jinkssi · 5 years
the monster
it comes and goes.
sometimes, it's overwhelming and it wraps around me completely, covering me like the silent darkness in a lonely room. it makes me cry and drowns me.
other times, it completely sucks me in, like getting vacuumed into the void. it makes me sit and stare until i run out of breath and it leaves my mouth dry.
eitherway, i am consumed, lifeless, and defeated with no flags to raise, because it is i, and only i, who is fighting a senseless battle. there are no monsters. there are no villains, either. in the end, there is no other force to blame, but me.
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jinkssi · 10 years
Unexpected (SHINee fic for shineebabo/Jane)
Title: Unexpected (for shineebabo/Jane) Author: imperfecties (livejournal); jinkssi (tumblr) Rating: G Genre: Fluff (istg idk what genre this is) Warning: Stupidity and randomness ahead NO SLASH and basically, a girl x SHINee thing ;u; bc jANE Word Count: 2866 words
He's got plans that you would never even begin to fathom... plans that you'd never expect from him.
A/N: Jane is 15. Jinki is 20. Jonghyun is 17.Kibum's age is unknown. Minho is 19. Taemin is 15. Basically. Hey, Jane. So I guess, this is long overdue haha but I'm sorry it really is all over the place. Just like my love for you, Janeybaby; it's all over the place, everywhere (yay for sap yay for cheese yay). Everything's random. Basically.
  Meet ya later, Jane!
Watch out for the best night of your life! ;-)
                                Jane lightly threw her phone onto her bed, face contorting at the thought of it sliding off again because of her wrong throw. Perhaps, today was a lucky day because her phone landed perfectly on her pillow. She smoothened out her braided hair, pouting in distaste. She tugged on her dress and kicked her heels off, "Nope. I'm not even going to try. I may want to look good, but heels are just no-no's."
            She proceeded to putting her flats on and picked her phone up from the bed. She turned it on and a bright 5:00PM flashed at her.
            Everything seemed to have gone into a rush; she flew out of her room, slamming the door in the process and getting her mom to yell at her from the sofa because of it, she grabbed a bottle of milk in the fridge and quickly jogged to the bus station, gasping to catch her breath.
            She entered the bus, spotted an empty seat in the middle and got herself settled. Fixing her dress and playing with her phone, she heard the muffled beat of music coming from the headphones of a guy sitting beside her, probably just a few years older. He had sleek black hair, cut averagely and neatly, contrasting his edgy brown jacket and black Rolling Stones shirt. Her eyes meets with his and he gives her a toothy grin, resembling that of a charming canine's. Jane couldn't help but blush, so she kept her finger entangled around her phone and her eyes looking down at the boy's guitar case as she felt the heat rushing up her cheeks.             Thankfully, the bus encountered no heavy traffic and she was outside the meet-up place just in time. She went in and gave her ticket to the lady standing outside the auditorium doors. Then, keeping her phone in her shoulder bag, she walked towards her destined seat. The red curtains still covered the set, so she let out a breath of relief.
            Soon enough, the music started playing and the curtains got drawn. The first actor came in wearing an all black ensemble, his curled brown hair standing out under the spotlight. He had skinny jeans on and had cuffs wrapped around his wrists.             Jane fortunately got a great seat up near the front, so she was able to see the actor's face properly. He had thick eyeliner on, his face shimmering under the bright light. His eyes met with Jane's and he gave her a small smile. Quite contradictorily, his smile was like an angel's, though his role was tough-looking.
            Jane scoffed at the actor. Really, Jinki. Really. She snuggled down against her seat, smile never leaving her face throughout the whole show.
            "You were great, Jinki! Wow! I never knew you could pull off that role!" Jane ran towards the actor. Being here backstage is great; perks of being a musical actor's friend.
            "Oh hey, Jane! Thanks!" Jinki continued to remove the accessories he had been wearing. "God, it's been a while since I acted onstage! Anyway, how was the show, Jane? Was it better than expected? Didn't I say it would be the best night of your life?" Jinki raised an eyebrow as he leaned against a table, clothes now changed to casual ones.
            "Hmn. Not much. I bet Taemin could have done better." Jane shrugged, lips twitching as she tried to pull off a smirk. She knew how hard Jinki practiced for this, but it was fun to tease him.
            "Hey! How could you say that? I put a lot of effort here! How could you just say that Taemin's better!" Jinki lightly nudged her shoulder with his fist. He frowned, lips pouting.
            Jane let out a fit of laughter, "Stop acting cute. You're too old for that, old man."
            "I'm not acting cute! It's all natural, Jane." He placed his hands under his chin and wiggled them. "You gotta admit, my charms are irresistible." He winked afterwards. How dare he.
            "Oh, right. Come on, we have to get going. We've got loads to do tonight; Don't want to be late and get scolded." Jinki pulled Jane by the wrist, giving her no time to ask about what was happening or even say hi to Minho who was apparently there visiting too and just got out of the washroom before they ran off. They exited from the building through the back, finally stopping by the street to hail a cab. There was a sign near the side walk, a promotion for the upcoming play after Jinki's. Bonnie and Clyde... Wow. The cast looks great, especially the Kibum one acting as Clyde... Maybe I can get Jinki to help me meet him? Heh. Hehe.
            "Jane! What are you looking at? The cab's here! Come on! I promised you your best night, didn't I? Let's not waste time!" Jinki waved from near the opened taxi door.
            Jane quickly went to Jinki and with a smile, he stretched his arm towards the car door while keeping it open, "Ladies, first." Jane scoffed. Old man.
            They speedily passed through the busy streets, the city lights appearing like streaks of colors. "Where are we going anyway? I didn't even get to ask..."
            "You'll find out soon. Don't worry, I keep my promises. Have you ever heard of the great  and ever so awesome Jinki ruining a night out? No. Of course not." Jinki raised his brows and and shook his head.
            "Yes, I did. I've heard a lot about your notorious luck, Jinki. Also, I've experienced your 'great' plans, too. You can't fool me. You better make sure I won't die tonight, alright?"
            "Yeah, yeah. Oh. We're near. Just a bit more and I swear, you'll be thanking me for tonight and you'll remember this forever and you'll owe me and you'll never call me old man or say I have such luck and--"
            "I get it, Jinki. You can stop now. Jesus, I don't know how your friends and co-actors could handle you. Kudos to them, especially Minho. Wait. I take that back, he's as clingy as unstoppable you are. I bet you two are on the same level so you feel mutual." As if on cue, the cab came to a stop and the driver told them that they were already there. Jinki paid and Jane rushed out of the vehicle, towards the older one.
            "Thanks, oppaaaa!" Jane smiled at Jinki and looped her arm around Jinki's.
            "Sure, call me oppa just because I paid. Hmn. You child. Let's go in." Jinki lead the way into the bar. The place was packed, but luckily a table was free near the band playing the nice live music. Jinki called a waiter, said his order and asked Jane what she wanted.
            "I'll just have whatever you had." She said as she scanned the place. It was modern yet simple, just her type.
            She heard Jinki softly asking if someone was already there and the waiter mumbled a yes. Probably a friend of his.
            "Seriously, Jinki? This is it?"
            "Jane, patience is a virtue. I thought I taught you well? You must wait for the grace to shower upon you. What if I show you a magic trick while waiting for the food?" Jinki gave her a wide grin.
            "Yeah, whatever. Show me what you got, old man."
            "Okay. Close your eyes and count to ten."
            "No. I don't trust you. Who knows what trick you're planning to pull off on me."
            "Come on," Jinki squeezed Jane's hand. "Trust oppa." He added then winked.
            "Fine. But I'm doing this just because you're being really gross right now and I can't bear with the sight of you winking. Ew. You're worse than Minho, Jinki." Jane said as she closed her eyes and then counted to ten. She opened her eyes, only to find Jinki blinking.
            "What's the trick?" Jane asked, confused.
            "Me! Don't you get it? I'm the magic! And closing your eyes was the trick! I, Jinki am the magic in your life, Jane!" 
            "Do you want me to scream saying that you're trying to harass or threaten me to get you sued? What the hell was that? Ohmygod. You're so lame, Jinki. Uhh. I knew it was a terrible idea to hang out with you for tonight." Jane groaned and laid her head on her arms, which was sprawled across the table.
            "Sorry, sorry. Would my natural cuteness make up for it? Bbuing, bbuing. Bbuing, bbuing?" Jinki tugged on Jane's hair while poking her scalp. A 20-year old trying to be cute. Ugh. Gross. The band finished playing and soon, a warm, calm voice filled the place.
            "Hey guys. I'm Jonghyun. I'm kinda new here, but yeah, I've been singing and playing since middle school and I really like ballads, so let me sing one for you. Hope you guys like it." The guitar strings begin to sound and a smooth voice streams from the speakers. Wow. His voice. Wow.
            "Hey, Jane. I'm right, aren't I? You like it?" Jinki's cheerful voiced peered into Jane's hearing as she lifted her head to take a look at the singer. He seemed familiar. "Yeah. Shh, oppa."
            "... Cause you were my sun, the moon. Nae jeonbuyeotdeon noe bange itneun. Modeun geotdeuri neol geuriwohanabwa. Neol wihae chatda jichyeoseo neol jamsi ijeodo. Sumgyeonoheun uriui chueogi. Gadeug nama cause you're still in my room..." the singer, Jonghyun's voice mesmerized Jane. She loved soft and slow songs. But most especially that this guy's voice is so sweet and beautiful. The song finished and Jinki tapped on Jane's arm, "Hey... So?"
            "Fine, fine. I'll thank you. Thank you, oppa. Thank you very much. I will remember this night forever and hold the gratitude in my heart and admit that I definitely was wrong about you ruining another night out."
            "Don't thank me yet. The food's yet to come and I tell you, it's great. Oh, and I still have something in store for you, so wait until you finish eating." Jinki gave her a sheepish smile.
            "Do you owe me?" Jane asked, just when the food gets served. They looked great. Delicious. Mouth-watering, even.
            "Why are you asking me that?" Jinki's head perked up after fixing the dishes on their table.
            "Because you're treating me really nicely. What did I do to deserve this? What's going on? C'mon. Spill it, old man."
            "Nothing. Can't I just treat you nicely?"
            "Don't nice me, Jinki. You're up to something. What's this? Why?"
            "Well... Maybe because I like you." Jinki said in a plain, calm voice.
            "What? What!" Jane's eyes opened wide.
            "I was kidding. You're really such a child," Jinki chuckled and shook his head. "I like you. I like you as a dongsaeng, okay? You're my favorite dongsaeng, so please do call me oppa, alright?"
            "Hmph. Maybe. But really, what's the reason behind this? You gave me a free ticket to your musical, paid the cab, got me into this bar and picked great food with accompanying great live music. What's the catch?" Jane took a bite from the rice cake.
            "I owe someone. And you're part of the deal. Basically, yeah, that's it."
            "Are you selling me? Ohmygod. Jinki, I thought better of you! I knew you had kicks and tricks with your plans, but I never thought you'd do child trafficking!" Jane pushed back from the table.
            "What are you talking about? God, Jane, of course not! Why would I sell you? No one would buy you anyway," Jinki laughed at his own joke. "Just trust me. It's nothing like that. I think you'll like it. It's a win-win situation for the both of you."
            "I hate you again. Uhh. I'll never hang out with you. I'll just ask Taemin to come with me when you try to get me to go somewhere with you." She furiously took another bite from the rice cake.
            "Y'sure you want to hang out with Taemin? Minho's a better company, I can assure you that." Jinki chewed on his meal.
            "Nope. I'll never believe you ever again. You and your tricks. I bet that's why Minho's always clinging onto you. He's like, your apprentice or something. The next annoying old man in the making." Jane imagined Minho trailing after Jinki, showering in the confetti the older man was sprinkling. Oh, the magic. Those two are full of lethal stupidity, I swear to God. Jane and Jinki continued eating until their plates were scraped clean. Jinki wasn't kidding. The food there really was amazing and beyond words to be described. At least he didn't kid about the food.
            "Okay. Food's done. Hmn. Jane, you might want to fix yourself up first. What's about to come is life-changing." Jinki leaned against the back of his seat, slouching with a smirk on his face. Jane just took his suggestion and went to the washroom to freshen herself up and fix her braid.
            As she walked backed towards their table, she noticed another figure sitting beside Jinki. She continued walking, wondering who the person could be. Is it Minho? Oh god, please no. Maybe another one of his friends? She sat on her seat, looked suspiciously at Jinki first, then turned to the one seated beside him.
            "Hey." The person beside Jinki waved at her with a smile. Jane stared. It was him. He was the bus guy. The blush started creeping up her cheeks, just like earlier.
            "H-hi." Awkard. Way awkward.
            "I'm Jonghyun. The one who just sang a while ago? You are?" Jonghyun? So that's why he seemed familiar! Ohmygod! Jane straightened her back after the question.
            "Uh. Uhm. Oh. Uh. I'm Jane. Yeah, Jane." She tucked in a stray hair behind her ear. Stare at your a little more. Look down. Don't let your awkward blushing face show.
            Jinki's voice perked up, "Okay! Bye guys! Jonghyun, I don't owe you anymore! I'm telling you she's great!" Jinki ran out after winking at Jane.
            "Jinki! You told me you wouldn't sell me off! What's this?!" Jonghyun's laughed and that sure surprised the hell out of Jane. She turned to Jonghyun, said a quick sorry then went back to looking at the floor as if there was something so interesting about it.
