fishnapple · 1 day
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People's first impression of you
This reading is about how people in general will perceive you at first impression. Which might not be true to how you really are. People's perception are easily skewed by their own biases and experiences, so take it with a grain of salt. You may use this to compare to your perception of yourself and see the similarities and differences so you might take action to align them better.
This is a general reading meant for multiple people. Take only what resonates and leave out the rest.
Your feedback is much appreciated. If you find the reading resonated with you, leave a comment, I’d love to know 🎐
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• Your presence unsettles people on first sight. They don't usually see this kind of energy often. It's foreign and distant, out of reach. Even if you don't do or wear anything out of the ordinary, your energy is different from the people around you. Unsettling is because some people can feel uncomfortable with the unknown, they don't know how to act or react to the differences.
• Yet people can feel like you're someone they've already seen somewhere, especially in their childhood. You remind them of their distant memories, nostalgic, fuzzy, magical.
• Soft and kind looking, but not too easy to approach.
• Different people will form different impressions of you. Each person sees a different image of you. Some can be wildly different from each other.
• They may think you do something related to art, artistic, and creative.
• Good self-control, you seem to be the kind that doesn't get angry easily, and you keep your opinions for yourself. You don't seek to control other, the only one you control is yourself. But you know how to protect your beliefs and your values when challenged.
• Honest, pure intentions, don't like to meddle in other's business but will help with all you can if asked.
• Private, quite closed-off. You don't speak about yourself much or at least about matters that are personal. People find it hard to read your emotions and thoughts from the first meeting. They get a sense that to get close to you emotionally, to get you to trust them, to get a peek at your deeper affection, they have to try harder and be serious and patient.
• But you don't seem to have problems with being yourself in public. You can be witty, charming, a little detached. Having a few pleasant exchanges with you is easy, going deeper is not.
• Some people would want to form friendship with you immediately, wanting to get closer, to understand you better. This could make you uncomfortable sometimes, being the target of people's curiosity.
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• Mysterious and mysterious. People feel like you will take them away, into an unknown path full of twists and turns. What they see is not what they get. There's so much more hidden underneath that they want to uncover. Which may feel invasive at times.
• The impressions can be polar opposites. Love and hate, attraction and repulsion, safe and scary. But it's definitely not mild.
• Mysterious but still approachable enough, people will feel an urge to get closer.
• People think you are a spiritual person, someone who practices occult crafts, or at least interested in those fields. Someone who likes a good mystery, darker, taboo subjects.
• You seem to value different things. Your definition of what is valuable might not align with theirs.
• This may sound uncomfortable, but some people will wonder in their mind, quietly, about your sexual preferences. Are you a passive or an aggressive person? Are you passionate or cold?
• Beautiful hands and voice. Something about your voice seems different, a little odd, unique, memorable.
• You don't seem to have a good sense of money. Maybe you're forgetful or spend money on things that are considered unnecessary or odd by other people. People get the impression that you are flexible with money and generous. You don't mind spending on things and on people you love, you don't put too much weight on material possessions, things come and go, if you lose some, you will gain some. That's the impression that people have of you.
• You have a large well of knowledge at your expenses. You learn things quickly. In fact, learning seems to be an easy thing for you, something that you don't have to put too much effort into to get good results. Information flows smoothly, absorbed and moulded into unique perspectives.
• Some people can sense that you are hiding some difficulties, pains, or a hurtful past inside, but you're not ready to reveal them to anyone.
• People feel you're someone who has been well disciplined since childhood, which has made you behave in a very proper and restrained manner. Very strong boundaries. Some might think that your silent and mysterious manner is, in fact, just a cover for some social anxiety. That you're not ready to show yourself fully.
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• Nervous energy. You don't seem calm at first impression. You want to be constantly on the move, changing things.
• You might have an oblivious and detached look, the look of someone who is tired of the world around them, someone who is not too attached to anything.
• People might notice that you have a worried look on your face. Something is constantly bothering your mind and they don't know if they can have a place in there. And if they do, they don't know if they can stay for long. You seem like someone who's always ready to leave people and things behind in chasing a distant dream.
• Commitment is there, but not to them, but to something else. You might trigger abandonment issues in some people. Those who are more down to earth, who prize loyalty and groundness, might not feel at ease with you. Your energy is too fast for their comfort.
• This can also make people wonder what it will be like if they do get your attention and commitment. Because the idea of it is so elusive, it becomes even more desirable.
• People might question your age, you look young for your age.
• The way you communicate is fascinating but can be confusing. You might jump from topic to topic seamlessly, which can be quite hard to keep up with. Maybe you even purposefully (or just obliviously) left out some crucial details in your story that can give off a totally different impression. People might frequently ask you to clarify your words.
• You seem close to one of your parents, but at the same time, there's a desire to break away. To stand on your own.
• Some people can sense a desire for acknowledgement. You want people to see your talents and creativity just like how you see yourself. I think they do believe in you, they believe that you can achieve great things from the sheer intensity of your being. Some people are well-known for their contributions, their help given to other people, while you, people can sense that just by being yourself, people will gravitate towards you.
• You seem to be popular, someone who knows a lot of people and has a lot of acquaintances and friends.
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• Stern, intense. Someone who is in their power, their own authority. Someone who is so confident and so sure of themselves that other people's opinions can't sway them.
• They think that you know exactly where you want to go, what your life's trajectory is, and they can see that you're actively pursuing it. A clear vision and an active drive.
• People might assume you're in an authoritative position. They might even subconsciously feel an urge to submit, to give the power of decision to you. Because somehow they can feel that you're a trustworthy person. As someone who knows their life so well, you sure can lead other to their destination also. That's how people think.
• You seem wise, mature and generous, ready to help, to give guidance and advice. People can sense you've seen and experienced a lot of things in life but you still keep true to your Ideals. If you give someone advice or correct their behaviour, it's because you care and want them to be better. It comes from the desire for improvement.
• You don't talk much and seem to prefer listening. Taking in what the other person is talking about and thinking deeply about it. People might feel validated by this.
• But you can be defensive when your beliefs and values are challenged. There are certain topics that can make you talk passionately, which can be a surprise for people who don't know you well.
• A meticulous person who prefers things to be neat or in a specific order. Maybe your style and your surroundings seem really neat.
• Someone who knows how to appreciate small and mundane beauty in life.
• Some people might have heard about you before meeting you. And the stories seem kind of painful, serious, not sunshine and rainbow. So they could already develop some preconceived notions about you that are heavier than who you actually are.
