henlobeautiful · 3 years
Centering, Grounding, and Shielding
- From my Grimoire
A Preface
Something that I don’t think enough people cover when it comes to The Craft, is how to keep yourself protected when doing spells and rituals, or communicating with spirits. This is a very basic aspect of witchcraft, so I’d like to take a moment to go in depth on the topic to make sure that as many people as possible, can find something that will work for them! Of course though, there will be some methods that I either don’t have experience with or may have simply forgot to mention. Find what works best for you and your practice, and look at some other articles or books as well!
First off, what is centering? This is basically you preparing yourself and getting in the mindset of doing a spell/ritual. This is taking a moment to yourself to make sure you’re intentions are in the right place, and everything is set up and ready to go. Centering isn’t too difficult to do, so there’s honestly not too much to say on the topic.
Method I like to begin centering with meditation. Relax yourself and get into the “witch headspace”, if you will. Cleanse yourself, and maybe even take a shower or a bath. Next thing is to gather your thoughts, write some questions down on a piece of paper or on your computer and answer them. Things like “What is my motivation?” “What outcome do I want” “How do I want to do this?” If you really take a moment to understand what you’re doing and where your heart lies, your spell will be at it’s most effective.
Grounding is an important thing to do after any spell you perform. While it doesn’t necessarily hurt to do before a spell, it can limit your meta-physical performance. Grounding is connecting you back to the earth and bringing you back to your physical body, getting your head out of the clouds if you will, and sometimes when performing a spell that’s where you want your head to be. If you’re working with any earth based magick though, this can greatly help, so just figure out what works best for the kind of spell you’re doing.
Roots - This is my covens favorite method to ground. This is basically where you have a meditative moment, plant your feet on the ground, and “sink your roots in”. First thing you wanna do is get in some kind of contact with the ground or floor, just anything that is a solid foundation. Plant your hands or feet flat and start by breathing deeply. You wanna really take in the energy from the earth, pay attention to all of your surroundings and take in the moment. Next close your eyes and start focusing your energy at your hands or feet. (You may feel your hands start to tingle or even go mildly numb) Lastly, release that energy and push it into the earth. Let it soak in deep, and if visualization helps, imagine your roots growing down.
Going outside is another very good method to reconnect with the Earth. If at all possible, I like to go outside barefoot and feel the grass on my feet. Really connect to the earth, take in your surroundings and walk around as much as you feel comfortable.
A Dump Stone - Just about any stone will work, but generally stone that come from bodies of water, have holes, or are green or black tend to work the best. Basically just hold the stone in your hand and let any and all negative energy flow out from you into the stone. Stones can handle quite a bit of negative energy so don’t be afraid to let it all come out. After you’re done though, you’re immediately going to want to cleanse your crystal with whichever method works best for you. I prefer to let mine sit in salt overnight, or until the feel done.
Drinking a cold glass of water, splashing cold water on your face, or even taking a really quick cold shower is also a really good way to ground yourself. It’s all about being present in your body, and nothing can bring you back into the now like some cold water can.
Shielding and Wards
Shielding yourself is important when it comes to any kind of magick, because there truly are negative entities and energies out there that like to take advantage of people. It’s a sad truth, but this is why we learn to protect ourselves spiritually. Putting up a shield or ward isn’t difficult, and sometimes you do it without even realizing!
Shielding Methods
Visualization - This is my favorite method to teach beginners because it doesn’t require any tools just you, and yourself. The begin, start by getting into a calm relaxed state, maybe even meditate before hand. Next, imagine a ring of light around yourself starting at your feet. This light can look like anything, be any color, and be any shape so the only limit is your imagination. Once you have the ring of light, imagine it slowly coming up around your body, let it fill your heart with warmth and let it remind you that you are safe spiritually and no negative entity can harm you. Once it has made a complete bubble around yourself, say some affirmations and remind yourself that you’re strong and can handle anything. The more you believe in yourself, then the stronger this shield will become. 
Smoky Quartz or any other black stone, when kept on the person or placed at the feet can create a ward as well. For those less imaginative, this is a very good alternative because you have the crystal to support you as well. 
Magick Circle - There are many ways to open a magick circle, but heres a really simple method. Hold one of your hands out, palm up and focus your energy in your hand. (You may get that warm, tingly, or numb feeling, if not though thats okay!) Really let it bubble up into your fingertips, and once there, point a finger out and draw a circle around yourself and say some simple affirmations of safety and peace. Just like the visualization method, this works best the more you have faith and believe in yourself. 
Simply stating that you are, or feel safe is another way to shield yourself spiritually. You remember how when you were little and alone in your room at night and you thought you heard something scary? You covered your head up with a blanket right? Do you remember how safe you felt after doing that, like how nothing could get you? That was quite literally you putting up a shield. Remember your intentions and feelings are the most important thing in magick, always keep that in mind!