            "Sell you off? To me?" He chuckled. "Do I look that old to be trafficking people? I'm pretty sure I'm not much older than you, though." Jane finally looked up. Jonghyun was looking at her earnestly with his face cupped in his hands, arms propped up on the table.
            "Well... Y-yeah. You're really the Jonghyun singing there a while ago?" Jane fumbled.
            "Yup. Why? Starstruck?" Jonghyun raised a brow.
            "N-no. J-just surprised." Jonghyun laughed once again. Jane blushed even more.
            "I'm not gonna bite. Don't be so shy. Hyung told me loads about you." He shifted in his seat.
            "Me? Why?"
            "Uhm. He owed me and I kinda asked him to give me... uhm, a new friend," Jonghyun scratched the back of his neck. Jinki... That old man...
            "Uhm. I guess I should introduce myself more properly since it's our first meeting and I'd really want to be your friend," Jonghyun stood up and bowed, "Hi. I'm Jonghyun. I'm seventeen years old and am currently in high school but I work here as a singer, part time. I like writing songs and I used to be in a band in middle school. Uhm. Jinki-hyung and I are friends; he was a senior from my high school. Uhm. I think you're braid suits you. Also your dress and uhm your bag and shoes. Uh. Haha. I hope we could be good friends and... Yeah." He straightened his back and went back to his seat.
            "I guess, I should, too then..." Jane stood up and bowed quickly, "Hello, I'm Jane. I'm fifteen, high school. I like learning languages? Uhm. I really don't know what to say anymore, but uh, thank you and I'd also like us to be great friends." Jane went back to her seat, now smiling. Let's do this. Let's not be awkward, Jane.
            "So... Uh... Wanna take a stroll? Weather's nice tonight. Also, we could eat some food and ice cream after." Jonghyun suggested.
            "Okay, sure." Jane grinned. Jonghyun seemed nice and sweet. Jinki really did keep his promise this time. God bless. They both stood up, Jonghyun saying goodbye to the cashier after being told that Jinki had already settled the bills for his and Jane's meal.
            They got out of the bar, Jonghyun offering to carry her bag though he already was carrying his guitar and bag. Jane had to refuse, of course, but she appreciated the thought.
            After walking a few streets down in utter silence and fluttering awkwardness embracing them, Jonghyun finally spoke up, "I didn't really finish my introduction..." Jane looked at him expectantly while fiddling with her bag.
            "I hope we could be good friends and... perhaps, I might have a chance to be someone even more... special." Jonghyun coughed and looked up at the buildings.
            Jane merely chuckled. How cute. Well... this was definitely... unexpected.
  A/N: /screams/ JANE IT IS DONE OMFG. IDK. THIS WAS FUN TO WRITE. I HAVEN'T WRITTEN FOR LIKE 2324332 YEARS. DID YOU SEE THE CAMEOS OMG. hehehehe. B&C Key, Taemin. Some bit of OnHo because ajajfskmke Minho loves his hyung. Also!!! Replay!Jjong!!! hehehehehehe Onew's kinda idk idek what I was writing haha. I'm sorry the ending sucked omg. This is why I proclaim myself to be the worst plot-thinker and actual writer. Haha hah. Luv u, Janeybaby uwu. <3
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jinkssi · 11 years
Alone (Jongkey)
Title: Alone Author: imperfecties Rating: PG-15 Pairing/Focus: Jonghyun/Key Genre: Angst, Romance Warning: Curse words, Character Death Word Count: 2319 words
Summary: Things come and go and nothing was permanent but change. There were so many things that were temporary. Many, many things. Sometimes, it’s love. Yes. Love. And for Kibum, Jonghyun was the living proof of that.
Things come and go and nothing was permanent but change. There were so many things that were temporary. Many, many things. Sometimes, it’s love. Yes. Love. And for Kibum, Jonghyun was the living proof of that.
He knew it was time-bound; what they had was definite, and it was about time that Jonghyun would’ve grown tired. Tired of him and basically, just anything related to him. It was always like that for Kibum. Not everyone lasts, and everything was bound to an end. People would be fine with him at first, and then as time flew by they’d get sick of him and treat him like shit. But he already knew he really was shit. In fact, he was nothing but shit. He didn’t need to sugar-coat that. He was someone, actually no, something to get tired of. He was just pathetic crap.
He was used to it already. He was used to being thrown out of people’s lives and being replaced afterwards. He really was nothing but shit. And Jonghyun, just as he expected, was no different from the others. He already anticipated Jonghyun leaving him.
Seeing Jonghyun with somebody else wasn’t supposed to hurt, right? Seeing him replace him with someone better shouldn’t pierce his heart and crumple it like what Jonghyun does to his incompetent business reports, right? It wasn’t supposed to hurt. It wasn't supposed to. At all.
But it did. And it hurt twice as much as the other incidents he’d had before.
He knew Jonghyun had someone else. The sight of him openly flirting with the other party was enough to show him that. The sight of him reaching for that person’s hand, covering it with the warmth of his, and then softly smiling at that someone who wasn’t him already did the job of proving his unworthiness to Jonghyun. He didn’t have to question it. He already knew that once again, he was a mere nothing to another person’s life.
But that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt. Because it did, twice as much.
Usually, he wouldn’t give a fuck when he was left by others, but there was this urge for him to care this time and it was making him confused. No. It would be better to say that it was driving him into total insanity. Why was he like this? Why was Jonghyun different? Why was he hurting so much? Why?
The questions flew into Kibum’s mind but unlike the usual, they didn’t fly out as quickly as they flew in. They were there in his mind, filling it up completely and were pushing its walls, enough to make Kibum want his mind to explode and just let go. He wanted to let go of Jonghyun just like how he would let go of others. He didn’t want to break because of him, because Jonghyun was no one special. Supposedly. He can't be special. Not to Kibum. But it was  too late to engrave that onto Kibum's heart and mind. Jonghyun had already become special to him.
He still didn't want to break though. Still being complete and being able to stand was all that was left of him,  so he decided with one thing: he would not let a single teardrop fall with Jonghyun being the reason for it. He’s going to break it off with Jonghyun without stumbling on his own words, without letting his voice waver and without crumbling from his own doing. He was going to let go of Jonghyun as smoothly as how Jonghyun lied to him about staying committed and having Kibum as his only one. And though he knew it stupid to expect that someone would treat him precious enough to be his only one, he still did. And it hurt. Twice as much.
Then, the morning came. The morning in which he was finally going to break it off with Jonghyun. His special Jonghyun.
“Not that I’d want you to stay… you petty little heart thief,” Jonghyun snorted at Kibum’s words, nuzzled his nose unto the crook of the other’s neck and wrapped his arms around him.
“Stop it, you,” Kibum lightly shoved his chest, biting on his lower lip as he did so.
“You’re such a tease, you know?” Kibum faced him with an annoyed expression, but a teasing expression was shot back at him. Of course, Kibum couldn’t help but be in awe. Jonghyun was so damn manipulative.
Jonghyun cocked an eyebrow at him, “Don’t pretend that you don’t like it, Kibum.” That earned him a slap on the arm from the other.
“Go and leave for work already, Jjong. You’re gonna be late again.” And your boss would have to ‘talk’ to you after work again.
“Screw work," Jonghyun gave the other a peck on the nose, while his bare arms enveloped the other's slender form tighter. "I’ve missed you loads, baby.” Jonghyun’s full lips formed a pout.
“Shut up. I’m not falling for that. Your tricks aren’t going to work this time, mister.”
“It’ll work. Trust me. I’m too irresistible.” Jonghyun nuzzled his nose into the crook of Kibum’s neck again.
“Hmn. Not working.” Why do you even bother acting like this? I’m shit. You don’t have to pretend that I’m actually worth anything. I’m a waste of time, of effort, of everything.
“Work’s such an ass, okay. It’s so, so muchbetter here with you.” Kibum closed his eyes as the sound of  Jonghyun’s voice rolled into his ear. He leaned back against his pillow, closing his eyes and letting the morning sunlight cascade over his eyelids. Jonghyun’s voice was as smooth as ever, unwavering and beautiful even.
“Hmn,” Lies. Just a bunch of lies. ”Really? But I thought I was the one who was an ass?”
“Oh god. Kibum. I thought we’ve gone through this already? I thought you already got it? You’re not an ass—- well, you’ve got the ass, but that’s not the point." He chuckled lightly, the chime of his voice making Kibum's body tingle. "You nag a bit too much at times, but that’s just who you are and I love you for that. I love you.” Jonghyun straightened from his spot, removed his arm from the embrace and leaned against the bed’s headboard.
“Really?” Don't do this to me. I'm so tired of trying to hide everything from you. The pain. The anger. The fear. Everything.
“Really.” Jonghyun’s hand reached for Kibum’s and he gave the other a reassuring squeeze. Just like how he did it with his boss. Just like what he’s trying to cover up with his lies.
Kibum sat up, his hand still in Jonghyun’s and scooted in between the other's legs. Their bodies were so close, that he could feel the warmth of Jonghyun’s well-shaped torso. He loved this warmth. It used to be what was truly reassuring to him; it was like his home. But it felt different now, foreign. He breathed in Jonghyun’s scent: musky and relaxing. He breathed out what was stopping him from letting go. He reached for Jonhyun’s chin, pulled his face closer to his, closed his eyes and let their lips graze against each other. This would be the last, his mind reeled, he felt the tears forming at the back of his eyelids. No. He wasn’t going to cry. Not for Jonghyun.
Jonghyun's hot breath tickled his lips, spreading the heat he needed in his heart. Their lips remained stagnant for seconds. Their hands stayed interlocked though it was getting clammy. Their unclothed skin touched at the right places. Their blood pumped fast and made them both flush. It felt so good. It was addicting. But he had to let go.
He softly pressed his lips onto Jonghyun's, feeling the moisture and warmth. They exchanged breaths, the feeling of ecstasy overpowering. Slowly, they let their tongues slip in. Slowly, Kibum let himself get closer and limp against Jonghyun's chest. He took in the feeling, keeping it as a beautiful memory and savored the sucrose-sweet kiss they shared. This would be the last, he thought as he breathed out in between the fluid movements of their mouths. This would be the last and nothing more.
"Jonghyun." Kibum's eyes remained closed as he pulled away from the embrace.
"Kibum, I love you." Jonghyun replied, out of breath. Kibum remained silent, skimming through their memories in his head as if it were a children's storybook; the one his mother used to read to him, before she had left him.
"Don't, Jjong. J-Just don't try anymore," Kibum opened his eyes to see a teary-eyed Jonghyun in front of him. "I know. And it's alright. I understand." Kibum sighed and wiped away the tear that had rolled down his own cheeks. He wasn't going to cry. But he did. This would be the last time, he repeated for another time that it hurt. It really did hurt. Twice as much.
He saw a tear slip out of Jonghyun's eyes. He leaned forward and kissed Jonghyun's cheek, tasting the salty wetness that had settled onto it. This would be the last time.
"Kibum," Jonghyun whispered ever so softly against Kibum's cheek. "I'm sorry."
"Shh. It's okay. This would be the last. And nothing more." With one last kiss on Jonghyun's warm lips, with one last taking in of Jonghyun's scent, with one last time of feeling Jonghyun's smooth flaming skin, Kibum inched away. Trying so hard not to look back at Jonghyun, he dressed up, took his stuff and left the room.
 Jonghyun meanwhile remained still, his eyes closed as he heard Kibum leave. Minutes passed and he remained as he was.
This is my fucking fault. He's gone. Forever. He's alone. Once again. And it's because of me. It's because of me. Guilt and pain wrapped around his heart. It was piercingly agonizing and unbearable. And what he did was completely unforgivable.
His heart was screaming for him to go after him. His heart was screaming out loud. His heart was screaming louder than his mind, and so his body followed what his heart had been screaming. He ran. He stumbled down the staircase, feeling as if it would never end. He stumbled until he heard a loud crash just outside his apartment suite. His knees weakened, heart thumping with anxiety, pain and adrenaline mixing altogether. He fumbled for the railing as his knees neared to collapsing under his weight.
It can't be Kibum. Oh god. Please, no. He clutched at his chest, ruffling the unbuttoned dress shirt underneath his fist as he did so. Breathing in, he continued to rush down the staircase, opening the backdoor exit and rushing towards the parking lot beside his apartment. He was welcomed by the bright light from the vehicle's headlights. To his front, he saw a motorcycle crashed against Kibum's car. For a moment, he thought Kibum was gone. That he was too late. But then next second, as he sighed in relief, came a screeching sound from his right. As he turned towards the sound, he was showered by a bright light and everything just became dark black with red tinges of pain.
From the other side of the lot stood the very much alive Kibum. Jaw dropped open, his breath hitched from what he had seen. He was given the chance of a second life, but at the same time, what was his whole life at the moment was taken away from him within a minute. Almost tripping over his own legs, he flung himself as he neared Jonghyun. Feeling the warm liquid soaking his shirt and seeing its redness coating his lover's barren torso. For some reason, he still had the rationality to call the emergency hotline; only God knows why, but it's probably because of the hope he had that Jonghyun wouldn't be too injured and would fall back into his arms, all smiles, healthily warm and beautiful.
Jonghyun's eyes opened a bit, only for him to see Kibum alive. "Kibum," He sighed, a small smile forming only to tug on the other's heart in a painful way.
"You idiot; going out without a shirt. You'd catch a cold." Kibum lightly punched Jonghyun's arm, his tears flowing.
"I'm sorry, Kibum." Jonghyun's words hit Kibum like knives. Why did I leave him? Why? Now look at yourself, Kibum. You're losing someone again. You're losing your everything.
