magickkate · 2 months
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Hey there, fellow witches-in-training! Ready to learn how to fortify your energetic boundaries and protect yourself from unwanted vibes? Let's dive into the magical world of warding and shielding—essential skills for any budding practitioner. Here's the lowdown:
🌿 What is Warding?
Warding is like setting up a magical barrier around yourself or your space to keep out negative energy, entities, or influences. It's your personal energetic security system, designed to maintain harmony and protect against psychic intruders.
🔮 How to Ward:
Clear Your Space: Before warding, it's essential to cleanse your space of any lingering negativity. You can do this through smoke cleansing with herbs, sprinkling salt, or using sound vibrations with bells or singing bowls.
Set Your Intention: Decide what you want your wards to accomplish. Are you focusing on protection, privacy, or something else? Be clear and specific about your intentions.
Create Your Warding Tools: This can include crystals, charms, sigils, or even visualization techniques. Choose whatever resonates with you and feels most empowering.
Activate Your Wards: Place your chosen tools around your space or carry them with you as needed. Visualize a protective barrier forming around you, reinforcing your intention with each breath.
Reinforce Regularly: Warding isn't a one-and-done deal—it requires regular maintenance and reinforcement. Check in with your wards periodically and adjust them as needed.
🛡️ What is Shielding?
Shielding is like putting on a magical suit of armor to deflect negative energy and psychic attacks. It's all about strengthening your energetic boundaries and maintaining your inner peace amidst external chaos.
🌟 How to Shield:
Ground Yourself: Connect with the earth's energy by visualizing roots growing from your feet into the ground below. This helps you stay rooted and centered in your power.
Visualize Your Shield: Imagine a bubble or aura of protective light surrounding you, extending several feet in all directions. Envision it as impenetrable and invincible, repelling negativity like water off a duck's back.
Set Your Boundaries: Intend for your shield to only allow in positive energy while blocking out anything harmful or intrusive.
Maintain Awareness: Stay mindful of your shield throughout the day, especially in situations where you feel vulnerable or overwhelmed. Adjust its strength and size as needed to suit your surroundings.
Keep in mind, both warding and shielding are highly personal practices, so feel free to experiment and find what works best for you. Trust your intuition, stay grounded, and know that you have the power to create and maintain your own sacred space. Stay magical, my friends! 🌌✨
Sources: Sebastiani A. By Rust of Nail & Prick of Thorn. Independently Published; 2020. Wigington P. How to Magically Ground, Center, and Shield. Learn Religions. Published June 25, 2019. https://www.learnreligions.com/grounding-centering-and-shielding-4122187
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crazycatsiren · 1 year
Autistic witch thought of the day: my headphones and sunglasses are wards in their own ways.
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desertwaterwitch · 11 months
I just put a shield around myself and it’s lovely in here. Not even kidding. I can still hear things outside it, like my space heater, but I’m in this protective bubble that I finally got to stretch enough to where I am comfy and there’s enough room.
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art-of-bee · 1 year
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problem glyphs
patreon 🌃 ko-fi + commissions 🌃 twitch 🌃 more lineart 🌃 do not repost.
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seaside-apothecary · 2 years
Warding and shielding for beginner witches; practitioners, and spiritual people
The third step in my four step protection ritual is warding and shielding. In this post I will talk about the what they are, why I separate them from protection itself, why you need to know how to do them, and how to do both.
Cleansing post
Banishing post
Protection post
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What is warding?
Warding is something that you put up to help protect you or your space. This is usually in the form of sigils, salt rings, spells, false targets, etc.
What is shielding?
Shielding is something that is used to protect yourself and your energetic field rather than a space. This can be both physical or energetic.
Why I separate the two?
I separate the two because it is easier for me to understand. Warding I see more as something on the physical and is used to help protect ourselves and our space, PROTECTION WILL NOT SAVE YOUR LIFE PLEASE DO NOT USE IT AND PUT YOURSELF IN DANGER PROTECTION WILL NOT SAVE YOUR LIFE, while shielding works more on the energetic and metaphysical fields.
Why you should know how to do both.