Warding Methods Wards are another variation of shields, but these are things you put on the physical plane rather than a spiritual one. 
Runes/Sigils - A really good way to set up a ward is to carve or draw some runes either into the side of a doorframe, a candle, or even on a piece of paper to burn later! If you’re going to carve them into wood or draw them, charge the tool you’re going to be doing it with. If your going to use a candle, burn the candle whenever you feel like you need it most! And as for burning paper, keep the ashed around and maybe even sprinkle them into every corner of the room.
Salt - Put lines of salt on the top of your door and window frames, and sprinkle some in every corner of the room.
Stones - Certain stones are said to be warning stones and will break if danger is near by. Malachite is one of these stones, and is fairly easy to get your hands on. Place this stone above door and window frames as well. 
Holy/Blessed Water - A drop placed in every corner of the room creates a barrier around the room.
Brooms/Staffs - Place in the corners of rooms, and said to fall over if danger is near by.
Black Candles - Burning a black candle is said to bring protection and keep a room hidden from spirits. 
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henlobeautiful · 3 years
Hey! I’m quite new to witchcraft and a few people have pointed me in your direction to help get me started! Things like supplies or tips. And could I also get a trick or treat ?
How lovely to hear! I’m flattered. Hope you don’t mind if I combine this ask a bit. Here are some tips for starting on the path to witchcraft! And welcome to our community!
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You are the witch you decide to be. You can be inspired by types and paths you see on Tumblr or other blogs run by other witches; but ultimately the title is yours to claim in the method that works best for you!
Research is your best friend! Not just as a new witch but all throughout your path. Never stop! It will make you more confident and more competent!
Use what you have. This applies to tools (glasses, bowls, candles, scissors, spices, herbs you already have are perfect to build on) as well as your hobbies and interests. Build off hobbies of drawing, knitting, cooking, gardening, gaming, etc. It will merge you better with your craft from the beginning!
Start with protection and energy work. Don’t know where to begin? Start by researching and working on methods of protection, warding/shielding, and energy raising. Those are your basic witch tools that almost everything is built around.
Some beginner spells to look into: healing, protection, self-love/bath spells, safe travel charms, glamour magic.
Keep a journal! It doesn’t have to be a grimoire to begin with, but a journal of thoughts and ideas is a good habit to have as a witch. There’s a lot of personal examination and thought into building a craft and writing things down helps!
Thrift stores, dollar stores, flea markets and garage sales are you friends! If you have to have some of the tools and supplies inspired by other witches blog, start at the cheap places first! The fancy aesthetic is pretty to look at but doesn’t inherently make you a better or more powerful witch.
You are the magic. You are the power. You are the witch. All the rest is just filler. It can help you focus, yes. But you are the seat of your power. Don’t forget that.
As an extra treat- here’s a simple protection oil you can likely find the ingredients to in a decently stocked kitchen!
Simple Protection Oil
Small bottle (an old spice or pill bottle would work fine)
Carrier oil (olive, almond, grapeseed)
Ground cinnamon
Ground nutmeg or clove
Ground black or cayenne pepper
Fill the bottle almost to the top with the oil. Combine a pinch of each of the spices, close the lid and shake well while chanting “spice combine, protection is mine”. Use on your person (spot test for reactions first) or around your property or car as needed!
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henlobeautiful · 3 years
- Crystal care
- Ways to use crystals
- Crystals grouped by use
- Crystal Correspondences
- Colour correspondences
- Colour correspondences II
- Week days / deities correspondences
- Days of the Week for Spells and Rituals
- REALLY BIG POST: Herbalism correspondences
- Herbs masterpost
- Common Kitchen Herbs
- General Tree Associations
- How to Keep Plants Alive
- Green Witch Tips
- Cleansing Masterpost
- Simple Luck Spell
- Masterpost of Luck Spells
- Seven Deadly Sins Spells
- Creating Spell Jars
- Inspir-ACE-ion Spell
- How to Enchant an Object
- A Simple Spell for Enchanting Objects
- Anti-Anxiety Jar
- Your Negativity Does Not Affect Me Spell
- Simple Honey Spells
- Masterpost of simple potions
- Floral tea magick
- Fruit tea magick
- Rose Water
- Waters
- Candle Colour Meanings
- Moon Phases
- Moon Phases II
- Moon Signs Descriptions
- Houses of the Birthchart
- Signs, planets and houses
- Birth Chart Guide
- Tarot Spreads Masterpost
- Cleansing the Cards
- Tarot in Spells
- Tarot Tricks
- Tarot Cheat Sheet
- Tarot Cheat Sheet II
- Pendulum: How To
- Name Numerology
- Beltane Resource Masterpost
- DIY Sustainable Spell Box
- Other witchy masterpost
- Beginner Witchcraft Resources Masterpost
- Familiars
- How to Return to the Craft
- Witch Safety Tips
- Recommended books
- Classic Substitutions
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henlobeautiful · 3 years
How to enchant
What does enchanting an object means?