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imagineastrology · 3 days
moon sign observations
Aries Moon: 
Becomes recalcitrant under stress (beware)
Has no problem asserting themselves
Resourceful af and knows how to use adverse situations to their advantage
Supportive and hearty 
Taurus Moon:
Becomes hedonistic under stress (no rules)
Desires and hopes to embody loyalty
Seems cool, but keeps grudges
Unyielding and independent 
Cautious of new situations/experiences
Gemini Moon:
Struggles to stay in a ‘deep’ state of mind for too long (needs change, don’t worry they’ll get back to it later)
Approaches everything with intellectualism 
Feelings are confusing if they can’t be rationally understood
Grows when in a learning environment
Reacts to most things in a jokey way to cope and can be forgetful 
Cancer Moon: 
Can turn cold when you don’t react the way they want 
Will humiliate you if upset or angry
Insightful and internally aware
When put to productive use, has an intense inner focus 
Leo Moon: 
Actually suffers from many episodes of burn out
Guarded and self-protective
One of the most sensitive moon signs imo
They let nothing (I mean NOTHING) stop them from shining their light
Bossy and feels like they need to be in control all the time
Virgo Moon: 
CEO of worriers inc.
Rumination leads them to depression and anxiety
Helpful and enjoys communicating their worries (moreso in a notepad than speaking)
Conscientious and wants to do meaningful things with their life
Never takes things at face value; will 100% analyse everything said and shown to them
Libra Moon: 
Manifests love because it’s a major topic in their lives that they focus on
They are your go-to when it comes to aesthetics 
Approaches most things with grace and fairness
Intelligent, can handle debates and many sides to a conversation
Heavily influenced and motivated by femininity and women
Scorpio Moon: 
Major psychologist/counsellor vibes from this placement, can handle any topic thrown at them
Can guess how you’re feeling without you having to say anything
More sensitive than they let on
Very caring and affectionate 
Seeks out truth and intimacy in their relationships
Sagittarius Moon: 
Can be oblivious to people’s emotions
Restless emotionally, runner up to gemini moon (not quite 1st place)
Can easily manifest in the physical due to Jupiter’s influence
Actually very intuitive 
Capricorn Moon: 
Either in control of their emotions or let their emotions run wild 
Seems to be a sadness to them 
Uses humour as a defense mechanism
Aquarius Moon: 
Will rationalize their emotions to the point of no return
Sharp and intelligent 
Loners at heart
They learn and grow a lot from their friends
Pisces Moon:
Can actually be cold and turn nasty if they feel like it
Lets their emotions rule their behaviour 
Boundaries are blurred when they need something
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botanicalsword · 3 days
Mercury in Houses & Signs - How does Mercury govern their languages, tones, thoughts?
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❥ Mercury in Houses
Mercury in the 1st House - Enhances intellect and self-awareness, often prone to overthinking
Mercury in the 2nd House - Skilled in negotiation, places importance on financial matters
Mercury in the 3rd House - Excellent communication skills, enjoys traveling
Mercury in the 4th House - Values family and home life
Mercury in the 5th House - Proficient in intellectual games, enjoys performing
Mercury in the 6th House - Emphasizes health and well-being
Mercury in the 7th House - Values and admires an intelligent partner
Mercury in the 8th House - Enjoys studying mysticism and has the ability to uncover secrets
Mercury in the 9th House - Likes to enrich oneself through reading
Mercury in the 10th House - Mostly engaged in intellectual and research-oriented work
Mercury in the 11th House - Has a larger circle of friends
Mercury in the 12th House - Prefers to keep their thoughts and ideas hidden
❥ Mercury in signs
Mercury in Aries - they tend to speak directly and lack patience and sometimes are stubborn with their words.
Mercury in Taurus - they are shrewd and conservative in their speech. They carefully choose their words. They are good at leaving themselves room to maneuver.
Mercury in Gemini - they are skilled at communication and may use a mix of truth and fiction in their speech.
Mercury in Cancer - they are are sensitive and empathetic communicators, they avoid using harsh words when they genuinely like someone. They prioritize maintaining emotional connections in their communication.
Mercury in Leo - They have a strong desire to be seen as right and may express themselves boldly and confidently, sometimes even exaggerating their points to prove themselves correct.
Mercury in Virgo - They are known for their precise and clear communication style. They express themselves with clarity and attention to detail, ensuring that what they say aligns with what they think. They value accuracy and practicality in their speech.
Mercury in Libra - They are skilled at sweet-talking and using tactful language. However, their ability to follow through on their words may vary, as they prioritize maintaining harmony and balance in their relationships.
Mercury in Scorpio - they are sarcastic and may disregard others' feelings. They have a sharp and sarcastic communication style. They may disregard the feelings of others unless they have a deep emotional connection. They are often straightforward and unafraid to speak their minds, even if it may come across as harsh.
Mercury in Sagittarius - they tend to speak impulsively and without much filter. They may say things without fully considering the consequences and often forget their words quickly.
Mercury in Capricorn - they take responsibility for their words and have a serious and practical approach to communication. They prefer to speak with purpose and avoid engaging in meaningless conversations. They value clarity and reliability in their speech.
Mercury in Aquarius - they hold strong opinions and are often resistant to changing their views. They can be persuasive communicators and have the ability to influence and even brainwash others. They are independent thinkers who value intellectual stimulation.
Mercury in Pisces - People with Mercury in Pisces speak based on imagination and intuition. They are easily influenced or misled, but they can also be manipulative and deceptive.
It is advisable to approach astrology as a tool for self-reflection and guidance rather than relying solely on it for making major life decisions.
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danibeanie · 3 days
REAL astro notes 😼
-having a stellium in your 4th house in your solar return chart means that your not gonna wanna go out at all. I have this and I don’t even want to hang out with friends, go to the gym, or school😭
-scorpio moons and their possessiveness.. let’s talk about it😕
-I noticed that gym influencers that naturally have a nice shape before working out have some type of Jupiter influence. It’s easier for them to incorporate the weight into their physique
-mars conjunct Jupiter
moon conjunct Jupiter
venus conjunct Jupiter
-cancer venus natives tend to let people walk all over them, especially if it’s someone they were romantically involved with.
-the libra moon woman I’ve encountered tend to have a bigger chest and i think it’s because of the venusian influence 😭
-cancer moon women tend to have a tiny face , I feel as if feminine features are very highlighted when it comes to this placement.
-lilith conjunct sun,moon or on ascendent can give darker features.
-moon conjunct venus synastry feels so homey, I feel like I can be myself with this person without any judgment.
-the people I usually encounter at the gym or people that end up taking me places/giving me rides, fall into my 6th house or MY planets fall into their 6th house. (6th house is daily routines)
-once a taurus placement gets hurt it’s hard for them to open up to new relationships /adapt to change 😕
-pisces placements can be very delusional, but part of their delusion is mixed with their strong empathy towards others. I tend to believe they see the world with rose colored glasses. you can’t help but question their motives it’s really a mystery with them.
-one thing about gemini placements is that they’ll be 100% real when it comes to friendships. We will tell you if your right or wrong
-moon conjunct mercury are some of the most honest people you’ll ever meet
-sun conjunct venus woman are naturally put on the spotlight for their charisma and beauty❤️‍🔥
-sag mercury’s are wild.. like y’all just say anything and the room goes quiet.. sister sign things🤗
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astrobymarwa · 3 days
Little things i notice about the moon signs:
(Again, other placements will affect your moon. This is just my opinion and what I've noticed. Feedback is welcome ofc)
Aries moon can be a bit impulsive. They process emotions in a simple, almot innocent way. They feel strongly about things.
