lmfitnessuk · 4 years
Can you achieve goals working out at home?
With a huge portion of the world on “lock down” people are concerned about going out to fitness classes, the gym or group events.
A question I have been asked hundreds of times over the years is “can you really achieve your goals working out at home?”
The simple answer is yes… As long as you actually workout!
Whether you have equipment or not, there are loads of things that you can do at…
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lmfitnessuk · 4 years
Should You Avoid the Gym During The Coronavirus Outbreak
Exercise is an important part of being healthy and maintaining a healthy body, as is a well balanced and nutritious diet. However with growing concerns around the fast spreading COVID-19 virus, is it wise to skip the gym and perhaps workout at home instead?
As it stands, the UK currently has around 1140 confirmed cases of coronavirus and is expected to increase over the coming days and weeks.
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lmfitnessuk · 4 years
What to Pack in Your Hospital Bag - Hysterectomy Prep
What to Pack in Your Hospital Bag – Hysterectomy Prep
If you’re heading in to hospital for a hysterectomy, then there are a few essential items you will want to pack in your bag for your stay.
I remember thinking about this as I prepared for my surgery, and my mind kept coming up blank. I was so focused on prepping myself mentally, that everything else was just way too blurry to concentrate on.
A list like this would have been a godsend.
So, what…
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lmfitnessuk · 5 years
Scared to Poop Post Hysterectomy... Here's a trick
Scared to Poop Post Hysterectomy… Here’s a trick
Chances are if you have had a hysterectomy, you will be acutely aware of the risk of prolapse… Also termed as POP (pelvic organ prolapse).
This is basically where the bladder and bowel now have additional space to move and weaker support structures following the removal of your uterus and whatever else was taken. Your surgeon will have had to cut away some of your supporting ligaments in order to…
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lmfitnessuk · 5 years
Hysterectomy Recovery... What they don't tell you
Hysterectomy Recovery… What they don’t tell you
Somewhere in the region of 57,000 women in the UK have a hysterectomy each year, and this number is increasing by at least a few thousand at each count.
During the weeks and months leading up to surgery, you will likely google sensible, obscure, quizzical and crucial questions, and the level of answers that you find will vary greatly.
Whatever your reasons for opting for a hysterectomy, there is…
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lmfitnessuk · 5 years
5 Things You Need In Your Gym Bag
5 Things You Need In Your Gym Bag
If you are heading out to the gym today, what’s in your kit? Do you have any essential items that you MUST have with you in order to make your workout enjoyable, meaningful, effective or do you just rock up and hope for the best?
Whether it’s accessories or leggings, trainers or a specific sports bra, there’s always a something that you can’t do without in the gym… But let’s be honest for a…
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lmfitnessuk · 5 years
New Year Goals
When it comes to fitness, health & weight loss, it is easy to be overly enthusiastic in the beginning. Setting yourself a final end goal and heading out into the gym or studio with your shiny new pumps on – The Newbie!
I’ve seen my fair share of “Newbies” over the past 11 years of working in the fitness industry, and it is always kind of nice to see such enthusiasm towards health. However, those…
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lmfitnessuk · 5 years
Are You Even Breathing?
Are You Even Breathing? There is a wellness crisis going on across the world with modern day levels of depression and anxiety at an all-time high.
There is a wellness crisis going on across the world with modern day levels of depression and anxiety at an all-time high. Globally more than 300 million individuals suffer from depression, and this is just the “officially” diagnosed number.
It is now believed that depression has become the leading cause of disability worldwide.
But in a time when we have much greater access to freely available…
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lmfitnessuk · 6 years
Can Christmas Be Healthy?
Can Christmas Be Healthy? Check out these four healthier Christmas recipes and keep your sweet tooth satisfied this Christmas!
Every year, I hear all about people plans to eat chocolates, Christmas pudding and cake, trifles and custard, mince pies and brandy butter, whilst drinking an obscene amount of alcohol….. Yep, Christmas is coming & the goose is getting fat… But that doesn’t mean that you have to as well!
Christmas may be a time for giving and receiving, but it is only TWOdays, although the way society has gone,…
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lmfitnessuk · 6 years
Five Ways to get Winter Beach Ready
Five Unconventional Ways to get Winter Beach Ready! Have you primed your mind? Are you feeling confident? Are you ready to rock the beach look?
Are you jetting off somewhere tropical and warm this winter? Good for you…. room for a little one in your suitcase?