When you enchant an object, you put your energy and intent into something, giving it a purpose. It can be anything: protection, attract general love, relaxing or even cursing.
Cleanse the object before enchanting How to set an enchantment Echanting an item tips Enchanting an object  Enchanting + ideas More about enchanting How to enchant How to enchant with cosmic energies Useful links + tips  Enchating with touch Enchantments:
Pen enchantment Wind enchanting for divination Enchantment to ease your state of mind Cursing: Cursing an object - Basics
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henlobeautiful · 3 years
Simple Witchcraft Tips- Car Safety
Aside from being a careful and confident driver, turning off your cell phone, not drinking and driving, and keeping your car in good condition- there’s a simple way to add more protection when you’re behind the wheel.
Sigils, written on index cards and placed under floor mats, are easy, discreet, and give you some extra magical help during your travels. Charge/redraw them before long trips or difficult journeys. I also place one in my pet carriers when my animals travel with me.
Safe travels and brightest blessings! -Kate
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henlobeautiful · 4 years
“Feel A Little Better” Bath Spell
A simple bath spell for when you feel at your lowest.
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You will need:
Rose Quartz
Rose Petals 
Tea Lights (any candles would work though)
This spell is best performed at night, before bed.
Draw yourself a bath, and light your candles. Set them (safely!) around your bathroom and turn off any harsh lights. Sprinkle in your mint (for starting fresh) and your rose (for self love) and get into the bath. 
Take your rose quartz and hold it close. Pour your emotions into it and visualize the steam from the bath rising through the crystal and taking them away. Breathe in the scent of the mint and rose and feel yourself being filled with positive emotion. Meditate on these feelings for a moment before getting out of the bath.
Feel free to make yourself a cup of tea from the same herbs afterwards.
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henlobeautiful · 4 years
Bath Magic ✨
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Basic Components
🌸 Bath Salts - when you want the thing to be immersed into the water, cleansing, the subconscious mind
🌸 Bubble Bath - when you want to be immersed IN the thing, manifesting, the conscious mind
🌸 Bath Bombs - when you want the thing to explode into existence, move rapidly, high energy
🌸 The Water - the carrier of your intent, cleanses, helps imbue the intent into you
🌸 Soaps - carry and spread the intent to your body, good for carving sigils, good for long term use
🌸 The Drain - carries away the bad things when you are finished, or sends your intent out into the world
To Enjoy With Your Bath:
🌸 White Wine - fresh starts, clearing
🌸 Red Wine - indulgence, sensuality
🌸 Fruit - refreshing, sweetening, celebration, blooming
🌸 Chocolate - enjoyment, self love, richness, abundance
🌸 Tea - relaxation, meditation, correspondence of the tea itself
🌸 Hot Chocolate - warmth, friendship, self love, winter
🌸 Music - can be used to create a magical atmosphere that matches your intent
🌸 Crystals - amplify and aid the intent (check water safety, don’t immerse your crystals that can’t handle it, if you choose to immerse them at all)
🌸 Candles - relaxation, illumination, each color or scent carries its own respective meanings (floating candles as well!)
🌸 Flowers / Flower Petals - color associations, good for aesthetic and mood-setting, imbues the correspondence of the flower into the water
Bonus Object: Rubber duck - a very Powerful friend
✨🌸 Go Get Witchy 🌸✨
more bath magic
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henlobeautiful · 4 years
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Death Witchcraft Masterpost
-Beginner Death Witchcraft
-Unusual Death Witchcraft
-Spring Death Witchcraft
-Lost Cost Death Witchcraft
-Safe Crossings for Someone Who’s Passed (pet-friendly as well)
-Massaging the Bones (attuning tools and bones to your space)
-Web of Protection (symbiotic/deathwork based ward)
-A semi-theistic Prayer for Passing/Grief
-My Humorous Retelling of “Koschei the Deathless”
-Ways to Bond with a Graveyard
-Graveyard Dirt Uses
-Graveyard Alternatives
-Graveyard Dirt Alternatives
-Subtle Graveyard Offerings
-Bereavement Traditions
Spirit Work/Ghosts:
-Spirit Work 101
-Autumn Spirit Work
-Communication with Ghosts
-Non-verbal Spirit Communication
-Using a Spirit/Ouija Board
-Spirit Work Techniques: Keys
-Spirit Work Techniques: Energy Directives
-Spirit Banishing Tip
-Spirited Jack O’Lantern
-Safe Crossings Jar
-Baked Apple Offerings
-Pumpkin Seed Offerings -Underworld Powder Series- Styx
-Underworld Powder Series- Lethe
-Underworld Powder Series- Cocytus
-Underworld Powder Series- Phlegethon
-Underworld Powder Series- Acheron
-Contacting a Loved One
-Death Witch Tip
-Death Witch Tip 2
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henlobeautiful · 4 years
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Here’s my Vision Board for August 2020. I want to save up enough money to move out with my partner and work really hard this semester to be successful in school. Corona has been rough, so I really need to work to boost my grades. I’m a space scientist/aerospace engineer for school. Hope y’all enjoy!
