cassius-mortemer · 4 years
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Finally, he reached the Surface after all this time. He felt the sizzling touch of the Sun on his cheeks… 
The Honey-Addled Author shook his head. No, that doesn’t sound right. Does it? He couldn’t tell anymore. He crumpled up the page and tossed it onto the ever-growing pile of failure. His failure. He needed inspiration.
He looked up from his cosy little perch on the roof of his home, looked up at the false-stars glimmering high above him. What did sunlight feel like, again?
   “Maybe just a drop…?” he whispered to himself. It’s a terrible idea. He knew it was. But perhaps...
   The Honey-Addled Author’s home was in a state of finely-tailored disuse. He could barely even afford food these days, let alone cleaning staff. He hasn’t sold a book in ages. Had his people forgotten him already? Are his Bohemian friends enjoying honey in Veilgarden without him, not sparing him a single thought? He wanted to join them in their revels. Who’s to stop him?
   “Sorry, M’Lord. Just doin’ what I’m told,” the Burly Guardswoman blocking the entrance said. Since when were there guards in the honey-dens?    “You don’t understand, I’ve been coming here for a very long time,” he tried.     “I don’t make the rules. And you bein’ here is against one of ‘em,” The Author felt his cheeks heat up in anger. He could almost hear his friends giggling at him inside. He stormed off before the guard decided to forcibly see him out.     Not allowed in honey-dens! The outrage! Was he caught honey-mazed the last time he was there? Did he do something even the Bohemians couldn’t tolerate? They didn’t tell him what he did. What a complete load of-!
(Important Notes below cut)
Notes of reference:
This is a fanfiction for Fallen London, a free choice-of-words browser game set in an underground Lovecraftian/Victorian England. 10000000% recommended.
Honey-Addled - in FL, there’s a honey that can transport you into dreams.You can generally access this honey in Honey Dens, in a district called Veilgarden. It is, however, addictive and folks who indulge too much may become honey-addled. Other similar issues include being honey-mazed: your body comes back, but your mind does not. Temporarily.
False-stars - This London is underground. The.. ‘cave’ it’s in has sparkling jewels on the ceiling, making them look like stars. Lots folks down here can no longer remember sunlight, assuming they came to FL after the Fall.
Disclaimer: Although I edited the image, the art is not mine. It belongs to Fallen London. The writing, however, is mine.
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cassius-mortemer · 4 years
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Ahhhhhh, I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry! >.<
I meant to post all those stuff months ago! But work got in the way, and holidays and to be real honest with you my brain just said “nah”. That being said, I’m here now, and I’ll try (try) to keep up with a schedule if my network allows it. 
That being said, look! I have a new look!  And my long absence wasn’t fruitless! I’ve been writing~  A fanfiction. A Fallen London* fanfic about a devil and a writer. I recommend playing the game for context, but I suppose it’s not entirely necessary. I think. I’ll add notes under a cut. Yes! I will be posting the fic here, bit by bit in 500 word snippets. In due time.
My other news is that I’ll attempt to post what I promised to post... some time ago. Sorta. I have no idea, honestly. I’ll try my best!
*Fallen London is a choice-based browser game that’s absolutely *stunning*. You like Lovecraftian horrors set in a ah... altered version of Victorian England? Fallen London is just for you! They also have their own tumblr @failbettergames​
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cassius-mortemer · 5 years
WIP Intro: Misty Bridge
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Plot Summary
Detective Donnie Theino has been transferred to another town to “broaden his horizons”. He’s a good detective. Only problem is that he’s too reckless to keep him around for very long. But then… While on his drive to his new life, a fog starts to settle. Next thing he knew,  he was in a strange town that didn’t quite seem to believe in common sense. It’s like everything was one big game...