But, seriously, if you are jetting off to sunnier climates over the darker and colder months here in the UK, then I am genuinely happy for you! We all get a little cabin-feverish and stir crazy with the shorter days and lack of sunshine. I think it’s almost certain that living north…
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lmfitnessuk · 6 years
Ten Ways to Move for a Spectacular Ass
Ten Ways to Move for a Spectacular Ass! There are a gazillion and one different ways to shape, work, tone, build, reduce or improve your toosh, and some of them don't even involve squatting or lunging... Wahey! 
One of the most commonly asked “exercise” related questions that I get is “How do I Improve my Ass tone?” There are a gazillion and one different ways to shape, work, tone, build, reduce or improve your toosh, and some of them don’t even involve squatting or lunging… Wahey! Although to be honest, that is also a really good way to shape your derriere to spectacular new levels of awesomeness.
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lmfitnessuk · 6 years
Binge bitch! Binge!
The chocolate biscuits are staring you out from the passenger seat footwell in the car, and you can feel your anxiety building, just like the traffic around you!
You have been at work for four hours and it feels like eternity, it’s going to be a long day! Staff, colleagues, customers all ranting, moaning, complaining, whinging and whining about something.
“Such an such wont get off of my back!”  “There is no coffee in the machine!” “This office to too hot/cold!” “Why can’t they just do it properly!”
Office politics coming at you from every angle and it is…
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lmfitnessuk · 6 years
How To Start Practising Meditation
The world is a busy place, and so is your mind. Calming and quietening your thoughts can help you to seek the answers that you really need, or just some relaxing time to yourself. Meditation offers your a wealth of delicious benefits mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. But how do you get started?
I get a lot of people asking me about meditation and best way to practise, and to be honest there is no single answer that would suit every body. Just like there is no wrong or right way to meditate, every aspect is personal and unique, including your reasons and intentions.
Start by asking yourself why do you want to meditate? Is it to seek peace and quiet, relax the mind and calm the thoughts or…
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lmfitnessuk · 6 years
How luring is it when you see an advert claiming that you can lose 30lbs in just TWO weeks, and keep it off?
How many times have you been led to a website that wants cold hard cash for pills, shakes, potions, lotions all claiming to be the missing link in losing weight?
How much money have you spent over the years, trying these products only to realise that it’s all B/S??
And what the hell is in those pills, shakes, potions and lotions anyway? What the hell have you been putting in to your body?
You never asked did you? 😳🤔 Why is it that when someone suggests a pill or shake, people go nuts for it, and never consider what is in it and what it will actually do to your insides, yet give someone some healthy, good nutritious food and suddenly theres a gazillion and one questions…. where did it come from? What is it? What will it do to me? Will it make me fart? will it make me sick? Will it give me tummy ache? How will it help me lose weight? How much does it cost? and so on….
We’re questioning the wrong products!!!! REALLY!!! 🤔
  And what about those ridiculously crazy fad diets that you read about in some star studded magazine?
Every week, a new story, a new diet, a new way of shifting 20lbs QUICK…. and these guys know how to market to your pains, your vulnerabilities, your weaknesses! They know how to suck you in, chew you up and make you believe that THIS is what YOU NEED!
You have found ANOTHER NEW DIET! It’s called the Low “χ” Diet!
“χ” may represent sugar, fat, carbs, gluten, wheat, meat, white food or any processed food!
You know these articles, they always claim that “χ” is the leading cause of your weight gain. It is the secret underlying cause to our health and obesity crisis. It’s causing children and adults alike to develop chronic diseases. But by removing “χ” we can reverse all of these issues. We can turn back the clock and fix pretty much anything, and undoubtedly, we will all end up looking like Jennifer Anniston. Fat will literally fall off your butt, stomach, thighs, YOU WILL BE HOT!
Wow…. where the **** can I sign up for this, it sounds amazing… right?
And guess what, somewhere in the article it will probably tell you about some important sounding study that has discovered that it is in fact “χ” that is undeniably responsible for, and causing ALL of our healthy problems!
Wow…. again….! I need to strip all of “χ” out of my life RIGHT NOW! I need to lose 14lbs in a DAY!
No questions are asked!
So, you go about clearing your kitchen cupboards, you throw out anything that has any signs of “χ” on the label. Gone! In the bin! You feel liberated, motivated and ready to take this new Low “χ” Diet.
Now your cupboards are free for “χ“, and there is nothing but “γ” and “ζ” for you to eat. You feel amazing. THIS IS GOING TO BE IT! You are going to be slim, and hot, and confident, and sexy, and empowered, and worthy and safe, and happy!
You are extra vigilant, as you start to plan out your meals, meticulously avoiding “χ” at all costs. Going binge town crazy on the new “γ” and “ζ” so-called superfoods.
