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Untitled {Random Post}…6/15/2017 I've had a few guys expressing interest in me but in my head I'm just saying "nah, go THAT WAY".
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What is it?...{New Poem}
What is it?…{New Poem}
What is it? For some reason I’ve slipped  Away from who I am Away from my core  Now I stand  Pushing  To gain me back  Remembering the days  To myself, working on myself, relentlessly  In my room giving myself singing classes  Dancing as if I’m on stage  The heartbreaks which lead to  Beautiful pieces of poetry  Now that’s the core of me  Which allows me to be set free  And for more months now…
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For me {NEW POEM}.
For me {NEW POEM}.
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FOR ME  THE HARDEST part of this journey  Was forgiving myself for  Taking on others beliefs  Of what beauty was Of dark skin being ugly  Of myself of being less than Of not being worthy of MORE Looking in the mirror at 300 pounds  I saw disgust  I saw someone I didn’t know I saw someone who was hiding  No longer the one who knew her worth  Just no clarity  Heart drowning in pain  Begging for…
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Limitless. Hey loves aka my readers, I've had a few guys expressing interest in me but in my head I'm just saying "nah, go THAT WAY".
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Unapologetically. {Random Post 5/16/2017}
Unapologetically. {Random Post 5/16/2017}
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My heart beat is getting faster and faster… The woman I’ve always dreamt of becoming is that much closer. I’ve never been there before so it’s scary. I didn’t think it was possible to become her, powerful in her skin, do things unapologetically and be loved for who I am. Not giving a damn of what anyone thinks. I’ve always viewed women’s bodies as art and never feeling comfortable with hiding my…
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REDEMPTION ...{3/17/17}
REDEMPTION …{3/17/17}
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With my whole heart ️  I now understand why I had to grow through all that I did  Even though it hurt deeply  It caused deep wounds  It paralyzed me for years  It made me dislike people  It made me believe things  But once I understand the power of FORGIVENESS  Not for them but for ME Everything has changed  Stepped into 2017 a whole new me God saw it all Guided my steps  Took away the tears…
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VENT...{March 10,2017}
VENT…{March 10,2017}
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Something’s on my mind  You see From day one  It’s been you and me  I remember talking to you about LIFE  Sex Dreams Aspirations  Hurt  It all June 2012 I said a prayer  Show me a path To get this weight off If you showed me a path I’d keep it off 4 years in  Now 88 down I proudly wear this crown Introducing this to me  Has revealed a NEW ME  I understand how unconditional LOVE IS  Especially…
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HAPPY NOW YEARRRRR 2017!!!!! {1st post of 2017}....
HAPPY NOW YEARRRRR 2017!!!!! {1st post of 2017}….
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HAPPY NOW YEARRRRRR it is 2017!!!! My goodness has time flied!!!!   Dear readers aka my loves, So in 2017 I’ve declared to get back to all things I love and to get back to being centered. Paying attention to my feelings and do things that makes me feel good, stretches me and places me at the next level I desire. Life is so short and we have to take the leaps of faith that will bring us closer to…
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No turning back {Poem}...Reflecting
No turning back {Poem}…Reflecting
At a young age I knew pain At a young age I felt ashamed I looked in the mirror I didn’t see DIVA I saw big, dark and ugly There’s no explaining how I felt I couldn’t accept myself Tears falling down of the heartache inside Each night wanting to hide Not knowing the true beauty I held You search to find stability from him But you don’t need validation from them God gave you validation Hold your…
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Healing is a process ...{November 3,2016}
Healing is a process …{November 3,2016}
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Hey loves (my readers), For me the last few weeks have been full of healing, centering, refocusing and growing. I’ve decided to take a look back into my past on a deeper level to figure out why I am the way I am, close chapters and to begin celebrating myself. No longer living through others validation, opinions and just loving myself to gain who I am really supposed to be. It wasn’t until the…
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Stronger Than That…{NEW POEM} Stronger Than That... It's been a weight on me ever since I decided to let go…
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Ambition ...{Random Post} 9-25-16
Ambition …{Random Post} 9-25-16
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Ambition… In this moment I’m reminded why I started Wale released the album “Ambition”…  2011 A year I graduated from college  But felt like I had the biggest setback  A dead end job hunt … Questioned my purpose in life  What direction was I going in How would I step into the woman God needed me to be  I always knew more was and is still in me  The potential I know I have  I just won’t let up on …
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Random Post...{September 5th,2016}
Random Post…{September 5th,2016}
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  2012…yeah that was me. The year I fell into depression after a year and change graduating from college and not working in my field. Was promised this 6 Figure job by Westwood College, never happened. Ended up working at Wegmans 7 years but I’m grateful because the depression lead me to finding my voice furthermore with my poetry. I learned that I lost confidence, I wanted love from someone who…
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NEW POEM ...{August 27,16}
NEW POEM …{August 27,16}
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Untitled – Aug Masking how I feel I can’t deal Building a business Mental game gotta be strong But for so long that’s all I’ve been Strong … Not having moments to be weak To be vulnerable To release To heal To accept that I love you Even when I told myself not too That’s the shit that burns the most Because your not here to feel this hurt Knowing I promised myself I wasn’t gonna fall again Until…
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Bold Enough...{New Poem}
Bold Enough…{New Poem}
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Bold Enough… I love who I’m growing into Still building up my confidence Now I’m more confident to be comfortable in my skin I can smile And it’s genuine I see myself solid Standing tall A powerful presence Humble still with a heart of gold But bold enough to know I’m chosen My God told me to stand tall Told me cause some friction Raise your standards Make em think, let em know your a force to be…
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August 14th, 2016 ...{Random Post...}
August 14th, 2016 …{Random Post…}
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Hey my loves, Ahhhh I’m back again. Sooner than later this time, lol. Crazy busy weekend. My nerves are going crazy a bit right now though. A million things crossing it so I said why not blog about what’s on my mind. First off, I’m currently fighting to find consistency in this crazy schedule of mine and in the process of building a empire that I’m aiming to have 7 streams of income. Right now to…
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Random Thoughts...It's been awhile {August 10,2016}
Random Thoughts…It’s been awhile {August 10,2016}
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Hey my loves (my readers), It’s been awhile since I’ve just hopped on and said what’s on my heart so tonight it’s one of those post. So many people have recently poured into me, different thoughts have crossed my head and old memories have had me in tears. Right now I’m asking myself, how did you get to this point? Anyone who knows me, know writing is what I do and I have a good play on words.…
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