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Genre: Mystery Thriller, Psychological, Supernatural
Demographic: New Adult (LGBT+ friendly)
POV: Third person (limited)
Status: First draft (pantsing)
Tropes: Hard-Boiled Detective in a strange new world, This place is weird but everyone is so normal about it
Tags below cut (if you’d like to be added or removed, let me know):
@rose-of-sharon-cass​​ @thewriteblrarchives​​ @musicofglassandwords​​ @nicolaharlot​​ @caoiffee​ @adayforducks​​ @ajbrooks-writes​​ @orphicodysseywrites​ @lordkingsmith​ @nadiasnarrative​​ @nsanelyawkward​ @carmenwritesmore-blog​ @kajsawritingandrpg​ @sunlight-and-starskies​ @ofinkblotsandscript​ @letswritefuriously​ @danger-writes​ @wineandpensareallineed​
Newbs: @notquitenovelist​ @lexwritesgayshit​ @ass-sass-sin-o​
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cassius-mortemer · 5 years
WIP Intro: 13 Witches
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Plot Summary
The Kouseki brothers, three prodigies in witchcraft, gather 10 other withes under the guise of a school club. The goal? Getting to the underground ruins of TerraYokai, home to a dangerous race of witches that aren’t supposed to exist… But then… TerraYokai is nothing they anticipated. Witches are getting hurt and they’re running out of excuses. The teachers are getting suspicious, and at this point? So are their fellow witches…
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Genre: Fantasy, Adventure
Demographic: Young Adult (LGBT+ friendly)
POV: Mixed POV
Status: First draft (pantsing)
Tropes: Teens Uncovering the truth
Tags below cut (if you’d like to be added or removed, let me know):
@rose-of-sharon-cass​​ @thewriteblrarchives​​ @musicofglassandwords​​ @nicolaharlot​​ @caoiffee​ @adayforducks​​ @ajbrooks-writes​​ @orphicodysseywrites​ @lordkingsmith​ @nadiasnarrative​​ @nsanelyawkward​ @carmenwritesmore-blog​ @kajsawritingandrpg​ @sunlight-and-starskies​ @ofinkblotsandscript​ @letswritefuriously​ @danger-writes​ @wineandpensareallineed​
Newbs: @notquitenovelist​ @lexwritesgayshit​ @ass-sass-sin-o​
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cassius-mortemer · 5 years
Edit 07-11-2019: Added Mirror World Intro
WIP Masterlist!
Hey guys! Here’s the master-list to navigate my blog!
Announcements Page
From this post forward, I’ll be tagging my announcements HERE
Side Blog
I have a side blog for signal boosts, writer advice, and some funky fandom stuff. And other random stuff. You can follow it over HERE
A Curse Written in Cards
Character Intros: Fennec Nazari  Samuel Blackwood Caelan McConnell
Tag: CWIC *Note: I posted a lot of snippets and quotes from CWIC but my tags are kinda messy at the moment. You’ll find everything under the CWIC tag/page but there isn’t musch order. I’ll fix this!
Character Intros: Neva Sognatore Aiko Akitsuki Yuki Kanakou Daisuke Takahashi Aiko Yamamori Ryuu Amaki
Tag: [NEVA] *Note: This project is mostly on hold, so what you see here is pretty much what you’ll get
Short story prompt Tags: IOTA
New WIP announcement @11-06-2019
Mirror World (intro)
My Taglist (under the cut) As always, if you’d like to be added/removed, you’re welcome to lemme know! 
Keep reading
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cassius-mortemer · 5 years
WIP Intro: Mirror World
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Plot Summary
The world is divided in two, mirrored in reflections. The two sides are independent from each other, living their own lives in semi-replication. They can see each other, but not interact with each other. But then… The reflections stopped. They started copying each other like normal. This wasn’t supposed to happen. Everyone goes into panic. No one is acting normal…Except for Roman Sonder and Kristen “Kris” Met.
