daalit-prompts · 2 years
Tips to Create a Character (specially RP)
No rules, just things that I do
Physical traits
How tall are they? Yes, think about it. You don’t need to be precise but understand if your character is higher or lower than the fellow PJs. It can work out as an addition to the image you wanna bring, like a leader being taller, the new guy being the smaller;or it can be a great irony! Think about the sweetest person in the world, now make them be the taller in the group. Or make you really angry OC be so small that they look inoffensive.
Think about their posture. How do they stand when they are doing nothing? They are still rigid, straighten-spined? Or do they relax like if they were melting? Or, even, do they ever stop?
Clothes. Yes, this helps. What’s their style? Think about it and how it relates to their personality.
Acessories. Choose one to be your character’s key. Maybe they always use a hat. Maybe they use gloves all the time. Maybe they wear a hijabi or another religious item. Give it a story, make it matter.
Eyes. Understand your character’s energy and use it to describe their eyes. An ocean is deep, can change very quickly from calm to impetuous. But a different character with the same tone of blue can have eyes cold as ice. Look around, see what has your character eyes’ colour and how it can relate to them.
Personality traits
Temperament. This is by far my very favourite one. I know all my character’s temperaments and it helps me a lot to understand them. Look for it, it will certainly help you because it’s a huge guidance (as it talks about instinct) and it’s SYMPLE. Sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic or melancholic?
Choose an animal. Think about it, watch videos about that animal, read about them. What’s their personality? Choose one, and make your character the human version of that creature. Are they prey or predator?
Describe them  in ONE word. Make them really really simple. Maybe they’re an optimistic. Maybe they’re a caretaker. Define it and make it IT, and then, in game--
Make them conflicting. After you feel your character is well rooted in that characteristic that you picked, now it’s time to BREAK it. make your optimistic character feel hopeless. Let your caretaker be selfish. This WILL bring them so much depth.
Don’t forget to bring them back to their roots. Remeber that your character IS naturally an optimistic. Or a caretaker. It has to come back to them, they have to move on, to go back to who they are. It tells people that your character wasn’t lying when they thought they were an optimistic: they were being real. They’ve been hurt. And they have to feel better again so people can still belive them.
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daalit-prompts · 2 years
Tips to Roleplay
Where I put things that makes my games much funnier, working both for text and for table.
On character:
Have a strong emotional trigger that makes your character behave completely different. If your PC is a badass lord of the thieves, give him a trauma that's so deep that when is triggered makes him puke and pass out. Or make him be all lovely and funny but there's just that subject that makes him dark and agressive.
Make him obsessed with something. Try to pick a matter YOU like, or make a really good research. But make your PC be passionate about it. One kind of movie. Cars. A sport. Just make him be a fan and talk about it with all his heart.
Disagree. Now that's tricky, so be careful. When I say 'disagree', I don't mean "be your DM greatest nightmare". Please, don't. But if you can find a way to make your character HATE the choice the others made, but surrender to it or have another good reason to do it anyway, then go. It creates tension and conflict, and that's really cool sometimes.
HAVE A GOAL. You need to get your revenge. You need to be safe. You need to find your little brother. Have a dream, have a goal. "The heart is an arrow. It demands aim to land true."
Create a misbelief. This helps a lot with RP because it helps you to understand who you are and who your character is. Maybe you believe together we're stronger, but your character may believe that attaching to someone is a weakness.
Romance. Why not? Why not having your character falling for another? Having all those mixed feelings? Romance equals drama. And we all love it when it's drama.
Out of character:
Have fun! This is the golden rule. Don't take things too seriously. Relax. And make sure you're in a safe and cool environment.
Talk to others about their characters. Yes, we love our PCs as our babies and that's why you should talk to people about theirs. Let them be open to you and have that shining eyes. And usually this becomes something really cool 'cause you start to care for their characters and THEY starts to care for yours.
Talk to your DM. You want to develop your arc? Or maybe you just had this fantastic idea and want to live it! Ok, talk to your DM. He might accept your idea and create it with you in a much better way!
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daalit-prompts · 2 years
Stars - Prompts
Let's brainstorm about them, the poet's greatest lovers.
Scenes prompts:
Thinking the lover's eyes should teach stars how to actually shine.
Making a promise under the stars and remembering it every night.