Taurus moon shows their feelings in practical ways. They're usually not upfront about it, but if they like you, you'll know. They like to do little things for people they like without the person knowing.
Gemini moon can be good public speakers and be multilinguals. However, they might express different sentiments than what they feel inside.
Cancer moon (if developed) are the most emotionally intelligent of them all. They understand how their feelings completely.
Leo moon (if developed) are very generous, they'd give everything to those they love. They're confident and know their worth.
Virgo moon can get caught up in their own world. They think about certain things so much that they can get detached from reality
Libra moon (i'm sorry) but they can be people pleasers. They try to be kind to everyone that they can get fucked over by people.
Scorpio moon can sense when they're being taken advantage of fast. They're observant and notice things earlier than most other people. They also don't really forgive people that have wronged them
Sagittarius moon usually can't sit still, especially if they're worked up. They hate feeling restricted (in a physical and an emotional way)
Capricorn moon the least expressive moon sign. The type to express themselves in action rather than words. They can be really sweet if they want to. They'll always defend what they believe in and the people they love.
Aquarius moon's feelings are all over the place. They have unique views on things and say things that make everyone go ??
Pisces moon are usually quiet. They daydream a lot and are soft-spoken. They're also usually artistic (even if they're not artists themselves they'd still consume and appreciate art a lot)
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cupidlovesastro · 2 days
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🌙𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕡𝕠𝕤𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕞𝕒𝕪 𝕖𝕟𝕛𝕠𝕪🪻
astrology observations #17 (placements i wouldn’t wish on my worse enemy)
astrology observations #16 (child of the sun)
astrology observations #15 (hippie edition)
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᪣ sagittarius’s and gemini placements love debating, they love hearing other people’s opinions and sharing their own. both very factual signs, but how they gained and learned those facts are very different and how they debate is different as well. sagittarius is very much a “lived and learned” where as gemini is more so booksmart, although they can also be quite life experienced
᪣ someone that i know with a heavily aspected moon is also the most emotionally turbulent person i know. so much anger, and mix of emotions all at once. it’s like when they get emotional they start to unlock the aspects their moon has to other planets which causes chaos.
᪣ rising signs tend to be more like the sign than sun. to be fair, the sun who who you are at your core, it isn’t necessarily on display unless it’s in your 1h, same sign as your asc, or in your stellium. but i’ve seen taurus asc act more like taurus’s than taurus. i will say though, it can be harder to tell with mutable signs
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᪣ leo’s are entitled? NO, aries are entitled. leo’s are confident with time, with growth, with more self awareness. aries though, are born with confidence and they definitely walk the walk and talk the talk. when low vibrational, they definitely have a hard time understanding the difference between confidence and arrogance
᪣ i know everyone shit talks cancers and how they’re crybabies who were over protected by their mom, but they NEVER talk about the cancers who weren’t protected by their mom at all and ended up being amazing mother figures to others because they had to mother their self. they’re constantly looking for ways to nurture
᪣earth and air mercuries can talk a lot, although it is different. earth mercuries have a tendency to ramble and take breaks between talking. air mercuries talk faster but can also get caught up telling another story. air mercuries also love to joke around and add silly comments to their stories. earth mercuries may be more serious when speaking
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truevedicastrology · 2 days
Zodiac Musings
🔮 Libra in the 5th house often leads to a love of hosting parties and bringing people together for creative pursuits
🔮 Synastry aspects between Uranus and personal planets can create electric, unpredictable connections
🔮 Cancer sun individuals may have a strong resemblance to their mother or maternal figures
🔮 Aries risings often face challenges with impulsivity - learning patience can be a key to their personal growth
🔮 Those with Vesta in Leo tend to be deeply devoted to creative self-expression and performative arts
🔮 Saturn at 2° or 29° in any sign can indicate early responsibilities or delayed rewards in that area of life
🔮 People with matching Mercury signs often finish each other's sentences or have telepathic-like communication
🔮 I once met someone whose voice instantly calmed me - turns out their Venus was conjunct my Moon
🔮 Air sign placements might develop intense intellectual curiosity about their romantic interests, leading to deep research
🔮 Fire signs are more likely to experience early onset gray hair, especially in times of stress
🔮 Those born on the 11th of any month often have a knack for networking and forming influential connections
🔮 Capricorn and Cancer placements are often perceived as nurturing, even when they're being stern
🔮 Leo rising and Scorpio rising individuals may be prone to eye strain or vision issues
🔮 In synastry, Mars square Jupiter can create a dynamic of overenthusiasm and potential burnout in shared activities
🔮 Individuals with Neptune in the 3rd house often have a gift for poetry, storytelling, or creating evocative imagery with words
🔮 Taurus, Libra, and Pisces placements are often found in visual artists and designers across various mediums
🔮 Capricorn individuals, despite their reputation for practicality, can be deeply sentimental in their private lives
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loveemagicpeace · 3 days
🧚🏼‍♀️Venus & Your wife 🪐☁️🫧
Aries Venus- Those with Venus in Aries are drawn to partners who are bold, confident, and passionate. They want someone who takes initiative and isn’t afraid to be assertive. Your wife will be fiery, bold, brave and always ready for action. She will reveal things for you and fight for your love. They can also be a little toxic, quick-tempered and stubborn. There will also be a wife who will be adventurous and spontaneous. She will likely have a strong sense of self and might even be a bit competitive.
Taurus Venus- is drawn to a partner who is stable, sensual, and appreciates the finer things in life. Loyalty and consistency are key. A nurturing, sensual, and patient woman who enjoys the pleasures of life, such as good food, comfort, and beauty. She will likely be someone who values long-term stability and builds a home full of comfort and luxury. She will prioritizes the longevity and stability of the relationship. She can be very good with finances and money.
Gemini Venus- is attracted to wit, communication, and mental stimulation. They love variety and someone who can keep them on their toes. A curious, versatile, and communicative woman who can engage in deep conversations and lighthearted banter. She’ll need to be flexible, open-minded, and able to keep up with their ever-changing ideas and interests. A wife will values open and frequent communication. She will enjoy sharing thoughts, ideas, and engaging in stimulating conversations.
Cancer Venus- is attracted to emotional connection, warmth, and nurtu ring. They want to feel safe and loved. A nurturing, family-oriented woman who values home and emotional security. She’s likely to be protective, gentle, and deeply caring, creating a safe and comforting environment where emotional needs are met. She will place great importance on family bonds and traditions, often taking the lead in organizing family gatherings and maintaining family ties.
Leo Venus- desires admiration and drama in love. They want someone who will make them feel special and appreciated. But also someone who loves kids. A confident, passionate, and glamorous woman who knows how to command attention and give warmth. She will likely have a regal presence, is loyal, and loves to be adored and admired while also shining on her own.
Virgo Venus- values intelligence, reliability, and a down-to-earth partner. They appreciate subtlety and thoughtful gestures. A modest, practical, and attentive woman who pays attention to the little details and shows love through acts of service. She’ll likely be supportive, hardworking, and grounded, ensuring things are in order and running smoothly in the relationship.