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henlobeautiful · 4 years
New Moon in Leo Ritual
The New Moon is associated with new beginnings and new projects. This is amplified with the Leo focus, which is good for creative activities and risk taking. For this ritual, we will be combining these aspects into a manifestation powerhouse! We will do so using the idea of a vision board, so be ready to get crafty!
Any tools you may want for cleansing/security
Paper or a notes app
Items to make a vision board (either old magazines or even just access to the internet and Microsoft Word will do! Or if you aren’t a visual person, maybe items to write a song about your goals or something similar).
Part 1: Cleanse/Secure
As with any ritual, begin by cleansing and securing your space in whatever way works for you. 
Cleanse your space of anything that may distract you. This could even be mundane in cleaning your space to make you more focused or perhaps turning off electronics to give the universe/your spirit guides/the Moon/etc your full attention. Some popular methods include using cleansing herbs (not White Sage or Palo Santo please), sound cleansing, or “sweeping” unwanted energies out.
Create a circle of protection/safety by whatever method is preferred by you. Some ways to do this if you don’t already have one can be by tracing a circle using herbs, crystals, salts, or something similar or by simply visualizing a ring around you that grows with each breath. Now would be the time to invoke any spirits, deities, or other forces that you would like to help guide you during the ritual. If you would like to provide any offerings to these guides, now would also be the time to do so.
Part 2: Set your Intention
Alright now let's set our intention. Here's some music to guide you if you want a little boost for tonight!
Since this New Moon in Leo involves risk taking and new creative activities, try to think of a new activity you’d like to try. This could also include an activity that isn’t entirely new, but something you haven’t fully committed to. Personally, I’d prefer a somewhat short-term goal when doing lunar planning in the hopes that my goal comes to fruition with/before the Full Moon, but you can choose any goal length you wish. Write down this intention either in your notes on your phone or on a piece of paper that you can reference during your goal duration.
Part 3: The Basics of Manifesting
So now we will begin with some of the basic principles of manifestation. For those that already know the basics, feel free to skip this section as it’s mostly informational.
You may have heard a version of this in witchy communities as ~manifestation~ like a glamorous concept as well as a term called the Law of Attraction. In reality, it is a method for success largely inspired by Hermetic, Hindu, and (mostly in the original Hebrew) Christian beliefs, although most religions have some minor concept of this. Even non-witchy people practice this as a form of attaining success, especially in the business world. There are a lot of thought processes on this, but this is the method that makes the most sense to me as an amalgamation of a few takes on it.
Most everyone can agree that there are three essential parts to the Law of Attraction in terms of manifestation:
Identify what you want (aka your intention)
Put your will into what you want with your whole person
Allow it to happen to you and believe that it will
There are a lot of tips, tricks, and methods for the Law of Attraction that you can find online that I could spend hours diving into, but to keep it short I’ll provide some of the most important tips here.
✨Start changing your outlook towards a more
positive mindset. Even moreso, try to be the best
person you can be each day by doing what you
believe is the morally right thing to do. Even if
you struggle with mental health as many of us
do, these can be done by just simply
acknowledging that your feelings are only
temporary and will soon pass to make way for
new and brighter moods. Try to be high on life! ✨To bring things to you, try acting in the present.
By this I mean try phrasing your intention in the
present as well as acting like you’ve already
achieved it. Phrase your intention like “I am
getting rewarded with a raise” instead of “I want a
raise”, which both keeps you from “needing” the
universe and promotes a healthy level of
determination. As for acting like you’ve already
achieved it, the idea behind it is similar to “fake it
till you make it”. If you act like you’ve achieved
your goals already, it makes it easier to achieve
them while you work on them. ✨Work hard towards your goals, don’t expect them
to happen. However to balance this, remember to
go with the flow and allow the universe to reward
you with your successes. ✨Try to focus on your intention as much as
possible. Just like the last tip though, there is a
balance to this since one shouldn’t obsess over
their goals/intentions or become desperate for
these to happen. ✨While working on your goals, Shadow Work or
Energy Work may help you through ruts since the
universe all flows on the same energy, even that
which flows through you! The idea is that by
working on the flow of energy and betterment
within yourself, you could allow the energy of the
universe to reach you more easily and reward you
with what you’re asking for.
