The Scars That Have Been Left Behind
Read on A03
Word Count: 2970
(Guys, look at this wondeful fanart that someone made! Here I love it and I do have permisson to use it)
Chapter Five
The following week went by a lot smoother than the first day. The kids didn’t ask about what happened after they left the gym and both teachers never brought it up. Shinsou seemed to grow to trust class 1-a more and more each day, sometimes using his quirk on them when he knew they weren’t paying attention or were doing something they weren't supposed to. Aizawa didn’t mind that he’d use his quirk and the students didn’t seem to mind either, they were just excited about helping the boy train his quirk. Shinsou would even talk with a few of the students, Mainly Hasemi, ever since the first day when she had told Shinsou he could be a great hero, he had gotten closer to the girl, even letting her hold his kitty. Which was the boy’s way of telling you he trusted you and very few people had even gotten to hold the plushie, including Hizashi and Aizawa, who had both gotten to hold it once.
Though there was obviously one person Shinsou trusted more than the others, More than HIzashi and Aizawa even. Shinsou had quickly latched onto Hasemi, not that the girl seemed to mind much. She was happy to sit in the classroom with them during lunch and talk with him to his heart's content. She had even started learning sign from Hizashi and Aizawa for the days when Shinsou didn’t want to talk out loud. Aizawa wasn’t surprised when he had latched onto her. It was obvious that Shinsou was calmer around women than he was men. After all Mrs. Agaki never hit him, and his foster sister Makkiko had always looked after him, so it made sense that he’d feel more comfortable around her. Plus she had immediately like his quirk, which was on obvious sore spot for the boy. 
Aizawa had been rather relieved when the boy started talking to other people. He was worried that he wouldn’t be able to feel safe enough around them to actually talk to them, which would’ve affected Shinsou’s ability to go back to school. But seeing the boy talk with specific students made him feel better. It gave him hope that maybe sending Shinosu to school in a few weeks wouldn’t be so bad. But that was still a few days out. They had other things to focus on, like Hizashi’s 22nd birthday.
“Can I help?” Shinsou asked, standing on the little stool in front of the counter, watching Aizawa mix the cake batter. 
“You can help me frost it once it’s done, alright? I don’t want you to get burnt by accident. Why don’t you go finish your card for Hizashi?” Shinsou pouted, but nodded anyways, bounding back into the living room, laying on his stomach as he started drawing on the card again. Aizawa hummed from the kitchen, pouring the batter into the pan and tossing it into the oven.
Hizashi was currently out finishing up his patrol for the day. He would be home by the time the cake was finished being decorated. Nemuri was supposed to be there any minute now with decorations and takeout. Tensei would be a little later, having to wait for Iida to finish his homework before they headed over. Hizashi’s moms were on their way, but it would still be a while before they got there. So everything was going to plan, Hizashi would come home to the house decorated, dinner waiting for him and their close friends and family ready to celebrate with them.
Nemuri was there within ten minutes, greeting Aizawa and Shinsou as she placed the takeaway on the counter and immediately started decorating. 
“How are you two boys doing?” Nemuri asked, standing on her tippy toes to hang the ‘happy birthday’ banner over the entrance to the living room, in plain view from the doorway. 
“We’re fine. Toshi’s been doing a lot better, His nightmare are dwindling and his therapist thinks he should be able to go to school come the following week or so.  I’m… not sure about that though,” Aizawa sighed, glancing at the boy, too distracted by finishing Hizashi’s gift to be paying much attention to them, his tongue poking out of the corner of his mouth as he concentrated. “I know he’s getting better, but he’s still jumpy around us, and, I know he’s opening up to a few of our students, but kids his age can be, cruel. Especially when it comes to quirks and the fact that he doesn’t talk much worries me,” AIzawa looked away, mumbling the last part under his breath.
“It’s going to be fine Shou. HItoshi’s a tough kid, he’ll be fine, you’ll see. Besides, even if this school doesn’t work out, there are other ones, ones that are more specially equipped for cases like him,” Nemuri replied, glancing at Aizawa, who was frowning at the counter. 
“We’ve already switched his school. We went to do a visit with the teachers a few days ago and they, jesus Nem, they couldn’t even communicate with him. They normally just left him to his own devices when he went there and it was obvious he was picked on. He didn’t leave our sides the whole time and he basically hid every time he saw the other kids. I know his therapist said we shouldn’t change his school, but we couldn’t let him go there. We have a few supervised visits between now and when he starts  in two weeks. We’ll be around, but not actually in the same room as him. Except for the first visit, that one we’ll be able to be in his class, just in case,” Aizawa looked back at Shinsou, tilting his head this way and that way, trying to figure out what else to add. “Did you remember to sign it and write your message?” Shinsou opened his mouth in a little ‘o’ shape, quickly getting to work. Aizawa chuckled softly before turning to shut off the timer and check the cake, which was then left to cool out of reach of little hands. 
“Don’t worry, the party can start now!” The front door opened as Tensei sing-songed, walking in with a few wrapped gifts, Tenya following behind him. 
“And we thought Zeeshi was the dramatic one,” Shinsou muttered, frowning at his card. The rest of the room laughed, taken aback by the softly uttered phrase. 
“Nah, I’d never be able to take his drama queen crown. He’d throw a fit,” Tensei laughed, setting the gifts on the table before moving to help Nemuri blow up a few balloons. 
“He’s got quite a bit of sass,” Nemuri chuckled, handing the speed hero a few balloons. 
“Look who he lives with!” Tensei chuckled, full on laughing at the empty cake mix box hitting him in the shoulder. 
“Hello Hitoshi, is that your present for Uncle Hizashi?” Tenya asked, sitting cross legged in front of the other boy. 
“Mhmm,” Shinsou hummed, finishing the last character of his message before closing it and setting it aside. “Da-Shouta taught me how to spell the message to Zeeshi, since I didn’t know all of it,” Shsinsou replied, flushing as he almost slipped up. He thought of the two adults as his fathers, but he wasn’t ready to say it. He didn’t know if they would even want him to call them dad or papa. So he called them by their first names, though he had trouble pronouncing Hizashi.  Tenya nodded smiling brightly as the two talked. Unaware that two of the adults had heard the slip up, the third too distracted in the kitchen.
“You heard that too right?” Nemuri whispered, glancing at the two kids, then Shouta before focusing back at the man next to her. 
“Of course. Why do you think he stopped himself?” Tensei whispered back. 
“Maybe he’s scared to say it? I mean think about it. Shouta and Hizashi both said he’s been in and out of foster homes for a few years. He might think he’ll ruin it by calling them dad,” Tensei nodded at that, glancing at the shy purple haired boy. 
“He’ll realize one day that he won’t ruin it by calling them dad and we’ll hear about it for a week while Hizashi sobs every time he says it,” Tensei replied, both of them laughing at that. 
“Toshi, did you still want to help me?” Aizawa called, turning to look at the boy, who obviously perked up at that. He nodded quickly before turning to Tennya. 
“Do you mind if I help Shouta really quickly?” Shinsou asked, feeling a little bad for leaving the boy by himself. 
“I don’t mind, go ahead. I can go help Auntie Nem and Tensei,” Tenya replied, pulling himself to his feet, flashing Shinsou a smile before walking over to his brother and Nemuri. Shionsu was quick to get to his feet after that, nearly falling off his kitchen stool in his haste. 
“Careful,” Aizawa chuckled, catching Shinsou before he could fall. “Alright, so here’s what we’re going to do,” Aizawa started, showing Shinsou how to frost the cake. By the end of it they both had multiple spots of frosting on themselves and the cake looked, well like it was decorated by a child. Which was half Aizawa’s fault, since the man couldn’t decorate a cake to save his life. Even the piped on ‘happy birthday’ was crooked and messy. Aizawa looked at Shinsou, noticing the frown on the kids face. “It looks great kid, Hizashi’s going to love it. Especially since you decorated it,” Aizawa reassured him, ruffling his hair. 
‘Are you sure?’ Shinsou signed, obviously shrinking into himself. 
‘Yeah, I’m sure kid. Let’s go get cleaned up, Hizashi should be here soon,’ Aizawa signed back, leading Shinsou to the bathroom and sitting him on the closed toilet lid and wetting a washcloth. Shinsou giggled as Aizawa wiped the frosting of his face, arms, and hands before doing the same thing for himself.  
“I’m home!” Hizashi called, as he stepped into the apartment, looking a little battered, but ultimately okay. 
“Happy birthday sunshine,” Aizawa replied, walking out of the bathroom with Shinsou following behind him. 
“Happy birthday Zeeshi!” Shinsou chirped, giggling as Hizashi picked him up, swinging him around before settling the boy on his hip.
“Why thank you little listener and my lovely moonbeam,” Hizashi replied, humming as he pecked Aizawa’s lips. 
“Happy birthday idiot,” Nemuri and Tensei called, glaring at each other when they said it at the same time. 
“Happy birthday Uncle Hizashi,” Tenya called, a bright smile on the boy’s face. 
“Thanks guys, this is already the best birthday,” Hizashi smiled, walking further into the room and plopping onto the couch. “My moms should be here soon,” 
Sure enough, not five minutes later Hizashi’s moms were walking into the apartment, dropping a few more gifts onto the table with the others. 
“Why do you still have your hair up?” Hizashi’s Mimi scowled at his hair. She had always hated the look, but she couldn’t do anything about it. 
“Because I just got home and I didn’t want to bother with it,” Hizashi whined, pouting from where he was on the couch. The whole room rolled their eyes at him. 
“Trust me, I’ve been trying to get him to shower since he got home,” Aizawa gumbled from the kitchen. 
“Hizashi Yamada-Aizawa, go shower. I know you had a patrol before this besides you look like a cockatiel,” Sachiko, scolded, moving to help Aizawa grab plates and glasses. Hizashi pouted, but shuffled to the bathroom anyways, grumbling under his breath about how it was his birthday, why was he being picked on. “I swear, I don’t understand how he deals with that hair,” she muttered, laughing softly. 
“How did he even get that idea?” Tenesi asked. 
“Well you remember how he gelled his hair when we were younger, he just never stopped, but he wanted to grow it out. Honestly I don’t know how he does it,” Aizawa replied, shaking his head. “I’ve been telling him for years that it’s not practical, but he doesn’t listen,” 
“You’re one to talk,” Hizashi muttered, towel drying his hair as he walked back into the room. “Your biggest tell is your hair, but you won’t cut it,”
“That’s because I look terrible with short hair. Remember the year before we got into Yuuei and my mother basically shaved my head? I wore a hat almost all the time until it was at least past my ears again,” Aizawa rolled his eyes, forcing back memories that tried to resurface. 
“Wait, your mom did what? Why?” Tensei frowned. Aizawa just shrugged, he didn’t want to talk about it. Tensei was the only one of the three that didn’t know everything about his childhood. All he knew was that Aizawa had to be removed from the home and eventually was taken in by Nezu until after he graduated and moved in with Hizashi.
“Doesn’t matter. Forget about it. Let’s eat and then Hizashi can open his presents,” Aizawa replied, brushing the topic off and dishing out a few plates. Putting a little extra on Shinsou’s since the boy was still too small. Tensei frowned even more at Aizawa’s dismissal, but let it go, now was not the time or place to push the topic. 
“I still can’t believe you hid that from us! We had to find out while watching you during the sports festival!” Sachiko laughed, leaning into her wife. 
“What was I supposed to say?! Oh, by the way, my best friends quirk could kill me if he’s not careful? You would have freaked!” Hizashi replied.
“We did freak! You should have seen your poor Mimi! She was ready to run to Yuuei and kill you both!” 
“We were careful! Shouta knew what he was doing the whole time. We had a signal if it got to be too much for me. Besides once we learned how his quirk affected me we worked on my lung capacity,” AIzawa rolled his eyes, silently curled against his husband, his legs thrown over the armrest of the couch and his head in Hizashi’s lap, Shinosu was laying on the floor in front of them, half asleep at this point.
“Still, you both should’ve told us. I bet you did that training without any supervision too,” Hizashi flushed at that, chuckling nervously. Jitsuko roller her eyes at her son, sighing heavily in mock disappointment.
‘I asked him not to tell you. I was worried you wouldn’t want me around him if you knew I could hurt him like that,’ Aizawa signed, looking anywhere but at his mothers-in-law. 
“Oh nonsense, we knew how good you were for him, and how much of an impact he had on you. Don’t think I forgot about that time you lied to me when you were what, eight? Besides you guys had been friends for what, two years before we adopted Hizashi. We never would’ve done that to either of you,” Jitsuko reassured him, but Aizawa just shrugged, keeping his eyes on the ceiling. 
“And look at us now! Married with a child, and Shouta could choke me and I’d fucking thank him,”
“Hizashi!” the whole room yelled, except Aizawa and Nemuri, the latter cackling at his announcement while AIzawa groaned, his face flaming red as he hid behind his hands. Luckily the kids were more or less asleep on the floor. 
“None of us needed to know that much about your sex life,” Tensei groaned, his own face covered in a dark blush. Hizashi just shrugged, an unashamed smile on his face as he chuckled.
‘I’m going to murder you,’ Aizawa signed, glaring at his husband. Hizashi just laughed louder, pressing a kiss to Aizawa’s cheek.
After that Hizashi’s birthday was a subdued affair. It was the perfect birthday in his eyes, even if the cake was a little burnt, a little lopsided, and badly frosted. He didn’t care because his boys had made it for him. His favorite gift had been Shinsou’s card, which was now proudly displayed on their fridge. It was a drawing of Hizashi in his hero costume, standing in his signature pose, a message on the other side reading ‘You’re more than just my hero.’ It had made Hizashi smile and his eyes a little watery. Shinsou had flushed when Hizashi told him that he loved it and had immediately stuck it on the fridge, but Shinsou had smiled too, a soft barely there smile, but it made Hizashi’s birthday so much better. 
Now it was just the family of three, everyone having left almost an hour ago, letting the family have time with just each other. Hizashi was leaning against Aizawa’s chest, Shinsou fast asleep on Hizashi, snuffling softly in his sleep. 
“Did you have a good birthday?” Aizawa whispered, running his hand through Hizashi’s hair. 
“I had the best birthday,” Hizashi replied, grinning up at his husband. “It was everything I wanted,” 
“Good. I’m glad,” Aizawa hummed, pressing a kiss to the blond’s forehead. “We should probably head to bed,” Hizashi hummed, but made no attempt to move from where he laid. Aizawa huffed a laugh, shaking his head at his husband. “Come on, you’ll regret sleeping on the couch in the morning,” Hizashi just grunted, whining as Aizawa wiggled his way out from under him, pulling the blond up, careful to not wake up Shinsou. Hizashi pouted, but followed his husband to their bedroom, taking Shinsou with him, unwilling to take the boy to bed, he looked so happy to be cuddled into the blond’s chest and Hizashi didn’t have the heart to leave the boy in his own room. So the three ended up sleeping in the same bed, all nightmares chased away by the feeling of being safe and loved.
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The Scars That Have Been Left Behind
Read on A03
Word count: 6220
Chapter Four
That hope was quickly crushed when a scream rang through their apartment early the following morning. Aizawa was out of bed in a flash, already down the hall and crouching next to Shinsou before Hizashi even had a chance to get up. Shinsou was awake, but his eyes were unfocused and glazed over, his breathing ragged and shallow, whole body shaking as he muttered something under his breath. 
“Hitoshi,” Aizawa called to him, but the boy flinched away, trying to curl into an even smaller ball at the head of the bed. “It’s okay Toshi. It’s just me and Hizashi. You’re safe with us, remember? We’re pro heroes and we promised to protect you,” Aizawa rattled off, watching as the boy nodded slightly with every word. This was their routine, Aizawa would sit with him and tell him about everything that had happened. How Hizashi and him had adopted Shinsou, that they were pro heroes and that they’d never let anyone hurt him. And Aizawa would wait, keeping his hands away from the terrified boy until the glazed, unfocused look in his eyes disappeared and he was able to focus on Aizawa. Only then would he pull Shinsou close, rock him until his tears stopped, and then they’d either have Shinsou join them in their bed or the three of them would curl up on the couch and watch movies.
But tonight was different. The glazed look was still in Shinsou’s eyes, but the boy scotted over to Aizawa anyways, clinging onto him like he would disappear, and Aizawa was worried and confused, but he held the boy tightly, still talking softly. 
“Shinsou, are you here? With me in your bedroom?” Shinsou shook his head, so he could hear him, but he was still trapped there. “Where are you then?” Aizawa clung tighter as the word ‘closet’ was spelled into his chest. “Okay, I’m going to move. We’re gonna go into the living room and sit with Hizashi, okay? Try to follow me there, you can do it, you’ve done it before,” Aizawa waited till the boy nodded before slowly making his way to the living room, narrating his walk. They’ve done this before, it was something to do with his quirk. He would get stuck in his head, trapped in past memories, but still aware enough to be able to hear anything around him. “Where are you now?” Aizawa asked once he was standing in the middle of the living room, Hizashi watching them from the couch with tired and worried eyes. Shinsou pushed against Aizawa’s chest, slowly blinking up at him. 
‘Living room,’ Shinsou signed, eyes looking around the room, stopping at HIzashi. ‘Zashi’s sitting on the couch and we’re in the middle of the room,’ Aizawa nodded, sighing softly before moving to plop down next to his husband, leaning his back against Hizashi’s chest who immediately wrapped his arms around the two of them. 
“Do you want to try to sleep?” Hizashi asked, rubbing soothing circles into the boy’s back. Shinsou quickly shook his head, eyes wide and panicked. “Okay, do you want to watch a movie?” Another shake of his head, ah, he wanted silence then. Hizashi smiled softly, moving his hands so Shinsou could see. ‘Okay, we’ll all just sit here then,’ Shinsou nodded at that, laying against Aizawa’s chest, staring out of the balcony window. They sat like that for hours, Hizashi eventually falling asleep, leaving the other two awake. Shinsou refusing to let his eyes close and Aizawa refusing to leave the boy alone while he slept. 
By the time their alarm went off Aizawa was exhausted, Shinsou was in no better state as the two shuffled to get ready, leaving Hizashi to sort out breakfast. Shouta helped Shinsou get dressed first, letting the boy pick out his outfit, though he didn’t seem very interested, just shrugging at every choice Aizawa held out to him. Aizawa sighed, as he got another shrug for the fourth shirt he held up. Aizawa turned full towards the dresser, closing the current drawer he was rummaging through, pulling the one below it open, fishing out a light grey hoodie, a simple cat face scrawled on it and a pair of dark blue jeans. Aizawa helped him change, carefully maneuvering Shinsou’s broken arm into the sleeve. 
After Shinosu was dressed, Aizawa walked into his and Hizashi’s room, paying close attention to the soft footsteps following after him. Aizawa pulled his jumpsuit out of their closet, listening as Shinsou settled on their bed, wanting to be near the other man, but was obviously watching the ceiling, like he did every time he was having a slightly off day. Aizawa dressed quickly, before moving out of the room to finish the rest of their daily routine, before joining Hizashi in the living room, the blond having already finished making breakfast. 
The three of them ate in relative silence, Shinsou pushing his food around more than actually eating it. The two adults looked at each other, but didn’t push it, knowing the boy would just retreat further into himself if they tried. 
The ride to school was just as quiet, though Hizashi had insisted on turning the radio on, but kept it low. When they pulled into the gates of Yuuei they were both glad they had decided to take their car, complete with tinted windows, as there was a large group of reporters standing outside the gate, trying to get the students to stop and talk to them. Aizawa groaned, but had Hizashi stop the car, before moving to get out. 
“What are you doing?”
‘I don’t want them crawling around with Hitoshi here. I’m going to get rid of them,’ Aizawa replied, glancing back at the exhausted boy in the back seat. ‘Go around the back. I’ll meet you in the lounge,’
“Okay, just, don’t do anything stupid.” Aizawa nodded, moving to open the car door.
“Wait!” Aizawa stopped, car door half open when Shinsou yelled, catching the attention of a few reporters and students walking by. “Don’t go, please,” Shinsou whispered, clutching his cat plushie close to his body, eyes downcast and filled with tears. Aizawa glanced at Hizashi, then out at the reporters, a few of them looking like they were about to start walking over. 
“Fuck, just, I’ll talk them, You take Shinsou to the staff lounge,” Hizashi was already out of the car, slamming the door behind him before someone could look in. 
“But,” Shinsou’s wide eyes followed Hizashi out of the car. 
‘It’s alright. Hizashi will meet us once we’re inside okay?’ Aizawa quickly signed, before moving out of the passenger side and going to the driver side. 
“Eraser! Is it true that you adopted a child?”
“Are you and Present Mic dating?”
“Eraser!” Aizawa growled under his breath, but ignored them, quickly climbing into the driver's seat and slamming the door.
“Alright! I need you all to step back, and leave!” HIzashi shouted, waving for Aizawa to leave, knowing the reporters weren’t dumb enough to try and step in front of a moving car. 
Once in the faculty room Aizawa collapsed into his desk chair, Shinsou scrambling to sit in his lap, but not quite hiding from the people sitting around the room.
