bzurk · 15 hours
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bzurk · 1 day
privateer! johnny mactavish, whose only job is to raid and rob foreign vessels under arms, taking them for condemnation and their crews as prisoner for exchange. he isn’t a pirate per se – he really prefers the term corsair, if the letter of marque framed in his cap’s office has anything to say about that—
finds a stowaway on his very own ship. clever little thing must have wormed her way through from another vessel during one of their assaults, because gaz makes good work of checking for hitchers before they sail off. she’s malnourished, dangerously close to developing scurvy, arms bruised in a way no bird’s should be. hair matted, face caked in gunpowder and salt. she can hardly voice her pleas when he comes across her while looking for extra ammunition.
but there’s no need to worry. johnny’s a good man, from a good name. sure he might look a little crazed, sea legs and beard veiling the hero underneath – as though he were just another buccaneer who paves their life’s path taking from innocents – but he only does so to those who deserve it. promise.
and you don’t look like you do. virtuous thing. pretty thing, like a fresh-shelled pearl who has yet to be polished. he won’t tell the crew about your transgression. in fact, he won’t tell them anything about you at all; especially not simon, who treats him as though he were nothing more than an extension of himself. no. this is for him, and for him alone.
he’ll keep you in his room. give you a nice place to rest. feed you orange slices until the colour blooms behind your cheeks. give you baths with a washcloth when he can. checks what all the fuss is about when you cover your tits protectively – he’s only cutting the dirty garbs of ye – to discover that, so long as he assures you that what he’s doing is in your best interest, you’ll let him get away with anything.
like stuffing his nasty fingers in your cunt, tongue notched down your throat to muffle your cries. like feeding you his cock after successful raids, the cork off a bottle of rum plugging your tight ass shut. like folding you in half and jackhammering into your womb, months worth of pent-up sexual energy laying itself onto your poor body.
all the while – as you grow more wary, exhausted – his delusion grows worse.
because what kind of alternative fate would you find out there, with the brutes he calls friends? better off with him, lass. even if you are constantly dripping cum, growing dizzy in his bed while he’s away. at least he was taught how to treat a woman right.
(can’t say the same about simon, who hasn’t fallen short on noticing johnny’s shift in behaviour. the new gait in his step, the dazzle of his smile. his bunk’s only a few doors away, after all. some nights, he swears that the creaks of his bed frame are too loud for even the stormiest of seas to spur.)
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bzurk · 1 day
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bzurk · 3 days
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bzurk · 3 days
I've written siren... I've written selkie...
so tempted to make a 141/reader mythical creatures series PLEASE give me suggestions!!!
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bzurk · 3 days
shes the same height as me oh no
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The height difference between Farah and Price was not exaggerated at all….jesus christ
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….guys she’s 5’8…and wearing heeled sneakers too…
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bzurk · 3 days
ghost x selkie!reader
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cw: mentions of stalking, abduction
"Please,” a soft voice jolted the soldier from his examination of the coat he held, his neutral brown eyes turning to face the young woman standing before him, her body bare and vulnerable. “Would you kindly return my pelt?”
Ghost had heard folk tales about Selkies before—bewitchingly beautiful creatures who could change between the bodies of seals and humans, wild and untamed as the sea. They were rare, elusive, secretive. He’d often wondered what he would do upon meeting one for the first time. Now, faced with the reality, he stared at you, his gaze roving over your naked body, lingering on the enticing swell of your hips and thighs, as if tracing the curves of a precious sculpture.
Distantly, he recalled the belief that keeping a Selkie's pelt would bind them to the owner. His grip tightened on the warm, soft fur in his hands—the same pelt he had seen you slip out of months ago when he stumbled upon you and your pod resting on the beach.
Ghost's initial bewilderment and intrigue at seeing you quickly turned into fascination as he observed you and your family over the following days and nights. Now, his interest had grown into something more—a desire that consumed him. He found himself dreaming of your touch and imagining what it would be like to have you draped around him, to feel the softness of your skin against his. He lay awake in the early hours of the morning, envisioning the soft caress of your hands over his body, touching him, teasing him, loving him.
Seeing your pelt, recklessly buried and not well hidden, left behind as you danced and sang with your pod, was too good an opportunity to let pass. He’d grabbed it, enchanted by the luxurious fur, too busy stroking and touching it, imagining what it would feel like draped around your shoulders as you rode him.
Such thoughts would have to come later. Much later, once Ghost had ensured you would belong to him and only him.
You stood before him, anxiety etched into your delicate features, glancing back at your pod as they began swimming away, and then back at your pelt, held between his clenched hands. He knew if he gave it back to you, you would flee. You’d rush off without a backward glance, vanishing like a wisp of fog in the morning sun, never to be seen again. Selkies never returned to the places they were discovered at, after all.
He couldn't let you go.
“No,” he found himself saying, his voice a low rumble, slowly standing up. He towered over you, a dark monolith against the starlit sky, while he gently, carefully tucked your pelt into his shoulder bag. He watched your face pale in fear, the color draining like water from a broken vase, as you looked up at him, trembling in the cool night air. “I don’t think I will,” Ghost hummed softly, his presence looming over you like an oppressive shadow, reaching out to grip your arm gently when you flinched and took a step away from him.
His crooning voice, meant to soothe, did nothing to make you relax. You tried to pull away from the tall, well-built man, desperate to escape back into the ocean, where the waves promised safety and freedom. But you couldn’t, not without your pelt. His hand's tug was insistent, inescapable, shushing your noisy protests as he removed his coat and draped you in it. Ghost felt a smug satisfaction curl through him at the sight of you, drowning in the black cloth, a stark contrast to your ethereal beauty.
You stumbled as you tried to pull away, your heart pounding like a frantic bird trapped in a cage. Turning to call for help from your pod, you found them gone, their distant forms mere specks against the horizon. Your heart sank, a leaden weight in your chest, and you stopped fighting him, the will to resist drained from your limbs.
Ghost’s satisfaction was evident as he led you towards his safe house. You stumbled along, trying to pull away, only to find your pleas falling on deaf ears, swallowed by the night.
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bzurk · 4 days
i dont think anything compares to the joy of getting asks on tumblr or getting comments on ao3
its like, wow. human communication thru the internet. except it feels personal. but yknow, in a nice way, not in an invasive way
its like, you CLICKED on MY account and read thru MY posts and cared enough to leave me a personal message. smth so cute abt that
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bzurk · 4 days
pet!au masterlist
Simon who keeps Johnny like a pet dog but gets annoyed with how high his sex drive is and can’t keep up with his antics so he allows Johnny to choose a “play mate” and that mate is you [a list of short stories pertaining to this au/idea: has a somewhat coherent plot]
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main story
how he picks you welcome home good morning bonnie bath time open wide imitation of flesh
not canon works:
at home iud insertion
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pet!au archive
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bzurk · 4 days
It would be too selfish to have all of you - your thoughts, your body, your mind and soul. Simon doesn't deserve it. But he needs it, craves it. So he'll break you down, bit by bit. Because if he can't have you wholly, he'll settle for the pieces instead.
<- part 1 here
<- part 2 here
part 4 here ->
It was easy enough to push it all aside, to hide it in the back of your head. They were just photos. It had been months without escalation. You kept yourself busy, too drained and weary to pay your growing photo collection much heed. You’d solidified your place with your new team, a position that filled you with pride and made you hold your chin a bit higher. You’d made new friends, comfortable within your cocoon of company, finding safety in numbers. You felt… good.
But you had grown complacent.
One night, after a particularly gruelling double shift, you trudge into your room, exhaustion pulling at every muscle. The quiet hum of the ventilation comforts you as you collapse onto your cot, too tired to even change out of your uniform. As you close your eyes and start drifting off to sleep, your hand brushes over paper.
An envelope.
Your heart sinks, a stone plummeting into a black abyss. You know without even opening it that it’s from him. You rip it open anyway, rough and frantic. Your hands tremble as you pull out the contents; more photos, more vile words. And one photo in particular that makes your blood run cold. It’s you, in your private room, asleep in this very bed, sheets tangled around your legs, face serene and vulnerable. "You look so peaceful. Would hate to ruin it."
Your face contorts in pain and disgust as you rush to the bathroom, eyes wide and tears streaming down your cheeks. In your stomach was a roiling storm, a tempestuous mix of fear, anger, and disgust that threatened to swallow you whole. The sound of retching echoes in the small bathroom, followed by gasps for air. Your hands are shaking as you try to keep yourself from collapsing to the ground.
The mirror behind you shows a face you barely recognize—haunted eyes, clenched jaw, skin pale and clammy. The person looking back at you is a shell of their former self.
You turn on the faucet, letting the water run over your hands. You scrub at them vigorously, trying to wash away the feeling of dirt that seems to have seeped into every pore of your skin. But it’s no use. The filth from those photos has tainted you in a way that no amount of soap and water can fix.
With trembling hands, you reach up and splash cold water on your face. It’s like a slap in the face, jolting you out of your thoughts for just a moment. But as soon as the shock wears off, you’re right back where you started - helpless and violated.
You bunked with your fellow sergeants after that, your sleeping bag stolen from your field pack, laid out on their floor and cushioned with spare blankets, completely undignified, pitiable.
You’re caught in a web, strands tightening around you, each day a new knot of fear and loathing. You can’t go to your superiors, can’t risk the fallout. And whoever is doing this knows that, banking on your silence, counting on your fear. They’re unravelling you, bit by bit, and there’s nothing you can do to stop it.
The nightmare hadn't abated. Instead, it had mutated, spreading its tendrils deeper into your life, suffocating every semblance of normalcy.
The photos were replaced by seemingly innocuous gifts. A protein bar you'd mentioned liking, placed on your desk. A book you’d once mentioned wanting to read, found between your medical tomes. Each time, you tried to rationalize it—maybe a well-meaning colleague, someone trying to be kind. You ignored the gnawing feeling that someone was watching, listening, someone who knew more about you than they should.
But the gifts soon turned sinister. A note, stained with something dark and sticky, left in the space your pillow once occupied in your abandoned room. A patch from your uniform that had gone missing weeks ago, now returned, smeared with dirt. Each new item sent shivers down your spine, made you feel violated in a way words couldn't describe. The gifts were a silent message: "I know you."
As the days dragged on, you became hyper-aware of everything. The sounds of the base - the distant hum of machinery, the murmur of voices, the clatter of boots - became a relentless soundtrack to your paranoia. Every face you passed seemed a potential threat, every glance a possible leer, watching, listening. You couldn’t shake the feeling that eyes were always on you, stripping you bare, dissecting your every move. A spotlight shone down on you, glaring and blinding, highlighting every move and action, a camera hidden beneath your clothes to document your every moment.
You tried to push it out of your mind, to focus on your work and the soldiers depending on you. But it was getting harder. Every time you entered your quarters or the med-bay, you couldn't help but scan the room, looking for the next twisted gift. Your heart would race, your hands would tremble, and you’d feel that creeping unease settle deeper into your bones. He was under the beds, hiding in a tall cabinet, hidden behind the doors, a sinister boogeyman lingering in every shadow, haunting every inch of your space, your life. You felt possessed, haunted.
The most chilling gift arrived one night when you returned from the gym, muscles sore and mind foggy. As you opened your gym bag, exhaustion turned into cold dread. There, at the bottom of the bag, was an adult toy, pristine and new, packed neatly among your fresh clothes. You froze, the blood draining from your face as you stared at the object, a grotesque reminder that your stalker did not have harmless intent.
You shoved the toy back into the bag, your hands shaking. The violation was complete. You felt dirty, exposed, and utterly helpless. No longer could you convince yourself it was just photos. This was an invasion, a desecration of your very being, reducing you to a bundle of anxiety. You wanted to scream, to tear the base apart looking for the monster who was doing this to you. But you couldn't.
You had to stay composed, had to keep your fear hidden. You couldn't let him win. You were strong, you were composed, unaffected. You were a soldier through and through - trained to withstand physical and emotional torture. You had seen battles, blood, war. But this felt different. This felt personal and twisted in ways you never thought possible.
The gifts continued, each one more disturbing than the last. The air around you grew thick with tension, with the whispers of your colleagues. They noticed the change in you, the way you jumped at shadows, the way you avoided being alone. Gossip spread like wildfire, and you became the subject of hushed conversations.
Your decision to share a bunk with Johnny and Kyle was the latest topic of gossip among the soldiers. As you walked through the hallways, their knowing looks and hushed whispers followed you. You could hear the snide comments and speculations: "She must be sleeping with both of them," some said. "She's just using them," others whispered.
But the truth was much more complicated and painful. You had opened up to Johnny and confided in him about everything, and he had no complaints when you moved yourself in. Kyle, too, had been a supportive presence during all the chaos. But the rumours still hurt, making you feel dirty and betrayed by the very people you were supposed to trust and protect, the very people you had stitched back together and fought amongst.
You tried to ignore it all and keep your head held high, but it was becoming increasingly difficult. The gifts, photos, and gossip were chipping away at your armour, slowly breaking you down. You felt like you were losing yourself, your tough exterior crumbling away piece by piece.
Every night, as you lay in the dark on the cold floor of Johnny and Kyle’s room, you could feel the weight of the silence pressing down on you. You could hear the steady breathing of your friends, a reminder that you weren't entirely alone. But even their presence couldn't chase away the nightmares that haunted your sleep. You were trapped in a never-ending cycle of fear and paranoia, and you couldn't see a way out. The walls of the base seemed to close in around you, the shadows growing longer and more menacing with each passing day. You were a prisoner in your own mind, tormented by an unseen enemy who took pleasure in your suffering.
Your stalker manifested himself only in your dreams - nightmares - as a shapeless, formless terror that defied comprehension. Its presence was palpable, a malevolent force that permeated the air with dread. It moved with fluid grace, slipping through the darkness behind your eyes like a spectre. It haunted every part of you.
The nightmares were always vague, a cryptic dance of shadows, whispers, and taunts. They flowed into one another like watercolors, vivid and terrifying before bleeding into an indistinguishable blur when you woke. But you knew they were always some variation of your dissection, taking you apart incrementally.
The tearing of an arm, releasing stitching and stuffing and tugging fabric apart as if you were nothing but a doll. A beast tearing apart your skin, flaying back muscle and tissue to peer at your vulnerable insides.
The worst nightmares of them all was when your stalker took the form of something distinctly masculine, breaking you apart from the inside, bludgeoning and forcing your body to accommodate to his - carving out a space inside of you, breaking you, moulding you. Taking apart all your pieces to build you into something else. He played with you, sending pangs of discomfort and pain down to your very core, striking with surgical precision at your most sensitive places. Every inch of you was violated, every boundary crossed.
You couldn't even find refuge in sleep anymore. Fear followed you, taking hold and refusing to let go, festering inside of your soul.
Your world narrowed to survival - surviving the next day, the next hour, the next minute. The descending madness came in waves, crashing over you with each new gift, each new photo. The world became a blur of camouflage uniforms and concrete walls, punctuated by the sound of gunfire and explosions during drills. Your mind was a battleground, and you were losing.