Libra Venus- they are drawn to beauty, balance, and harmony in relationships. Charm and diplomacy are key. A graceful, elegant, and diplomatic woman who values peace and harmony. She’ll likely have an eye for beauty, love socializing, and strive to maintain balance and fairness in the relationship. Venus in Libra partners will desire someone refined and sociable. She will take pride in creating a beautiful and aesthetically pleasing home environment. She will maintain a romantic and affectionate demeanor, keeping the spark alive through thoughtful gestures and romantic activities.
Scorpio Venus- craves deep emotional connections, intensity, and passion. They are not interested in surface-level relationships. A mysterious, loyal, and intensely passionate woman who is all about emotional depth and transformative love. She’s likely to be private, fiercely protective, and someone who will go to the depths with her partner in a powerful and all-consuming bond. She will invest deeply in the relationship, seek to build a strong and unbreakable bond. She will be highly intuitive and sensitive to your emotions. She will desire a marriage built on authenticity and emotional depth, valuing meaningful and honest interactions over superficial connections.
Sagittarius Venus- is drawn to adventurous, philosophical, and optimistic partners who bring a sense of freedom and fun. A free-spirited, fun-loving, and adventurous woman who enjoys exploring new experiences and ideas. She’ll likely be enthusiastic, open-minded, and always looking for the next great adventure, both physically and mentally. A wife will encourage both personal and mutual growth within the marriage. She will foster a relationship built on honesty and transparency, ensuring that both partners feel free to express themselves openly. She will prioritize shared experiences and memories, often planning trips, activities, and adventures that strengthen the bond between partners.
Capricorn Venus- seeks stability, commitment, and someone who is responsible and goal-oriented. They want a partner who can help build a solid foundation. A mature, reliable, and ambitious woman who values tradition, structure, and long-term success. She’ll likely be practical, disciplined, and focused on building a strong and secure future, making her a dependable partner. A wife who will be highly dedicated and loyal to her marriage. She will seek a marriage that is built to last, prioritizing long-term stability and security over fleeting emotions.
Aquarius Venus- values individuality, freedom, and intellectual stimulation. They want someone who is unique and not afraid to be different. An unconventional, progressive, and free-thinking woman who values her independence and brings new perspectives to the relationship. She’ll likely be a bit quirky, intellectually stimulating, and someone who values personal freedom as much as emotional connection. She will introduce new ideas and innovative approaches to keep the relationship fresh and exciting, often seeking unique experiences together. She will view her marriage as a strong friendship, valuing mutual respect, understanding, and camaraderie.
Pisces Venus- is drawn to romance, spirituality, and emotional depth. They seek a partner who is sensitive, kind, and empathetic. A compassionate, dreamy, and emotionally sensitive woman who is deeply connected to her partner. She’ll likely be creative, intuitive, and able to tap into emotional and spiritual realms, creating a deeply romantic and soulful connection. She will foster an environment where both partners will feel safe to express their emotions freely and openly. She will introduces creativity and inspiration into the relationship, whether through shared artistic pursuits, spiritual practices, or imaginative activities.
🎸For personal readings u can sign up here: https://snipfeed.co/bekylibra 🎸
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astrow0rldx · 2 days
Attraction & Sex in Astrology
7th house ruled by libra, libra ruled by Venus. On the other side of the 1st, of attraction. We really want to look at this part of our chart. While mars is our drive, and sexuality.
7th house - Who your attracted to. Your typical type in people when looking out in the world.
8th house - How you seduce/What you are seduced by
House that venus is in - Where you can find love. What enviroments, and places.
House that mars is in - Where you can find sex. Enviroments and places.
Sign that venus is in - Your Love Language. Behavior you want in a relationship to give or be given.
Sign of mars - Your turn ons, Sexual dynamics. Also the sexual energy you give.
You should have 4 signs your looking at, and 2 houses. Maybe some planets. Knowing the differentiation of each one, and how you can apply it when knowing what the sign or house or planet means.
🎀🧸Me Example: 7th house Capricorn, 8th house Neptune and Aquarius. Virgo Venus, Libra Mars. Venus in 3rd house, Mars in 4th. I'm attracted to/attract mature, older, wealthy, powerful, high-status, authoritative, responsible, father-like people. My love language and behavior I like is being of service, reliable, co-dependent, attention to detail. Practical, real, moral, organized, structured, routine. Where I find love is in my neighborhood, social media, school, writing or study places, workshops or learning environments, casual conversation places, Ubers, planes, transporting, libraries. My sexual energy and I'm turned on by charmers, graceful, flirty people with romantic gestures, physically and aesthetically pleasing, Intelligent, Good listeners, Fair, Cooperative people. That's mutual and partner-ship oriented. Balanced Passion Dynamics. Where I can find sex is in the home, private places, hidden, emotionally vulnerable places, kitchens, holidays, family themed things, therapy, somewhere nostalgic, or has history to it. How I seduce and what seduces me is spirituality, fantasy, enchanting, divine, mysterious. out of body, intoxicating, idealistic, artistic, music. Soul-Connecting/Taking. Illusions. Groups of people, Communities, Friends, Politics, Rebel, Different, Quirky, Weird, Kinky.
Jeffery Dahmer: 7th house Aries, Moon. 8th house Sun Mercury and in Taurus. Taurus Venus, Aries Mars. Venus in the 8th. Mars in the 6th.
Taylor Swift: 7th house Taurus, 8th house Jupiter, Moon and in Gemini. Aquarius Venus, Scorpio, Venus in the 2nd, Mars in the 1st.
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blackmoonoracle · 2 days
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Astrology Observations pt. I
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6th house synastry / mom or child being a Virgo somewhere in the personal planets & the way it is a frequent pattern of emotionally incestuous dynamics or some form of emotional grooming is involved with the mother. Whether it be Conscious or unconscious. Mother's either suffer from Narcissism, BPD, or have some form of substantial trauma and utilize the child like a crutch unintentionally. Ofc this won't apply to everyone but...it's a pretty substantial pattern I've noticed
Jupiter conjunct mercury & Pisces / Sag Mercury people will literally talk just to talk, yappers fr. Also can be a bit stubborn sometimes about what they believe in, very much the type of person who can be very defensive of their beliefs at times. Alice in wonderland vibes LOL.
Taurus usually holds longer grudges than Scorpio, I've noted it's often because Taurus tend to have a more entitled attitude.