"No. Don't be, Jonghyun. Don't be. Stay with me, Jjong. Don't do this to me. Stay with me. Please," Hushing Jonghyun, he pulled the other to a much tighter embrace, "I don't want to lose someone I love again. You're all I have left, Jonghyun. Don't leave me. I don't want to lose you. I love you. I love you. I love you."
"I'm so sorry. You'll find someone... someone even better and worthy of being with you," Jonghyun said, gagging from the lack of air in his body. "I love you, Kibum... I truly do... and always will." Gasping for air, his eyes rolled back, his grip on Kibum's hand tightened and so did both of their hearts.
"Jonghyun. No. Shit, Jjong. Breathe. They'll take you to the hospital soon. No, Jjong. Stay alive. Stay with me," Kibum shook the delicate bloody male in his arms. "You can still breathe, Jjong. I know you can." He gave himself false hope, as he tried to numb the unbearable pain in his heart and mind.
Why did you leave me? How can you do this to me? He heard the sirens of the ambulance.
I'm sorry, Jonghyun. I'm so, so sorry. There was ringing in his ears. His eyesight blurred with both tears and hurt.
How do I live now? When you're no longer here? His breathing turned into shallow gasps. His arms lost its strength.
I'm alone. Again. Everything went black. It was about time he rested. For when he awakens, Jonghyun will no longer be there.
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jinkssi · 11 years
leave me be
Leave me alone
leave me be;
Leave me to rot
leave me be;
Now dear, replace me
for the better
Now dear, you can go
for the better
I’m nothing to you
so it’s alright
I’m only thin air
so it’s alright
Leave me again
leave me be;
Leave me to die
leave me be;
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jinkssi · 11 years
The Crucial Game of the Heart; Game Over: The Epilogue
"You're ego isn't saved. Let me give this to you straight, I technically won the game." Kibum was being annoying, but it was just how Jonghyun liked it. They toyed with their food as they talked, like the usual.
"But in order for you to say yes to me asking you out, you have to like me, right? So it just means that the game is void." Jonghyun defended. He chewed his bacon. It was a bit overcooked. They got a bit too busy with their kissing earlier.
  "No. I won. Kim Jonghyun, if you want me to go out with you, I'm supposed to win. And you said it yourself! I quote and unqoute: For whatever its worth, you godfricking win. Let's just get over with this, okay?"
  "But you liked me, too! That's just unfair! Unless... you're playing with me again, huh?" Jonghyun pouted. He was kidding, of course, but the thought still ran through his mind. Whatever, I'll still like you even if you play with me. Wow. How did I change into this? I'm the player for god's sake. He's supposed to be losing.
  "Hmn. Who knows. I still win, though." Key shrugged and took a bite on his bacon.
  "But!" Jonghyun paused. "Fine. Whatever. I don't care about losing anymore. You're worth the loss anyway." Jonghyun winked at the other.
  "And hey, how'd you manage to quote what I said earlier? And you even managed to memorize it word per word!" The older smirked, "Guess, I mean something to yah, huh?"
  Kibum just face-palmed himself, showing his disapprovement, "But just so we're clear. My room is still off limits to you okay! If you go in there, it's game over."
  Jonghyun merely smiled. "We'll see, we'll see." Who knows, you might be the one asking for me to go to your room in the end.
  And finally, The Crucial Game of the Heart was over.
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jinkssi · 11 years
The Crucial Game of the Heart; Level 8: Unleashing the Power
      "Shut it idiot!" Kibum's voice resonated in the early morning air. After remembering last night's events, he heard the sound of a chair scraping the tiled floor. Key's eyes turned to the sound and found Jonghyun sitting on a chair, his whole palm covering his face as he leant on it, sighs prominent every now and then. Kibum just ignored his queer behavior.
        Bad morning for him, I guess. The younger shrugged and proceeded to the sink to wash the breakfast dishes.
      "What do you want for dinner later?" In the midst of rinsing a plate, Key spoke. "I'm sort of free this afternoon and I know all of you are dreading for something not straight from the pack because you've been having those for days." Silence. "And I feel like being nice today." Because perhaps, that will make you feel better? Kibum didn't say that last piece of what he wanted to tell Jonghyun, because of the feeling of uncertainty in him. It was pulling at his chest, because he so badly wanted to hug the older one.
            I think I've already fallen in love with you.
        He so badly wanted to ask Jonghyun what was wrong and that perhaps, they had a chance. That there could be a them. And for some apparent reason he got pissed off at himself, too. For starting such a bothersome game. If he wanted Jonghyun from the start, why didn't he just go on with it? Why did he have to pull off this stupid crap and play with their hearts?
        And so, they were like that for two days, never properly speaking to each other, a few nods and 'heys' every now and then, until that morning came and it was Kibum's turn to cook breakfast. Onew was still gone, off with his class in a field trip to god know where. Well, hopefully he's still in one piece. Minho and Taemin were still asleep in their own rooms (but Key suspects that Taemin went into Minho's room last night, because he heard some scurrying down the hall) and so, Jonghyun was left with Key once again at the same time of the day, but the difference was there was a definite light in his eyes. He no longer kept his face covered by his hands, with his calloused fingers (because of his regular guitar-playing) spreading over his brown round orbs.
        "Uhm. So what do you want for breakfast?" Kibum piped in after minutes of their silence and wall-staring. Key stood up and went to the refrigerator to look at what could be used for their food.
        "Lemme see... Can I have, perhaps, one Kim Kibum for breakfast?" Key froze in his position, his butt still up in the air since he was looking at the lower portion of the fridge. He looked up and scanned Jonghyun's figure leaning against one of the kitchen counters, "Are you drunk?"
        "Then why are you acting like that?"
        "Like what? Smokin' hot? But that's just the usual me, Key." Jonghyun shrugs. "Well, if you mean love drunk, then I probably am. Love drunk because of you, actually."
        Key continued staring. Jonghyun continued tracing the sides of the counter with his fingers. Then Kibum broke into a laugh.
        "Did someone hook up with you or something last night? You seem very high and extraordinarily drunk today." Key snorted. Guess it's bacon and egg again for this morning.
        "Nope." The other grinned like the idiot he is.
        "Then what the hell are you smiling for at there?" Kibum let the bacon melt under the running water. He got some eggs from the fridge, "Scrambled or sunny side up?"
        "Whatever you want. I'll have what you'll have." Key shrugged off Jonghyun's greasiness once again. He turned on the stove after placing the pan on top, and soon the eggs were crackling as they got fried. Then, he suddenly felt a pair of arms snake around his waist and he felt Jonghyun's hot breath against his ear.
        "Jjong, wha--"
        "What if I told you I liked you? Will you accept my feelings? Or will you take it as a lame joke?" Key was taken aback by the question. Of course, he wouldn't take it as a joke, but it still surprised him because it was early in the morning and the flirt was mouthing into his ear another set of his gibberish. Well, gibberish to Jonghyun anyway. That was what Kibum thought.
        "Jonghyun? What the frick are you doing? It's early in the morning! You're gibberish isn't welcomed, okay?" Well, I hope it isn't gibberish. Because what I'm feeling for you isn't gibberish. Kibum knitted his eyebrows and slowly let his breath in and out. He was going to deal with this properly. He was gonna reject Jonghyun playfully, just as the other did to him.
        Kibum slowly torso around, struggling in between the dino's short arms, his eyes still closed."I--"
        "I'm hoooome!" Onew's voice cracked in the midst of his series of o's. The door slammed and soon enough, he was too quick for the two to retract from their position, so he caught them entwined beside the stove and with the eggs still frying.
        "Oh. Oh. Shoot. Sorry. I-I didn't know. But you do know we share this kitchen, right?" Onew talked. Jonghyun glared at him.
        "Yah. Jonghyun. Don't glare at me like that. I'm sorry, okay. But please do get a room." Onew started walking towards his room. "Oh, and Kibum the eggs are getting burnt, flipping them would be a great idea. Unless you want it deep fried up until the point of its complete combustion. And again, get a room. And be official already, please? We don't want any of your bickering saying that you ain't together, because I ain't taking in any of that." He said all of those in two breaths, pausing midway and then scurrying off to his room and managing to hit his arm against the wall (with a scream containing profanity and an 'ouch', of course) on the way.
      Kibum shifted his eyes towards the egg he was frying. Onew was right; it was about to turn too brown. He flipped it, careful not to break the egg yolk.
        "Let's make it official, yeah?" Jonghyun asked in such a casual manner that Kibum didn't get it at first.
        "What? Did you just say to make it official?" The younger turned to the one hugging him.
        "Yeah. Let's make it official?"
        "Are you asking me out or is this another one of your lame morning jokes?"
        "Well, the former. Technically, yeah, I'm asking you out and no, I'm not kidding." He removed his arms around Kibum (and Kibum finally breathed normally again) and ran his fingers through his hair.
        "You're asking me out? In this kind of manner?"
            "What? Do you want it to go with flowers and balloons or something? You want chocolates, cause I got chocolate energy bars stashed near my bed for some reason." Jonghyun shrugged for the nth time that day.
        "And what if I say no?" That made Jonghyun stand rigid.
        "You wouldn't... I thought carefully about this for the past few days, not sleeping and even ending up writing a song for you." Jonghyun sighed. So that was what he was playing last night. A song. For me. Kibum felt sparks running through his spine. Is he truly genuine?
        "I' sorry I've been a jerk. I was trying to figure myself out." Jonghyun looked down at his toes.
        "And you win. You win whatever we're playing. For whatever its worth, you godfricking win. Let's just get over with this, okay?" Jonghyun fumbled with his fingers.
        "Okay." Key plainly stated.
        "Huh? You mean, okay, okay?"
        "Yeah. Okay."
            "So, let me get this straight. You're going out with me?" Jonghyun brought his priceless idiotic grin back.
        "Yeah. I am. And if you don't stop asking, I might take it back." Kibum can't help but smile at how the older one was acting. Jonghyun was dancing like a goof now.
        "Oh my god. I wasn't rejected! My ego is saved! I can't--" Kibum gave Jonghyun a good smack on the back of his head.
        "Shut up, you flirt. You're ego isn't completely saved. I can still shatter it, you know. I am Kim Kibum after all." Key smiled at himself. "And if you aren't going to make the first move, then might as well I make the first one."
        Key grabbed onto Jonghyun's nape and pulled it towards him. Their lips finally touched, both of them, not just Jonghyun's lips touching his forehead. Both of their lips burnt against each other, the hidden passion they've been keeping all throughout the game finally unleashed.
          Level 8: Unleashing the Passion, finally is through.
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jinkssi · 11 years
no its okay!!! lots of people dont know things like that bc victim blaming and rape culture and blah stuff but the important thing is that we learn so we dont make the same mistakes twice \o/
yesyesyesyesyes ^^ thank youuuu
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jinkssi · 11 years
/casually flops in to explain hi im that one anon rape doesnt have to be forced like if you have sex with a person thats too drunk to make good decisions then its technically rape obv taem was too drunk and idk about jong but he proby was too so anyway yeah thanks for adding the warning even though you dont really get why \o/ it was rly polite and sensitive pets u /ollies outtie
ohhhh i get it now omg thank you ;u; ((do u see how much of an idiot and noob i am crey)) lol thank you for explaining it to me (i think u just saved me from some crisis that may involve non-cons in the future hurrrr)
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jinkssi · 11 years
yoooooo can you add like a rape or a noncon warning to that last jongtae one???
uhm. i guess? okay. if that's what you want lol ((im not really familiar with all the terms and stuff, so sorry hurrr))
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jinkssi · 11 years
Plus Vierge (JongTae)
Pairing: Jonghyun/Taemin (JongTae) (Key as an extra lol)
Rating: PG-15
Warning: A lot Cuss and Sexual content; Non-con (I guess)
A/N: Uhm. There's no smut. I don't think I can still write that lol.
Summary: Wherein Taemin wakes up no longer a virgin, Jonghyun's a still drunk bartender and Key's a McDonald's employee.
Taemin squinted as the light reached his eyes, waking him from his slumber. He wasn't feeling alright. Not at all. His body was sore for some reason, especially his lower part. He could sniff the retching smell of alcohol in the air and his head was just screaming in pain.
"What the-- Key-hyung! You didn't pull the blinds down again last night!" He screamed out loud, eyes still shut, assuming that the older boy was home. They shared the only bedroom in the apartment and just like regular kids, they fought over petty things such as putting the goddamn blinds down. It was a mystery though, how they'd always have time to have their little cat fights and yet not manage to clean up their home. They were no longer young teenagers, but nobody would say they were mature adults either. Age is just a number, and both boys were the living proof of that.
But they were old enough to get into bars, clubs and all those 'adult' places. And Taemin went to one last night, though this morning, he had no memory of going there due to the excessive amount of alcohol in his body.
"Ungh." A baritone moan came from beside Taemin as he shuffled in his semi-sober sleep.
What the actual fuck? Taemin's eyes shot open, shock and curiosity now running through his veins, along with the alcohol that was left from last night's occasion. Taemin scurried out of his bed, and though his lower body ached so painfully with the action, he still managed to drag the sheets with him as he felt the chills of apprehension and the literal cold air blowing from the air conditioner. Why did he feel so sore? And why was he feeling really cold?
Well, then it was when he looked down that he found the answer to his questions. He was naked. Fully naked, with not a single article of clothing clinging onto his slim body. And not only that. He also had bruises, mild scratches and marks all over his porcelain skin.
Since Taemin had this habit of stripping during his sleep, it was normal for him to be undressed early in the morning, but waking up only to see queer marks on his body and to hear another man's voice beside him truly wasn't.