The character made a wish for a shooting star and it became true years ago. So the character is a CONVICT BELIEVER of shooting stars.
B making A feel so special that even the stars are there just for them.
A having a favourite star and teaching B how to recognize it.
The stars being the character's accomplices on their nightly crimes.
Dialogue prompts:
"I know our story wasn't written on the stars at first, but look, they look so much happier now that they're reading our plot, don't you think?"
"Of all the stars, you're my favourite one."
"If you do become a star, will you shine for me?" "Every single night."
"Should we ask them?" "Ask who?" "The stars! They know everything."
"This is my favourite star." "Yeah, and it's probably dead, you know."
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daalit-prompts · 2 years
How to Create a RP Character
Do you love RP as much as I do? Or did you just find it out? Well, I hope this helps you! And for a reminder: those are not rules, just things that helps me a lot.
Fit your character to the universe. For real, I see many people creating characters that DON'T vibe with the plot. At all. It is a zombie apocalypse: don't go with a perfectly innocent girl who just wants to be a MasterChef and her life is pink-coloured. She has been changed since the apocalypse began. She is changing. Use it. Use the universe to enrich your character's dilemmas. Your character can believe the world is a good and beautiful place, and make her DEAL with the breaking of that belief.
Do your character have powers? Use them and let them influence your OC. Another one that's not too obvious. Many RP's about supernatural universes ask you to have a specie, have power. For what? If you're a werewolf, TRANSFORM into a werewolf, lose your temper, be afraid of hurting someone without meaning to. Make your power MAKE A DIFFERENCE on your characters journey, on its personality.
Try to previously bond with someone else. That's a cool one. Ask someone of they want to play a sibling of your OC, a parent, a kid, a friend. This is really nice to set and go from there, exploring their relationship later.
Give them ONE trauma. Yes. I know we are mean to our babies, we want them to suffer, but I never get it right when I do a multitraumatized character. A trauma lives a deep wound that if touched, it hurts. It's hard to do it with multiple traumas! You'll forget some. Give them one and clear trauma, no more. The story will probably traumatize them forever.
Give your character a distinct vision. Back to the zombie example. Everyone's goal will probably be "to survive and protect those I love". Yeah, this is a strong motivator! But by doing so, your OC won't be any different from anyone else. But what if your character's deepest vision is to be a parent? Think about it: the world is ending. Is there a future? Unknown. But your character wants a family so bad that while everyone is looking for surviving, they're looking for love, for family. Your OC will distinguish from everyone else because they want something further.
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daalit-prompts · 2 years
Details to show growth in a relationship - Prompts
so you want to show that your characters got along together? Want to show people they've learnt to be together? Here some details that can help you with that, having a "before×after" situations to show relationships growing.
Situations prompts:
Asking for food. Before: character A is at the restaurant and the waiter comes. A calls B to ask B what does B want. After: A knows what B likes, and goes for it.
Characters in a small place, as in a small kitchen. Before: they collide, step on eachother's foot, are clumsy. May break something by letting something fall when the other bumps into them. After: they're in synch. It's like a dance. They don't collide, even though their bodies are constantly touching. They're always gentle, never bumping, and they feel were eachother is going.
Getting used to eachother's routine. Before: A keeps telling B what A has to do, warning B of his compromises. After: B remember A what A have to do.
Touching. Before: maybe there's no touching at all. If that is, it would be on the others shoulders. Always keeping a slightly distance from eachother. After: they move closer to eachother. Having their legs touching while sitting. Holding hands.
Hugging. Before: side hug. After: frontal hug.
Silence. Before: silence is terrifying. They get worried that said something wrong, that messed it up. After: they just enjoy it. The perfect moment for thinking in their lucky and how much they care for eachother.
Dialogue prompts:
"Keep fooling yourself, but you can't fool me. What's wrong?"
"You forgot the keys." "Yeah..." "That's why I always have mine with me."
"Are you sure you're okay to do this?"
"Can you do it?"
"Wait... Your late for your class! Run!"
"Hurry, I have to tell you something."
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daalit-prompts · 2 years
Interactions with Music - Prompts
So your characters is a musician, right? Or maybe he likes music. Or maybe YOU likes it and want to have it on your story. Join me on this one. ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR!