Moon - square/conj Uranus people 🤝 constant anxiety
On a another note 🪄✨
Mercury in the 6th house natives are instant manifestors same goes for mercury in Virgo
I've noticed it with Pisces and sag mercury too
Very powerful words very powerful minds
People with mercury in 6th house I've noticed have an uncanny ability to alter their environment off the strength of their thoughts and words it's like they just constantly spark their thoughts into reality and have the capability to intuitively know what needs to be done in order to follow through on their desires and manifestations
The definition of sitting pretty & waiting for their manifestations to blossom in their favor
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On the other hand
Gemini is underrated in its ability to really understand & empathize w/ others
People are so used to the stigma of Gemini being very two faced and disloyal but mature Geminis are some of the most loyal people you'll meet
That applies to any air sign
If they truly fuck with you you're locked in
I think the biggest issue with Gemini is that they tend to feel trapped in social obligation & struggle with people pleasing so they end up basically doing really passive manipulative shit to disengage themselves from situations but also can't help but stir the pot
HOWEVER, let's be honest 😭 Gemini usually stirs the pot when it's some shit that's questionable occuring that really should be acknowledged and reflected upon
I've noticed a lot of mature Geminis also just genuinely do NOT like people and don't want to be around them they really enjoy their solitude & peace 🤷🏻‍♀️
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d4rkpluto · 8 hours
ꜱᴇᴄᴏɴᴅ ʜᴏᴜꜱᴇ ʀᴜʟᴇʀ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴏᴜꜱᴇꜱ
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and i wanted to be kind and leave three mores spot for someone for a chart reading, £30 for any type of chart reading.
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♇ what is a ruler in astrology?
♇ a ruler in astrology is a planetary ruler, a planet that rules over the sign that takes over a house, for example, someone with capricorn in their second house, will have saturn as their second house ruler.
♇ my second house is ruled by saturn, and saturn is placed in my seventh house in astrology.
♇ 2H RULER IN THE 1H ⟶ self value means a lot to them. distinct/nice voice can become famous for that. family-oriented or known as the most selfish family member. beauty and money oriented. very stubborn but beautiful, can imply that romance and communication is important to native.
♇ 2H RULER IN THE 2H ⟶ can be self-centred, being someone who is vocal. can be someone who is frugal as well. might like to sing, cook and create are. stubborn. could be obsessed with future spouse and can be someone who likes to many money. can be very sensual/sexual.
♇ 2H RULER IN THE 3H ⟶ very communicative. slow speakers or likes to take time to make their point. can be someone who likes to make quick money. pretty hands and hand writing. can be manipulative. values intelligent and siblings and cousins. spends money on food and travelling. beautiful relatives and pretty/loud neighbourhood.
♇ 2H RULER IN THE 4H ⟶ values family and order. very emotionally distant and private. very secretive and easily hurt. can be someone who is protective, and might become the money-maker of the family. being someone who has a nice aesthetic, and might sound like your mother, or a prominent female figure in the family.
♇ 2H RULER IN THE 5H ⟶ very creative people. superstars and values talent. could value children and be very protective over them. or could value healing the inner child. very intelligent and educated. very sexual and can value romance and sex. could moan loud during sex or could like listening to hot audios.
♇ 2H RULER IN THE 6H ⟶ troubles with eating. gym/health freak. can value order and good health. might like to speak on the phone a lot and can be someone who could love pets or animals in general. being someone who likes to win as well, very competitive souls. but can be critical or someone who fishes for compliments to other people.
♱ 2H RULER IN THE 7H ⟶ money from partners or business partnerships. can value connections with friends, family and people in general. can have a nice/airy voice, family relationship might've impacted how you behave in relationships. might love to buy aesthetically pleasing stuff and can be known to be pretty.
♱ 2H RULER IN THE 8H ⟶ very private and guarded people. family secrets can change them. gaining finances through spouse or a will. can be be intimate and values intimacy. secret siblings/family members. sensual voices, known for voice acting or even singing. could also be mean if they wanted to.
♱ 2H RULER IN THE 9H ⟶ values intelligence and travelling. could like to be flattered. being someone who could like to trade with other people. can be someone who values philosophy or having faith in something. people believing in them helps them become more confident, another placement where someone fishes for compliments all the time. can gain money through creative writing or directing. can have a big ego as well.
♱ 2H RULER IN THE 10H ⟶ popular business moguls. can be a famous vocal actress or actor. up-front person. nice deep/commanding voice. authoritative person, someone who values career, discipline and reputation. can be very self-involved and controlling. prominent financial life. coming from a respectable or known family.
♱ 2H RULER IN THE 11H ⟶ popular friends, values friendship and being independent. gaining money from the internet or through networking. distinct voices might sound animated. can be a humanitarian. weird food taste, found family core. being someone who loves privacy and charity. people are curious about your family, how you earn money. could have a wealthy future, or wealthy friends.
♱ 2H RULER IN THE 12H ⟶ drains through money. retail therapy. struggles with food. might be paranoid. light voices but shady people. unexpected talent, people are surprised whenever they're good at something. a family member might've gone to prison/been behind bars. manifestors. could be interested in the fae, could have dreamy beauty. might disappear a lot, and can be delusional.
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and i wanted to be kind and leave three mores spot for someone for a chart reading, £30 for any type of chart reading.
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lilacstro · 18 hours
★ruler of 3rd through houses: your highschool years★
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long time no see!! I have recently started an instagram account, you can check it out if you please. I would post more exclusive things in the soon to be started group on Instagram :) lmk if you are sending a request since I do not want scammers or people with malicious intents on there :)
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Send post suggestions if you like !! I really do not know why have I not started with Vedic astrology series yet but the thing is, I find it soooo vast that putting it into readable posts becomes so hard idk and I can't come up with topics. I wanted to start with dasha systems and divisional charts but I could not fathom where to start honestly idk. Maybe I have gone more used to making posts through the tropical system.
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Paid readings open!!
Today we will see your highschool years through astrology and this may explain why you *were* or *are* a certain way. The planets in your 3rd do add an extra infulence without doubt, but to keep this post more inclusive I would not go over that. However, lmk if you want to see that and I may edit this post. PS: Though there can indicators of things like bullying and being bullied and all other that kinda stuff, I wont be mentioning that here :)) take it as a light post :) and if someone has incidents from school they would love to write, would love it too!!
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☆Ruler of 3rd in 1st: Ah very likely to be the "popular" kid, or someone I may say who was heavily involved and present in school. Maybe school was big on playing a major role to your personality development and you had some life altering events in school. You could have drawn attention to yourself as well, or maybe you wanted to be seen. Very easily could have taken the roles of monitors and club leaders etc.
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☆Ruler of 3rd in 2nd: Very possible that you were the kind of person who was not very withdrawn yet not quite present. Maybe you were quite reserved in who you talked to during school, but not that you were a loner. You could very well be someone who people found talented in some specific area, especially in things like debate or arts and singing. People could have secretly wanted to befriend you. Very possible that you "seemed" rich or were focused on earning money and it showed in school. Often seen people could admire you from afar, or maybe even crush on you and all that stuff.
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☆Ruler of 3rd in 3rd: School could have been an important for you again. Very possible that you and your siblings went to the same school. Apart from this, you again could be someone who is rather smart and studious or is considered smart at the very least. Could have been really outgoing and talkative. Now it is indeed 200% possible that you could be introverted, but as you could grow in comfort, you could become someone who would speak and get along with most people.