“How did the media even find out?” Aizawa growled, running a hand through his already messy hair. 
“Someone must’ve seen you at the hospital and just made assumptions,” Nemuri replied. “Or they saw you leave with him. Who knows, what matters now it making sure all of you are safe,” Aizawa sighed, slumping in his seat. They had already scoured the news, but there were no actual pictures of the two of them together. Just stories about a ‘reliable’ source telling the media that he had recently adopted a child. 
“They’re vultures. I just can’t believe it got out so quickly,” Aizawa mumbled, glancing down at Shinsou, who was quietly mumbling to the plushie in his hands. “What kind of guardian am I if I can’t even keep him out of the media?” Aizawa muttered, glaring out the window bitterly. 
“This is in no way your fault. The media takes whatever scraps they can get and run with them. It was going to happen eventually Shouta. At least they don’t have any pictures of him. We can do something about this. Get the media to resend it, and apologize, while we find a way to move the three of you on campus, just as a precaution,” Aizawa hummed in acknowledgment, but didn’t say anything, just watched the clouds rolling across the sky. 
“Geez, I hate the media,” Hizashi mumbled, walking into the staff lounge, collapsing into the chair next to Aizawa. Shinsou glanced at him, quickly leaving Aizawa’s lap to sit with him, though he glared at Hizashi, even though he still settled himself in the blond’s lap, going back to mumbling to his kitty. “What did I do to deserve that?” Hizashi mumbled, pouting as he looked down at the little boy. 
“You left,” Shinsou mumbled, puffing his cheeks out, 
“I’m sorry kiddo, I had to get those nasty reporters out of here,” Hizashi apologized, running his hand through the boy’s hair, but the disgruntled look on the boy’s face didn’t lift, though he did lean on Hizashi’s chest, laying on his side as he dropped his voice, mumbling to himself again. 
“What’s got him so moody today?” Nemuri asked, glancing at Shinsou, who glared back at her. 
“We had a long night,” Hizashi replied, gently wrapping an arm around the boy in his lap. Shinosu hummed at the contact, reaching his free hand down to rest his smaller hand on Hizashi’s much larger hand, absently curling his hand around Hizashi’s palm. The blond had a dopey grin on his face as he looked down at Shinsou’s hand. Aizawa chuckled softly at the amazement on his husbands face. While Shinsou was used to them and would often sit in their laps, he never really initiated any other type of physical contact, especially when it came to Hizashi. Aizawa glanced at the clock, feeling a groan climbing in his throat. 
“We have to get to class,” Shinsou glanced up at him, but stayed where he was, until he saw Aizawa move towards the door, then he was pushing Hizashi’s arm away and falling to the floor, following Aizawa towards the door, but paused when Hizashi didn’t follow. 
“Hitsohi? Do you want to stay here with Hizashi?” Aizawa asked, turning to look at the boy. “You can stay here while I go teach,” Shinsou looked back at him, quickly shaking his head. “Do you want to come with me?” A nod, but still he didn’t move glancing back at Hizashi. Aizawa hummed, connecting the dots rather quickly, so that’s how today was going to be. “Come on Yamada. I guess we’re both going to have a guest teacher today,” Aizawa muttered, waiting for his husband and son to follow him before he walked out, not wanting to make Shinsou’s separation anxiety worse. 
“Shut up and sit down,” Aizawa barked, walking into the classroom, the class immediately sat down, everyone falling silent. “Mic will be joining is today. Though he’s just here to observe and watch over my ward,” Aizawa continued, leaning against the blackboard, motioning for the two to walk in. Shinsou walked in first, well more like ran, barreling into Aizawa’s legs, hiding from the students staring wide eyed at him. Mic walked in behind him, chuckling softly, dropping into Aizawa’s desk chair, smiling brightly at the students. 
“So it’s true?!”
“You adopted a kid?!”
“I didn’t take you for someone who actually liked kids!”
“What’s his name?”
“Quiet!” Aizawa growled, flashing his quirk, scaring both the students and Shinsou with his yell. “Shit, sorry kiddo. Why don’t you go sit with Mic? I’m sure he’d love to play with you while I teach,” Shinsou stared up at him, before glancing at Hizashi, watching the two of them skeptically, “I’ll be right here kid. I just need both hands to teach. I’ll sit with you during Mic’s class, deal?” Shinsou squinted at him, but nodded, moving over to Mic and reaching his good arm up, holding his kitty against himself with his cast. Hizashi smiled, leaning over to pick the boy up, making sure he didn’t drop his plushie. Shinsou settled into his lap, facing Hizashi, his back to the class as he quietly signed with Hizashi.
‘Why are they staring?’ Shinsou asked, pouting as he shifted so the class was in his vision, but couldn’t see his face. 
‘People don’t see the side of Shouta that we do. So they’re a little intrigued by you,’ Hizashi replied, snorting at the annoyed look on the boy’s face. 
‘They should mind their own business,’ Shinsou crossed his arms, well as much as he could with one broken one. 
‘Yeah, but teenagers are nosey.’
“Now,” Hizashi and Shinsou looked up as Aizawa spoke. “I’m going to set some ground rules about the kid. None of you are to pester him. He is to be left alone unless it’s an emergency. I will not be answering any questions about him, so don’t bother asking. That goes for Mic too, so don’t bother asking him. His name is unimportant to you all, though I won’t stop him if he wants to introduce himself. When he is around you are to be quiet, not deadly silent but keep your voices down and absolutely no quirk use around him, unless Mic or I say otherwise. If you need to approach the desk for any reason, make your presence known before you get to close. Lastly, from time to time, Mic might join our class, just as he is today. It is none of your business as to why, just know that it will happen. On those days I will also be in Mic’s class. It is for the kid and that’s all you need to know,” Aizawa sighed, running a hand down his face. “Now, emergency where you are permitted to approach him or talk to him. If he gets lost on campus, help him find myself or Mic or any of the other teachers. If something happens to Mic or me, I am putting you all in charge of watching him till we come to collect him, or Midnight comes to get him. He is prone to panic attacks, if I don’t notice it please alert me to it, if I’m not around, try to call him down,don’t touch him, but talk to him while one of you comes to find me or Mic. Understood?’ The class nods, but stays quiet, a few glancing at the boy, who was still signing with Hizashi, a little more enthusiastically now. “Good, now, for today's lesson,” the class groaned, but Aizawa continued.
Hizashi’s class was different than how it normally was. The usually loud rambunxious class was quiet, deadly so with Aizawa sitting at Hizashi’s desk signing with the small boy in his lap, sometimes just sitting there and watching the boy doodle in his sketchbook. 
“Hey, hey, pay attention!” Hizashi snapped, crossing his arms as he glared at his class. “Or maybe we will have that test today,” the class shook their heads, prying their eyes from Aizawa and Shinsou, immediately going back to work. Hizashi chuckled, leaning back against the blackboard as he watched them. 
“Zeeshi,” Hizashi turned, looking at Shinsou as he butchered his name. 
“What’s up little listener?” Shinsou didn’t respond, just flipped his sketchbook towards him, sheepishly showing him the drawing. Hizashi smiled as he looked at the page, a little purple boy doodled between  a yellow figure, hair swooped up in a point, a grey blob around the neck, and a grey figure, black hair floating around the head, yellow goggles on the figures face and a grey scarf flying around him. In messy characters read ‘my family’ scrawled at the top of the page. “That’s amazing kiddo! I’m sure if you asked nicely Aizawa might even put it on the fridge. If you wanted him to show it off,” Shinsou paused, thinking about it, before turning back in Aizawa’s lap, a calculating look on his face as he watched the dark haired man. 
“Would you?” Shinsou asked, hands still clutching the sketchbook, the page pressed close to his chest. 
“If you want me to, I will. I’m sure Mic would love to see it every time he raids the fridge,” Aizawa replied, though Hizashi knew what he really meant, Aizawa would love to see the picture. It gave him a reason to believe he was at least okay at being a guardian. 
“Really?” Shinsou beamed, momentarily forgetting about the class in his excitement. 
“Of course kid, I’d never joke about that,” Shinosu bounced slightly in his seat, hugging the man in front of him. Aizawa hugged him back, turning the chair so his back was to the classroom. 
‘Adorable,’ Hizashi signed, smiling at the two of them. Aizawa didn’t reply, just flipped him off, a scowl on his face.
Aizawa was currently sitting in the staff lounge, pointedly ignoring the stares directed at him. Hizashi was talking animatedly at his side, pausing to take a bit of his bento every few minutes. Aizawa hummed, nodding in acknowledgement, but he was only half paying attention, too focused on helping Shinsou eat. The boy was happy to let Aizawa feed him, glaring at the older man every few bites, refusing to eat anymore until Aizawa would eat a few bites. AIzawa would roll his eyes, but eventually relent and eat some of the bento, forcing back a smile when Shinsou would beam up at him.
“That is the most adorable sight I’ve ever seen,” Nemuri gushed from AIzawa’s other side. 
“Don’t you have better things to do than watch us eat?” Aizawa grumbled, taking another bite at Shinsou’s glare. “It’s pretty creepy Nem,” Shinsou nodded in agreement, happily chewing on his own bite while mindlessly fidgeting with the ends of Aizawa’s capture weapon. Nemuri huffed, but turned away from them, grumbling as she started grading the papers in front of her. 
“She’s not wrong though,” Hizashi muttered, a fond smile on his face as he watched the scene in front of him. Aizawa rolled his eyes, ducking his head into his capture weapon, hiding the sort of smile tugging at his lips. 
“Shut up and eat your lunch,” Aizawa grumbled. Hizashi laughed, but went back to eating, still rambling about his day so far, and how some of the students could probably eat alphabet soup and shit out better essays than the ones that got turned in to him.
“Aren’t you guys supposed to be at the gym soon?” Aizawa frowned, glancing at the clock before his eyes grew wide. Shit, they had both lost track of time. They were supposed to be meeting class 1-a at the gym for some quirkless sparring.
“Fuck, Yamada, we have to go,” Aizawa was on his feet in a second, Shinsou held tightly in his arms as AIzawa packed up Shinsou’s bag, flinging it over his shuoulder and grabbing Hizashi’s shirt collar, pulling the stuttering man with him as he made his way out the door, cursing himself as he went. Hizashi fell into step next to him, laughing at Aizawa’s actions. 
“It’ll be fine, so what if we’re a few minutes late?” 
“This is class 1-a we’re talking about. You know they can’t be trusted by themselves,” Aizawa muttered, Hizashi chuckled, but picked up his pace anyways. Luckily they made it there with a few minutes to spare. 
“Alright listeners! We’re going to start with some quirkless sparring. Those of you who are confident with your hand-to-hand combat pair up with those still struggling. Odd man out has their choice of pairing with another group or pairing with one of us. Figure it out,” HIzashi instructed, watching as the students paired up, leaving Hasemi to sheepishly walk over to the two of them. 
“Um, I-I was hoping Aizawa-sensei would spare with me, N-No offense Mic-sensei, we, uh, we all just know you’re not, the best at hand-to-hand combat,” Hizashi laughed, clapping her on the shoulder. 
“No worries kid. Aizawa tells me that all the time,” Hizashi chuckled again, turning to reach his arms out to Shinsou, letting the boy decide if he wanted to be held or not. Shinsou didn’t hesitate to lean towards him, warily watching the girl near them. “Don’t worry kiddo, she’s not gonna hurt you,” Hizashi reassured him, though Shinsou still buried his face in Hizashi chest, hiding from the girl. 
“Alright Hasemi, are you still having trouble with-” Hizashi watched as his husband walked away, before glancing at the other pairs. Watching each pair spare for a minute to see if he needed to give them some advice, but for the most part Hizashi just stood there, quietly talking to Shinsou, even though the boy didn’t always respond. Which was fine with Hizashi, Shinsou was still getting used to them and being able to talk around them. 
Everything had been going just fine, those who needed the extra help seemed to be doing a lot better, including Hasemi, who seemed to actual get a few hits on Aizawa, which was not easy and Hizashi knew Aizawa wasn’t holding back, he never did when he would spare with the students. It showed them what it would be like to fight against someone who actually knew what they were doing. Hizashi was ready to call them back, ready to start their next exercise. Shinsou had asked to be put down, now sitting on the grym floor, going from playing with his cat plushie to doodling in his sketchbook. 
“Alright, everyone. Take a quick 5 minute break. Afterwards we’ll start the next exercise,” Hizashi called, the students nodded, some of them sitting on the floor in groups, others stretching first, some walking to the other end of the gym to get a drink. Aizawa rolled his shoulders, sighing as he let his muscles relax, plopping down next to Shinsou, startling the boy a little into using his quirk, flushing when he realized what he was doing. Aizawa just chuckled softly when he was released from Shinsou’s hold. 
“You’re getting better at letting people go,” Hizashi praised, ruffling the boy’s hair as he sat down. Aizawa hummed, an idea flashing in his head. “I know that look, what’re you thinking?” Aizawa just waved him off, a smirk spreading across his face before he stood, whistling to get everyone's attention. 
“I have a deal to make with you all. See, he needs to learn control, and you all have some questions right?” The class nodded, even Shinsou was paying close attention. “Well, if he agrees, we’ll have a little test. For everyone of you who can break his control on you, I’ll answer one question. Agreed?” The class nodded, Aizawa turning to Shinsou. “What do you say kid? You don’t have to do anything you don’t want, but it would help with your control. It wouldn’t just flair up randomly, with practice,” Shinsou seemed to mull this over, a little hesitant to willingly use his quirk, but nodded anyways, abandoning his sketchbook and plushie to stand by his guardians side. “Alright,” Aizawa turned to look at the class. “So, who’s first?” Everyone looked at each other before Hasemi stepped forward. Shinsou blinked up at her, before clearing his throat.
“What’s your name?” Shinsou asked, his voice soft and a little scratchy. The class watched with bated breath, a slightly confused look on Hasemi’s face before she answered. 
“Hasemi-” the girl went stiff, color draining from her eyes as she stared blankly ahead. 
“Good, hold it for as long as you. Focus,” Aizawa muttered, glancing between the bewildered faces of his students and the blank look of Hasemi’s face. Shinsou nodded, concentrating on keeping his mind melded with the girl’s. A minute ticked by as everyone watched, but only Aizawa noticed the slight twitch in Hasemi’s arm, the color returning slowly to her eyes as she blinked, wonder crossing her face as she looked at Shinsou. 
“That, is super cool!” the girl gushed, smiling brightly at the little boy. Shinsou flushed, looking away from her. 
“Really?” Shinsou asked softly, scuffing his shoe on the gym floor. 
“Yeah! You could be a really great hero one day,” Shinsou looked taken aback, but smiled brightly anyways. 
“Alright, well, I guess that means I owe you an answer. Let’s get through everyone and then do the questions at the end,” the class nodded, the next student eagerly stepping up. The whole thing lasted about 20 minutes, the last few students needing less time to break free, Shinsou growing more tired as time went on. 
“Good work kid,” Aizawa praised, ruffling Shinsou’s hair, plopping next to the tired boy, pulling him against his side, Hizashi moving to sit next to them. “So, I guess that means you get to ask me 13 questions,” Aizawa mused, tilting his head slightly. “Go ahead, ask away,”
“How does his quirk work?”
“We’re not entirely sure. When he actually tries to use it, he has to get his target to respond to him, but sometimes when he’s overly emotional he can use it without getting a response.”
“Is he a ward of Yuuei or is he your son?”
“He is my adopted son. Yuuei has no claim to him. He’s just coming here with me until he’s ready to go back to school,”
“How old is he?”
“Four, turning five in a few months,”
“Are you and Mic-sensei married?” Aizawa paused at that, blinking slowly at his class. 
“No,” the class seemed to deflate at his answer, murmuring to each other. 
“Oh, we just thought, well we’ve seen your rings and it’s common knowledge that you live together. Plus you and Mic are really close and on his radio show he always mentions that his secret partner has been by his side for years,” Aizawa sighed, glaring at his husband. 
“I’m blaming you for this,” Aizawa grumbled, turning back to his students. “Yes, Mic and I are married, but it doesn’t leave this room. Wait, you’ve seen my ring?” Aizawa frowned, mindlessly reaching for the chain that was always hidden under his shirt and capture weapon. 
“Yeah, a few times during training. Usually on days you were running late. We assumed you just forgot to tuck it in your shit,”
“Alright, you can’t blame me for this anymore. They wouldn’t have suspected you if they didn’t see your ring,” Hizashi laughed, throwing his head back. Aizawa just grumbled, shoving Hizashi so he fell over. 
“Idiot,” Aizawa growled, rolling his eyes at him, but there was a fond look under his annoyed look. 
“How long have you been together?”
“We’ve been friends since the middle of our first year at Yuuei, after Aizawa transferred into the hero program, after kicking my ass during the sports festival. We’ve been a couple since we were 16. We’ve been married for 3 years now,” Hizashi replied, a bright smile on his face. 
“Zashi, no, it’s been almost 4 years,” Aizawa scowled, glaring at his husband. 
“What? No, it hasn’t-” Hizashi paused, eyebrows furrowed as he thought. “Oh shit, Shou! I, my birthday is next week, isn’t it?” Aizawa nodded, rolling his eyes at his husband.
“To be fair, we’ve been a little preoccupied lately,” Aizawa replied, both men glancing at the boy sitting between them, half asleep. 
“What made you guys decide to adopt? No offense, but I didn’t think you’d want kids Aizawa-Sensei,” HIzashi laughed at that, opening his mouth, probably to say something to ruin Aizawa’s reputation. Aizawa glared, using his quirk as a warning. Hizashi choked on his laugh, glaring at Aizawa as his voice and breath, were literally stolen. 
“None taken,” Aizawa shrugged dropping his quirk. “To be fair, kids were never part of our plan. Not until well years down the road, but even then it was just talk. He, he was different. I seen him a lot during my patrols, always out with his… foster parents, really I’ve known him for about a year before we adopted him. Details are unimportant, but he just reminded us of well, our younger selves. It just made sense,” Aizawa shrugged, leaning back on his hands.
“What do you mean by your younger selves?” Aizawa flinched at the question, regretting his choice of words. Aizawa leaned his head back, sighing as a few memories resurfaced, pushing their way into his mind. Images of shitty foster parents. Locked doors and blacked out rooms. Irritated red eyes looking back at him in the mirror, thumbs and pointer fingers hovering over his eyes, a woman screaming at him, pounding on the locked door of the closet. Being locked in the same closet for days, screaming himself hoarse-
“Shou?” AIzawa jumped, flinching away from the hand reaching out to him, eyes a little too wide, body instinctively moving away. He stared at his husband, heart racing in his chest, forcing the images and sounds out of his head. “Are you-”
“I’m fine,” Aizawa snapped, rubbing at his dry eyes. “I’m..I’m okay,” Hizashi frowned, but didn’t say anything. 
“I think that’s enough for today. Class dismissed. We’ll answer the rest tomorrow,” Hizashi muttered, waving for the students to leave. The blonde said nothing more, just pushed himself to his feet, shoving Shinsou’s stuff into his bag before picking the boy up and helping Aizawa too his feet, the raven haired man was only half paying attention as he was dragged out of the gym, their students watching the whole thing. Aizawa stumbled after his husband, his mind flashing between past and present.
HIzashi’s heart was beating in his chest, knowing what was coming. Aizawa had gotten to far in his head and it was only a matter of time before he was too far, before he would start yelling and kicking, believing that he was back there, with those people. Hizashi didn’t even think as he burst into the staff lounge, shoving AIzawa onto the couch, eyes scanning over the few teachers staring at them. 
“Out,” Hizashi snapped, putting more force than necessary into the word, all but shoving the others out of the room, but gently handing Shinsou to Thirteen, who gave him a worried look, eyes glancing to AIzawa, who was now breathing heavily, hands gripping his hair tightly. “Find Nemuri, quickly,” Hizashi earged, shoving them out of the door.
“Shou, Moonbeam? Can you hear me?” Hizashi asked, gently easing his husbands hands out of his hair. Aizawa didn’t respond, instead just clutching onto Hizashi’s hands, his eyes glazed over, not looking at Hizashi, but looking through him, to a place Hizashi couldn’t even begin to imagine. “Shou,” Hizashi sighed, rubbing his thumb along Aizawa’s knuckles, humming softly, a tune he hoped could reach his husband while he was in this state. He pried one hand out of Aizawa’s gently cupping his husband's cheek, his heart clenching when the man flinched away from him. “You’re okay. I know you can’t see that right now, but you’re okay. You’re here, at Yuuei, with me. You’re not with them anymore. You have me and my moms and we have Shinsou. You just have to come back to me,” Hizashi continued to talk to him, Aizawa was talking to, no more like screaming, silent tears slipping down his cheeks. 
“Stop, please! I’m sorry, it was an accident!” Aizawa yelled, trying to pull away from Hizashi, who let him go, but didn’t move from where he was crouched. “Please don’t, not again,” Aizawa pleaded, curling in on himself. 
