oh-my-spn-one-shots · 8 years
What Destiny Has Chosen - Story Time
Words: 2.133
Pairing: Sabriel (Sam x Gabriel)
Warnings: Retelling of violence, psychological pain
Summary: Sam and Gabriel spend some alone time. What is Sam going to think of Gabriel after finding out about his past? (Contains a shortened and much less graphic version of Gabriel's Story, which I will link below)
A/N: As promised, here comes another chapter. I hope you won’t have to wait so long for the next but I can’t promise anything, me and my beta/editor/friend @godisalwayswright are very busy at the moment but we’ll do our best. As always, comments, likes and reblogs are very welcome. Love ya all!
What Destiny Has Chosen series:
Chapter 1 Chapter 2   Chapter 3   Chapter 4   Chapter 5   Chapter 6   Chapter 7
Prequel Gabriel
Part One  Part Two
Gabriel grins from ear to ear as he follows the black car to Sam's place. He had finally told Sam about them being soulmates and, what is even more important, convinced Sam to believe him. So needless to say, he feels on top of the world, just completely fantastic, like nothing could ever hurt him again.
The blonde haired man thinks back to the kiss they shared, it wasn’t particularly heated but filled with meaning and Gabriel thinks he's already on his way to being addicted to kissing Sam Winchester.
Sam Winchester... His soulmate. Even thinking that makes a warm, prickling feeling spread through his body. But then Gabriel starts thinking about his secrets and his past, the things he'd have to tell Sam.
What will Sam think about him once he knows his brother is a murderer? Will Sam think differently about him? Will they be okay? Will he still consider a relationship?
All these questions dampen the happiness in his heart but at least they don't kill it altogether. He must trust Sam to not think of his brother's faults as Gabriel's.
Gabe parks the motorbike in the parking lot next to the impala and climbs off, taking off his helmet and holding onto it tight.
A small, content smile spreads on his face as Sam gets out of the car and mentions him to follow. Gabriel quickly catches up to Sam and his brother.
"So you're back to talking, huh?" Jake raises a brow at them as he unlocks the door.
"Yes and now shut up." Sam grins and leads Gabriel inside. "We'll be in my room if you need us." He calls over his shoulder before smirking as he walks to his room slowly and clearly still in at least a little pain from his healing injuries. Sam swings open the door and holds it for Gabriel who walks in, eager to get out of the sight of Sam's brother's curious and suspicious eyes.
As Sam closes the door behind them and turns around, Gabriel has already plopped himself down on the bed.
"So you're Gabriel Novak, not George Smith." Sam states more than asks.
Gabriel nods slightly. "In the flesh. And you're Sam Winchester and not Tom Baker." This gets a nod from Sam this time.
"So you're not named after the actor of the 4th doctor after all." Gabriel jokes and Sam laughs.
"No I'm not." An uncomfortable silence spreads between them and Sam takes a deep breath and steps closer to the boy on his bed.
"So why do you have a fake identity?" Sam's question hangs in the air heavily for a few moments and he can see Gabriel's smile fade to be replaced with an expression of sorrow.
Sam sits down on bed next to him and frowns. It feels alien but at the same time oh so right as he reaches out to take Gabriel's hands in his own and squeezes it reassuringly.
The taller boy is about to say that the other doesn't have to tell him as Gabriel starts to speak.
"My brother and I are in witness protection program." Gabriel says quietly, looking at their joined hands on the blanket.
Shock is written over Sam's features as he squeezes Gabe's hand softly once more, not saying anything. He wants to give his friend time to open up at his own pace.
After a few deep shuddering breaths, golden eyes lock with worried green ones. "When I was 8 years old I came home from school, proud that I had gotten an A on a test I had studied for with my oldest brother." Gabriel states, glad that Sam isn't asking any questions, though the confusion is evident in his eyes at the mention of an older brother.
"Lucifer called me to the cellar and I went without hesitation. What I found wasn't the brother I grew up with but a cruel and cold replacement. Lucifer had our father tied to a chair and told me about his mother. Our father cheated on his mother with ours when he was drunk and it broke Lucifer's mother’s heart who later died with Luci watching. Anyway, he then forced me to witness dad being tortured."
Gabriel has to look away as he gulps, feeling unshed tears burning in his eyes, his whole body is shivering. Sam notices and immediately pulls him close to his chest, taking the blanket off the bed and wrapping it about the two of them.
Gabriel leans against Sam heavily, he's never talked about this to anyone but Cas, his mother and a therapist who claimed him okay after 4 meetings. Talking to Sam now feels weird, it opens up old wounds but at the same time it feels like now they finally have the chance to really heal.
Sam still hadn't said anything but Gabriel is fine with that. His left hand entwined with Sam as the other comes to rest on Sam's chest, playing with a button of his shirt. A small smile tugs at the corners of the shorter boy's face as he registers the hard muscles underneath the clothing covering Sam. Gabe then closes his eyes and continues to tell the story.
"I begged him to stop but Lucifer said that if I did anything I'd be put in my father's place." The hand rubbing circles on Gabriel's back feels good, making him relax just a little, making it easier to talk.
