fishyuser · 10 months
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Just hold me
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fishyuser · 10 months
Wait, wait, wait. Pause. AFO really was like "this is a waste of my time", saw All Might smiling and went "never mind, throw hands, hoe!"
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fishyuser · 1 year
Something I find incredibly annoying and common in "irondad" fics is that writer always makes peter parker act like a toddler, and the relationship between him and tony would be one a father had with his 5 year old son. Like no actual teenager is acting like that, Peter can be sarcastic and a smartass when he feels like one. Sure he's awkward around other heros but that doesn't mean he's 5 and calling them mom and dad. Peter Parker is a kid, but it would be hella disrespect to discredit and mischaracterize him because of that.
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fishyuser · 1 year
Listen if I had an ex acting the way that Scott was when he and Allison broke up in season 1, I wouldn't trust him either. Bro was giving off stalker vibes, I would have definitely been creeped out
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fishyuser · 2 years
Nobody: Imagine having beef with a fictional character 🤣
Me: ....
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fishyuser · 2 years
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Pov: you are Thor in "Avengers 1" and this is what you think your adopted brother said during a direct attack against Midgard.
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fishyuser · 2 years
Hey this is not my usual post on here.
But Fic Authors (this is not directed at anyone in particular ), do you guys think you could tag miscarriages in the a03 tags as part of a warning in a story.
I'm not saying to not write those scenes.
Just that they can be very jarring if you're not prepped for that event to happen.
For the people who have lived through that scenario IRL and still are kinda raw about it, well that can drudge it all up again. So some warnings are needed.
I hope that makes sense. I feel a little awkward pointing this😅
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fishyuser · 2 years
Bucky and Tony Friendship Recs
I like them as a ship, but I love their potential as friends more.
The History We Have by rebelmeg (7.3k)
TW Child Abuse, Neglect, Kidnapping, Non-Graphic Violence
"Hydra sends an infiltration team to kidnap the child of Howard Stark, in order to ransom the supersoldier serum prototype from him.
That the boy is not only willing to go with them but places himself directly in the care of the Winter Soldier, is unexpected."
Winter's Coming by SailorChibi (7.4k)
"After Ultron, Tony distanced himself from the team. It was hard not to, what with the muttered comments, frosty silences, and threatening glares. He didn't expect that would mean he'd get a visit from a certain soldier."
Damage Sustained by lost_in_dark_places (6.9k)
"Tony tries to accommodate Bucky's Trauma since he stomped on it last time. Bucky wins the Trollympics, Bruce comes in second, and Tony is a sore loser. Tony gives Bucky his life story while fixing his arm. Bucky wonders why he keeps collecting self-destructive morons."
Series I'm Not Your Friend, Pal by razboinicul_iernii (10.6k)
Remember to leave Kudos!!!
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fishyuser · 2 years
Comments mean the world for authors
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fishyuser · 2 years
"I don't need to see the world, I have my universe standing infront of me."
- From a Person Whose Been In Love To Long
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fishyuser · 2 years
"Waiting for the future is what leaves you stuck in the past."
- From a Person Struggling to Change
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fishyuser · 2 years
I love movies where villains have a motivation that's actually makes sense and an ideology that you can some how understand?
Like let's say there's this guy running about burning down buildings in this one town- Turns out he was in a house fire as a child and the firemen didn't get there in time to save the rest of his family. This fueled his hatred for the townspeople, who had already made racist and passive aggressive comments to them on a daily basis. And they mostly likely took their time to get to the fire on purpose.
Or a person sent into exile for something they didn't do and is remembered as a monster and a beast, comes back and shows them a monster.
Also movies or books where the "hero" turns out to be the villain themselves.
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fishyuser · 2 years
People ask "what's my problem?" Me.
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fishyuser · 2 years
One minute I'm worried about not having friends, another I'm dreaming of being a writer and never going outside or speaking to anyone ever again
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fishyuser · 2 years
The weird and toxic relationship between Merlin and the Knights remind me of Tony Stark and the Avengers....
I love them both but the way Merlin was treated was kinda... I know he was a servant, but they kept calling eachother friends-
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fishyuser · 2 years
Merlin... That's it.
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fishyuser · 2 years
Someone please correct me if I’m wrong, but couldn’t the druids have contacted Merlin while he was growing up in Ealdor instead of waiting for him to go to The Land That Hates Magic to talk to him about magic?
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