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Genre: Disaster Thriller, Supernatural, Dark
Demographic: New Adult (LGBT+ friendly)
POV: First person
Status: First draft (pantsing)
Tropes: Unwilling duo forced to go on an adventure together; Colourful Character vs Dark Character
Tags below cut (if you’d like to be added or removed, let me know):
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cassius-mortemer · 5 years
New WIPs
Yes! I’m at it again! Starting new WIPs without finishing the others!
Anyway, here’s how it’ll go:
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NEVA is on hold for the time being I honestly have no idea when I’ll continue it again. I got stuck in a hole and I’ll probably rewrite it again... sometime in the future. But don’t worry! Neva and the gang aren’t lost! Just... er.... hiding
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NEW WIP #1: Misty Bridge Yooooo, so I’ve got something spoopy for you guys! I’ll post a summary (and an excerpt or too) soon, and link it to this post, as well as my WIP masterlist.  Just know: It’s like a point-and-click mystery thriller game turned into a novel. Complete with breaking the 4th wall, Lovecraftian twists, and making it almost comically game-like.
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NEW WIP #2: Mirror World Along with Misty Bridge, I also recently started another one of my favourites. This too will get a WIP summary, as well as some character introductions.  Like Misty Bridge, it’s also a thriller, but a bit more on the urban fantasy/sci-fi side. 
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NEW WIP #3: 13 Witches This one technically isn’t new, but will still get an intro. Many of you may have seen the post (it’s... uh... missing now) where I asked you guys to vote for the book I’d write after finishing A Curse Written in Cards. The options being 13 Witches and NEVA. As such, now that NEVA is going on hold, I started 13 Witches as well. Note: started. I din’t get much further.
That’s about it, ladies, gents and gentlefolk of tumblr! Stay tuned for some funky WIP intros!
Tag list under the cut  (If you’d like to be added or removed, let me know):
@rose-of-sharon-cass @thewriteblrarchives  @musicofglassandwords @nicolaharlot @caoiffee @adayforducks @ajbrooks-writes @orphicodysseywrites @lordkingsmith @nadiasnarrative  @nsanelyawkward  @carmenwritesmore-blog  @kajsawritingandrpg  @sunlight-and-starskies  @ofinkblotsandscript  @letswritefuriously  @danger-writes  @wineandpensareallineed
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cassius-mortemer · 5 years
Are you participating in nano?
Sadly, I'm not participating in NaNo this year. Things happened, and Nano... Wasn't one of them. I am cheering on whoever participates, though!
Thanks for asking~
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cassius-mortemer · 5 years
What is your favourite thing to write in your story?
You know, I usually enjoy writing overall. But I think my favourite parts are when I'm setting the board, writing a mystery puzzle. Whether it's using your wits to escape a trap or solving a murder, I love writing the thinking process of the character.
Fighting scenes are also pretty fun~~
(PS Thank you for the ask!!)
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cassius-mortemer · 5 years
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This is absolutely not writeblr related, but it's important!
Happy Ace Awareness week to all my fellow aces!
(Aaaand a very happy Ace awareness to all my Ace characters 💜🖤♡ I'm looking at you, Amaki)
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cassius-mortemer · 5 years
Hello beautiful person! (✿◠‿◠) Once you get this you must share five random facts about yourself then pass this on to your 10 favorite followers
*draMATIC GASP* 0o0
Talk about meeeeee?
Okay okay
I'm an asexual transgender boy! ♂
I wrote my first novel when I was 14 but some of my first stories came around the time I was.... About 10, I think. I was a dreamer child.
I'm a weeb (まじ で?!)
I can be shy or I can be hopelessly brave. No in between. No I don't need alcohol for that.
I'm a witch ★
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cassius-mortemer · 5 years
WIP Masterlist!
Hey guys! Here’s the master-list to navigate my blog!
Announcements Page
From this post forward, I’ll be tagging my announcements HERE
Side Blog
I have a side blog for signal boosts, writer advice, and some funky fandom stuff. And other random stuff. You can follow it over HERE
A Curse Written in Cards
Character Intros: Fennec Nazari  Samuel Blackwood Caelan McConnell
Tag: CWIC *Note: I posted a lot of snippets and quotes from CWIC but my tags are kinda messy at the moment. You’ll find everything under the CWIC tag/page but there isn’t musch order. I’ll fix this!