You should know how to do protection because it something that is going to keep things you want out, out. And things you want in, in. It will also help keep your space clear and safe. Think of it like this, cars have crumple zone so when they get hit or get into an accident you don’t absorb all the energy and get hurt worse or have a fatal crash. Same idea with protection, you habe protection absorb all/most negativity or attacks from spirits, other practitioners, and entities. Even if your wards and shield don’t stop all of the energy or attacks, it sure as hell will cushion the amount that you do get the receiving end of. It might also heighten your intuition to help put your physical self into better situations and make better decisions and better situational awareness. But remember, protection will not save your life. Do not put yourself in dangerous situations because you have black tourmaline in your pocket, black tourmaline or any protection spell will not save your life. 
How to ward:
Here are a couple ways I ward. You can use your own intuition and methods that work best for you. But, here are a couple that I use for myself :)
--❥ 🛡 Protection sigils, I might put these on my mirrors, in my plants, in the corners of my room with crystals.
--❥ 🛡 Protective crystals,I use crystals like black tourmaline, black onyx, black obsidian, clear quartz, gold and iron pyrite, smokey quartz. I will cleanse and charge these and put them in the corners of a room, by my door to absorb non beneficial energy, under my mattress to protect me while I sleep, etc. 
--❥ 🛡 Plants, some plants have protective properties and can be used for protection when given the intention to.
--❥ 🛡 Salt and herb lines, I will use salt and herbs with protective properties and I will sprinkle this around doors and windows. 
--❥ 🛡 You can also do protective energetic work and protection spell bottles or another way.
How to shield:
I mostly work on an energetic field when shielding. Sometimes, I will do shielding on the physical though. Here are a couple ways I shield :)
--❥ 🛡 I do shielding meditations. I will sit for a couple minutes in a calm and quite environment. Then, I will imagine a light shield forming around me. This can be made out of just light, rocks, vines, leaves, plants, a house even. I set the intention of it to keep anything and everything that is not my energy out. I will also rub my hands together and feel the heat and energy build up between them, I will then use my hands and go around my body is bubble shape.
--❥ 🛡 veiling. I will wear something like bandanna, a headband, etc. something that will protect my hair and head from absorbing others’ and places’ energies.
--❥ 🛡 Protective or cleansing jewelry, crystals, sigils, etc. Anything used in warding can be used for shielding. I will use mostly protective jewelry that had been charmed for protection to protect my energetic field.
I hope this helps with creating a safe space for yourself and keeps your energy safe!
Blessed be and Happy Venus day! 💖
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Am I sad I never knew how good and simple and safe life was back before 2020? Yes.
Am I mad that I took it for granted? No, because someone with hope could never imagine a world like this.
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random-fandom-whump · 2 years
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The Flash S02E01 (✚) ↳ RFW’s Favorite Flash Whump Moments
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starwitch777 · 3 months
Shifting Energy by Visualizing
Visualize a big glowing ball of light around yourself and the environment you’re in. What color is it? What does it look like? Is it thick or thin? Blue? Pointy? Imagine that by envisioning it, it becomes reality. Think of the qualities you would like the space to have. Would you like everyone in it to be comfortable? Maybe you want a space that feels energetically safe, like a big comfy bed in wintertime. What other energetic qualities and vibes are important to you?
In this visualization, you can also prepare for any potential unwanted negative energies which may try to shatter the environment you’re visualizing. One way to engage with this is to visualize dark tendrils of energy drifting towards your sphere; visualize them bouncing off and transforming from grey into white energy. You can use any color that has positive associations for you.
Shielding Energy (energetic protection and boundary work)
There are many different ways to shield. A good way to begin is by visualizing a sphere around yourself. This can be a glowing light and may be any color depending on what associations you have with different colors and what you’re trying to achieve with your shield. You can do something general for protection, or something that keeps you safe and also heals you, or you can shield yourself from specific people or entities—or all of the above at once. Focus your intuition on what your goal is—shields are entirely programmable and have a lot to do with your specific needs.
Example: a simple shield against harmful vibes, which also rids you of any energetic nasties latched onto you. Visualize yourself enveloped in a thick glowing egg of white light. Then envision any harmful energy you’re holding onto in grey and visualize it dissipating as your shield becomes stronger. Something else you could do is picture grey nasty vibes coming at you and bouncing off the shield, transforming from grey into white energy. If you are going to visualize nasty energy moving away from you, be sure to visualize it changing into positive energy that is healing, nourishing, and stabilizing.