You're on edge, constantly looking over your shoulder in the barracks or the mess hall, your thoughts consumed by the horrors that haunt your dreams. You can almost taste the fear in the back of your throat every morning as you wake up, dry and chalky like old concrete. Your eyes dart around swiftly, scanning for any sign of movement or unusual behaviour from your fellow soldiers. But they go about their duties with the same quiet determination you've grown accustomed to; their muscular, trained physiques moving with precision as they run drills and clean their weapons. Some of them give you a nod or a grunt of acknowledgment, but mostly they keep to themselves, lost in their own thoughts or joking around like it's just another day. It feels like a trap sometimes—this forced normalcy when everything feels so twisted and off-kilter underneath.
During downtime, you try to find solace in conversation with Soap, sharing cigarettes and stories from home between drags on your smoke. He listens intently, his brow furrowed in concern as he takes long drags himself, but there's always something distracted about him now, a shadow haunting his usually bright blue eyes. You know he feels it too; something's not right among Task Force 141 these days. The whispers around the base are getting louder, more insistent as night falls and the lights are dimmed—rumours about your work, your prior proclivities, your health.
As you meticulously stitch up a soldier's wound—an accident during drills, he'd claimed—your focus is solely on the task at hand. The sterile scent of antiseptic fills the small med bay, mingling with the coppery tang of blood. Soap stands a few feet behind you, his presence a silent reassurance, but his attention elsewhere.
Without warning, the soldier speaks up, his words cutting through the sterile silence like a jagged knife. "So, all three 141 sergeants," he sneers, mockery dripping from his voice. "Must be cozy, huh? Three's a crowd, if you ask me."
Anger simmers beneath the surface, all of your emotions on a hairpin trigger, but you force yourself to remain calm and focused as you continue your work. "It’s nothing like that," you reply evenly, trying to keep your voice steady.
The soldier smirks, clearly enjoying getting under your skin. "Oh, come on, Stitches," he taunts. "Don't play innocent with me. We all know what's going on. You open your legs for the whole task force?”
Soap's presence behind you is a silent anchor, but you can feel the tension radiating off him. You know he's listening, but you also know he trusts you to handle the situation.
Taking a deep breath, you try to suppress the surge of anger threatening to consume you. “Open your mouth one more time, and I’ll have you written up for insubordination,” you say through gritted teeth, maintaining a facade of calm professionalism. "Need I remind you I outrank you, corporal?"
But the soldier isn't done yet, his words like poison arrows aimed straight at your heart. "There’s no need for that," he purrs with a sneer. Cold fingers trail up your arm, dancing along the sleeves of your coat, sending shivers down your spine. "You can come to my quarters tonight and I'll make sure to properly thank you.”
The words hung in the air like a thick fog, suffocating and heavy. Your mind was a chaotic storm of violence and anger, urging you to take action. Put your scissors into his thigh. Dig the scalpel deeper into his flesh. Pluck at his veins with the tweezers. Force a camera to his face and document every second of his pain.
The snap of your gloves being removed breaks through the tense silence, shattering the eerie atmosphere. With calculated calmness, you discard the nitrile gloves into a nearby bin before turning to wash your hands. Then, with a nonchalant hum, you search through drawers and cupboards until you retrieve a suture kit and gauze, offering it to the soldier.
"You're right," you smile sweetly, ignoring the twitch in your cheek. "I slept my way to the top." You extend the sterile suture pack towards him once again. "So you'll have to find someone else to stitch you up, because the only thing I'm good for is my cunt."
The smirk on the soldier's face falters as he stares at the suture kit in your outstretched hand. Soap chuckles behind you, releasing some of the tension in the room.
"Och, laddie, I dinnae think ye want ta push yer luck with Stitches here," he drawls in his thick Scottish accent. "She's not one to be messin' with.”
"Wrap it up tight before you leave. I don’t want your blood on my floor,” you gestured to the gauze, “Then you have to cut off the lifted skin and stitch it up, corporal. It should only need three or four stitches. Easy, really. Now, if you don't mind," you say coolly, "I have more important things to do.” Like keeping down the bile threatening to erupt from your throat.
The soldier reluctantly takes the suture kit and gauze roll from your hands and begins wrapping up his wound. You purposely ignore his struggle to sit up from the bed and his wince as he presses against the bandage on his thigh.
"Aye, Sergeant," he grumbles. "Sorry for causing any trouble."
You purposely disregarded his struggle to get up from the bed, the pained expression on his face, and how he kept a hand pressed against the wrapping on his thigh. The weight of your emotions were too heavy to bear as you turned your back on the soldier, acutely aware of the pain he was still in. The sound of the doors closing was a final release, allowing you to finally let go and surrender to the tears that had been threatening to consume you the entire time.
You sank down onto the nearest stool, head in your hands, and let the sobs wrack your body. Soap was there in an instant, a hand on your shoulder.
You couldn’t keep doing this. Someone was taking a chisel to your psyche, chipping away piece after piece, uncaring for the spiderwebbing cracks splitting your skin. You’d lost your privacy, your sanity, your friends and colleagues and your morals.
You couldn’t afford to lose any more parts of yourself.                            
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bzurk · 4 days
if you ever wonder whether your ao3 comments make a difference know that i frequently go back and read old comments on my fics to get a dose of happy rainbow sunshine
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bzurk · 5 days
so im turning this into a fic i guess
bits and pieces
Ghost is not a trusting man. His heart has been shattered time and time again from the shock of betrayal, like a stone through a glass wall. The smallest of impacts could shatter his trust irrevocably, quick to shatter and leave behind sharp, dangerous edges, impossible to rebuild.
He watches the medic with an intensity that borders on madness, every movement etched into his mind as if he were committing it to memory. His eyes never leave her as she hunches over Soap, the man he has reluctantly filed under friend/ Her fingers digging into his torn uniform, fighting to keep him upright against the wall. The sight of her so close to him, one of the few men he cares for, so focused, sends a shiver down his spine. Here and now, she is the tether that keeps Soap alive. He is forced to trust her, to trust her abilities, and it makes him sick to his stomach. His muscles long to hold a knife to her neck, to test the give of her skin, to demand she saves the sergeant. Faster, he longs to scream. Work faster. I cannot lose another one.
The air is thick with the stench of blood and cordite, but Ghost barely notices. All his senses are attuned to the medic as she presses her fingers against Soap's neck, her face drawn in concentration. All that matters is Soap's ragged breathing, the medic's steady hands, and his own pounding heart.
It's like a sick dance they're all caught up in, but he sees the steeled determination in her eyes, and he knows, deep down, that he can trust her with Johnny. To Ghost, this moment is about more than the mission. It’s about her, and it’s about Johnny. She holds his heart between life and death in an ethereal balance, one wrong move and they’ll both drop into the abysmal pits of hell. The rhythm of Soap's shallow breathing, her frantic movements, all mix together into a morbid waltz of death and survival. The seconds bleed together, each one taking an eternity to pass, yet flying by faster than bullets through the air.
"Fuck." He hears her mutter under her breath, utterly focused on her work. He’s not scared, not worried. Under her care, he knows Johnny will be fine.
Rain pours down in relentless sheets, soaking through their gear and chilling them to the bone. Ghost barely registers the cold. His focus is solely on the doc, watching as the crimson blood mixes with the cold water, tracing a macabre path down her face and neck. Each shiver is a reminder of her vulnerability, a vulnerability he wants to shield- needs to shield- if she is to work effectively. She winces at the sting of the cold but doesn’t let it deter her from doing her job. Ghost can hear the distant sound of gunfire in the distance where more soldiers are fighting against enemy forces; their voices echoing through comms muffled by the stormy night.
Above, a helicopter hovers, its rotor blades cutting through the rain, creating a maelstrom around them. Ghost’s gaze shifts momentarily to the bird, then back to the medic. He catches her eye, nodding towards the extraction point, but his thoughts are only of her. The way her gaze briefly meets his, the connection that flares between them, fuels his blooming obsession. He sees the weight of Soap's body bearing down on her, the pain etched into her features, and he feels a twisted sense of gratitude and guilt. It looks good on her, the intensity.
But she ignores all of this easily—the deafening noise of the helicopter's blades, the blasts of grenades, and the barrage of bullets. Her only concern is keeping Soap alive. Ghost watches intently as she efficiently rummages through her medkit, marvelling at her precision and speed as she works to save Soap's life; tourniquet, gauze pads, morphine syrette. His heart races in his chest in sync with the raging storm. He’s entranced by her dedication, by the fire in her eyes that refuses to be extinguished.
"Here," she whispers, steadily plunging the syrette into Soap's arm without waiting for his response. Her face is soft, and relaxed, oozing calm and safety despite the blood and rain that stains her face, trying to convey reassurance in her expression where words fail, drowned out by noise. The blood and violence and gore aren’t new to her - she is steady, calm, unfaltering. She double-checks the tourniquet again, and then once more. Holds her ear to Soap’s chest to count the rise and fall. Nods to Ghost.
Ghost has lost everybody important to him. The trauma has etched apathy into his very bones, the scars a physical reminder. He deters anybody that dares creep too close, to protect the fragments of his broken heart. He has built his walls high, topped with barbed wire and made from the strongest concrete. He could count on one hand the people who’d made it past his barricades, and Soap was one of those select few, a determined nuisance who crawled through the barbed wire, ignorant to how it sliced his skin. Ghost supposes the knicks and slices wouldn’t deter a man with such a bleeding heart.
As they hoist Soap to his feet and begin moving towards safety, Ghost grips his sergeant's arm tightly but his eyes never leave the doctor’s. He feels Soap's blood seeping into his gloves and mixing with the rain, staining his hands in violence and desperation. The wind from the chopper's blades whips at their clothes, but all Ghost can see is her—the determination in her eyes, the strength in her slender frame, the blood that stains her vest and gloves and fatigues. She is a guardian angel, descending into chaos and death to bring her soldiers back to life, single-handedly keeping Ghost’s remaining sanity intact. They reach the open bay door and a medic rushes to relieve them of Soap’s weight. Ghost watches her step back, her chest heaving, her face a mask of exhaustion and relief.
Something inside him aches, a feeling he can't quite define—gratitude, obsession, an insatiable need to be closer to her, possess her, and hide her behind the walls of his heart. A gratitude that seeps so far into his bones it becomes a part of him.
As the chopper lifts off, carrying Soap to safety, Ghost stands beside the doctor, the storm still raging around them. He wants to reach out, to touch her, to pull her into his arms and never let go, to spew his endless thanks into her skin until it sinks into her flesh and he can be sure that she knows of his gratitude. The gratitude he feels for her saving Johnny’s life floods him, cementing his new fixation. He knows it’s wrong, knows it’s dangerous, but the pull is too strong to resist. He'll do anything to keep her close, this mystery woman who has snuck into his heart with nary a word, anything to protect the doctor who is both his salvation and his undoing.
The second time he meets her is in the medical wing, perched upon a stool and diligently writing notes. The room is bright and sterile, simple, illuminated by the warm afternoon sunlight streaming in through the large windows. The white walls and floors gleam under the light, giving the room an almost heavenly glow. The doctor, perched on a stool, is a vision in white. Her long white coat falls in gentle folds around her, and her smile exudes warmth, kindness and safety. The warm rays shine down on her in a halo, illuminating round cheeks and long, delicate lashes.
As Ghost approaches, he can almost feel the warmth radiating from her as if she were a sun. He can see the softness of her skin, almost glowing in the sunlight, and is drawn to it like a magnet. Her hands move gracefully over the pages of her report, the pen gliding smoothly across the paper. Her fingers are long and slender, delicate and dainty with her nails painted a feminine shade of regulation-approved pink. Her form is all soft edges, flowy and gentle, her hair tied back to highlight her face, the hint of a necklace below the collar of her shirt, the joints of her ankles where they cross at the foot of her stool, and even the toe of her flats are rounded.
But Ghost knows better. Moving closer, he notices more. Her smile is a flash of white teeth, light glinting off of white canines - a hint of danger beneath her skin, a tease. A glint of mischief in her eyes, the suggestion of danger beneath her calm facade. The sharp tools and instruments hidden in her coat and outlined in her pockets. The way she brandishes the sharp point of the pen between her fingers, perched precariously on the edge of the page. It’s as if she knows the effect she has on people and enjoys playing with it, toeing the edge precariously.
He’s reminded of a fox, all soft fur and cute exterior, wide-eyed and small. But a fox is still a predator, hiding claws and teeth and bloodlust. Ghost decides, then, that he wants to see it for himself, the animal that lingers beneath her smooth skin. He wants to dance along its edge, to prick himself on the point of the knife, to find the rawest and most depraved corners of her mind. Would it be as fractured as his?
“Lt.!” Soap chimes beside the cute doctor. He’s sitting up in the hospital bed, his leg elevated on a stack of pillows with the leg of his pants rolled up, bandages fresh and pinned in place neatly. His face is pale, his eyes sunken, but the spark that makes him Soap is still there. His stomach, though, is bare and stained with watercolour splotches of grotesque yellows and blues. “Have you met the nice doc yet? She really saved my arse out there.”
She doesn't even look up from her notepad as she continues scribbling away, but a small smile tugs at the corner of her lips. "It's my job," she replies lightly, finally glancing up at him with those eyes - those stunning, bright, cheeky eyes - that seem to see straight into his soul. "Besides," she adds with a wink and a quirk of her eyebrow, "who else would tolerate you enough to patch you up?" She jabs a playful finger at Soap, riling him up easily. It's like she has a sixth sense for it: calming patients and riling them up at the same time.
Jealously sits heavily in Ghost’s gut when the doctor turns her smile from the page to Johnny. It sizzles and boils in his stomach, evaporating into mists of anger. “You’d best be on your way then, Sergeant.” She hums, placing the notebook down at Soap’s side. “I think your lieutenant is here to collect you. Remember, the pain medications are eight hours apart, and my office is always open if you need me to rewrap that leg, alright?”
She lays a delicate hand on Johnny’s good leg, giving it a soft pat before rolling her stool back.
The green, angry jealousy threatens to erupt from his guts.
see part 2 here ->
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bzurk · 5 days
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It would be too selfish to have all of you - your thoughts, your body, your mind and soul. Simon doesn't deserve it. But he needs it, craves it. So he'll break you down, bit by bit. Because if he can't have you wholly, he'll settle for the pieces instead.
<- part 1 here
part 3 here ->
The nightmare started as all nightmares do—with a creeping unease, a sense that something wasn't quite right. It starts small, like scratching a mosquito bite you don’t notice until it’s already bleeding.
The back of your neck would tingle with unseen stares. Your favourite knife went missing from its hiding place in the med-bay. Your desk chair would be slightly out of place after a long day in surgery. The ballpoint pens you’d unconsciously nibble on disappearing from your office.
Either you were finally going mad, or someone was playing a cruel fucking trick on you.
Weeks after the niggling paranoia came the photos.
