missalli · 2 years
I just posted this, expecting to be ignored, and instead I had two terribly kind people come striding into the post and telling me im not a nuisance.
*flings a heart at everyone seeing this* HYAH *bolts for the door, knocking a guy holding a juice box over* 
I’m such a wimp.
I just tried to comment on a persons post for the first time in my damn life and I couldn’t because I thought my comment looked repulsive-ly stupid. Also felt like I had no business going into their comment section and saying the dorkiest crap. 
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missalli · 2 years
Could you do Yandere Neige with a reader who writes and sings their own songs when they’re alone, but all of the songs are really sad or scary?
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Sure thing! Yandere Neige is always fun for me to write ^^
tw yandere, obsession, alluding to a kidnapping
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Yandere! Neige with someone that likes to write and sing sad or scary songs
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Neige is super whipped for you so when he first hears you sing, he almost can´t believe his ears. He never knew his lovely darling was such a good singer!
He would stop whatever he was supposed to be doing at the moment and just takes a minute to stand still and secretly listens to you sing.
Your voice is so wonderful to his ears, more beautiful than even the happy chirping of the birds living in the woods he sometimes visits
He´s just standing there, hiding behind a tree and sometimes stealing a few glances at you before going back into hiding after a few seconds because he´s afraid that you might turn around and catch him in the act of listening in. He would hate for you to stop singing just because of him!
Maybe it´s best you can´t see Neige right now, his face is bright red and there´s a far-away look in his eyes as he just marvels at the precious moment you two are sharing right now
He´s sure that deep in your soul you can feel that he´s right here with you, you two are connected by fate itself after all!
He´ll just be standing there the entire time and fluster at how romantic you´re being, serenading him like this. You always know how to get his heart pounding!
Neige likes singing as well so he´s already imagining you two singing a romantic duet together. He just blushes even more at the thought of it, if that is even possible. He quietly sighs as he pictures the way you would both sing in perfect harmony as your glowing eyes meet and the deep love you feel for each other would be palpable to anyone that was listening
It´s only after a few seconds that he actually starts listening to the words you are singing and his heart starts aching when the lyrics finally settle into his mind
Oh darling, why are the songs you´re singing so sad? What is there to be afraid of? Are you not happy staying here at NRC?
Oh, Neige always knew that this school of villains was no good for a gentle soul like you. Sure, he admired Vil greatly but he knew not everyone was as good of a person as he was.
Is this a secret cry for help? Are you telling him how much you hate being at NRC and are asking him to save you and take you away?
He can just feel the deep sorrow oozing from the words that leave your lips and it just keeps breaking his heart more and more with each passing second
Neige loves your voice but he hopes you will start singing happier songs as soon as he finally takes you to RSA, where you truly belong
He mentally berates himself for having stood by idly for so long now, trying to take things slow with you because that´s what he thought would be the best for your shared future. After all that´s how all the love stories go he had personally acted in. But how could he have been so blind to your suffering all this time? He should have acted sooner!
He can already imagine how happy you will look when you wake up in your new home tomorrow. Oh, there´s just so much to prepare until then, Neige wants everything to be absolutely perfect for your arrival!
And then! And then you will soon see just how much he loves you and you will of course return his feelings and you will be happy together until the end of time!
So yes, Neige is literally planning your “relocation” and your entire future while you are just vibing, not even aware that he´s here
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missalli · 2 years
Heya can you make something with azul who and up crying in front of his owner and so now is scared to go back to the shelve. You can make the owner kind or not like you want :)
Somewhat of a continuation to Home?
Colour: Yellow - Azul has something like a panic attack.
The days pass by uneventfully. Azul makes himself useful, cleaning and cooking with practiced expertise. You take him grocery shopping, granting him a few hours to explore town as he pleases. Somedays you start to feel lonely and invite him to watch a movie with you. (He squeaked and protested at first, but gave in surprisingly quickly. You guess he needed the break too.)
Today is a day like any other. Azul is part of your life now, seamlessly fitting himself into your daily routine.
You're waiting for Azul to finish cooking dinner, doing whatever it is you do in your room when you hear a loud crash! You rush out to the source of the sound, finding Azul frantically picking up the broken pieces of a glass, murmuring inaudibly to himself.
As you get closer to him, you can make out what he's whispering. "You stupid octopus. Look what you've gone and done now. You ruined it. You ruin everything. You-"
"Azul?" You interrupt him mid-rant. Out of concern of course.