You can layer your shield too if you like – make a layer that looks like leaves or a giant bubble, or something constantly moving like flames. Or perhaps there’s a gemstone you deeply identify with and see as a protective ally. Imagine one layer of your shield taking on that shape and color. The exact specifics of what it is matter less than what you think that thing means to you. Try out different types of shields, and take note of what works best for you, and what’s more and less effective. When you’re learning and trying this stuff out, you may want to sit in a quiet room with a candle and some incense so you can really focus on what you’re doing and notice the new sensations in your body and mind that go along with this energetic practice.
It's important to remember you won’t always have access to a silent room with dim lights and an aromatherapy candle to calm your nerves. You may be in a situation where people surround you, or where everything is a bit chaotic, like a bus or walking through crowded street when you need to practice shielding energy. You may want to spend a minute in a bathroom where you know you will have complete privacy to focus on the energetic work uninterrupted.
Once you get used to it, you’ll be able to effectively shield in any situation with ease.
Another form of shielding is the “don’t fuck with me” aura. This works by shifting what your energetic field is doing. It can—if you want it to—function as an invisibility cloak of sorts, too. It all depends on how you want to program it, and what kind of energy you are putting out. You can rouse up emotions or intentions in yourself, mind, body, and energy field to express a specific type of vibe to yield certain results.
– Curse and Cure, Sabrina Scott
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aerikarkadian · 5 months
Guide to Shielding - Part 1
Crowded rooms and close encounters are all situations where we might need to put some extra thought into our energetic shields. Start blocking out unwanted energy with this quick guide to shielding!
Have you ever felt super low on energy without any seemingly logical cause? Maybe you need to tune your shields! No, I’m not talking about something out of Star Trek. I’m talking about some basic energy work that you should put into practice on a daily basis. Giant disclaimer… Wait, wait, wait. You know what? I feel like I have to write an entire disclaimer paragraph before we really get…
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grimmstar-grimmoire · 2 years
Considering a lot of magic work involves energy, one of the first things any aspiring witch should learn to do is to ground, center (and, eventually, to shield) themselves.
The purpose of grounding and centering is to stabilize your energy, connect with the energy from the Earth, and to bring yourself to a positive state of being. This can be done before and after ritual, or anytime you are feeling like you could use a boost.
For Grounding: To start, sit or stand with yourself firmly planted on the ground. Make sure you are breathing deeply and evenly. Imagine you are connected to the Earth, by strings, roots, whatever you want to picture connecting you. Visualize any negative energy flowing down through the connection into the Earth, where the energy becomes neutralized. Now, visualize clean, healing energy coming up through the connection and into your body. Some people picture the energy filling their whole body, others picture a glowing sphere centered in their chest, but you'll have to work out what feels right for you. Once you feel your energy is stable and you are in a positive state of being, you can stop. If you're performing a ritual, you can do this again during the ritual to draw up more energy to put into whatever your purpose for it is. After your ritual is complete, you will want to ground and center yourself again to release any excess energy that you raised. Visualize the excess energy flowing down through your connection and back into the Earth. Be careful not to put all of your energy back into the Earth, otherwise you might feel tired and drained.
For Centering: Everything in the universe is made up of energy, including you and me. As we walk through life, we give away pieces of our energy and collect bits of others’. If we don’t keep an eye on this exchange of energy, we can find ourselves carrying the weight of others’ negativity while missing important pieces of ourselves. Centering is the practice of bringing the energy that you’ve given away back to your body, while shedding the energy you’ve accumulated from everyone else. In doing so, you restore balance to your soul and are able to more effectively move through life.
With your eyes closed, take a few deep breaths. As you breathe in, you are going to imagine all of the energy that you have left behind in the world coming back to you. Picture this energy filling you up and creating a sense of fullness. On the exhale, you want to imagine that you are releasing the excess clutter of everyone else. All of the negative energy that has accumulated within you is being neutralized and sent away, leaving you feeling light and free.
For Shielding: Shielding is the act of protecting yourself from energetic attacks or drainage. By constructing an energetic shield around you, you are effectively preventing any energy that is not for your greatest or highest good from reaching you.
