cotton-box · 3 months
I’m still trying to figure out the actual story 😭
"there's nothing in ohio" otherworld is in ohio. go see otherworld
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cotton-box · 9 months
After months of uncertainty about the pack's fate, Vega finally discovered and reunited with her sisters, marking the perfect birthday gift for a hound. Though, when she introduced her new friend, Carnal, to them, the pack's unease surfaced. Understandably wary, having faced distrust since their time in the pound, they couldn't easily accept a non-hound. Their hostility towards Carnal left Vega feeling more isolated and lonely than the months they spent apart, as if their mistrust in the succubus mirrored their lack of trust in Vega's judgment…
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cotton-box · 9 months
All my guy OCs worship the ground their female partners walk on because if they treat her as anything less than a queen, they deserve not the gold she is but the dirt they'll be left in
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cotton-box · 1 year
I tensed as I waited for their reaction. For them to scream. To cry. Even to laugh.
But they didn’t.
They were dead silent.
My heart dropped.
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cotton-box · 1 year
The antagonist, who had spent his whole life striving to prove himself to be righteous and strong compared to the beasts he despises, falls to his demise. However, due to the circumstances of his death, he’s forced to become the thing he feared. Unfortunately, instead of this being an opportunity to understand what he didn’t before and come to accept it, the antagonist instead crawls his way back to the living world with a new army of things like him to take his revenge.
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cotton-box · 1 year
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My WolfWalkers oc, Aisling!
I plan to make a role play server for this (since brain rot is killing me), so if anyone would be interested, just let me know :3
Base story:
In the aftermath of The Lord Protector's demise, vanquished at the relentless jaws of Bill Goodfellowe, Moll MacTíre's resilient pack thrived, flourishing within the resurgent embrace of the forest just beyond the borders of Kilkenny. As time passed, Moll, the venerable alpha, and Bill, her unwavering counterpart, found themselves burdened by the weight of leadership. It was their daughters, Mebh and Robyn, who emerged as the natural successors, becoming formidable leaders in their own right.
Under the capable guidance of Mebh and Robyn, the pack flourished anew, giving birth to a new generation of WolfWalkers, a lineage destined to carry on their legacy. However, the forest's abundance could only sustain them for so long. The time came when necessity forced packs to part ways, embarking on journeys to discover fresh territories where they could raise their young.
Once more, the WolfWalkers reclaimed their rightful dominion over the forest, ruling with the wisdom passed down through generations. Yet, a shadow loomed on the horizon as whispers of these enigmatic creatures reached the ears of the townsfolk. A new threat emerged, one that imperiled the hard-won peace and existence of these noble wolves…
Aisling Óg MacTíre
Aisling MacTíre, a name steeped in history and lineage, stands as a direct descendant of the legendary Mebh MacTíre, her roots intertwined with the ancient legacy of the WolfWalkers. Raised by her mother, Orlaith, she was instilled with the delicate balance of strength and gentleness, resilience tempered by kindness. At the tender age of twelve, Aisling's journey towards embodying this ideal had just begun, for perfection is an elusive pursuit, especially for one so young. Nevertheless, she poured her heart into every endeavor, striving relentlessly to honor her mother's teachings and make her proud.
Trouble seemed to find Aisling with unnerving regularity, often manifesting in spirited clashes with her fellow wolf pups. Her animosity, reserved particularly for the half-bloods—humans who had been bitten and transformed into WolfWalkers—was a defining facet of her youthful fervor. To her, they were a living reminder of the perilous encounter that nearly claimed the life of the venerable Moll MacTíre at the hands of two-legged, bumbling beings. It was a resentment that ran deep, fueled by a potent mixture of fear and indignation.
Orlaith, the wise matriarch, harbored a contrasting viewpoint, disapproving of Aisling's steadfast bias against the half-bloods and the townsfolk. She knew all too well that the bond between their kind and the townies was more complex than it appeared. Orlaith understood that unity was paramount, for their survival as a community depended on it.
Yet, Aisling held fast to her beliefs, for she knew the weight of the solemn truth. Should anything untoward befall her mother, it would cast a shadow of doom upon the half-bloods and the townsfolk alike, formed by Aisling herself. The future of the WolfWalkers teetered on a precarious edge, and Aisling felt the weight of that responsibility upon her young shoulders, a destiny she was determined to shape in her own way.
