ghost-jack-books · 11 months
Just gonna say, it is a CRIME that they didn't let Eddy Martin sing in Glee. He has one (1) solo line and it might be my favorite in the series
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ghost-jack-books · 3 years
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The dumbest fucking thing I've ever made, enjoy
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ghost-jack-books · 3 years
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(Image description: Alignment chart. Thad is "bold of you to assume I have never killed anyone," Hunter is "how dare you assume I've never killed anyone," Sebastian is "please assume I've never killed anyone," Wes is "bold of you to assume I'm mentally stable," Jeff is "how dare you assume I'm mentally stable," Nick is "please assume I'm mentally stable," Blaine is "bold of you to assume I don't have someone kept in my basement," Kurt is "how dare you assume I don't have someone kept in my basement," and David is "please assume I don't have anyone kept in my basement.")
Found In The Camera Roll, Post 6
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ghost-jack-books · 4 years
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Fucking Wattpad
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ghost-jack-books · 4 years
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(Alt text: Gru Meme. First slide says "See 'whump' posts and think it means 'WIP dump' because it's like all your WIPs." Second slide says "Finally look up what 'whump' means." Third and fourth slide say "Find out it's actually a form of torturing a character.")
Yes this is based on a true story (:
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ghost-jack-books · 4 years
Everyone: Omg I can't believe that was Chris's real voice on 'Give Up The Funk' I thought they edited it it's so deep
Chris, in 'Home:'
Well, holy moly, me oh my,
You're the apple of my eye
Girl, I've never loved one like you
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ghost-jack-books · 4 years
"I don't get it, how are we supposed to keep track of the ball?" David asked, leaning forwards so Nick could hear him. "It's tiny."
"There's going to be one player the opposite team is hitting the crosse of and trying to foul up, they have the ball," Nick told him. "Basically, it's with whoever has the most attention on them."
"The crosse is the stick with the net they use to play," he explained.
"Oh, okay."
Wes leaned forwards, chiming in, "So you could say the stick is, 'la crosse.'"
They groaned, David smacking him on the shoulder playfully and Nick laughing.
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ghost-jack-books · 4 years
Not me thinking Glee changed the lyrics of Bills, Bills, Bills and it was actually "you triflin', good for nothing motherfucker" for years—
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ghost-jack-books · 4 years
Tumblr I'm kindly asking please change the app logo back because I miss the tumblr blue, don't pull a Wattpad :(
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ghost-jack-books · 4 years
b, p, d, q, and my favorite, þ
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ghost-jack-books · 4 years
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(Alt text: coversation in groupchat named "stop changing the gc name THAD"
Jeff: oh dear god someone please save me
Nick: What's going on?
Jeff: My baby sister has not stop crying since she was born
Jeff: She literally has everything she's just upset about nothing
Jeff: I cannot sleep
Thad named the group Babies Be Like That Sometimes
Thad: But they do be like that sometimes )
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ghost-jack-books · 4 years
wes: is anyone going to tell me what’s going on in here?!
david: it’s kind of complicated, but thad-
wes: got it. forget i asked.
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ghost-jack-books · 4 years
I Fixed The Scene Where Ryder Tells The Glee Club He Was Sexually Abused (TW)
Ryder was beginning to wish he hadn't already planned the number. He just wanted to tell the glee club, not an alumnus who was visiting.
But he still found himself saying it.
"When I was eleven, I was molested by my babysitter." No going back now. "She just walked in on me in the shower and touched me a bit."
"Hold on, did you just say she?" Sam asked.
"As in a girl? Like, a teenage girl?" Artie clarified.
Ryder shrugged. "Yeah, she was seventeen, eighteen."
"Dude, you're eleven and some hot eighteen year-old plays with your junk? I'd have killed for that!" Sam exclaimed.
"Why are you ashamed of this?" Artie asked.
He began to feel unsure. "I don't know, I... Kinda messed me up a bit, like I have trouble trusting girls because of it I think."
"Guys, this is not something to high-five about," Mr. Schue said. "Ryder, I'm sorry, but I'm obligated to report it."
"Whatever. She's already locked up, got caught doing it to some other kid."
"Okay I— I'm sorry but why is that a crime? I mean that's every teenage boy's fantasy, there's like fifty 80's movies about it— My Tutor, Private Lessons, My Hot Babysitter, Gym Class—"
"We get it, Sam, thanks," Mr. Schue interrupted.
"Guys, this is totally not cool," Tina said.
"His truth is his truth, not yours," Marley added.
"It's cool, it's cool, the other guys are right. I don't know what I was thinking, I'm like the luckiest guy in here," Ryder said. He got up, high-fiving Artie as he walked back to his seat.
"Good job," Artie said, patting him on the back as he went past. "I mean, kid clearly has superior game."
Ryder sat down, and that was it.
Or he thought it would be.
"I— I'm sorry, are you kidding me right now?" the alumnus spoke up, everyone looking over at them. "I— I cannot believe I went to school with you two. You are awful people."
"What?" Sam asked.
"Guys your age might want to be consensually felt up by a hot girl, but an eleven year-old who doesn't know what's going on doesn't! That's not something to pat him on the back about! It's messed up and not okay!"
"Kurt—" Mr. Schue started.
They held out a hand. "No. No, don't interrupt me. Someone has to say something about this, since you aren't going to. Artie, how would you feel if you were eleven and an eighteen year-old guy who was babysitting you walked into the bathroom and felt you up?"