After a few seconds of gaping and eye-widening, Taemin finally spoke.
"What the hell? Who the fuck are you?" He screeched, his voice loud and raspy. He tightened his grip around the crumpled segment of his sheets that covered his inexistent breasts as he scanned the tall figure on his bed. (He had instinctively pulled them around his chest when he rose from the bed, as if he were a woman. Perhaps, he was one at heart.)
There was a man laying on his bed: a lean, slightly tanned, and astoundingly beautiful one, to say at least. That man was just right beside his naked self earlier, before he sprang out of his bed and became this ridiculously feminine-like effigy in the middle of his room, his legs and arms crossed over the thick blanket, supposedly covering his private parts, though he only had one, which was his bulge. His crossed legs were defeating its purpose though, since of course he was a man, it didn't cover his genital.
The other man turned over, his butt cheeks showing as he searched for the sheets to cover up his own body. Well, too bad. It was already with Taemin.
"Holy shit! Who the fuck are you and why are you on my bed?" Taemin raised his hands to cover his eyes and completely forgot about covering his bare body.
Oh my god. My eyes. He mentally groaned as he ironically peeked through the gaps between his fingers.
The man finally turned his face towards Taemin and slightly opened his eyes.
Frick. He's damn gorgeous. Taemin side-noted after seeing the groggy male on his bed. Yes. Taemin was gay. His apartment-mate was, too. Pretty much, their fashion and their men were all they agreed on.
But holy fuck, what charitable deed did I do for a god to be lying on my bed early Saturday morning? He thought as he read the clock, his eyesight still a bit blurry. It was only now that he had really felt the painful throbbing that pounded his temples. He closed his eyes to let the dizziness die down, then suddenly he felt something warm wrap around him.
"Gmornin', babe~ Feelin' good?" Taemin felt the hot breath grazing against his ear, giving him a few seconds of ecstasy.
Oh god. Did I help a leper out last night? Taemin momentarily melted into the other man's arms.
But a stranger is still a stranger. Taemin was very much aware of that. Well, sort of.
"What the fuck are you doing?! Shit! Fuck off, stranger!" He pushed the other's arms, and opened his eyes only to see a contorted expression facing him.
"Whuts the matter, babe?" The other said, tipsily moving closer towards Taemin.
"What 'babe'? I don't even know you!" Taemin shot at him, taking a step back.
"C'mon, babe. Dun be like this. Last night wus great!" The well-built man cheekily smiled and attempted to wrap his arms around the smaller boy, but it was a poor aim so he sloppily missed.
"Oh my god. What are you talking about? Oh my fucking god. Oh god. What did you do to me?" Taemin hyperventilated, his mouth gaping open as he took shallow breaths.
Did he really? Did I really? Oh my god. Things started to connect. The puzzle pieces slowly forming the big image.
What am I gonna tell Key-hyung? Holy shit. Taemin panicked, now fully aware of how his body was incredibly sore. It all made sense now. Last night was coming back to him.
"J-Jonghyun?"  Taemin asked quizzically as he tried to remember the boy's name. Jonghyun was a bartender in the bar Taemin went to last night. He had helped the lone young boy get back to his apartment, before the other had pushed him into getting drunk and eventually getting to that part.
"Yeah?" Jonghyun slurred, now found playing with the clothes laying on the floor after he missed on hugging the younger boy. Taemin stayed quiet, his eyes staring at his toes.
"Hmn. Say it again. Say my name again. I love it when you say it." Jonghyun suddenly stated, almost sounding sober to Taemin. He stood up and made his way to Taemin.
As soon as Jonghyun's figure stood less than a feet away from Taemin's, the younger boy stepped back, bumping his already aching legs against the bed's wooden frame. "You are not touching me," Jonghyun huffed at Taemin's words.
"Why so touchy, babe?" Jonghyun smirked.
"Y'still want s'more?" Okay. So apparently, Jonghyun wasn't sober. He wasn't in some sort of mental term, that is.
"Oh god. No. I'm already sore enough. Thanks," Taemin mumbled and cleared his throat. "How'd we get here anyways?"
"Huh? Uhm. A taxi?" Jonghyun said unintelligibly.
"No. I know I got here with a taxi, but how exactly did I get to tag you along into my apartment?" Taemin sat down on his bed, leaning on his arm since his eyesight was starting to spin now.
"Well. I don't exactly know." Jonghyun shrugged.
"Jesus Christ, Jonghyun! How can you not know?" Taemin's headache was getting in his nerves now and Jonghyun not knowing what happened last night was just adding to it. He didn't mean to raise his voice, but what can a hormonal teen boy do when he has his ass sore and his head aching?
"Kay. Kay. Cool down, babe." Jonghyun chuckled lightly. He had less alcohol last night and he was pretty used to drinking, so his hungover wasn't as bad as Taemin's. He was actually pretty sober since earlier. He really was just a tease.
  "I'm also hungover here, so I'd try my best to remember everything, but could I get something to drink first? My throat is scratching itself for some lubrication, if you know what I mean." Jonghyun winked at the other boy, gaining a slight tug of the other's lips to the side to form a cute, sweet smile.
Taemin threw a pillow at Jonghyun's face and slowly stood up. "Fine." He groaned.
After getting into their boxers, Taemin lead Jonghyun out of the bedroom and into the kitchen, which was thankfully pretty clean.
"Neat kitchen," Jonghyun ran his fingers along the beautifully laminated cabinets. The kitchen had a red and black theme. It had black granite for tables and red and wooden textures as accents.
"For fucking." He playfully added as he slapped Taemin's protruded behind while he reached for the pitcher of water in the refrigerator.
"God. Shut up. My room-mate might come in any moment." Taemin gave Jonghyun the glass of water that he so patiently poured for him even if his head felt like it was splitting into halves.
"Thanks." The shorter yet older boy drank from the glass, his adam's apple bobbing up and down as he took great gulps.
At least he has a nice neck. Taemin thought.
And nice lips. And eyes. And hair. And arms. And butt. Taemin, without realizing, scanned the other's body. Jonghyun undoubtedly had a great figure. And it was a bonus that he was great in bed, too. Taemin smiled to himself.
"Whattya smiling at?" Jonghyun's voice shook Taemin out of his thoughts.
"N-nothing." Taemin blushed.
 "Come on, Taemin. You know you could always tell me if you wanted to do it. Right here," Jonghyun pointed at the granite surface of the kitchen counter. "Right now." The older boy leaned nearer Taemin's face, making the blood rush up to his face even more furiously than earlier. Taemin was stopping his breath now, as his stare focused on the brown orbs and the delicious plump lips in front of his very own eyes.
Seriously, what good thing did I do last night? Taemin questioned the supernatural being above and continued engrossing himself in the bliss of the beautiful sight before him.
Jonghyun leaned in more, his warm breath now grazing across Taemin's skin, making the younger boy experience tingles dance down his spine. He knew Key might enter any moment, but he was already there, so might as well take the chance to enjoy this moment.
They both closed their eyes, and soon enough their mouths met, the warmth spreading across their lips as they ran their fingers down each other's torsos. Their kisses and touches began gentle and gradual and ever so slowly, each tug on their lips started to become hungrier and more passionate. Soon enough, Taemin was craving for more, tugging on Jonghyun's boxers. Jonghyun was about to give into Taemin's yearning when an annoying voice reached the intertwined figures' ears in the kitchen.
"Taemin! Are you awake?"
"Oh, shit. It's my room-mate. Oh god." Taemin's eyes widened and he was planning to hide Jonghyun in the closet. The older boy was short, anyways.
Taemin was about to push Jonghyun's head down to hide him behind the counter, but he was already too late. His room-mate had already caught them red-handed.
"Taemin? Who-who?" Key spoke in an inarticulate manner and rudely pointed at Jonghyun. He eyed the boys starting from their heads down and stopped at where Taemin's hand was: on Jonghyun's boxers.
"Hyung, I-I can explain!" Taemin hurriedly after following his room-mate's stare and withdrawing his hand from the awkward place it was on. Jonghyun then turned and saw Taemin's so-called room-mate. Unbelievably, he was wearing a McDonald's uniform, the one for the night shifts, and on his name tag was written 'Key'.
"Yes, please. I'd love to have this clarified." Key finally said after a few moments of staring and throat-clearing.
"I-I think I'd have to do that explaining," Jonghyun said to Key. Key just crossed his arms across his chest and tapped his foot, waiting.
"You see uhm, Taemin here, went to the bar I work in. Uhm. And yeah. He drank. And he got drunk there and dozed off a bit, so when it was closing time, I had to help him go home. And then... yeah..." Jonghyun scratched the back of his nape awkwardly, trying to hide his light blushing as he slightly lowered his head.
"Yeah. Yeah, hyung. That-that's what happened." Taemin stuttered.
"Mhm. I see. So after bringing you home, I suppose he stayed the night here?" Key raised a brow at them.
"I-I did." Jonghyun garbled.
"And basing from what I've witnessed earlier, I'm guessing that something's--"
"N-no! I mean, yes! I mean, no-- God, hyung. Do you even have to ask?" Taemin whined. Key chuckled at the boy's behavior. Gosh. Teasing was so much fun.
"Well, was it my fault that you're goddamn careless?" Key walked up to the two and leaned on the counter.
"I mean, if you're gonna make out naked, can't you at least do it in a room with a door? It's gross to be arriving after my stupid work and seeing someone make out in the kitchen where I'm supposed to eat in." The McDonald's employee shrugged his shoulders. The other two merely gaped at how blunt Key was speaking. But it's not like Taemin's used to this, anyways.
"And not that I'm against you having your flings and one night stands, Tae.  You're old enough, sheesh.  But you do know that you share this apartment with me, right? And the least thing I'd want to happen to me is eat in a kitchen smelling like sex." Taemin and Jonghyun flinched at Key's words.
Fling? One night stand? It sounded dirty to Taemin's ears. Was his first really just a fling? Was what took away his virginity nothing but a one night stand? Was this, in the future, all just nothing but a mere dot in his past?
He felt disgusted by what had happened to him, but what had been done is done. And all he can do is hope that his first would be something better.
Jonghyun's hopefully not just a one night thing, right? Even if sex isn't really a great way to start a proper relationship, it might still turn out good in the future, and he got me home even if he was just a stranger, so that's a start, right? Taemin pondered, the reality slapping his face raw. Sex was something, but sex with a complete stranger is another. But was Jonghyun someone who'll stay a stranger to him?
Jonghyun stayed rigid beside Taemin, eyeing those two who shared the apartment. Awkward air filled the room and then came Key's sudden laughter.
"Oh my god. What's up with you two? It's not like I'm gonna kick you out just because you had sex! Do you guys think I'm a saint or something?" Key forced the words out in the midst of his hysterical laughter and went out of his kitchen.
Jonghyun and Taemin stared at each other for minutes,  a cloud of confusion filling their eyes.
"What the hell was that?" Jonghyun spurted, raising his brows.
"He's really complicated as fuck." Taemin shrugged.
"So... Should we continue where we left off?" Jonghyun asked with a hint of seduction is his voice.
Taemin playfully shoved Jonghyun's chest, but Jonghyun wrapped his arms around the other boy, leaving him entrapped between Jonghyun's well-built torso and arms. Jonghyun chuckled, making Taemin feel his light laughter resonate in his chest. Taemin really liked Jonghyun's laugh, it was like bells chiming unlike Key's annoying one.
"Wanna try threesome?" The two turned their heads toward the unexpected voice coming from the doorway leading to the room outside the kitchen. Key was poised up against the doorframe, his hand on his nape and his elbow resting on the wooden doorframe.
"Oh my fucking god, hyung!" Those were Taemin's last words before he ran off to chase the room-mate he so desperately wanted to kick out of his apartment. All he wanted was peace, quiet and some Jonghyun-time.
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jinkssi · 11 years
The Crucial Game of the Heart; Level 7: Raising the White Flag
Finally, the rays of sunshine entered their dorm. It was late morning and the four occupants were munching on their over-toasted bread and slicing through their scrambled eggs.
"Where were you guys last night?" Jonghyun mumbled with his mouth full.
"Eating." Taemin blunted.
"I said where, Taemin. Not what you were doing." Jonghyun rolled his eyes before shoving a spoonful of eggs into his mouth. His mouth was already full, but he forced it in nonetheless.
"Out." Minho answered this time, looking down at his plate.
"God. Well, if you aren't idiots, I don't really know what you guys are." Key shook his head. They weren't answering their hyungs questions properly, but of course, Jonghyun and Key already knew what they were doing. They were probably went out and had their little dates. Psh. Screw whatever those two were trying to do, hiding a fact that was really obvious. Onew might be the only one oblivious to what's going on between the idiot and youngest of the dorm, but Jonghyun and Key were far from being insensible. They knew something was happening, because they, themselves have something boiling up in between them, too.
The late breakfast was quite awkward and quiet, and after seeing Taemin finishing his food, Minho spoke up.
"Are you done?" The tallest one asked and Taemin just nodded. The youngest got up from his seat and started walking out of the kitchen. Minho just stared at his figure, eyes intently following his every move. After a few moments, Taemin realized that his hyung wasn't following him.
"What are you still sitting there for, hyung? I thought we were gonna play Monopoly?" Taemin questioned the other while raising his eyebrow.
"Oh. Yeah. Right. Monopoly." Minho stuttered. Kibum rolled his eyes.
"Go on, prince charming. You wouldn't want to keep your damsel waiting by the Monopoly board, would you?" Jonghyun scoffed out.