"Michael, my second oldest brother, came bursting in and when he saw what happened he attacked Lucifer, tackled him. I don't think it was intentional but Lucifer was still holding the knife he used to hurt our father and it impaled Michael's chest." At the last word Gabriel's voice breaks and the tears finally start falling, from Sam’s shoulder Gabe looks up at him.
Sam looks at Gabe, not with pity as Gabe had feared but with worry and a weird sort of pain that Gabriel can't really get a read on. After a moment Sam leans down a bit, lifting Gabriel's chin a bit as he kisses him softly, comfortingly on the lips. Both their eyes are closed and Gabriel lets go, losing himself in the kiss for a moment, letting it charge his batteries.
After a bit Sam breaks the kiss and peppers small kisses on Gabriel's cheeks, after a bit Gabriel notices that Sam is kissing away the tears still falling steadily from his eyes. It feels good, he feels cherished by Sam and that sparks something inside him. It tickles in Gabriel's tummy, for the first time he understands the metaphor ‘butterflies in your stomach’.
As Sam wipes away the last tracks of tears with his thumb, Gabriel rests his head once again on Sam's shoulder.
A minute later Gabriel finds his voice once again, determined to finish telling his story this time. "Lucifer looked shocked as Michael laid on the ground, dying. I ran over there and tried to help my brother, not knowing what to do. But since Lucifer wasn't paying us any attention Mike managed to sneak me his phone, telling me to call 911.
I held Michael's hand as he died but I had to call 911, after all it was the last thing he asked of me. I don't know how I managed but I called and only after saying a few words already, did Lucifer register. I started running away, desperate to finish the call before Lucifer caught me. He knocked me out cold. When I woke up in hospital they told me that my father and Mike were dead."
The tight squeeze around him caused by Sam calmed him in a weird way, it was as if this hug is holding Gabe together, stopping him from breaking.
"They caught Lucifer not long after but he only got a 10 years prison sentence. My mother died a year ago, she's had depressions ever since 'the incident'. I had only turned 17 but the witness protection program didn't want my brother and I to get a guardian. They had me checked by a psychologist who declared me mature enough to look after myself and my brother. They changed my fake ID's birthday so I was officially 18 years old. We live off the money the state sends us and what we inherited from our parents. I always wanted to one day have a real family again, one of the reasons I was so desperate to find my soulmate."
Gabriel finally ends his story and feels Sam rest his lips on the top his head. They sit like this for a while but as Gabe yawns Sam snuggles them in the bed, so they're fully laying on it, their heads resting on the pillow. Gabriel snuggles into Sam's side, his head now on his chest, listening to the strong and steady heartbeat of his soulmate.
"You're unbelievably strong Gabriel. I'm proud that you managed to get through all of that without breaking. You've become an incredible person and I can't believe I deserve a soulmate like you." It's the first time that Sam has spoken since Gabriel started telling his story. The low rumble of the taller boy's voice soothes Gabriel like nothing else, finally allowing him to completely relax.
A weight that had been crushing down on the smaller boy for a decade now feels like it's been lifted off his shoulders, if only partially. Gabriel can breathe much easier now, knowing Sam is here to support him.
Gabe yawns again, pulling up these memories and being accepted by Sam even after finding out about his history has left him exhausted. Sam starts rubbing soothing circles on Gabriel's shoulder blades.
"Sleep some Gabriel, I promise I'll be here when you wake up." Sam mumbles softly and wraps the other boy tighter in his embrace and the blanket, not caring that they're both still wearing shoes and all their school clothes.
"Thank you." Gabriel whispers back as his eyes droop and finally fall closed, his breath evens out and he falls into a deep, dreamless sleep.
Sam couldn't sleep, even if he wanted to, so he just watches Gabriel, thinking about everything he'd just heard. He closes his eyes and finally drifts off to sleep.
After a few hours a knock on the door has them both wake up.
"I don't want to know what you're up to in there but I've prepared dinner so you better get your lazy asses out here." The words are accompanied by another loud bang on the door before they can hear steps pounding back to the kitchen.
Sam looks at Gabriel apologetic. "I'm sorry, he can be an ass. How are you?" He kisses Gabe's cheek softly.
"I'm fine Sammy." Gabriel states and leans over, propping himself up on Sam's chest a bit as he leans in to kiss him happily. Sam smiles into the kiss and tangles a hand in Gabriel's hair, pulling him closer. It's not long till they have to pull apart to breathe but they both have grins plastered on their faces.
"Could we keep this to us for just a little longer?" Sam asks softly and Gabriel nods eagerly, not wanting anyone else to know for now either.
Once more Sam pecks his lips before pushing himself up on his elbows and huffs a laughs as he hears Gabriel's stomach growl loudly.
"Let's go eat before either your stomach eats itself or my brother decides to look what we're doing here after all." He helps Gabriel to his feet and kisses his head and fixes his hair a bit before opening the door for Gabe and leading him to the kitchen.
At the smell of lasagne and garlic bread that hits them at entering the kitchen, Gabriel's stomach growls once more in anticipation, even louder than before. "This is what heaven must smell like."
The older Winchester snorts at that comment but can't hold back a flattered smile. "Come sit."
Sam and Gabriel don't have to be told twice and they immediately sit down at the dinner table.
