ilfantasmanelcassetto · 6 months
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Sto provando a fare una cosa, sto provando a scrivere un libro. Non so dove mi porterà, nè se mai lo completerò, ma per ora cerco di godermi il viaggio.
Si trova su Wattpad al link qui sotto, sarebbe davvero meraviglioso se qualcuno, leggendolo, volesse lasciarmi un parere (anche negativo, sono quelli che fanno crescere).
Titolo: Drive Me Home
Sinossi: Dario e Federico sono amici da più tempo di quanto possano ricordare, hanno vissuto insieme tutti i momenti più importanti della loro esistenza e sono cresciuti tenendosi per mano. Ora sono adulti e, per la prima volta in tutti quegli anni, qualcosa sta per cambiare e dovranno far sì che il loro rapporto si evolva nel modo giusto per non perdersi per sempre.
LINK: Drive Me Home (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/365754137-drive-me-home?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=sunkenbook
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ilfantasmanelcassetto · 8 months
Obsidian Hair
Father was an attorney, mother a biology professor. They spent days apart but on saturdays they used to stay up all night laughing, drinking, talking. eyes in eyes hands in hands. On sunday morning you would see them passed out, all wrapped up on the couch, with an empty bottle on the floor. Now they spend their life apart, still drink loads of Jack at night, but mother cries herself to sleep and father never closes his eyes. "Never marry your best friend" he always say "you'll loose the one in your life, and your lover too" But how can I? How can I ever think to live, without your obsidian hair and the vestal fire that lits up your eyes whenever they see me?
note. something that I wrote instead of studying, I have an exam tomorrow and I don't speak english either
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ilfantasmanelcassetto · 9 months
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Tom Gauld (Scottish, b. 1976) - The Reason I Stayed In The House All Day    Drawings  (All perfectly valid reasons)
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ilfantasmanelcassetto · 10 months
I love you people going into "useless" fields I love you classics majors I love you cultural studies majors I love you comparative literature majors I love you film studies majors I love you near eastern religions majors I love you Greek, Latin, and Hebrew majors I love you ethnic studies I love you people going into any and all small field that isn't considered lucrative in our rotting capitalist society please never stop keeping the sacred flame of knowledge for the sake of knowledge and understanding humanity and not merely for the sake of money alive
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ilfantasmanelcassetto · 11 months
L'ho lasciato da solo, nell'ultima notte d'estate, alla luce di un cielo bucato di stelle.
Gli ho lasciato ogni sfiorarsi di dita, ogni carezza ed ogni parola dolce.
Tutto ciò che avrebbe potuto donarmi sarebbe stato nulla in confronto al primo battito perso e a quel che ricordo di noi.
Ma ciò che conservo non è altro che un ideale.
Oceani di lacrime e torrenti di sangue caldo, lettere in fiamme e deserti di cenere;
Sono solo il riflesso opaco di due bambini, incatenati da un sentimento per loro troppo grande.
Che giocano a fare gli eroi tragici di un film d'amore e dolore di cui, oggi, resta solo una magnifica colonna sonora.
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In GOS3 I want bearded Aziraphale, and I want Crowley to completely HATE it. I want the angel to give his beard up once he acknowledges that the demon doesn't like it and say something like: "I don't shave for Anthony J. Crowley" in a: "I don't shave for Sherlock Holmes" way.
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I wanted to say, because you're the easiest person to thank for this - I've always struggled with suicidal thoughts (I promise this isn't *too* dark). But after watching GOS2, I've noticed whenever my head starts drifting to that bad place, I start hearing Crowley's little Scottish drunk-off-Laudanum voice going "noooo dying. No dying!" And it helps more than years of therapy ever did. So I guess thank you for writing that, and also thank David Tennant for delivering that.
I'm proud of you!
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the precious, peaceful, fragile existence-
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On Dreams in Crowley's playlist
taking a break from exam season just to post something about good omens. As a Fleetwood Mac enjoyer I was very happy to see "Dreams" in the Crowley's playlist but, guys...it's a breakup song.
My brain isn't braining anymore, what happened?
Is a song about letting go your most beloved person, and on how it tremedously hurts after all you and them have been through, after all the burning feelings you had for each other.
Is about love so strong and hurting that whatever you can dream about after they left you is loneliness, nothing matters without the other, you are nothing whithout them.
And so again, what is happening between the angel and the disaster puppy? or maybe...what happened?
May the presence of this song an indicator of some sort of "breakup" they had? maybe somewhere between the 40s and the 60s?
Can't wait to see season 2 really, all this stuff is burning my mind.
like a heartbeat, drives you mad
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in the stillness of remembering what you had
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and what you lost
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Oh, thunder only happens when it's raining
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haven't processed 2020 yet to pursue real happiness: academic validation
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Who’s the man behind the bat? Maybe you can help me find the woman behind the cat.
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Evelyn and Waymond
Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022)
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okay listen up, I don't know if someone already thought about this but...
no blood, no war, just Alicent.
Alicent who wakes up in her bed, drenched in sweat: she had a terrifyng dream.
She looks around, her room is always the same, yet it seems so different.
The weather is hot and the sun shines through the window as she gets up and starts getting dressed. Her clothes are light and bright colored but, even if she had completely abandoned the heavy fabric she used to wear in King's Landing, during her youth, they still look strange on her.
Alicent goes outside, her wife is watching her dragon flying aroud, the "new" clothes fits her so good.
As Alicent joins her, Rahenyra takes her hand smiling softly.
"I had an horrifying dream"
"tell me"
" I had to marry your father (Rhaenyra is already grossed), and then a war started because my son took your birthright and sat on the throne"
"and you? what did you do?"
"you hated me, I wanted to hate you too...it felt so real I couldn't even recognize where I was once I woke up..."
"maybe it was real, maybe in a different life, and trust me: if it's so, than I'm glad to live this one"
And then Syrax lands as the lost princess finishes to speak
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La mia vita scorre, ed io la osservo da fuori. Sono solo uno spettatore disgustato. Ho sprecato i soldi del biglietto per assistere alla pantomima di una vita vuota, di un' esistenza vana e terribile
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