Scenes prompts:
A and B meet at the school's band and turns out B, the newbie, is SO GOOD that the veteran A wants to learn from B.
Listening the song that was playing at the crash for the first time after so long.
A teaching B how to play the very basic on their instrument.
A learns B's favourite song just to play it for them.
Training together! If both of them play, they can TRAIN. Rehearsal.
A buying B accessories for B's instrument.
They love to sing. But they are really bad singers.
A is having nightmares. B sings so A can sleep well.
Using song to torture someone.
A low-key loving B's favourite genres, but having a hard time to admit it.
Your character is STUCK with it's instrument. It's not a hobbie, it's a matter of life and death: your character's soul IS the instrument.
Music as an enchantment.
B just starts crying over a song because it reminds him a trauma.
Music as a totally unique language for a group. They communicate with notes and pauses and dynamics.
Dialogue prompts:
"Don't touch it. It's not a toy."
"Would you play it for me?"
"How the hell do you do that!?"
"Teach me everything."
"This is not working! We're not in harmony anymore." "What... What are you saying?" "That you should play B sharp."
"It's just a keyboard." "EXCUSE-ME!? IT IS AN ELECTRICAL PIANO!"
"Does it sounds better this way or... This way?" "Play it again." "Ok. This way. Or this way?" "That one."
"No no no. It's a vibratto. Don't crack your voice, come on."
"Nope. Way too high for me. I'll do second voice."
"STOP THE DRUMS! Gee! Gimme one second of silence, please. Thank you."
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daalit-prompts · 2 years
Excellent! I also love the clichés I'm enemies to lovers that doesn't get into its normal ending, like:
There's only one bed. They awkwardly look at eachother. "No worries. I'll sleep on the floor" and "Yes you will!"
They're cold. One of them has a coat. "Come here. Let me make you warm." "You could give me your coat." "Then I'll be the one freezing to death? No, thank you. Do you want to share it or not?"
Or things like:
"You only hate me for my name." "And you hate me for mine."
"You're scared that if you laugh at my jokes you'll start seeing me as a human."
And they're so used to fight that they start doing it to say nice things to eachother.
→ enemies (to lovers) prompts
"fine, continue to act like you hate me."
"don't you dare look at me that way. not now, after every vile thing we've done to each other."
"i hate you, i hope you don't forget that after tonight."
"why can't we just let whatever this pointless rivalry is go?"
"oh really?" / "yes, really." / "lying doesn't suit you, sweetheart."
"last time i checked, you guys were at each others' throats. how come you're sending heart eyes every time you see her now?"
"i might not be the best at this thing, but like hell i would let you be better than me."
"this is a one-time thing only. don't let me being nice to you get to your head."
"well, well, well. look who's running back into my arms. i told you that i'm irresistible, didn't i?"
"i am not driving home with you, are you crazy?"
"i may not like you, but i'm not heartless."
"say goodbye to being first place, asshole."
"you sound pretty hot when you shut up."
"you know, i still don't really know why i used to despise you."
"happy second anniversary, honey. remember when you first dumped an entire bowl of soup on my lap?"
"the world could really use some of your silence right now."
"your opinion doesn't matter. next, please."
"it seems like i'm out of fucks to give, oops."
"i don't need your pity."
"there are only three things in this world i truly cannot stand: you, you, and you."
"any time something bad happens to me, you've always been there. are you cursing me or something?"
"take your time, darling. hell's happy to wait for you."
"fuck you." / "i'm flattered, really, but no thanks."
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free to share and use!
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daalit-prompts · 2 years
Forbidden Royal Love - Prompts
(probably inspired in Romeo and Juliet, Still Star-Crossed, Six of Crows, Tristan and Isolde...)
Scenes prompts:
The ruler (a king, emperor, powerful person) asks A, their best knight, to bring him B so they can marry the ruler. On the way, A and B fall in love.
A and B realms are enemies for a long long time, but they don't see monsters: they see humans that are broken, and together they try to show it to everyone else.
A and B are the heirs of their realms, but in a between them, an accident happen and they get stuck together and now have to survive - together.
A has to marry prince/princess C, but is in love with C's sibling: B.
B has been the only one to ever take A seriously on debates or even wars, even though they never agree.
A and B are in love. A is a Royal, B is a monster.