You stumble back to your quarters after a long day, boots dragging across the gritty floor, muscles sore and mind hazy. The fluorescent lights flicker overhead, casting sickly shadows that dance along the narrow hallway. You stop at your door, keycard in hand, when you see it—something white, peeking out from under the doorframe. You bend down, groaning as your knees protest, and pick up the small stack of photos. The first is simple, unassuming. It’s you, alone, walking through the base, minding your own business. Just you, unaware.
The next one hits you like a punch to the gut. It's you, mid-laugh, half-dressed in the doorframe to your quarters, with Jackson’s hand sliding up your shirt. That was more than a month ago. Your breath catches, heart racing. You flip to the next one. Different guy, different place—your favourite nook in the gym, sweaty and close, his lips on your neck. Your hands start to shake as you look through the rest. Each one a memory, twisted into something filthy, voyeuristic.
The tipping point, the first time they scared you, was the night you found a printed photo slipped under your doorframe after a long, exhausting night in the medical wing. Standard procedure, by now, routine. But the photo was different. It wasn’t blurry. It was crystal clear, almost artistic in its composition. Framed by parallel black lines on the long edges, illuminated only by yellow lamplight. The slim photo is centred on the expanse of a naked back, sat upright and framed by a pair of bent knees, the pair surrounded by mussed sheets and discarded clothes. It had only captured your back, but you knew it was you. It had to be.
Written on the back of the photo, in jagged, scratchy writing:
“You’re wasting your time. They’ll never make you cum like I can.”
That was the moment you realized this wasn’t just a cruel prank. This was calculated. This was dangerous. Your entire life, and the lives of the men you’d fooled with, would be ruined if these photos got out.
But the messages, the photographs—they're like poisonous weeds in your mind, choking out the light. And they're spreading. You couldn’t shake the feeling that you were being watched, all the time, even in the supposed safety of your room. The vines and roots had wrapped around your heart and your head, sapping away all sanity, feeding off your turmoil.
Every day, more of them appear—under your door, slipped into your locker, hidden in the med bay. They’re like a disease, spreading, tainting everything they touch. Each photo is a small piece of your life, stolen and corrupted, each message attached a slash to your sanity. The air always smells faintly of sweat and disinfectant, the harsh lights overhead casting everything in a cold, clinical glare that does nothing to alleviate the creeping dread settling into your bones. It feels impersonal, uncomfortable, clinical, this base you’ve spent the last six months at.
You try to ignore it at first. You really do. You shove the photos into the deepest drawer, lock them away, but they fester there, a hidden rot. You start to jump at shadows, every creak of the base’s old pipes setting your nerves on edge. You walk around with a constant buzz of anxiety, like an itch you can’t scratch. He’s there, somewhere. You swear you can feel it, a dark cloud hanging over your head and threatening to suffocate you.
Days turn into weeks. The photos continue to arrive, each more invasive than the last. There’s one of you sleeping in your office, one of you in the women’s showers, in the gym, in the rec room, in the gun range. Each new photo intensifies the dread pooling in your gut. A photo of you in the locker room, half-dressed, with a red marker circling all of the scars on your skin. "Every mark tells a story. I want to know them all. I want to leave my own.”
‘They were just photos’ becomes your newest mantra. They’re just photos. They’re just photos. They’re just photos.
But deep down, you know it’s more than that.
The photos aren't just photos. They are violations. Each image, each message, is a boundary crossed, a line blurred. They are an invasion of your privacy, your autonomy, your very sense of self. And each time you find another one, it feels like a piece of you is being ripped away, exposed to the cold, unforgiving light of scrutiny and judgment.
"Fuck!" you exclaim, slamming the cabinet drawer shut with such force that the metallic clang reverberates through the small room. The sound almost drowns out your racing heartbeat. Soap leaps off the exam bed behind you, his eyes wide with concern. Tears prick at the corners of your eyes, threatening to spill over.
“What’s wrong?” His voice is sharp with worry as he rushes to your side, peering over your shoulder, trying to understand what’s got you so rattled.
"There's another one," you manage to squeak out, your voice trembling and weak.
“‘Nother what?” he asks softly, trying to pry one hand off the desk and open the drawer with his other.
"No!" you snap loudly, pushing against the drawer with all your might as you lift your hands only to slam them back down. The muscles in your arms strain as if they're the only thing keeping something monstrous from getting out. "Don't open it!"
Soap’s expression hardens, a crease forming between his brows as he stares at your trembling hands. “What’s goin’ on, Stitch?” His voice is low, steady, trying to anchor you, but the fear and paranoia are already creeping back in, making it hard to breathe, hard to think.
The image is burned into your mind's eye. You, in your private bathroom under the streaming water with your eyes squeezed shut, tears mixing with the warm water running down your face. A moment of vulnerability that you thought was yours alone. You had let yourself get too comfortable, let your guard down. And now they had seen it, captured it.
"Close the door, Johnny," you whisper weakly, barely holding yourself together. "Please?"
The door closes with a click, the sound of the lock turning echoing around the small, sterile room. Your breaths are coming in ragged bursts now, each inhale sharp and painful, each exhale a desperate attempt to calm the storm inside you. Soap is by your side in an instant, his presence a balm against the raw, exposed nerves.
His hands gently pry your white-knuckled fingers from the desk, and you let him pull you into his arms. You break down, the sobs tearing through you, harsh and uncontrollable.
“Shh, lass. It’s alright,” he whispers, rubbing soothing circles into your back. His voice is a soft rumble, a steady presence amidst the chaos, the rise and fall of his chest like the calming lull of waves. “Just breathe. I’ve got ya.”
You take a shaky breath through your nose, fighting the sobs that threaten to spill over. The air smells faintly of antiseptic and bleach, a combination that does nothing to ground you. “I don’t know what to do, Johnny,” you croak out, your voice raw and broken. “I thought if I ignored it, they’d get bored.”
Soap doesn’t say anything, just continues to hold you and rock you gently back and forth. His arms are solid, a fortress against the madness. Slowly, your ragged sobs subside, the storm inside you calming to a dull, painful ache. A handkerchief is pressed into your palms, and you dab at your nose and eyes furiously before chucking it into the bin.
“Stitches,” he starts softly, pulling you to look at him. His blue eyes are full of concern, the weight of unsaid words hanging between you. “You have to tell me what’s goin’ on.”
You swallow hard; there's a lump in your throat making it difficult to speak. The room feels too small; the air too thick. You're trapped in this moment, in this nightmare with no way out. His eyes are sincere and pleading, wide with concern as his hands grip your arms tightly, grounding you in the moment. The sincerity and sympathy in his eyes force the words out of your chest before you can stop them. You've never broken down so completely in front of another person before.
The next evening in the med bay is eerily quiet, the sterile smell of disinfectant hanging heavy in the air like an uninvited ghost. You’re hunched over your desk, pretending to focus on some paperwork, but the words blur together, meaningless in your state of heightened anxiety. The door swings open, breaking the stillness, and in strides Ghost, his imposing figure casting a long, ominous shadow across the room. His face is as unreadable as ever, obscured by the skull-painted balaclava that always makes your skin crawl.
"You look like shit," he says, his voice low and gravelly, each word a deliberate probe. His eyes, dark and intense, scan you with an intensity that makes your stomach churn. He's nursing a cut on his arm, blood seeping through the makeshift bandage, a stark contrast against the black fabric of his uniform.
"I'm fine, Lieutenant," you respond lightly, forcing your voice to remain steady as you avoid his piercing gaze. You get up and grab a suture kit, your hands trembling slightly. "Just a bit tired, that's all. It's getting rather late."
Ghost steps closer, the air between you thick with unspoken tension, a palpable current of unease. "Tired, huh?" He sits down on the examination table, the leather creaking under his weight like a groan of protest. "Seems like somethin' more's botherin' you."
You force a smile, the expression feeling foreign and brittle on your face, tugging at sallow cheeks. "Just the usual stress, sir. Nothing I can't handle."
Ghost narrows his eyes, his gaze sharp and unyielding, like a hawk sizing up its prey. "You sure about that? 'Cause you look like you're about to break." There's a cold, calculating edge to his voice, like he's testing you, pushing you to see how far you can go before you snap. Ghost was not someone you’d had the pleasure of getting to know, and to the extent of your knowledge, this is just how he was. A man of intensity and determination, unfaltering in every task no matter how big or small. A soldier who lived and breathed loyalty to his team – it was only normal that he’d be wary of its newest addition.
"I'm fine," you repeat, more firmly this time, trying to mask the discomfort and insecurity bubbling beneath the surface. The words feel like a thin veneer over a churning sea of anxiety. You focus on stitching up his wound, the one thing you could always control, your unfailing hands and the technique etched into your joints. The suture thread weaves through his skin like a silent promise, each pass of the needle a testament to your skill. The needle pierces his flesh with precise, deliberate motions, the rhythm almost meditative. In this small, controlled act, you find a semblance of peace, a momentary escape from the chaos that has invaded your life.
He watches you closely, his silence heavy and oppressive, like a storm cloud waiting to break. His eyes are relentless, boring into you with an intensity that makes your skin prickle. The seconds stretch into an eternity, the only sound the steady, rhythmic rise and fall of your breaths and the crinkle of your gloves with each pass of the thread. You can feel his gaze like a physical weight, pressing down on you, amplifying your every heartbeat. It's as if he's trying to peel back the layers of your composure, to see what's really going on beneath the surface.
The med bay, with its sterile white walls and harsh fluorescent lights, feels claustrophobic, the air thick with tension. Every detail seems magnified – the faint hum of the overhead lights, the sterile scent of antiseptic, the metallic tang of blood. Your world narrows down to the needle and thread, the thin line of the suture a fragile barrier between you and the encroaching darkness.
Ghost's silence is unbroken, his presence a looming spectre that fills the room. You can almost feel the weight of his thoughts, the questions he doesn't ask hanging in the air like unshed rain. His arm, though injured, remains steady, a testament to his own discipline and strength. There's a kind of respect in that steadiness, an unspoken acknowledgment of your skill.
Finally, the last stitch is in place. You tie it off with a deft twist of your fingers, snip the excess thread, and step back, the weight of the moment still pressing down on you. "All done, sir," you say, your voice flat and devoid of the turmoil roiling inside you. "I'm sure you know the drill by now. Keep it clean, keep it dry."
Ghost flexes his arm slightly, testing the stitches. His eyes never leave yours, the intensity of his gaze unrelenting. "Thanks," he says, his tone deceptively casual, like a predator feigning disinterest. He stands, his movement fluid and controlled, every inch the soldier. As he heads for the door, he glances back at you, brown eyes reflecting the cold, sterile clinic lights. "Take care of yourself, Stitches. Wouldn't want anything to happen to you."
The door closes with a soft click, and you're left standing there, your heart pounding in your chest, the weight of his presence still lingering like a dark shadow. You sink into the nearest chair, burying your face in your shaking hands, the tremors in your fingers betraying the façade of calm you've tried so hard to maintain.
The sterile med bay, once a sanctuary of order and control, now feels like a cage, its white walls closing in around you. The fluorescent lights above cast harsh, unforgiving shadows that seem to mock your vulnerability. The antiseptic smell, once a comforting reminder of cleanliness and safety, now only amplifies your sense of isolation.
You take a deep breath, trying to steady yourself, but the air feels thick and heavy, like trying to breathe through a wet cloth. The encounter with Ghost has left you shaken, his probing questions and unyielding gaze stripping away the layers of composure you've wrapped around yourself. His words echo in your mind, a relentless reminder of the danger that lurks just beyond your control.
Each stitch you placed in Ghost's arm felt like a small victory, a momentary reclaiming of your competence and purpose. Yet, as the thread pulled taut, so did the tension in your chest, the reality of your situation tightening its grip on your heart. You can't help but feel like you're unravelling, each new day bringing you closer to the breaking point, the thread threatening to tear.
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bzurk · 5 days
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ghosts 💀
10K notes · View notes
bzurk · 5 days
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12K notes · View notes
bzurk · 5 days
of course john price would love you if you were a worm, how could you even ask him that?
Keep reading
261 notes · View notes
bzurk · 7 days
genuinely cannot recommend this fic enough.
not a konig fan? dont care. its a beautiful, in-depth, amazing read.
not a hunger games fan? dont care. its a beautiful, in-depth, amazing read.
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You & Konig have been chosen to participate in a twenty-four tribute fight to the death.
18+, NSFW, 85k WORD COUNT, AO3, Virgin!Konig, Outcast!Konig, 18yo!Konig, GentleGiant!Konig, Mentor!JohnPrice, Fem!Reader, Blood & Injury, Graphic Violence, Death, PTSD, Alcohol Use, Slow Burn, Sexual Content, First Time, Smut, Fluff, Angst
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There’s a tense pause as you wait for an explanation. He has nothing, frozen in place with eyes as full as moons.
Your eyes flit down to the knife resting on one of the jacket’s sleeves and the tense pause continues.
You must have had the same thought at the same time, because you both make a lunge for it. You’ve gotten your hand to the handle first, but it doesn’t matter, because Konig’s right behind and more than strong enough to yank it in his direction. He uses the dead weight of his upper half and leans back to support himself solely on the end of the handle. Your body follows in suit, every muscle in your body tensing to keep your clutch on the handle as he pulls you onto his lap. His other hand pries at your trembling, white knuckles, fingers attempting to wedge a gap between your deadly grip and the knife it holds.
You don’t let go - you can’t let go.
“You don’t get to decide this!” You grit in between obscenities, throwing every foul word that comes to mind at him.
He’s got your arms fully extended, heaving sputtered breaths and dawning blown eyes as he claws desperately at your fingers to free it from your grasp.
You suddenly cease your pulling, and with everything you have, grit teeth and a hiss, you launch your body towards him - a technique you picked up from One. Your full weight is thrown right at his vest, knocking him from his lean and back onto the grass, expelling a full breath from him. Every limb scrambles to straddle him at his waist, using your closer proximity to jerk the knife.
“You can’t do it! I won’t let you!” The words tear from the back of your throat while you grapple for the blade, your arms just a blur as you thrash desperately to free it from his powerful hold.
He successfully pries one of your hands off the knife and replaces it with his own. Your hand immediately returns to wrap around his knuckles, but you stop before you can with a better idea. With your now free hand you swing at him, miss, and follow it up by pressing your palm into his face. His eyes pinch shut and he swivels his head to shake from your push with harsh grunts.
You give a stiff yank to the blade, hoping you’ve stunned him, but his hold stays firm even when he bats your hand away. You’ve only managed to pull the knife closer to yourself, forcing his arm and upper half into a stretch as you lean away from him. An unskilled, loose fist swings at his guarded forearms in an attempt to break his grip.
He shoots out to grab your wrist, stopping your blows, and you respond by viciously jerking your entire upper body back to both free yourself from his hold and yank the knife away from him.
Instead of continuing to pull away from him, you aim to catch him off guard with another sudden fling of your body weight square into him. The fist that restrains your wrist comes crashing down, smacking himself in the face with the back of his hand as he’s pushed down and flush with the grass. He finally loses his hold of the blade, and without missing a beat he grabs you by the waist and rolls you off him. He might as well have spit in your face when one hand shoots up to the back of your head, a cushion to prevent you from slamming your head on the dirt. This movement is accompanied by a swing of his leg, pinning you to the ground with powerful thighs on your hips.