Part 4: Visualization Exercise
For those that already knew the basics, now is a good time to jump back in.
So now that we have the basics out of the way, let’s work on visualizing our goals. Imagine you are walking along a calming place in your mind where you can be your most you. Allow yourself to relax in this space and get into a mindset where you can explore yourself as well as your goals and creativity without judgment. Picture a creature or entity entering your space in a form of something or someone you would consider empowering. It can be any creature that most suits you. What is your creature? Feel free to write down any descriptions of them that you have. Mine, for example is a lion (sort of coincidental with the New Moon in Leo theme but shhhhh lol).
The being asks you about your intention. Why is this what you desire? How will this benefit you on your way to being your best self? If so, why do you consider this the best version of yourself? Will this goal impact any other goals (perhaps long term goals)? There are no wrong answers here. The being doesn’t judge you, but moreso asks out of curiosity. Write down your answers for you to refer to later.
The being nods, trying to understand your intention. They offer you their hand. When you take it, you see clearly everything you need to accomplish to achieve your goal. Write down what you see.
The being offers to allow you to achieve your goal immediately. If you were to accept this proposal, what are the first things you would feel, see, hear, or otherwise experience? Write down any sensations that would occur right after you would achieve your goal/manifestation.
Thank the being for showing you what you need to do. Let your experience with them guide you to envision your goals more clearly to inspire you.
Part 5: Vision Board
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Now we reach the fun part of the ritual! Here’s where you can do whatever method of creativity you’d like to create a vision board of sorts that reflects your intention. For a physical board, you can cut up old magazines or print pictures from the internet and glue them to a piece of construction paper or cardboard. You can create a digital vision board using a collage/moodboard program, a Pinterest board, or even something as simple as a PowerPoint slide or Word document turned into a collage. You could even use a nontraditional “vision board”, like writing a song, painting a picture, or some other creative outlet that reflects the future you want to manifest. As long as the method makes sense to you, the world is your oyster!
Spend as much time as you need on this step. You can reference the internet for inspiration if you get stuck. Try to incorporate elements that you wrote down while visualizing your interaction with your creature/entity. Incorporate elements of your past (why are you pursuing this goal?), present (what do you need to do right now?), and future (what will you experience when you achieve it?) into your vision board. If you have noticed the pattern for this and would like to supplement a divination method or use it in addition to the experience with the creature/entity, then that is also perfectly fine!
Part 6: Close
Start to examine any excess energy you may have. You can use this to make some moon water charged with your intention from tonight, or proceed straight to grounding. There are many methods for this which may work better for you. Some examples are visualizing roots coming out where you touch the Earth that pull the extra/unneeded energy through your body downwards to be absorbed by the Earth, going outside and walking around barefoot to connect to the Earth and again absorb excess energy, or even mundanely become more aware of your surroundings by doing the 5-4-3-2-1 method (noticing 5 things you can see, 4 things you can hear, 3 things you can touch, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste).
Now also be sure to center the remaining energy. This can generally be done by visualizing the leftover energy in your fingers, arms, legs, head, and toes flowing into the middle of your body, where it can be easily accessed by all parts of you.
Thank any deities you may have invoked for working with you and close your circle by however method you prefer (visualization, walking counterclockwise, etc). Thank yourself for giving yourself this time and think of ways to appreciate your surroundings/stage in life going forward.
Thanks for participating if you did! I will be sharing my vision board on this blog once it is complete.
Example Vision Board 7 Laws of Attraction 7 Laws of Attraction Blueprint 7 Laws of Attraction from a Hypnotherapist Manifestation Tips New Moon in Cancer Associations Vision Board Tips What Phase is the Moon in?
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henlobeautiful · 4 years
Self-Love / Aphrodite Devotion Ritual Bath
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Hey Moon Babies. So before I add this into my Grimoire I wanted to share this Bath Ritual with you, one that I’ve done many times, and is super great for a self-love pick me up or if you want to honour/devote yourself to Aphrodite.
You Will Need:
White Candles
Fresh Rose Petals ( Pink for Love, Red for Passion, White for Purity ). This is dependant on what you have on hand and what you feel like adding.
Rose Quartz
Lavender Essential Oil ( Vanilla is another good oil to add too ).
Coconut Oil
Almond Oil
Honey ( Offering to Aphrodite )
Moon Water ( Not compulsory but this will give your bath an extra oomph )
What To Do:
Run a bath.