The lasagna Dean pull’s out of the oven could feed a small army but neither of them seem to mind and Gabriel eyes the food like a lion does his prey.
A minute later each of them has a huge plate filled with steaming food placed in front of them and not another word is wasted as they all dig in hungrily.
A breathy moan drops from Gabriel's lips around his first bite. "Holy shit! This is so good!" He exclaims, voice muffled by food.
The brothers look at him with matching smiles (and a small blush on Sam's face) and quirked eyebrows but as they continue eating, the noises they make aren't any better.
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oh-my-spn-one-shots · 8 years
What Destiny Has Chosen - Time For Treats
Words: 2.168
Pairing: Sabriel (Sam x Gabriel)
Warnings: panic attack, otherwise just fluff
Summary: Sam and Gabriel go out on the coffee date they planned. It doesn’t even go anywhere near what Sam expected it to.
A/N: I’m really sorry it takes me so long to upload these but it takes writing, editing and then some for it to be ready to go out. I’ve been very busy lately so I hope you can excuse it. Special thanks as always to my beta, editor and friend @godisalwayswright​ . You’re amazing! To make up for the late post I’ll put 2 chapters out there now, enjoy. Likes and reblogs always welcome!
What Destiny Has Chosen series:
Chapter 1 Chapter 2   Chapter 3   Chapter 4   Chapter 5   Chapter 6
Prequel Gabriel
Part One  Part Two
Sam was finally starting to feel better since the accident. Sure, his body still hurt everywhere but his mind was in a good place for once.
He will talk to George in less than an hour and can't be bothered with classes. For once in his life school wasn't the most important thing to think about.
Sam had missed out on a lot of school stuff during his sick leave, especially after George stopped delivering homework and notes from Sam’s classes.
But he wasn't dumb, Sam caught up on the important things quickly. What he didn't deem important, he thought could wait a week or two to be studied.
That was why he found himself constantly thinking about what was going to happen at that coffee shop. Just seeing the other boy earlier had stirred something deep within Sam, making him want to be close to him again. Just to forget about whatever had happened between them. But Sam wasn't able to just forget.
And maybe George just wanted to ask Sam to forget about it all and go back to being good friends. Yeah that'd probably be best, Sam thought but couldn't make his heart believe it for even a second.
The bell rings and Sam quickly and, completely out of his style, messily shoves his stuff in his school bag, before getting up and scrambling out to the parking lot where his brother had pulled up already. Sam's look was pulled towards a small red motor bike as he climbs into the car.
Of course Dean isn't happy to drive him to the coffee shop and wait outside while Sam was in there meeting the boy that had him so messed up, psychologically spoken, but he finally agrees and drives Sam there. If things went south, he could at least jump in and do his job as older brother to protect Sammy.
George wasn't there yet but Sam was sure he wouldn't have to wait long for him. He walks up to the counter to order for the two of them. Still remembering in perfect detail what George had taken the last time they had been there.
The soft ring indicating someone entering the shop, makes Sam turn with a smile. Only for that to drop when he sees it's not the handsome golden haired boy he's waiting for.
What if George doesn't show up after all? What if he just wanted to get back at him for being a jerk about their kiss?! Sam was slowly freaking out under the sheer pressure of what ifs crashing down on him. His heart starts to race and he must look like a deer caught in the headlights of a car, judging by the look on the barista's face.
Distracted, Sam of course didn't notice that George had entered and walked up to him while calling his name. Sam was staring ahead at nothing, mouth slightly opened as he takes quick heavy breaths.
"Tommy? Are you okay?" George lay a hand on Sam's arm, finally snapping him out of his daze, making him gasp.
Sam shakes his head and forces his eyes to focus on his friend. He gulps audibly and nods, having George next to him and touching his arm kind of makes him feel better already and his heartbeat calms down. "I'm fine. Uh hi." George can see that Sam is trying to get his head back together.
"I bought us Coffee and a jam filled powdered doughnut for you." The taller boy says as he hands the barista the money for the stuff and takes his soy latte with hands shaking badly from the after effects of the panic attack he almost had.
George grins up at him and takes his stuff to a corner booth, waiting for Sam to settle down next to him. As soon as he does, George clears his throat.
"So I wanted to talk to you about something." He takes one of the marshmallows and dips it in whipped cream and hot chocolate before finally putting it in his mouth and humming appreciatively, aware that Sam is watching him closely, mouth once again hanging slightly open. It makes George grin into his coffee, especially after seeing that Sam had memorised his coffee preferences perfectly.
"Yeah." Sam nods, trying to keep a straight face. "You said that much earlier." He takes a sip of his coffee and smiles nervously.
The shorter boy nods and put his cup down on the table in front of him, before wiping his clammy hands on his jeans. "Can you promise me one thing before I start?" He gazes to Sam with a pleading look in his eyes.
Sam frowns and raises a brow, thinking about if for a moment before hesitantly asking. "Depends on what that favour would be."
The shorter boy takes a sip of his drink with shaking hands, hoping the other won't notice. "Please let me just say what I need to say and listen to it. It's okay if you want to storm out afterwards but let me finish first. And I really hope you won't leave when I'm done."
He looks down now, afraid of looking into those eyes he come to love so much, in case Sam just decides to leave right now before listening to whatever bullshit George has to say. But he needn't worry, the other takes a deep breath.