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☆Ruler of 3rd in 4th: Could have been homeschooled or maybe even your mother taught at the same school, or maybe you did not change too many schools as such and even possible that you studied in a place where you were born or near your home. Now, the ruling planet here actually decides how you could have acted here, which is usually a mix of both extrovertedness and introvertedness. It is possible that school was either very comfortable to you, or maybe you never felt comfortable in school at all, no in between. Not a big friend group, but probably a few real friends that you could have connected to even after school.
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☆Ruler of 3rd in 5th: Could be someone who was very involved in extra curriculars and stuff. Great possibility of having dated people in school or appearing attractive to others, them having crushes on you or maybe both honestly. You could actually be someone who very well flunked or I may say rather did not take their classes as seriously. Could be someone who people reminisce about when they look back to their time in high school. A good possibility of being popular or seemingly charming! You could have enjoyed your time in school.
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☆Ruler of 3rd in 6th: You could very well be someone who probably faced some difficulties to attend school I feel. Apart from this, you could be someone who no matter what they really do, are hardworking and took school seriously. Hard working, reliable kind of person. It is possible that people in your school asked you for help or favors and stuff quite often. Very possible to have had a mundane school life for many many reasons, maybe nothing too "exciting" and maybe school really did not cater too much excitement, stories or spice in your life.
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☆Ruler of 3rd in 7th: The kind of person who talks to everyone, or atleast "knows" everyone and vice versa. People could often come up to you, and you could strike conversations just like that. The kind of person who would always be found in some kind of friend group, and friends with everyone, a large friend group. Some of you could even have found your spouse from school!! No matter if you were extroverted or introverted, you could have had good social skills regardless. Your teachers could actually know you or like you.
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☆Ruler of 3rd in 8th: Could be someone who saw breaks and interruptions and hardships to have continues their education. Aloof, introverted and maybe a desire to hide, and not really be seen. The people who are wise beyond their age in school and try to avoid people, especially the ones who do not align with them truly. To be honest, your flairs and attitude and experience in and towards school could see a lot of shifts, maybe you were extroverted and then you became introverted and then extroverted again. Maybe you were someone who had no friends but then had too many friends etc. The end time of school could be important. Not hanging out in big groups at being by yourself mostly.
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☆Ruler of 3rd in 9th: Could be someone who attended high school abroad or exchange programs etc or desired to go to college abroad. Probably very aware and serious about moving to university after school. Good at studying and smart, even if you may not intentionally spend time studying, you could be very very good at acing your school comparatively. Someone who was wise, and friendly and had a pleasant time in school, and a good and happy learning experience overall. Friendly, and could have had different kind of friends I must say.
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☆Ruler of 3rd in 10th: Ah, outgoing people. Someone who is seen and known by people in school, well liked by most. Even if you are introverted as such, which is unlikely, people could notice you and maybe heard about you or seen you atleast once sometime. Could be someone who hangs out in big groups. Someone whose presence is known by most and many people in school for whatever reasons that may be. Popular people. Teachers could be important, maybe they noticed you, or maybe you pay great attention to them or the relationship is sour all together. The kind of people who are assigned roles and leads in clubs and events, etc. despite of not being the responsible person for that job.
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☆Ruler of 3rd in 11th: Friends were important and you made quite a few friends in school yourself. Even if you were not a social person, you still could have found friends, and friend groups. People could feel easy around you, someone who is non judgemental and is friends with everyone, even the seemingly new kids. Always busy with some kind of event or activity or hanging out with friends probably even after school. Someone who probably made others aware about the drama and tea going on, or discussing internet, controversies etc.
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☆Ruler of 3rd in 12th: Very possible that you completed your education overseas or you were homeschooled or may be you did not attend school too much. Someone who probably is uncomfortable with attention on themselves, and likes to seemingly merge into the background somehow, even if they may desire to have a complete experience of their surroundings. Zoning out in school often, being aloof by nature or choice, in your own world. Probably despising school or waiting for it to end. On a good note, whatever relationships you formed in school or experiences you had, could have helped you evolve, and grow out of your comfort zone and the bubble you could have kept yourself in, for maybe reasons like "I can't fit in".
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take care, xoxo~
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yuveenti-blog · 2 days
Astrology Observations: 🌔🏡 Moon in Houses🌔🏡
Disclaimer: Thank you for returning to my page; I hope you are finding value in the content I consistently create for you. I truly appreciate your support, including your likes, reblogs and follows, and I am grateful that you are engaging with this post. This message is intended for you, and if my interpretation of these placements does not resonate, feel free to disregard it. It is common for individuals to not connect with certain aspects of their chart, as each chart is unique, and some traits may be overshadowed by more dominant ones. This marks my second post in the series discussing the influence of different planets in the houses, with the next post focusing on Mercury in the houses.
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Moon in 1st house: These individuals manage their emotions independently. They openly express their feelings but refuse to view them as a vulnerability. They draw strength from their emotions, allowing these feelings to guide many of their choices. Their emotional state can change rapidly; they prefer to discuss their feelings or confront them directly rather than dwell on them. Air signs often experience a conflict between logic and emotion, leading them to adopt a more subjective viewpoint. They may also be inconsistent in relationships, displaying a non-committal nature and moodiness. In contrast, earth signs navigate their emotions more swiftly and adopt a straightforward, no-nonsense attitude, expressing their feelings bluntly. Water signs can be intense and passionate but may struggle with emotional balance, often finding themselves in dramatic situations due to frequent mood swings. Fire signs generally feel more at home in this emotional landscape, though they risk becoming destructively emotional.
Moon in 2nd House: These individuals often become deeply connected to their emotional states, particularly the positive ones, as their self-worth is tied to feeling good internally. During emotionally stable periods, they may perceive themselves as more valuable, while facing lower self-esteem during times of depression, failure, or anger. This focus on maintaining emotional well-being can lead to a sense of emptiness during low periods. Air signs might neglect their emotions in their pursuit of their personal standards, potentially becoming repressive and overly rational. Earth signs tend to grapple with self-esteem, as their sense of balance is linked to their emotional state and life aspirations. Water signs frequently confront insecurities regarding their worth, struggling to manage negative emotions and often clinging to emotional states longer than necessary, which can create trust and security issues. Fire signs, on the other hand, typically experience a boost in confidence, driven by their natural assertiveness, but they may also wrestle with jealousy and insecurity, particularly towards those they admire or aspire to be like.
Moon in 3rd House: These individuals tend to be analytical and often require solitude to explore their identity independently. They rely on friends for emotional support and frequently find themselves in the role of the therapist, either offering or seeking a listening ear. A need for understanding drives them, and they feel unsettled when they cannot piece together their thoughts. For air signs, this can complicate emotional processing, leading to detachment as they analyze their feelings from a distance. They may struggle to connect with those who lack intellectual depth. Earth signs face similar challenges, often suppressing their emotions and becoming the go-to for advice. Water signs possess heightened intuition, blending feelings with intellect, but they risk confusing emotions with logic, leading to biases and dependency on others while sometimes appearing overly self-assured. Fire signs may experience a slowdown in this context, as their thoughts filter through the mind, which can enhance their self-expression but may also make them seem preachy or controlling, leaving little space for others to contribute.