Decorate around your tub with as many white candles, and rose quartz as possible.
Once the bath is finished running, add a few drops of essential oil, a few drops of almond oil, and a teaspoon of coconut oil and honey. Add a small cup of moon water. Mix the ingredients well.
Sprinkle in rose petals.
When in the bath and once relaxed, ask your mermaid brothers/sisters for guidance in your journey of self-love, peace and acceptance. Devote your body to Aphrodite.
When you’re finished and ready to come out of the bath, thank Aphrodite and the mermaids for their guidance.
Drain bath. ( I would recommend cleansing and re-using the rose petals for a glamour spell or something of your choice )
Please do not remove credit.
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henlobeautiful · 4 years
Crystals To NEVER Cleanse In Water:
Tangerine quartz
Himalayan salt rock
These crystals will start to dissolve, get cracked, or release toxins if you place them in water.
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henlobeautiful · 4 years
Warding Masterpost
A Crash Course in Warding by @elvenwitch​
“Let Only Good Energy In” Horseshoe Ward Charm by @anothersusurrus
House-Warding Spritz by @seleneblackwell
Simple Tips:
Sleep with your favorite protective crystal under your pillow or your favorite protective herb in your pillowcase
Flip your pillow over to avoid nightmares if they’ve been plaguing you
Do a quick saltwater cleansing of your room by spraying salt water in all of the corners
Burn (non endangered) sage in your home or room for a smoke cleansing
General Warding Herbs and Crystals
Amethyst - nightmares
Alder - the unseen
Ash - the dead
Bay - the lightning
Birch - the evil eye
Blackthorn - the forceful
Carnelian - misfortune
Fire - the wandering
Hawthorn - the cunning
Iron - the fay
Jasper - the trickster
Lobelia - the storm
Magnolia - the unfaithful
Mirror - the spell
Mistletoe - the flame
Rowan - the magician
Silver - the lurking
Salt - the spirit
Snail shell - the witch
A Basic Warding Ritual: Submitted to Witchesofthecraft.com and full of wonderful info!
The following warding ritual is based on one my high priest teaches our coven. I have used it for several years with excellent results.
Keep reading
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henlobeautiful · 4 years
Celebrating Beltane in Quarantine (Quaran-tane)
Aw, man! We're in the middle of a pandemic but a sabbat is approaching! What the heck are we gonna do??? Let's take this step by step...
Some traditional Beltane practices
Bon fires
Flower gathering
Nature walks
Dancing around a May Pole
Sexy time
Volunteer work
Jumping broomsticks (or fires but just promise me that you'll be careful)
Washing your face with morning dew
Making Beltane bread
Colors, incense, flowers, and all that good stuff
Red, white, green, purple, yellow
Fertility symbols (eggs, antlers, seeds, things that look like ding-dongs)
Spring flowers - daffodils, hyacinths, forsythia, daisies, tulips
Flower crowns
Summer/spring fruits - cherries, mangos, strawberries, etc
Incense - patchouli, jasmine, frankincense, rose, (one of my roommates last year got one that was just labeled "Sex incense" I don't remember what all was in it, but it was great for beltane!)
Crystals - Emerald, Malachite, Amber, Orange Carnelian, Sapphire, Rose Quartz
"I want to celebrate Beltane, but because of quarantine I don't have..."
The correct incense - Solution: Use whichever one is closest or whatever you're feeling that day. The universe will still recognize your efforts
Any incense - Solution: Look through your herb cabinet, research each one, & try burning some herbs either in a cauldron or another safe location.
Flowers - Solution: If it is safe/legal in your area, go for a nature walk & pick up any fallen petals or flowers you may find on the ground. If it is not safe for you to go outside right now, try your hand at drawing the desired flowers for your alter/decorations or just print out pictures from the internet. It's the thought that counts.
The traditional colors of candles or clothing or ribbons or ANYTHING - Solution: Just use white, it's all the colors & therefore can serve as a replacement for anything.
The right crystals - Solution: Clear quartz can work as a substitute for any other crystal. If you don't have that or if you don't have *any* crystals at all, it's okay. You don't have to work with crystals to be witch.
Any fruit - Solution: Try out an online shopping service (I use Imperfect Foods) you can also use canned or frozen fruit in a pinch.
Access to the outdoors - Solution: Set up your alter in a windowsill. Open all the windows of your space. Take some vitamin D. Practice fire-safety when lighting candles. Jump over a broomstick instead of a candle or bonfire.
Have a bonfire - Solution: Use a candle as a substitute. Extra small bonfire.
Have a May Pole - Solution: Hang ribbons on a tree or stick!
Have access to ribbons - Solution: You can use thread, yarn, or strips of fabric if you want!
