fuckyouimroyal-blog · 8 years
I just came out to my mom
And it went really well. She accepted the fact that pansexuality exists, and she accepted that I've been like this since I was little. My sister brought up the topic as a joke, but we ended up talking about sexualities seriously, and my mom explained her stance on how she would feel if one of her kids was gay, and I took the opportunity to tell her I'm pan. It ended up with us both hugging and crying and me saying Thank You over and over again. Wow I feel really really happy
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fuckyouimroyal-blog · 8 years
Sinbad: MAMA!! Masrur is using those foul words again!!!
Mystras: Mama being...?
Ja'far: Based on company position, I assume that would be me.
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fuckyouimroyal-blog · 8 years
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fuckyouimroyal-blog · 8 years
Do you ever just sit there then
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fuckyouimroyal-blog · 8 years
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yeh. some UNKNOWN reason
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fuckyouimroyal-blog · 8 years
Proof Sam Winchester is a Dementor
• Everyone he kisses dies
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fuckyouimroyal-blog · 8 years
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fuckyouimroyal-blog · 8 years
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<i> || Slytherin House || </i>
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fuckyouimroyal-blog · 8 years
tell a story
once there was a man who drove the train for a living. he loved it; it was something he’d wanted to do since he was a little boy. his favourite part was making the train go as fast as possible.
one day, however, because he was going so fast, the train got into an accident. now the man made it out safely but unfortunately, one passenger died. so, the man was put on trial, found guilty, and sentenced to execution. 
the day came when the man was meant to be executed and he requests a banana for his last meal. he ate his banana, sat in the chair, and the executioner flipped the switch. sparks flew, but the man emerged alive. 
now, around this time there was a law that stated if a person were to survive an execution, it was a sign of divine intervention and the prisoner was to be let go. so, the man was released. 
he got his job back as a train driver, and having learned nothing from his previous mistakes, continued on driving the train recklessly. of course, the train soon got into another accident. 
now again, the man was put on trial, found guilty and sentenced to death. and, for his last meal, he requested two bananas. so, he ate his bananas, was strapped into the chair, and the executioner flipped the switch. once again, the man was totally fine, and released. 
now, would you believe that he got his old job back again? our reckless train driver seems to have learned nothing, because he continued to drive the train overly fast and recklessly. of course, he got into an accident for a third time. 
once again the man was put on trial, found guilty, and sentenced to death. 
the day came and he requested his last meal - three bananas. at this point the executioner said, “no, i’m sick of you coming in here, eating your banana and walking out unscathed. let’s just do this.”
 so, without eating his bananas, the man was strapped to the electric chair, the executioner flipped the switch and - the man was completely unharmed. the executioner was dumbfounded. 
“oh, the bananas have nothing to do with it,” the man explained, “i’m just a bad conductor.”
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fuckyouimroyal-blog · 8 years
*throws leia over your head enthusiastically* you just got laid
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fuckyouimroyal-blog · 8 years
My mother found out that one of my friends is gay, and she was like Jesus, Faith, do you have ANY straight friends?! and I don't, so I had to tell her that I'm The Straight Friend™ when I'm actually pan, just so that she didn't disown me
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fuckyouimroyal-blog · 8 years
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moodboard: slytherin
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fuckyouimroyal-blog · 8 years
reblog if you’re a subbydingdong
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fuckyouimroyal-blog · 8 years
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fuckyouimroyal-blog · 8 years
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i think this is how i feel most of the time
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fuckyouimroyal-blog · 8 years
I like to drive through suburban towns with my convertible roof down blasting Fall Out Boy at very high volume whilst simultaneously drinking the pinkest, whipped-creamiest Starbucks drink I can because everybody turns to look at the source of the music and Bam there I am with my blue hair and screaming music and pink Starbucks and it makes suburban moms confused and slightly offended
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fuckyouimroyal-blog · 8 years
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here is your tumblr manual
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