Character Intros: Neva Sognatore Aiko Akitsuki Yuki Kanakou Daisuke Takahashi Aiko Yamamori Ryuu Amaki
Tag: [NEVA] *Note: This project is mostly on hold, so what you see here is pretty much what you’ll get
Short story prompt Tags: IOTA
New WIP announcement @11-06-2019
Mirror World (intro)
My Taglist (under the cut) As always, if you’d like to be added/removed, you’re welcome to lemme know! 
@rose-of-sharon-cass​ @thewriteblrarchives​ @musicofglassandwords​ @nicolaharlot​ @caoiffee @adayforducks​ @ajbrooks-writes​ @orphicodysseywrites @lordkingsmith @nadiasnarrative​ @nsanelyawkward @carmenwritesmore-blog @kajsawritingandrpg @sunlight-and-starskies @ofinkblotsandscript @letswritefuriously @danger-writes @wineandpensareallineed
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cassius-mortemer · 5 years
Short Story Prompt
Prompt: [Every day at the station, you see someone you’re attracted to, How would you go about getting yourself noticed] 
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(Full story below cut)
Iota is a mute. 
On his few days outside his home, he likes to ride the only working train around the dying city. Sometimes he finds new plants at the next stops, sometimes stories…
But almost always, he finds him.
Iota has never minded his mutism too much. He didn’t have a whole lot of people in his life to communicate with. His plants seemed pretty content with smiles and the occasional song on the radio. That probably won’t be enough for Him. 
Iota pretended not to notice his lazy pacing along the platform. Pretended not to notice the sunlight on dusty black curls. Pretended that he didn’t want to be noticed ‘He’s probably a stray, like I am,’ he pretended not to think. 
He tried to divert his own attention. He focussed on the first song that sprung up in his head. He tapped his foot to the imaginary drums, tapped his fingers on his thigh to the imaginary melody, nodded his head ever so slightly to the imaginary rhythm.  The name of the song was long forgotten, long lost. He closed his eyes and smiled nonetheless. 
He went on like this until a shadow suddenly blocked the sun warming his cheeks. He opens his eyes, seeing large green eyes between strands of thick black curls. Iota sprang back - inhaling sharply. Then he kept walking. Iota was a mere passing thought to him. Two ships passing in the night. Except, one ship didn’t want to pass on to his usual route. But he pretended not to think that. Iota huffs and makes a point of looking away. The song was long gone from his mind. 
So he continued to wait. The train was awfully late today. 
He kept walking along the platform, Iota noticed. 
He noticed and he was mildly annoyed because of that. He watched him, frowning like an introvert would frown at a particularly noisy fellow on the bus. Iota heard the distant squeak of metal grinding on metal, and saw the train trundling over in the distance. Iota sighed in relief. 'He’ stopped his pacing. Iota idly wondered if 'he’ had a name. He’ll just call him Fellow for now. 
The train squealed to a halt. Iota got on. Fellow joined him shortly after. Iota kept standing, despite all the vacant seats. He liked standing. And the seats weren’t comfortable. Fellow didn’t seem to mind the seats. He sat at the very end of the train car. Iota pursed his lips. The silence felt very awkward for some reason. 
He looked at Fellow. He looked at his face, slightly reddened from the warm mid-morning sun. His lips were darker than what you’d expect, his lashes thicker than what Iota thought would be normal. He couldn’t really see him that well from here. He just knew by now. Fellow looked back and Iota pretended to be fascinated by the dirt underneath his fingernails. It’s an old ritual. An old, boring ritual.
Iota took a step towards Fellow while he wasn’t looking. He didn’t seem to notice. Iota stepped closer again, but Fellow was looking out the window now. Staring at the mostly brown hills and mostly charred buildings. His usually curious eyes were saddened now. Iota found himself swallowing his nerves. A kindred spirit. 