And finally, a section I feel is important to add:
Quaran-tane for the Broom-Closet Witch
I understand this has to be an extremely difficult time for you and your practice. You know better than anyone what's safe for you to do and what isn't. You can implement as many of the above suggestions as you feel comfortable doing. You know what's best for you. I'm not going to sit here & give you tips on hiding your practice or sneaking outside or anything like that. You do whatever feels right for you. Instead, I'm gonna tell you some things I feel it's important for you to remember during this time:
Your safety & wellbeing need to come first.
You're still a witch even if you're in the broom closet.
You're still a witch even if you don't celebrate the sabbats
If all you feel safe doing is lighting a candle, then you light that candle & don't let anyone tell you that your celebration isn't "good enough."
You won't always have to hide who you are.
Thanks so much for reading all of this! Stay safe out there & have a blessed Beltane ❤💚💜💛
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henlobeautiful · 4 years
Beltane in Lockdown and Quarantine
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Beltane is in about a week and as most of us realized right now, most of as are going to spend Beltane inside in quarantine. I though I would write a small post to give you some ideas to celebrate at home.
To me this is the easiest way to celebrate Beltane while locked inside. I gather some recipes that need few ingredients.
Beltane Oats and Honey Scones
Beltane Tea Potion
Beltane Breakfast
Beltane honey-lemon vanilla madeleines
Sweet Earl Grey Lavender Ice Cream with a Blackberry swirl You will need an Ice cream maker for this one!
Beltane Sangria
House Cleaning
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You can easily incorporate cleaning into a very simple ritual, especially on a sabbath day. 
Light a candle
When you clean, be mindful on how you feel. Try to be grateful of your house and imagine that you are getting rid of all the bad energies
Open the windows if possible to let all the good things come into your life and your home
When you are done, take a few big breath and thanks your home for all the good things it brings you
Light an incense stick and let it burn a bit in every room for a final cleanse
Leave an offering to the faeries
If you have a garden or during a stroll (while respecting social distancing) you can leave a bit of milk and honey for the fae! It is there celebration day too, they will appreciate!
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Try to do a few sun salutation right after getting out of bed. Dedicate your practice to your deities if you have some or just for to Spring that is in full swing right now.
Here is another great post of what to do for Beltane in Quarantine or Quarantane
Some great ideas for the witches in quarantine and the spoonies over here!
An other great Ask about what to do for Beltane in quarantine here too!
Also, I am sure it can help some people around here:
quarantine tips for people who deal with mental illnesses
There is plenty of other activities to do, if you wish you can add them too after this post! Let’s gather a great list to celebrate, the quarantine will not stop us! <3
Blessed Be!
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henlobeautiful · 5 years
Ostara Ritual
This ritual was initially read and crafted for the Nightshade Network on March 16, 2019.
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Grounding and Shielding
Rebirth Ritual
Deity Work
-Pen and journal -Offerings for your deities and/or spirits if you so choose. -Candles (i like four tea lights. You can use -battery operated ones if you’d like. I also like white coloured ones or pastel colours for Ostara) -Optional: sage or cleansing incense. -Tarot cards, runes, etc. -Representations of the elements (earth, water, fire, air).
Note: the parts that are bolded, speak out loud.
Spirits of this place, ancestors that watch over us, and deities that assist us in this work. Today we use this space for our sacred rite and as we use this land, we acknowledge you. We share with you. We invite you. Stay if you will and go if you must.
We’re gathered here on Ostara as the Earth turns from the Winter to the Spring to celebrate the cycle of life and rebirth. On this day, we honour the spirits and deities of rebirth and renewal.
After this step is finished, light your candles on your altar or your ritual space. I like to configure them according to North, East, South, and West. You can now cast your circle if you’d like. This is completely optional since not everyone casts a circle.
Hail to the watchtower in the North. The element of Earth. We call upon you to protect this space.
Hail to the watchtower in the East. The element of Air. We call upon you to protect this space.
Hail to the watchtower in the South. The element of Fire. We call upon you to protect this space.
Hail to the watchtower in the West. The element of Water. We call upon you to protect this space.
As you face the directions and call upon the watchtowers, visualize a protective circle around you and visualize it raising up. Nothing can pass your barrier, nothing that you don’t want in your space.
Grounding and Shielding:
For grounding and shielding myself, I like to take a moment to cleanse myself and my energy with some sage or any form of cleansing incense (rosemary works well). After I finish this, I take a moment to take a breath and breathe in for a count of 7, hold for 7, and exhale for 7. While I do this, I visualize roots extending out of my body and linking me to the ground as my energy forms a small bubble in my solar plexus. As I become more grounded, I visualize my energy cocooning me and hardening, making this little protective bubble that won’t break.