Artie made a face. "Disgusted, b—"
"Disgusted because it's a guy, or because someone is touching you without your consent?" He was silent. "Yeah, exactly. It doesn't matter who it was, it doesn't matter their gender, or how hot they are— it's sexual abuse and it's never okay or a fantasy. Sam, you ever seen Rosaline?"
"No," Sam says, confused.
"It's an 80s movie where a woman is raped and he won't leave her alone and she falls in love with him. So-called happy ending. It's not the only movie like that. Obviously, that's every woman's fantasy, right?"
"No! That's—"
"Bingo. Some movies have shitty and untrue plots. I think you grossly misunderstand the difference between being your age and having a hot girl you're into feel you up with your consent and being a child and having someone hired to keep you safe touch you without your consent. Do you see the difference between those two?"
"Yeah," Sam mumbled.
"Good. Thank you, Tina and Marley, for being decent people," they added. They sat back down, turning to Mr. Schue. "Continue with what you were saying."
(It's Kurt because he's the one in the series that repeatedly stood up against bullshit like that and was an alumnus at that time and if you want to argue, keep this in mind: Kurt was openly harassed at Mckinley for years and nobody in the glee club did shit to stop it, really, but Kurt saw a guy he didn't even know being gay-bashed in an alley and his instinct was to go try to help even though it landed him in the hospital)
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ghost-jack-books · 4 years
Nick cleared his throat, pulling the attention away from Jeff. "Anyways. Who's the most obvious when they're in the mood?"
Blaine turned red at the results. Hunter had only beaten him by one vote.
Hunter laughed. "Fun. Well, I voted for myself, so that leaves half of you. Blaine, you must have voted for me, because there's no way you voted for yourself."
"Yeah," Blaine mumbled.
(Hunter figures out who voted for him; Kurt isn't one)
Blaine realized something, turning to Kurt. "You've never even seen me turned on!"
"Again, our first real conversation was started by you groping me, so..."
"I put my hand in the wrong spot!" he defended, blushing.
"What, did you mean to touch my ass?" Kurt teased.
Wes was next, thinking about his question while Blaine spluttered mortified sentence fragments.
(Context: the power went out and it's dark af)
Someone ran into Kurt and they both fell down, limbs getting tangled together.
"What was that?" the panicked, hyperventilating voice said.
"David, it's alright, I think someone just fell down," another voice soothed.
"Yeah, sorry to whoever I knocked over," the person on top of Kurt said. They tried to get up, hand landing right on his crotch. He inhaled sharply, not having expected the sudden pressure.
They immediately pulled their hand away, seeming to fall again, but beside him. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do that, I'm so sorry, I swear that was an accident—"
"It's alright," Kurt said, getting up. "It's pitch-black in here, I'd be impressed if you did that on purpose."
They pretty much squeaked, and Kurt could tell they were blushing.
"Damn, Blaine's putting the moves on the new kid," a voice that hadn't spoken before said.
"I am not—!"
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ghost-jack-books · 4 years
(Later, in the same book:)
Jeff cleared his throat. "Alright. Who here has the worst first-date story?"
They all put in a paper, and Jeff shuffled them up, flipping them over.
Seven votes for Blaine.
Blaine went bright red and they all burst out laughing.
"At least you get six points for knowing who voted for you," Jeff said.
"Why'd you guess me?" Blaine asked Kurt.
Kurt shrugged. "Our first conversation was you apologizing for falling on me and then apologizing even more for accidentally groping me. It was a reasonable guess."
Blaine's blush deepened, and they all took their papers back.
"Yeah, the date was a lot like that," Thad told him.
(Context: the power went out and it's dark af)
Someone ran into Kurt and they both fell down, limbs getting tangled together.
"What was that?" the panicked, hyperventilating voice said.
"David, it's alright, I think someone just fell down," another voice soothed.
"Yeah, sorry to whoever I knocked over," the person on top of Kurt said. They tried to get up, hand landing right on his crotch. He inhaled sharply, not having expected the sudden pressure.
They immediately pulled their hand away, seeming to fall again, but beside him. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do that, I'm so sorry, I swear that was an accident—"
"It's alright," Kurt said, getting up. "It's pitch-black in here, I'd be impressed if you did that on purpose."
They pretty much squeaked, and Kurt could tell they were blushing.
"Damn, Blaine's putting the moves on the new kid," a voice that hadn't spoken before said.
"I am not—!"
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ghost-jack-books · 4 years
(Context: the power went out and it's dark af)
Someone ran into Kurt and they both fell down, limbs getting tangled together.
"What was that?" the panicked, hyperventilating voice said.
"David, it's alright, I think someone just fell down," another voice soothed.
"Yeah, sorry to whoever I knocked over," the person on top of Kurt said. They tried to get up, hand landing right on his crotch. He inhaled sharply, not having expected the sudden pressure.
They immediately pulled their hand away, seeming to fall again, but beside him. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do that, I'm so sorry, I swear that was an accident—"
"It's alright," Kurt said, getting up. "It's pitch-black in here, I'd be impressed if you did that on purpose."
They pretty much squeaked, and Kurt could tell they were blushing.
"Damn, Blaine's putting the moves on the new kid," a voice that hadn't spoken before said.
"I am not—!"
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ghost-jack-books · 4 years
"Who here isn't just a useless gay and can start a fire?" Nick asked, looking around.
"I can," Hunter said, heading over to the fireplace. "I'm a useful bisexual."
Nick laughed, handing him the lighter.
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