“Shouta, please,” HIzashi whispered, flinching when the door slammed open, Nemuri panting as she ran into the room. “Nem, I-I need you-”
“I know. I know Zashi,” Nemuri muttered. “Cover your nose,” Hizashi did as he was told, watching as Nemuri pulled part of her costume back, the purple pink mist wafting off of her, swirling around them and up towards his husband, whose gasping breaths slowed, his eyes fluttering as he tilted sideways, falling into the plush couch cushions. Hizashi watched as his tears trickled to a stop and his breathing evened out, leaving Nemuri and him to sit in silence. 
“What happened?” Nemuri asked after a couple of minutes had passed by, both of them still sitting on the floor, watching Aizawa sleep, his sleeping bag tossed over him. 
“I’m not quite sure. The students were asking us questions about Hitoshi and Shouta was answering one of them, something about what made us finally decide to adopt a kid, and Shouta basically just told them that HItoshi was special and that he reminded us of our… younger selves. Fuck, it must’ve brought up some old memories,” Hizashi sighed, leaning against Nemuri. “I’m gonna go collect Shinsou and take both of them home. I’ll be better for him to wake up in our bed,”
“Yeah, I’ll take over his classes and see if Thirteen can take over your classes. I think they’re actually in your classroom with Shinosu right now,” Nemuri muttered. “I’ll watch him while you go get Hitoshi,” HIzashi nodded, but didn’t make a move to leave, just simply shifted forward to brush Aizawa��s hair back, gently cupping his cheek. “It’ll be okay Hizashi. He’ll be out for a couple hours,” Hizashi nodded again, slowly pushing himself to his feet, hovering over Aizawa before forcing himself out of the room, towards his classroom, where he can hear a few people talking. Hizashi pushed the door open with shaky hands, refusing to meet anyone's eyes, just scanning quickly to see Shinsou sitting quietly on the other side of the room, as far from everyone as he could be. 
“Come on Toshi, we’re gonna take Aizawa home,” Hizashi muttered, his usual bright and energetic self missing, replaced by his quiet closed off self. Shinsou nodded from where he sat, making his way to Hizashi, gently reaching up to grab Hizashi’s hand. The blond gave him a tight lipped smile, before leaving the room, ready to just be home already, and it was barely one. 
Within twenty minutes Hizashi was carrying Aizawa into their apartment, Shinsou walking in front of him, holding the front door open as he walked through. Hizashi hummed a soft ‘thank you’ walking into the back of the apartment, laying Aizawa onto their bed, sitting in front of him, running his hand through the other man’s hair.
“Is he okay?” Shinsou mumbled, standing hesitantly in the doorway. 
“Yeah, he’ll be okay. Come on buddy. I think we could all use a nap,” Shinsou nodded, hopping onto the bed and currlying between Aizawa and Hizashi, the blond throwing an arm over both of them, absentmindedly lacing his fingers with Aizawa’s, letting his eyes close and willing sleep to whisk him away, along with the day that had started off so well. 
Hizashi was in the kitchen a few hours later, starting to make dinner, when he heard Shouta shuffling into the room. Hizashi glanced back at him, giving him a soft smile. Shouta looked exhausted and worn out, their comforter wrapped around his shoulders, the bags under his eyes looked worse, despite sleeping for almost 3 hours. 
“Afternoon moonbeam,” Hizashi greeted, turning back to the stove. Shouta grunted in reply, leaning his head on Hizashi’s shoulder. The two were silent for a moment, the only sound being the food cooking on the stove and Shinsou coloring in the next room over. 
“m sorry, Zashi. I couldn’t get it under control,” Shouta muttered, sighing softly. Hizashi was quiet for a second, turning off the burners before turning to face Shouta, gently cupping Shouta’s cheeks, forcing the other man to look at him. 
“Shou, you have nothing to apologize for. Shit happens and this is in no way your fault,” Hizashi reassured him, pushing Shota’s hair out of his face, smiling softly at him. “Childhood trauma is a bitch and it takes work to make things a little more okay. We’ll get there one day, when they’re nothing more than shitty memories with no power over us anymore,” Shouta sighed, but nodded anyways, leaning into the hand still on his cheek. 
“I don’t remember falling asleep,” Shouta muttered, glancing into guilty green eyes. “Nemuri?” Hizashi nodded, chewing his lip and avoiding Shouta’s gaze.
“Yeah, I know you don’t like it when she does that to you, but you, you were too far gone and I didn’t want you to have to ride the whole thing out,” Hizashi muttered, dropping his arms to his side. 
“I understand. It’s alright sunshine. I’m not mad,” Shouta replied, pressing a kiss to Hizashi’s cheek. “Just exhausted,”
“Well let’s eat dinner, and then we can all lay down and watch a movie. Shinsou’s been wanting to watch Monsters Inc again,” Shouta nodded, glancing at their son, who had perked up at the mention of his favorite movie. 
“Yeah, that sounds great,” Hizashi smiled, pressing a kiss to Shouta’s forehead before turning back to the stove, dishing out a serving for each of them. 
“Things will get better,” Hizashi reassured him, heading into the living room with a bowl for himself and Shinsou. “For all of us eventually.”
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The Scars That Have Been Left Behind
Read on A03
Words: 3953
Chapter Three
The following days were chaotic to say the least. Both men were constantly running around, having interviews with social workers, going shopping to make sure they had at least the basics a child needed, cleaning out their spare room, redecorating it, putting together furniture and setting up home visits, as well as visiting Shinsou’s school to collect the homework he missed and for the next few weeks. They’d be back there soon enough to make sure they’d be able to care for Shinsou when he did return. But for now everything was ready. The spare room had been repainted, a light blue with purple polka dots, similar to Shinsou’s favorite monster from Monsters Inc. A few hero posters decorating the walls, and a cat plush sitting in the middle of his bed. It was sparsely decorated, wanted to let the boy do that himself and pick out his own toys. Though they did get him tons of art supplies as they quickly found out that he loved to draw. Now all that was missing was the boy himself.
“Hey kiddo, you almost ready to go?” Hizashi asked, picking up Shinsou’s bag and the duffle he had brought a few days ago. Shinsou nodded, absently picking at the cuts on his cheeks. They had finally been able to take the muzzle off, only to find more cuts and scars, his muzzle made differently, made specifically to hurt the little boy. Hizashi had had to leave the room after seeing what laid underneath. Shouta had kept his face neutral, but he held the muzzle in a white knuckle grip the muzzle creaking under the pressure.
Hizashi smiled, holding his hand out to him. Shinsou hesitated, but instead held his unbroken arm up to be picked up. Hizashi’s smile grew wider as he bent down to pick him up. He knew Shinsou wasn’t quite used to him yet, which was understandable, Hizashi was loud and moved too quickly sometimes, but he was doing better at keeping his voice soft and his movements slower and Shinsou had gotten comfortable enough to let the blond hold him and pick him up.
“Alright, let’s go find Shouta. He should be waiting for us downstairs,” Hizashi shifted Shinsou so he could wrap his arm around Hizashi’s neck, hiding from the eyes of the people they walked past. Hizashi smiled to himself, one hand resting on Shinsou’s back and the other holding him up as the pair of them made their way towards the elevator, though Hizashi hesitated before stepping in. He remembered Makkiko mentioning that Shinsou hated small spaces, including elevators, but they were on one of the higher floors and Hizashi really didn’t want to climb down multiple flights of stairs with their bags and a 5 year old.
He felt Shinsou tense as the doors closed and Hizashi just held him tighter, rocking from side to side and humming softly. That had been another thing they’d notice about him. Even if he wasn’t quite comfortable with Hizashi, hearing the man hum or sing always seemed to help calm him down. Now was no exception, Shinsou’s grip loosening slightly as he turned a little to look around the small space.
“Don’t worry kiddo, it’s not a long ride,” Hizashi muttered, pushing Shinou’s hair out of his eyes. Shinsou nodded slightly, jumping slightly when the elevator jerked to a halt, the doors sliding open soon after. Shinsou immediately buried his head back into Hizashi’s neck, hiding from the many people milling around the lobby. “Do you have a preference for lunch? I’m sure I could talk Shouta into letting us get takeout,” Hizshi said, filling the silence, but keeping his voice low and soft.
‘Curry?’ HIzashi smiled at the sign pressed into his chest.
“Of course little listener!” Hizashi hadn’t really expected an answer, well not a direct one, he had expected the boy to just say whatever they wanted. Shinsou was afraid to ask for what he wanted, after years of being told now, being hit for even asking a question or asking for something he wanted. So it made him happy that he at least seemed to be comfortable enough with them to actually give them an answer.
Hizashi stopped near the doors, it was quite dreary out for such a happy day but he wouldn’t let that kill his mood. As it was it was currently pouring outside, not quite storming. So Hizashi waited just inside the doors, waiting for Shouta to bring the car around, humming softly and swaying, trying his best to keep Shinsou calm. Shinsou turned his head away from Hizashi’s neck, violet eyes trained on the rain outside.
“I like the rain. Even if it seems kind of dreary. I think it’s peaceful, like the world knows everyone just needs to slow down and watch the rain fall,” Shinsou blinked up at him, nodding in agreement as the two stood and watched the rain.
Hizashi jumped, feeling someone tap his arm. He blinked a few times before his eyes landed on his husband, a concerned frown on his face. ‘Are you okay? You were kinda zoned out,’
“Yeah, we’re fine. Just watching the rain,” Hizashi smiled, Shouta chuckled, shaking his head.
‘If you say so. Do you want me to take him so you can put the bags in the trunk?’ Shouta asked, pointing to Shinsou, who was half asleep, still staring out the window, though his eyes were drooping closed. Hizashi nodded, shifting Shinsou before handing him to Shouta before the two of them walked outside, quickly putting the bags in the car and buckling Shinsou into his carseat.
“Oh, also, we need to pick up some curry for lunch,” Hizashi said, slipping into the passenger seat, glancing at Shinsou, who was barely paying attention, watching the rain run down with windows. Shouta nodded, before pulling out of the hospital parking lot.
By the time they got home, the rain had all but stopped, now nothing more than a light sprinkle and Shinsou was wide awake again, Having jerked awake from what they had assumed was a nightmare, but the boy had just stared off in the distance, his breath coming out a little faster than normal, but he said nothing and his eyes stayed dry. They figured he’d talk about it when he wanted to and didn’t push it, though both gave each other a concerned look.
“Welcome home!” Hizashi said, throwing their apartment door open, walking in behind Shouta and Shinsou, the boy walking on his own, a tight grip on Shouta’s hand, eyes wide as he looked around the apartment.
The only thing that came to the little boys mind was that this place was exactly what he thought a home would be. There were small knick-knacks and photos spread around the room, a bookshelf sat on one wall, full of pictures and books, a few plants sat on the very top. There was a blanket thrown over the back of the couch, a small black cat sat on top of it, blinking blearily at them. It was clean, but still lived in, a few jackets strewn around the room, a few different pairs of shoes by the door and dishes in the sink, an old takeout container sitting on the counter. He felt safe here, only because he could see how nice the couple was shown by all the pictures on the walls. Most with just the two of them, but others with friends, each one with smiles and laughter, even if Shouta looked unimpressed in all of them, there was always a fondness in his eyes.
This was nothing like the Agaki’s. Their house had very few pictures and they even looked angry in the photos they did have. The house was usually a mess, clothes strewn everywhere, dirty dishes piling up and the garbage sometimes overflowing. The only time the house was ever cleaned was when company was over, which was rare and far between. He never felt safe in their house, even before they started beating him.
If Shinsou was being honest, which most little kids were, he was a little overwhelmed by everything, It was all so new and strange, but good at the same time. It gave him hope, hope that maybe life would be better, but at the same time he was terrified. Scared that he’d find a way to mess everything up like he had before.
“Shinsou?” Shinsou jumped, accidentally activating his quirk as he stared at Hizashi, fear gripping him as he watched Hizashi’s eyes glaze over, freezing where he stood, his outstretched hand falling limply to his side. Shinsou stood frozen eyes wide as realization set in, fear pooling in his stomach, turning his limbs to lead.
Shouta frowned, watching as fear spread across the little boys face, concerned for the boy and the way his husband had frozen in his place, his eyes glazed, the green gone from his iris, left white and blank. Shouta reached out to his husband, nudging his shoulder, his eyes flicking to Shinsou.
Hizashi jerked, blinking a few times, the color coming back into his eyes, confusion written across his face as he looked around, eyes stopping at the little boy in front of him, realization flooding his eyes. Shinsou had brainwashed him, not on purpose by the look on his face.
“Shinsou,” Hizashi reached out, keeping his voice soft, but it was enough to break Shinsou’s frozen state. The boy recoiling, tripping over his own feet as he fell backwards, tears flowing down his face.
“I-I’m sorry!” Shinsou shouted, curling in on himself, waiting for the beating that came every time he accidentally used his quirk. What he didn’t expect where the arms that wrapped around him, pulling him against someone’s chest, holding him tightly as he sobbed, gasping out ‘sorrys’ between each gasping breath he took.
Hizashi’s heart was breaking at the pure panic in the boys voice, fear following close behind it. It made his blood boil and his body ready to run out of the house and hurt the Agaki’s, but he pushed it down, focusing on the shaking boy in his arms.
“It’s okay. You’re not in trouble. Accidents happen,” Hizashi murmured, running a hand through Shinsou’s hair, rocking him softly. “I’m not mad. You’re young, you don’t know how to control it and that’s fine. Everyone had the same issue when they were your age. There’s nothing wrong with that.”
“B-But that was bad. I’m no-not supposed to use m-my quirk on any-anyone. It’s e-evil and villainous,” Shinsou gasped, burying his head in Hizashi’s shirt.
“It’s not villainous nor is it evil. It’s an amazing quirk, one that could help the heroes a lot if that’s what you want to be,” Hizashi replied, pulling Shinsou back so he could look the little boy in the eyes. “I- We will never be mad when you accidentally use your quirk. Accidents happen and that’s okay,” Shinsou looked at him with ready puff eyes, sniffling a little, though his tears slowly stopped. “Are you okay?” Shinsou shook his head, still feeling panicky overwhelmed. “That’s okay. How about we watch a movie while we eat?” Shinsou nodded, but refused to let go of HIzashi, still feeling bad for brainwashing him. Hizashi just smiled down at him, lifting him into his arms as he stood.
Shouta was already in the kitchen, dishing out food, worry still etched into his face, but now understanding what had happened. His hands shook with rage, wondering why anyone would punish a child for something he couldn’t control. It’s not like Shinsou was very capable of doing it on purpose. Kids his age had very little control over their quirks, especially since they can’t really get training to help them control it. Shouta hate the Agaki’s even more now, wishing nothing but the worst onto the couple.
“Have you ever seen Ponyo?” Hizashi asked, moving to the couch after grabbing a bowl for Shinsou, Shouta bring the other bowl with him as he sat next to his husband. Shinsou shook his head, carefully taking the bowl from Hizashi, sitting comfortably in the other mans lap as he quede up the movie.
“What? No way!” Hizashi gasped, chuckling to himself. “Well we’ll just have to change that then. This was my favorite movie when I was your age. I was constantly watching it after everyone else went to bed,” the three fell into silence as they ate and watched the tv. Shinsou giggling at some points, a soft smile on his face.
Shinsou had been living with them for a week now and he’d settled in rather quickly, getting more comfortable with them with each passing day. Shouta and Hizashi spend everyday with him, doing small things like drawing with him, Hizashi was even able to convince the boy to dance around the living room with him on Shinsou’s better days. On the bad days Shinsou would usually stay in his room, his door wide open, not that it was ever shut, but sometimes he would sit with Hizashi and Shouta, curled up on one of their laps as they graded tests and st up lesson plans for when they went back to work. On those days the apartment was relatively quiet, the radio playing softly in the background and Hizashi hummed along.
Except for the first day there, Shinsou hadn’t had any other slip ups with his quirk, which they weren’t sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing. They guessed only time would tell.
Currently the small family was sitting in the living room, Hizashi resting his head in Shouta’s lap as the erasure hero played with his hair, reading quietly as Shinsou sat on the floor, drawing in his sketchbook, his tongue poking out just slightly as he concentrated. It was Sunday, and the two dreaded going back to work tomorrow, worried about taking Shinsou with them. It wasn’t that their students weren’t well behaved, but they could be pushy and over step their boundaries and they worried about them making the boy uncomfortable, or sending him into a panic. They had already explained to Shinsou what would happen tomorrow, that he’d go to school with them and sit in with Shouta, as Hizashi’s classes tended to be a little louder, but that he was more than welcome to stay with Hizashi if he wanted to. He was also told that if at any time he was uncomfortable all he had to do was tell Shouta or Hizashi, depending on who he was with, and they’d take him to Nezu, who the boy had meant a few times. He had liked the principal, he was always calm and quiet and usually left Shinsou to his own devices, offering him tea every once and awhile, but usually just kept quiet. So everything was set and ready for them when they went back tomorrow, but that didn’t mean they weren’t on edge about it.
“What are you thinking about?” Hizashi asked, poking Shouta’s cheek.
“Liar, you’ve been staring at that same page for 10 minutes now,” Hizashi replied, smiling as Shouta rolled his eyes. “It’ll be okay you know,” Hizashi muttered, tapping Shouta’s hand three times, their little sign for ‘I love you’ when the words didn’t necessarily need to be said.
‘I know. I’m just apprehensive. What if we aren’t prepared?’
“We’re as prepared as we can be, without quite knowing what could happen. We’ll figure it out,” Hizashi reassured, smiling as Shouta, hummed tapping his nose three times before going back to his book. “Dork,” Hizashi muttered, closing his eyes as the room lapsed back into silence, the only sound is Shinsou’s crayon moving along with paper and the occasional flipping of a page. That was how the family sat for an hour, time slipping from their minds as they just enjoyed being near each other. Shinsou eventually falling asleep on his sketchbook, a violet crayon still held in his tiny fist. The other two almost asleep when the door flew open, scaring everyone awake and sending Shouta jumping to his feet, immediately in a defensive position, his husband barely awake now laying on the floor and Shinsou, nowhere to be seen.
“Jesus Nemuri! Can’t you knock!” Shouta shouted, glaring at the woman standing in their doorway.
“I’ve been trying to get ahold of you for 20 minutes, but nobody knows how to answer their phones,” Nemuri replied, setting the abgs she was carrying on the counter. She paused, looking at a very angry Shouta and a still half asleep Hizashi. “You forgot,” she deadpanned, frowning at her two friends.
“Forgot what?” Hizashi asked, pushing himself up from the floor, groaning at the dull pain in his side.
“Ugh, it’s Sunday you idiots. It’s family dinner. Tensei should be here soon,” she replied, folding her arms over her chest, leaning against the counter.
“Shit, we did. Sorry Nemuri, we’ve been a little, distracted,” Hizashi muttered, eyes scanning the area, not catch a single glimpse of their son. Who they had forgotten to tell their friends about. They’d just been too distracted trying to get everything ready for when the boy came to live with them and getting everything set up with Nezu. “Shou, where’s Hitoshi?” Hizashi asked, spinning on the spot, as if he was just hiding behind him.
‘He’s probably hiding, Nemuri busting through the door probably scared the poor boy,’ Shouta responded, his eyes glancing around the room, as he moved to look in the kitchen.
“Who the fuck is Hitoshi?” Nemuri asked as she watched her two friends search their apartment.
“We’ll explain in a second,” Hizashi muttered, waving her off as he walked to where their rooms were. “Toshi, it’s alright. You can come out,” Hizashi called, noticing their bedroom door was open. “It just a friend of ours sweetheart, they’re not going to hurt you. She’s a pro hero, just like us. She works at Yuuei with us and Nezu,” Hizashi called, looking under their bed, smiling softly at the boy who hid underneath it. For not caring for small spaces, he did climb under the bed a lot. “Come here sweetheart. It’s alright,” Hizashi cooed softly, reaching a hand towards the shaking boy. Shinsou hesitated, but eventually grabbed Hizashi’s hand, letting him pull him out from under the bed. Shinsou clung to him, shaking slightly. “You’re okay baby. I’ve got you,” Hizashi mumbled, swaying slightly, waiting for him to stop shaking before they left the room,
‘Is he okay?’ Shouta aksed, walking over to them, running his hand through the boy’s hair, a barely their smile as he leaned into the touch, turning his head enough to look his other caregiver, reaching out to the other man, a silent ask to be held by the silent man. Shouta didn’t even hesitate before shifting Shinsou into his arms, letting the boy bury his face in his chest contendely.
“You have a child?!” Nemuri screeched, eyes wide as they landed on the little boy, who jumped at the sound, clinging tighter to Shouta.
“Nemuri, chill,” Hizashi sighed, motioning for her to sit in the arm chair, plopping on the couch across from the chair, Shouta joining him shortly after, muttering softly to Shinsou. “We’ll explain once Tensei gets her but please, keep your voice down. 1. Because Hitoshi doesn’t like loud noises and 2. The whole city doesn’t need to know we have a child,” Nemuri pouted, but nodded anyways, glancing back at the boy, who was sitting in Shouta’s lap, no longer buried in the man's chest as they talked to each other, Shinsou laughing softly at whatever joke Sgouta had just told him. Tensei arrived a few minutes later, quieter than Nemuri had been, Tenya following after his older brother.