"Alright." Sam chuckles at the almost surprised and confused look that George gives him. "Just don't make me wait any longer, it's kind of terrifying, seeing you all serious."
That has George barking a laugh too. "Right. I- uh... Mh. What I wanted to-" George had worked out a speech in his mind but now it was all just gone. Desperately he stutters as he tries to find the words, finally just blurting it out.
"I- I'm your soulmate! I mean you're mine... We're soulmates." George rambles till he sees Sam's face fall. The easy smile and happiness about going back to normal with his friend have vanished. The spark of hope he feels at the words is drowned by sadness that it can't be, desperation that it's all a lie.
"No we're not." Sam states firmly. "Where would you even get such a ridiculous idea from? The name of my soulmate isn't George Smith." Sam's heart aches as he sees the look of pain on George's face at his words, but it vanishes just as quick and the taller boy asks himself if maybe he had just imagined that.
"No, it's not." George whispers, staring at his own hands on the table, tightly wrapped around his cup. "His name is Gabriel Novak." He looks up at Sam to see shock in his eyes. "I'm Gabriel Novak and I saw your tattoo when I was riding in the ambulance with you."
A crease appears on Sam's forehead as his brows furrow at what the other is saying. "You can't mean that. You-" Sam shakes his head, trying to find an explanation. "This must be some sort of prank or you trying to make me talk to you again or... Fuck do I know!" Large hands are waving around for emphasis, almost knocking his cup over. Sam tries to wrap his head around the fact that either George is manipulating him and lying to him or, he's not George at all and actually his soulmate.
"You promised to let me finish and I'm not finished yet." George or wait- Gabriel -says with a strange mix of emotions in his eyes. "I'm Gabriel Novak and you're Sam Winchester. I'd show you my tattoo but I don't wanna be banned from this place too for indecent exposure." Gabriel is still talking very quiet as a small chuckle leaves him at the thought of it.
"Please you have to believe me. I'll explain everything at a more private location if you'd be okay with that but I can't do it right here, right now."
The hope in those golden eyes is so bright and engrossing that Sam finds himself lost for a moment before Gabe’s words finally register. The smaller man knows his name! How is that even possible? Nobody besides Dean, his father and his uncle Bobby know his real name and Sam knows they'd never tell anybody.
So that leaves Sam with only one conclusion, that Gabriel is actually telling the truth. He can't know his real name unless it's written on his skin.
"You- Gabriel?" Sam's thoughts are going 100 miles a minute, leaving no room for the formation of actual sentences. Sam stares at the boy across from him as if seeing him for the first time.
Gabriel sighs in relief and slides a hand over to lay on one of Sam's. "That's my name." A soft smile appears on his face and builds into a full blown grin. It makes the heart of the moose of a boy sitting next to him skip a beat and a blush spreads on his cheeks.
Yes, Sam must admit, it does make sense, they have felt it all along. All those little moments when they just couldn't stop looking into each other's eyes or when Sam felt drawn to him, even though Sam’s barely known him for a month.
The pieces of the puzzle finally came together and made a picture, even if one or two were still missing, for both of them, but that wasn't the point.
The point was that now all Sam could do was stare into endless orbs of gold and match his own face to Gabriel's smile. Sam reaches out and lays a hand on Gabriel's cheek, feeling his soft skin as he slowly leans in, seeing Gabriel doing the same.
Both pairs of eyes flutter closed right before their lips finally meet in the most innocent way. They're barely touching but it sends sparks of electricity down their spines.
It's not messy and desperate like last time, the intentions now completely clear and new. Their breaths mingle and Sam finds it intoxicating to smell Gabriel so close, breathing in their mixed breaths and all the while tasting him on his lips.
Sam opens his mouth slightly as the kiss deepens and soon they're out of breath, even without tongues being used. They break apart after what felt like eternity but at the same time like seconds and not enough. They just gaze into the other's eyes as they finally feel whole for the first time in their lives.
A moment later Gabriel breaks the spell by licking his lips and winking at Sam. "Mhhh. I thought I didn't like latte, but on you it's delicious." He smirks and Sam snorts out a laugh.
"And I'm not one for sweets but I think I've just found a chocolaty guilty pleasure." Satisfied with the small blush he caused, he moves a little closer, and dips his head down a notch till their lips meet again for a much quicker peck before he draws back.
"Now how about you follow my brother's car with your bike and we go to my place to talk a bit more privately." Suggesting this makes Sam blush only a little bit in a mix of nervousness, excitement and embarrassment.
What he certainly didn't expect was for Gabriel to simply jump up without missing a beat and taking everything Sam bought them, nearly bouncing on his toes. "Yes! You coming or what?"
Sam grins happily and slowly gets up, following Gabriel out slowly, mindful of his injuries and the pain still evident. He's happy as Gabriel holds open the door for him, not sure if right now he'd still have the power to push the heavy thing open. But still it makes him feel wooed, which he can't tell if it's a good or a bad feeling.
"Thanks." He simply says as he walks up to his brother's Impala with Gabriel on his heels. "See you in 7?" Sam asks happily and Gabriel nods, getting up on his tiptoes, damn Sam is tall, to place a soft kiss on Sam's cheek before handing him his coffee.