Iota ended up standing next to the seats opposite to Fellow. He didn’t notice. Iota wanted to speak for the first time in years. Felt his throat tightening at the idea.'You like Jazz?’ he wanted to ask. Iota frowned. No, that’s a horrible question. He wasn’t even sure what counted as jazz anymore. He knew it sounded like a coffee shop, but his coffee mornings sounded too sunny for that. No, that doesn’t make sense. 
Fellow was looking at him now. Iota flinched and lost his balance. Fellow smiled as Iota waves his arms about before his bottom landed on the seat behind him. Goodness, this train was hot today. Iota smiled awkwardly and shrugged. Fellow’s smile turned to a very soft chuckle. A deep, clear one. Not chocolatey, but just as smooth. Fellow gazed out the window again. 
Another odd silence passed. Well, as silent as it could get in a creaky old electric train. Iota found himself fumbling and fiddling with anything that his fingers could grasp at. Sleeves, pockets, the other hand… Iota felt his cheeks redden. Fellow must think he’s an idiot now. 
Iota looked up. Fellow was still not looking at him. Iota gets up and starts wandering about in the space. There’s always something lying about. Like… this rolled up newspaper! It’s probably weeks old, but that’s okay. And there! An empty glass bottle. And under here is a shoe! Alright, that one is rather gross. But Iota finds many other things. Interesting things. Things to entertain himself (and Fellow, but he pretended not to think that) and to use later at home. He collected all sorts of little things and stacked them on the seat where his behind had an awkward encounter just before. Fellow glanced at him occasionally. Soon, Iota was checking other train cars. Slightly less soon, he found items on his seat that he didn’t put there. Fellow grinned every time Iota hesitated. 
Once Iota was satisfied with his collection of things, he started sorting them. Why not? It helps occupy his mind. He tried making little towers with his things. Stacking the sturdiest things on top of each other. The things that won’t topple easily in the rattling train. His second tower started getting pretty tall when the train dragged to a halt at its next stop. That toppled them both. Fellow chuckled again, and was nice enough to help Iota gather everything again. 
The train trudged off again. Neither of them got off. Fellow smiles at Iota as he hands him back the last bundle of faded newspaper.
“I’m Delta,” he says finally. Iota stiffens up. 'I’m Iota,’ he wanted to say. He stared, instead. Delta chuckled and made an upwards triangle with his fingers.
“See? Delta.”
Iota hesitates again, but then he holds up his index finger.
'I’m Iota,’ he thought. Delta smiled at him. He knew.
Word count: 1049
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cassius-mortemer · 5 years
[NEVA] Character Introduction
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Whaaaat? There’s another one?
First Name: Aiko (little love)         Age: 21
Last Name: Akitsuki                     Birth date: 28 September 2058
Birth place: Kyoto, Japan            
Gender: Cisfemale                          Height: 1.64m
Sexuality: pansexual (aro)        
 Aki-chan is a fangirl and Amaki’s best friend. She’s disabled - she lost her legs from the upper thighs - and has bionic legs. She sucks at taking care of them. Aki is a klutz, constantly tripping and denting her shiny new legs, which makes them.. slightly less useful. 
  Aki started out as a hunter for Youhei Co. She discovered her love for programming and hacking while recovering from the accident that cost her her legs, and from then on became the Analyst of the company. She didn’t mind. She gets to watch anime in her free time.
  Aki is a natural hacker. She can hack into anything! Except difficult things. Or important things. Or under pressure... But she’s a great hacker! She gets into most databases, eventually. I’m not being paid enough for this level of optimism.