Moon in 4th House: Individuals with this placement are always in search of emotional security, often surrounding themselves with trusted people or those from their past. They thrive on familiarity to maintain emotional stability, which can delay their ability to form new friendships or relationships. Many may have a comfort item to help them navigate stress or emotional challenges. These individuals are prone to anxiety and tend to manage their emotions best in their safe spaces. For air signs, this can lead to a more reserved demeanor, as they hold back their feelings, appearing warm and engaging only with family and close friends while seeming distant to others. Earth signs may project a calm and easygoing nature, avoiding drama and feeling uncomfortable with emotional openness, revealing their true selves only to those they trust. Water signs often retreat into solitude when feeling emotionally unbalanced, relying heavily on their close relationships for support during tough times. Fire signs may experience fluctuations in energy, becoming more temperamental with those closest to them while appearing moody and less dependable to outsiders. They might struggle with conflicting feelings about their life direction and the needs of those they care about, leading to uncertainty about their path.
Moon in 5th House: These individuals prioritize enjoyment and often find it difficult to confront their emotions, preferring to escape into pleasurable activities or distractions from reality. They tend to rely heavily on friends, partners, and family for emotional support, struggling to cultivate their own emotional health. This can lead to a tendency to become enmeshed with others' feelings instead of focusing on their own. Air signs, in particular, may find it challenging to process their emotions without seeking distractions, often getting caught up in entertainment as a way to avoid feeling. Earth signs share a similar inclination towards seeking entertainment, often resorting to shopping or spending excessively during tough times to escape their feelings. Water signs, on the other hand, may gravitate towards romantic relationships during difficult emotional periods but are prone to ignoring or suppressing negative emotions, sometimes turning to substances for relief. They may also engage in reckless sexual experiences as a means of escape, yet they can be very enjoyable companions. Fire signs, while focused on fun and pleasure, risk becoming overly self-indulgent, sometimes losing sight of the seriousness of life and their emotions, leading to emotional buildup.
Moon in 6th House: These individuals often feel a strong need to comprehend their emotions, sometimes to the extent that it resembles a full-time job. They are well-suited for roles such as therapists or psychoanalysts, as they tend to take healing seriously and seek therapy when facing personal issues. Problem solvers by nature, they are more inclined to pursue emotional well-being than others. For air signs, this placement can be challenging; while they excel in rational problem-solving, their airy nature may cloud their judgment, making it difficult to identify the best path for emotional growth. Overthinking can hinder their ability to resolve issues, complicating their emotional journey. In contrast, earth signs thrive in this placement due to their grounded approach, combining a desire to solve problems with practicality and realism, which facilitates their healing process. Water signs may struggle, as their need for emotional fluidity clashes with the structure required for resolution. Fire signs in this position might face challenges due to their quick emotional shifts, which can hinder the natural flow of their feelings and lead to an excessive focus on their emotions.
Moon in 7th House: These individuals struggle with understanding their emotions due to an inability to recognize their own emotional state as distinct. They often gauge their feelings based on the moods of those around them; for instance, being with cheerful and calm people can lead them to feel positive, while being around negative or dramatic individuals can bring them down. This creates a fragile connection between their emotions and those of others. Air signs face particular challenges in this regard, as their tendency to overthink can lead to cynicism, especially in unhelpful environments. In contrast, earth signs are better equipped to manage their emotions, as they can maintain a sense of grounding and filter their feelings more effectively. Water signs, however, may find it difficult to set emotional boundaries due to their empathetic nature, often neglecting their own needs. Fire signs also encounter challenges, as their natural enthusiasm can wane in the presence of unsupportive people, leading to feelings of emptiness if their energy is not reciprocated.
Moon in 8th House: These individuals experience heightened emotional intensity due to their fluctuating emotional states, often remaining entrenched in prolonged feelings that can skew negative, particularly in this challenging placement. They grapple with their darker qualities, which can lead to a sense of alienation from the collective, making them feel distinct and somewhat out of place. This heaviness often prompts them to withdraw or become more private as a means of emotional protection. For air signs, navigating these intense emotions can be particularly tough, as they may prefer to focus on external matters rather than their own emotional landscape. Earth signs, while also facing challenges in grounding themselves, may find it easier to detach from these darker states and perceive reality more clearly. In contrast, water signs often feel overwhelmed by the emotional weight of this placement, leading to a constant intensity in their emotional experiences. This placement poses particular challenges for fire signs, as their natural enthusiasm and zest for life are muted by its darkness. It can be tough to maintain a positive outlook, and expressing their inherent fiery energy often becomes a struggle due to this dampening effect.
Moon in 9th House: Individuals with this placement possess a distinctive ability to perceive their emotional landscape, enabling them to gain deeper self-understanding than most, while also offering insights that others may lack. This placement is closely tied to faith, leading these individuals to often embrace religious or spiritual practices as a means of grounding themselves and harnessing their emotional strengths. For air signs, this placement is advantageous, as it fosters a unique outlook on emotions, allowing them to recover quickly and move forward with a positive mindset. Earth signs also benefit from this placement, as it provides a balanced perspective that helps them remain grounded without succumbing to overly optimistic or spiritual practices. Water signs thrive here due to their heightened perception and intuition, making them deeply attuned to their emotions. Fire signs, too, find this placement beneficial, as it equips them with emotional wisdom and enthusiasm, resulting in a confident and bold approach to life.
Moon in 10th House: These individuals often prioritize their public persona to the extent that their true emotions become disconnected from how they present themselves. They may appear confident and sociable outwardly, yet behind closed doors, they can feel deeply insecure and fearful. Conversely, they might project a strong, aggressive demeanor while internally grappling with vulnerability and emotional turmoil. This constant struggle leads them to mask their true feelings, adapting their emotional expressions to fit their surroundings or goals. Air signs, in particular, face challenges as they tend to rationalize their emotions, often neglecting their true feelings in pursuit of their ambitions. This lack of emotional awareness is compounded by their focus on external perceptions rather than introspection. Earth signs in this position face challenges as they lack a genuine connection to their emotions, often prioritizing stability and practicality over feelings. Their focus on maintaining a certain image leads them to neglect their emotional needs. Water signs, on the other hand, experience significant difficulty in this dynamic, as their natural emotional depth conflicts with the need to maintain a certain public image, leading to potential repression or explosive emotional outbursts. Fire signs are well-suited for this position due to their inherent confidence, boldness, and sociability. Their enthusiasm for life drives them to present a positive self-image, and this placement allows them to channel that fiery energy into more productive endeavors.
Moon in 11th House: These individuals often exhibit unrealistic emotional perspectives, as their attention is primarily directed towards collective concerns rather than their own feelings. This focus on friends, family, and the broader world can create a significant disconnect between their internal emotions and their ongoing contemplation of external circumstances. As a result, they may become emotionally detached, failing to recognize their true feelings or those of the people they care about. This tendency leads to a projection of ideals onto others instead of accepting reality. Air signs particularly struggle in this regard, as their tendency to overthink exacerbates feelings of delusion regarding their thoughts and emotions. In contrast, Earth signs tend to remain grounded, allowing them to better understand the genuine emotions of those around them. Water signs, however, may find themselves caught in the idealism of the 11th house, which can lead to delusions due to their strong emotional nature. Fire signs are often supportive of others but may neglect their own well-being, resulting in personal suffering while they ensure those around them thrive.