"Indeed." Gabriel waves and goes to his motorbike.
Sam opens the door to the passenger side of the car and hops in, pulling the door closed. "Thanks for waiting Dean. George is coming over, hope that's okay?"
That makes Dean raise a brow, he hadn't noticed the interaction outside, too caught up in a game on his phone.
"You two sweet for each other?" He says in a tone that's half teasing, half honest curiousity.
The blush on his baby brother's cheeks is enough of an answer and Dean looks confused and just a tad concerned. "I thought you were waiting for your Gabriel?"
Sam shrugs, not wanting to tell Dean a secret that wasn't his to tell. "Long story. Can we please get going?"
The older Winchester decides to drop it, for now at least. He starts driving home, followed by a small motorbike.
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oh-my-spn-one-shots · 8 years
What Destiny Has Chosen - Recovery
Words: 2.269
Pairing: Sabriel (Sam x Gabriel)
Warnings: John Winchesters A+ parenting, descriptions of violence (domestic violence, careful if youre easily triggered), injured Sam
Summary: Their fight is weighing both boys down and Sam decides to do something against his weakness, like his father so cruelly taught him to.Gabriel decides to finally really TALK to Sam about it all.
A/N: Yeah don't hate me. We're getting there as you can see. I really hope you like it. Likes and comments are always welcome, I like to hear from you guys.
What Destiny Has Chosen series:
Chapter 1 Chapter 2   Chapter 3   Chapter 4   Chapter 5
Prequel Gabriel
Part One  Part Two
Gabriel was cranky and he knew it. For a week, he hasn't heard a single word from Sam. Gabe hasn't called or texted him either and he sure as hell wasn't going to visit Sam again.
Maybe, Gabriel thought, maybe he wasn't worth it. And maybe Sam knew that and simply didn't like him, it wasn't unheard of for soulmates just becoming friends, mostly when finding each other after already having a partner.
But could they even be friends after what had happened? It seemed to him that whenever someone meant something to him, he screws up and hurts them.
Even Sam is hurt because of him and they're not even together. First there was the accident, if it wasn't for Gabriel, Sam wouldn't have been on that street.
And then Gabriel just had to go and hurt him even more by kissing him before explaining they were soulmates. He just got carried away.
It was all his fault.
For Gabriel, it always came down to this sentence when something happened. Michael would still be alive if he hadn't tried to protect Gabriel. His father would be too, if Gabriel had been faster to call the ambulance. And, even though he hates himself for thinking this, Lucifer would still be happy and free if Gabriel hadn't told the police.
As if reading his thoughts Castiel walks out from the kitchen, he takes one look at his brother and knows what's going on. "Stop this Gabe. You did what felt right. I'm sure Tom will come around."
He holds out a glass of water to Gabriel before plopping down in the chair next to him. "What are you watching?" Cas mentions at the TV that has been on for about an hour while Gabriel was thinking. He had totally forgotten about the device.
"Nothing. You can turn it off if you like." He answers with his voice bare of any emotions. Gabriel doesn't even blink as Cas does as told. He just downs his water and nods to his brother as a gesture of thanks.
"So have you spoken to Tom about what happened yet?" The soft question from Castiel is met with a glare.
"No! And I won't. I made my point and now it's his turn. Though I'm not even sure anymore if I want him to take the next step." Gabriel snaps and sets the glass of water down on the table with more force than was needed before crossing his arms over his chest.
Castiel sighs and goes to the kitchen to start making dinner, leaving his brother alone with his thoughts.
If Dean had learned one thing from his brother over the years, it was how to make a bitchface. It didn't reach the same level as Sam's but it was still easy to recognise.
"Sammy stop this shit and sit down!" Dean growls deep in his throat and shows the expression he worked so hard on.
"No Dean." The younger brother says through gritted teeth and laboured breathing. "I can do this. I have to..." There's sweat on Sam's forehead as he leans on the wall heavily, his legs shaking and his muscles starting to cramp.
Sam hates the feeling of being weak, to be unable to do even the easiest tasks by himself. After a couple hours with crouches he had decided to simply not use them anymore. They had always been in the way and he never had a hand free to carry something.
Now he was doing it the hard way, as he always had to. In his mind his father was yelling at him. That he was worthless, weak and a sorry excuse of a man, literal waste of space. Why George ever kissed him was beyond his imagination but he could just imagine what his father would say to that.
Yes, John Winchester had never been gentle with the words he threw around at his youngest son. Especially not when he had been called to the hospital after Sam had gotten into a fight at school when someone had insulted his mother. The nine year old had had a broken nose and bruised ribs afterwards and the other boy got away with barely a scratch.
Once John had dragged his son back home he unscrewed a bottle of whiskey and started drinking. Later he was forcing Sam to do sit ups and push ups and any exercise he could think of. No matter how much pain Sam was in.
Whenever the boy asked for a break or to drink a glass of water his father would yell at him. That Sam shouldn't dare to waste water on himself if he couldn't even stand up to someone insulting him.
Sometime after that Sam almost collapsed and John was too drunk to have any of it. He punched his son right across the jaw.