Pffft… This is easy!
You start out and you feel in control, this is easy to follow. “I am crushing the Low “χ” Diet and pretty soon, I am gonna look like JenAn! Whoop Whoop! Life’s great!”
Suddenly all of the conflicting stories start to seem more black and white, and hey, after a week you have lost weight! Fist bump…. it’s working! You feel amazing! FINALLY! *jumps for joy* You have finally found the secret key to losing weight…. do you shout it form the roof tops, tell all of your mates or keep it quiet for a little while longer?
A few week later, you are out with friends, people are noticing your weight loss, they are commenting, complimenting and congratulating you! “Wow, you look great, what are you doing?”
Little do these friends know that although you are still losing weight, its slowed from the incredible 7lbs in one week to a pound, or maybe even half. Your enthusiasm is waining and you are starting to feel deprived, as you watch your friends having a great time… but you CAN’T have “χ“, so that means you can’t really join in.
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That feeling of deprivation is eating a hole in your happiness, and suddenly you can’t stop thinking about “χ“. You feel hungry, actually no, you feel hangry, and then suddenly you are faced with a huge plate of “χ” staring right in to your very soul. You try and step back, try to rewind your mind to the article you read about “χ“, all those scary horrible facts and statistics from the important sounding study…. (Damn you brain, stop thinking about how yummy “χ” is!)
Oh, “χ” why do you have to smell so good! Why do you look so yummy! Why are you so bad for me? Surely a little “χ” wont hurt, just one mouthful! 
FUCK…. That’s a taste sensation! My tastebuds literally feel like they have stepped out into a Rio de Janeiro Street festival of colour, flavour, emotion, happiness… they are dancing with joy!
The next mouthful is just as good! Then you dip some tortillas in “χ“, scooping it into your mouth, as your soul lets rip a huge cry of joy! With crumbs flying everywhere, you just mutter those three words… Oh. My. God! Before you know it, all control has been relinquished to the amazing taste explosion of “χ“! Fist to cake hole!
Welcome to BINGE-TOWN!
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Your pleasure is audible, your friends are now looking at you as you spot more types of “χ“, melted“χ“, liquid“χ“, “χ” with“χ” spread on it. There is literally “χ” everywhere! 
All rational thinking has now left the building!!! You slump back into a chair close to “χ” coma. But damn, it felt soooooo good!
Reality Strikes!
As you start to re-awaken from your “χ” coma, the realisation of what happened starts to dawn on you, a bit like those blackout moments the day after the night out on the margaritas before. OH. THE. SHAME!
You feel sad, confused, angry, disappointed! You feel like a failure! You feel like you have let yourself down! Everyone is tutting at you, “oh look she spectacularly fell off the wagon…AGAIN!”
Why couldn’t you just say no to “χ“? Why couldn’t you have just turned away?
Life carries on, and you relent to the deliciousness of “χ” once more and start to eat it. Before you know it, your kitchen, your handbag, your work draws are full of “χ“. You are now a fully fledged lover of “χ“, spreading, dipping, dunking it at each and every meal to your hearts content.
Ten days later, you are back up to the weight you started at, all of that hard work, of that restriction, all of those rules you followed so tightly were for nothing. Damn it! All of that effort, wiped out! Reversed! Fuck you “χ“! I knew you would make me gain weight! You bastard! I hate you… (but I actually love you!). Damn you! Crap, I am useless! I will never be slim or happy or sexy or confident. I am not worthy of them things! And with that, every portion becomes a little bigger than the last with a big side serving of self-loathing! Fuck you life!
A few months pass, and you are now heavier than you were before… But you have had time to think. you have had time to refocus, get your motivation back up, increase your desire to change and your will power. But this time, you MUST try harder! You must be stronger! You MUST follow the rules!
So, now not only are you restricting “χ“, but you are avoiding all social occasions that may involve “χ“. I can’t go out for dinner there might be“χ“! I can’t go for drinks with the girls, there may be “χ“! I can’t go to visit the family, there is always “χ“! 
My family, my friends, my partner all need to be more supportive, more encouraging! They need to now change their lifestyle to fit with my restriction of “χ“! 
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Sound Familiar?
This story is lived out EVERY SINGLE DAY, but many people across the world! Myself included!
“Diets” have always promised what they can’t deliver, and have always been a sore topic of conversation for many people… and a controversial one at that! There are many disagreements, arguments, fall outs all based around “diets” and their false promises of body transformations, lifestyle changes, perfect health and perfect bodies.