You’re pretty useless to do anything about it, no chance of freeing yourself from Konig’s weight on you. You can tell he’s not even using his full strength. You’ve seen him lift weights heavier than you, seen him pick up a boy that was much bigger and much stronger than you, and throw him on the ground with such force he broke his neck. Konig making every effort not to hurt you while you’re fighting him with everything you have ignites a searing heat that boils under the surface of your skin. Your growls are foaming, words engulfed in feral rage.
“You don’t get to have the final say just because you’re bigger than me! Stronger than me!”
Your arms are a blur, one flailing the knife above your head and deflecting his grabbing hands, the other swinging wildly at him. You thrash violently, an accompanying feral grunt with each jerk, spitting out objections and obscenities at him while he carefully times his swipes to avoid cutting himself.
You briefly consider spitefully driving the blade into your chest just to get the last word.
Rationalization returns with a better idea before you can commit, and you give one last whip of your arm. The knife launches over your head, far out of either you or Konig’s reach, just in time for him to restrain your wrists to the grass.
Neither of you are sure of your next move. You pant, swallowing with dry mouths and sharing a stare unlike any other you’ve had. Your brows pinched in rage, teeth bared, nostrils flared. He wears an expression that’s a cocktail of concerned, bewildered, and utterly panicked. Both of you are desperate to out-think the other, but it’s easy to judge by the lack of action that you’ve both drawn blanks.
His wide eyes are frantically flitting over your rage, chest heaving with each of his panting breaths.
“So what?!” You spit at him, ceasing your thrashing and instead projecting your rage at him through a fiery, pointed stare, “You die and I go home? I have to live with the guilt? The memories?! Price’s ‘I told you so?!’”
You’re frothing, animalistic grunts with words stitched into them.
“I have to mentor a pair of kids that I watch die every year?! I have to be haunted by your face every night?!”
At the tail-end of your rant, his eyes pinch closed and all of his muscles tense.
“I have nothing!”
It’s rare for him to raise his voice above a mumble, and he has never, ever yelled at you before.
He notices your wide eyes, the flinch that ends with you freezing. He sucks in a breath, lowering his voice with a stammer before he continues.
“I- I have nothing waiting for me at home. No one cares about me. District Nine doesn’t want me as their victor. I-“
He cuts himself off, and you wait with lowered brows for him to continue.
His eyes pinch shut as the grip on your wrists squeezes you tighter. Not uncomfortably, but enough for you to notice.
“You’re all I have.”
His voice is soft and broken - a plead more than it is a statement.
“I just got you, I can’t go home without you.”
His eyes stay closed, tight shoulders rising and falling with deep breaths as he looms over top of you, blocking out the desert sun and casting a shadow on you.
For a moment your voice is as soft as his.
“So I have to? I have to go home without you?”
Those swollen, hooded blue eyes meet yours again, and he swallows.
He doesn’t have anything to say.
Your brows pinch, the anger creeping back into your voice.
“You’re okay with me living with the aftermath?”
His irises tremble as his gaze switches between either of your eyes.
“I’m okay with you living,” He says gently, a croak in his voice and not a hint of ill will.
For a moment you’re still, your jaw clenching with a nod.
He’s happy to let you deal with the aftermath.
To let you live the rest of your life in District Nine while you’re mentally stuck in this arena.
To let you be haunted by the faces of twenty-three tributes who fell so that you could live.
To let you cry out his name after every nightmare just for your pleas to go unanswered.
Your voice turns raw around the lump forming in your throat, around the tears springing in your eyeline. You begin to thrash again, kicking your legs underneath him as you grunt through gritted teeth.
“I didn’t earn the win and you know it! Everyone knows it! I should have died in that bloodbath - Eleven should have killed me! Titan should have killed me! You should have killed me!”
He keeps his hold on you firm as he frantically searches for the knife. Not with enough force to hurt you, but with just enough to overpower you. This pisses you off even more, so you push up on his hands in rhythmic flails, spitting obscenities at him. He responds by putting a little more weight on you, never enough to cause discomfort or leave evidence of an altercation.
By the look of it the knife has landed somewhere in the fall quadrant, and you can tell he’s deciding if he should make a run for it.
“Don’t you dare,” You order with a tone that carries warning, low and out of breath as you still once more.
It’s an empty threat, because you know that if he took off for the knife he’d make the clearing before you could even stand.
His eyes meet yours again.
You force yourself to be calm, to filter out your rage through the hot air leaving your nose in fear that if you continue to thrash and yell, he will seize his opportunity.
You don’t dare look away, don’t dare give him what little of a lead he might think he needs to make the dash. As if staring into his eyes is the only thing tethering him to you. Like a wild animal, you will remind him that you know of his presence, that he cannot go in for the attack when he thinks you’re vulnerable.
You’re locked onto each other, frozen in this restrained straddle. Glaring at him while he tries to work out his next move.
He’s got nothing, only panicked static for thoughts.
The rise and fall of your chests slow as you both catch your breaths.
Minutes pass, and your brows ease from their pointed position. Your jaw relaxes, and your legs untense as they straighten out in the grass.
Your hostility has fizzled out, and his eyes make a slow transition, each passing moment draining a bit more worry.
As his breaths ease, so do his muscles. He readjusts himself, his legs sliding down in the plush grass so he can rest his forearms as he holds your wrists down. His grip has loosened, no longer concerned about you fighting him, but his hands stay wrapped around you just in case. His face and chest drift closer to you as he relaxes in his position, soft blue eyes studying you in return.
For a moment, though, his face pinches in arrogance, and he takes on a digging and low tone.
“And you don’t think you’re brave.”
“Fuck you,” You say, but it’s clear you don’t mean it.
It comes out breathy, so soft and sweet, as if you’ve just given him a tender compliment. You’re too distracted by features you hadn’t noticed from a distance. You’re lost in colorful, hooded eyes. In jaw stubble and slight creases and freckles that have pulled up in the sun. In painting your memory of his body underneath the canvas of his gear.
Your feelings on the way Konig has always towered over you has seemed to take a shift. No longer do you feel intimidated or feeble in his commanding, superior presence.
You still feel small, but in a good way?
You lift your head from the grass, your eyes trained carefully on his, and his worry returns. That familiar unsure stare that you’ve come to know.
You give him the faintest nod, and he presses his lips to yours so quick you knock your faces together.
Neither of you know what you’re doing.
It shows.
Your noses bump, he misjudges how big his mouth is compared to yours, and you both slobber all over each other.
When a soft laugh slips out of you, he sits up with a start, his hands leaving your wrists with a sheepish, “Sorry.”
You both wipe the spit from your faces with your forearms. He shifts to stand, but your hands shoot down to his outer thighs. You wouldn’t be strong enough to hold him down, but he gives in to your silent plea, planting his knees back into the dirt on either side of you.
“I’ve never done this before,” He reminds you with those unsure eyes.
“Me neither,” you say, through a smile.
His shoulders relax, and he gives a small laugh that’s somehow nervous and relieved at the same time.
“Here,” you say, reaching up to rest your palm on his rough jaw. You guide his face slowly towards yours, staring longingly into those pretty blue eyes on his dissent.
You give him a few closed-mouth kisses.
They’re curious, light, and you can feel the texture of his chapped lips and coarse stubble. It’s not as soft as you thought a kiss with a boy would be.
You begin to part your lips, not yet sticking out your tongue, but kissing him with less reserve.
Your smile returns, eyes fluttering open when your teeth show before you pull away with a start.
“Have you had your eyes open this whole time?!”
He sits up again with a start, his hand pulling to his chest, “I- yeah?”
“That’s weird! Don’t do that,” You say through a laugh.
He smiles back at you, his hand coming up to brush a strand of your hair that was displaced by the tussle, “But I want to look at you.”
You give him what’s supposed to be an annoyed roll of your eyes, but your stupid grin and bunched cheeks are betraying you.
“C’mere,” You say, slipping two fingers in his vest and tugging on his gear.
He leans down and positions himself in front of your face. You start again with a few light pecks before you carefully open your mouth, tilting your head to the side. You flick your tongue out for just a second before it’s met with his. He’s eager at first, slipping into your mouth too fast, but he catches himself, slowing down to follow your pace. One hand supports himself in the dirt, the other cupping the side of your face.
You break for just a moment, leaving only inches between you.
“I’ve waited so long to do that,” He whispers through heavy breath.
“How long?” You ask, eyeing his flushed lips before returning his stare.
“Ich-” He looks away, “When you-“
Your brow quirks at his hesitance.
“Since you stood up for me,” he gets out at an embarrassed mumble, turning a shade pinker than he already was.
You nod slow. You don’t say anything, don’t bother feeling stupid for not noticing the obvious, and you tug him closer by his vest.
You plant a long, slow kiss on his lips, your other hand finding the back of his neck to hold him close, fingers threading in his hair as you hum against each other. His head gently rocks back and forth as he deepens the kiss, hungrily tasting you. He tastes like citrus, the orange you shared earlier still lingering on your tongues.
You can feel him on your waist.
It’s strange, how boys work.
How suddenly there is something where normally there is nothing.
It’s impossible to ignore, and you find yourself curiously pressing your hips into it.
He can tell you’ve noticed, and he springs up again so he’s no longer pressing against you. His hands move in front of him, fingers fidgeting and face flushed with embarrassment.
You give a small, reassuring laugh, “I don’t suppose you’ve changed your mind about all of Panem watching?”
Of course they wouldn’t actually display the deed. Brutal slaughter? No problem. Sexual content? Absolutely not.
They’ll cut away. The announcers will make several innocuous jokes to ease the awkward-ness of it all. They’ll replay and analyze either the finale showdown or the intimate words shared at your picnic.
You do refrain from reminding him that at least one gamemaker is going to have to watch to know once you’re decent.
Konig makes a noise that’s a mixture of a scoff and a needy groan, and you can tell by the look on his face you’ve won him over.
“How am I supposed to say no to that face?”
A sly grin creeps on that very same face, “You don’t.”
You kiss again, bumping foreheads before your lips meet, smacking obnoxiously as you taste each other. This is another sloppy, fervorous, wet kiss - but it feels right. His stubble sands against you as his tongue intertwines with yours. The speed quickens, and your hands claw at the front of his gear as you desperately pull him closer.
He presses against you as far as the vest allows, legs straightening to meet you. His free hand finds your hair, pressing it to the side of your head as his thumb strokes the soft flesh of your cheek.
You don’t notice that you’ve been steadily grinding into him throughout the kiss until you pull away, desperate for air.
“Take it off, take it off,” Your voice is more huff than words, but the urgency of them translate with the pulling at his vest.
He’s fumbles for it, unclipping the strap before shedding the vest like it was on fire. His fingers claw for his shirt before he remembers the pads pinning his sleeves to his forearms. He blindly swipes at the straps, eyes glued on your needy eyes and parted lips, watching your back arch off the ground to make steady grinds against him. He swipes at his pads a few times before he takes them off with a swift jerk and the harsh rip of velcro. He doesn’t take care in tossing them, already scrambling to rip his shirt off.
Your hands move from his outer thighs to the hem of your shirt, lifting yourself up so you can free yourself from the cling of fabric, disrupting your hair as you do so.
Your eyes are immediately drawn to his uncovered chest, memorizing each dip in his sculpted torso. Your hands reach out to touch, to press his chest to yours without the barrier of the clunky vest, but you pull away at the last moment.
“No, wait,” He says as he stands, grabbing his jacket, “Here.”
A light hand on your shoulder guides you up from the grass. When you sit up, you watch over your shoulder as Konig delicately spreads out his jacket, smoothing it over it before you lay down on its outstretched fabric.
When he moves to get on top of you, he puts his legs in between yours instead of in a straddle. His hands climb up the grass, and once he’s hovering over you again, he stops to scan all the new skin revealed to him. Following the curves of your shoulders, upper arms. Down your collarbones and lingering on your clothed chest. One hand moves to touch your waist, but he stops himself, planting his hand back on the grass as he thoroughly examines you.
He’s not exactly discreet about his awe, slack-jawed and eyes wide as he drools over you.
A sense of sly confidence wafts over you as you leave him mesmerized with your body, but you’d be lying if you’d said you weren’t guilty of doing the exact same thing. Admiring defined muscles yet too afraid to touch them. It was as if you were both masterwork statutes guarded by velvet rope - to be looked at from afar but never touched by unworthy hands.
He lets out a breathy laugh at himself, closes his mouth, and leans until he’s face to face with you, pressing his lips to yours at his return.
While you kiss, your hands hesitantly find broad, strong shoulders. A light touch with the pads of your fingers followed by the flat of your hand conforming to him. He’s warm and smooth to the touch, his muscles tight and tensed.
Your fingers slide down to his collar bones, palms flush with his chest. You want him closer, though, and your hands snake back around to his shoulder blades, guiding him with a suggestive nudge. He does, happily pressing his skin flush with yours, only separated by the thin fabric of your sports bra. Your other hand finds the crook of his neck and shoulder, feeling the tendons move underneath his skin as he tilts his head for the kiss.
“You’re beautiful,” He whispers on an exhale, pulling away to catch his breath while he further examines you, “I really like kissing you.”
“I really like kissing you, too.”
“You’re so soft,” He says, and then his eyes widen, “Your skin, I mean, äh, your lips.”
His face warps, and you can tell he knows he’s fumbling it.
You laugh at him, one that comes from deep in your chest and blossoms with a silky warmth.
“Sorry,” He says, rubbing the back of his neck, the crook of his elbow pressed to his chest.
His eyes linger on you before he leans down again, planting a peck on your lips. He pulls away, just a bit, and brushes his lips against your cheek. His kisses are so gentle, as if the very weight of them would cause you to crumble to dust at the slightest provocation.
“Can I?” He asks softly, brushing your hair away from your neck and tucking it behind your ear.
You give him a hum in approval, and he begins to pepper kisses along your jawline, working his way down to your neck, where you tilt your head to give him room to nestle. It feels different than the lip or cheek kisses. His lips and stubble tickles the sensitive skin of your neck and his warm breath rolling along your flesh raises goosebumps and elicits a shudder.
He quickly pulls himself off you at the slight movement that may suggest discomfort.
“No, no. It felt good,” You reassure him with a squeeze, “Just tickles.”
He relaxes with a nod and lowers himself again. The feeling of him on your neck sends a warmth deep in your gut that has your hip jutting into him without thought. He’s pressed against you now, not just on the front of your hips. An addicting electricity flashes through you with each unintentional grind against him.
You don’t expect the sound that leaves you. It’s an exhale, but laced with something of a relaxing sigh, a pleasurable one even. One you’d might make as you lower yourself into a warm bath after a long day.
A horrified look spreads on your face at the noise, the push of your hips coming to a halt. Konig seems encouraged by it, though. You can feel his smile on your skin before he nuzzles himself further into your neck, the tip of his nose brushing against you while he returns to leave teasing kisses.