After two hours Dean had come home from school and found them like that. He had instantly put himself between his father and brother, earning a hard shove from John but not giving in even the slightest bit. The FBI agent just shook his head and went to bed while his eldest son took care of his little brother. Dean had been Sam's hero once more.
After this incident John had started to train his boys hard. He couldn't have them get hurt should they ever get into a real fight or should his cover ever blow on one of his cases. Dean was a natural but Sam more than once was pushed beyond his limits.
Sam pushes himself away from the wall and forced his leg to move, to make another step. He's holding his breath as he stumbles but catches himself before he can fall.
The weeks of lying in bed and sitting in a wheelchair haven't done Sam any good, but he won't give up. He can do it, he's done it before.
Dean watches his brother from only two steps away, so he could catch him and help him if he falls. He knows that Sam is too stubborn to allow his assistance or use the wheelchair or crouches. But even the most stubborn person has physical limits.
His lips pressed in a thin line and brows creased in concern, Dean watches as his baby brother tries to get from the kitchen to the sofa in the living room. Half the way is already behind Sam but now every inch seems to be a fight.
Dean has seen enough and he doesn't care anymore what his brother is trying to achieve, he can't watch this anymore. Yesterday, Sam told him to take the wheelchair back to the clinic but of course Dean hadn't listened.
Now Dean gets the chair from Sam's bedroom and pushes it towards his little brother with an expression on his face that leaves no room for discussion. "Sit down!"
Having lost the energy to fight Sam finally obeys his brother's order, almost falling into the seat. He rubs his pale face that is sticky and wet with cold sweat. Wiping his hand on his jeans Sam looks at a scratch on the wooden ground of the living room.
"Can I have a glass of water?" Sam scrunches up his nose as he realises how thin his voice sounds. Dean doesn't seem to mind as he gets him the requested item and waits for him to drink.
"Sammy you should take it slow, nobody is rushing you and recovery takes its time." Dean tries to reason but Sam just shakes his head.
"I gotta get back on my feet again and quick. School's not waiting for me and I can't just sit around all day and do nothing. I'll go to school again next Monday, no matter what." At least now his voice sounds stronger, Sam gulps down the rest of the water before trying to push himself back up, out of the chair.
A hand to Sam's chest stops him. "Yeah well, we'll see about that then. For now you've trained enough." Dean pushes the wheelchair into the bathroom and helps Sam take off his shirt. "Now get that sweat off you and come back to the living room. You can pick the movie tonight."
Dean huffs a breath of relief as he sees that at least this can get a tiny spark back in his brother's eyes. "Can we watch Lord of the Rings?" Sam looks at his brother with his best puppy dog eyes. Even though Dean has watched the movie with his brother what felt like a hundred times already he nods with a small smile, knowing that this is the least he can do to reward his brother's efforts.
"Whatever makes you happy, Sammy."
The weekend came and went and Gabriel's mood was still sour. Actually, with every day that passed without talking to Sam he felt more lost and angry. If you asked him he probably couldn't even tell you if he was more mad at Sam, Sam's brother or himself but it was probably a mix of all three.
Castiel had decided to walk to school today, no longer willing to put up with his brother lashing out on everyone who even dared to talk to him.
So, this morning Gabriel was alone on his bike again and he couldn't say that he minded. He didn't stop for breakfast even if he did have the time he just didn't really feel like eating. Instead he drives straight to school and parks his bike.
After exchanging his helmet for the school bag he locks the vehicle and goes to his class with professor Crowley. Oh he loathed English literature. To read what some dead guy has written centuries ago was just not making any sense to him.
With a stab of worry he sees that the seat next to his own is empty once more. Not that he’s surprised, Sam was still recovering after all, with or without Gabriel's help.
Now the golden eyed boy goes to sit and get out his papers, pretending to read through them as the rest of the class arrives one after the other. As the bell rings to announce the start of class and the teacher comes in, the seat next to his is still empty. Gabriel tries to listen to the professor to distract himself from his thoughts.
After a couple minutes of class the door opens again and Gabriel looks up to see Sam walking in. He's much paler and seems skinnier than Gabriel can remember, though it hasn't even been two weeks since their last encounter.
The way Sam walks has Gabe bite his lip in concern, he's so slow and every movement seems forced and painful.
"I'm sorry I'm late again, I promise not to make it a habit but I'm still not fully recovered."
The shorter boy is so focused on drinking in the sight in front of him and analysing every little change since he's last seen him that Gabe barely registers how Sam talks to their professor until he starts making his way over to his seat.
"Hello." Gabriel almost missed the word since it was spoken so softly, it was barely audible. He wonders why Sam isn't simply avoiding and ignoring him. His heart doesn't care though as it makes a backflip as he's being addressed.
"Hello." Gabriel replies almost as soft and then they don't speak anymore for the rest of the lesson. Just having Sam next to him again makes Gabe feel so much better.
Sam too looks better at the end of the lesson, that is till he has to get up again to go to another classroom. If it weren't so stupid and reckless Gabriel would admire his stubbornness, but as it is he doesn't.
"Can I help you?" He avoids looking in the other's eyes or saying his fake name, afraid his thoughts or his real name slip out by accident.
As Sam shakes his head he earns an eye roll and Gabriel takes his backpack. "Don't say it. I will carry this for you if you want it or not so shush. Let's move." He demands as Sam opens his mouth to protest.
