In the spirit of sharing things I’ve worked on, here’s a Skillshare class I made!
It’s an introduction to changing character expressions using texture maps.
The link gets you one month free, which is more than long enough to watch my class :)
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Sketching some monster ideas. Still not sure where I want to land on the funny-scary divide, but these were fun to draw.
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My New Spring Resolution is to actually share stuff I’m working on - and finish - publicly. Imagine that.
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Thirsting Deep (Psalm 42-ish) - Michael Flaherty
As a deer longs for flowing streams so I long for you, O God My soul thirsts for the living God When can I see his face?
This taunt breaks my bones: "Where is this God of yours?"
My heart aches as I recall the days I walked among a great crowd we sang for joy and we gave you thanks a festival in the house of God
Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad?
I will put my hope in God I will praise him again my Saviour my Saviour my Saviour and my God
Now my soul is cast down but I will remember you even though I'm far away from the place you led me to Deep calls out to deep as waves and tides sweep over me and through each night I sing his songs receiving life from my God
"O God, my rock," I cry "Why have you forgotten me?"
Why must I walk mournfully oppressed by my enemy? Day and night I have only tears for food But each day God pours out love and through each night I sing his songs receiving life from my God
Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad?
I will put my hope in God
I will praise him again
my Saviour
my Saviour
my Saviour and my God
I wrote this in Spring 2010, but I’ve never shared a recording because I find it actually impossible to play. I have a “number of acceptable mistakes” threshold for when I’m sharing a recording, and this is the first take of this song to scrape in under it, so I’m letting his out into the wild.
The lyrics are based on Psalm 42 from the NLT Bible.
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Billions of years ago*, in some other life, I was in Beirut, Lebanon, taking some quiet time with my Bible and my guitar, and I wrote this song.
*actually like, July 2007 or 2008. I think the notebook I was using at the time has been archived (i.e. is in a box under the bed, and way too much effort to retrieve).
The lyrics are lifted from Psalm 93 in the NIV.
Psalm 93(ish) (NIV) Adapted by Michael Flaherty
The Lord reigns, he is robed in majesty; The Lord is robed in majesty and armed with strength;
The world is firmly established, it cannot be moved. Your throne was established long ago; you are from all eternity.
The seas have lifted up, oh Lord, the seas have lifted up their voice; the seas have lifted up their pounding waves.
Mightier than the thunder of the great waters, mightier than the breakers of the sea— the Lord on high is mighty! the Lord on high is mighty! the Lord on high is mighty!
Your statutes, stand firm; holiness adorns your house for endless days, oh Lord. for endless days, oh Lord. for endless days, oh Lord.
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Looks like I've crossed the line from "learning Godot and Blender for some reason" into "I'm actually making a game!" More details in the link below :)
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Godot Timers that Pause...
I’m trying to remember to publicly document things I learn in Godot which might help people, so here’s a quick tip:
The classic
yield(get_tree().create_timer(1), "timeout")
won’t pause when you call
get_tree().paused = true
This is because create_timer() has a second parameter, pause_mode_process, which defaults to true. So then, to yield to a timer which will pause when you call pause, add false after the time. Like this:
yield(get_tree().create_timer(1, false), "timeout")
I hope this helps :)
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Let There Be Light
by Michael Flaherty
(written 2011, recorded 16th and 17th November 2019)
In the beginning darkness covered all and chaos reigned in this empty soul The Spirit of God hovered over me at just the right time he set me free
He said "let there be light" and the light was good was good!
For your mercy I will praise you Lord you were angry with me but not any more I am comforted by the Holy One and I will trust in him my strength and song
Many times since I have wandered far and you've brought me back onto your path The Good Shepherd is like no-one else his faithful love outlasts my legs
There is only one God and our God is good is good!
For your mercy I will praise you Lord you were angry with me but not any more I am comforted by the Holy One and I will trust in him my strength and song
There is only one God and our God is good is good!
For your mercy I will praise you Lord you were angry with me but not any more I am comforted by the Holy One and I will trust in him my strength and song
I know that my wretched soul was saved when Jesus died on the cross and he rose from the grave The power of sin destroyed at Calvary and death is swallowed up in victory!
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The Day Would Change
It seemed like any other day I wasn’t open, I didn’t wanna be Sun was shining, I turned away There was nothing, no-one in front of me
But I sang out loud I didn’t know quite how the day would change
It seemed like every other day until my voice escaped with its melody that brought the light back to my face and everything was right there in front of me
So I sang I prayed I didn’t know quite how but I had changed
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‪Drooling. 06 Inktober.‬
‪Research is important. Learn from my mistakes, people.‬
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Spell. 04 Inktober 2018.
By Michael Flaherty.
See below for the Procreate time-lapse video of the drawing happening before your very eyes!
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‪Roasted. 03 Inktober 2018.‬
‪This one really tested my commitment to my "no eraser, no undo" rule, but my conscience is clean.‬
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Tranquil. 02 Inktober 2018. By Michael Flaherty.
“Tranquil” was a bit out of my comfort zone, so @loveletteredbybekki suggested I draw the effects of a tranquilliser dart (she knows me so well)...
Drawn in actual ink on actual paper (with actual ink bleed, like the paper was damp or something). Such is life.
I’m told these posts should end with a “call to action”, so go ahead and comment with your story of the most notable occasion you were shot with a tranquilliser dart xoxo
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Poisonous. 1st of Inktober 2018. By Michael Flaherty.
I’ve been neglecting my drawing skills of late, so I figured I’d give Inktober a go. Trying to treat Procreate like a pad and pen - no undo and no eraser.
This was quite fun to draw, but that’s no guarantee I’ll do it again tomorrow :p
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Do You Want To Kill a Snowman?
On reflection, I decided life was too short not to write a soundtrack for this. I still contend that (it doesn’t have to be a snowman).
Made using Rough Animator and GarageBand (and Procreate for the blur behind the opening title) by Michael Flaherty, Summer 2018.
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Do You Want to Kill a Snowman?
(it doesn’t have to be a snowman)
I had planned to write a full soundtrack for this, but then I realised that life is too short.
Made in Rough Animator (and GarageBand) by Michael Flaherty, Summer 2018.
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The Boy Who No-one Loved
By Michael Flaherty, mid 2009-ish (April? May?)
I’ve been learning about happy endings and how they look a lot like new beginnings and how the boy who no-one loved is now in love with everyone Everyone!
I’ve been staring at a strange horizon I’ve been seeing things with fresh perspective and whether life is hell or heaven depends a lot on where you stand Where do you stand?
And do you know that when it’s dark inside the sun still shines And rain will fall but God’s not mean he just wants you clean
I’ve been trying hard to take things easy but the more I try, the more I stress out So I stopped and I took my shoes off and with Kurt I said “if this isn’t nice, I don’t know what is.”
I’ve been living out a new beginning as the boy who no-one loved but is now in love with everyone and everyone is in love with me! Or so it seems
And do you know that when it’s cold inside the sun still shines And rain will fall but God’s not mean he just wants you to be clean
Something I’ve learned is even when it hurts the world still turns The beauty is that life goes on even when you can’t.
The Kurt quote is a reference to this A Softer World comic (or really, Joey’s comment below it).
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