"But who the hell plays Monopoly early in the morning? Who the hell plays it at this age? Jesus, Choi Minho. Your ideas for dates are lame. Taemin will dump your sore ass soon, you know." Kibum bit from his toast as Minho's big eyes slightly widened from the things the two were saying.
"Gosh. Don't look so surprised now, okay? You look like a fish we've removed from water and brutally squeezed. It makes me feel like I'm a murderer. We know there's something because we're not idiots, kid." Jonghyun stated, tilting his head to the right and nodding at the end of his statement to prove his point. Minho blinked several times and finally snapped back to reality.
"Shut up, hyung. Shut up, Kibum." Minho retorted and walked out of the kitchen, before adding "And we know there's something between you two, too! I bet you guys did something last night!".
"Shut it, idiot!" Kibum raised his voice, his screech filling the dorm, but just as he said these words, the memories of last night came back to him.
  Jonghyun had asked Kibum to sleep, reassuring him that he wouldn't leave until the thunderstorm stops. Jonghyun sat beside Key's head which on the other hand, was settled on a pillow. They were both quiet and the pitter-patter of the rain provided a good rhythm for Kibum to focus on.
"Do you want me to sing for you?" Jonghyun muttered in a low tone. Key responded with a soft mumble of 'yes' and Jonghyun started singing. He sang a few his favorite ballads and lullabies. It was heavenly. Key cannot deny falling in love with such a great voice. It was the kind that could make you cry though you felt no remorse or sadness in you. It made you feel blissful and relaxed enough to let your tears flow. But Key didn't cry. He can't cry while Jonghyun is still there.
Jonghyun kept singing and Key just kept quiet, letting the soulful melody seep into his system, absorbing every bit of its wonderful tone.
You never told me you were this good, you stupid puppy. Key thought and didn't notice that he actually said it out loud.
"Huh? Did you say anything?" Jonghyun stopped singing, making the imaginary notes floating around the room fall in a great thud and creating such discomfited silence.
Way to go, Kibum. You really never watch your mouth. Key thought of something impromptu to say.
"Uhm. I said, lay down b-beside me, if you want. I-I mean, it's okay if you don't wanna, but, uhm, I know you're tired and uhh you deserve the rest, so it's tota--"
"I get it. Yes. Okay. If that's what you want, then your wish is my command." Jonghyun chuckled at the fox's stuttering manner of talking, amused by how a thunderstorm have caused all these. He was finally seeing the other side of the boy and he was undoubtedly falling deeper in love with him.
Jonghyun lied down beside Key, their shoulders and legs slightly touching. They both stayed stiff, careful to not do anything that might cause more terrible awkwardness between them.
It felt good though. It felt good to be intimately close. Oh how badly Jonghyun wanted to just tell him. But the game was keeping him from saying it. He was afraid that Kibum really was just playing around, and maybe now, playing with his heart.
Jesus Christ, why did this thing have to be so complicated?
I should've just asked him out from the start if I were to end up liking him anyways! Jonghyun mentally tugged his hair and shook from side to side. His feelings were sort of uncontrollable now. He wanted to caress Kibum without having any doubts. He wanted to speak out the words he so badly want to say.
"Thank you so much, Jjong." He heard the fox breathe out the words. Sparks run through his vein, its buzz spreading all over his body. He was okay with staying like this for a while. He can bear with it. Just as long as he had Key there, he knew he can.
Key's breathing had become more stable and Jonghyun noticed this after staring at the other the whole time. In his eyes, the fox was now fast asleep and the rain had already stopped. He felt delightful that he had fulfilled his promise.
He got the blanket that was neatly folded near Key's head and gently draped it over Kibum's beautifully proportioned body. He went closer to Key and lowered his head above Key's forehead. He breathed in the sweet smell of Key's hair and finally placed a peck on his forehead.
"Good night, Key. I think I've already fallen in love with you." Jonghyun whispered into the other's ear and started walking off.
But he wasn't aware that Kibum was awake; how could Key sleep when Jonghyun was beside him, making his heart beat faster? He kept his eyes closed though and just kept quiet, hearing Jonghyun's words perfectly.
  Level 7: Raising the White Flag, over.
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jinkssi · 11 years
alright who wants to learn about readmores so we dont make peoples dashes walls of text :DDDD
omg oops sorry;;; not much people follow me so I didn't really notice that I was doing that ;n; I am so sorry;;; I swear, I'll put a read more next time I post a fic >
0 notes
jinkssi · 11 years
Speak (JongTae One-Shot)
Pairing: JongTae (Jonghyun/Taemin)
Genre: Angst, Romance
Rating: PG
Warning: Cuss
Summary: "Speak, hyung. You know you can tell me everything."
A/N: I made this for a friend hurhur [taetans]
"I'm just gonna check on Jonghyun-hyung, first." Taemin waved the others off, disappearing into their dorm's corridor. Usually, Jonghyun would still be asleep in the afternoon, when the rest arrived home from their schedule. The vocalist's body clock was just as messed up as his mind.
Taemin knocked on Jonghyun's door, his ear pressed against its fine wooden texture. There was no response. He twisted the door knob slowly, figuring out that it was unlocked, unlike the usual.
That's odd. He must be awake then. Or at least, not watching his adult shows this afternoon. Taemin smirked as he gently swung the door open.
The room was silent and poorly lit, making it seem like it was already night time, when in fact, the sun was setting. Taemin squinted adjusting to the sudden change of brightness, compared to the brilliantly illuminated corridor outside. His eyes scanned the room and stopped at the sight of Jonghyun's silhouette, seated on the bed with his face in his palms. The seated figure's breathing was slow and quite peculiar, shaky even.
"Hyung, are you alright?" Taemin's voice rang across the room, the tone of anxiety heavy in his words. The older boy stayed silent, not responding, but Taemin didn't leave. He didn't want to leave. Not yet. Not after seeing Jonghyun's breathing hitch.
"I know you're awake, hyung." Taemin blunted, now leaning on the door frame, the corridor's lights shining behind him and outlining his slouched form. He knew Jonghyun's breathing never hitched while sleeping. He had watched the elder sleep often enough to know that it never did.
Silence. Silence filled the room for quite some time.
"What is it that you want?" Jonghyun finally spoke, his figure unmoving and his voice low and raspy.
Taemin closed the door and walked over to Jonghyun. He left a few feet of distance between the two of them. "Are you alright?" He repeated the same question. His feet shuffled, deciding whether he should go nearer or not. He knew that Jonghyun wasn't feeling alright, but it was better to risk it and ask.
Was he alright? Was he, Kim Jonghyun alright?
Well, fuck no. Jonghyun thought as he snorted, his hands still covering his face for the younger not to see.
"Speak, hyung. You know you can tell me everything." Taemin said softly, after he lessened the distance between them and placed his hand on Jonghyun's left broad shoulder.
Everything? Are you sure? Or would you just run off again and tell the others everything? You can't lie to them, right? Jonghyun felt his chest constrict at the thought.
I can't speak, Taemin. Not when it's you who I'm talking to.
"Hyung. Please. Talk to me." Taemin sat beside Jonghyun, lightly shaking the other's hands and trying to pry it off from his face.
Just stay away. Don't fucking mind me anymore. Go to Key, or Minho, or even Onew. I don't care. Just leave me alone. Jonghyun tightened his already shut eyes.
"Hyung?" Taemin's voice as persistent as ever. His eyes traveled down Jonghyun's shaking figure. He knew something was off.
"Please?" He risked it and begged once more, but little did he know that his persistence would be the cause of Jonghyun's violent emotional release.
"Fucking go away, will you? I don't want to talk about anything! There's nothing I could tell you!" Jonghyun finally let go of his face and exasperatedly faced Taemin.
I want to tell you everything, but I can't. Jonghyun's thoughts weren't going the same course as his words. His heart wanted to let go of the pain, the burden it had been keeping inside.
Taemin's eyes widened at what he was seeing. Jonghyun's eyes were blood-shot, his cheeks still stained with tears and lips plump red with a bit of blood from the biting and gritting he had been doing since earlier. It was an unbearable sight; truly unbearable for someone as delicate as Taemin to see.
Though Jonghyun's eyes showed fury, with his brows raised and knit together, the younger still saw a tinge of pain in them. He knew he had to take that pain away. He needed to soothe the other's heart; let it speak and release the agony it kept to itself.
"H-hyung!" Taemin suddenly leapt towards the more vulnerable boy, not knowing that he was already doing so. He put his clammy hands on Jonghyun's warm cheeks, messily wiping the tears, but ending up scattering them all over his face.
"Don't touch me!" Jonghyun harshly removed Taemin's hands from his face, regretting his action as soon as the cool touch dispersed in the warmth of his blood rushing back up to his cheeks. He longed for that touch. He longed for Taemin's comfort.
Shock streaked Taemin's face and he instantly held his hands together, fiddling with his fingers in nervousness and astonishment. His eyes alarmingly stayed on Jonghyun, not leaving his body even for a second.
"Don't you fucking get it? I can't tell you anything, okay?" Jonghyun harshly tugged on his blonde-dyed hair.
"Why? Is it because I'm too young? Huh? Well, shit hyung. Newsflash. I'm already twenty! You have no fucking excuse to--"
"It's not because you're too young or about your age or such, alright? It's because you're Lee Taemin! You're Taemin and I don't want you to know how messed up I am or how useless and worthless I am! I don't want you to be burdened by me!" Jonghyun's eyes were fire ablaze, and his hands formed fists, tight enough to make his knuckles turn white.
"I don't want you to pretend in front of the others. I don't want you to act out with me, trying to look fine when I truly feel like stupid crap. I don't want to burden you, Taemin." Jonghyun continued, his tone softer but still rigid.
Well, I've already noticed it since before, hyung. Believe it or not, you've already burdened me long before. Since your accident, I've sensed it that you were hiding how you truly felt and I've been waiting for you to let it out. Taemin thought as he recovered from the shock caused by Jonghyun's sudden outburst.
Taemin had noticed how distant Jonghyun had become and how unrealistic his smiles were if he were to flash them whenever he catches the elder awake late at night. The glint of exuberance in his eyes were also gone, hidden in the clouds of weariness. It worried him. It worried him so fucking much.
"I don't like feeling helpless, Taemin. I think you of all people should know that," Jonghyun's eyes stared into Taemin's, the pain more prominent in it now.
"Can't you see how ruined I and most especially, my voice is right now? I'm fucking worthless!  I don't like how people ask me to come back, when I can't do anything about my condition!"
"Is it because of what Key-hyung said in the interview?" Taemin's thoughts carelessly slipped into his words.
"That it was an advantage that you were gone? That he had more share in the money? Because I'm pretty sure he didn't mean to. You know how rash hyung is sometimes. And believe me, hyung, the con's of you gone is more than the pro's. You--"
"That's not exactly the reason, but maybe yeah, it's actually good that I'm gone. More money for you guys, right? I'm worthless crap, anyways." Jonghyun cut off Taemin and looked out the window. The sun was now gone. It was just sunset a while ago... Had he been keeping Taemin waiting for that long?
You worthless piece of shit, Kim Jonghyun.
Why do you have to be so stupid and not listen to your mother when she told you to stay for the night, instead of driving half-awake? Why did you have to fucking drive that car? Jonghyun remembered that midnight leading to the first day of April. The night that had caused everything.
"You're not worthless, hyung." Taemin soft-spokenly said.
Jonghyun was now calmed down, but the pain in his heart was still there. He suddenly turned to face Taemin, catching the other flinch out of surprise, but he had mistaken it as fear.
"Yes, I am. And look at what I've done. I've probably even scared the shit out of you because of my goddamn outburst." Jonghyun heavily sighed. He felt like he was the worst disappointment that could've happened in Taemin's life.
Fucking worthless. Jonghyun mumbled into his thoughts. He lowered his head and stared at his feet. His fingers intertwined just like how his brows were.
"Look at me, hyung." Taemin's delicate and long fingers edged down Jonghyun's jaw. He gently turned the other's head to face him.
"You're not worthless, hyung. Isn't it enough that I told you that? You're far from being a piece of insignificant shit. In fact, you're one of the most amazing people I've ever met. You inspire me. You pushed me further. You made me who I am now," Taemin's eyes glistened under the moonlight.
Jonghyun's heart momentarily stopped beating, his breathing paused as he saw the beauty that faced him that night. He had been treating Taemin like a gem. Taemin was a treasure that nothing could amount to. He already knew that Taemin's splendour was one of a kind, but still, it made him speechless.
"What do I have to do to make you believe that? You don't have to worry, okay? We'll be waiting for you. I'll be waiting for you. All I want is for you to recover and I don't think putting yourself down would help you," Taemin continued.
"Isn't it enough that I told you that, hmn?" Taemin asked once more. He lightly grazed his thumb across Jonghyun's chin, his eyes softer than before.
"And hyung, I'll never be scared of you. I'll never be, because I trust you. And because I do, I hope you'd depend on me, too. Don't be afraid to tell me everything. Even if it's as little as being scared of spiders or as big as a financial crisis, speak up. You can trust me with your secrets. You can trust me with your emotions, with your opinions," Jonghyun opened his mouth in attempt to respond, but Taemin cut him off immediately.
"You can trust me with your heart." It was all the younger boy had said before he closed the distance between them, placing his lips on the others. It was a very brave move for Taemin to take, but he felt like it was the right thing to do. He ignored the metallic taste of the very small amount of blood on Jonghyun's lips, immersing himself in the fast rhythm his heart was beating and the soft grazing between their lips. Taemin's eyes shut close, whilst Jonghyun's opened wildly in shock, but later on Jonghyun himself gave into the kiss which didn't feel forced at all.