Very slowly they make their way to the biology classroom and Gabriel hands the bag back. "Can we talk after school? Please?" For the first time since Sam walked into the classroom this morning, Gabriel looks into those deep orbs again. They seem to hold every colour of the earth and the sky in them, never just settling on one.
After a brief moment of consideration Sam finally nods. "I'll have my brother drive me to the coffee place you like to go to. I don't think I should sit on your motor bike at the moment." He mentions at his legs which are probably still hurting a lot, seeing the way he moves.
Gabriel is glad Sam chose such a neutral setting for their talk, though he doesn't really want to be overheard. Whatever, at least he was getting another chance and that was all that mattered to him right now.
Nodding he smiles a little up at Sam, who flashes his dimples just a tiny bit in return, oh how he'd missed that smile.
"See you after class then." Gabriel waves and turns around after Sam had said good bye. Gabe didn't turn back to see Sam looking after him but he could feel it in his bones and it put a bit more bounce in his steps for the rest of the school day.
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oh-my-spn-one-shots · 8 years
What Destiny Has Chosen - Can’t Wait No More
Words: 2.027
Pairing: Sabriel (Sam x Gabriel)
Warning: Slight swearing, still injured Sam
Summary: Gabriel is going out of his mind, he can’t seem to be able to catch Sam alone to finally tell him what he found out. But even when he does find the courage and time to do so, things don’t exactly go as planned.
A/N: I’m sorry for not posting on a more regular basis but I’m busy with my internship and things going on in my life. Also this fic really is more slowbuild than I originally planned but I promise they’ll get their shit together. Have fun with the new chapter, likes and comments are always welcome. I love to hear what you think and thank you all for your support. Special thanks as always to my beta/editor @godisalwayswright for making it possible for me to post this.
What Destiny Has Chosen series:
Chapter 1  Chapter 2   Chapter 3   Chapter 4
Prequel Gabriel
Part One  Part Two
Gabriel is getting more restless with every day that passes. They've kept Sam at the hospital for three more days than the original discharge goal, making it a total of ten days.
Of course Gabriel had visited every single day, as soon as school was over. He itched to finally tell Sam that they were in fact soulmates but he didn't want to do it in front of Jake.
He still wasn't entirely sure if Jake really was Dean or not. Yes, realistically it was highly possible that he was but Gabriel wouldn't take any chances. Also, it was a very private thing to discuss and he didn't want any witnesses.
The doctors said that Sam was healing quickly but after a quick talk to his brother they decided that Sam should stay in hospital, till he can at least move around in a wheelchair.
Gabriel smiled at that thought, it had probably been a wise decision, since he couldn't imagine Sam lying in bed all day. He'd do everything, anything to get busy and ignore his injuries.
Whenever Gabe visited, they would talk about nothing in particular. He'd simply bring Sam up to date with school work while Jake was looking bored and interfering, saying his little brother could at least take time off school while in the hospital.
For sure the younger brother would ignore him, the work distracting him from the pain he still was in, especially since he denied taking more than the minimum dose of pain killers.
But right now Gabriel was on his way to Sam’s apartment, sixteen days after the accident, with shaking hands he rings the door bell and walks in as the opener humms.
In his bag he's got a single red rose, a candle, Chinese food and of course the homework Sam is to do. Nervously he steps into the apartment and smiles at Sam who opened the door for him.
Gabriel leans down to give him a hug as Sam is still sitting in a wheelchair. "Hello there." He smiles, even in this weird position it feels great having those large arms wrapped around him.
"Hey there Georgy." Sam smiles warmly and wheels into the kitchen, followed by Gabriel.
"I brought you a late lunch." Gabe grins and takes the Chinese food out, going to search for plates and cutlery, anything to distract himself a little.
"Where's your brother?" Gabriel asks after a moment of bristling around, putting the food on plates and bringing it out to the smaller coffee table in the living room.
"Jake's out working. He couldn't possibly take more hours off so I told him to go on with his life again, after all it's not like he was the one who got hit by a car." Sam tells him and Gabriel takes a soft breath of relief, at least this time he won't have Jake watching over them.
"I guess though that he's back in an hour since he started working very early this morning." The explanation continues, but Gabe is barely listening over his own thoughts.
"Mh yeah. Let's start to eat." He encourages the taller man. They start eating in companionable silence, only interrupted by the noises of cutlery against the plates and quiet chewing.
After they're finished Gabriel takes the plates to the kitchen and sets them on the counter before going back to Sam. "Wanna watch a movie before we start on the school stuff? My stomach is so full, I can't concentrate right now."
A smile let the dimples dig in Sam's cheek and he nods. "Sounds like a plan. What do you wanna watch?"
Gabriel shrugs. "We still have to read Romeo and Juliet for English literature. Why not just watch the movie? It's with Leonardo DiCaprio." A glimpse of excitement shows on Gabe's face and Sam laughs.
"Romeo and Juliet it is then." He takes out his computer and opens a stream before getting lifted to the sofa with Gabriel's help. Sam would be lying to himself if he said he didn’t enjoy being partially lifted by George.