  Aki’s Note: Aki is a fun and  great person to have on the team and they’ll all die without her. THAT’s how you sell it
Aki’s Note #2: Very funny, Takahashi
Tag list:
@rose-of-sharon-cass | @thewriteblrarchives @musicofglassandwords | @nicolaharlot | @caoiffee | @adayforducks | @ajbrooks-writes  | @orphicodysseywrites | @lordkingsmith | @nadiasnarrative | @nsanelyawkward | @carmenwritesmore-blog | @kajsawritingandrpg | @sunlight-and-starskies | @ofinkblotsandscript | @letswritefuriously | @danger-writes
If you’d like to be added/removed, just let me know~
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cassius-mortemer · 5 years
Hello! You don't have to respond to this, but I noticed something about your most recent character introduction that kind of sounds...weird. "Non-binaries" isn't generally considered a polite way to refer to nonbinary people as a group, kind of like how "transgenders" is frowned upon. And most nonbinary people also do not like being called "it" because it's usually considered dehumanizing unless someone reclaims the word.
Really? I'm transgender myself, and I've never thought about it that way ^^"" Thanks for pointing it out though.
I've heard about some non-binary people preferring "it" over "they", that's why I added that as an option, but I will note this for future reference ^^
Kanakou, in this case, is Japanese, and used to being called "anokata", a gender neutral pronoun that's used instead of gender-specifics. It translates to "that person", though and that just sounds weird in English. Hence why it annoys him! XD
That being said, thank you for telling me this~ Better to know now than accidentally offend someone
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cassius-mortemer · 5 years
[NEVA] Character Introduction
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Following the Leader!
First Name: Yuki (happiness)       Age: 29
Last Name: Kanakou                    Birth date: 6 March 2049
Birth place: Kyoto, Japan            
Gender: Non-binary                      Height: 1.781m
Sexuality: ace (and aro)               Favourite Weapon: Firearms (esp pistols)
   Kanakou is in many aspects, an absolute cat. He tends to be sneaky, cheery, loving, and 65% of the time, a moody little bastard.  He is the leader and founder of Youhei co., a small, independent law-enforcement mercenary company that gained its fame in only five years.
   Kanakou is a protective person who forgives easily, but tends to overreact to pet peeves and minor annoyances. Like the English language and its annoying use of pronouns. Kanakou, unlike most non-binary people, doesn’t like being called “they” (or “it”, in certain cases). It sounds weird when it’s not in Japanese. He/she is preferred. (Don’t call him “Kacchan”.)
    Kanakou has an impressive aim and power of will. He rarely misses a target and hesitates even less so. Part of why the others agreed he should be leader. Having the money to start a company isn’t good enough excuse to lead it anymore, you know.
   Despite his skills, he tends to wander off alone with his thoughts, and doesn’t always join on missions. He’s distant and that makes it difficult for him to bond with anyone on a personal level. 
Tag list:
@rose-of-sharon-cass | @thewriteblrarchives @musicofglassandwords | @nicolaharlot | @caoiffee | @adayforducks | @ajbrooks-writes  | @orphicodysseywrites | @lordkingsmith | @nadiasnarrative | @nsanelyawkward| @carmenwrites | @kajsawritingandrpg | @sunlight-and-starskies | @ofinkblotsandscript | @letswritefuriously
If you’d like to be added/removed, just let me know~
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cassius-mortemer · 5 years
Hey, friend! For the writeblr asks- Dusty Rose, Lime Green and Bubblegum Pink, please! 😁
Hi! Thanks for the ask ~♥
Dusty Rose: Your personal favourite character in your wip
(Sweating nervously) Ahaha, what do you mean? They're ALL my favourites... Ahaha (it's a tie between Neva and Amaki)
Lime Green: Your Favourite kind of scene to write.
Hmm... Good question. I think any scene that involves trying to be undercover or sneaky, and have it fail in any ridiculous way would be it XD
Bubblegum Pink: If you could only write one genre for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Oh gods, I'd probably try to find a loophole in the subgenres to get away with my scattered ideas XD
But I think if I had to choose one, it'd probably be fantasy. Not elfy fantasy, but somewhat modern witches and dreamworlds fantasy.
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