gradientprideflags · 7 years
hi, sorry if this is weird but can you make a user box that says "This user is ace and they have a kink" with the ace flag to the side??
Sorry, I forgot to say, this blog is no longer running. I don’t have the time or energy to do anything else with it. Additionally, I no longer have photoshop, so I actually couldn’t make any more user boxes or gradient flags if I wanted to :/ 
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gradientprideflags · 7 years
Giving a shoutout to @mogai-heaven :) go follow them! :))))
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gradientprideflags · 8 years
Reblogging this from my main. I’m proud of myself for this. Also ironic that it has to do with gradients, lol.
Gradient gender
I am coining this term!
Gradient gender: A gender(s) that are vague, and feel like a point on a gradient where any given point could be a gender (if genders are represented by the colors on said gradient) and can be vaguely identified but never pinpointed at an exact/precise “color” [gender identity].
Additionally this gender(s) may be blended so much into other “colors” [feelings of gender] or feelings of confusion/other feelings that make one’s gender hard to identify, that it cannot be pinpointed.
Lastly these gender(s) could be so diluted/blended that they are like the in-between stages on a gradient where one color flows into another, and it is impossible to decide where either color stops or starts or the point at which they are both completely blended.
Can be used with other prefixes/suffixes and gender identifiers.
Gradient female or male: A gender that is vaguely female or male but can’t be pinpointed due to being represented in a sense that it is on a gradient
Gradientfluid: A gender(s) that are fluid but shift between vaguely unidentifiable points on a gradient. Some of these genders may be identifiable and some may not.
Gradientflux: A gender(s) that flux between vaguely identifiable points on a gradient. Again some of these may be identifiable and some may not
Demigradient: A gender(s) in which certain parts (or certain genders) are able to be precisely identified but others are represented by being vague points on a gradient
Neurogradient: A gender(s) that are represented by being on a gradient due to neurodivergency. May also be used with specific neurotypes (For example Autismgradient or autigradient for autistic people, dissociagradient for people who are dissociative, etc etc)
These may also be used with several prefixes/suffixes and gender identifiers, as many as one wishes.
For me, I would identify as a gradientflux boy, or agender flux gradient male. I feel like I flux between male and agender but it feels like trying to pinpoint a spot on a gradient and is too hard to identify beyond a vague point. I feel like my gender is at some point where the colors are blended but you can’t tell where one stops and the other starts, for example blending gray (agender) and blue (male) together, and picking a spot near the point where they are mostly blended together. The point shifts and it’s often hard to identify how much gray (agender) and how much blue (male) I am. I would also be neurogradient as these feelings are caused at least in part by neurogivergency.
Note: Gradient gender can be considered binary or non binary / genderqueer depending upon individual, and may also be considered a nuerogender but does not have to be, again based upon the individual.
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gradientprideflags · 8 years
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“This user is a lesbian”
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gradientprideflags · 8 years
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Lesbian flag, also called the “lipstick lesbian” flag (one version plain and the other with a kiss symbol)
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gradientprideflags · 8 years
Can you do the lesbian pride flag? Thanks
Yes, I will work on it!
edit: it is now posted :)
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gradientprideflags · 8 years
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Non binary flag
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gradientprideflags · 8 years
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User boxes for demigirl, demiboy, and demi nonbinary
Top: This user is a demigirl
Middle: This user is a demiboy
Bottom: This user is demi nonbinary
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gradientprideflags · 8 years
I fixed the hyperlinks in the description, I now have the faq, before you follow, and terms and definitions list linked in the description :) Go read them! :P
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gradientprideflags · 8 years
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Agender gradient pride flag
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gradientprideflags · 8 years
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“This user is agender”
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gradientprideflags · 8 years
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“This user is genderqueer” These ones didn’t look good with bold font at all, but the font looks really good in two colors.
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gradientprideflags · 8 years
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“This user is non binary” I made two with different fonts since I didn’t know which I liked better. Let me know what you think.
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gradientprideflags · 8 years
How many genders are there?? I mean theres technically 3 sexes but what act genders?
There is an endless/infinite number of genders, since gender is in the brain and not the body.
As for physical/biological sex, I think that there are more than 3 (I remember hearing 5 somewhere) since other than the two sexes considered “standard” by medical professionals (offensive really as there’s literally nothing wrong with being intersex), there are several intersex variations although I’m not sure exactly how many (if any followers, especially intersex people, have anything to add to this please do so).
Also, side note: if you don’t support non binary genders (I’m not saying you don’t, I just feel like it pertains to this topic) I don’t recommend following this blog.
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gradientprideflags · 8 years
If by proof you mean a source, I do not know who coined it or if anyone knows who coined the term, or how to find that out. If by proof you mean proof that it exists, there are people with this sexuality. That’s the proof (and also the reason it was coined in the first place)
Pansexual means attraction to all genders- penultisexual means attraction to all genders but one- the person’s own gender. That’s the difference between pan and penultisexual.
Yes, agender falls under non binary. Besides possibly genderfluid, I’d say it’s the most heard-of non binary gender.
Mogai stands for “marginalized orientations gender and intersex” it is an all-inclusive substitute for the acronym LGBT+ (and way easier to say).
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Penultisexual pride flag
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gradientprideflags · 8 years
I have put up a before you follow and faq page. Please read it!! Tell me if you have any questions I missed :) (You can reply to this post or send an ask or personal message)
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gradientprideflags · 8 years
I have put up a terms and definitions page. Go check it out for definitions on sexual/romantic orientation, gender identities, and a few others.
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