maxjustmaxnotmadmax · 3 years
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maxjustmaxnotmadmax · 3 years
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maxjustmaxnotmadmax · 3 years
Wrong Side of the Track Marks - MaxJustMaxNotMadMax
This song is about the process of healing from codependency. I hope it resonates with someone out there.
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maxjustmaxnotmadmax · 3 years
I still think that my favorite urban legend/folklore fact is that there are certain areas in New Orleans where you cannot get a taxi late at night not because it isn’t safe, but because taxi companies have had recurring problems of picking up ghosts in those areas who are not aware that they are dead and disappearing from the cab before reaching the destination and therefore stiffing the driver on the fare causing a loss for the company.
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maxjustmaxnotmadmax · 3 years
My girlfriend and I talk a lot about our different generations of queerness, because she was doing queer activism in the 1990s and I wasn’t.
And she’s supportive of my writing about queerness but also kind of bitter about how quickly her entire generation’s history has disappeared into a bland “AIDS was bad, gay marriage solved homophobia” narrative, and now we’re having to play catch-up to educate young LGBTQ+ people about queer history and queer theory. It gets pretty raw sometimes.
I mean, a large part of the reason TERFs have been good at educating the young and queer people haven’t is, in the 80s and 90s the leading lights of TERFdom got tenured university positions, and the leading lights of queerdom died of AIDS.
“Excuse us,” she said bitterly the other day, not at me but to me, “for not laying the groundwork for children we never thought we’d have in a future none of us thought we’d be alive for.”
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maxjustmaxnotmadmax · 3 years
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Some of y’all never went to a church that looks exactly like this and it shows.
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maxjustmaxnotmadmax · 3 years
Folk Punk Cover : Crazy - Patsy Cline/Willie Nelson
Went to the Patsy Cline Museum in Nashville this weekend and decided to make this.
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maxjustmaxnotmadmax · 3 years
The Patsy Cline Museum in Nashville is way cooler than the Johnny Cash Museum. There. I said it.
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maxjustmaxnotmadmax · 4 years
Phrase watch this.
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maxjustmaxnotmadmax · 4 years
Alligator appreciation post! How exciting! Alligators can climb trees! They have incredible downward bite force, but they do not have the same strength to open their mouth. This is why you can tape or hold their mouths shut. When males bellow to make mating calls, the water on their backs make a crazy pattern which apparently is super attractive to females. Pretty neat to look at. When their eggs hatch, the mother will carry the babies in her mouth into the water! I could go on for hours. Alligators are fucking cool. They're really favorite animal here on the tennessee river.
I have been using alligators as the base for dragons in a book I am writing. Please make me regret my decision and tell me some cursed facts about them!
contrary to popular belief, american alligators can survive the occasional deep freeze just fine!
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they do so by entering a torpor state that’s basically a short-term hibernation, but first they make a big ol’ hole in the ice and stick their face out of it so they can breathe until the thaw comes.
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depending on how long the freeze lasts, this may mean that the hole literally freezes shut around their faces, and abruptly the swamp by your house is now a skating rink with built-in pit trap hazards.
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don’t worry about them though, they’re fine! as long as they have access to open air, they’ll wake up when the temperature rises again and go back to lurking around pretending to be logs, though they may bonk around disorientedly for a few days afterwards. 
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“the shit was THAT about??? humans better stop fucking with the climate, I swear.”
overall, the alligators probably weathered the Great Blizzard of ‘21 better than the humans did.
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maxjustmaxnotmadmax · 4 years
It’s a working title. 
This song will be included in my upcoming album! Follow me on Tumblr and subscribe to my YouTube channel for more updates! 
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maxjustmaxnotmadmax · 4 years
Reblog if you didn’t write My Immortal
We’re going to find the author by process of elimination.
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maxjustmaxnotmadmax · 4 years
I would like to propose an alternative to sex, drugs, and rock n roll I call it dry humping, nutritional yeast, and folk punk and it’s a lifestyle designed for vegan youth pastors.
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maxjustmaxnotmadmax · 4 years
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maxjustmaxnotmadmax · 4 years
I read My Side of the Mountain when I was in 4th grade and became convinced that I was going to run away and live in a tree in the woods and teach a hawk friend to hunt for me. Honestly, my goals haven’t changed much.
the best genre of children’s lit is “kid survivalist novellas that make 8-year olds feel like they could also survive being stranded on an island or lost in the wilderness”
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maxjustmaxnotmadmax · 4 years
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maxjustmaxnotmadmax · 4 years
Renesmee, chatting to her friends at lunch: Yeah, my mom got married super young, straight out of high school, to a guy who was way too old for her. She got knocked up immediately. They kept the whole pregnancy a secret, she didn’t leave the house the entire time she was showing. My dad’s family didn’t even want to take her to the hospital to have the baby. My grandad, who was a doctor, was going to deliver me but she went into labour prematurely, like, way prematurely and they couldn’t reach him so my dad ended up having to deliver me even though he had no experience. Anyway, she died in childbirth. She was only eighteen.
Bella, from the other side of the cafeteria:
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