litterarumnebula · 2 years
"Weißt du, das hab ich nie kapiert. Warum es für die Leute als schlummste Beleidigung gilt, wenn man sie nach der Schamgegend einer Frau benennt. Mir scheint es so, dass es viel schlimmer wäre, wenn man nach den Geschlechtsteilen eines Mannes bennant würde. Ich meine, was stellt man sich vor, wenn man jemanden einen Pimmel schimpft?"
- Nevernight - Jay Kristoff
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litterarumnebula · 2 years
to protect a text is to protect the world itself
magus of the library
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litterarumnebula · 2 years
Jene, die verloren sind, haben Güte verdient.
- Motto der Geisterfinder
Cozy Grove
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litterarumnebula · 3 years
"Namast'ay in Bed"
- Lori Gottlieb -Maybe you should talk to someone
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litterarumnebula · 3 years
Sie besitzt die Stärke eines Menschen, der schon früh in seinem Leben viel zu viele Schmerzen aushalten musste.
Das Haus der finsteren Träume - Shaun Hamill
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litterarumnebula · 3 years
Death is the opposite of possibility
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litterarumnebula · 3 years
It turned out to be near impossible to stand in a library nd not want to pull things from the shelves.
The Midnight Library - Matt Haig
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litterarumnebula · 3 years
Want is an interesting word. It means lack. Sometimes if we fill that lack with something else the original want disappears entirely. Maybe you have a lack problem rather than a want problem.
The Midnight Library - Matt Haig
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litterarumnebula · 3 years
I still want to die. I have wanted to die for quite a while. I have carefully calculated that the pain of m living as the bloody disaster that is myself is greather than the pain anyone else will feel if I were to die. In fact, I'm sure it would be a relief. I'm not useful o anyone. I was bad at work. I have disappointed everyone. I am a waste of a carbon footprint to be honest.I hurt people. I habe no one left. Not even poor old VOlts, who died because I coukdn't look after a cat properly. I want to die. My life is a disaster. And I want it to end. I am not cut out for living. And there is no  point through all this. Because I am clearly destined to be unhappy in other lives too. That is just me. I add nothing. I am wallowing in self-pity. I want to die.
The midnight library - Matt Haig
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litterarumnebula · 3 years
"Antarctica is the driest continent on Earth. Technically, it's a desert.'/"
- "Well, that sounds up your street"
"I don't think it's far enough away "
- "Well, maybe you should be an astronaut. Travel the galaxy."
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litterarumnebula · 3 years
"Pressure makes us, though. You start off as a coal and the pressure makes you a diamond." She didn't correct his knowledge of diamonds. She didn't tell him that white coal and diamonds are both carbon, coal.
The Midnight Library - Matt Haig
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litterarumnebula · 3 years
Aber wenn du nachts schlaflos im Bett liegst, bist du genauso allein wie ich.
nie, nie, nie - Linn Stromsborg
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litterarumnebula · 3 years
"Ich wusste ja, dass ich keine Kinder will. Nicht mit ihm, mit niemandem, schon gar nicht mit mir selbst."
- Nie, Nie, Nie - Linn Stromsborg
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litterarumnebula · 3 years
Dying didn't seem to matter.
Mortal Engines - Philip Reeve
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litterarumnebula · 4 years
"She is in a prison of her own."
Mortal Engines - Philip Reeve
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litterarumnebula · 4 years
"Wenn ich bei dir bin, bin ich nicht einsam."
Eines Menschen Flügel - Andreas Eschbach
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litterarumnebula · 4 years
"Man nahm so vieles als selbstverständlich hin, und oft erkannte man erst, wenn es einem genommen zu werden drohte, dass es alles andere als das war."
Eines Menschen Flügel - Andreas Eschbach
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