His kisses trail lower, carefully down the crook of your neck, veering off to pepper over the healed scars on your shoulder blades, much softer than the others. He moves on to your collarbones, the front of your neck. He nudges your head back with his nose so he can plant three long, lingering kisses where Titan nicked you.
His lips move down to the crest of your chest, where he tilts his head upwards, not interrupting his gentle pecks as he meets your stare.
You know what he’s asking for with those puppy dog eyes.
You prop yourself up on your elbows while he gives you room to pull your sports bra over your head, disrupting your hair as you free it with a half-hearted toss to the side.
When you find his face again, he looks almost scared. The same look he gave the whiskey on reaping day, the same look he wore when you offered him to sit on your bed. Like you were tricking him, like it was too good to be true.
He’s enamored with your chest. His lips part ever so slightly, eyebrows perking up. The only thing that moves is his irises darting around to devour you, the rise and fall of his chest with each heavy breath.
Your hands find strong, warm shoulders, tracing your fingers down biceps and forearms made of lead, slowing to cup his hands. You carefully guide him to your breasts, and he sucks in a hitched breath on contact, his eyes nervously finding yours.
“It’s okay,” You whisper.
After a moment, he accepts your invitation to relax. His warm hands meld to your skin, letting fingers delicately explore your chest. He’s holding you like you’re made of glass. Gentle hands and nervous breaths.
His hands find your ribcage, his thumb brushing curiously over your nipples.
You bite your lip at this. It’s a completely different sensation to touching your own nipples. Unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. It makes you twitch underneath him, and he pulls away.
“No,” you object, finding his knuckles to place his palms back on your chest. With his eyes trained on your face, he gives another singular brush across the bud.
You offer him another nod, eyes softening as he begins to massage them delicately.
You give another sharp gasp, and he understands that this is a good thing. He gets a little too excited, rubbing his fingers faster.
“No,” You say with a slight arch into his jacket and a squeeze on his forearms, “Slower, like before.”
He gives a nod, meeting your eyes to make sure you know he understands before he starts his gentle brushes over your nipple again.
You let out another sigh, eyes giving the slightest roll. You arch into his touch again, hips giving a particularly drawn-out grind against him.
He starts to speed up again, but quickly corrects himself.
“Rougher, please.”
He nods eagerly, and tentatively gives your nipple a squeeze.
Another breathy, high-pitched gasp leaves you.
“Konig - It feels so good.”
You whisper this in a tone that suggests he’s missing out, arching into his touch. You can feel the wet warmth of your arousal as it floods the fabric of your underwear.
He lets out a choke from the back of his throat. Your eyes flutter shut and another soft moan leaves you at his squeezes.
“Konig?” You ask with a breathless whine, unclipping the holster on his thigh, “I need you.”
For a moment he locks up, but as soon as it registers what you’re asking for his hands scramble to his belt. His fingers fumble it multiple times, having to rip his stare away from you to watch what he’s doing. You’re not making it easy on him either, grinding against the strain in his pants while he pushes into you. After a frustrated tug, he manages to free his belt and stands to slide his pants off. He fumbles this as well, shaking his ankles free from the bunched fabric and awkwardly hopping to free himself from its hold.
You take the opportunity to slide your pants down, lifting from the grass to strip them off much more gracefully, kicking them to the side.
He lets out another choke at the sight of your thighs, panties on display for him to eye. He meets your stare again, wearing that look that suggests you’re setting out a trap for him.
You slide your feet up on the grass until your knees are bent, spreading your legs with an smug, teasing smile. A hand comes up from the grass to curl your finger in a way that orders him to your presence.
He sucks in a sharp breath, and at once he’s hovering over top of you, descending to meet you in another messy kiss.
One of his hands props himself up, half on the sleeve of his jacket, half on the grass, his other squeezing on your upper shoulder to hold you in place as your tongues intertwine once again.
When he grinds into you, only separated by the two thin fabrics of your underwear, you both simultaneously let out a moan of relief. Half your irises disappear with a light roll of your eyes.
He digs further into you, pressing the fabric of your panties inward as he nestles between your lips. He rocks his hips, the tip of him brushing against your clit, sending a jolt of euphoria down your middle that finishes with a pool of warmth in your lower abdomen. When you let out a breath laced with your pleasure into his mouth, he breaks away from the kiss to get a better look at you, letting his hands rest on your knees.
He towers over your like this, blocking out the sun and casting a shadow over you while he looks down at you through half-lidded eyes, soaking in the way you twitch at each of his rocks against you. His huffs to catch his breath cut short with each slide across your panties. Yours aren’t much different as you lean into the touch, choking on breaths with each jolt of pleasure as Konig slides across your clit.
“You’re wet,” He says, as if he’s just made an impossible discovery, sharing his find with you in a tone full of disbelief and wide eyes to match.
A laugh that’s more breath than air leaves you, a glowing warmth on cheeks that bunch when a smile blooms on your face.
Your hands swipe loosely in the air, wordlessly begging for him to come closer. You watch his muscles flex to lower himself down until you can feel the heat of his chest on yours.
Your voice drops to a whisper, dawning a teasing, soothing tone while you look up at him with eyes sparkling with adoration and mischief. Your lashes flutter as you stare him down, drawing out each purred syllable in a decrescendo as you swirl your finger down his chest, your other hand disappearing into the nape of his hair.
“It’s all your fault.”
His breath hitches and his eyes lull with a drawn out a rut against you, a low groan leaving his parted lips. It’s addicting, the sound of his pleasure. His harsh voice and intimidating stature unraveling and melting to your body that moves to conform to his long, steady grinds.
Konig eagerly presses his lips to yours, his hum deep and low, tingling your jaw as he pushes his tongue into yours with ill-advised confidence. You happily let him lead, swinging one leg over his waist to nudge him closer into steady grinds. As you thread your fingers through the base of his hair, your other leg hooks around the back of his thigh to pin him firmly to your front.
He breaks away for air, neither of you bothering to wipe away the generous layer of mixed spit.
Your eyes lock, clouded with drowsy arousal.
Through parted lips, intoxicated off your taste and touch, he mutters three words.
Slurred but unmistakable.
“I love you.”
You suck in a sharp breath, brows raising and eyes sobering. Your hand slowly snakes from the back of his neck to his chest, firm and warm as you stare up at him.
He doesn’t stop at your change in pace, continuing his steady ruts and not displaying a lick of regret for his words. He just stares down at you through those half-lidded eyes, watching your reaction to each movement of his hips.
Your hands slide up to squeeze his biceps, your face relaxing when you say, “I love you too.”
The corners of his lips perk up around his heaving breaths, stifling a mixture of a relieved laugh with a groan that threatens to spill with each brush against your inviting, stained panties.
His eyes devour you as the smile grows on his face, ducking his head to plant a long closed-mouth kiss on your lips. When he pulls away, he nuzzles his head into your neck, showering the skin with kisses. He trails down again, much quicker and eager than last time as he leaves pecks along your neck, your collarbones, and folds his back awkwardly so he can kiss the top of your plush chest while he continues to rock against you.
He shifts himself, sliding his legs further into the grass below you and removing himself from the front of your underwear. He kisses down your chest until he’s bordering your nipple, tilting his head up to look at you, those pretty eyes begging so nicely.
You give him a nod, and lay your head back as he gives the bud of your nipple gentle kisses.
It’s teasing, almost, the way his lips are barely grazing you. They’re wet with spit, cooling in the spring breeze and sending another shiver down your spine.
He trains his eyes carefully on you as he gives a gentle, curious lap with his tongue.
You let out a breathy squeak that makes his face perk up. He goes in again, circling his tongue around your nipple, flicking back and forth over it. Konig’s not pressed against you anymore, but you find yourself still grinding absentmindedly on his core.
While keeping his gaze on you, he draws your nipple into his mouth with a suck.
The gasp that leaves you is nothing short of erotic. Konig’s eyes lull at the noise and he even lets out a small moan that turns to a rousing vibration. He tilts his head down, buries his nose into your chest and eagerly nurses on you.
His tongue strokes the bud curiously as he sucks. Your back arching off the ground does not go ignored as you thread your fingers into his hair and tighten your grip.
His breath hitches, and his free hand comes up to swirl around your other breast as he greedily devours you, honing in on your nipple and giving it a gentle squeezes.
The soft moans and sighs are flowing freely as you squirm underneath him, fingers clinging to him for dear life.
He pulls off your nipple with a pop, the spit cooling in the open air and bringing your nipples to attention. You whine at his absence as he continues to kiss down your stomach.
His tweaking fingers follow shortly after, his hands finding your hips while he makes his descent. When he shifts further down, flat on his front, he loops his strong arms under your legs, placing his hands hesitantly on your outer thighs.
He tilts his head, closing his eyes as he gives gentle pecks on your inner thigh. The tip of his nose brushing against you, his coarse stubble, his kisses - the sensations send another jolt of electricity straight to your lower abdomen.
“So beautiful,” He mumbles in between kisses, the vibration of his voice tickling the sensitive flesh.
His head turns, and he begins to give equal love and care to your other thigh.
His lips trail higher, overlapping his generous kisses up the soft flesh.
He lifts his head to give one gentle kiss at the top of your panties, those begging eyes making an encore.
You give an eager nod, taut breaths escaping parted lips.
He kisses down the fabric of your panties, concentrating his full attention on your flushed face. He stops when he gets to the stain of arousal, his fingers threading through the waistband on either side of your panties.
He asks for permission with a look.
“Yes,” You whisper, “Please.”
He sits up quickly, using his hand to guide your legs up so he can pull your panties off.
He freezes again, eyes fixated on you, already coated in a shiny layer of arousal.
You can’t help but feel a little embarrassed, him examining you like this. He looks shocked, eyes wide and brows raised, mouth slightly parted.
“Okay?” You ask with a quiet voice.
“Yeah,” His reassurance comes out breathy with awe, accompanied by an excited nod, “I’ve just never,” he trails off.
“It’s okay.”
“Okay,” he says with a swallow.
“Can I see you?”
His face perks again, this time with a hint of hesitance. Caught off guard, like he never expected the request.
He sits back with a deep exhale before he slides his underwear down, shifting to peel them from his ankles. He sets them to the side as he returns to his kneel between your legs, his hands resting on your bent knees. He can’t look you in the eye, his face already bracing for rejection.
“I guess uh, I guess they don’t call you The Mountain for no reason,” You say with a nervous laugh.
His face sinks, maybe at the nickname, maybe at the fear that he’s not adequate enough for you. You had just laughed at him, nervous laugh or not, which is something you imagine wouldn’t play over well with any boy who’s just exposed himself to someone for the first time ever.
“No, no, it’s nice. Sorry, I’m just-”
You cut yourself off with another nervous laugh.
You find yourself tilting your head as you stare at it. Boys are strange. Such a silly thing it is, and other than his size, much less intimidating than you thought it would be.
It stands on its own, enraged in color, swaying with his movements. A long, girthy shaft that ends with a flushed tip, accompanied by dangling bits underneath. There’s an alluring glint of arousal leaking from the tip. You almost want to laugh at it - not at Konig’s in particular - but at all of them. All of the appendages out there attached to half the population, swinging freely in their pants.
Your inquisitive stare must burn, because he moves his hands to sheepishly cover himself, looking to the sky that splits in four.
“Sorry,” you say, “I’ve just never, uh,” You trail off, exactly as he did. After a moment you extend your hand, nudging his inner forearm away.
“Can I touch it?” You ask, looking up at him with sloped brows.
He makes a noise like he’s thinking on it while he processes your question, followed by a blurted out, “Ja!”
He quickly realizes his answer came out way too fast and way too eager. He clears his throat, and forces himself to a nonchalant tone that wouldn’t fool anyone, “Yeah.”
Your hands reach out slowly, carefully. You actually hold your breath, both of you do, you think, until your fingertips brush along his tip, your hand trailing down the sides of his shaft.
His whole body, every defined muscle, contracts at your touch. Now you understand how Konig must have felt, pulling those breathy sighs out of you. It’s addicting to make someone feel this way using only your own body.
You notice the skin is thinner and softer than the rest of him as your hand smooths slowly along the shaft, loosely and carefully wrapping your fingers around the base. You just barely graze him as you move your hand up and down his length, letting him slide through your loose grip.
He lets out a shaky breath, his shoulders pulling up and his head lulling forward. His hand squeeze your bent knees, strong, tensed thighs pressed to yours as he kneels between them.
He shudders as you keep your steady pace, and when he whispers your name, so soft and needy, a show of his gratitude and a plead for more, it sends another wave of your arousal to your panties.
You respond by speeding up, your hands almost blur as you generously glide around him.
“Hah- ah,” His eyes roll back before he pinches his eyes shut, sucking in breaths through grit teeth.
You keep your pace, trying to simulate what you can only assume is the feeling of sex with your fingers.
“Your hands,” he whispers through heavy breath, “So pretty and small around me.”
Your face relaxes as you look up to him, awe in your eyes.
His words did something to you, feeding the flame that flickers in your lower abdomen.
You slow for a moment as you process this newfound feeling before speeding up to elicit more from him.
“Feels s’good,” he slurs.
Your hand glides up to brush against his tip with each pump, making him twitch around you. He lets out a few more sinful moans, his eyes lidded in pleasure as he stares down at your amazed blown eyes, parted lips. His eyes hungrily scour your breasts, bouncing hypnotically with each stroke.
“Bitte,” he whimpers, “Hhn-”
His muscles tighten and he squeezes the grip on your knees a little tighter.
He shudders, his whole body folding forward with a choked groan. He puts his weight on one of your knees, his other hand shooting down to rip your hold off him.
“What? What’s wrong?!” You ask frantically, quickly retracting your hands to your chest.
“No, no,” he reassures. He gives a breathless, embarrassed laugh, his muscles tight and body still experiencing tremors, “I didn’t want to- I was-“
He gives another sheepish laugh, “I’m sorry. I didn’t want it to end.”
Your brow lifts in confusion.
His gaze briefly averts, still fighting off twitches.
“I was going to,” he hesitates, “Finish.”
“Oh,” You say.
“I’m sorry.”
A flattered and pleased grin crosses your face.
“No, it’s okay.”
“I’ll do you?” He asks, staring at your spread lips, drenched in your own arousal.
You let out a nervous, one note hum of approval, and gnaw on your lower lip with a nod.
He lowers himself to sit on his folded legs, a soft tentative grip on your thighs. You feel exposed while he studies you, as he works out a plan.
“I don’t know how,” He says, voice still breathy as his unsure eyes meets yours.
“It’s okay,” You whisper, wrapping your fingers around his wrist, guiding him to you.
You swirl his pliant fingers around your rim, lubing them up with your own slick before you pinch the sides of his index finger and place it on your swollen clit.
“Just be gentle,” you say.
He nods, breaths shallow as he rocks the pad of his finger up and down on your clit.
You suck in a breath, squirming at his touch.
He gets excited by this, his finger rubbing you quicker. Your head throws back in the grass, a breathy, hitched strain leaving you.
“Slower,” You say with an overstimulated twitch, “And do circles, I think.”