Their hearts beat together, the comforting silence enveloping their now huddled bodies. There was no more need to speak, for their hearts spoke for them.
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jinkssi · 11 years
Happiness (Taemin-centric One-Shot)
Pairing: Taemin-centric
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG
Summary: Was it wrong for a teenage boy like him to wish for a little happiness?
A/N: This fic mainly circles around how Taemin wanted to be like any ordinary teenager and how he was bullied at school. It shows the friendship he and his hyungs have made that helped him get through it all.
Taemin sighed as he entered the classroom, avoiding the stares of some of his classmates, while they feasted on him as a topic for their gossips, "He's really not coming?" "Oh, that's just sad; I wanted to take a picture with him so I could show it around." "That's such a bummer, and to think that high school's the time to make friends and memories; he barely has any of them." Dodging the rowdy boys running around the room, he held onto his banana milk tightly and slightly shut his eyes for a moment while walking past the tables. He was tired. Physically and mentally, yes, very much. But emotional-wise, it was on a different and a greater degree. He was exhausted up to the point that he wanted to break down and just give up. He had already sacrificed a lot of things but it seemed like the world was beginning to suffocate him.
"All of these will be worth it. All of these sacrifices will pay off." He mumbled to himself as he settled down on his own desk. He was resting his head on his desk while sipping slowly from his banana milk.
Taemin was a transferee. Due to his hectic schedule as an idol, he was forced to move to another school; a foreign place with no friends to talk to. He was yet another stranger to them and though his name was well-known around the place, it still wasn't his hometown and nobody knew about the real him. Most of the time, his status spoke for himself and made the population take him in the wrong way.
He has no friends. And it's because he thinks he's too good for anybody.
He barely made any remarkable memory here. Psh. What an idol.
Just because he's an idol, he's always excused, always treated like a prince, using that status of his to get his way around.
What an attention-whore. Trying to get all the girls' attention, thought I'm pretty sure he's gay. I mean, just look at him.
Wow. He even isolates himself from the student population, not joining any school activities. Who is he? The prince? Such a prick.
Voices echoed in his head. Stop. Please stop. Taemin sipped in the last of his banana milk, producing slurping sounds. He hadn't realized that he'd finished it; the voices were too distracting, disturbing, and more so even painful.
"I want to go," He blurted out softy, as if whispering it to someone. He then squeezed the bottle he was clutching, deforming its form. He wanted to go. He wanted to go to different places. He just wants to be free from all of these. Even if he had no friends, no one to go with, he still wanted to go to that school trip. Not just to say that he went to a school activity, but also for memories' sake. He wanted to have high school memories, just like any ordinary boy. He was fully aware that he'd have to give this up, too for his dreams, but can't a teenage boy like him still have fun? Can't he join a single trip to form a single memory in his dull academic life?
"But I can't." He sighed, placing his arm firmly on the desk and using it to push his seat away. He stood up and silently went to the trash bin just outside their classroom to throw the empty bottle away. On the way back, head still lowered and feet shuffling quietly, Taemin bumped into a group of his guy classmates. He just stared at their feet and mumbled a soft 'I'm sorry'. The boys were blocking the way and just like the humble and polite person Taemin is, he said a brief 'Excuse me' yet none of his classmates nudged a bit to make way.
"Excuse me." Taemin said once more, making it a little louder this time.
"What? We're not moving for you, little prince. Just because you're an idol, it doesn't mean that you'll get to boss us around." One of them told him with a piercing voice.
Please. Just please give me a break. I'm so tired of this. Taemin puffed his cheeks and slowly let the air out, his hair still covering his face because of his posture.
"Yah. Gow de ader weh, edyawt. (Yah. Go the other way, idiot.)" Another one said in a fail attempt to speak in English, while chewing his gum. Taemin just followed their demands and squeezed into the tiny space between the group and the desks. And still having not enough, the group shoved him sidewards, causing a collision between Taemin's hip and the hard wooden desk beside him.
"Who's so special now, huh? The school's no red carpet or stage for you to ramp on, prick! And what? You think you're so cool now that you're not going to a school trip and you eat at the teacher's lounge? Well, you're not, because you're as pathetic as any wanna-be can be!" Taemin winced at the sharp pain on his hip bone, but he still slowly walked back to his seat, deciding to just ignore the hurtful words thrown at him.
I'm used to this anyways. He thought.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
Just focus on your footsteps. Concentrate on the rhythm and block all the noise out. Listen, Taemin. Listen to your footsteps. Taemin's thoughts urged him to go on. Keep moving. It was the only thing he held on to. Every school day, what he went through was so close to living hell and his mind was the only one that kept him alive. It was his only company. He was so lonely and sometimes, he wanted to quit it all and leave. Leave this stupid school. Leave this goddamn industry. Leave this life.
I just want to go.
Taemin closed the door to their dorm, placing the wet umbrella on a corner to let it dry.
"I'm back." He exhaustedly said out into the empty air, before combing through his damp hair. The dorm was completely devoid from any moving matter. It was filled with dry silence and no noise coming from any of the rooms nor light to brighten the place up from the ongoing heavy rain outside.
Are any of them home? A sigh escaped from Taemin's lips. He was starting to wonder how many sighs he let go in a day. He was alone again. He was alone even in the place he had to learn to call 'home'.
I really need to get used to being alone. I miss Taesun-hyung though. I miss Umma and Appa, and everyone back there. Taemin thought in the silence, walking past the other members' rooms and finally entering his own.
I miss them so, so much. He placed his bag on the desk, not minding the rain droplets that seeped into the paper underneath where he put it. He stared at the cork board posted onto the wall. It contained his schedule, a bit of notes here and there and the precious pictures of his family and old friends. He wanted to go back and leave the present. He longed for the freedom and joy he experienced before having this heavy title of being an idol on him. But this burden was his dream, and he had given up so much to reach it and now that he's finally here, he can't let go of all of these. But was it wrong for someone as young as him to wish for a little happiness? A little more color in his high school life?
He removed his cold and wet coat and hung it near his closet. I still have school tomorrow. He remembered as he clenched his fist and made his way to the kitchen, socks still wet and clothes unchanged. He boiled some water for a mug of hot chocolate.
I'm so tired. I want to take a break. I want to get out of this status just for once and be like any high schooler out there. I'm sick of being bullied even if I'm not at fault. I'm an idol, but I have not done any wrong, right? There's nothing wrong in achieving your dreams, right? Taemin ruffled the packet of cocoa powder and carelessly ripped it open with his shaky hands, spilling the contents onto the floor.
Just like how the powder spilled out of its packaging, Taemin's tears also started dripping. He crouched down to collect the powder, but it was too late, the powder was already mixing with his tears, which were now flowing continuously down his delicate face.
No. No. No. It's not my fault. It's not. No. No. No. Taemin repeatedly swiped the remaining powder, making a mess on the floor.
"It's not my fault!" Taemin suddenly screamed, his knees collapsing under his weight. His legs were now sprawled on the floor, his hands and dress shirt dirtied with a mixture of cocoa powder and tears. He covered his mouth as he sobbed, smearing the chocolate on his porcelain skin. The tears kept coming, rolling down and through his unclean fingers.
"Taemin? We're back! Are you home yet?" Taemin heard the dorm's door closing and his hyungs' voices booming in the empty place. He leaned against the cabinet behind where he was sitting and tried to muffle his loud sobs using his hands.
"Taemin? Are you here?" He heard the footsteps go to his room and then back near the kitchen.
"We know you're here. It's no time to make jokes, Minnie. We have to go to practice in a few." Minho's voice filled the kitchen, then later on the light was turned on, making Taemin squint his eyes and curl up even more.
"Taemin?" It was Key's gentle voice this time. He kept his eyes closed, though the tears were still flowing, unable to stop. He  clenched his hand tighter, his nails digging into his skin and pressed the first harder onto his mouth.
Tap. Tap. Tap. Footsteps were nearing him and he stayed still, with his eyes closed and his sobs slightly muffled, but not enough to be not heard from where Jonghyun was. Jonghyun turned to where the soft sobbing sound came from and his eyes opened wide in shock.
"Taemin!" Jonghyun scurried over to the boy, avoiding the mess the boy made earlier.
Taptaptap. More footsteps followed and soon, Taemin felt arms shaking his shoulders. He couldn't make out the words they were saying, for he was crying even harder now. He was sobbing his heart out and his hyungs had no idea what to do.
Onew stepped up, just like the leader he was and moved closer to the boy. "Taemin. Look at me." Those were the only words that Taemin heard after he had calmed down a bit, tears still rolling down his cheeks, but not as much as before.
"Taemin." The youngest of them five sniffled and finally took a peek. It was Minho who spoke up this time.
"Minnie, are you alright?" Key's anxious voice rang in Taemin's ears. No. I'm not alright. I'm far from alright. Taemin answered his hyung in his head. His throat was too dry to speak.
"What did you do, Taemin? Why's there chocolate on the floor and on your hands?" He felt fingers slipping under his chin and nudged it upwards. The full scene came into view. It was Onew's firm yet soft voice that asked him.
It's not my fault. I've done no wrong. It's not my fault. Taemin's thoughts reeled and unconsciously, his mouth mumbled out what he was thinking.
"What? We don't understand you, Taemin. What do you mean by 'not my fault'?" Jonghyun asked as he sat beside Taemin, placing his warm hand on the boy's arm.
"Oh! You're cold, Taemin! And your hair's damp!" Jonghyun formed the realization after the brief touch. Key immediately left the kitchen and quickly returned with a towel in his hands.
"Here. Minho, dry his hair. I'll clean the floor." Key handed the towel to Minho and got the rag hung near the fridge and started wiping the chocolate off the tiled ground.
"How about let's go to the sofa instead?" Taemin stayed silent and just moved with his hyungs. Minho lead him to sofa and sat him down. The others just sat and watched as Minho wiped the chocolate off Taemin's face and hands.
"What's the matter, Tae?" Jonghyun asked, the younger boy responding with him only lowering his head and slowly shaking it from side to side.
"Come on, Taemin. You know you can tell us anything." Onew placed his hand on a small part of Taemin's back.
"I-I wanna go to the school field trip... B-but... I know I can't." Taemin forced the words out of his mouth. He had to get it out some way, right?
"You're crying because of that?" Minho's head cocked sidewards, his gaze not leaving Taemin's face.
"I'm pretty sure it's not just because of that, Minho." Key finally entered the room and took a seat beside Onew.
"Did a noona harass you again? Did they keep on bugging you with their stupid excuses and childish favors?" Jonghyun asked with a harsher tone, fully facing the youngest. He remembered that time that Taemin came home from school, hunched and his spirit down more than the usual. It was also raining and his eyes were blood-shot from crying while the rain soaked his uniform on his way home. Taemin had no strength to carry the umbrella properly anymore, so he just let the raindrops mix with his teardrops.
"Taemin-ah~ When is Jonghyun holding his birthday party?" The noona asked Taemin, sheltering under his umbrella. Taemin stayed silent, still walking.
"Do you want to date noona? Why don't you hold my hand, huh? Why are you ignoring noona? Do you really hate noona that much?" She continued bombarding Taemin with questions.
"You hurt noona's heart, Taemin-ah."
"Are you not gonna answer me? Isn't Jonghyun having his birthday party?"
"I'm gonna scold you a lot for not answering my question about Jonghyun's birthday." The older girl took a snapshot of the defenseless Taemin, before a tear ran down his face.
Taemin clearly remembered the harassment he had experienced that day. Jonghyun, of course being the one pestered about, remembered Taemin's story as clearly as Taemin remembered the experience.
"Is it because of me again? Or any of us? I'm so, so sorry, Tae." Jonghyun firmly placed his hand on Taemin's knee and gave him a sincere apologetic look.
"N-no, hyung. It wasn't because of you, or any of you hyungs. It-it was b-because of m-me," Taemin stuttered even more at the latter part of his answer.
"I-I'm a big-headed prick. That's w-why. That's people h-hate me. I'm an idol and I'm treated as a little prince. They all think it's my fault. It's my fault." Taemin's tone became firmer, his fists covering his face again as he bit on his lip to stop himself from shedding tears once again.
"Taemin. You've gone through a lot to reach this dream of yours, okay. You have every right to bathe in the limelight. It's what you deserve. But that doesn't mean that you've become a foul person. Actually, your classmates are the ones who are foul. You're not even asking for attention and yet they're the ones who say you're getting all of it." Onew told him slowly, rubbing circles on his back.
"T-They said that I wanted to excuse myself from the school trip, because I was special. But... I actually really want to go." Taemin sighed while explaining the events that occurred earlier.
"That's absurd! Did they hurt you, Taemin?" Key, of course concerned of the boy's state thought about physical bullying first.
"N-not really... They just pushed me a little and I hit my hip." The boy answered raising his dress shirt, revealing the big blue spot on his hip bone.
The older boys all winced at the sight and Minho stood up saying that he'll get ice for the harsh bruise.
"We need to report this, Tae! This is too much! Jonghyun shot up from his seat, but Taemin's hand held onto his wrist.
"No, hyung. Let's just let this go. I don't want to stir up any commotion. Please. They'll only treat me worse if we tell on them." Taemin begged Jonghyun, his eyes reflecting the cloud of intense emotion inside him.
"But how can we stop them from bullying you, if we don't tell the authorities or the school administrators?" Jonghyun shot back.