I find it easiest to shield after centering, but it isn’t necessary, however, I would recommend taking a few deep breaths to relax yourself and clear your mind at the very least. Start by closing your eyes and taking a moment to build up some energy using the grounding and centering techniques you've already learned. As you breathe in, imagine that the air is filling you with positive energy. You want to repeat this until you feel completely full of positive energy.
Next you need to focus this energy. Continue taking deep breaths, but now on the exhale you want to visualize the energy you’ve built up expanding out around you, spreading into a protective shield around your body.
The first few times you shield, take the time to get to know the energy. Identify as many characteristics as you can: • What color is it? • Is it warm? Cool? • Does it move like a gas? Like a solid? • Does it feel like energy, like a powder, like a liquid? The stronger the visualization, the more effective your shield will be.
Practice shielding often, until it becomes second nature. Don't just see how quickly you can shield yourself, but also how long you can hold and maintain it. Make sure that you can lower it as well.
When you’re finished, you have to close off the connection, otherwise your energy will continue to flow through the connection. Again, the visual you use for this will vary by personal preference. You may picture a door shutting, the roots being severed, or a switch being flipped.
If you practice all three techniques daily, you can learn through trial and error what visualizations work best for you, and have the added benefit of becoming familiar with your own energy and how to manipulate it, which will make working with energy in general a little bit easier down the line.
For those reading this that are already experienced with these techniques, what do you find yourself visualizing? I'm always interested to hear from others, especially if it is a more effective method.
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paigeypaige19 · 1 year
One side of her heart longing, the other shielding.
Delia Owens, Where the Crawdads Sing
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smellingofpoetry · 2 years
For the prompts „shielding the other one with their body“ 💕
Hi! 🖤
I'm a bit slow, I know, but this story is starting to take form. I'm just hoping you guys are enjoying it. I'll leave the link to the first parts below, so for the one who hadn't read it yet, you can still catch up. Let me know what you guys think.
Part One - Part Two
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They were hunting together – just him and her.
He was supposed to be alone for this case since Sam was busy elsewhere. On his way to the garage, though, he noticed her. She was all by herself in the corner of the room, reading a book. Before he knew it, he was asking her to tag along.
That was how he found himself hunting the monster of the day with Y/N.
She was quiet, following every single instruction he gave her. She matched step after step of his with precision and without making so much noise.
She was one hell of a hunter.
“How long have you been hunting?”
“I don’t.”
Dean furrowed his brows, glancing in her direction and being careful with his next steps. Y/N followed without much trouble, shrugging at his puzzled look.
“This is my first hunt.”
Dean stopped at her words, causing her to almost lose her balance by colliding against his back. He turned around in time to steady her by her arm. One look at her eyes, and he knew she was telling the truth.
“How… why…”
Dean took a deep breath, trying to clear his thoughts from the questions that had popped into his head.
“You don’t move like that if you don’t hunt.”
Y/N lowered her gaze, shifting in discomfort from one foot to the other.
“You do… you do if you’re the prey.”
Dean raised an eyebrow at her words, watching her swallow and doing everything she could to not look at him. Suddenly, she felt too exposed under his green eyes, and some part of her almost regretted what she had said - almost. Y/N glanced in his direction, catching him studying her. She knew he was about to ask her what she meant, so she preceded him.
Dean closed his eyes, wincing like hearing that name alone was like being punched in the gut. And now, knowing that somehow he managed to get to her made his blood boil. He shook his head before going back at looking her.
“You should have said something about the hunt. I wouldn’t have…”
“I know, sorry.”
Dean sighed, and for some reason, he couldn’t find the strength to be mad at her.
Damn her.
He took a step forward, ready to tell her how they would have moved from then on when he heard it. It was a tiny air shift enough to tickle the skin behind his neck. That was all it took, for him, to know he had made one hell of a mistake.
Dean moved fast, grabbing Y/N by the waist and pushing her against the nearer tree. He shielded her with his body from the first hit, which they managed to avoid thanks to Dean’s quick thinking. Dean felt her stiffening against his chest, her hand fisting his shirt. He glanced behind the tree before looking down at her. She was scared, clinging to him for dear life. The moment their eyes locked, he knew.