He jumps back with a yelp, one of his feet narrowly missing the scattered shards of glass. "Uh- Um, Master! This- I-I'm cleaning up, please don't come any closer!"
"Okay." You stay rooted in place.
"This is for your safety..." He turns back to pick up the glass, and you don't miss the way his breathing quickens under your gaze. He tenses up more and more as well. Before long, you hear the tiniest sniffle.
"Azul?" You call again, now feeling very concerned.
"Yes?" His voice comes out wobbly and terribly, terribly anxious.
Is he...crying? "Don't mind the glass. Can you turn around for me?" You weren't the best at comforting, but this can't be too hard, right?
To your dismay, Azul puts down the glass and turns around as if it pained him to do so, showing you his tear-stained face. "I'm sorry," he mumbles weakly.
"What for?" You're about to tell him that he doesn't need to apologize, that accidents happen, that you could just buy a new glass and-
"For breaking one of your things!" He starts to hyperventilate. "You've been so nice to me, and this is how I repay you? I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Please give me another chance. I'll do better, I promise. I'll do anything"- he chokes on a sob - "Anything for you to keep me. Please keep me."
You shush him gently, shuffling forward to wipe away his tears. "No, no, its okay. I'm not going to return you. You're not going anywhere."
He sobs, hands clamping around your wrists as if he can't decide whether he wants to hold you closer or push you away. Your heart breaks with his.
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missalli · 2 years
I’m such a wimp.
I just tried to comment on a persons post for the first time in my damn life and I couldn’t because I thought my comment looked repulsive-ly stupid. Also felt like I had no business going into their comment section and saying the dorkiest crap ever.
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missalli · 2 years
Idk if this is just me, but when I see TWST players show their screens, and they have stories they haven’t read, task items they haven’t collected from completing the mission or talks they haven’t watched I get just the tiniest bit irritated.
Like- just collect them! Don’t leave 23 notifications of chats availability! They give you gems, take them! 
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missalli · 2 years
Gacha struggles…
How the FUCK is my gacha luck this bad?! I haven’t gotten a single— not a SINGLE SSR since damn February. I’m surviving  these battles with two defense SSR’s and some crappy SR’s under my belt.  and you know what the worst part is? I got a stupid A on the fire test with this shitty set. 
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missalli · 2 years
TWST theorists… ah- what’cha doing? Um, ahaha… What- what… what’s going on here?
What y’all doing? I didn’t order angst- 
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missalli · 2 years
More like Pomefi-WHORE
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missalli · 2 years
What the fuck is wrong with people 😒
Ive been peeking at your blog and your writing is absolutely trash. You can't even do a proper fanfic for anyone. Plus, you've used my top 3 favs which is Ridle, Asul and Floyd. You write them too out of character. Also do you even realize how many people would've been better without seeing that disturbing writing of yours ? If you can't even write a proper fanfic about characters, then get the fuck out of Tumblr you disgusting whore.
Oh, excuse me? I fear that I could not understand you.
Well, at least I tried to do these fanfics... But I can take them down if wanted. Though, I don't think I'll be deleting them since it brings at least SOME PEOPLE happiness and serotonin! That makes me happy, but... What mistake did I do to receive this comment, I wonder? Mayhaps, you will be the one who can give me the answer, Anon-san.
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missalli · 2 years
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the fact that they chose Riddle lol
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missalli · 2 years
Dorms When Polyam!MC Gets Sick
More of a general headcanon style?? Idk. I'm still going to do dorm specific headcanons but how do you guys like this type? Also, Ortho is completely platonic and not aged up like the others.
Trey is very helpful during this time.
He takes very good care of you, often going out of his way to make sure your fridge is always stocked with something ready to eat.
Deuce and Ace are not as helpful.
At least Deuce tries, but Ace can't help forgetting half way through that you are, in fact, sick and he does, in fact, need to stop bouncing off the walls.
He's better when Riddle's around, but that's mostly out of fear he'll be collared.
^ Riddle does not play around when you're sick. Everyone sit down and act like adults or face the consequences.
Cater is also somewhat an annoyance.
Sure, he can be incredibly helpful, especially when everyone is at school and his magic can have him there and in class, but the guy never stops posting about it online.
#mypoorbaby is what he tags under a photo of you, surrounded by tissues and clinging onto a pillow.
You can kill him after you get better.
Leona either doesn't care about getting sick or simply doesn't think you can get him sick.
^Jack attributes this to something about being a protective lion. You don't know what that means exactly, but the dorm head does snear at the accusation.