"It's no use, hyung. The teachers are either being kind to me for some sort of special attention or hating on me, doubting that I really go to school from the start of period one. Please, hyung. Please." Taemin gripped Jonghyun's wrist tighter.
"Fine. But you have to tell us if they do anything to you, okay?" Taemin nodded.
"Taemin. Stay strong. I know it's tough dealing with this everyday, but it'll be over soon." Key told him, giving his hand, which Key had been holding since a while ago, a reassuring squeeze.
Minho came back with the ice pack and he carefully placed it on Taemin's bruise, "We're always here, Tae. Always." He gave Taemin a tender smile.
"I think it'll be better if you lie down." Minho suggested.
"Yah. Hyung. I can treat my own bruise, okay? I'm manly Taemin, after all." Taemin gave them all a cheeky grin, his nose still red from all the crying. The mixture of bloodshot eyes, red nose and a cheeky grin looked silly and made the hyungs laugh.
"That's the spirit, Tae!" Onew raised a fist into the air and gave him his kind toothy grin.
"But god, Taemin, you look hideous. You better sleep a lot tonight." Key squirmed, but still laughed at the end.
"You know we love you, right?" Jonghyun asked, raising his eyebrows at the members. They all had their minds in sync.
"Group hug!" The older four shouted before attacking the poor boy.
  He may not have friends at school and everybody may be looking down at him there, but he had his hyungs. And that was more than enough. He now knew that they were his happiness, after all.
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jinkssi · 11 years
The Crucial Game of the Heart; Level 6: The Void
Jonghyun and Key were left alone in the dorm since Onew was in his own class's field trip and for some reason, Taemin and Minho decided to go somewhere to hang out.
"Hangout? Psh. They're probably dating." Jonghyun spun his chopsticks around the bowl, playing with the leftover rice grains from his dinner.
"Why are you being so grumpy, huh? You're jealous, aren't you?" Key asked him teasingly, while he got the bowl Jonghyun was fiddling with and placed it in the sink for washing.
"No." Jonghyun answered, almost too quickly.
Key scoffed at the other's reaction and said, "You're just jealous that your dongsaengs have a blossoming love life, meanwhile you have none. And no, don't tell me your girls are your love life because those are not considered real relationships, you flirt." Key continued while washing the dishes from dinner.
"Ouch. That was harsh," Jonghyun placed his hand over his chest and acted out as if someone shot him."But look, I'm not alone, Mr. Sass also doesn't have a love life!" 
Jonghyun poked Key's waist and the fox immediately retreated.
"Yah! You know I hate it when people poke me there!" Key shot Jonghyun a glare before going back to the dishes.
"And so what? Being single is fun! No partners to worry about, no commitments to promise to, and no money to spend on presents!" Key shot Jonghyun a pensive look of obnoxiousness.
"Look. Whatever you say Key. I mean you're the one who started this, so I'm just going to stop." Jonghyun sighed and slowly got up from his seat.
"Anyways, isn't it a little humid today?" Key asked, drying the dishes an trying not to notice the sudden change in the puppy's mood
"What do you mean by little? I've been sweating and feeling so sticky since morning!" Jonghyun leaned against the refrigerator.
"I'm going to go to my room now and turn the goddamn aircon on. I can't bear with this humidity anymore." Jonghyun exclaimed a little grumpily. Well, it wasn't his fault that he was feeling a little grouchy. Key just kind of got to his nerves with his response earlier. He felt a bit disappointed that Key wasn't willing to be in a relationship.
And to think that I was kind of planning to ask him out. Psh. Jonghyun closed the door to his room, turned the aircon on and laid on his bed.
He drifted off to sleep with the dorm's silence and thoughts of whether to ask Key out or not, but after a few hours of sleeping, he later on woke up to the sound of thunder shaking the whole house.
"Ah!" He heard a squeal from the other room that made him jolt up from his bed and head off into the next room. He've never sprang out of bed that fast before, but knowing that it was possibly only Key who yelled late at night made it possible for him to do so.
He opened the door to Key's, only to see a very poorly lit room and a curled up Kibum in the corner of the room.
Is that Kibum? Jonghyun had to ask himself first, before really believing that the scared boy was the diva and brave Key.
"Are you alright, Kibum?" Jonghyun's voice echoed in the room, before it was followed by a strong thunder that made the other boy squirm in fear once again.
"J-Jjong?" Key's whimper was barely hearable from the other side of the room wherein Jonghyun was standing. Upon hearing the boy's small voice, he scurried towards the the figure leaning against the wall.
"Hey. It's just thunder. What's wrong?" Jonghyun put his arms around Key's shoulders. Key just shook his head as a response.
"C'mon, let's get you to bed... You wouldn't want to fall asleep in the corner, would you?" Jonghyun lifted the other towards the bed and fortunately, Key wasn't frightened enough to not move.
"Wait a minute. I'll get you something warm to drink." Jonghyun left the room as soon as he settled Key in his bed. He heated a mug of water and mixed in the hot chocolate powder.
As he opened the door, the first thing he saw was the silhouette of Key tightly hugging his knees to his chest formed from the soft moonlight entering the dark room. Jonghyun decided to sit down beside Key and turned on the lamp beside the bed.
"Here's your hot chocolate." He handed Key the mug after the boy raised his head when he felt Jonghyun's weight on the bed.
"Are you fine now?" Jonghyun asked before another thunder clap shook the room making the fox wince but still nod slightly.
"I'll go to my room already, okay?" Jonghyun got up from the bed and started to walk towards the door when a soft hand stopped him.
"Please stay." Key's eyes were set downcast and his toes fidgeted with nervousness, fear and embarrassment mixed altogether.
Jonghyun was in awe with the scene before his eyes.
He's asking me to stay? Jonghyun lightly gasped. Key was a very surprising being. Not only did he shock the puppy with this different side of him being scared of thunder and all, but also because of his adorable appearance. Key's hair was puffy and all over the the place, unlike the usual primped and neat up-do he had; also, it was slightly covering his eyes which made the sight even cuter. He was standing in front of Jonghyun, wearing a lose shirt and pink boxers, and was looking very nervous. Key was a fox; a cute fox, indeed.
It took almost a full minute before Jonghyun was brought back to his senses. Kibum's adorableness was just too much to take in.
I really need to ask this cutie out, or else that Hyeongseop might get him first. Jonghyun nodded while thinking.
"Thank you." Key's soft voice reached Jonghyun's ears, making him realize that the boy was waiting for an answer and that his nodding was taken as a yes.
Another thunder clap boomed and made Key wince and slightly shake, but he still gently dragged Jonghyun to his bed and patted a spot beside him after he settled down. Jonghyun obliged to the fox's order and sat near Key, their skin touching. They remained silent throughout the night. It wasn't awkward silence that filled the room, but a more comfortable and intimate one. Somehow, it's like the atmosphere between them had changed. It was no longer the competitive and tension-filled one.
They both were silently admitting to themselves that they were comfortable around each other. They didn't feel the urge to compete against each other anymore, because it was senseless. The game was going to become void eventually, so why bother continuing it? The parties didn't know if the other was going to agree to making the game void so they were doubtful.
Now, the question was who would raise the white flag first? Who would admit defeat and confess?
Level 6: The Void, fully accomplished.
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jinkssi · 11 years
The Crucial Game of the Heart; Level 5: The Weapon
"Jealousy is deadly, dear." Jonghyun shut off the television after hearing the old man in the usual dramas that he called ahjumma dramas speak to the younger female character. He had always preferred anime over dramas and this awful one was no exception. It was overly cliche and he knew what was going to happen next. The young female wouldn't listen to the old man and still fall for the bad boy. She'll fall into the trap of jealousy that the guy will set-up to finally get her.
"Psh. Stupid dramas. Who are they to label jealousy as something deadly? And why is the girl so stupid? Didn't she know it's going to be a trap and she'll just end up hurting herself?" Jonghyun stood up from the couch in the living room and went to his room.
Where's Key, by the way? I haven't seen him the whole morning and he didn't even eat lunch with us. Jonghyun wondered where the fox was.
On the way to his room, as if it was meant to answer him, Key's door bursted open inches away from Jonghyun's face, "Where's the washroom again?"
"It's there at the end of the hallway. It has a different door from the others." Key chimed from the end of his room, in reply to the tall and lean man in front of Jonghyun.
Who is he? Jonghyun thought and later on realized that he had spoken it out loud.
"Oh. Hi, Jjong! He's the very close friend I talk to on the phone all the time." Key answered back with a smirk plastered on his face.
"Hi. I'm Park Hyeongseop. Nice to meet you." The gorgeous man bowed after introducing himself.
"O-oh. I'm Jonghyun." Jonghyun awkwardly bowed after a few seconds of gaping at the taller man.
Wow. Why does that fox have model-material friends? He thought in awe.
"The washroom's that door, over there." Key finally reached his door and pointed out to one of the doors in the hallway. Hyeongseop followed the path that Key's finger was pointing at.
After Hyeongseop closed the washroom door, Key spoke up, "So, why are you gaping in such an idiotic manner there? Awed by my friend?"
"Ah. N-no. I was just thinking of something." Jonghyun responded quickly after seeing the smug look on Key's face.
"Really? But it seemed like you were thinking about something Hyeongseop-related. Well, let me tell you that he's a model, so that explains the extra dose of gorgeousness he has. And no, he's not a classmate, he's just a very close friend of mine who helps me with projects because he's that kind." Key told the other without even pausing to see the shorter boy's face.
Psh. Do I look like care? So what? He's a model and I'm not, b-but I can sing. And okay. He helps you with your projects... I-I help people out too... Sometimes... Jonghyun looked down at the floor. Why was he being so touchy? It's not like it's supposed to matter to him. 
I don't like Kibum.
I can't like Kibum. He forced the thoughts into his mind. He was playing a game... But can't the game be ended? Was he willing to lose to Kibum?
"Oh. Well. That's, uhm, nice of him." Jonghyun muttered.
"What are you guys talking about?" Suddenly Hyeongseop's voice rang down the hallway as he walked towards the other two.
"I was just telling Jjong about you," Key hung his arm over Hyeongseop's shoulder, tiptoeing because the man was just that tall.
"And how nice you are to help me out when you don't have a schedule." Key grinned at the tallest boy, earning him a subconscious frown from Jonghyun.
"You know it's nothing, Key. You're worth my time, after all. And it's just pay back for helping me out on some occasions, too." Hyeongseop shyly smiled, but he wasn't really uncomfortable with Key's arm still on him and he had already accepted the fact that Key doesn't know what 'personal space' is.
"Well, see you later Jjong. We've got to finish my project by late afternoon; Hyeongseop has to go somewhere later." Key told Jonghyun as he pushed the tall man into his room.
"Okay. See you." Jonghyun said before the door slammed shut.
He felt weird. He was feeling something heavy in his chest, as if someone was tugging on it. He ignored it, though. He knew he was falling and he just wasn't really that ready to lose the game.
Jonghyun made his way to the kitchen and got himself a snack, which was as usual, the unhealthy chips they had lying in their pantry and a bonus of banana milk. He knew Taemin was going to nag at him if he ever finds out that one of his banana milks had gone missing because of the older guy's stomach, but he drank it nonetheless. He was used to Key's nagging anyways, so Taemin's would probably be bearable.
He ate with a scowl on his face, his thoughts centered on Key still bothering his mind.
"Well, someone seems like he's not in a good mood." Onew's voice echoed in the nearly empty kitchen as he sat down on the stool opposite to Jonghyun's.
"Wh-Huh? Were you saying something, hyung?"
"See. He's so preoccupied with his bad mood that he didn't even notice what I said. Am I really that invisible in this dorm?" Onew rolled his eyes.
"I mean, you're all pairing up. We have you and Key, and then Minho and Taemin. Thought you guys won't admit it, it's so obvious that there's something. Ugh. Why do I have to be alone? Why can't I also have someone to be paired with?" Onew blabbered on.
"Don't worry, hyung; I'll forever pair you with chicken. Onew and chicken, for life!" Jonghyun raised his fist into the air.
But wait... Does this mean I accept being paired with Key? Jonghyun's mind was still preoccupied with Key even though he was talking to Onew.
"Oh, yes! Chicken forever! But no, Jjong. I need a real person. I can't be alone with chicken forever! I'll turn into an obese single old man!" Onew whined.
"Psh. As if that matters. Chicken's all that matters to you, right?" Jonghyun raised an eyebrow at the elder.
"Yes, but you don't understand, Jonghyun. I need a girl to share my chicken with. I'll be so lonely when I grow old." Onew pouted.
"I'll eat them with you, okay? I'm always open for free food!" Jonghyun told him, nodding his head to show how much he agreed with what he was saying.
"I refuse to share them with you. You're not pretty enough. I want a girl," Onew stood up, placing his fist on his chest firmly, as if swearing for loyalty in an army.
"I'll be the best casanova in town. I'll hook a lot of girls to eat chicken with. I'll make you guys see that I could be a real man here. I'll have loads of fangirls, too!" Onew raised his fist while running out of the run and before he hit his hip bone on the wall leading to the hall.
"Hyung, but get rid of your clumsiness first before you go get your girls!"Jonghyun yelled out before he heard the slamming of Onew's door.
He was alone again, so he decided to go back to his room and maybe write something. Hours passed, and his music sheet remained clean and untouched.
Darn you, Kibum. I can't even write anything because you bother me so much. Jonghyun blamed Key for not being able to produce anything. It was true though; Key's been pestering Jonghyun's mind. And maybe a bit of that Hyeongseop guy of his and what they may be doing in the fox's room.
