c0conuh · 4 months
New Growth
Are you going through change? Big or small, that fear of the unknown is very real and 100% valid
When you’re in the garden checking on your seedlings, you may notice some sproutlings starting to bud some new leaves, maybe even some new flowers bloom. But they’ve overgrown their pot. You wouldn’t gaslight them into staying in their former home. You wouldn’t tell them things are better that way and it’s what they deserve. Instead, you buy a nice beautiful new home to continue their growth journey. You’re happy and hopeful the next time you check in, they’ll make even more progress.
What I’m trying to say is, we are all seedlings. In the right environment, we start to grow. Change surrounds us and the unknown seems scary. Don’t limit yourself or hid behind old habits or maybe even reread some chapters in your story because it feels “comfortable” when in reality it’s painful. It will drain you and in return, your progress will shrivel up like dead leaves. Continue to nurture yourself and in return, positive change will flourish. Embrace it with open arms because it’ll do more harm than good to sit in an old pot
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•aahh, I’m backk! Sorry for the hiatus. Funny enough, a lot of change has been going on in my own life. Left home. Cried like a baby about it for the first week or so but it feels so freeing to let go of fear and explore what’s to come. I love you, take care of yourself <3
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c0conuh · 9 months
2024 Get-It-Together Guide
Hey all, Happy New Years! As I’m reflecting on my own year, why don’t we challenge ourselves. Here’s the 2024 GITG
•Daily checkin. Periodically check in throughout the day, allowing yourself to breathe and debriefing at night
•Listening to yourself. Drop the drama in your life! Is your job stressing you out? DROP IT. Is someone toxic? DROP IT. Money and relationships come and goe but your mental health is and always will be your #1 priority
•Create a structure in your everyday life and stick to it. I personally feel like my life is chaotic, really structuring out time for resolutions and goals can help us achieve them
•Shut down negative thoughts. I should practice what I preach but truly, be kinder to yourself. Give yourself the benefit of the doubt for once, treat yourself, be on your own team
•Do things your future self will thank you for. Don’t feel like washing your face? Your future self will feel more refreshed if you do! Unmotivated to eat? Your future self could enjoy a nice home cooked (or takeout) meal if you let them!
• Live more. Life is too short and it’s never guaranteed. Don’t live in fear or live for others opinions. You want to look back at your life and be satisfied you put yourself out there and made amazing memories doing it
I love you, you can do itt! -Coco
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c0conuh · 10 months
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c0conuh · 11 months
Hii, just wanted to remind you to let go and trust.
What’s meant to be will be. If it’s not meant to be, the universe is preparing you for a better outcome than what you hoped for 🤍
This post found you, it’s your message love
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c0conuh · 2 years
Stay grounded with reality and feed your soul daily
Trees can only survive with roots..otherwise it cannot be nourished
-Coco <3
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c0conuh · 2 years
You will be happy.
It might not be now, or soon, but you will be happy. at some point. eventually.
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c0conuh · 2 years
Hii I’m back. This message was sent to you and no it’s not a coincidence
You are blessed..beyond blessed. And if you can’t see it now, just know that amazing things are coming your way. You have to push through, use your healthy coping skills and stay positive. You are on the right path. You are on the right path even if it doesn’t feel like it. Your hard work is not going unnoticed, you will be reaching your goals sooner than you expected!!
I believe it youuuuuu
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c0conuh · 2 years
A tree has roots in the soil yet reaches to the sky
It tells us that in order to aspire, we need to be grounded and that no matter how high we go it is from our roots that we draw sustenance.
-Wangari Maathai
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c0conuh · 2 years
Good morning <3 I’m glad this message found you
To whoever is reading this: protect your peace
Guard your peace at all times. At the end of the day, others are going to try to get under your skin and be the thief of your joy solely because they are unhappy with their life..but you have the power to stop them. Regardless of what’s said or done, your peace needs to be your priority
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c0conuh · 2 years
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c0conuh · 2 years
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photos by NASA JSWT Telescope
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c0conuh · 2 years
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c0conuh · 2 years
This message found you for a reason
If you’re struggling with an ED or body image issues, please remember
• Your body type and shape was made for you. There was no mistakes. It suits you perfectly
•Numbers in a scale don’t define your worth or attractiveness. You are beyond the numbers and you have substance to your character
•When you tear yourself down, you’re also tearing down your inner child..think about the things you say about yourself, would you tell that to a child? No. So why be so harsh on yourself
•I’ve said this before, if the world is trying to pull you down, why are you pulling yourself down with them? You’re suppose to be on your team
•Do things that your future self will thank you for, take care of yourself please <3
I’ve been off this app due to my ED. It’s been hitting me hard lately and old habits are trying to resurface. You aren’t alone. Don’t fall into the trap of body dysmorphia or hurt yourself. I love you <3 and if anyone needs someone to talk to, my messages are open
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c0conuh · 2 years
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c0conuh · 2 years
“Promise me not to hide yourself when you’re in pain, it’s unfair that we laughed together but you cried alone”
— Unknown
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c0conuh · 2 years
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This post found you for a reason <3 ily and I’m proud of you
(Photo credit: wetheurban on ig)
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c0conuh · 2 years
Remember that you make the bed you lay in
If you wake up and automatically think it’ll be a bad day, you’re manifesting it >:(
Go with the flow of life and protect your peace <3
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