A and B are in love. A is a Royal, B is a commoner.
There's a love potion that A and B accidentally drinks, making them fall desperately in love for eachother.
Dialogue prompts:
"You should go." "I don't want to."
"I hate this. I hate how miserable you make me feel. I hate that I will never truly have you."
"He's not the one I love. You are. Why isn't this enough?"
"We always knew it wouldn't work."
"Should love hurt this much?"
"Have you ever listened to your heart? It's always worth it."
"What's your heart telling you?" "To stay with you."
"I don't care for your parents mistakes."
"It was when I first met you that I understood: I have never really loved someone."
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Suggested by @person-1n-progress (you will find nice prompts over there!)
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daalit-prompts · 2 years
Pets Prompts
Scenes prompts:
A goes visit B and is received by a dog who sniffs A in very inappropriate places of the body. B has to pull the dog away.
The pet brings B something they got outside: A's hat. Now B has to turn it back.
Characters meet because they want to breed their pets with eachother's, or;
Characters meet because A's pet hurt B's pet.
The character is really strict, and diligent, and will never do something for the sake of pleasing someone. Except that someone is a little animal.
A finds the Pet starving at the streets. Take him and cares for him, adopting the little animal. When they have this really strong bold, B shows up as the pet's real owner, claiming his pet was missing and trying to get it back.
A is sad/sick/hurt. The first one to know is B's Pet.
Pet stealing food and running in the house with dirty paws.
Dialogue prompts:
"Where did you get that!? You shouldn't... I shouldn't... I have to turn it back."
"Is he friendly?" "Only with people that are loved by me."
"I love you!" "I love you too!" "Oh... I was talking to [pet's name]. I love you!"
"I am so sorry! He is not a gentleman!"
"Yeah, I know what you're thinking. You think I don't know you? I know you're just waiting for me to get away so you can spread trash on the floor. I know you, bro."
"Stop looking at me like that. It is still a no."
"I think they like eachother. It's a match!"
"You spoil your pets so much and I wonder how will you be with your own kids."
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daalit-prompts · 2 years
Stable couples working through difficulties - Prompts
(based on Naomi Scott's Vows)
Scene prompts:
They had a fight or a discussion. Both got hurt, but they are not scared things might fall apart.
Even being mad at eachother, A misses B while doing simple things such as washing the dishes.
B still worries and taking care of A, even if A is acting terribly.
A eventually comes back to their senses and comes back to B, as both of them knew would happen.
A does not know if they're doing it right, but they're both willing to fix it.
B gives A the time to calm down even though A hurts B deeply.
Apologizing before they go to sleep.
B feels like a punching bag for A's thoughts, but don't fight back. Just wait.
They finally understand that there's no 'happily ever after'. There's always something to improve. And they like that.
B calls A to have a coffee to talk about it. Both of them sacrifice a fun moment with other people so they can fix things between them.
A going back to their vows, re-reads them. And go back to B.
Dialogues prompts:
"We need to talk." "Yeah. I know."
"That wasn't us."
"I didn't mean to--" "But you did it. And I got hurt." "I am sorry."
"What are we missing? This isn't the first time we fight like that." "And I am sure it won't be the last. But we'll figure it out. We are worth it."
"You're back." "What could I do? You... Smell like home."
"I'm back." "I am glad. Can we talk?"
"I haven't said it all. We should talk, to fix things."
"You have to understand that I am not black and white..." "I am figuring that out. And you have to understand it's ok. I love you. All of your shades."
"I am not scared of those ups and downs. For the first time in my life, I know we'll work it out."
"We'll never stop fighting."
"Who is going to talk first?" "I did it last time. Your turn."
"I am sorry." "I forgive you. And... I am sorry."
"I've only seen your mistake. I was so blind with my angst... But now I see that I hurt you the most. I am sorry."
"You realize that when I said 'yes' I meant it for the whole you, right? Not only your... Bravery, beauty, kindness, talent. I don't want a piece of you. I love the whole you. Your qualities and your flaws."
"Stop being silly. I could never regret choosing you."
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daalit-prompts · 2 years
Hey everyone! I created this account so I can post some prompts for writing.
I am a screenwriter and I believe this shall be a great opportunity to learn and develop creativity, so hit me up! What prompts do you wanna see here?
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Hope we all have a good time.
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