He retracts his hand quickly, before giving a hesitant nod. He uses his thumb this time, gently rubbing around the sensitive bud.
You let out a soft moan, and he gets excited again, but quickly corrects himself. He watches you carefully as you squirm underneath him. Mesmerized by your hips pushing into his touch, back arching into him.
“Breathe,” You remind him, and he lets go of a breath he didn’t realize he was holding.
He nods, red in the face as he continues to swirl the pad of his finger around you, chasing the sound of your addicting huffed moans. Your head lulls to the ground, closing your eyes as you focus on his touch.
He’s using your hitched breaths to navigate your pleasure, learning the difference between a twitch of overstimulation and a shudder of satisfaction. He repeats the movements and swipes that elicit your wisps of moans, studying your face carefully with drowsy halflidded eyes.
Your hips grind without thought into his touch, needy whimpers escaping your lips as your back arches off the jacket, eyes rolling until your lids pinch shut.
“Konig?” You whine, “Please.”
He gives you a shaky nod, returning his focus to his fingers.
He slowly pushes his finger into you, and flits his gaze to look at your face, searching for discomfort.
He stops at the first knuckle, his brows sloped with uncertainty.
You let out a deep breath, concentrating on relaxing yourself. It feels strange. Intrusive, almost uncomfortable. Clinical instead of sexual. But you are determined to do this.
You give a sure nod, and he continues to slide deeper inside of you.
You let out a small strained moan, not necessarily in pleasure. You tense around him and he stops at once.
“Should I stop?” He asks.
“No, no,” You say, “I want to do this.”
He nods slow.
“More?” He asks with soft eyes.
You nod, clenching your teeth as his thick finger explores deeper.
You take a few more, somewhat awkward, breaks, and eventually you manage to get his entire finger inside of you. He stills for a while, letting you get used to the feeling.
Your body relaxes, forcing deep breaths as you concentrate on breathing. You feel exposed, spread open like this with him inside you.
“Sorry,” You mutter with closed eyes.
“No,” He reassures softly, “It’s okay. I don’t want to hurt you.”
You nod, resting an arm over your eyes.
“Should I try to-?” He ends his sentence by swirling his finger as gently as one can, small circles massaging into tight walls.
You let out a hefty sigh, closing your eyes as you focus on his touch. You nuzzle your face into the crook of your own elbow, begging your body to catch up to your excitement.
“Let me know if it hurts,” he says, and you nod assent.
“Move?” You ask, not too sure of yourself.
He takes his time as he slides his finger out of you about an inch before gently gliding back in.
A breathy exhale leaves you, and Konig’s eyebrows pinch as he tries to decipher if it’s in pain or pleasure.
“Is this okay?” He asks, using your arousal to seamlessly, but carefully, slip in and out of you.
You meet his eyes and nod, face flushed and audible breaths falling from your lips.
“Yeah,” you huff, light and warm.
He nods, his gaze falling down to his finger slipping in and out of you. He’s extra careful, not daring to let himself become too eager this time.
“You’re beautiful,” he whispers, “So wet for me.”
Your brows perk up, a sharp inhale as you clench around him. Konig’s words miss your ears, heading straight for your core where they twist your insides and drain around his finger.
Every breath is threatening to spill from your lips in a moan, the muscles in your core tightening and unraveling with each push.
He eyes you carefully and asks, “Do you see? Come undone with just my index finger?”
Rarely do you find yourself unable to come up with a witty remark, but his words have left you speechless. Stealing the last word you normally stake your claim in.
He notices - he notices the way you respond to his harsh voice, spinning dirty talk in a low, almost patronizing voice. Robbed of your words and wit and reduced to a whimpering mess sitting in a puddle of arousal - he’s got physical proof that he’s turning you on, that he has you literally wrapped around his finger.
It sparks something in him, you can see it, hear it in his tone. An air of superiority, confidence,
No -
“Imagine what you’ll sound like once I’m inside you,” He says, his face even beside a faint smirk.
His grip on your plush thigh briefly tightens, indenting the soft flesh.
“Don’t worry, mein sieger, I’ll take my time stretching you out.”
“So tight,” he adds, “Such a little girl will have trouble taking such a big cock, ja?”
You choke on a hitched breath, eyes widening not just at his words, but at the tightening in your lower half, the warmth that floods you. Stunned and aroused by his words, a searing heat of excitement flushing your skin - this no longer feels clinical.
“It’s a good thing you’re dripping, I’m sure I’ll slip right in to you.”
“Faster,” you choke out, “Meaner.”
An eyebrow raises, and his stare darts to the side. A moment of uncertainty before he digests his assignment, fumbling his pace before he pumps in and out of you quicker.
“You just needed someone to take you down a peg, hm?”
A hint of worry peeks through, those unsure eyes returning as he gauges whether he’s gone too far. Your moans and pitiful whines encourage him, though, and his chest puffs out as his eyes relax.
“You always act so tough but I know you’re just begging for someone to put you in your place, ja?”
He doesn’t break his quickened pace as the hand on your upper thigh trails upwards, running over the curve of your hips and up your ribcage. His grip on you is rougher, assured - he’s handling you like you’re something he owned.
“Not so tough now,” He punctuates his sentence with a harsh tweak of your nipple, and he lets out a smug hum at your sprung eyes and sharp breath.
“You love to talk such a big game, don’t you? If I knew this is all it took to quiet you up maybe I would have done this a long time ago.”
He flicks your nipple with a bored expression on his face, but for just a moment you catch a wrinkle in his brow - still trying to figure out where the boundary lies.
Your whole body tenses, tightening around his finger as you claw at tufts of grass for leverage.
He face pulls back into a half scowl, “Look at you. Desperate, pathetic little lamb.”
Your face twists, absentmindedly grinding down on his finger.
“Greedy girl,” He purrs, “You want more?”
You nod, looking to his figure, blurred through your own haze of arousal.
“You have to ask nicely,” He tutts, that smug grin making a reappearance.
Your brows pinch in betrayal, in fury - no man belittles you this way.
He takes great pleasure in washing away your scowl with particularly powerful and swift plunges into your sopping cunt. Strings of moans leave you, each one cut off with each bottom out to his knuckle, coated in a sheen of your own arousal.
“Nothing to say, little one?”
You let out a frustrated grunt with grit teeth as you take his thick finger. You’re torn between fighting back or leaning into his whim - it’s hard to ignore how good he’s making you feel, and even harder to think through the fog of your own pleasure.
“Giving you too good of a fucking? Can’t even talk?”
You let out a whine, screwing your eyes shut as you focus on his fingers massaging your walls.
“More, please,” you get out through grit teeth.
“What was that, little one?” He asks, turning his head with a squeeze of your nipple.
You know he heard you.
He’s humiliating you, forcing you to beg and plead for him to continue teasing you, to continue leaving you breathless with his hands and his insolent tongue.
You let out another defeated groan, “More, please! Please, I-“
The second finger slips into you carefully, pausing on each wince you make. On its bottom out, he curiously surveys you again, his thumb pressing into your clit. He rocks the pad of his finger as he patiently waits for you to stretch around him, while his other hand continues to tease your nipple, giving it gentle flicks and massages.
He relishes in your whines as you adjust to feeling full.
“That’s a good girl.”
His praise steals the breath from you, blown eyes and parted lips. A white heat flashes deep in your core, intense enough to stun you, but it doesn’t stop you from arching your hips in his direction, grinding down on his knuckles.
When your grinds turn to needy bounces paired with truly pathetic whines, he starts up at your pace, thrusting his fingers into you.
“Just needed to be put in your place, ja?”
You hate being spoken to this way, but you’re too addicted to the way it’s making you feel. His forceful plunges into your slicked cunt, his firm, careful swirls around your clit, the sickeningly sweet warmth in your core - it's impossible to resist his degrading condescension.
“Look at you,” He tilts his head curiously and sticks out his bottom lip in a display of mockery, “So pouty.”
His curled, unused fingers slam into the crook of your trembling thighs, the sound of your own arousal obscenely wet with each pump into you.
“Are you upset that it feels too good for you to fight? Hm?”
Without breaking his pace, he leans in closer, his face inches from yours.
His eyes darken and narrow, and his voice drops to a dangerous tone.
“You’re no match for me anyway.”
A glint of worry reappears in his eyes as he watches your face soften, your wide, full irises staring up at him with billowing lashes. There’s a hint of fear in your expression - a thrilling, jolt of surprise that shoots down your spine and forces a sharp inhale. You hadn’t realized just how safe you’d felt around him.
No - you had. You knew what his presence did for you. A security blanket to pull up to your neck. There was a sense of protection you’d felt around him, even from the beginning. Just standing next to him, the intimidating figure that towers over you, you felt guarded more than threatened.
Even if he was your opponent the entire time.
Even after you thought he was trying to kill you.
You still took comfort in the distant memory of his protection.
On some level you must have known that he would have never been able to bring himself to hurt you during your fight. If he wanted to, he could have killed you with the same amount of effort it takes to kill a ladybug.
It’s the reminder coming from his mouth that’s so jarring. To be reminded of how powerless you are around him - to reimagine him as an enemy once again, to have him towered over you.
It’s a threat.
It says, ‘It does not matter what you want. If you try and fight, I will get my way, because I am bigger. I am stronger.’
It’s exhilarating, exploring the implications and possibilities as you stare helplessly into eyes that seemingly lack empathy. It makes your heart beat furiously against your ribcage.
You know he’s still in there. Your Konig, the sweetheart who’d never dare hurt you. The boy who cares so much about the girl he’d rather sacrifice himself than live without her. It’s proven in the way his fingers strive for pleasure, not punishment. How he slows at any twitch that shows discomfort. That unsure stare making a reappearance at every step towards the boundary.
But his words, his tone, those hollow, uninterested eyes - it was almost believable. Shocking enough to fill you with just enough unease, just enough doubt. The tightening in your gut makes it easy to play pretend.
When you begin to resume your bounce on his fingers, he slips back into his role.
“The fight you put up earlier was cute, but we both know-” He cuts himself off with a breathy, dangerous laugh, “Ach, what was it you said? At any moment I could snap your spine like a twig?”
Your face falls and you swallow at having your words thrown back at you. Had he been ruminating on that? The way his smile had dropped by the time he finished the sentence made it easy to believe.
His eyes narrow at you.
“Do you like feeling weak? Do you like knowing that you’re helpless against me?”
You manage to answer with a whimper, closing your eyes as you commit to giving yourself to him. Letting him fuck you with his fingers as he degrades you like the pitiful thing you are.
He snickers at you, keeping his pace, “Did you like it when I pinned you down, little one?”
Each word that pours from his mouth makes your insides tighten, that rough voice mocking you and reducing you to a plaything.
His brow quirks, and a sly smile creeps on his face, “I bet that’s what you wanted, wasn’t it? You wanted to feel my strength?”
You let out a choked moan, your eyes lulling at the reminder of how powerless you are against him.
His lip juts to the side in a cocky smirk.
“If you wanted me to overpower you, all you had to do was ask.”
You shoot him a glare with a snarl, but he quickly unravels your pointed expression with rushed, ruthless plunges into you. He leans in so he’s face to face with you as his free hand pins both of your wrists down in one smooth motion.
He shushes you like you’re a fussy baby, “It’s okay little one, I’m here now. I’ll take care of you.”
You let out a grit moan at a particularly demanding pound into your cunt.
“You look cute when you’re mad, you know that?” His half-lidded eyes are flooded with egotism.
He scoffs at your clenched teeth and pinched brows before his hand turns to a blur. His fingers glide in and out of you without mercy, knuckles slamming into your sore cunt, unraveling your irate expression with trembling sighs and moans that were louder and needier than you wanted them to be.
His voice drops dangerously low, a deep hum pulling down each word.
“But you look cuter getting fucked.”
You let out a cry of pleasure, pinching your eyes shut and lulling your head back in defeat, embarrassing moans falling from your lips as you squirm in his hold.
He silently watches you take him, a smug look plastered on his face that you’d love to wipe off - a wish you can’t afford at the expense of your pleasure.
“You want more, little one?”
Your affirmation is a hiss through grit teeth, but he accepts this.
A third digit slips carefully inside you and waits for your cue to move.
“Such big, thick fingers. You’ve held my hands - Did you ever fantasize about these fingers inside you?”
You let out a breathy, broken sigh. His words are making you feel even smaller than the menacing figure towering over you.
“You wanted to feel my strength, did you?” He puts more pressure on your wrists and closes the gap between your faces, your lips nearly touching as he bores into you with those half-lidded eyes. He doesn’t break his rhythmic thrusts into your cunt, straddling one of your thighs to keep you spread for him. His chest radiates a cozy heat on yours, the plump of your breast brushing against him.
“Do you feel it?”
You look up at him with blown doe eyes, cheeks glowing as you suck in a hitched breath.
When he stares at you expectantly, raising a brow at your silence, you nod.
“Yes,” You hiccup, forced and raw as you take your fucking.
He gives a satisfied hum, nudging your head to the side with his nose before he dives into your neck, slobbering over the sensitive skin. He hungrily licks stripes across your flesh, occasionally sucking strawberry kisses to the surface.
Your lips brush the crest of his ear, pathetic choked whines like whispered secrets as he keeps his pace.
Your eyes go cross, twisting into the position that forces his fingers to pound against the spot that makes your vision blur and your muscles tighten. Arching off his jacket, pushing up against his hold, pressing into his chest as you squirm underneath him. He’s grinding steadily against your thigh, the rim of his tip brushing against your stomach, commanding attention with its silky warmth.
“You want to feel me inside you, hm? You want to really feel my strength?”
Your breath hitches, eyes widening. For a moment you are frozen, flitting your gaze between each of his eyes, and then you give an embarrassingly excited nod.
He doesn’t make you beg this time, not bothering to hide his eagerness as he repositions himself between your knees. He carefully slips his fingers from you, and you can’t help but whine at the absence.
One of his hands rests on your knee, the other lining himself up to your slick rim.
He doesn’t hold back his sigh, his eyes rolling as his sensitive tip swirls around your rimmed entrance. He bites his lip for a moment, his arrogant façade fading.
“So wet,” he says, more amazed than it is condescending.
His gaze flicks to your face, studying you with soft blue eyes, watching your bated breath as your fingers brace on clumps of grass.
He slowly pushes his tip in and immediately shudders, his head lulling forward on his neck.
You wince, and he stops at once. His breath is shaky, hands trembling on your knees.
“You feel so good,” he says, a low hum weighing his voice down.
You nod, features pinched as you focus on adjusting to him.
He’s being patient, but you can tell he’s fighting the urge to rock his hips into you, sputtered breaths and clenched muscles.
“I’m sorry,” You say again, one of your forearms draped over your closed eyes as you focus on taking him.
“It’s okay,” he says reassuringly.
There’s a beat, and his voice drops again, low and taunting.
“Too big for such a little girl?”
Your arm lifts, your bright eyes finding his with a sharp inhale. That feeling returns, the feeling of your lower core dropping, your insides contracting at his words.
His voice is still a bit strained from holding himself back, but his breathy words still convey superiority.