“Hey guys, sorry for not telling you Tenya would be here, but mom and dad had a last minute mission,” Tensei apologized, toeing his shoes off, before helping Tenya take his shoes off.
“No worries Tensei, you know we never mind when you bring Tenya with you,” Hizashi replied, waving at the little boy, who waved back, before spotting Shinsou looking at them skeptically.
“Hello, I’m Tenya Iida,” Iida greeted, sticking his hand out for the other boy. Shinsou flinched slightly, but still shook the others hand.
‘Hi, I’m Shinsou Hitoshi,’ Shinsou signed shyly, wearily smiling at the other boy.
“It’s nice to meet you Shinsou,” Iida smiled, moving to sit next to his brother, who was watching the exchange, confusion spreading across his face.
“So,” Hizashi started, glancing at Shinsou who was playing with the strings on Shouta’s hoodie. “This is Hitoshi, we adopted him about a week ago. He’s 4, going on 5 in a few months. He’s a little shy and doesn’t do well with large crowds or loud noises, but we’re working on it,” Hizashi smiled, running his hand through Shinou’s hair, the little boy glancing at him. “Though he seems to agree that I look like a cockatiel,” Hizashi grumbled playfully, sticking his tongue out at the little boy. Shinsou blinked, his face blank as he stuck his tongue out at Hizashi.
“My god, that is such a Shouta face,” Nemuri chuckled, smiling at the three boys in front of her.
“Yeah, he’s picked up a few things already,” Hizashi chuckled. “Hitoshi, why don’t you and Tenya go wash up for dinner?” Shinsou nodded, slipping of Shouta’s lap and moving to the bathroom, Iida following behind him.
“So what made you guys finally adopt a kid?” Tensei asked.
“Long story. Basically his foster parents were literal human garbage, treated him like shit and he ended up in the hospital, half dead. Shouta knew him before this, he was the kid he saw on patrol a lot, so the kid trusted him and asked for him after arriving,” Hizashi, paused, listening for Shinsou and Iida, but he could still hear the water running and Iida talking softly. “We couldn’t let him be put back in foster care. So we adopted him and cut back our hours for hero work and I cut back on how many radio shows I’d be doing.” Hizashi finished, standing to make his way to the kitchen and start dishing out food.
“Have you looked into schools?” Nemuri asked, following behind him.
“He’ll continue at his old school, but not for awhile. He needs time to fully adjust. Especially since he has a bit of separation anxiety,” Hizashi muttered, smiling as he watched the two boys come back in. Shinsou was telling Iida about his favorite hero, even though it was obvious the other boy had no idea who Eraserhead was. Which made Hizashi chuckle, and glare at Tensei, who just smiled sheepishly.
“It’s never come up!” Tensei explained, laughing as Hizashi rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, whatever you say, idiot.”
“Dinner was a subdued affair, nothing like their normal dinners, full of yelling, sometimes wrestling when Nemuri would take a joke too far, and lots of drinking. Not that any of them minded the quiet night. They didn’t get nights like this often and it was just nice to talk and catch up, letting the kids get to know each other, even though Shinsou still sat pressed against Shouta’s side, even though he was turned away from him so he could easily talk to Iida. The other boy talking excitedly about something he had learned in school. All in all it was a successful family dinner. Tensei, Tenya, and Nemuri saying their good-byes shortly after Shinsou had fallen asleep pressed against Shouta’s side, snoring softly in his sleep. They just hoped tomorrow would be just as good.
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The Scars That Have Been Left Behind
Read on A03
Words: 4076
Chapter Two
“So from what I gathered, the Agaki’s are the last stop for troubled children. If this place doesn’t work out then they’re sent to Kamino ward and from what I’ve heard about the place, it’s not pleasant. Anyways, it looks like they have three other charges. A 14 year old boy, Tokui Hiro, a 17 year old girl Rai Makkiko and a 4 year old girl, Okuda Kumi, who was recently adopted, but seems her parents house is currently without water and electricity due to a villain attack so they couldn’t take her in yet. The police are meeting us there, with a few paramedics, just in case any of them is hurt,” Sachiko, Hizashi’s mom, rattled off as they pulled up to the house. There were three cop cars and one ambulance, all with their lights off for now. “Zashi, try to stay calm. I have no idea what we’ll find, but we both know that it’s not going to be anything good,”
“I know, I’ll do my best, but I’m at least going to scare the shit out of him,” Hizashi muttered, climbing out of the car.
“I can deal with that, but no open threats. We have to think about this like we’re going to court. Which we might have to,” Hizashi nodded as they walked to the door, two police officers following close behind them. Hizashi rolled his shoulders before knocking on the door, pushing his emotions down and putting on his Present Mic persona. It took a few minutes, but the door finally swung open, revealing a young girl, Kumi, if Mic remembered correctly.
“Well hello little listener, can you get your caretakers please?” Hizashi smiled, trying no to flinch at the sight of another muzzle wrapped around the incredibly pale face of the girl. She stared wide-eyed for a second, but nodded slightly before heading deeper into the house, little thumps audible on the stairs as she went.
“What do you want?” a voice yelled from deeper in the house. Mic’s smile faltered, turning into a scowl, before being forced back into a smile as louder, heavier thumps could be heard descending the stairs. The footsteps seemed to falter as a short blonde woman came towards them, followed by a taller man, not as tall as Hizashi, with almost fiery red hair followed after her.
“How can we help you?” Mrs. Agaki asked, forcing a bright smile as she stood in front of Mic and Sachiko.
“Good morning, sorry for bothering you so early in the morning, but I’m afraid this couldn’t wait. I’m Yamada Sachiko, this is Present Mic, officer Hosoi, and officer Komatsu. I’ll be taking over for Morimura Maki, I’m now responsible for Shinsou Hitoshi. One of your wards that ended up in the hospital, found by Pro hero Mrs.Joke, who was thankfully in the area Shinsou was stumbling through, half conscious, covered in bruises, cuts and what appeared to be burn marks, along with a broken arm and sprained ankle. A villain attack was unlikely, based on the fact that the kid was alive and walking around. There was no way any villain would let him get away. That paired with the fact that he is malnourished, and severely underweight for his age group, the logical answer was abuse and neglect. Therefore, we’ve come to do a home visit and talk with the other three children in the house. So if you’d kindly call the children down, Present Mic and Officer Komatsu will talk to them while Officer Hosoi and myself talk with you too. Mic, Komatsu, please take a look at the children's rooms as well,” Sachiko flashed the Agaki’s a kind smile as she walked past them into the house. They both stood there, shell shocked, but keeping their faces neutral as they waved the other three inside, closing the door after them.
“Oh, Mic, remember to pack a bag for Shinsou as well. After talking with the others, you and Komatsu will make the decision if they need to be removed as well,” Mic and Komatsu nodded, waiting expectantly to be lead to where the children’s rooms are.
“They’re upstairs, first door on the left,” Mrs. Agaki supplied. Mic nodded, but made no move to leave, instead holding his hand out towards them, palm up.
“We need to take Kumi’s muzzle off,” the pair hesitated, neither moving to hand the key to the man. “Now!” Mic shouted, startling the two at the anger in his voice, a smile still on his face, though it wasn’t the friendly one he wore earlier. Mr, Agaki fumbled in his pocket, hand shaking as he dropped the key in Hizashi’s hand. “Thank you,” Hizashi spun on his heel, walking towards the stairs, taking two at a time till he reached the landing, eyes automatically flicking to the door, where three pairs of eyes stared back at him, all of them wide open, staring at him in awe.
“You’re Present Mic,” the eldest, Makkiko, whispered as if Mic would disappear if she spoke any louder.
“I am indeed,” he flashed them his signature smirk, striking a pose and holding it for a second. “And this is officer Komatsu. We’re here to talk about Mr. and Mrs. Agaki and how well you children are taken care of. Ah, I also need to pack a bag for Shinsou, if you would kindly show me where his stuff is at.”
“He’s not coming back?” the boy, Hiro, asked, his voice hopeful.
“Shinsou won’t be coming back. In fact, from what I heard a nice couple has agreed to take him in,” the smile that spread across Hiro and Makkiko’s face was a little bittersweet for Hizashi.
“Good, he didn’t deserve to be treated like that,” Makkiko growled.
“I agree. No kid deserves to go through what Shinsou went through. Which reminds me,” Hizashi crouched in front of Kumi, his smile softening as he held up the ket, pinched between his fingers. Kumi hesitated, but eventually turned, moving her light blue hair out of the way, while Hizashi unlocked and removed the awful device. “There we go kid,” Kumi turned back around, a bright smile on her face, even though she rubbed at the irritated cuts on her cheeks and around her jaw. Hizashi couldn’t help the flair of anger, gripping the muzzle harder, hearing the thing crack under the pressure.
“THAnk you,” everyone seemed to flinch at the sound, Kumi’s voice shouting at him before dropping, her eyes going wide in fear. Hizashi just continued to smile, not even flinching at the sound.
“Hey, hey don’t even worry little listener. I used to have control issues with my quirk too. It’s normal at your age,” Kumi seemed taken aback by his response, but merely smiled up at him in response. “Now then, I have a few questions to ask you guys before we have a look around. Please answer honestly and to the best of you ability,” all three kids nodded in understanding, moving back to let the adults in, the three kids sitting on one bed, while Hizashi sat across from them on the other bed and Komatsu looked around the room. The bedroom was bare, nothing hanging on the walls, very few toys were spread around the room. It looked like almost nobody lived in the bedroom, as if it was only there for guests. “How do your caregivers treat you?”
“They ignore us for the most part. Only ever talking to us to scold us or to tell us about the chores that need to be done. We mostly stay in our room, we’re not really allowed to be in many parts of the house. Mainly just our room, the kitchen, and the bathroom. Though they have taken our kitchen privileges away before. It’s lasted a week at the most, a couple hours at least,” Makkiko responded, almost like she was rattling off a recipe.
“They take your kitchen privileges? So you have to wait for them to cook then?” Komatsu asked, quietly jotting down notes as the kids talked.
“No. They don’t cook. Well not for us anyway, Makkiko and I are responsible for making breakfast and dinner for everyone. Makkiko’s in charge of making Kumi’s lunch and after school snack. So if one of us has our privileges taken away we don’t get to eat, and if both of us have it taken away, Kumi doesn’t eat either. So we try to make sure at least one of us is allowed in the kitchen. So we take the blame for each other sometimes, depending on who already isn’t allowed in the kitchen,” Hiro replied, shrugging as if it was normal to not be able to eat after getting in trouble. “Though there are times when they just, ground us from eating. Mainly Shinsou or Kumi, but Makkiko and I always sneak them snacks, if we can that is.” Hizashi was getting more and more angry as they talked. How could anyone treat children like that?
“What else happens when you get in trouble?”
“Well, sometimes we’re just grounded, other times we’re locked in our room. If they’re really angry they hit us. Not as bad as they do to Shinsou though. They’ve had it out for him since he got here. If things are really really bad, you get locked in the closet. I’ve only been in there a few times, same with Hiro and Kumi, but Shinsou was put in there a lot. At least twice a week, sometimes more. He’s terrified of small spaces and the dark because of it. He’d be put in there for the littlest things too. Sometimes with no warning,” Makkiko’s voice dropped and she couldn’t help but fidget, pulling on the sleeve of her shirt. “They don’t like his quirk. He can brainwash someone by getting them to answer a question, and because he’s so young he obviously can’t control it, so he used to do it by accident, until they started muzzling him. Then they just seemed like hurt him for fun. ALways calling him a villain, telling him he wouldn’t amount to anything, that there was no way he’d be a hero with such a villainous quirk.”
“Have they ever hurt you like Shinsou?” Hizashi asked, his hands gripping the material of his pants in a white knuckle grip.
“Sometimes. Especially when we lose control of our quirks. We try to take the blame for most of the things Kumi does, but Shinsou and her get the worst of it,” Hiro whispered. “They’ve broken bones before. Kumi just got her cast of a few days ago from a broken arm Mr.Agaki gave her after she broke a window at school from her quirk. He’s given us burns before, with his quirk. Makkiko has passed out from dehydration within the last month.” The boy fell silent, gaze fixed on the ground.
“I’ve heard enough. Kid’s, please pack your bags. We’re going to take you to the hospital to get checked out and then find you somewhere else to stay. Please pack a bag of Shinosu’s stuff too. Meet us downstairs when you’re done. Komatsu, please stay with them and escort them out when they’re done.” Hizashi flashed them a reassuring smile, before turning on his heel, stalking down the stairs. His whole body was shaking as he tried to contain his anger, he walked through the dining room, shaking his hands out as he approached the kitchen, where his mother still stood, talking to the other police officer, the Agaki’s stood near them, an unknown look on their faces as he approached.
“Sachiko, the children are getting their bags packed as we speak. We should get them checked out at the hospital one they’re done. From what I was informed of there may be some burns and other, older wounds that may need to be checked on. Kumi apparently had a broken arm a few weeks ago and I want to make sure the bone was set right and Makkiko passed out from dehydration at some point recently,” Hizashi listed off, paying no mind to the other adults in the room.
“What? You can’t take them! You have no proof!” Mrs.Agaki screeched, eyes flickering to the children as they came down the stairs, Kumi smiling as she was carried down by Komatsu, the young officer making faces at the little girl as they walked down. Kumi giggled, covering her mouth with her little hands, making a face back at the normally stoic officer.
“We didn’t need any Shinsou was enough proof. Did you really think we’d come here without any?” Hizashi, tilted his head back, a sadistic smirk on his face and furry flashing in his green eyes as he looked at the woman. He smirked even wider as she shivered at his look. “Anyways! We should be on our way, Kids, if you’d kindly follow Komatsu and Mrs. Yamada,” ha paused, pointing to his mother. “We’ll be going now. The three of you are welcome to ride with Sachiko and me, if you want, or you can ride with Komatsu. It’s up to you,” Hizashi spoke, smiling brightly at them and ushering everyone out the door.
“Hey! We’re not done!” Mr.Agaki yelled, grabbing Hizashi’s wrist as he passed. Hizashi could feel his skin heat up at his touch, going from slightly warm to burning in a matter of seconds, but Hizashi didn’t even flinch.
“Please, do give me more evidence against you. It’ll make this so much easier,” Hizashi watched the anger be replaced by shock, realization spreading across his face as he let go. “That’s what I thought,” he growled, before stalking out of the house, glad he had on a short sleeve t-shirt, as his usual leather jacket would be rubbing his burn skin raw.
Once outside MIc dropped into the passenger seat of his mother’s car, his whole body vibrating with adrenaline and his arm burning and painful. The skin red, and already blistering. He groaned at the pain, slamming his head into the dashboard to try to distract himself from it. He could go see the paramedics, but he just wanted to get out of there, and they were going to the hospital anyways.
“Stop that,” his mother scolded, sliding into the seat next to him, after helping the kids put their stuff in the trunk and making sure they were buckled in, before they pulled out of the driveway. “Slamming your head into my dashboard won’t help you any. I swear, somethings never change,” She chuckled, reaching over to smooth his hair down. Hizashi sighed, leaning into the touch, calming down at the familiar sensation.
“I swear I’ll never let anybody hurt him again,” Hizashi growled, sitting up and leaning his head against the cool window instead.
“I know hun and no one ever will. Not with you and Sho by his side.”
“You’re taking Shinsou in?” Makkiko asked, surprise lacing her voice as she sat up straighter.
“Ah, thought you’d be asleep. I guess you’ve caught me. Yes, my partner and I are trying to adopt him. Hopefully it will be before he gets released from the hospital,” Hizashi smiled at her through the rearview mirror. The car lapsed into silence, Makkiko obviously wanted to ask something, but seemed to be hesitating, trying to figure out if it was safe to ask it.
“Present MIc?” She started, voice a little shaky as she did. “Do-Do you think we could see Shinosu? We weren’t supposed to talk to each other, but it was easy for us to communicate since he mostly signs and, well I, kinda see him as a little brother,” the last words were muttered. As if she would get in trouble for such a statement.
“Of course you can!” Hizashi beamed at her. “We’ll get you checked out and then you can come see him. Though I’m not sure if he’ll be awake. But I know he’ll appreciate a familiar when he does wake up,” Makkiko smile brightly at him, before turning to look back out the window. It was nearing 6 in the morning, the sun starting to rise and fill the sky with color.
‘What happened to your arm?’ Half an hour later found Hizashi trudging back into the room, arm wrapped, but still painful even with the added burn cream. All the kids had been checked out, Kumi’s arm was fine, though her cast had come off to early. Makkiko was still dehydrated, which they were helping with an iv drip, but she was still allowed to walk around, and Hiro was mostly fine, just a few almost infected burns on his back and upper shoulder. But all in all the kids would be fine, Kumi would be picked up by her new parents with in the hour, but for now all three kids followed Hizashi into Shinsou room, where both the boy and Shouta were awake and enjoying their breakfast.
“Mr.Agaki, he reminds me of a certain temperamental pro hero who also has a fire quirk,” Hizashi replied, slumping in the chair next to the bed. “I swear I’ve never hated someone so much.” Hizashi sighed, running his hand through his hair, breaking up the gel that kept it up. “Sho, do you have any of those-” A small squeeze packet landed in his lap, smacking him in the chest before it fell. “Thanks love,” Hizashi muttered, opening the packet and slurping it down within a few minutes.
“Ugh, I can’t believe you eat those awful things too,” Hizashi’s Mimi gagged, snatching the empty packet from him. “I swear your both children,” she muttered, throwing the packet away and tossing a menu to him. “Order an actual breakfast for yourself and the other kids before I tell your mother,” Hizashi groaned, but grabbed the menu from her, selecting what he wanted and letting kids get whatever they wanted, on the order that they got fresh fruit with it.
“I normally don’t Mimi, but god I needed a pick me up.”
‘There’s nothing wrong with them. It’s just like drinking a few cups of coffee,’ Shouta scowled.
“I’m just poking fun darling. But seriously don’t let Sachiko see you with those. She’ll rip you a new one for sure.”
“Jitsuko, are you letting those boys eat those stupid energy jelly packets again?” Sachiko asked, walking into the room, a nurse following behind her with a tray of food.
“You know our boys Sachi, they’ll do whatever they want,” Sachiko hummed in agreement, draping herself over her wifes back. “My dear, I do believe we should go. It’s early and I’m exhausted,” Jitsuko nodded, quickly saying their goodbyes and leaving the other 6 in the room.
“Is Mrs. Yamada your mom?” Kumi asked, making sure her voice was extra quiet, as to not set off her quirk again.
“She is indeed. A wonderful woman who helped me train my voice quirk. Maybe I could help you, if that’s okay with your family of course.” Hizashi smiled at the little girl, who smiled back before shoving a bite of pancake in her mouth, causing Hizashi to snort with amusement.
‘Voice quirk?’ Shouta asked, smiling at the little girl. Hizashi nodded back, pushing his fruit around his plate. ‘Are you going to introduce me? Or are you gonna continue playing with your food?’
“Right! So, that’s Tokui Hiro, Rai Makkiko, and Okuda Kumi. Kids, this is Aizawa. They were also in the care of the Agaki’s. Makkiko wanted to see Shinsou and I didn’t want to leave the others alone.”
‘Well it’s nice to meet them,’
“It’s nice to meet you Mr. Aizawa,” Shouta jumped slightly, he didn’t think any of the kids knew sign, though it made sense now that he thought about it. She smiled, before turning to Shinsou. “I’m glad you’re okay. I was worried,”
‘I didn’t mean to do it. I slipped up and used my quirk on him. It was an accident.’ Shinsou quickly signed, as if she was blaming him. ‘I’m sorry Kiko,’ Shinsou dropped his head. Absently picking at the skin our his muzzle.
“Stop that, you’re going to make it worse. Besides, I’m not mad at you. Just glad you’re okay and being looked after. A little bird told me you’re getting adopted,” Makkiko smiled, at the surprise, but skeptical look on his face. It quickly turned to a frown, sadness filling his eyes.
‘Who told you that? They’re a liar. Who would want me? A mistake, a villain, a waste of-’
“Enough,” the whole group jumped at Shouta’s rough, scratchy voice. “Sorry,” Shouta cleared his throat, taking a drink of his water. ‘Shinsou, you are none of those things. You’re not a mistake, nor a waste of space, and you definitely aren’t a villain,’ Shouta paused, tilting Shinsou’s face so he would meet his eyes. ‘Do you think I’m a villain?’ Shinsou’s eyes went wide as he fiercely shook his head ‘no’. Well, when I was young, everyone told me I would be nothing more than a villain. That I’d never get into the hero course, so I might as well give up and just become a villain. I believed them too ya know. Why wouldn’t I? After all it was my parents who told me that after all,’ Shinsou’s eyes grew even wider as he listened, after all, none of this was known about the underground hero. ‘I wasn’t going to even apply to Yuuei, but then I met a certain loud blonde, who was being picked on for the muzzle he was forced to wear. They were using their quirks on him and it didn’t sit right with me, so I erased them, and they ran off after seeing me. Even back then I was quite intimidating and the fact my eyes turn red with my quirk helped a lot. Naturally, I asked if he was okay and he just nodded at me. Now even if I didn’t like to talk, I hated the silence and I could tell that this loud blonde loved to talk. So naturally, I picked the lock of his muzzle and he immediately started shouting about how cool my quirk was and that I’d make a great hero. I didn’t believe him, not that day at least, but after seeing him time and time again, he wore me down and I tried out with him. I didn’t make it into the hero course though. It isn’t really a fair test though. But I was accepted into the general studies course. But that same blond wouldn’t let me give up. He helped me train, showing me what they were being taught, and eventually I participated in the sports festival, and came in first, even beating that loud blond. Who didn’t care in the slightest. Afterwards I was transferred to the hero course. Where I made my dreams come true, made a few new friends, and became closer with the love of my life. A crazy, loud blond, who honestly looks like a cockatiel sometimes,’ Shouta snorted at the afronted look on his husbands face.