"Maybe I'll just go get a drink." Jonghyun mumbled to himself, even if he knew he was making an excuse to check if something was happening in Key's room.
He went out and put his ear against the door of the fox boy's room
"I have to go now, Key. I'll be late if I don't go to the event now." Hyeongseop's voice creeped closer to the door and so did his and Key's footsteps.
"Frick." Jonghyun panicked and ran towards the kitchen.
I can't be caught eavesdropping. Jonghyun talked to himself mentally and got a bottle of Taemin's banana milk from the fridge.
Oh god. The kid's totally gonna kill me. I can hear his voice squealing at me for drinking two in one day. Jonghyun thought but still continued sipping from the bottle.
And soon enough, Hyeongseop's figure entered the kitchen with Key's following behind.
"See you next time, Jonghyun. It was a pleasure to meet you!" Hyeongseop waved off, disappearing into the living room.
"I'll just bring him to the door." Key slightly smiled, as if teasing Jonghyun that he was being courteous to Hyeongseop and never to the puppy flirt.
"Pleasure to meet you--Psh. Pleasure, my ass. Your ear is as big as an elephant's," Jonghyun muttered to himself once again. He disliked Hyeongseop even if he had no decent reason to. As much as he dismayed the thought, that tall model made him jealous.
"And that fox; why is he only kind to him? Why isn't he like that to me?" Jonghyun continued to rant. He put on a scowl as he stared at the kitchen wall.
"Yah. Yeobo. Get out of the kitchen, I'm cooking dinner for tonight." Key cut Jonghyun's train of rants and Key-centered thoughts.
"Nah. I'll just watch you cook, yeobo." He continued sitting on one of the stools.
"Whatever." Key mumbled and began cooking.
"So... Hyeonseop's just a friend, right? Or is he, uhm, something more?" Jonghyun blurted out suddenly.
"Friend." Key answered immediately.
"Why do you ask?"
"Uhm. N-nothing. H-he, uhm, seemed gay? Uh. Nevermind. Just pretend that you didn't hear me ask." Jonghyun stuttered.
He's jealous, alright. Yes. It worked. Key smirked while sautéing the vegetables for dinner. He liked vegetables and since he was cooking for tonight, the others can't complain. He liked all vegetables. But he doesn't like carrots.
"Okay. If that's what you want." Key smiled at Jonghyun.
Oh god. Did I seriously ask him that? He's going to notice. Jonghyun thought as he freaked out because of Key's smiling response.
He's going to notice... that I like him.
  Jealousy is deadly. Kibum had been successful using his chosen weapon and finally, Jonghyun had admitted to himself that he liked Key. And now, all he needed was the guts to remove his pride and the courage to tell the fox how he felt about him.
    Level 5: The Weapon, goal accomplished and weapon utilized.
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jinkssi · 11 years
The Crucial Game of the Heart; Level 4: The Weakness
"Urngh." Key felt like his head was going to explode. One small movement and the world went spinning.
"I won't drink like that ever again." He swore to the empty air of his bedroom and slowly got up from his bed. Everything that happened last night was like a blur. He only remembered getting drunk because of that coquet puppy and his annoying good looks.
He groggily went to the washroom just outside his bedroom and washed his face. He dried his face with the paper towel and roughly fixed his hair. Without even bothering to change from his pink pajamas, which by the way, he had no idea how he got into last night, he went straight to the kitchen following his stomach's request. Being hungry was an understatement; he was starving and his hangover wasn't really helping.
Draggingly and slowly, he went to the kitchen, almost stumbling at his own feet because he could swear that his eyesight was deceiving him of having two pairs of both his hands and feet, instead of two. He finally reached the almighty refrigerator and opened it up, only to meet its cold and empty insides.
"Yah! Choi Minho! You're the one due to buy groceries, right? Why is the refrigerator empty?!" He exasperatedly tugged on his hair and harshly closed the fridge shut. He was scary, alright, especially in the morning. And technically, even if it was almost noon, his hangover was only making him even moodier.
"Were you saying something, Kibum?" Minho's undersized head poked out from the corner of the kitchen.
"Where the hell did you come from, Choi?! You know I hate it when people come out from nowhere, especially if it was you and your undersized head poking out of the kitchen wall!" Key yelled out clutching onto his forehead because it really was an effort to shout in this post-drunk state.
It was true, though. Minho's head was too small for his big athletic body, and his frog-like eyes were way too big for his small idiotic head.
Minho just shrugged Key's nagging off and went further into the kitchen. "I was in my room playing Monopoly with Taemin."
And as if on cue, Taemin entered the kitchen, skipping with the high spirits he always had.
"Hi, hyung! Did you have fun with Jonghyun-hyung last night? Loads of fun?" Taemin chimed as he sat on the stool beside Minho.
"You guys still play Monopoly? Do you ever finish the game?" Key ignored Taemin and just leaned on the table in the middle of the kitchen.
"Not really, but it's quite fun." Minho blunted.
"It's really fun, hyung! You should join us sometime! Minho-hyung always get bankrupt!" Taemin exclaimed, almost falling out of his seat, but Minho was swift enough to support his back.
"I did that on purpose, okay?" Minho mumbled, lightly blushing while doing so.
Really, Choi. You sure are too lovesick with that kid for your own good. Key smirked while thinking. There really was something going on between the two. Key could feel it in his bones.
"Did you have fun, hyung? You never really answered me a while ago." Taemin pouted while placing his chin on his palm and resting his elbow on the table.
"Jonghyun-hyung was carrying you on his back when you arrived last night. You guys sure had lots of fun." Minho raised his eyebrows and made his eyes bigger than it usually was. He hinted so many malicious thoughts with that weird baritone voice of his.
"Yeah. He said that you wouldn't walk from outside the dorm. And from what I remember, you also showered barf all over his favorite dress shirt before entering the dorm." Taemin added, slightly giggling.
These two seriously are retards. Are they masochists, enjoying seeing me drunk and embarrassed after vomiting all over Jonghyun? Key thought before throwing another one of his usual fits. "Yah! Why didn't you guys tell me?! That was so embarrassing!"
"We are telling you now, right?" Minho shot back annoyingly.
Taemin stood up and added, "Oh and hyung, he even carried you to your room! I don't know if he was the one who changed your clothes, but-"
"What?! Yah! Kim Jonghyun! Who told you that you can change people's clothes just because they're drunk? You perverted opportunist!" Key stormed off to Jonghyun's room. It was so embarrassing that that happened last night, but Key had to appear unwavering and not show that he was embarrassed by such things, because he was playing a game. He had to appear superior.
He reached Jonghyun's room and swung the door open with such intensity to make the room's owner look up immediately.
"Yah! Kim Jonghyun, you bastard! You pervert! You geezer! Who gave you the right to take advantage of a drunk innocent soul like me? Changing my clothes late at night when I'm not in a sober condition, how could you?" Key told him without even pausing to catch his breath. Jonghyun remained still, his mouth hanging open. He was clueless. Kibum threw up on him last night, but he did not change Key's clothes. He only placed the pajamas on Key's bedside.
"What are you talking about? I didn't change your clothes; I placed your pajamas beside you, so it must be you who changed into them subconsciously. And for your information, you threw up on me so you owe me, big time." Jonghyun spoke up, almost calmly after a few seconds.
"And would you please quiet down? I'm sort of working on my project with Sekyung here." Jonghyun continued on and then nodded in the direction wherein a girl was sitting on his bed. 
"Hi. I'm Shin Sekyung, Jonghyun's classmate." The girl stood up and gave a bow.
Key slowly turned to face Sekyung. His face was on fire.
God. How embarrassing could this get? Key mentally slapped himself.
I need to regain my poise and confidence. I shall play along. I am Kim Kibum, the master of roleplaying. Key shifted from his awkward gawking posture to a more confident and smug-looking fox-like one. Revenge, once again was on his mind.
"Oh. Hi. I'm so sorry you had to have this horrible first impression of me. I'm Kim Kibum, by the way." Key went nearer to the girl and shook her hand. He then went to Jonghyun.
"Yah. Yeobo~ It's all your fault. Now your friend thinks badly of me. Hmph. After letting you top last night, this is how you repay me? You're such a bad boyfriend!" Key acted out as he sat on Jonghyun's thighs and then teasingly slapped the other's chest.
"What?! Oh my god, Sekyung. Do not listen to him. He's just acting out all of these again because he's upset. We did not do anything last night." Jonghyun shot up from his seat, pushing Key aside, making him fall off from his lap and pointing at Key's pitiful figure on the floor. Jonghyun kept shaking his head from side to side and enlarging his eyes (but not enough to have it as big as Minho's).
Key stood up while removing the imaginary dust from his clothes and then took a seat beside Sekyung. He put his arms around her shoulders and said, "You know what, as sweet and annoyingly cute Jonghyun is right now or at any time of the day, he's still a beast at night. Last night was a disaster, I swear. A blissful disaster, though. I love that beastly side of him." Key winked at Jonghyun.
He thinks I'm sweet and cute... Wai--What? Holy frick. He's digging his own grave. That fox. What is he doing ruining my image in Sekyung's eyes. Me? A beast? I'm an innocent tamed being, for Christ's sake! Jonghyun thought, still wide-eyed.
"What are you saying? You know you owe me, Kibum. I had to carry you all the way back from the club, because you're such a weakling when it comes to drinking. You barfed all over me! And you even said stupid things on the way back home!" Jonghyun finally spoke back. There was no way that he'd let those 'things' Key told him last night slip out of his mouth. Honestly, it had been bothering his mind the whole time, but he doesn't want to hold on to it. He can't hold on to it; he can't risk his heart in this game.
I think I'm falling for you.
I think I'm falling for you.
I think I'm falling for you.
No. It can't be true, Kibum. Jonghyun shook the thoughts off his head. He hated being bothered by his thoughts.
"Psh. Jjongie, you're such a bummer. You're no fun at all. I thought you were better than Minho and Onew-hyung! Well then, I guess I was wrong." Key shrugged his not removing his arm over Sekyung's shoulders. Sekyung remained stiff under his arms, but still amused at how the two bickered at each other.
"I am fun! It's just that you're being so annoying, Key! And please, hands off my visitor! We're doing a project, okay?" Jonghyun swat Key's arm from the poor girl's shoulders.
"I'm sorry, Sekyung. Key's always annoying, so I'd apologize for his behavior. And actually, this is the reason why I was totally against doing the project here. It's messy and noisy here." Jonghyun said before sitting down on his desk chair.
"What do you mean by messy and noisy? I am not messy and noisy! So, does this mean that you bad mouth about me all the time? And even to your friends? Oh my god, Jjongie, I thought you loved me!" Key stood up from the bed, making Jonghyun and Sekyung's eyes follow him.
"Ugh. Key, cut the acting already. Okay. Sorry then. Wait... What am I even apologizing for again?" Jonghyun leaned further into his seat, raising an eyebrow at the fox.
"Well. You changed my clothes without my permission last night and now you're bad mouthing me in front of your girlfriend, uhm, I mean, visitor." Key pretended to cough the last part out jokingly, but deep inside him, he was feeling something tugging his chest. Perhaps, the feeling of jealousy?
Don't get it wrong. Key doesn't remember any of the things he said last night, but he was still in denial if he really was feeling something for the puppy flirt. He didn't want to, because that would mean losing the game, but also at the same time he wanted to. Stupid pride getting in the way. In this game, it was either pride or true love, and Key wasn't decided on which one yet. Neither was Jonghyun.
"I-I can assure you that we're nothing more than friends. I-if you guys are in, uhm, in a relationship, I promise I'm not someone who'll get in between... You guys are actually, uhm, cute together." Sekyung suddenly spoke up, stuttering.
"Oh-oh. H-he's just acting. We're not in a relationship. We're just pretty close, that's all. He's just acting out everything,"
"Heh. And did you know that he goes to the same university as us? He's majoring in theater arts. That explains all the acting. Hehe." Jonghyun tried to remove the awkward atmosphere among them three, but ended up just sounding even more awkward and stupid.
As much as I want to be able to finally decide on something, I still can't because of this stupid game. I don't even know if he really likes me or he's just teasing me to win or something. I don't know if I should let my guard down, and maybe all that's certain now is that something is brewing inside of me. I don't know if I really am falling for him. Jonghyun thought for a few seconds and then decided that it would be better if he got Key out of the room so Sekyung and him could really work on their project.
"Yah. Just get out already, okay?" Jonghyun pulled Key out of the room and slam the door shut.
"But you guys really are cute." Key heard Sekyung say from outside the room.
"I-it's not what you think." Jonghyun sighed, but still coherent for Key to hear from the other side of the closed door. Key's chest felt a twinge of pain. He wasn't supposed to feel this way.
Am I feeling something for you, Jonghyun? Am I really? Key's mind was running around in circles. He didn't know if he's starting to become weak against Jonghyun. He needed to fight back.
Is this jealousy? Am I becoming jealous of Sekyung because there's a higher possibility of her being in a relationship with Jonghyun, even if for now, she was just a friend to him? Am I jealous because I was playing a game against Jonghyun and although I might be feeling something for him, I cannot confess? All sorts of questions ran through Key's mind, but in the end, he came up with an idea.
I think jealousy might be my weakness... but isn't it everyone's? Key thought in wonder. He was going to use jealousy, his weakness, as a weapon against Jonghyun. He was going to fight back, even if he knew he was already feeling something for the other.
Jealousy was the weakness of the heart, but it also can be the weapon to break another's wall down.
Level 4: The Weakness, cleared and new mission unlocked.
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