mentoillnesspolls · 2 months
Tumblr media
They are already selling data to midjourney, and it's very likely your work is already being used to train their models because you have to OPT OUT of this, not opt in. Very scummy of them to roll this out unannounced.
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mentoillnesspolls · 2 months
Hey guys, more than likely I'm not going to be using this account further. Tumblr has begun selling its user data to various AI companies, and while I have opted out of that option, it brings me immense worry about what other things Tumblr is going to do with what little they can sell (aka user data) to break even. I don't want to contribute to Tumblr farming data off of mentally ill people trying to seek out a place of comfort, that is horribly unfair.
If Tumblr continues down this route, this account will likely be purged in its entirety (so if there's any screenshots you would like to take for whatever reason, I recommend doing so now). For now it will remain up, but if sort some reason I do come back to this account, it will probably redirect to be slightly more broad, probably overall psychology focused instead of mental illness. (Although for now it will be on indefinite hiatus, as I'm dealing with chronic fatigue and even typing up posts like this takes a lot of my energy)
Hope you're all doing well otherwise, have a good one
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mentoillnesspolls · 9 months
*Highly complex or polyfragmented
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mentoillnesspolls · 9 months
According to the DSM, most people with excoriation disorder usually don't skin pick in front of others except for immediate family members, which was personally surprising to me since all my life I have skin picked in public. Wanted to see how applicable this was, so here's a poll!
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mentoillnesspolls · 9 months
Similar poll will come out next week about excoriation/skin-picking disorder!
According to the DSM, most people with trichotillomania usually don't hair pull in front of others except for immediate family members, which was personally surprising to me since all my life I have pulled hair in public. Wanted to see how applicable this was, so here's a poll!
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mentoillnesspolls · 9 months
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mentoillnesspolls · 9 months
Okay technically an off topic poll since aphantasia isn't a mental illness, but I've been curious about this. I have a very hard time with orienting myself and get lost a lot even in familiar areas- I have a few things that could probably explain this but I also wondered if it's exacerbated by aphantasia!
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mentoillnesspolls · 10 months
Wanted to compare how ppl with ADHD and autism feel about touch! (feel free to tag if you have both how you feel about touch)
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mentoillnesspolls · 10 months
If it depends on the situation, vote for the most often one (e.g. if you're usually indifferent to touch but get touch averse during a meltdown, vote indifferent to touch)
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mentoillnesspolls · 10 months
*Warmed-over flavour is an unpleasant taste associated with meat which has been reheated. Especially noticeable in chicken.
Okay this poll is based on absolutely nothing but pure curiosity. I've met no one else who can taste warmed-over flavour and I'm curious if it tends to be an autistic thing or not. Honestly wouldn't be shocked if it's just a random thing some people have regardless of ND but I gotta know
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mentoillnesspolls · 10 months
I've heard a lot from other people about how weed affects their system, and I've both heard of it increasing and decreasing communication. For me personally it increases communication considerably, but I'm curious what tends to be more common!
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mentoillnesspolls · 11 months
MDD = Major Depressive Disorder
Circumstance includes things like a brain injury, trauma, stress, or drug usage
Very curious about this one! Apparently ~50% of depression is caused genetically while the other ~50% is circumstantial, so I wonder how this will reflect that!
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mentoillnesspolls · 11 months
Initial: Difficulty going to bed
Middle: Frequent or prolonged awakenings during the night
Late: Early-morning awakening with an inability to return to sleep
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mentoillnesspolls · 11 months
Wanted to see how common this was! I hear false memories talked about quite a bit in the system community
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mentoillnesspolls · 11 months
*Enhancing one's own self-esteem by assigning an idealized value with whom you associate; e.g. considering the school you go to the absolute best or a person you associate with being the smartest
Curious about this one! I actually hadn't heard of "mirroring" in NPD until I read up on the DSM 5 criteria!
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mentoillnesspolls · 11 months
Just to let y'all know I'm going to be slowing down posts to once a week instead of once a day (probably will be posting Fridays). Keeping up with once a day posting is getting really stressful and I don't wanna burn out within like 6 months (also sometimes posting daily makes it really hard to actually read all the responses I get), so I'm pressing the brakes. If I ever have a large amount of ideas or just feeling like it I might post more frequently.
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mentoillnesspolls · 11 months
*Histrionic personality disorder
I saw in the DSM that people with HPD tend to struggle and get bored with having the same routine over and over so I wanted to see how common it tends to be!
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