidden away, she’s made for all the adoration the world has to offer. her smile is her strength, the way it’s so wide and oozes charm. everyone gets sucked right in into her soft and flirty nature. she portrays herself with such elegance and confidence, you wouldn’t believe it if you saw the scared, insecure girl hiding underneath, all her fears and terrors, the validation she never received as a child. but she’s too strong to let others see it. 
— LOVE IS CONNIVING. she’s so used to being underestimated. you look at her and you see the face of innocence, of love, beauty and naïvety; before you know it, she has her claws deep in you, seducing you into doing whatever she wants with the same eyes that elicit so much innocence. you give her everything that she wants because she just looks so goddamn happy when she gets it – she looks so good when she’s being spoiled, being given everything that she deserves. her voice is her strength, as dangerous yet vulnerable as a siren, her eyes sparkly and mischievous. she longs for admiration and devotion, loyalty and to claim you as hers… but beware, because she’ll never let you clip her wings and her freedom. you are an addition to her life, not a necessity; all she needs is herself. 
VENUS IN THE 3RD HOUSE: ELIZABETH BENNET (from pride and prejudice)
— LOVE IS STIMULATING. she’s cunning; too cunning, perhaps; with the way her eyes light up before saying something particularly teasing, and you have to wonder if she finds pleasure in your torture, because most times, she leaves you there, speechless and fumbling for words – something, anything that won’t make you sound like such an idiot. but she just laughs, aware of the effect she has on you. her sharp tongue is her strength, and so are her hands, her touch gentle and healing, a contrast between the storm of her personality. she gets everything just by saying the right thing; and that’s where her danger lies, in the mind games she’s able to play without you even noticing. her mind is something otherwordly, her curiosity and imagination, her talent for creating art with her words, her fascination with all that mentally stimulates her. her joyful nature and ability to analyze everything that was left unsaid, making you feel seen in parts of you not even you had noticed about yourself. 
— LOVE IS HOME. through her complex inner world and deep emotions, you’re not sure you’ve ever met someone who can feel like chaos and peace at the same time. she makes you feel nurtured with just the way her eyes crinkle up into a smile, and you’re fascinated with the way she views the world so differently from everyone else. she’s a walking paradox, with as many sharp edges as softness. she inspires love and trust within all those around her, giving them the hope of a better tomorrow even if she sometimes feels unsure as to if that tomorrow truly exists. but she doesn’t know the meaning of the word giving up, however; her inner courage to face the world is her strength and she’s not easily defeated by troubled waters. nostalgia can take over her at times, and so can her overprotectiveness and insecurities… but she’ll rise up stronger than ever when she realizes her worth, and you can only hope you get to make her feel as safe as she does to you. 
— LOVE IS PLAYFUL. the more you chase her, the more she seems to run away from you; you’re terrified of all others who also fight for her affection, for you know she could slip from your fingers at any moment now. still you chase her, like a goddam fool (but we’re all fools in love), and she’s like a siren as she lures you into her games, trying to see what you’re made of, if you could be the one to finally gain a hold of her attention. she makes the most mundane, dull activities feel like a joy, and you’re torn between constant pleasure and pain as you let her unfold you in every possible way. she’s so much, with her talent for getting all eyes on her and her dramatism, but you can be sure that, if she deems you worthy enough to commit to, her loyalty and devotion are unending, her love lifelong. her love for romance has you going on dates that you’ve only ever dreamed of before, and you just know that her charm is her strength. 
— LOVE IS MATURE. under her sarcastic and uncaring demeanor is someone who shows their affection through the most unconventional ways that only a few are capable of understanding – the small gestures she makes, her consistency, the way she’ll go above and beyond to make someone feel safe but will threaten to kill them if they do so much as acknowledge it out loud. she can be so supportive of others, and the way she earns the trust and respect of all those around her is her strength, the way everyone knows everything will be okay as soon as she enters the room. she’s observant of details that others wouldn’t even think of noticing, and she has a way of understanding your deepest needs and cravings. she can make you feel known and touched and loved in a way you never even thought possible, making you addicted to the kind of attention no one but her is capable of providing. 