“Diets” don’t work! At least not for the masses! Yes, there may be some people who are capable of living their entire life confined by the rules and restrictions that come attached to any diet, but these people are not necessarily happy!
And truth is, that although diets do not work, they all promote the same message…. Eat better, move a little bit and avoid the shitty food!
Any diet that restricts your caloric intake, whether it is calorie tracking, low carb, vegan, keto, paleo and so on, isn’t going to serve you or your body long term. It may bring SOME weight loss results and marginally better health initially, but in most instances this isn’t for the reasons that they claim.
It is purely down to the fact that you have started to eat LESS, or more, depending on which goal you are heading for. Truth is, these diets may bring results in the first few weeks, or even months, but do they address the fundamental issue in the first place?
The issue that you and food have a love hate relationship, which is directly affecting your relationship with your body!
NO! They address your size, weight and health, but they do not affect your habits, behaviours, beliefs, emotions, feelings OR happiness. You cannot and will not find happiness in a weight or a dress size, believe me, I was there once, I achieved my goal, but I still wasn’t happy, I still wanted more.
If you are always restricting yourself, then you will always feel deprived, and therefore always run the risk of frequent visits to Binge-town… Yeah, way to make yourself feel better….. right?
Diets, and the rules and restrictions that they place on you not only affect your relationship with food, and your relationship with yourself. But your relationship with those that you love and your social life. No more dinner dates in case of “χ“! No more nights out in case of“χ“! No more afternoon teas in case of “χ“!
Do you see what I mean? You always run the risk of bumping into that one thing you least want to see!
The real problem that needs to be addressed if your mindset, your habits, your behaviours. You need to repair your relationship with food and with your body, appease your mind and start to build the bridges back to Happy Town! Knocking down those to Binge-Town whilst you are at it.
You need to start LOVING yourself, your body and your food!
It’s not an easy journey, but it is certainly one that can be done, you just need the right guidance and support!
If you want to find out more about my Online Habit and Nutrition Coaching Programme, then just complete the contact form below and let’s have a chat.
“I can’t believe how much my outlook has changed since I started the coaching programme. Coach Lesley just seems to get me and she gets my issues as well. I am not dieting, and I eat what I want, when I want to, but something has changed inside me, because I actually do not want to eat the crap I use to! I want to eat the good stuff! It’s amazing! And I feel amazing! I am losing weight! And I feel happy! Best thing I ever did!!!” – Laura Waingart
Thanks for reading my blog today, I hope that you have found it useful… if you did, please share it with your friends, and hit the like button to let me know you liked it! Whilst you’re at it, why not subscribe so you receive notifications for future blogs?
Much love 😁
Coach Lesley x
  Featured Image Courtesy of Markus Spiske @ Pexels
                Do Restrictive Diets Actually Work? How luring is it when you see an advert claiming that you can lose 30lbs in just TWO weeks, and keep it off?  But dies it actually help you? How luring is it when you see an advert claiming that you can lose 30lbs in just TWO weeks, and keep it off?
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lmfitnessuk · 6 years
Good Stress Bad Stress
Stress is a massive factor in todays modern world, with high demands and expectations coming from all directions. It really feels as if there is no escape from it all sometimes.
Stress is a massive factor in todays modern world, with high demands and expectations coming from all directions, work, school, family, weight loss, health, even driving can be a stress with the roads being so busy these days. It really feels as if there is no escape from it all sometimes.
But recognising what is good stress and what is bad stress may help you to find your happy place and start…
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lmfitnessuk · 6 years
The Dieting Lifestyle
The Dieting Lifestyle We have all been there, right? I’ll start on Monday! Diets always start on Monday.... Why is that? What is so great about Mondays?
Taken from my book “The Sugar Coated Secret Love Affair”
    We have all been there, right?
I’ll start on Monday! Diets always start on Monday…. Why is that? What is so great about Mondays?
Whether you have tried to cut your carbs, reduce your fat, lower your sugar, count calories, track your macros or kept within your points, we have ALL dieted at some point.
And we all know many other women…
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lmfitnessuk · 6 years
Cheesecake Anyone?
Ok, so cake is not deemed as something that really falls within the "healthy eating" category... well, not normally. It's something that pretty much all diets forbid, and all diet-followers feel deprived of... right? Not anymore!
Ok, so cake is not deemed as something that really falls within the “healthy eating” category… well, not normally. It’s something that pretty much all diets forbid, and all diet-followers feel deprived of… right?
That feeling of much-o deprivation, is what often leads to the unwelcome and sometimes damaging visits to “binge-town“.
I really don’t like diets, and if you have read my book “The Sugar…
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