His eyes narrow, “Looks like someone is too weak. Is that right, little one?”
You let out an annoyed grunt, and he scoffs.
“For someone who talks such big game, you’re not very good at handling me, are you?”
The corner of his lip perks up at the way your face relaxes, the nervous swallow bobbing in your throat.
“It’s okay. I know how badly you want to be good for me, made it all this way for me.”
He can’t help but sway his hips the slightest bit, his tip barely lapping at your entrance.
“Do you want to be good for me?” He asks, his lids lowered, lips flushed and teased with each of his shallow breaths.
You let out a twisted noise, somewhere between a squeak and a groan. Briefly you are distracted by the mesmerizing push of his hips, each roll filling you up ever so slightly.
Your breath catches in your throat, and you give a weak nod.
“Yes, Konig.”
“My good girl.”
A sob leaves you, eyes pinching shut as you nod against the hood of his jacket.
“Thank you,” You whisper, the words leaving your lips broken.
He hums contently, boring those half-lidded eyes at you.
When you grind down on him, Konig’s muscles contract, and he lets out a huffy breath, followed by a faint laugh.
You begin to rock steadily underneath him, bouncing just enough to fuck yourself with his tip.
His lower lip catches between his teeth, his exhales cut short on each breath. His fingers dig into your knees as his core doubles over, biceps tight and trembling.
“Ffh-” His hissed mumbles are intelligible, but music to your ears. That deep, harsh voice nothing but whines and audible huffs through clenched teeth.
A light sheen of sweat is steadily building on his forehead, you can tell it’s taking all of his strength to keep from unleashing himself and tearing you in half.
Your hands find his white, trembling knuckles as you rock on him, teasingly, cruelly even, reveling in the pleasure you’re eliciting. You give his hands a soft tug, and he follows your whim, his hands crashing onto the grass on either side of your shoulders, his chest inches from yours. He meets you in a desperate, sloppy kiss, soft moans whispered between your lips.
When he pulls away, both of you short on breath, he keeps his flushed lips close, staring deeply into your eyes as you rhythmically grind underneath him.
“It’s not fair,” He says, “How beautiful you are.”
A hand snakes up his back and finds his hairline. You look up at him with big doe eyes and parted lips, and while your words are harsh, they come out spoken so gentle and sweet. Tender, intimate words between lovers.
“Shut up and fuck me.”
“H-ah,” His head lulls, his sweaty forehead pressing to yours for just a moment before he raises to study you.
His arms shake as he uses your slick arousal to push past the tip. When you let out a choked noise, he stops, his lips twisted into worry.
It takes a while, it does. He’s so big, and both lack of experience and his size makes it more than a tight fit around him. It’s not exactly the most arousing thing ever to wait while you adjust to him, but watching him get worked up from just your body is more than enough to keep you flooding around him.
“So - guh, so warm.”
He’s overriding every instinct with grit teeth and a trembling muscles, but he forces himself to be patient, every reassurance spoken through strained breath. He nuzzles himself into the crook of your neck, planting uneven, messy kisses on the sensitive skin. For a moment, once you’ve successfully managed to take half of him, he gets briefly distracted. A gentle, absentminded grind before he stops himself with a whine.
Your hands wrap around his tense, warm biceps, giving him small squeezes as you give him what he desperately needs, what you can manage, by moving your hips again, just barely bobbing up and down on his shaft.
He sputters when you do this, completely unraveled and succumbed to the feeling of your wet, tight warmth.
“Sh,” You coo, giving his shaking biceps another squeeze, “Being so good for me.”
“Ach, f-”
“Waiting so patiently. It’s hard, isn’t it?” You tease, draping your words in arrogance.
Your turn.
“Yes,” His voice wavers and his head lulls, speaking his weak words towards your chest, “You’re worth the wait.”
“Such a good boy,” you say, working him as fast as you comfortably can.
His voice pinches and his shoulders pull up with a nod, “Thank you. Thank you.”
“Mhm,” You hum with a particularly drawn out grind. You’re trying to sound low and sultry, but your own pleasure is throwing a wrench in your confident dirty talk, “Doing so well for me.”
“Thank you, thank you,” The words are pouring from him, quick and desperate, twitching inside you at your praise.
“Fuck me.”
He nods, and as you cease your bouncing he picks up, forcing himself to maintain your gentle pace.
You both let out a pleased sigh, your head resting back on the hood of his jacket as you tighten around his biceps.
“S’okay?” He slurs.
Your eyes are pinched, teeth clenched, and you’re unintentionally digging your fingernails into his flesh - but you nod.
“So big,” You say, and he gives a breathy, one-note laugh.
“Too big for a little girl,” He says, tightening his grip on the grass while he holds back the powerful fucking he wants to give you, instead making soft, gentle rocks into you.
His words miss your ears again, knotting up your insides at once. Your hips wriggle with his, forcing more of him to leave and re-enter you with every grind.
“So small,” he punctuates, his voice strained and his drowsy eyes lulling.
He’s nailing his cues, with every quickening of your hips he jumps to meet your pace, eager to fuck you as much as you’ll allow.
His irises get lost behind his eyelids as he gets up to a pace that scratches his itch. He sits up briefly, his arms picking up from the grass to hook around the back of your knees, lifting your feet into the air and forcing you to spread for him and when he plants his weight back on the dirt.
He doesn’t dare push deeper than you’ve managed so far, but his thrusts are unrestrained, and you’ve swallowed enough of him to have him hit that spot that draws squeaky moans from you.
“Breathe,” You remind him through a strain when his face paints red.
He obeys, letting out his held breath, sputtering out consonants that will never get flushed out with vowels in between inhales.
His moans are low, broken grunts leaving parted lips in between short, audible breaths. It’s music to your ears.
“Oh, Konig,” your hands find his tensed, warm shoulders, clawing into him in response to the overwhelming pleasure.
Konig’s drooling over the way your chest bounces against your ribcage with each of his powerful thrusts. He’s still only half inside you, but you feel full to the brim, brute strength brutally robbing you for your delicate sensitivity.
The moans leaving you are nothing less than embarrassing, unrestrained and echoing throughout the four quadrants. Breathy and high-pitched and truly pathetic. You haven’t the mind to stop them, Konig seems to be fucking the very thoughts from your brain, because all you can focus on is him inside you, filling you up and massaging the spot that makes your muscles pinch and your moans cut short - and even that’s hard to wrap your mind around. Konig’s breathy, needy groans intertwine, both of you sounding nothing short of erotic.
Your white knuckles shake around his shoulders, gripping him as if the very act of letting go would stop the fireworks exploding in your core.
“I’m not going anywhere,” He reassures, his words strained and choppy.
You nod furiously, pinching your eyes shut, words warping with every thrust, “Don’t stop.”
“I won’t.”
His forehead presses to yours, your chests flush together.
Every sway of his hips forces a breath into a moan, your entire body forced to jolt against his jacket as you take the brunt of his power, your legs rebounding with each movement.
His sighs steadily turn to truly obscene, husky grunts that seem to intensify your own pleasure.
“Feels - so good,” Your praise comes out squeaky and spiked with each of his fervorous thrusts into your tight warmth.
“I can tell,” He says through a strained purrs, his words stitched with a deep, gritty hum, “You look sinful, mein sieger.”
He punctuates his statement with a particularly obscene grunt. The sound alone is enough to make your eyes flutter.
He’s fucking you with such instensity your vision is blurring, the world shaking once more as he crashes into the plush bottoms of your thighs at the perfect angle to keep himself from going deeper than you can handle.
His breaths are getting heavier, a sheen of sweat building on his skin.
The words begin to pour out of him, riding hefty breaths as his eyes roll.
“Ich liebe dich, Ich liebe dich,” He whispers over and over.
“Ffh-” Every one of his muscles contract, his eyes pinching closed and mouth gaping. His pace slows, uneven, sloppy thrusts into you. Choppy breaths cut themselves off just to be followed by another. He stays buried inside you, his entire body twitching in the aftermath of his pleasure. You can feel him pulsing with each beat of his heart.
His hold wobbles, nearly collapsing on you before he catches himself with weak arms.
He buries his flushed face into your neck, his words made of solely breath, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I couldn’t-”
“Sh,” You coo into his ear, tracing the pads on your fingers lightly down the curve of his back, glistened with sweat, “It’s okay.”
Your hand glides up to the back of his neck, letting your fingernails soothingly massage the back of his head.
He lets out a heavy exhale, his chest heaving against yours as he catches his breath.
“I love you.”
Your fingers stop playing with his hair for just a moment before you continue your gentle scratches. You nod, mouth dry, both at the confession and having all of the moisture in your body drained from you.
“I love you too.”
He gives you that small laugh of relief again, pulling away from your neck to plant a sloppy kiss on your lips. You can feel him smiling into the kiss that you contently hum into.
He winces as he pulls out of you, a few twitches of oversensitivity.
He can’t seem to hold himself up anymore, leaving his position between your legs to roll over next to you on the grass.
You’re both sweaty and warm, leaving a few inches between your flushed bodies as you wind down. Only your shoulders touch as you both catch your breath.
He brings a hand to his head and lets out a light laugh.
You find his eyes, nestling into the hood of his jacket as he rests his cheek in the grass.
“That was amazing,” He says, a sparkle in his eyes as his face flits around your features in disbelief, “I’ve never-“
He cuts himself off with another laugh and presses his lips to yours in a lingering, closed-mouth kiss.
He pulls away with an obnoxious smack, giggling to himself.
His hand finds this side of his head again, chest heaving with each heavy breath as he looks to the sky that splits in four with stars in his eyes.
You nuzzle your cheek on the hood of his jacket, watching his muscles ribcage billow as he catches his breath.
“You’re hot,” you say, without much thought and only a sliver of regret.
“Thank you,” He gives a soft laugh, “You too.”
You hum, briefly closing your eyes before you find him again. Watching him ride out his euphoric high, his eyes darting around the sky in disbelief as he smiles around his heavy pants.
“I meant it,” He says.
“I know.”
“I do love you,” he turns his head to meet your eyes, his fingers stroking the grass.
You know he’s not lying. He’s loved you from the start.
And haven’t you done the same? Desperately aching for the boy you thought was playing an act, but refusing to let yourself cave. Rejecting the idea that someone as kind, as gentle, as perfect as him would ever love you without an ulterior motive. He’s better than you, in every way. Not just physically, but as a person - Thoughtful, sweet, respectful, nice, supportive, agreeable. The kind of person you can’t help but fall in love with. The kind of person you can fall in love with without even realizing it, because loving him was as easy as breathing.
“I know,” you say with a nod, “I love you too.”
Once he’s cooled off, breath evened and muscles relaxed, gracefully easing from his high.
“Can I-“ He pauses with a huff, his tone lacking confidence, “Can I try to make you finish?”
“Oh, uh,” your eyes dart away as you think on it, “Sure.”
He gives a breathy laugh, springing forward to plant a kiss on your lips. He’s smiling through it, his afterglow practically radiating onto your skin.
He lingers after he pulls away with a smack, staring into your eyes. His eyes are swelled with awe, looking at you like you’re a goddess who had just descended from the heavens right in front of him. He grabs your jacket and spreads it out on the space under your legs before limbs sling to settle his chest flush with its fabric when he settles between your legs, his arms looping underneath your legs to hook around your thighs.
“Oh,” You say with an air of perky surprise. You weren’t expecting him to offer to go down on you.
“Oh,” he says, suddenly unsure of himself. His gaze flits his between you and your spread cunt, “Do you want me to?”
“No, no, I just wasn’t-,” you abandon your sentence.
“Are you sure?” You ask, as if worried you’re putting him out.
He nods eagerly with a raise of his brows.
You give a shrug and a single nod.
He starts with a long, drawn-out swipe with the flat of his tongue from the bottom of your slit to the top, shooting a shudder up your spine at once. He’s not shy in plunging his face into you, his nose brushing along you on his ascent. A slick mixture of your arousal and his finish coats his tongue as he ends on a flick. His eyes roll with a groan at your taste, immediately diving back in for seconds.
It becomes apparent very quickly that Konig devours pussy like its a gourmet Capitol dish.
The grip on the tops of your thighs harshens, not daring to let you squirm away from him before he’s satisfied. He’s moaning into your spread cunt, this flat of his tongue sloppily lapping up your arousal with long stripes.
The sight alone is enough to put a shake in your knees, your head falling back onto the hood of his jacket. Your hand finds his shoulders, the muscles underneath tensing and untensing as he greedily devours you.
When you find him again, he looks drunk off your taste, pussy-drunk pretty blue eyes lulling and cheeks flushed. He’s still groaning into you, each one a rousing vibration.
A breath twists as it leaves you, fingers tightening around him. His head is passionately rolling up and down, side to side, lapping up every inch of your cunt. He’s practically suffocating himself with you, his breaths quickening with each plunge. There’s little skill displayed, but he’s eating you out with more than enough fervor to make up for it.
He’s drawing pitiful squeaks and moans from you, his fingers further indenting your plush thighs as he keeps you from reflexively closing your legs on him. His grip is more than suggestive, forcefully keeping your legs spread for him.
The sound of his tongue savoring you is truly impure, his spit swirling with your drenched, cum-filled cunt, his finish dripping from you only to be gluttonously devoured. His stubble is tough against your sensitive skin, a jarring contrast to his smooth, slick tongue. He’s still moaning into you, each one echoing a vibration through you.
Your breaths are becoming uneven, choking on your own pleasure as your legs squirm and thighs in his hold. He’s staring at the way your core is contracting to his touch, breasts billowing and muscles tightening, but you’re not even sure if he can see what he’s looking at, those eyes so hazed and intoxicated off your taste.
You let out a whine, your head falling back into the grass in defeat. Fully succumb to his ravenous appetite.
The sparks of euphoria are building up in your lower core, forming an intoxicating star of pleasure threatening to collapse in on itself in glorious explosion. Your moans and squeaks are becoming more strained, eyes disappearing behind eyelids. You’re instinctively clenching your legs together, but Konig won’t let you, keeping you spread on the grass while he laps you up.
You shout his name when the star collapses, shooting in spectacular bursts of pleasure throughout your limbs, tightening every muscle in your body, fingers trembling and legs shaking under Konig’s tight hold. You’re practically seeing white, back arching off the ground as you spasm on his tongue.
When your voice returns, husky and raw, Konig’s still ravaging your cunt with his tongue. He’s eager, hands locked onto your thighs in restraint and not letting up in the slightest. Torturing you with the twitch of overstimulation.
You actually have to thread your fingers through his hair and peel him off you with significant force for him to stop.
When he pulls away, his jaw is slick with your arousal, his finish, and spit. His tongue still hangs out of his mouth as he pants into the air, eyes intoxicatingly crossed.
Small strained hums leave you at the bursts of aftershock in response to your pulsing clit.
When you release Konig, he rests his head on the top of your thigh, the coarse stubble pressed against you. His chest is rising and falling in steady, heavy breaths. He begins to shower your thighs in messy, wet kisses.
“You taste so good.”
You give a soft laugh, “Thank you.”