VENUS IN THE 7TH HOUSE: MALÈNA (monica bellucci)
— LOVE IS OVERWHELMING. she’s so used to have everyone falling at her feet, but do they love her or the image they have of her? how could they know her, when sometimes she isn’t even sure that she knows herself? the way she so easily commands respect and admiration is her strength, and you wonder if she ever feels exhausted from being so desired. because truthfully, all she longs for is for someone to be interested not in her looks but in her soul, her capability of loving so hard and profoundly, the way she brings harmony and peace to where once was chaos, her need to explore and to spread positivity and her talents… the way she can be so romantic and with a soul so deep, yearning to unveil all the mysteries to the universe. sometimes, you’re sure that just loving her is the key to all those mysteries. 
— LOVE IS DEADLY. eyes that can both kill and give life; either way, this is a love that you’ll not escape whole from. when she’s done with you, you’ll feel as if she took a part of your soul with her, and you can’t tell where she ends and where you start. a love that merges two souls together. her eyes are her strength, deep and penetrating. she’s attracted to your darkness, to unveiling the mystery that you are and to solve you like a puzzle as she finds all the secrets you vowed not to tell another living soul. she wants to know every little thing about you. she craves intimacy, and only when you get past her secretive and intimidating front will you get access to her unending kindness and caring for those she loves. she’s so loyal and devoted, but if you ever try to take advantage of that you’ll burn. trust is everything for her. 
— LOVE IS AN ADVENTURE. her nature is just so honest and unapologetic, so vibrant and alive, you can’t help throwing yourself headfirst into whatever adventure she has her mind on next; and she’s worse than you on that – her impulsivity has her wearing her heart on her sleeve, living life so intensely as if she’s afraid that it’ll slip right from her hands. her hips and tighs are her strength, and the way she brings fun into every corner of your life. because what is life about if not learning, traveling, exploring new things and expanding our horizons? you’d be a fool to think she has any limits; she’s made of freedom and independence, of her many interests and spontaneity. she loves life and you love her, as you dream of exploring the world by her side, of knowing not only her physical but her mind and soul. 
— LOVE IS POWER. she will find out your biggest fantasy and be what you want; until she has taken everything from you that she so desires, leaving you wondering if you’ve ever truly met her or just one of the facets she shows to the world. she feels otherworldly, portrays herself with such cold air, and you long to be the one to finally feel her warmth, to finally swim past the surface and drown in her depths. but her standards are so high, are you up for the challenge? love with her is filled with power-play, she longs for someone powerful while commanding power herself, someone who can be on her level (few are capable of that). her charm is her strength, the way everyone falls so easily for her words and the image she presents, so confident and provocative; little do they know the overwhelming emotions that hide underneath the coldness. the way she can love so deeply, but will she ever allow herself to?
— LOVE IS FIERY. you fall in love with the way she speaks of saving the world (and you don’t doubt that she will), the light in her eyes even as she holds the weight of the world in her shoulders. you can’t tame her, she’s a bird in the wild whose wings fly too high, so independent and unapologetic. her dreams are her strength, and the way she won’t stop until she makes them a reality – it’s like all the passion in the world has gathered in her heart. she embodies freedom. she has this thing where she can make anyone in the world feel like her best friend, as she unites everyone under the same cause that she believes so deeply in, and you’re so entranced with the love she inspires. you can’t help wanting to fight for her, wanting to help achieve all her dreams as you fall in love with her mind, her interest and her beliefs, too deep in the volcano that she is. 
VENUS IN THE 12TH HOUSE: JULIET (from romeo and juliet)
— LOVE IS FORBIDDEN. from the first moment you met her, it feels like your life suddenly became a movie; like nothing was worth living through or mentioning before your eyes first laid on hers. her love feels star-crossed, as if you’ve waited lifetimes to meet her, with all her complexities and rich inner world that so few get to be a part of. she oozes mystery and secrecy; you long to be the first to discover all her secrets, the chaos that is her life. and she loves hard – so hard, in a way you never even thought possible, and her ability to drown in the depths of her emotions is both her strength and her undoing, for the world is so good in her eyes that she often gets taken advantage of. she’s gotten so hurt in the past, barely healed from all the scars. but you’d be a fool to play with her love, the way she isn’t afraid to give her all. and that takes so much courage. 
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