He would have to be damned if he let something happen to her.
“Alright, you follow me, and nothing bad will happen to you.”
Or at least he hopes with all his heart.
“I know.”
And his walls started to crack under the weight of those two simple words.
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Forevers Tags:
@440mxs-wife @cosicas-cuquis @foxyjwls007 @morganaah
Supernatural Tags:
@flamencodiva @hobby27 @keep-beating-my-dear-heart @leigh70 @littlewhiterose @pastelpeaxch @snowlovespie @stixnstripesworld
Dean/Jensen Tags:
@akshi8278 @awkward-and-indecisive @deandreamernp @lyarr24 @siospins2 @stitchintimefan @universallyraylangivens @waynes-multiverse @woodworthti666 @sexyvixen7
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rwt-mystic-corner · 2 years
Does anyone know how to use essential oils to cleanse and protect a room?
tl;dr I need a cleansing and a shield in my room and I don’t have any other tools to use.
I don’t need a list of which ones to use, or how to charge them. I understand that part, quite well in fact! I already have some very nice sage oil.
I’ve just never used essential oils to cleanse a space before.
Any tips, methods, suggestions, resources, links, or otherwise practical information would be greatly appreciated!
It got a little long, so backstory and specific reasons to do this are going below the cut.
Long story short, I was put in a Terrible Situation by my family and had to move into the first place I could afford in 20 days or less. That place turned out to be a room rented from someone I’ve never met. And she is.... quite Christian. I don’t say this to be disparaging to Christians, but because historically, statistically, Christians don’t like it when you practice witchcraft in their house. I literally don’t have anywhere else I can go, so just in case she’d kick me out for it, I’m keeping myself “in the broom closet”, keeping the witchy stuff on the down-low.
So I’ve been trying to figure out how to: 1.) Cleanse the fuck out of this room, because I can FEEL the heaviness of multiple decades of emotions in the room and I’m sure this place has never been cleansed in its life. 2.) PROTECT the fuck out of the room, because this time of year, spirits follow me everywhere, and there’s a graveyard two blocks away. Also, I’m an empath and I need a shield up around this room so I can block others’ energies from reaching me when I’m trying to relax.
(I can and already have erected a personal shield, but it was hastily raised, and the Awareness of all the stuff that soaked into this room is distracting and a little overwhelming.)
Luckily I was at a fair this weekend and found someone selling homemade sage essential oils, which felt vibrantly Alive and Active to me, so I brought some home to use.
Except... I’ve never used oils for anything other than aromatherapy and ritual baths before.
How do you use an essential oil to cleanse a room, and how do you use them for shielding?
I imagine it involves applying it to windowsills and thresholds. But does anyone have any recommendations on HOW to apply it? Shapes to use? Amount to apply? Words or chants or mantras for protection?
And yes, I have asked Google, and got a bunch of suggestions for which kinds of oils to use (nifty, but not what I need), and how to use them for other things (yes, I know how aromatherapy works, thank you). NONE of the pages told me HOW to use an essential oil for protection!
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desertwaterwitch · 10 months
Me laying in bed a minute ago:
Time to put a shield bubble around me again. The old one is gone.
Okay, I am super anxious. Lemme use my moon water spray. *proceeds to grab it and is about to spray it, then hesitates*
“That’s the wrong one, Cici,” says grandparents.
I knowwww. *grabs the cleansing/protection spray instead, and uses that*
Okay, I’m ready.
After I close my eyes, I picture the bubble shield shakily rising from my head, and with focus it stops shaking and is firm. It floats over on top and melds on my body, gradually encasing me and stretching until it’s far enough from me that I’m not claustrophobic.
Seriously, though, shielding (and salt) is my favorite thing in witchcraft.
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neonarboretumart · 2 years
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I’m finally on tumblr! Oh boy… Anyway, first post! This is last year’s birthday card to my mum, featuring two of our lovely cat friends (The tiger white is Tumble, the ginger cat is Biscuits). The lil character is Balthazar, a little OC of mine you’ll definitely see more of ❤️
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posebox-guide · 11 months
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Shield Posebox by TheOnlyException
Shield 1
Shield 1 (Pose)
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