Moon in 12th House: These Individuals often experience significant emotional turmoil from a young age, leading to a persistent heaviness in their feelings and confusion about their true emotions. They may feel isolated or out of place, struggling with mental health challenges and the quest for their identity, particularly in processing past traumas. For air signs, this placement can be particularly challenging, as their tendency to rationalize and intellectualize emotions can result in overthinking and mental health issues. In contrast, earth signs benefit from this placement more, as it grounds them and allows for a clearer understanding of their identity and goals. Water and fire signs face the most difficulties in the 12th house; water signs may escape their emotional pain through substances, avoiding confrontation with their turmoil, while fire signs often find their natural enthusiasm dampened by a pervasive sense of gloom, making it hard to maintain their energy and positivity.
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botanicalsword · 3 days
Relationships unveiled ✧ The focus of your relationship • Composite Chart
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Houses Stelliums in the Composite Chart
1st House
the starting point of your connection
the core focus and essence of the connection
the impression you present to the outside world
2nd House
the shared resources
financial situation of both partners
reflects the sense of value and emotional investment each person brings to the relationship
3rd House
communication, intelligence and where your worldviews align
the situation with each other's relatives  
4th House
your family of origin
the sense of security in your relationship
the foundation and energy source for your bond
property matters - reflecting your fixed assets after coming together, as well as the overall atmosphere of your shared home
5th House
shared creativity, fun, and matters concerning children
where you both feel at ease
what attitudes you should maintain when raising kids together
6th House
daily life
the level of care you provide for each other
the details of everyday living—what kind of lifestyle you establish together 
take care of the little things for one another
7th House
long-term relationships
the balance in your interactions
8th House
deals with intimacy and financial matters, investments
financial collaboration with others
deeper emotional connections
carries themes of transformation - how you handle sudden wealth, fortune, or challenges together
reflects your emotional resilience in the face of ups and downs
9th House
shared beliefs and values
the potential for long-distance connections / travel
your collective worldview
10th House
career development, future plans, and each partner's public image
the pinnacle of your relationship's potential - focusing more on external growth rather than emotional depth
11th House
social connections and your relationship with the outside world
the area where you can support and understand each other
12th House
secrets, hidden thoughts, and behaviors
the private aspects of your relationship—those things that remain unspoken and are kept confidential
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cyberclouddream · 3 days
How the Signs Seek Safety
Based on the water houses: 4H, 8H, and 12H
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Aries Risings just want to feel safe to dream big, but they have to be willing to trust others and open up emotionally. Otherwise they feel emotionally overwhelmed and act clingy.
Taurus Risings just want to feel safe to go after what they want, but they have to be willing to question their beliefs and explore darker aspects of life. Otherwise they feel under-appreciated and act dramatically.
Gemini Risings just want to feel safe to indulge in life’s comforts, but they have to be willing to face their limitations and accept help from others. Otherwise they feel anxious and act overly critical.
Cancer Risings just want to feel safe to speak their mind, but they have to be willing to engage in emotional intimacy and drop their guard. Otherwise they feel lonely and act indecisive.
Leo Risings just want to feel safe to show their emotions, but they have to be willing to confront their illusions and face harsh realities. Otherwise they feel betrayed and act controlling.
Virgo Risings just want to feel safe to be the spotlight, but they have to be willing to stop running away from their fears and embrace emotional honesty. Otherwise they feel confined or trapped and act recklessly.
Libra Risings just want to feel safe to provide help without being overwhelmed, but they have to be willing to step out of their comfort zone and accept change. Otherwise they feel inadequate and act coldly or become distant.
Scorpio Risings just want to feel safe to have peaceful relationships, but they have to be willing to move beyond surface level conversations and dig deep. Otherwise they feel disconnected and appear detached from emotions.
Sagittarius Risings just want to feel safe to express without vulnerability, but they have to be willing to confront their emotional mess instead of hiding it. Otherwise they feel lost and resort to escapism.
Capricorn Risings just want to feel safe to seek without being restricted, but they have to be willing to share control and admit they’re not always the star. Otherwise they feel restless and act impulsively.
Aquarius Risings just want to feel safe to pursue and sustain their ambitions, but they have to be willing to let go of their obsession with perfection and accept reality. Otherwise they feel insecure and act stubbornly.
Pisces Risings just want to feel safe to be themselves while connecting with others, but they have to be willing to face the ugly sides of relationships and deal with conflict head-on. Otherwise they feel scattered and act overly superficial.
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the-world-of-nai · 2 days
pac: how does your crush feel about you?
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pile 1 -> pile 2 pile 3 -> pile 4
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pile 1
this person is lying: either to themselves about this connection, or to you. i see here that this person is a slave to their own mind and anxiety. they do think that you are pretty, though. they may have noticed you because they think that you are good-looking. however, they are currently at a place where they don't have the courage to do anything. they are uninspired. it seems they are going thru some kind of mental anguish. they are sexually and creatively blocked as well. they are not interested in hooking up right now. this person may have insomnia, or anxiety. they may also have trauma. for like 1%, they may have sexual trauma of some sort. i'm just getting a lot of fear here, whatever that means. sorry for the dark ass reading...
zodiac: aries, gemini, libra, aquarius
song: colors - halsey
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pile 2
you could be manifesting this person, or they are manifesting you. they have hidden passion for you. they could be older than you. you make them feel excited and young. they see long term potential with you. they are in a place where they are resisting pursuing passion because it caused them lots of conflict in their past. regardless, they can't really look past you. they could have shitty people in their lives who bring conflict, or they are recently out of a relationship which could explain their resistance to passion. regardless, you give them a sense of adventure, hope, and they can't help but picture a future with you.
zodiac: aries, virgo, gemini
song: somebody - halsey
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pile 3
this person has strong feelings for you. they don't see anyone but you. like this person is laser focused on you. they only see you. you are the only person that they are interested in right now. they are willing to win you over, and work hard to do exactly that. they are manifesting you. they are working hard to have you! they honestly see you as like the opportunity of a lifetime here. they see you as royalty. they may have you on a pedestal to be honest...
zodiac: leo, virgo, gemini, cancer, pisces, scorpio
song: jealous - nick jonas
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pile 4
this person is not the most romantic or lovey dovey. i feel like they are a more logical person who has trouble knowing and expressing their own feelings. right now, they feel like things are kind of out of their control. they see you as a good luck charm, like you are meant to be in their life. they have anxiety and some trauma that they are healing from and you make that easier for them in some way. you make them feel strong and competent. they think about you a good amount.
zodiac: taurus, leo, aquarius, scorpio, aries, libra, gemini
song: pink xoxo - camila cabello
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thanks for being here. hope it resonated <3
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