“I do not look like a cockatiel!” Hizashi squacked, scowling as Shouta laughed.
‘I beg to differ, even Nemuri agrees. Tensi does too, hell even little Tenya does and he’s five!’
“Seriously?!” Hizashi shouted. Shouta just snorted another laugh at him, turning back to Shinsou.
‘You can be whatever you want kid, and we’re going to help you. Makkiko wasn’t lying. We already submitted the paperwork. We’re adopting you kid. If you want that, we won’t force you into anything,’
‘YES!’ Shinsou signed excitedly, but immediately shrunk into himself after. ‘I mean, if you want to and if it’s not a huge bother,’ Shinsou’s hands were slow as he signed, as if they were going to take their offer off the table if he moved to quickly.
“We wouldn’t offer if we weren’t being serious. You agreed, now you’re stuck with us kid,” Hizashi joked, smiling softly at him. “We’ll help you achieve anything and everything you put your heart into and no one will ever, hurt you again. Not on our watch.”
‘Yeah kid, the cockatiel is right. You’re stuck with us and we’ll do whatever it takes to achieve your dreams. No matter what,’ Shouta smiled at him, Shinso offering a small hopeful look, as much as he could behind that godforsaken muzzle.
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The Scars That Have Been Left Behind
Read on AO3
Word count: 3907
 Chapter one
Aizawa Shouta was not a dad, nor did he ever plan on becoming one. It was just something that would never fit into his life. He’s a pro hero, constantly out on patrols for hours, and he was a new teacher at Yuuei. His husband was fine with that, he himself had three separate jobs. Two of them the same as Aizawa’s but then he had his late night radio show, which would take him from eleven at night to 3 the next morning. Giving him exactly 4 hours to get home and sleep before he had to be up at 7 to get ready for school. So kids were not a part of their plan. As it was they were barely 21 and Aizawa wasn’t sure he wanted kids. They had talked about it of course, but after both of them having a rough start in life, he was terrified of being responsible for small human who would depend mostly on them. Logically he knew they would do better, but just thinking about it made his anxiety spike.
Even if he knew they could treat a kid better than any adult who had taken care of him how would he communicate with them? Most kids didn’t know sign language like he and Hizashi did. Aizawa had learned from one of his foster parents, only a few things at first as they didn’t want him communicating with others, but after meeting Hizashi he had been taught more and was now almost as fluent as his husband. But other than sign language Aizawa rarely talked. After being screamed at for any and every word that he spoke, he had just stopped talking. Now only talking to people he really trusted and even then it was in short bursts. So it wasn’t something they talked about, nor something that seemed like it would ever happen to them.
However fate always seems to have it out for them, always throwing their plans out the window, flipping their whole lives around. Which was how Aizawa found himself standing in a hospital room at 3 in the morning, Wide eyes staring at a too pale face, a muzzle still securely buckled around the boy’s face. Bruises and cuts littering the boys body, the worst of which were on his arms.
He doesn’t understand. He had just seen the boy that afternoon, barely 12 hours ago and everything had been fine. He had been out with his parents, excited to be going out for lunch, though he only told that to Aizawa, who had smiled and handed him the signature cat gummies that he bought specifically for him, after the little boy had told him how much he loved cats after Aizawa making a comment about the boys shirt.
But now, that same little boy was breathing shallowly, only just hanging on. They hadn’t even been able to heal any of his injuries, just bandaging him up and make sure all the wounds were clean and all the bruises had been gently taken care of with some bruise cream. Though it wasn’t just the new injuries on the boy that made his blood boil, it was also the scars that covered his tiny body. Only in places that were easy to cover, or easily explained away and Aizawa was furious, physically shaking with anger.
How had he not noticed? How could he have not noticed that abusive home that the boy was obviously in. Looking back on it now he should’ve seen the signs. The way he flinched at loud noises, or the way he would cringe away from his foster parents hand clapping him on the shoulder. He had known about the muzzle, but couldn’t even start a case just because of that. They were legal, made by professionals to make sure the kids wouldn’t be hurt by them, but Aizawa knew that not every person cared if the child got hurt because of it. He wondered if he would find the same marks on Shinsou’s face that he had memorized on Hizashi.
“I’m sorry for calling you in Eraser, but we didn’t know who else to call. I know you’ve worked on cases like this before, plus the boy seemed to know you personally. When he was first brought here he just kept signing the same thing over and over. It took us a minute to actually realize what he was signing but we thought we should give it a shot if he was specifically asking for you.” Aizawa nodded as the police officer spoke. He did know the boy, very well actually. He would see him almost everyday while out on patrol and the little boy had excitedly approached him, signing the Eraserhead was his favorite hero, even if not many people knew about him. Aizawa had taken to him very quickly, even making sure to bring extra gummies with him, just for the little boy with unruly purple hair and violet eyes.
‘Yeah, I know him. Shinsou Hitoshi, I seem him a lot during patrol. He’s a good kid, sweet, but reserved. I didn’t think it was because-’ Aizawa dropped his hands, running own through his hair as he sighed. ‘What happened?’
“We don’t know the whole story, just that he was found wandering the streets, injurered, limping and barely conscious. We don’t think it was a villain attack though. Someone would’ve heard something if it was. Based on what we have currently, we suspect abuse, but we didn’t know the boy’s name so we couldn’t find his parents.”
‘Foster parents,’ Aizawa corrected. ‘He told me once that he was constantly moving, never staying in one house for more than a few months. I don’t know where they live or their names, but I know someone who can find out.’
“Okay, I’ll leave you to do what you need to do. I’ll be back in half an hour. I need to go speak with the boy’s doctor.” AIzawa nodded, but was only half listening as he waited for the officer to leave before he pulled out his phone, dialing Hizashi’s number. He hoped the idiot had remembered to put in his hearing aids after showering, which he had been doing when Aizawa had scrambled to get his hero gear on before bolting out of the house, barely remembering to leave a note on the front door as he left.
“Sho? What’s going on? Where are you?” Hizashi’s concerned voice came filtering through the phone, easing some of the tension out of Aizawa’s shoulders just because of his voice.
“I’m at the hospital. I’m sorry for just leaving with a vague note, but I didn’t really know what was going on either. All I was told was that a little boy with purple hair and violet eyes had specifically asked for me after being brought in.” Aizawa replied, slumping in one of the chairs by Shinsou’s bed.
“Shinsou?” Hizashi breathed.
“Yeah. It’s him,” Aizawa knew his husband would know who it was just by the description. As it was Aizawa had talked about the boy a lot, specifically the interesting combination of his hair and eye color. “He… Zashi, his foster parents beat him, half to death by the looks of it. His leg is broken, his arms are both bandaged, and they think he might have a broken rib, and that’s just the new marks. Zashi he’s so little even for a boy his age and almost every part of him has some sort of scar. If this is how they treat him I’m scared to see the damage under that stupid muzzle,” Aizawa squeezed his eyes shot, trying to keep his tears at bay, he need to get out what he actually called for. “Zashi, I need you to come to the hospital with your mom. I-I know its late, but th-they haven’t found his foster parents yet. They didn’t even know his name till 10 minutes ago. If your Mimi’s awake too he’ll need some clothes, maybe a coloring book to keep him occupied while he stays in the hospital for a few days.”
“Jesus Sho,” Hizashi started, taking a minute for the information to soak in. “Okay, okay I’ll be there soon, I’ll call my mom on my way there and I’ll bring you some clothes, I know you’re in your hero gear. Uh, if it’s as bad as I’m picturing, I’m assuming small sizes would be fine?” Aizawa could hear him rustling through the closet, probably grabbing his clothes.
“Y-Yeah, though even those might be big on him. We’re in room 413, please be quick,” Aizawa whispered, feeling his resolve break.
“Of course. I’ll be there in 10 and Sho, I know what you’re thinking. I know we haven’t talked about it since before we got married, but I think we should take him. At least foster him till we know he’ll be put in a good home. I’ll cut back on my hours at the radio station and my hero work, you can cut your patrol hours too and after everything is figured out, I’ll call Nezu in the morning and see if it’s a problem to bring him into class with us. If it is, I’m sure my moms wouldn’t mind watching him. We’ll figure it out.” Aizawa was silent for a minute, hearing the door close behind Hizashi and the car start a few minutes later.
“Yeah, okay. I’ll see you soon. Drive safe, I love you,” Aizawa murmured, barely keeping his sobs back now. Of course Hizashi would know what he was thinking, what he wanted to do about the boy he had become so fond of.
“I love you too. See you soon,” Aizawa flipped his phone closed with a soft click, letting his head fall into his hands as tears streamed down his face, his sobs quiet, but shaking his whole body.
“Sweetheart? What’s going on? Why are you calling so.. Early?” Hizashi’s mom mumbled sleepily.
“Sorry for calling so early mom, but Sho and I need your help. You’ve heard about the little boy that Shouta sees on patrol all the time?”
“Yeah, Shinsou, right? Is everything okay?” Hizashi could hear her moving around, probably leaving the room as not to wake his Mimi.
“Ye- No, no it’s not,” Hizashi ran his hand through his hair, letting out a deep sigh. “Shinso’s in the hospital, his foster parents beat him, I-I don’t know the extent of it, but it doesn't sound good. Sho says he’s little, littler than what he should be at his age. Any-Anyways I need you to meet me at the hospital. We need help finding his foster parents. Is Mimi awake?”
“Uh,” there was a pause as she probably checked in the bedroom. “Yeah looks like it.”
“Can you see if she’ll run to the store? Before you come to the hospital? I don’t know if we’ll have any of the boys stuff any time soon, or if he’ll have anything, but he needs clothes. Sho said smalls, but even that might be big on him, and maybe some coloring books and a sketchbook, just a few things to keep him occupied while he’s in the hospital for a few days.”
“Yeah, no problem. It’ll be okay Zash, we’ll see you in a few, I love you sweetheart. See you soon,”
“Thank you, bye mom, I love you too. See ya,” Hizashi threw his phone into the passenger seat, taking a shaky breath as he parked the car. Sitting there for a long moment before making his way into the hospital, grabbing the backpack he had packed for Aizawa.
Quickly signing in as a visitor he made his way up to room 413, too impatient to wait for the elevator, deciding on taking the stairs, taking them two at a time. Within a few minutes he was standing outside room 413, his hand shaking as he hesitated opening the door. He was scared of what he would see, of how bad the boy actually would be. He took a step back, then another and another until his back hit the wall. He slowly slid down the wall, letting his head fall back with a soft ‘thunk’ as he looked up at the ceiling.
The whole situation was a lot for him, it brought a lot of memories flowing back to the front of his mind, things he hadn’t thought about in a long time. Like his own hospital stay when his foster parents had gotten mad when finding out that Hizashi would take his muzzle off when hanging out with Shouta. He had found some way out of those house after that, calling Shouta, barely able to make any noise around his muzzle, now locked on him, purposefully locked too tight, constantly digging into his cheeks. That had single handedly been the best and worst day of his life. He had broken his arm, broken a few ribs, and the muzzle left deep cuts on his face, ones he would pick at when he was nervous, leaving deep white scars across his cheeks. But it was also the night he had met his moms.
He didn’t know how long he sat there, staring up at the ceiling, but the next thing he knew a soft hand brushed his hair away from his forehead, and tears from his eyes. He looked at the person in front of him, blinking away tears he didn’t know were there. His mom crouched in front of him, his Mimi on his other side.
“Mom, Mimi,” he whispered softly, before flinging himself at them, feeling more tears run down his face.
“It’s alright Zashi. I know how hard this must be for you. Have you seen him yet?” His Mimi asked, brushing his hair behind his ear.
“I-I couldn’t. I’m sca-scared to see him. To see how ba-bad it is,”
“I know baby, but you can’t hide out here forever. Sho needs you, and so does Shinsou. It’ll be okay. Come on hun, let’s go see them.” Hizashi nodded, letting his mom pull him up and lead him to the door. Knocking first, before entering the room. There was a small couch pushed against the wall on the far side of the room, and two metal chairs next to the bed. The bad that held the impossibly small 4 year old.
‘What took so long Zashi?’ Aizawa asked from his perch on the bed, the little boy tucked in his arms, breathing shallow and obviously asleep.
“‘M sorry Sho. I-I’ve been outside the door for,” he paused looking at the clock and cringing at the time. “For 20 minutes give or take. I co-couldn’t make myself open the door. I was-was scared. It just brought a lot of things back,” Hizashi mumbled. Aizawa’s look softened as he beckoned him forward, pulling him down and pressing a kiss to his forehead, his cheeks, anywhere he could reach before planting a soft kiss on his lips, holding him there for a minute before pulling back.
‘It’s okay Zashi. I know that this must be hard for you. It’s so similar.’ Aizawa turned to Hizashi’s mom’s. ‘Hi mom, Mimi. Thank you for coming so la- early.’
“No problem dear, here, there's clothes in one bag and a soft weighted blanket for him. They help a lot. We got one for Hizashi shortly after he came to live with us. Oh, we also picked up some coloring books and sketchbook,” Hizashi’s Mimi handed the bag over to Hizashi, though she gave the blanket to Aizawa. It was a soft fuzzy purple, but it did have some weight to it. Hopefully not too much for the boy. Carefully Aizawa wrapped it around the boy, mindful of the many wires coming off of him.
‘Thank you, I’m sure he’ll love it when he wakes up,’
“How long has he been out?” Hizashi asked, pushing Shinsou’s hair off his forehead, the sleeping toddler pushing his head into is hand, seeking out the comfort of it. Hizashi’s heart clenched at the sight, the boy was so touch starved that he sought it out, even in his sleep.
“He’s been asleep basically since he got her at 2, they didn’t call me till 3 because it took a while to get him fully bandaged and looked at. He woke up, screaming, shortly after I got off the phone with you. I don’t know what the dream was about, but I could barely get him to calm down, but once I did, he refused to let me go. So I shifted us around a little bit. He’s been asleep for a couple minutes now.” Aizawa replied.
‘The muzzle?’ Hizashi signed, not trusting his voice as he looked at it wearily.
‘I’m not a parent or guardian, not yet anyways, so I’m not technically allowed to take it off. Not that I could anyways. It’s got a lock and I don’t have anything to pick it with. I stopped carrying stuff like that on me. Except when on missions or patrols, but I forgot my utility belt.’ Aizawa replied, glaring a the idiotic contraption.
“Well let’s see what we can do about that. What’s his first name?” Hizashi’s mom asked, sitting in the chair next to her son and flipping her laptop open. The one that held case files for any and all children registered in the foster system.
“Hitoshi. Shinsou Hitoshi,” Hizashi replied, his eyes never leaving his husband and the boy held closely against him. His mom hummed in thought as she typed.
“Mr. and Mrs Agaki. This is definitely him, but it’s old. He looks, maybe 2 in the picture and he’s definitely not this thin,” Hizashi leaned over to see the picture. She was right, he was a healthy looking weight, his eyes wide and scared, but bright with the curiosity of being a child.
‘There’s a police officer around her somewhere. He was talking to the doctor so you might want to check the nurses station.’ Aizawa signed. Hizashi’s mom nodded, keeping her laptop open as she left the room, in search of the police officer ‘I got the papers Zashi. I already filled most of it, it’s just missing your signature and soc number, they’re on the counter.’ Aizawa signed, nodding his head to the small folder next to the sink. Hizashi nodded, standing to look them over and add the last bits of their information.
“Papers?” Mimi asked, taking the seat her wife just left. “For what?”
“For temporary guardianship. At least for now,” Hizashi answered, scribbling his signature on the bottom, he’d give it to his mom as soon as she returned. They knew she’d be able to get it expedited, not that it would take long without her since they were pro heroes, but it would take too long for their liking.
“Really?” Mimi asked, her eyes wide with excitement, but also surprise. “I thought you didn’t want kids?”
“It wasn’t that we didn’t want them, but there was no place to fit them into our lives. Our lives are dangerous as heroes, especially since I’m so well known, but either one of us could be hurt, or worse, and we didn’t want to bring a child into that, but,” he gazed over at Shinso, watching as he chewed his thumb in his sleep, his other fingers lightly brushing over his nose as he did so. “He’s different. I’ve never met him before today, but I know that if we don’t take this chance, if we don’t take him, it’ll always be in the back of our minds, surrounded by the ‘what ifs’ and always wondering how he is, if he’s in a nicer, safer, loving home. Or if he’s back where he started.”
“Ya know Zash, that’s how I felt when I met you. Mom had known you for a while. I don’t think you remember her, you were so young, but she was the one to always check up on your family. Nothing ever seemed wrong whenever she visited though. Except for the muzzle, there was no other proof, no reason to start a case, but even then, even before we knew what was really going on, she had already wanted to adopt you. We had started your paperwork a week before what happened and that night it went threw and you were ours. We just wished it had happened on a better day, before that happened to you,” Hizashi’s Mimi brushed his hair out of his face, having stood up to walk over to her son. “The moment I looked at you and you smiled at me, always a polite little boy even when you were terrified, I knew we had made the right choice. We’ve never regretted it, even when you would lose control of your quirk.” Hizashi smiled at that. He’d always wondered if they regretted what they did to him. He knew both of them had lost some of their hearing because of him, and he had felt guilty, always apologizing for it, but his moms had always waved it off.
“I smiled that day because I knew you had to be nice. I knew because mom was nice and she promised no body bad would ever come near me again. I guess she was slightly wrong about that, considering a lot of bad people come near me,” Hizashi laughed, dodging the slap his Mimi aimed at him.
“And whose fault is that Zash? We didn’t even know you wanted to be a hero till you screamed it at us one day, after you had gone to take the entrance exam and got accepted.”
“I was always terrified to express that dream. Still afraid you’d tell me what everyone else did. That I’d never become a hero, that my quirk was dangerous to everyone around me and no one would want me to be part of their agency,” Hizashi replied sheepishly.
“We never would’ve said that. Even though we did scold you for not telling us you even applied to Yuuei. But we were still proud of you.”
“And we always will be,” his mom finished, leaning in the doorway. “Zashi, they want you to go to the boys house, see how bad it is, and recover his stuff. They wanted to ask Shouta, but the doctor said he’d better stay, as he seems to be the only one who can calm Shinso down. So, get dressed, I know you brought your hero gear,” Hizashi smiled sheepishly. His mother knew him well. It had mainly been a precaution, just in case he was called out, or something while he was at the hospital.
“Alright, let me get ready. Are you coming too?” He asked, already digging in the backpack he had brought up.
“Of course. I’m currently working as his social worker, for now, since his previous one was incompetent and never checked up on him.” Hizashi nodded, stepping into the bathroom to get dressed and put his hair up in its usual gravity defying hairstyle.
“Let’s go,” Hizashi said, serious look plastered on his face and rage burning in his eyes as he stepped out of the bathroom. “They’ll pay for what they’ve done to him,” he growled, walking out of the room, determined that these people won’t get off the hook for mental and physical damage they did to a child, to their child.
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50 Wordless Ways to Say “I Love You”
Holding their hands when they are shaking.
Tucking the sheets around them when they stir during the night.
Traveling long distances just to see them.
Making their favorite meal when they are having a hard day.
Giving them a kiss before going to work and they are still in bed.
Tucking your head into their neck during a hug.
Lightly kissing on top of a freshly formed bruise.
Buying them something unrequested because it made you think of them.
Participating in their hobby even if it doesn’t personally interest you.
Sitting in comfortable silence while eating a meal.
Telling them a dumb joke just to see their smile.
Following their family traditions that they enjoy.
Playing your fingers through their hair while sitting next to them on the couch.
Singing and dancing to their favorite song.
Calming them down when they have a bad dream.
Having a tickle fight until you’re breathless.
Folding their clean laundry and putting it away.
Sharing a soft smile across a crowded room.
Bringing them a plate of their favorite sliced fruit.
Washing their back/hair in the shower.
Sharing your umbrella with them in the rain.
Listening to them while they vent.
Taking a picture together to print and hang later.
Tracing your names together in the sand.
Wearing clothes in their favorite color.
Doing a chore for them that you know they aren’t fond of.
Leaving a plate of food in the microwave for when they have a late shift.
Sharing a drink with them from the same straw.
Tucking their hair behind their ear to help them get it out of their face.
Helping scratch that itch on their back they can’t reach.
