diveindevildom · 4 days
...can anyone please just tell me that everything will be okay...? I don't need anything else just these words...please...
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diveindevildom · 6 days
Trigger warning: horror, disturbing descriptions, anxiety, self-destructive thoughts, implication of self-elimination
"So you did it again, huh. Who would've thought..." They sounded sarcastic. "Why can't you think before you speak? I thought we were through this. Your words tend to hurt people."
Their faces were everywhere. Why did she say that? Why would she do it? Worms, maggots, and larvae one by one started gnawing their way out through her raggy husk. She could feel it.
"That's exactly why we can never have nice things. You just complicate them to the point everyone else gets fed up with it." Two or three worms fell through her button holes and smacked on the cold concrete floor with slimy sound. The others were on their way too.
"Wouldn't it be easier if you could just shut up right in time? So many people around you would just sigh in relief." Here go the others...Smack... Smack... "Actually, can you be honest...how many of them would miss you if you were gone?" Smack...
"How much easier and better their life would be if you've never existed?"
The maggots started slowly crawling in tiny mashes with one another, twisting, turning, burrowing, coiling into pulsating substance which could be mistaken for a swarm of swollen skinless faces. Their faces. Their voices continued: "Oh how wonderful would it be...No worries, no doubts, no fears, no whining they'd be obligated to put up with..."
The faces were becoming more prominent. More active. More real.
"Would you actually do it?"
"Would you?"
"Of course you wouldn't. You are a coward."
"Then go on"
"Draw your stupid little pictures"
"Tell your silly vanilla stories"
"Put off the inevitable"
"After all...It does help you..."
The faces fell apart and turned into black, sticky goo that quickly spread across the floor and filled the chamber with an odor of decomposing flesh. Dee stood in the puddle of that goo, looking in the long polished mirror, which was actually a window for the one who stood outside. She was staring at her reflection through her buttons. Nothing but themselves could they see. Their own selves...
"It does help you...doesn't it? "
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diveindevildom · 20 days
Guys...hear me out...
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diveindevildom · 1 month
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I just took a picture of the Moon through my window and had fun with filters...
Why does it look so fascinating to me...?
...life truly is fascinating if you look at it from the right angle...
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diveindevildom · 3 months
Quick redrawing of the old frame of my comic (the comic no longer exists, but this frame has been haunting me since the very second I've drawn it)
Love her so much💞💞💞☺️
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diveindevildom · 4 months
Little drawing after eating a bowl of spicy ramen (I have low spice tolerance pls help😭😭😭)
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diveindevildom · 4 months
Just found a sketch of these two🥹🥹🥹 Brings back good-old memories. Sisters' unbreakable bond💛💜
(For those who don't know: these are chibi versions of my two characters - Mallory and Sally - from "Heads and Tails" - my original story)
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diveindevildom · 4 months
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Happy Pride Month!!!
All love from your bi-friend (heh, pun🤓)
Love, be loved, and be proud of who you are❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
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diveindevildom · 4 months
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diveindevildom · 4 months
How's it going, my dear travelers? It's been a busy month, so posts are kinda rare. Yours truly is studying for the university exams. My brain work is slowly overcoming my brain rot))
I hope you are having a great month! Stay tuned, we have our grand remaster coming up!!! (Yes, I'm talking about "Heads and Tails"😆😆😆)
I'm already excited! Good luck, study hard and stay patient😉
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diveindevildom · 4 months
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That terrible feeling when you see the perfect sketch marker set...and then look at the price...
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diveindevildom · 5 months
I have a question today:
Why do people have different sign languages?
As an autistic person, I use my native sign language from time to time. Some of my close friends know some basic signs in case of an emergency. But recently, I discovered a sign language YouTube channel from an English speaking person. At first, I was somewhat amazed by how different signs mean different things in different languages (I already knew that fact, just never thought about it that much). I started watching the channel, and one day, I had another...emergency moment...and then..
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My brain got stuck in a panic circle. I couldn't remember the exact sign I was supposed to use for a specific word. I have to note that I, of course, do not blame the person who creates this content! They have nothing to do with it, and this situation was no one's fault!
But after all of that, I thought... how hard it must be for people from different countries with autism, hearing problems, etc, to communicate if our sign languages are that much different. I understand the obvious differences in the alphabets but other things just confuse me.
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diveindevildom · 5 months
Just had a rather boring lecture😅
I swear, it happened on its own! One of my favorite comfort ships just magically appeared in my notepad instead of the material!
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diveindevildom · 5 months
I have a question today:
What is the physical purpose of having nightmares?
Are nightmares supposed to be stress relievers for our brains? But they cause the brains even more stress after awakening. I always thought of nightmares as an "overflow" of some hormones. Unfortunately, I don't know that much about medicine, so I was always curious about the purpose of something as perplexed as a nightmare
I hope you don't have nightmares too often. Remember to always get enough sleep and don't stress yourself out. Take care, dear life travelers🌙🛏
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diveindevildom · 5 months
Okay, so....I've been looking through my arts and crafts, and I found an adorable plush frog pattern...
And then I found some pieces of green felt...and some white threads...and a fabric marker...
And that, my dear life travelers, how Ernest was born:
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Welcome to the world, Ernest. You will be loved and cherished by little Dee, I very much hope you love cuddles (Don't worry, they are just very happy to have another stitched friend😁)
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diveindevildom · 5 months
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Hello, world!
My name is Dee. Some of you may know me, some of you don't, but first things first: what am I?
I'm an artist, a storyteller, and just a little person who is curious about big (not always) things. I've been to Tumblr before, but, unfortunately, my previous account was deleted due to very rough circumstances. Years of my work were gone as well...
But sad thoughts aside, I figured it would be a great opportunity to retcon my stories a bit and start a new chapter of me as a creator. Those who were following me before will find many old, slightly improved stories, such as: "Heads and Tails", "Umbra Sapiens", "Rest assured" etc. Some of my old projects, sadly, will be abandoned, as they are no longer relevant to me (Yes, "The Feline Sea" and "Wolf in Sheep's clothing", I'm talking about you)
Also, there will be some new stuff, which I can't wait to show you! Just be patient, my dears😁
Oh, there's some info for the people who just randomly found my page or decided to look at it out of curiosity:
•I'm an adult who is currently studying languages in university, so posts might not be very frequent
•I like exploring different kinds of topics, so there might be some drastically different types of content in here. Be careful if you are easily triggered
•I am an autistic person, so I like exploring the world through different ways, including asking silly questions, so please don't be alarmed by sudden posts with just some random questions in them, I have a tendency to do that😅
•English is not my first language, so I apologize in advance for any mistakes. Feel free to correct me, I'm an eager learner😁
So...I guess that's it! Thank you for your patience, if you are still reading this, and welcome to my devildom domain🚪
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