Rebirth Ritual:
Today is the time of the Spring equinox. Ostara is a time of equal parts light and dark. Spring has arrived and it is a time of rebirth. The planting season will soon begin and life will form once more within the Earth.
As the Earth welcomes new life and new beginnings so can we be reborn in the light and love of the universe.
[Here, sprinkle your earth element over your altar.]
With the blessings of the Earth and life within the soil, we are reborn.
[Here, take your air element and place it on your altar.]
With the blessings of air, may knowledge and wisdom be brought to you on the winds.
[Here, take your fire element and place it on your altar]
May the fire of the spring sun bring growth and harmony into your life.
[Here, place your water element on your altar.]
With the blessings of water, may the chill and darkness of winter be swept away by the warm spring rain.
Now focus on the energy that’s been raised. Allow the elements one by one to wash over you. Sit in their energy. Take the next 5 minutes to breathe in the 7-7-7 pattern and think about the balancing energy of Ostara. Think about the polarity of Spring and how that can be reflected in your own life.
Take your journal and just meditate on what Ostara means to you, how you celebrate it, and what you want to experience throughout this ritual. You can write this however you want (I use full sentences but if shorthand works for you, use it!). I have a ritual journal where I record all of this but if you do it on your phone, that’s perfectly okay as well.
Once you’ve written down your intentions, close your journal, lay a hand on the cover, and close your eyes. Visualize some of the energy going from yourself into your intentions. I visualize the words coming off of the page and disappearing into the air around me. You can visualize how these words go out into the universe however you want. If you want to take the paper and tear it up, go ahead. If you want to burn it, go ahead (just be sure to practice fire safety!).
Once this step is completed, feel free to share your intentions. You don’t have to if you don’t want to.
Deity/Spirit Work:
Take a moment to re-center yourself and your energy. This is where I like to put on a playlist that helps me relax. Once I feel re-centered I focus on the song that’s playing and start doing my 7-7-7 breathing pattern again. I open my mind to my deities and spirits and allow their energy to come and visit me and ask them questions I have or let them teach me something. Allow 5-10 minutes for this. If you need longer, that’s fine.
Once you’ve come back from speaking with your deities and/or spirits, take a moment to just sit in the information you’ve received and write it down in your ritual journal.
Once you’ve written down your final thoughts, set out your offerings for your deities and/or spirits and thank them for their help in your work tonight. If you’d like you can sit in their presence a little longer.
Once you feel like the offering has been received, you can either consume it or dispose of it — whatever you feel is right.
Then I typically like to let my candles burn down but you can extinguish them how you see fit.
A gift calls for a gift. As we have offered our deities and our spirits praises and sacrifices we now ask for their response to us. Open our hearts and give to us of your blessings.
The format for the divination while be a 3 spread: Past, Present, and Future.
Once your cards or runes etc are drawn or cast, take a few minutes to meditate on their meaning. Log them in your journal.
We go now into the world, our offerings accepted and our bonds strengthened Confident that we walk under the gaze of the Universe and its protection.
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henlobeautiful · 5 years
I may use this recipe and alter it for *the world stuff going on* and use a mix of elderberries and blueberries so that you get immunity boost as well as the protection from the blueberries
Max’s blueberry protection jam
Hello!! This is something I’ve developed today using a mortar and pestle.
Blueberries can be used for protection spells.
You will need
Blueberries (about 2 cups or maybe two containers??)
Lemon juice (about a table spoon or two depending on how much blueberries you have)
A mortar and pestle
A small pot
Wooden spoon
A mason jar or jelly jar
Canning funnel
Step one
Pick the blueberries (duh.) or buy some. If you picked them, pour them out on a plate or a towel and pick off the stems and dry flowers. Put them back in the container.
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Put them in the mortar and pestle (I have a marble one so this is a little easier but if you have wood this may be different because wood is pourous also I’m sorry I’m not used to writing recipes ;-;)
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Step two
Mash those bitches. P o u n d t h e m until they reach this consistency. While you do this think about your intention and what you want protection from.
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Step threeeee
Start grinding clockwise to bring in protection. To get rid of bad things, grind counter clockwise. You may have to mash still. Do this until it reaches this consistency.
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Add the sugar. Start mixing it in by grinding. Do it until it becomes very liquidy, and add sugar to taste.
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Pour the mixture into the pan
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Cook the berries on medium to low heat, constantly stirring clockwise. As you do this, again, think of your intention. You can speak your intention out loud as well. Focus your energy through the spoon and use it as a wand.
While you cook make sure that the berries don’t stick to the bottom.
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Add the lemon juice. (I used a fresh lemon but you can use the juice)
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Once it gets a syrupy consistency use the canning funnel to pour it into the mason jar
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Screw on the lid and put in the fridge.
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