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cotton-box · 1 year
“I’d never hurt you, love,” Villain whispers, holding Hero close, their forms practically intertwined under the silk sheets.
“Are you quite sure of that?” Hero asks, the feeling of Villain’s magic boring into their skin fresh in their memory.
Villain gently traces one of the many scars they’d left on Hero’s body with a finger.
“I’ve never been more certain about anything else in life, my sweet angel.”
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cotton-box · 1 year
The hero and the villain had both been invited to an event for all super humans on account of the both of them obtaining special abilities. Now, at this point, the villain wasn’t yet well known, only the hero having gotten wind of their nefarious plans. So when the hero attempts to get the villain removed from the event, they are shamed. Instead, they spend the night, their heart jumping any time they spot the villain doing anything vaguely evil.
Eventually, the hero and villain end up alone in a back hallway, the hero interrogating the villain. The villain plays dumb, which in turn infuriates the hero. But their session is cut short by the appearance of another hero.
The hero cowers, leaving the villain confused. Hero quickly explains that the other person is from their time at the academy and that they… had done harmful things to them. Thinking quickly, the villain pins the hero to the wall, lifting their mask and leaning in for a kiss as the second hero passes.
“The hell was that??” the hero asks, flustered.
“I was only trying to protect you, my dear hero~”
(Credits to @calivide for helping develop the idea btw)
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cotton-box · 1 year
Villain and Hero are battling it out on the roof of an abandoned office building, citizens below watching the chaos, but something’s off; the villain’s movements are slow and uncoordinated. They’re quick to collapse, causing the crowd to erupt in roaring chants to kill them.
The hero has their chance, they need to take it. For the sake of the people. But as they raise their hand to deal the final blow, they hesitate. They… they can’t do it. Even as the villain prompts them, they can’t. Memories of their times together, while shorter than some would have liked with a romantic partner, kept them from finishing things once and for all.
“The people are waiting. You have a direct shot.”
Narrowing their eyes, the hero fires, reducing the villain to nothing more than a puff of smoke.
From the citizen’s point of view.
In reality, the hero had cut a hole in the roof, allowing the villain to fall into the storage room below them. While they were hurt, it was better than death. The hero is flooded with relief as the villain heaves themselves to their feet, limping out of the room and to somewhere they’d be safe.
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cotton-box · 1 year
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Re-designed my Helluva Boss oc, Vega! She’s still the same character, just wanted to make her a bit more original
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cotton-box · 1 year
i know we're all dunking on elon rn and like that's fair but can i just say i miss the little twitter birdie :(
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cotton-box · 1 year
The town cheers as the villain is finally declared dead, their body found just minutes prior, mangled on the concrete outside of their latest stolen office building. Every news station is covering the story, racing to get every last juicy detail to pass on to their faithful viewers, said viewers holding on to each other as they cry out in victory and relief. Most had been hurt, some had lost friends and relatives. They were just happy to finally have some peace of mind.
Despite all the celebration, there was one quiet, dark house up on the hill.
And that house belonged to the town’s hero, its halls filled with grief-stricken wails and sobs.
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cotton-box · 1 year
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Some ship art between me and @calivide’s IEYTD OCs, Oliver and C 🧡🩵
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cotton-box · 1 year
@calivide figured this out after I posted a screenshot; Apparently that’s the name of their partnership/team
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what kind of military recruitment is this
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cotton-box · 1 year
This post isn’t aimed at anyone in specific, rather, just a general overall post to the IEYTD fandom
If you don’t like my interpretation of Phoenix as she/her that’s fine, everyone has their preferences. But it really sucks to be told to your face that your interpretation is gross or wrong or straight up incorrect.
Of course when theory crafting or talking about the character I go with they/them, as that’s the pronouns used in game, but Phoenix is not a nonbinary character, they are a self insert character that you can project yourself on to because the point is the player is the Phoenix. The pronouns are neutral so anyone can fill their shoes.