For whatever reason, protection or not, most of the time Leona is at ramshackle, sleeping around the dorm and growling at unannounced visitors.
It's like having your own guard cat. Except sometimes he comes upstairs and tries to groom you because, let's face it, being sick is not a good look on anyone.
Jack doesn't come over as often as Leona, mostly due to his dedications to his obligations, but when he does he typically makes it his duty to fix up any mess.
He'll yell at Leona and anyone else who won't leave you alone during these little clean up sessions.
At least Ruggie is sort of normal. He makes you soup, but gets angry at the suggestion of anyone else eating it.
(^Also is constantly fighting with Trey and Jade to feed you because he's territorial like that.)
Best cuddle trio.
So annoying. They are so annoying.
Azul is like a fretting mother hen the whole time, and Jade ultimately bends to his commands, which only fuels this fire.
And, frankly, Floyd is the exact opposite. He's so needy. All this attention being taken away from him and being placed on the person who usually gives him his attention is annoying.
Won't leave you alone unless someone drags him out by his fins.
(He's dramatic)
At least Azul and Jade care. Even if they are sort of smothering you.
Don't be surprised if Azul uses your 'weakened state' as an opportunity to make some sort of deal. He may love you but he's still a man of the trade.
("Sign this document saying I'm your favorite" ffs Jade control your octopus)
More chaotic then then Azul and the tweels.
They're genuinely concerned, but Kalim is always bouncing off the walls and naturally Jamil is always trying to keep said walls from breaking under his weight.
Kalim brings you lots of tea
(^Jamil will then proceed to give you a different cup that isn't loaded with sugar.)
"Please Kalim you're hugging me so tight I can't breathe."
Jamil will either laugh at the scene or be incredibly annoyed. It depends on how sick you are tbh.
Kalim might try to sneak you from Ramshackle to Scarabia he's definitely that big of a mess.
(^^the image of dorm battles on Ramshackle lawn because you go missing is hilarious to me)
Gets you great doctors!!
Vil swears he isn't coming over while you're sick.
He does. He cares that much about you, but just know you'll never hear the end of the huge favor he's doing for you.
Honestly he really didn't need to come over. You would have been fine with Epel and Rook.
(^and the various other dorms who simply won't leave you alone.)
Vil makes sure to keep your appearance tidy by keeping your hair brushed and using a wash cloth to wipe off your face. On the other hand, Rook takes to sticking close to your side and Epel plays guard against the other dorms who often try to infringe upon your moments with the Pomefiore gang. They compliment each other very well.
Unfortunately Vil is scared of getting sick so the minute he gets any semblance of illness he's not coming back. Love, friendship, or whatever else be damned.
Rook is happy to take over his duties though. Perhaps a little too happy.
Epel fan get a bit too loud, but compared to some others, it's nothing really horrible.
Idia might visit in person once, but even that could be considered a stretch.
Idia will be available during school though, so he's great to play games with during the day when the others are busy.
It's not that he doesn't care about you, it's that he just doesn't like leaving the dorm, and since you aren't dealthy ill he can still communicate fine via screen no problem.
(This is absolutely annoying to you, but he and everyone else have no issues with this whatsoever. Just more space for them.)
Ortho comes around rather often though!
He's incredibly helpful
Also sends you little gifts to pass the time.
This is genuinely like watching humans try and care for an alien baby.
They all have some idea of what they're supposed to do but they're all so hyper aware of the fact that humans are so much more fragile then they are. Which is what leads to the inevitable call to Crowley because "Oh my goodness MC has been sleeping for six hours and they just woke up from a six hour nap two hours ago what is wrong with my human?"
Silver handles it a lot better then the other three tbh, and at least Lilia seems to have some sort of understanding as to what's going on.
Malleus and Sebek are a whole other story though. Chaos pairing.
There is so much yelling on Sebek's half. He's like an angry guard, chasing off anyone who even tries to come near you.
Malleus saves that rage for Leona, who is more then willing to escalate tensions despite your current health situation.
In conclusion, you're better off with Grim.
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missalli · 2 years
i learned that in the 1790s, the Guillotine was so popular that toy replicas were being sold to kids to behead their dolls and rodents, and the wealthy had tiny ones on their dining table for slicing bread (x)
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missalli · 2 years
Thinking about how NRC is the longest in Cater's life he stayed in one place and how he probably expects to lose contact with everyone once he graduates because that's what always happened in the past and he has no experience with long-term relationships to the point where, in the anthology, he doubts anyone even considers him a friend.
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