Pulling a chair out for them to sit down at the table.
Wrapping a blanket around them when they are sitting on the couch and watching a show.
Throwing away their piles of tissues when they have a cold.
Mending an item of their clothing that was ripped.
Running out in the middle of the night to get a food item they’re craving.
Helping brush their hair after a shower.
Making sure to be quiet while they’re taking a nap.
Letting them warm their cold hands under your shirt.
Giving them your dessert when you eat out because it’s their favorite.
Making a goofy face until they notice and laugh.
Giving them space when they express wanting to have some time alone.
Holding their hand while walking, even if there isn’t a crowd.
Holding shopping bags that are too heavy for them.
Standing between them and a busy road.
Rubbing the back of their hand with a thumb.
Giving them a back massage when they flop on the couch or bed.
Staying up half the night to finish a game with them.
Getting them a coffee just the way they like it.
Giving them a tight hug that makes them lose their breath.
Buying them a special treat when you go out shopping.
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4: I don't love you anymore. -wolfstar
AO3 link
Remus starred up at the ceiling, a chill settling in his bones from the empty space next to him. SIrius had been sleeping in their bed less and less lately. It was starting to worry him, especially when Sirius’ family was starting to get more dangerous. They were a long line of mobsters, and ever since they had disowned Sirius, they had gone into hiding. That was 10 years ago, when they had both been 15, but within the last 2 years they had come out of the woodwork and had gotten more dangerous. So dangerous that most of the order had had to go into hiding, especially Remus. Sirius’ family had known about their relationship, which is way they had disowned SIrius in the first place.
When it came to Sirius’ disappearing shortly after dinner it left a bad feeling in Remus’ stomach. He would leave and wouldn’t come back until early the next morning. When he did come back he looked run down, exhausted, and even had blood on his clothes, but he refused to talk about it. Saying it was necessary to keep them all safe. And Remus would be there, pushing his questions away, while taking care of Sirius. The rest of those times would be spent with the two of them curled around each other, Sirius crying into Remus’ shoulder until there was nothing left and he was fast asleep, his hand fisted in Remus’ shirt afraid he would lose him in his sleep.
But something just wasn’t sitting right with Remus, which is how he found himself following Sirius the next day. He had pretended to be asleep when Sirius had gotten up. Remus had watched as Sirius grabbed his old suit, the one he wore for Black family functions, and silently changed before pulling his family ring from his pocket and slipping it on as he left the room. Remus had waited till he heard the front door close before he slipped on a pair of shoes and quickly made his way down the stairs. Using the ‘find my iphone’ app to follow Sirius without being caught.
Following Sirius had been his first mistake. His second had been staying to listen to the meeting they were having. His final mistake was forgetting to turn his volume off. All three of those mistakes lead him to where he was now. Tied to a chair in the middle of them room as everyone talked around him.
“I thought you said he wasn’t a problem anymore,” Bellatrix hissed, her knuckles turning white as she clenched her fists.
“You said you took care of him,” Narcissa screeched, stamping her foot like a toddler.
“You were supposed to kill him!” Orion screamed, grabbing the nearest object and flinging it at the wall. Remus flinched as the glass shattered, spraying shards everywhere. It took a minute for his statement to register and his blood ran cold as it hit him. Sirius was supposed to kill him. That’s why they had had to go into hiding. That’s why it was so important for him to keep a low profile.
“Shut up! All of you shut it! Just-Just let me think!” Sirius shouted, effectively silencing everyone. It was obvious that despite being the second youngest in the room he was clearly in charge.  
“Why did you lie to us?” Bellatrix growled.
“Shut it Bella, you know why!” Sirius shouted, tearing his eyes away from Remus.
“Because you love him?” She sneered back, coming chest to chest with him. “That’s pathetic Black, love has made you weak!”
“I don’t love him! Dammit Trixie you’re so stupid! You know as well as I do he knows where they’re hiding! They’ve only had contact with him. He’s their secret keeper!” Sirius shouted back, shoving her away from him. Remus gasped, drawing everyone’s attention to him. Tears welled in his eyes, but he blinked them away, pushing his feelings down and settling a glare at his supposed ‘boyfriend’.
“You turned on your family? After everything we’ve done for you, you just turned your back on them? What about everything you’ve ever told me? All of those were lies too then? Your love was all fake then? Because I now for a fact that that’s a lie!” Remus shouted. “We were all you had. And this is how you repay us?” Remus whispered, his heartache quickly turning to anger. Sirius watched him for a second, the whole room silently watching the two. A smirk slowly spread across his face as he grabbed Remus’ chin, forcing him to look at him.
“It wasn’t a lie, not at the beginning, but after Reggie was killed, well I had a new agenda. I reconnected with Narcissa, who got me a meeting with my father. I told him I wanted back in. That I made a mistake by trusting the son of our enemy and getting involved with a boy like you. Of course there was a time when I did love you, but I don’t love you anymore. Not after I learned about your part in the whole thing. You’re not as innocent as you wanted me to believe you were,” Sirius growled, digging his nails into Remus’ skin. Remus’ jerked his head out of Sirius’ hands, causing his nails to leave gashes on his chin.
“And to think we all thought there was only one rat amongst us. You’re no better than Pettigrew,” Remus spat, watching as hurt flashed through Sirius’ eyes before it was quickly concealed with an emotion Remus had never seen pass through those eyes.
"Give us the room,” Sirius growled. Everyone seemed to hesitate for a second before slowly filing out of the room. Sirius turned his back to Remus, locking the door and pulling something out of his pocket. When he turned back around Remus stiffened at the blade Sirius held in his hand.
“You’re so stubborn Remus. I told you to stay low. You knew what I was getting into, we talked about this,” Sirius growled, gently pressing a tissue to the cuts on Remus’ chin.
“I was worried Siri. You kept coming home so late and you were bruised and bloody and-and, dammit Siri I was so fucking scared for you,” Remus cried, tears starting to run down his face.
“I’m sorry Re, I should’ve told you, but those images were mine to bare. I didn’t want you to have to see them every time you close your eyes too,” Sirius sighed, leaning his forehead against Remus’. “Come on, we have to go now,” Sirius whispered, cutting the ropes tying remus down. Remus nodded, hoping they would buy whatever lie Sirius told them. “Stay here,” SIrius stood up and walked to the door, slipping through it, but blocking it so no one else could get in.
“Well?” Bella pressed, her arms crossed over her chest,a frown etched on her face.
“I’m taking him to the abandoned warehouse. He won’t talk and I don’t want to mess up the room,” SIrius replied, shrugging slightly.
“Bullshit Siri. I don’t believe a word of it,” Bella growled, trying to push past him.
“Back off! I’m in charge here. If you have a problem with it than get the fuck out!” Sirius shouted, pushing her back. The hall was eerily silent, the only noise the sound of Sirius and Bella’s breathing. “If you don’t like the way I run things then leave. Or do something about it,” Sirius growled, well aware of the weapons they all kept on them, but he also knew that Bellatrix wasn’t dumb enough to try.
“Fine, but if he surfaces again, it’ll be your head on the line,” Bellatrix growled before storming away. The other two hesitated before following after Bella, leaving Sirius alone, his heart racing a mile a minute. Sirius slumped against the door for a minute, willing the adrenaline from his body before he slipped back into the room, sneaking out the back door, knowing this would all be over soon. Hopefully there wouldn't be any more casualties along the way.
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15 & 10 for some wolfstar angst. My first was idea was an au where Sirius was turned into a uh vampire. But I understand that the topic isn’t the most popular thing, so whatever you do with this is completely fine! 😊🙂
(Firstly, thank you for this prompt! I loved the added Sirius being turned into a vampire, it made this so much better. Secondly, the angst of this got to me at the end. I was literally biting my tongue/lip to keep from crying because it was just heartbreaking to me. And I wrote it! Anyways, I hope you like it and I’m sorry that it took so long. I also might continue this, but not sure yet)
Everything Has Changed and Nothing's The Same
AO3 Link
Sirius realized his mistake too late. He was always reckless and irresponsible, but this was just pure stupidity. He stumbled over his feet, a hand clutched to the spot where his shoulder and neck met. His vision was blurry and he could barely form a coherent thought. The only thing that ran through his mind was home and Remus. All he knew was that both of those things were safe and if he could just find them then he knew than he would be okay. Dammit, he should’ve known better than piss off the Dark Lord like that, but what else was he supposed to do? Stay quiet and let that mad man mark him? Well he hadn’t kept quiet and yet he still had the mark of a mad man. Only this one was more dangerous for those around him.
He had been out late looking for a ring for Remus. He was going to propose during winter holiday when most students would be at home for Christmas. He still had a few weeks to find one, but he had hoped to get it done today, but he should’ve known better than to stay out this late when Voldemort had all kinds of people at his disposal. Which included vampires apparently. Sirius gritted his teeth as another wave of nausea and pain racked through his body. Sirius stumbled, this time falling to his knees. Sirius groaned, slumping forward. He was so stupid, he should have left earlier, when it was still bright out and there would have been no way for him to have gotten bitten. But he hadn’t and no he was likely to die alone on the street. Sirius grabbed his wand and with the last bit of energy, casted a patronus, sending it to Remus’ house.
Remus nearly jumped out of his skin as Sirius’ wolf Patronus came through the window. Remus was flying out the door after hearing the message, apperating as soon as his feet hit the cement walkway. He didn’t know what was going on. All it had said was that Sirius was hurt, on the verge of blacking out, alone on some street. Thankfully it was late enough that most muggles would be asleep, though that didn’t include Remus’ family, the three of them had been awake waiting for Sirius to get home. His parents had started gathering anything they would need for any scenario that popped in their head as soon as Sirius’ patronus had appeared in their living room.
Remus reappeared on a deserted side street, seeing no one except for Sirius, slumped over, his hair curtaining his face as shallow breaths shuttered through his body. Remus rushed to his side, dropping to his knees and checking Sirius over, but something was making his skin crawl, as a sense of dread washing over his body, causing his wolf to mentally bare his fangs, but what was causing it he wasn’t sure.
“Siri? Sirius, what happened?” Remus asked, finding no sort of noticeable injury, until he tilted Sirius’ head up, his hair falling away as it did. His eyes were dark red and unfocused, barely registering that Remus was there. Remus couldn’t help it, he gasped and stumbled away from his mate. His stomach churned the longer he sat there, almost pinned to the spot by Sirius piercing stare, it was unfocused and glassy, but he knew Sirius could tell it was him.
“Re,” Sirius gasped, tears welling in his eyes, only they were red, blood instead of tears. The infection of a vampire was even harsher than that of a werewolf. While 50% of werewolves would die, it was even higher for vampires. Almost 80% of them wouldn’t make it through the process. Where a werewolf infection creates a second soul that merges with the first, a vampire infection splits the soul, leaving the person half dead. “I’m scared Remma,” Sirius whispered, as the blood tears began to fall and Sirius eyes grew dim and his breath shuttered, growing slower with each one. Remus swallowed thickly, pushing his own feelings of dread away as he wrapped Sirius in his arms, his own tears welling up as he apperated them back to his parents home, hearing nothing but Sirius ragged breaths slow until they were barely there.
“You’ll be fine Siri, I promise. I’ll be by your side no matter what. You’ll wake up, you’ll wake up,” Remus repeated, watching as Sirius eyes closed and his breaths completely stopped. He buried his face in Sirius neck, ignoring the shudder that went through his body, breathing in his mate’s scent. He wanted Sirius to pull through, needed him too. His wolf maybe in defense mode now, but once Sirius came to and his wolf realized that this was still his mate everything would be okay, he hoped. “Don’t die on me, please. I can’t live without you,” Remus sobbed, holding him closer.
Remus jumped as a hand gently squeezed his shoulder. He looked up to see his dad looking down at him, worry etched into his face. His dad didn’t know what to do, He was a muggle after all. He hadn’t even been aware of vampires until Remus had stormed in angrily a few weeks ago after a group of muggles was attacked by them.
“Come on Remmy, let’s get him onto the couch,” Hope whispered, gently taking Sirius from her son as Lyall helped him up on shaky legs. “He’ll be fine. He’s a strong boy, he’ll pull through,” Hope said, trying to reassure her son, but she herself didn’t believe a single word she was saying. Remus nodded mutely, helping his mom lay Sirius on the couch. He just stood there, staring at Sirius lifeless body, thinking about how peaceful he looked, as if he was just sleeping, only he couldn’t see his chest rising and falling in its usual pattern. He was pushed towards one of the chairs, but refused, choosing to sit on the arm rest above Sirius’s head, gently running his fingers through his inky black hair.
Remus wasn’t sure how long he sat there, but it was long after his parents went to bed and after James and Lily had finally been convinced that he’d tell them what happened after Sirius was feeling better. As far as they knew Sirius had just been attacked by one of Voldemort’s allies.
Before Remus knew it, the dim light of dawn was beginning to show through the curtains, slowly rising to shine light against the bleak darkness of the living room. The curtains were open just enough to let a sliver of light into the room, landing on Sirius’ exposed ankle, causing the still unconscious man to hiss and pull his leg away. Remus gasped, shooting up to fully close the curtains, his attention back on Sirius the moment it was closed. He was still passed out, but that was a good sign. He was alive, sort of, but the infection hadn’t killed him. Now it was just waiting for him to wake up.
“Thank Merlin,” Remus breathed crouching in front of Sirius’ face, pushing a few strands out of his face, which was now paler than usual. “I knew you’d be okay,” he whispered, cupping Sirius’ face, flinching at how cold he was. He sighed softly, resting his forehead on the edge of the couch. He skin still crawled at just being in the same room as he was, but being this close it made his stomach turn and shivers run down his spine, but he refused to leave, this was his mate and he wouldn’t abandon him, it would destroy them both, especially now that the bond had formed and now that Sirius was a creature himself, losing his mate would hurt him even more now than it would have when he was human.
Remus must’ve dozed off, because he was awoken by the sense of dread that had settled in the pit of his stomach doubling and every hair on his body standing on end. His head shot up, eyes instantly meeting Sirius’ as he stared down at him. Remus felt all the breath leave his body as his stared into those eyes, one still the same smoke grey, but the other was turning darker, more like the dark grey of a storm cloud, and it would likely only get darker, and soon the other would follow as well.
“S-Siri?” Remus whispered, afraid to break the silence that grew between them. A sick smirk slowly split Sirius lips, and in the flash of an eye Remus was on his back, his wrists pinned to the ground and his wand knocked away from him. Remus was frozen to the spot unable to move, despite being stronger than a newly turned vampire. Sirius leaned down, causing Remus to stiffen, thinking Sirius was going to bite him, but instead Sirius pushed his nose against his neck, breathing deeply.
“Fuck you smell good,” Sirius mumbled, pressing his lips to Remus’ neck, sucking gently, but careful of his newly enlarged canines. Remus melted at the contact, but his wolf remained on alert. It didn’t recognize that this creature was their mate. He was too different, even his scent had changed. Even though his wolf knew that Sirius recognized them, their scent was still the same, he didn’t trust him. All it took was one bite and Remus would die, the vampire infection would rip his soul apart and destroy them.
“I thought I lost you,” Remus replied, burying his face in Sirius’ neck, pushing back the growl that grew in his throat. This was his Sirius, even if the wolf wouldn’t accept it. “I thought that was the end. We were just getting our lives together, and then I thought you were gone,” Remus murmured, tears pricking the corner of his eyes.
“I’m here Remma, ‘M’ not going anywhere,” Sirius assured, pressing another kiss to Remus’ shoulder. “I love you Rem, more than you could ever know,” he promised, leaning his forehead against Remus’ shoulder, wrapping his arms around the sobbing boy beneath him.
Unfortunately it took the rest of their break to find a way for Sirius to hide his condition and keep the students safe. For the first year or two a vampires smell was highly sensitive, and the smell of fresh blood was enough for Sirius to turn feral and attempt to attack anyone that wasn’t Remus. They had had to use every spell and ward they could to keep Sirius in the house, but also keep Remus’ parents safe. They had finally found that vapor rub worked wonders and would last for a few hours before they had to reapply it.
Now that they were headed back to school, both of them were a nervous wreck, afraid that the vapor rub wouldn’t work. Though Sirius was even more afraid of seeing James and Lily again. He didn’t know how to tell them what happened, so naturally he hadn’t. They were worried about him, and owled him almost every day. He always assured them that he was fine and that he’d see them when school started again, but that he was just still unwell from the incident and that it was unwise for them to see him right now.
But now that they were on the train Sirius was on the verge of a panic attack, and only Remus’ hand clenched in his own freezing cold hand, kept him from jumping off the train and disappearing into the woods.
“It’ll be okay Si. They’ll love you know matter what. I’m sure of it,” Remus whispered, pressing his lips to Sirius’ temple. He had to fight back the shiver that tried to shoot through him. His wolf hadn’t accepted Sirius and it was starting to take its toll on him. His nerves were shot from constantly being on edge every time he was in the same room as Sirius, which was almost 24/7. “They’re your family as much as I am,” he reassured him, leaning his head on Sirius’ shoulder.
“I’m scared Remma. I know they love me but, I’m just so scared,” he whispered, running his thumb along the back of Remus’ knuckles. Remus wrapped his free arm around Sirius’ waist, hugging him to himself, trying to reassure him as best he could.
They sat like that for a while before James and Lily finally joined them, Peter was off with some girl he had been seeing at the end of their 6th year.
“Mate, you look like shite,” James said, frowning at how pale and sickly his brother looked. Sirius’ eyes were down cast, most of his face hidden by his hair. “Sirius, what’s going on?” James asked, his tone soft and concerned.
“I-I..I-I’m…fuck,” Sirius gasped, moving away from Remus, pressing himself into the corner of the seat, far away from all of them. “I know Remus told you I was attacked while I was out late, but h-he didn’t tell yo-you who.. what attacked me,” Sirius paused taking a shaky breath. He swallowed thickly before he slowly looked up at his friends, his family. There was a heartbeat of silence before both of them gasp, Lily’s hand coming to cover her mouth as tears sprung to his eyes. Remus had taken Sirius’ glamours off once they had been seated in their own compartment and knew that no one would bother them. “I-It was a vampire. I pissed off Voldemort, told him to get bent and then vanished, but as time went on and nothing happened, I let my guard down and stayed out way past sunset and well, I’m sure you can figure out the rest,” Sirius dropped his eyes to the floor, unable to look at them any longer. He didn’t want to see the disgust and fear the settled in their eyes. He didn’t want to watch his family turned their backs on him.
“It’s okay Siri. We’ll get through this. We won’t leave your side. You’re our family and always will be, no matter what blood is running through your veins. Well, whatever is running through your system,” Lily said, setting her hand on his knee, and flashing him a reassuring smile.
“Yeah mate, what Lily said,” James replied, though his smile didn’t reach his eyes like it used to. This one seemed a little forced and Sirius cringed at the sight. He knew what that look meant. It was on everyone’s face whenever any dark creature was mentioned.
“Gee Prongs, what’s got you emotionally constipated?” Remus mumbled, too on edge to actually care that he was being rather rude. Though he had the right to be rude, James was looking at Sirius like how most people look at werewolves and it didn’t sit well with Remus.
Most of the train ride was a subdued affair, none of them quite sure what to say anymore. Peter had stopped in after they were about half way, but no one said anything, most of them ignoring that he was even there in the first place. Sirius was currently curled into Remus’ side, hiding his red rimmed eyes and puffy face.
James felt terrible that he was the causes of his best friends tears, but he was terrified. Of course he knew he was being a hypocrite, but this was different. Remus and Sirius’ situations were different. Remus was only affected for three days a month and after learning to be an animagus he wasn’t all that dangerous any more. But Sirius was different, he would constantly be a danger to everyone he was around and it made James uncomfortable.
As the train pulled to a stop Remus detangled himself form Sirius and redid the glamour charm, before pulling Sirius to his feet and ushering him out to go ahead of him and James with Lily. He wanted to talk to him alone, out of Sirius’ ear shot. He watched the two of them gather their things and even watched them leave the train before he turned back to James, glaring at the other boy.
“What the fuck is wrong with you!” Remus shouted, throwing his hands in the air. “I can’t believe you would look at him like that! You could see how scared he was to tell you, why do you think he didn’t want you to come see him?! He was terrified that you would reject him and you basically did!”
“How else was I supposed to react! Remus he’s a..”
“Don’t you fucking say it! He’s no more of one than I am! He’s learned to control it. If he hadn’t he wouldn’t be here. He’d still be at home. But he’s fine, as long as he continues to use the vapor rub he won’t have the urge to attack anyone,” Remus sighed, his nerves starting to settle with the space he was given. “We’ve stocked up on blood infused lollies, they’ll help a lot and as long as we can keep our stock up he’ll be fine. Besides, we have other arrangements if it gets too bad,” Remus mumbled, avoiding James’ eyes and the curious gleam in them. “Just stop looking at him likes he going to attack you every time he looks at you,” with that Remus turned, grabbing his own trunk and heading towards the castle. He hoped it wouldn’t come to them having to use their ‘other arrangements’. He was almost positive that it would make his wolf flare up and cause him to attack Sirius, but he wasn’t sure and he really didn’t want to take that chance.