And to be blunt, if I saw the same energy for he/him interpretations of Phoenix I probably wouldn’t care because it would be a fandom-wide thing where Phoenix just is they/them, but I don’t. In fact, I see a lot of love for he/him interpretations of them, I personally really love Jackson Winters in particular. But where those creators post and share and get generally positive response, I usually get some mixture of “I don’t like it, but good for you” or “why are you calling them/him she?”
And the more and more I get that response the less and less I want to share my works, because I can only handle being told my interpretation is lesser so much. I know that my personal interpretation should just be my business, but it’s hard to not take it personal when I don’t really see anyone else with that interpretation very often and these points are always made when I’m in the conversation.
Just earlier I saw someone voice relief that someone else’s fanfic didn’t give Phoenix she/her pronouns while we were complimenting their fic, literally saying “Thank god” before saying it rubbed them the wrong way. It’s hard to not take that personal, it feels like a deliberate dig, whether intentional or not.
And yeah, this was one specific instance, but I have dozens of similar stories, and it’s just… frustrating. I made Phoenix she/her because I personally have had issues with accepting my femininity in the past, and I take comfort in the fact that my Phoenix can absolutely kick ass, take names, get shit done, and not have some “she’s cool AND a woman!!!” narrative. She’s just cool.
Honestly, Unconventional is probably the one most guilty of “she’s cool and a girl” because I went into it apprehensive of what people would think of my interpretation, but over time I let go of that, and Seraphina “Phoenix” Ardeat is now one of my favorite characters.
So to be told point blank on a roughly bi-monthly basis that she’s weird, why are you calling Phoenix she, and generally being told I’m wrong for making this character into my own when that’s what everyone is doing, it’s tiring. And it just sucks.
I love creating for this fandom, but it’s hard to want to when there’s like a 20% chance someone’s gonna get in my face and make me feel shitty for the rest of the day because of a silly, nameless, faceless character.
Again, this isn’t a call out or an attack, I just ask that maybe in the future people think before saying “I don’t like this, but good for you” because that “good for you” is like putting a bandaid over a bullet hole.
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cotton-box · 1 year
So I’m reading “Daughter of the Pirate King” by Tricia Levenseller, right?
(Spoilers ahead)
There’s a character named Riden, quarter master of a ship titled the Night farer and brother of the captain, Draxen. He’s a cocky son of a bitch, but one that is too afraid to do what he truly desires. He wasn’t his father’s favorite, and to be honest his father was right for that, as Riden ended up killing Jeskor. In the humble opinion of Alosa, our main character with a head of fire to match her spirit and the daughter of the pirate king, Riden could very well become captain of his own ship if he wanted to.
The whole thing with Alosa is that she’s been sent on a mission by her father to find one of three maps that’ll lead him to this legendary island that holds all the treasure a pirate could dream of. It’s said that sirens and other creatures of the sea will take the treasure that they’ve stolen from pirates they’ve killed or ships that they’ve sunk to this island for safe keeping. There are three maps in total, and when put together, they’ll reveal the path to the island. (Think Gravity Falls and the journals if you’ve ever seen that.) So Alosa was given a crew of disposable men and three of her trusted crew mates from the Ava-Lee to find the Night farer and purposefully get captured so she’s on the ship and has the ability to search it. Draxen and his crew think that Alosa is an unwilling prisoner who is being kept for ransom, while the princess has many tricks up her stolen sleeves.
GETTING TO THE POINT AND THE WHOLE REASON I WROTE THIS… bRO- I don’t know if it’s the desperation in me or what, BUT WHEN RIDEN AND HIS SLY SELF HAS ALOSA IN BED AND STARTS KISSING HER TENDERLY N SHIT I JUST DJENJDENEK. She quickly realizes he just wants her to let her guard down so she’ll slip up and spill information, which leads to her being like “lol never mind” and getting back to business. But thEN, after Alosa’s hung by the wrists in irons as punishment for killing three men before she was taken, hurting a few more, then killing a crew member named Shek for coming on to her, RIDEN TAKES CARE OF HER AND AAAAAAA. Mind you I’m only on chapter ten, but hOO BOY.
It’s definitely the desperation-
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cotton-box · 1 year
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What happens when the theater kid drags the computer nerd on stage?
Chaos. The answer is chaos.
Phoenix on the left belongs to @rojaceartandgaming
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