He hums into your thigh, nestling his cheek into you.
Your head sinks to the grass, basking in your high, body suddenly incredibly relaxed as you catch your breaths.
“That felt really good,” you whisper.
He smiles, you can feel the bunch of his cheek on the sensitive flesh of your thigh.
Your fingers reach down to thread into his hair again, soothingly massaging his scalp.
He hums again, giving your thigh a squeeze.
“I love you,” He mumbles.
You give a light laugh and give him a particularly quick stint of scratches, “I know. I love you too.”
You both lay like this for a while, resting your eyes as he cuddles up to your thigh, lightly massaging his hair.
“Better put our clothes on,” You say with a small grin, “Before they get mad.”
He gives something of a whine, and after another round of kisses, he moves to oblige.
He hands you your clothes and you both get dressed before he slides your jacket up the grass so he can lie at your side.
You both intertwine hands as you lay, basking in the blissful quiet as you descend from cloud nine.
It’s about twenty minutes later when you finally break the silence.
“You know I can’t let you do it, right?” You say, forehead wrinkling when your brows raise inquisitively.
His lips pull to the side.
“You know I can’t let you,” He says, that harsh voice soft and delicate.
You heave a heavy sigh, and look back to the sky with a squint, “Then we’re at a stalemate.”
He hums in agreement.
You meet his eyes again, the jacket swooshing into your ear when you tilt your head to face him.
“We could let them decide,” You offer.
“The gamemakers?” He asks.
“Yeah,” You say, “Just wait it out until it gets boring, and then - well, I don’t know. They’ll sick mutts on us, or, I don’t know. Spray us with a gas that makes us rage and go feral on each other, or something.”
He snorts, “Well don’t give them ideas.”
“Just a suggestion,” You shrug with a grin.
“I think I’d rather it be on my own terms,” He says.
“Suicide pact?” You ask, only half joking.
He hums low as he considers it, “We can’t.”
Your brow raises.
“The twenty-three,” he reminds you.
“The twenty-three,” you repeat, sucking on your teeth.
You let out a hefty exhale.
“Okay, Twenty-three. What’s to say they even want either of us to win? I have a feeling Eleven, One, and Titan would be alright seeing both of us die.”
“Yes,” He says, “But hate can’t be reasoned with.”
“Neither can love, apparently.”
“Ja,” He agrees through heavy breath.
You let out another sigh, as if all of these preparations for death are just really tuckering you out.
“I think that settles it then,” You say.
“I’m willing to bend on the twenty-three front and you’re not. You believe there must be a victor, right?”
It’s not funny, but you still find a smile creeping onto your face.
“So come on, dude, put those muscles where your mouth is.”
He laughs as you nudge his shoulder.
His smile fades, and he asks, “What was it for if neither of us go home?”
Your smile drops, features going stone cold for a moment. Your tone lowers octaves when you speak.
“You know what it was for.”
It’s the closest either of you dare to step to criticism of the Capitol. It’s draped in plausible deniability, but the hatred that points your tongue has a clear target.
There’s a pause before you pick it back up.
“It’ll be different, y’know,” You say.
“District Nine. You won’t have nothing anymore.”
His chest stills on a particularly heavy breath before he releases it.
“I don’t- I don’t want people to like me just because I won the games. It’s all- it’ll all be fake.”
He’s having trouble putting it into words, but you know what he means. That after years of being treated like an outcast, like you're worth nothing - the sudden praise, adoration, riches - will all be incredibly hollow. He doesn’t want love for being fit and strong and for surviving this nightmare.
For killing.
He wants love because of who he is, not for the heinous things he’s done.
Isn’t the same true for you?
If you go home, only the relationships you already have standing will ever truly be authentic. Every connection you’d make for the rest of your life would be for the wrong reasons.
“I won’t go home unless I can take you with me,” He says.
You sigh again.
“Stalemate,” You say, almost wistfully.
He hums, and there’s a drawn-out pause as you watch his fingers soothingly stroke the grass.
He meets your eyes, and you ask him a question you already know the answer to.
“Do you really love me?”
“Of course.”
“Then you need to do this for me. I can’t - I don’t want it, Konig,” You stare deeply into those blue eyes and shake your head, “If you really love me, you’ll let me go.”
Konig swallows, and he has to look away. His eyes dart around the four contrasting skies.
He can’t bring himself to speak, you can practically see the aching lump in his throat.
Tears begin to spring at your eyeline. Your voice is just a choppy whisper.
“You can come with me, if you want. But I can’t leave this arena, Konig. I’m sorry.”
He swallows, his eyes darting around.
He gives a slow, solemn nod.
“Thank you,” You say, more breath than voice.
He nods again, his lips pressing together and rolling between his teeth as he bites back any tears that threaten to spill.
You give his hand a squeeze, and he returns the gesture.
You lay for a while, watching the perfect white clouds in the spring quadrant billow overhead in a peaceful, yet sorrowful silence.
As the sun begins to set behind the desert, you turn your head to him.
“Guess we should, uh,” Your eyes briefly dart away, “Get it over with.”
He lets out a long, slow breath.
“Are you sure?” He asks.
You nod, “Yeah. Better do it now before me and my fearsome biceps chicken out.”
He gives you a sad smile that quickly fades.
“It’ll be easier,” you say, voice cracking from a dry mouth, “In the sunlight.”
You know how it is at night. The world draped in its eerie sadness. The time of day where the hard thoughts and feelings slink from the darkness and suffocate you with their ruthlessness.
Sunset, you want to die at sunset.
“Hey, uhm,” You trail off for a moment before picking your sentence back up, “I wanted to repay you, for the uh, token.”
You clear your throat as you watch his brows lower.
“Uhm, since I won’t be - well, y’know. I thought I’d uh, give you something. To remember me by.”
He blinks a few times, and when he doesn’t speak you add, “If you want it.”
He nods quickly, staring at you expectantly.
You fidget with your ribbon bracelet, swirling it around your wrist before you untie the knot.
You smooth out the length of ribbon and hold an end in each hand.
He stares at the slack in the ribbon between your hold with even features, his eyes only slightly widened.
“It’s, uh, well it’s not much. But it means-“ You let out a two-note nervous laugh before meeting his eyes. A hand comes up to rub the back of your neck, “It means a lot to me.”
There’s a beat, him staring into your eyes before he gently takes the ribbon in his hands.
“Are you sure?” He asks, eyeing it like the priceless treasure you see it as.
He lets the textile slide through his fingers as he studies the intricate pattern. He holds it so gently in those big, strong hands.
“I’ll keep it safe,” He says, “Forever.”
It hits all at once, the sore lump in the back of your throat, the hiccup that leaves you, the tears that well in your eyeline.
It surprises even you, just how fast he ripped these emotions from you.
You let out a sob, a whine, your eyes pinching shut and thrusting tears from your water line.
“Hey, hey,” He says soothingly, moving to your side so he can wrap an arm around your shoulder, “It’s going to be okay, mein sieger.”
You sniff, and give a nod, but the tears don’t stop falling.
“Thank you,” You say, with an unnervingly high pitch. You hiccup, voice resetting to a low whisper, “For the best day.”
He sucks in a sharp inhale. There’s a shake in his fingers, and he opens his mouth, but all that comes out is a choke. His irises flit quickly around your face, tears welling in his eyes.
“Thank you for the best day,” He repeats, and a single tear crests his waterline, trailing slowly down his cheek and catching along the crease of his mouth.
You turn so that you’re facing each him, flinging yourself into his arms. He does not hesitate to wrap those strong arms around you in a tight embrace, letting you sob into his chest and stain his shirt with tears.
He holds you until you’re ready, keeping you steady in his embrace, light fingers tracing up and down your back.
You pull away with a deep inhale, and nod. Your lips fold and your eyes close, tears thrust from your water line.
The sun is halfway set.
“Okay,” You say with a sniff, still nodding, “Okay.”
He nods too, and you both look at each other. Soaking in each other’s red eyes and tear-stained cheeks.
An unsure look between two tributes who are just as unsure, just as lost, and just as afraid.
You let out a hefty breath, and stand to retrieve the knife, but unsteady legs fumble, and Konig steadies you by the waist and guides you back to the grass.
“No, no. It’s okay. Rest.”
You go to speak, but it comes out a choke, so you give a nod.
You lay back in the lush grass and close your eyes, moving more tears from your waterline, streaking down your temple as you thread your fingers over your waist.
He leans down and plants a long, soft, closed mouth kiss on your lips. His hand presses to the side of your face and carefully slides down the dip of your neck and lands on your shoulder. You breathe him in deeply, soaking in the sensation of his lips and his coarse stubble.
He pulls away, and while you don’t open your puffy eyes, you can feel him lingering overtop you. His shadow blocking out the light of sunset as he breathes you in, in your last moments alive.
You can hear the swish of his clothes as he rises slowly. He pauses when he’s stood, and you hear him make slow, unsteady steps to the fall quadrant.
There’s another long pause filled by the sound of the spring breeze.
Twisted into a question, he calls your name.
When you open your eyes, lifting up from the grass to find him.
You lock on to each other. His arms are extended, the knife in his clasped hands pointed to the ground in outstretched arms.
He gives you one last look, one last look that’s unsure.
You’re frozen, staring at him with parted lips and puffy, wide eyes.
“I love you,” He sucks in a broken breath, “And I’m sorry.”
His brows pinch in determination, his eyes screwed shut. His muscles relax with a long exhale. He turns his back to you, and you watch from behind as he lifts his arms.
“Konig - No!”
Your feet break into a run, but it’s too late. His shoulder blades pinch as his arms swing down.
He doubles over and his feet stumble on the grass. His empty hands fall to his side, and a cry leaves you, so broken and raw you don’t even register it as your own voice.
He crashes to his knees, lingering there for a moment before collapsing onto his side.
Your shins scrape across dirt, disrupting ginkgo petals as you slide to his side, nudging him until he’s flat on his back. Your first instinct is to pull the blade from the wound but you have the sense to stop yourself, your hands flailing in the space just inches above him, helpless and afraid to exacerbate the injury.
“Konig, no, no, no, what did you do?!”
Your words come out frantic as you look over the wound the knife is buried in, driven fully into his stomach and oozing deep red blood. It soaks into his clothes, down his sides, soaking the ginkgo leaves with a deep crimson.
“Oh, you idiot!”
Your head snaps to the sky, “Help him! Help him!”
He calls out your name, so soft and fragile you almost don’t hear it, “It’s okay.”
His weak hand manages to catch one of your shaking arms, and you still, letting his fingers slowly lace with yours.
“It’s okay,” He whispers again, his words broken with a guttural strain.
You choke on a sob, flicking around his features that slowly drain of color, tears spilling over and landing in droplets on his shirt.
“How could you do this?! How could you?!” You ask in a tone that’s not fit for use for a man on death’s doorstep, “We had a deal!”
“It’s yours.”
It takes all of his strength to muster up the power to speak, to give your hand a faint squeeze, and when you think of all the times he’s had to tone his strength down to hold you it makes you let out another broken sob.
“It was always for you, mein seiger.”
He stares into you with his final breaths, his expression forces a choked noise in the back of your throat.
“No!” You object, but his blood doesn’t stop creeping up his clothes and pooling onto yours.
“I love you,” He says, so quiet, his chapped, ghostly lips barely moving, “Always have. Since that day.”
A sharp inhale gets caught on the lump in your throat, choking on a squeak.
Your tears are spilling relentlessly now, his pale, ghastly face blurry through tears. You hold onto his hand so tight, as if you were the very thing keeping his heart beating.
“I love you too, Konig,” You lay your other hand gently on his twitching chest and give an impossible plead, “Don’t leave me.”
“It’s okay,” He says with another squeeze and the faintest nod, “We’ll be okay.”
As the life drains steadily from his eyes, he gives you one final look.
One final look that’s sure.
Once final look that’s found.
And it hits you.
You know how you can save him.
The Capitol can put any tribute back together, no matter how close to death they are.
But they’ll only do it if you are their victor.
The last one alive.
Without a moment of hesitation, you yank the blade from Konig’s wound with your free hand, your other still intertwined with his. You pinch your entire face and your heart twists at the moan that leaves him - even his cries of unimaginable pain are weak and muted.
When you open your swollen eyes, you can see the horrified look on his face. You’re not sure if it’s because you just hurt him, or because he knows what you’re about to do.
He is powerless to stop you, no longer strong enough to get the final say.
You can only hope that your heart stops beating first.
We’ll see who wakes up tomorrow, Konig.
As soon as you see his wound through his shredded shirt, now oozing blood twice as fast, you grit your teeth and drive the blade through your chest with a grunt. The tip catches on bone before sliding through a gap in your ribcage, stopping only when the handle is flush with your skin and the blade has skewered straight through your heart.
Immediately every muscle in your body contracts painfully, your hand squeezing Konig’s with a shaking, deathly grip. A harrowing, guttural groan escapes from the back of your throat and out of a slack jaw.
In the last few moments before your heart peters out, you share one final stare with Konig. His eyes are almost entirely drained of life, but there is still no mistaking the fleck of betrayal, of horror that could easily be overlooked by the untrained eye.
You lose his gaze as you collapse to the grass next to him, no longer able to support yourself. Wheezing gasps for breath leave your gaped lips as you crush Konig’s feeble hands.
Your vision is fading away, splotches of gray exploding like stars in front of your eyes as you’re dragged away from your body. You can’t fight the instinct to scratch and claw your way back to his side, but it is futile.
The world slips through your fingers as Konig’s hand goes limp in your hold.
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Really really struggling to decide if I should leave this as is or not. bc damn do i love the dramatic ending but you know dads ooey gooey and wants to do a happy ending too :’) maybe a bonus alternate ending chappy? opinions? thoughts?
Okay Happy Ending Deluxe Extended Remix already in progress. I had to take so many cry breaks writing this chapter and the only way I could survive it was writing a happy ending 😭 i know I said before it was an alternate ending but i LIEDDDD it’s another chapter. i swear it’s not an afterthought it blends with story very well so far and it already has a special place in my heart. We’ll get the full games (including konig’s POV), figure out what’s going on with district 8’s tributes, and tie things up nicely with Ruby and Price. Dad’s got you. <3 <3
Keep an eye out for THE AFTERMATH coming soon to a blog near you!
memes to make you feel better :(
Bonus TGWCM content (drabbles, fun facts, memes and more!)
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If you made it this far - thank you from the bottom of my heart. I hope I was able to provide an enjoyable read so far! Thank you for all your nice words so far. You have no idea what your words do for Dad. Love you <3
Special Thank You to @melancholic-thing for always leaving lovely encouraging comments on my silly stories. Your support and feedback means the world to me and motivates me to keep writing <3 <3 You should absolutely check out her Konig fics if you haven’t she’s a very talented writer and her works are truly beautiful. OBSESSED with her interpretations of Konig. *chef kiss*
More by uhohdad:
➤ Meine Perle (Octo!Konig x Reader)
➤ His (Stalker!Konig x Reader)
➤ Experimental (Scientist!Reader x Test Subject!Konig)
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