Sirius sighed as he walked Lily in complete silence. He knew James wasn’t going to comfortable around him for a while, if at all, and it just made everything worse. Especially since Remus was acting weird around him too. After the incident Remus would leave the house more often than he normally would and he seemed to try and be in a different room for as long as he could without making Sirius suspicious, but it was hard not to notice. Especially when he would wake up alone in the mornings and in the middle of the night. As if Remus only waited for him to fall asleep before he would leave the room and sleep somewhere else, somewhere away from him. It killed him to think about it. He knew that was just because of the infection that made it feel like he was dying just thinking about Remus’ feelings changing. He knew enough about dark creatures to know that when their mate rejected them it would destroy them, most of them unable to live without their mate, especially after their bond had been acknowledged and completed.
“What’s wrong Si?” Lily asked, gently grabbing his hand. She could see how everything was eating him up. The look James had sent him, the fear of rejection, the realization of how difficult everything was going to be, and something else.
“Noth..” Sirius stopped at the look she flashed him, there was no hiding things from her. She could read him as easily as a children’s book. Sighing he turned his head towards the sky, watching the stars twinkle to life as the sun faded behind them. “It’s Remus. He’s acting funny. He leaves the house more than normal, he can’t seem to stay in the same room with me for more than an hour, and he doesn’t sleep in the same room with me. He just waits till I’m asleep and then leaves. I don’t think he wants to be with me now,” Sirius whispered, dropping his head back down so his hair would curtain his face, hiding the pain and the fresh tears that were trying to escape.
“It’s hard on him Siri, not just that you had to go through this, but because the wolf is on edge,” Sirius looked at her frowning, confusion written in his eyes, Why would the wolf be on edge? Lily paused at Sirius’ look, realization dawned on her causing her eyes to widen. “You don’t know, do you? Sirius, you and Remus are enemies. A bite from you would kill him, literally. The infection would split his souls, destroying him in the process,” Lily whispered, watching as Sirius’ eyes widened, understanding filling them, until it was replaced with a type of sadness she had never seen from him before. Not even when he had been beaten half to death by his birth givers. Or when Remus had nearly pushed him out of his life for ‘the prank. Not even when his brother had yelled at him, called him a coward, and disowned him had he looked so sad. Sirius didn’t say anything to her as he took off, leaving his trunk behind and disappearing into the shadows that the school produced. She watched dumbfounded, unsure of what just happened.
No one had seen Sirius since the train. He wasn’t in the Great Hall for dinner and the sorting and he wasn’t in Gryffindor tower when they went to unpack. Remus was getting worried. Lily had told him what they had been talking about before he ran off and his blood had run cold. He wasn’t planning on telling Sirius about that, he was hoping to look through the library and see if there was a way to get his wolf to accept Sirius, but now he wasn’t sure if it would help. He was terrified that Sirius was going to do something stupid now that he knew. So once the other boys were asleep, he took James’ cloak and the map and went to find Sirius. Turns out Sirius was in the astronomy tower, but he must’ve just moved there because they had checked there right after dinner.
When Remus entered the room Sirius’ back was to him and he was standing in front of the window, staring out at the moon. Remus froze in the doorway, dread filling his stomach like lead, but he forced himself forward until Sirius held his hand up, telling him to stop. He wasn’t even half way there.
“We can’t keep doing this Remus,” his voice was barely above a whisper. He kept his back to Remus refusing to look at the other boy, knowing full well that his resolve would break if he did.
“What are you talking about Sirius?” Remus asked, his heart plummeting, knowing full well what was about to happen.
“You know what I mean. Lily told me and then I looked up in the library. I understand why you haven’t been able to be around me and-and I can’t put you through that,” Sirius replied, trying to keep his emotions out of his voice, but he couldn’t stop how chocked up he sounded. “I love you Remma and I can’t put you through this,” he swallowed thickly, steadying his voice. “I-I asked to switch into another room. Know you can’t really stand to be near me for long, so it was the best I could do. Are classes are set in stone, so you’ll have to deal with me for those, but other than that you won’t have to be near me anymore,” Sirius let out a long breath, finally turning towards Remus, his heart clenching at the heart broken look on his face. He steadied his nerves as he walked towards him, pausing to press a light kiss to his forehead. “I love you, so much and I’m so sorry,” Sirius whispered before brushing past him, forcing himself to keep moving as he heard Remus break down, yelling for him to come back, pleading for him not to leave him. But Sirius kept walking, a lump in his throat, ice in his stomach, and a hole in his heart.
It’s for the best, he’ll be okay. It’s for the best. He’ll get over it. It’s for the best.
Sirius just kept repeating that mantra to himself as he walked further and further away, headed to his new room, ignoring Lily and James who shot him confused and worried glances. He had to bite his lip to keep from saying something. Once he was in his new room he would break down, but he had to get there first. Once he was inside he locked the door, upping a silencing charm, before screaming out his own heart ache. Screaming about how unfair everything was, screaming out his own frustration as he started collapsing in on himself.
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I’m working on some of the requests in my inbox, but I need a break, so ask away!
Flower Asks
Alisons: Sexuality? 
Amaranth: Pronouns/Gender? 
Amaryllis: Birthday? 
Anemone: Favorite flower? 
Angelonia: Favorite t.v. show? 
Arum-Lily: What’s the farthest you’d go for a stranger? 
Aster: What’s one of your favorite quotes? 
Aubrieta: Favorite drink? 
Baby’s Breath: Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? 
Balsam Fir: Have you ever been in love? 
Baneberries: Favorite song? 
Basket of Gold: Describe your family. 
Beebalm: Do you have a best friend? Who is it? 
Begonia: Favorite color? 
Bellflower: Favorite animal? 
Bergenia: Are you a morning or night person? 
Black-Eyed Susan: If you could be any animal for a day, what would it be?
Bloodroots: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? 
Bluemink: What are your thoughts on children? 
Blazing Stars: What are you afraid of? Is there a reason why? 
Borage: Give a random fact about your childhood. 
Bugleherb: How would you spend your last day on Earth?  
Buttercup: Relationship Status? 
Camelia: If you could visit anywhere, where would you want to go? 
Candytufts: When do you feel most loved? 
Canna: Do you have any tattoos?  
Canterbury Bells: Do you have any piercings?  
California Poppy: Height?  
Cardinal Flower: Do you believe in ghosts? 
Carnation: What are you currently wearing?  
Catnip: Have you ever slept with a nightlight? 
Chives: Who was the last person you hugged?  
Chrysanthemum: Who’s the last person you kissed?
Cock’s Comb: Favorite font? 
Columbine: Are you tired? 
Common Boneset: What are you looking forward to? 
Coneflower: Dream job? 
Crane’s-Bill: Introvert or extrovert? 
Crocus: Have you ever been in love? 
Crown Imperial: What’s the farthest you would go for someone you care about? 
Cyclamen: Did you have a favorite stuffed animal as a child? What was it? 
Daffodil: What’s your zodiac sign? 
Dahlia: Have you done anything worth remembering? 
Daisy: What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment? 
Daylily: What would you do if your parents didn’t like your partner(s)?  
Dendrobium: Who is the last person that you said “I love you” to?
False Goat’s Beard: What is something you are good at? 
Foxgloves: What’s something you’re bad at? 
Freesia: What are three good things that have happened in the past month? 
Garden Cosmos: How was your day today? 
Gardenia: Are you happy with where you’re at in your life? 
Gladiolus: What is something you hope to do in the next year or two? 
Glory-of-the-Snow: What are ten things that make you happy/you’re grateful to have in your life? 
Heliotropium: What helps you calm down when you feel stressed?  
Hellebore: How do you show affection? 
Hoary Stock: What are you proudest of? 
Hollyhock: Describe your ideal day. 
Hyacinth: What do you like to do in your free time?  
Hydrangea: How long have you known your best friend? How did you meet them?
Irises: Who can you talk to about (almost) everything?
Laceleaf: How many friends do you have?
Lantanas: What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received? 
Larkspur: What do you think of yourself? 
Lavender: What’s your favorite thing about yourself? 
Leather Flower: What’s your least favorite thing about yourself?  
Lilac: What’s something you liked to do as a child? 
Lily: Who was your best friend when you were a kid? 
Lily of the Incas: What is something you still feel guilty for? 
Lily of the Nile: What is something you feel guilty for that you shouldn’t feel guilty about?  
Lupine: What does your name mean? Why is that your name? 
Marigold: Where did you grow up? Tell us about it. 
Morning Glory: What was your bedroom like growing up? 
Mugworts: What was it like for you as a teenager? Did you enjoy your teenage years?  
Norwegian Angelica: Tell us about your mom.
Onions: Tell about your dad.  
Orchid: Tell about your grandparents. 
Pansy: What was your most memorable birthday? What made it be so memorable? 
Peony: What was your first job? 
Petunia: If you’re in a relationship, how did you meet your partner(s)? If you’re not in a relationship, how did you meet your crush/how do you hope to meet your future partner(s), if you want any? 
Pincushion: How do you deal with pain? 
Pink: Where is home? 
Plantain Lilies: If you could go back in time, what is one thing you would stop/change? 
Prairie Gentian: Who is someone you look up to? Describe them. 
Primrose: Describe your ideal life. 
Rhodendron: What is something you used to believe in as a child? 
Ricinus: Who’s the most important in your life? 
Rose: What’s your favorite sound? 
Rosemallows: What’s your favorite memory? 
Sage: What’s your least favorite memory? 
Snapdragon: At this moment, what do you want?  
St. John’s Wort: Is it easy or difficult for you to express how you feel about things? 
Sunflower: What is something you don’t want to imagine life without? 
Sweet Pea: How much sleep did you get last night? 
Tickseed: What’s your main reason to get up every morning? 
Touch-Me-Not: How do you feel about your current job? 
Transvaal Daisy: What’s your favorite item of clothing? 
Tropical White Morning Glory: Describe your aesthetic.  
Tulip: What would be the best present to get you? 
Vervain: What’s stressing you out most right now? 
Wisteria: How many books have you read in the past few months? What were they called? 
Wolf’s Bane: Where do you want to be in life this time next year?
Yarrow: Do you know what vore is?
Zinnia: Give a random fact about yourself.
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26: I'm dying -wolfstar
AO3 link
“So Sirius, who was your inspiration? I mean, who motivated you to audition for the show?”  
“My fiance, he knew how much I wanted to try out, but I was too nervous to even fill out the forms. So, he did it for me,” Sirius paused, chuckling to himself. “I didn’t even know he did until two weeks later when we got the letter telling me where to go for auditions,”
“How is he doing? I remember you mentioned a few weeks back the he was in hospital. You nearly missed the final round to go see him, so what happened?”
“Ah, the dreaded question,” Sirius smiled shyly, running his hand through his hair. He remembered that day so well.
Sirius had just gotten home from work when he found Remus on the couch, head in his hands and tears streaming down his face. Sirius flew to his fiance’s side.
“Re? Re, what’s wrong?” Remus just sobbed harder, collapsing in on himself. Sirius’ heart broke at the sight. He wrapped his arms around Remus, pulling him towards himself until Remus was sitting in his lap, arms wrapped around Sirius’ neck, sobbing for all he was worth. Sirius wasn’t sure how long they sat there, rocking Remus and waiting for him to calm down enough to tell him what was wrong. Eventually Remus’ tears stopped, yet he kept silent for a while longer, unsure how to tell Sirius that their forever was going  to be cut short.
“Siri,” Remus’ voice was barely above a whisper. “Siri, I-I’m dying,” he croaked out, if he had anything left he would’ve started crying again. Things had just started looking up for them. They were getting  married in a few months and they had just started the adoption process. They were supposed to meet with an agency in the next month, but know they’d have to postpone, or just cancel all together.
Sirius wasn’t sure what to think. His sweet wolf had already been through enough, and now this? Of course it had always been a concern in the back of their minds, what with the medical history of his family, but they didn’t want to believe that he had a high chance of getting it. Their worst fears had come to life. How would he get by without his sweet wolf? No, he wasn’t going to lose him. They’d get through this, together.
“I-It’s okay Remma, we’ll get through this together. I’ll be by your side the whole way,” Sirius promised, pressing a gentle kiss to Remus’ cheek.
“What about the competition Si? You can’t give that up. This is your dream,” Remus whispered.
“Doesn’t matter. I’m not going anymore. I won’t leave you right now. I just can’t,” Sirius whispered back. Remus frowned, pulling away from his fiance, glaring at him.
“Sirius Orion Black, I know you care about me, but I refuse to let you give up your dream. I know you want to be by my side the whole way, but I can’t let you  give this up. All you have to do is show up for the audition and everything after that, and when you’re not doing anything for the show I’ll let you fuse over me all you want. I promise,”
“Well about, uh, sixish months ago he was diagnosed with leukemia. We, we were devastated. We had just started looking into adopting our first child when we got the news, so we had to put that on hold until he started getting better. This was two months before auditions started and I almost didn’t go, I didn’t want to leave his side, but he wouldn’t hear of it. He basically had to force me into my brothers car,” Sirius chuckled at the memory he had been kicking and screaming, it wasn’t just that he wanted to be by Remus’ side, but he was also super nervous. Even with James there it hadn’t calmed his nerves at all. “I almost gave up my dream of being on the show just to be by his side,” Sirius smiled softly to himself, running his finger over the lid of his water bottle.
“Is that why almost left in the middle of the finale?”
“Yeah, I mean, I had already sang, but while we were on stage waiting to come back from commercial my sister-in-law called me and she was sobbing for all she was worth. My heart dropped thinking the worst had happened. That I was about to lose my other half. The cameras were rolling before she could get a word out, but I couldn’t hang up, I had to know. I’m sure everyone remembers how I broke down, literally falling to my knees. As it turns out, he was in remission.. It was the best news I heard, even though we knew it could come back, but here we are, months later and no sign of it coming back,” Sirius smiled a watery smile, blinking back his tears.
“That’s great to hear, we’re all so happy for you both. So after the show, what has your life been like?”
“Well a few weeks after the show Remus and I got married. It was a small affair, nothing super flashy and only close friends and family were invited. Which included my manager, she used to be a teacher at out boarding school, but in out last year announced she was going to join a talent agency. Honestly, I think it was my younger brother who got her to do it. She’s always had a soft spot for us, and many agencies had already looked into signing him on. It’s been great working with her and even a few projects with Reggie. As for me and Remus, well, we actually just finished our adoption of two wonderful children. Twins, about 5 years old and the most adorable kids I’ve ever met. No offense to my cousins daughter of course,” Sirius chuckled, knowing she was going to give him crap for it no matter what.
“Siri she’s going to skin you,” Remus chuckled, kissing SIrius on the cheek. Remus had taken the twins out to get some new clothes and toys right before the interviewer showed up. “Em takes after you, ya know. All tiny leather jackets and combat boots. Definitely a daddy’s girl. TJ is the complete opposite, all dresses and skirts. Though she did get some jumpers and combat boots,” Sirius chuckled, their little girls were perfect, a little mix of both of them. TJ with her love of jumpers, books, and peppermint tea, just like Remus. While Em was exactly like Sirius, always wanting to go for a ride on Sirius’ bike, and wearing leather jackets and combat boots.
“Daddy!” The girls cried, running into Sirius’ legs, squealing as he picked them up.
“Hello lovelies, did you have fun?” They nodded excitedly, immediately trying to out talk each other with how much fun they had. They had been worried when they first brought the girls home and they went straight to their room and didn’t really come out the whole day, except for meals. They had had a rough first few years and Remus and Sirius had done everything to show the girls how much they loved them and that they’d always love them, no matter what.
“They’re beautiful,” the interviewer gushed, smiling at the happy little family. “I think that’s all for today. We’ll be in touch with Minerva if we need another session,” the interviewer smiled, before starting to pack up his things.
After Britain’s Got Talent Sirius’ life had changed drastically, but he would give up everything if he had. Of course he loved making music and working with his little brother, but he’d traded it all if he had to. He’d be happy if it was just him and his little family.
“I love you Remma,” Remus smiled, kissing Sirius forehead. “And I love you girls so much. You’re all my whole world,” the girls squealed again, both placing kisses on Sirius’ cheeks. They were all he needed. If he lost his singing career, everything would still be perfectly fine.
(Sorry these are taking so long! I’ve been pretty stressed and super busy with school and junk, but I’m working on them all I promise! 
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When people consistently like/reblog my posts, I grow fond of them even if I’ve never talked to them.
I end up staring at my notifications like
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I'm taking prompts again! This are old, I've rebloged this before but I only did a few. Anyways, one quick note, I will NOT write the NSFW ones. This is just a personal choice. Anyways, send away! You can add hp ships if you want but you don't have to.
nearly 200 writing prompts // feel free to reblog
1: “ Give me a chance. ” 2: “ Not you again.. ” 3: “ Leave me alone. ” 4: “ I don’t love you anymore. ” 5: “ Why do you hate me? ” 6: “ I lost the baby. ” 7: “ I thought you loved me. ” 8: “ I don’t need you anymore. ” 9:“ I can’t believe you! ” 10: “ We cant keep this up forever. ” 11: “ You’re a monster. ” 12: “ I hate you. ” 13: “ Don’t leave me… ” 14: “ You’re a disappointment. ” 15: “ Don’t die on me– Please. ” 16: “ I never meant to hurt you. ” 17: “ Are you upset with me? ” 18: “ I wish i’d never met you. ” 19: “ I’m going to kill you! ” 20: “ Please don’t hurt me like this. ” 21: “ Thanks for nothing. ” 22: “ Dont call this number again. “ 23: “ Why did you spare me? ” 24: “ You need to leave. ” 25: “ I’m sick. ” 26: “ I’m dying. ” 27: “ I wish i’d never met you. ” 28: “ I thought we were family!” 29: “ There was never an us. ” 30: “ So that’s it? It’s over? ” 31: “ I fucked up. ” 32: “ I came to say goodbye. ” 33:“ He’s dead because of you. ” 34: “ I don’t deserve to be loved. ” 35: “ About the baby… Its yours. ”
36: “ I’m so in love with you. ” 37: “ Dance with me! ” 38: “ Isn’t this amazing? ” 39: “ I wish we could stay like this forever. ” 40: “ Will you marry me? ” 41: “ I’m pregnant. ” 42: “ I need a hug. ” 43: “ You’re special to me. ” 44: “ I’m going to keep you safe. ” 45: “ Do you trust me? ” 46: “ Can I kiss you right now? ” 47: “ You’re cute when you’re angry. ” 48: “ I’ve liked you for awhile now. ” 49: “ Lets have a baby. ” 50: “ We’d make such a cute couple. ” 51: “ I want to take care of you. ” 52: “ Can we cuddle? ” 53: “ It’s lonely here without you. ” 54: “ I can’t stand the thought of loosing you. ” 55: “ Shut up and kiss me already. ” 56: “ Are you flirting with me? ” 57: “ Is that my shirt? ” 58: “ How did we get here? ” 59: “ You own my heart. ” 60: “ You’d be a great dad. ” 61: “ You’d be a great mom. ” 62: “ I want to protect you. ” 63: “ Whats the matter? ” 64: “ You’re so beautiful. ” 65: “ Did you do something different with your hair? ” 66: “ Is that a new perfume? ” 67: “ Stop being so cute. ” 68: “ You’re making me blush! ” 69: “ You’re teasing me again… ” 70: “ This is why I fell in love with you. ” 71: “ You’re the best! ” 72: “ They’re going to love you, don’t worry! ” 73: “ Oh, Are you ticklish? ” 74: “ Of course I remembered! ” 75: “ You’re one hell of a girl. ” 76: “ You’re one hell of a guy. ” 77: “ Are you jealous? ” 78: “ Hold me and never let me go. ” 79: “ Stop hogging all the blankets! ” 80: “ Lets run away together. ”
90: “ Catch me if you can! ” 91: “ I’m fine. ” 92: “ Are you drunk? ” 93: “ Are you high? ” 94: “ We cant go in there… ” 95: “ Give it back! ” 96: “ Well this is just great. ” 97: “ Don’t touch me. ” 98: “ Not sure if you could tell, but I’m not exactly a people person. ” 99: “ This was fun— Lets do it again sometime!” 100: “ I didn’t do it! ” 101: “ I did it… ” 102: “ I don’t remember that! ” 103: “ Well that’s pretty rude of you to say. ” 104: “ Get that thing away from me! ” 105: “ You owe me. ” 106: “ Do you believe in aliens? ” 107: “ Do you believe in ghosts? ” 108: “ Are you hitting on me? ” 109: “ Why are you naked? ” 110: “ You did what?! ” 111: “ You have… Superpowers? ” 112: “ Why are you bleeding? ” 113: “ Where did all these puppies come from?” 114: “ Don’t make me come over there myself! ” 115: “ That wasn’t funny. ” 116: “ This tastes horrible. ” 117: “ This is delicious! ” 118: “ Are you mad at me? ” 119: “ Stop ignoring me… ” 120: “ I love that show too! ” 121: “ Can I borrow that book of yours?” 122: “ Lets blow this joint. ” 123: “ Let me help you with that. ” 124: “ Take that back! ” 125: “ Wanna go see a movie with me? ” 126: “ No way, that’s so lame. ” 127: “ What are you listening to? ” 128: “ I brought you your coffee. ” 129: “ Don’t fuck this up. ” 130: “ Run! ” 131: “ Lets run away together. ” 132: “ I haven’t slept in four days… ” 133: “ Your turn to do the dishes. ” 134: “ Was I really that drunk? ” 135: “ Was I really that stoned? ” 136: “Give me back my phone! ” 137: “ You’re an asshole. ” 138: “ Are you cold? ” 139: “ This place gives me the creeps. ” 140: “ I swear my house is haunted. ” 141: “ Did you hear that? ” 142: “ It’s just your imagination. ” 143: “ Just how stupid do you think I am? ” 144: “ Stop being such a baby. ” 145: “ Go back to bed. ” 146: “ Are you okay? ” 147: “ I can take care of myself just fine.” 148: “ Thanks for helping me back there. ” 149: “ Since when have we ever been friends? ” 150: “ What on earth are you wearing? ” 151: “ I can’t feel my legs! ” 152: “ Stop texting me weird stuff so late at night. ” 153: “ Put me down! ” 154: “ There’s only one bed… ” 155: “ It isn’t what it looks like! Okay.. Maybe it is… ” 156: “ How did I loose it? ” 157: “ I read your diary. ” 158: “ This is awkward. ” 159: “ Didn’t you read the sign? ” 160: “ Do you think you can teach me that? ”
Below is NSFW prompts. Please if you’re rebloggling tell your followers if you’re interested or not in taking these sorts of requests.
Sexual: 161: “ Bite me. ” 162: “ Make me. ” 163: “ Fuck me. ” 164: “ Stop teasing me so much… ” 165: “ Do you like it when I touch you like that?” 166: “ Okay.. This is new. ” 167: “ Want to head back to my place and have a little fun? ” 168: “ You’re in trouble now. ” 169: “ What a pretty sight. ” 170: “ Bend over. ” 171: “ On your knees. ” 172: “ The food looks great but.. There’s something much more delicious i’d like to eat right now. ” 173: “ Lay back. ” 174: “ Take off your clothes. ” 175: “ Well, fine; just this once. ” 176: “ I’m waiting. ” 177: “ You’re so beautiful. ” 178:“ As you wish. ” 179: “ First one to make a noise looses.” 180: “ You have no idea what you do to me. ” 181: “ If you’re bored; Wanna have sex? ” 182: “ Ive wanted this for so long. ” 183: “ Car sex looks so much more easier in the movies. ” 184: “ Can I touch you? ” 185: “ Open up. ” 186: “ No strings attached. ” 187: “ Already? Do I really have that much of an effect on you? ” 188: “ Mine. ” 189: “ The nights still young. ” 190: “ We cant do that here! ” 191: “ Behave. ” 192:“ What did you just say? ” 193: “ Good girl. ” 194: “ Good boy. ” 195: “ Come here. ”
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In case you didn't know, I have an art blog. Go check it out!
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“They’re gone! He killed them!”
In a matter of a few hours, Remus lost everything. His friends, his lover, his family. Everything gone in one fell swoop. He was alone for the first time in 10 years. He thought he would never be alone again, Sirius had promised forever after all.
-Remus Lupin, October 31st, 1981
(Nov. 18)
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(This is for an ask. but i accidentally deleted it. Sorry!)
Where am I going? Crazy. Wanna come?
Where are you supposed to go, when there’s nowhere left to run? Who do you turn to when everyone’s already gone? What do you do when there’s nothing left? How do you move on? How do you heal from past wounds? How do you forgive yourself for doing something stupid? How do you get up everyday, when all you want to do is stay in bed and waste away?
Sirius asked himself these questions everyday. Everyday that passed, with him stuck in Grimmauld place, he would just shrink into himself, becoming even more of a shell of the person he once was many years ago. It was hard for him to get up, but he made himself get out of bed and go about his day. Not for himself, no. He did it for Harry. He couldn’t let himself waste away, not when Remus and him were the only family he had left. Tue he had the Weasley’s and Hermione, but Remus and Sirius had been there since day one, even if Harry didn’t know it.
Today however, was a bad. It was already well past 4 in the afternoon and Sirius had yet to emerge from his room. He left all the curtains closed and had used a locking spell on his door, knowing Remus wouldn’t try to talk to him when he felt the spell. He had been in the house too long, he barely spoke now a days, spending most of his time as Padfoot instead of Sirius. Things were just easier when he was a dog. He didn’t have to think about all the things he’s done in his life. Instead all he could think about was chasing the rats and laying in front of the fire and playing with Remus. More importantly, he didn’t hurt. He didn’t feel the pain of screwing everything up every time they talked about Harry and the prophecy. Instead he just felt happy. Happy to be with Moony again, to be with his pack, even if three of them were missing. Though Padfoot recognized that the rat was no longer part of his pack.
Sirius curled into himself even more. Just thinking about it made him want to disappear. If he hadn’t rushed off after that rat then he could’ve looked after Harry. It would’ve been the three of them and he would of been able to make up for his mistake of making Peter secret keeper. He just feared that they would know James would choose him and that they would try to get their location out of him. Logically he knew that they wouldn’t have been able to, the secret keeper had to willingly tell them, but he was still scared that he would let it slip. They hadn’t even told Dumbledore of the switch, they were so terrified and the war was making them paranoid. They didn’t know who to trust. James had wanted to pick Remus, but Sirius had thought Remus was the spy. James had just shaken his head sadly and agreed to let Peter be the secret keeper.
A soft knock startled Sirius out of his thoughts, nearly causing him to fall off the bed. “Siri?” Remus called, his voice soft but filled with worry. “Will you please come out? I know you haven’t eaten anything today,” Sirius didn’t answer, instead he squeezed his eyes shut, curling the duvet more securely around him. “Please, you can’t let yourself waste away. Please,” his voice was barely a whisper, as if he was trying to keep himself from crying. Sirius just burrowed deeper, trying to push everything away, until he eventually gave in and let his mind go, turning himself into Padfoot so everything would stop.
On the other side of the door Remus stood, shoulders drooped, one hand on the door, and his shoulders shaking as he tried to keep himself quiet. It killed him to watch the last one of his friends, the only man he ever loved waste away like this. He hadn’t talked to the man in almost a month. Every time he tried Sirius would shut himself away or he would stay as Padfoot, ignoring everything Remus was trying to say, until Remus gave up and played whatever game Padfoot wanted to play.
He looked up as he heard shuffling blankets, but felt his heart break even more when he heard the familiar sounds of Sirius transforming into his animagus. What was he supposed to do? There was nothing he could say that would help the other man. He had been in Azkaban too long and all he could ever see was all the mistakes he had made in life. Remus stood there for another heartbeat before he pushed himself away from the door, residing in the library where he could drown his sorrows in fire whiskey, even if it would only give him a slight buzz.
It was well past one in the morning when Sirius finally emerged from his room. Logically, he knew this was a stupid idea, but he couldn’t stay in this house any longer. Not if he wanted to survive. If he was honest with himself, he wasn’t really sure that’s what he wanted to do. He had his boots in one hand and his leather jacket thrown over his arm, trying to sneak his way to the front door, but as he got to the library all hope was lost as he was spotted by the slightly buzzed werewolf leaning in the doorway.
“Where are you going?” Remus growled, crossing his arms over his chest. He was angry, but Sirius could see the sadness in his eyes. “You can’t leave. You’ll get caught and sent back,”
“I don’t care. Rem, this place, it’s driving me mad. I can’t stay here,” Sirius replied, his voice shaking as everything was starting to catch up with him again. “Where am I going? Crazy. Wanna come? Wanna watch the once strong boy you knew crumble under everything he’s done? Is that really what you want Remus? Do you want me to stay here and crumble in on myself? Waste away to nothing more than a breathing shell?” Tears were pricking his eyes, but he didn’t care. “I’m broken Remus. You can’t fix this. No one can. I know you want me to get better, but I won’t. At least I can’t, not in this house,” Sirius sucked in a shaky breath as he looked into Remus’ eyes. “Please Rem, let me go,” he whispered, his voice almost giving out as he sobbed.
“I-I can’t, I just got you back. I know you’re not the same and I know you can’t get better here, but you just… you can’t leave. You’ll be caught and… I can’t lose you again,” Remus whispered, dropping his eyes to the floor. He just couldn’t watch the sadness the seemed to grow even more as he spoke.
“I’m sorry Rem, but I just… I’m leaving, and you can’t stop me,” before Remus could do anything Sirius had stupefied him, sending him flying into the back of the sofa. “I’m so sorry,” Sirius whispered before bolting down the stairs and into the cool early morning air. He paused, sucking in a deep breath before he apperated away. He didn’t know what he was going to do, but the only place he could think of to go was the old abandoned cottage Remus and he had bought all those years ago. That was where he stayed until a patronus found its way to him, in the shape of a large wolf, telling him that Harry was in trouble at the ministry.
Remus would end up being the last one to walk into that cottage. He would be the one to find all the unsent letters that Sirius had never sent, saying how much he still loved Remus, that he just needed to get better and he’d come back. In that cottage, near a forest in a small town, Remus would find the little black box Sirius had hid in their dresser all those years ago. A little black box, that held to wedding bands, one with moons and a little wolf, the other with stars and a little black dog. With an engraving that broke Remus’ heart, causing his inner wolf to howl in lose and pain; The brightest star has nothing on you my sweet wolf.
It was the same ring that Remus would wear around his neck for the next few years. Even when he married Tonks, he never took that one off. Not even when he went to battle, knowing he wouldn’t be coming back. Instead he clutched it tightly in his hand as he drew his final breath, thinking of nothing but the grey eyed boy he would be seeing so very soon.
(Finally getting around to writing the asks in my box. Sorry it took so long. I’ve had a bad case of writers block)
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(This is for an ask. but i accidentally deleted it. Sorry!)
Where am I going? Crazy. Wanna come?
Where are you supposed to go, when there’s nowhere left to run? Who do you turn to when everyone’s already gone? What do you do when there’s nothing left? How do you move on? How do you heal from past wounds? How do you forgive yourself for doing something stupid? How do you get up everyday, when all you want to do is stay in bed and waste away?
Sirius asked himself these questions everyday. Everyday that passed, with him stuck in Grimmauld place, he would just shrink into himself, becoming even more of a shell of the person he once was many years ago. It was hard for him to get up, but he made himself get out of bed and go about his day. Not for himself, no. He did it for Harry. He couldn’t let himself waste away, not when Remus and him were the only family he had left. Tue he had the Weasley’s and Hermione, but Remus and Sirius had been there since day one, even if Harry didn’t know it.
Today however, was a bad. It was already well past 4 in the afternoon and Sirius had yet to emerge from his room. He left all the curtains closed and had used a locking spell on his door, knowing Remus wouldn’t try to talk to him when he felt the spell. He had been in the house too long, he barely spoke now a days, spending most of his time as Padfoot instead of Sirius. Things were just easier when he was a dog. He didn’t have to think about all the things he’s done in his life. Instead all he could think about was chasing the rats and laying in front of the fire and playing with Remus. More importantly, he didn’t hurt. He didn’t feel the pain of screwing everything up every time they talked about Harry and the prophecy. Instead he just felt happy. Happy to be with Moony again, to be with his pack, even if three of them were missing. Though Padfoot recognized that the rat was no longer part of his pack.
Sirius curled into himself even more. Just thinking about it made him want to disappear. If he hadn’t rushed off after that rat then he could’ve looked after Harry. It would’ve been the three of them and he would of been able to make up for his mistake of making Peter secret keeper. He just feared that they would know James would choose him and that they would try to get their location out of him. Logically he knew that they wouldn’t have been able to, the secret keeper had to willingly tell them, but he was still scared that he would let it slip. They hadn’t even told Dumbledore of the switch, they were so terrified and the war was making them paranoid. They didn’t know who to trust. James had wanted to pick Remus, but Sirius had thought Remus was the spy. James had just shaken his head sadly and agreed to let Peter be the secret keeper.
A soft knock startled Sirius out of his thoughts, nearly causing him to fall off the bed. “Siri?” Remus called, his voice soft but filled with worry. “Will you please come out? I know you haven’t eaten anything today,” Sirius didn’t answer, instead he squeezed his eyes shut, curling the duvet more securely around him. “Please, you can’t let yourself waste away. Please,” his voice was barely a whisper, as if he was trying to keep himself from crying. Sirius just burrowed deeper, trying to push everything away, until he eventually gave in and let his mind go, turning himself into Padfoot so everything would stop.
On the other side of the door Remus stood, shoulders drooped, one hand on the door, and his shoulders shaking as he tried to keep himself quiet. It killed him to watch the last one of his friends, the only man he ever loved waste away like this. He hadn’t talked to the man in almost a month. Every time he tried Sirius would shut himself away or he would stay as Padfoot, ignoring everything Remus was trying to say, until Remus gave up and played whatever game Padfoot wanted to play.
He looked up as he heard shuffling blankets, but felt his heart break even more when he heard the familiar sounds of Sirius transforming into his animagus. What was he supposed to do? There was nothing he could say that would help the other man. He had been in Azkaban too long and all he could ever see was all the mistakes he had made in life. Remus stood there for another heartbeat before he pushed himself away from the door, residing in the library where he could drown his sorrows in fire whiskey, even if it would only give him a slight buzz.
It was well past one in the morning when Sirius finally emerged from his room. Logically, he knew this was a stupid idea, but he couldn’t stay in this house any longer. Not if he wanted to survive. If he was honest with himself, he wasn’t really sure that’s what he wanted to do. He had his boots in one hand and his leather jacket thrown over his arm, trying to sneak his way to the front door, but as he got to the library all hope was lost as he was spotted by the slightly buzzed werewolf leaning in the doorway.
“Where are you going?” Remus growled, crossing his arms over his chest. He was angry, but Sirius could see the sadness in his eyes. “You can’t leave. You’ll get caught and sent back,”
“I don’t care. Rem, this place, it’s driving me mad. I can’t stay here,” Sirius replied, his voice shaking as everything was starting to catch up with him again. “Where am I going? Crazy. Wanna come? Wanna watch the once strong boy you knew crumble under everything he’s done? Is that really what you want Remus? Do you want me to stay here and crumble in on myself? Waste away to nothing more than a breathing shell?” Tears were pricking his eyes, but he didn’t care. “I’m broken Remus. You can’t fix this. No one can. I know you want me to get better, but I won’t. At least I can’t, not in this house,” Sirius sucked in a shaky breath as he looked into Remus’ eyes. “Please Rem, let me go,” he whispered, his voice almost giving out as he sobbed.
“I-I can’t, I just got you back. I know you’re not the same and I know you can’t get better here, but you just… you can’t leave. You’ll be caught and… I can’t lose you again,” Remus whispered, dropping his eyes to the floor. He just couldn’t watch the sadness the seemed to grow even more as he spoke.
“I’m sorry Rem, but I just… I’m leaving, and you can’t stop me,” before Remus could do anything Sirius had stupefied him, sending him flying into the back of the sofa. “I’m so sorry,” Sirius whispered before bolting down the stairs and into the cool early morning air. He paused, sucking in a deep breath before he apperated away. He didn’t know what he was going to do, but the only place he could think of to go was the old abandoned cottage Remus and he had bought all those years ago. That was where he stayed until a patronus found its way to him, in the shape of a large wolf, telling him that Harry was in trouble at the ministry.
Remus would end up being the last one to walk into that cottage. He would be the one to find all the unsent letters that Sirius had never sent, saying how much he still loved Remus, that he just needed to get better and he’d come back. In that cottage, near a forest in a small town, Remus would find the little black box Sirius had hid in their dresser all those years ago. A little black box, that held to wedding bands, one with moons and a little wolf, the other with stars and a little black dog. With an engraving that broke Remus’ heart, causing his inner wolf to howl in lose and pain; The brightest star has nothing on you my sweet wolf.
It was the same ring that Remus would wear around his neck for the next few years. Even when he married Tonks, he never took that one off. Not even when he went to battle, knowing he wouldn’t be coming back. Instead he clutched it tightly in his hand as he drew his final breath, thinking of nothing but the grey eyed boy he would be seeing so very soon.
(Finally getting around to writing the asks in my box. Sorry it took so long. I’ve had a bad case of writers block)
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“Please, Don’t Leave Me,”
Sirius sat next to the hospital bed, holding Remus’ hand tightly. He was so stupid, he should’ve been there, he should be the one laying in this bed. Not him, not his Remus. It was an order mission that had gone wrong. Sirius had been late getting to their meeting spot and Remus was ambushed. He was able to fend them off till Sirius arrived, but he was gravely injured in the fight and now he was fighting for his life.
“I’m so sorry. This is all my fault. I was late. I should’ve known it was that filthy rat,” Sirius muttered, resting his forehead on the edge of the bed. “They’re out looking for him now, but at what cost?” Tears were forming in his eyes, blurring his vision of the white tiled floor. “You probably know this already, but … I thought it was you. You were always off doing something and wouldn’t tell anyone where you were and I just… I thought you were the rat. I’m so fucking sorry, I-I should’ve known better,” there was a steady stream of tears now, his sobs were shaking his whole body. How could he have been so stupid. His sweet Remus, the spy? There was no way. He was always trying to prove how he wasn’t like the others.
Sirius sat there for a few minutes, trying to get his breathing under control. He didn’t even know if Remus could hear him. He was probably just talking to himself and Remus would have no idea he said anything to him when he woke up… if he woke up. It had already been a week and all the dark magic had been flushed from his system yet he still hadn’t woken up.
“Everyone’s really worried you know. Prongs can barely focus during meetings and Lils, she just gets up and leaves whenever anyone mentions you. Everyone’s started to ignore the fact that you’re not there, but it just makes it more noticeable. No one will sit in your chair, and no one will even touch your favorite cup, or use your pumpkin spiced tea. It’s so easy to see the space you should fill. Sometimes I expect to hear your snarky remarks when I do something stupid,” Sirius laughs, half choking on it as it comes out. It sounds more like a sob and it might be because the next thing that comes out is a half stopped sob. “Please, don’t leave me. I can’t lose you, not again. I just got you back,”
Sirius jumped as a hand was placed on his shoulder. He looked up to find Lily staring at him with her sad, doe like, eyes. Sirius couldn’t help it, he broke down then, sobbing for all he was worth.
“Why won’t he wake up Lils? He was supposed to be okay,” Sirius gasped out as Lily drew him into her arms.
“He’ll wake up. I’m sure of it. Just… just give him time,” Lily replied, keeping her own tears at bay. She couldn’t cry, not right now. Not when Sirius needed her. She would break later, when she was alone, but for now she had to be there for Sirius.
“What if he doesn’t though? What if I lose my sweet little wolf?”
“You know, wolves aren’t all that sweet?” The two froze at the raspy voice behind them. “You look like you’ve just seen a ghost,” Sirius spun to face Remus, who was looking at them bleary eyed as he tried to sit up.
“Merlin Re!” Sirius exclaimed, almost throwing himself at his boyfriend. “Fuck, I-I thought,”
“I know Pads. I heard you,” Remus whispered, folding his arms around his sobbing mate. “I’ll never leave you. Not until we’re both old and gray,” he murmured, kissing Sirius’ temple. Remus looked up at his best friend, her eyes were glossy and she had a hand over her mouth, trying to keep quiet. “Come on Lils. There’s room for you too,” Remus chuckled as she flew to his other side, doing her best to curl around him with her belly in the way.
“Godric Remma, you stink,” Lily mumbled, one of her hands clutching his shirt tightly as tears streamed down her cheeks.
“Sorry I haven’t gotten around to that yet,” Remus chuckled, feeling his own tears threatening to spill.
“Who cares if he smells? He’s awake and that’s all that matters,” Sirius replied, shoving his face into Remus’ neck, trying to get as close to him as possible.
Remus found himself in his, their, bed a few days later, with Sirius running around getting Remus anything he wanted. He’d never admit it, but Remus knew that he was afraid that this was all a dream. That one day Sirius would wake up and Remus would be gone. Remus only knew because Sirius had started having nightmares again. All of them were centered around Remus never waking up.
“Siri, come here,” Remus called as he watched Sirius run past the bedroom door again. He listened as Sirius paused, hesitating, before walking into the bedroom. Remus opened his arms, letting Sirius curl into them. “I’m not going anywhere. I’m here, I’m really here and I’m not leaving you. I promise,” Remus murmured, tightening his hold on the animagus as he started to shake. “I love you, so much.”
They would be okay and eventually everything would go back to normal. Though the whole thing would sit in the back of everyone’s mind and sometimes it would surface, causing everyone to kind of pause and think about all the what ifs. Before Remus would say something snarky and bring everyone back. Reminding them all that he was okay, that he was there with them and none of those what ifs matter, because they didn’t happen.
(I’m alive! Sorry it’s been so long. I’m hoping to be more active. Also I’m taking requests now if you have any. It might take me a minute to get to them as I still have a few prompts in my ask box, but still send them in!)
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