They lean back and relax as the movie gets started. But the smaller man can't take his eyes off Sam. The way he's smiling at the funny scenes and how his face is showing every single emotion going through his head and Gabriel just can't hold back a minute longer.
He straightens up where he's sitting and takes slow, deep breaths to prepare for what he's about to do. Gabriel's heart is racing and he can't hear anything beyond the white noise of blood rushing in his ears. He can’t tell if that's the excitement or panic.
Gabriel's hand finds its way on Sam's who turns and looks at him concerned, having heard his heavy breathing. Just as the brown haired boy was about to ask if the other is alright, Gabriel suddenly leans in and cups his cheek, his eyes closing as he touches his lips to Sam's.
A feeling of completeness and joy floods both their bodies and brains at once as the kiss gets returned. Sam's hands lay on Gabriel's sides, who has his arms wrapped around the other's neck now.
Gabriel nips the taller boy's lower lip, asking for entrance but in that very moment Sam's brain comes back online and he pulls back while pushing Gabriel away.
"What the hell?!" Sam asks with an accusing tone to his voice. "We're friends George! How can you just go and do something like that?"
Gabriel frowns deeply, both at the name and the reaction, he stands up from the sofa so he has a better look at the other. "S- Tom, listen-" Gabe had been about to use Sam's real name but he'd have to explain this all first. He can't continue to explain though as he's interrupted.
"No. Don't tell me why. I don't care. We're not soulmates, we'd never stand a chance. Even if there was something between us, which I'm not saying there is, I won't do this." Gabriel can see just a glimpse of a tear in the corner of Sam's eye but just as he opens his mouth again to speak the other continues talking, his voice gaining volume.
"You just took away the chance of my first kiss being with my soulmate, what were you even thinking?!" Sam exclaims.
"But that's not-" Gabriel starts desperate, tears now running down his cheeks in panic and the realisation that Sam isn't listening to him.
"Shut up George! Just leave! And don't contact me unless I ask you to." It's obvious that Sam would like to just storm out the room but he still can't walk, his leg unable to carry his weight so he just turns away from George.
"Please if you'd just listen for a moment!" The shorter boy makes another attempt as he sees tears roll down Sam's face as well.
Right in that moment the apartment door opens and in comes a rather exhausting looking Jake. He freezes mid-step as he notices the tension in the room.
"Tommy what's going on?" He asks carefully and approaches his brother, seeing that he's clearly upset. Shooting a glare at Gabriel who's was still standing close to Sam but is now taking a step back.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset him." But Jake shakes his head.
"Hasn't he been through enough in the past few weeks?! Did you really have to add to it? I honestly don't need to know what exactly it was you did but I want you out of here right the fuck now!" The older Winchester is standing between his brother and Gabriel protectively now, making it impossible to take another chance at explaining.
It's painfully clear that there's no way to do this right now so Gabriel hangs his head and picks up his bag and jacket.
"I'm so sorry. I really am. Please let us talk about this sometime." He doesn't wait for an answer as he leaves the Winchester brother's apartment and closes the door behind him softly.
Blinking back the tears Gabriel sits on his motorbike and makes his way home, but not even the cold wind helps his mind to clear. Feeling like he has just lost his soulmate, absolute agony tears at his heart, awaking old memories. Ones concerning a 10 year old Gabe waking up in the hospital.
But Gabriel doesn't allow himself to break down, not till he's safe at home and locked in his room, his face buried in his pillow. The older Novak brother doesn't care to take off his shoes or Jacket. Hell, Gabriel doesn't even care as Castiel knocks on his door worriedly.
For the first time in years Gabriel cries himself to sleep after being so obviously rejected by his soulmate.
"No Dean, he didn't hurt me, insult me or was mean to me in any way." Sam denies his brother's angry accusations and sighs.
"You were crying, Sammy! You don't just cry if nothing happened. Now tell me." The older Winchester demands, his loud voice making his brother cringe.
"He kissed me, Dean. Alright?! Just a kiss." The last part Sam mumbles to himself but Dean still hears it all.
"He kissed you even though you don't like him that way?" A low growl rises in Dean's throat.
But Sam shakes his head almost violently. "No, that's not it." He runs his hand over his face as Dean looks at him attentively. "I kissed him back. But then I freaked."
At this his older brother sits down next to him, where he hadn't moved from the sofa since George left the apartment. "Why did you freak out Sammy?" Dean asks softly, looking at his brother with worry.
"We're not soulmates. I shouldn't have feelings for him and he shouldn't want to kiss me." They can't look each other in the eyes. Dean because of his no chick flicks rule and Sam because he doesn't want his brother to see how hurt he really is. Yet Sam just wants to call Gabriel and tell him to come back.
Dean pats Sam's shoulder. "Sam it's okay to let loose sometimes. And just because he's not your soulmate doesn't mean your feelings are less real or unimportant." Again Dean jumps up now and shakes himself, rolling his eyes and laughs off the seriousness he just showed.
"Good talk. Now let's have dinner, get showered and get you to sleep little brother."
An hour later with Sam picking at his food and barely able to eat anything at all, then struggling with cleaning himself since he still couldn't stand by himself, he laid in bed.
All alone his thoughts raise up again, what if Dean was right? Should he try with George? But what if Gabriel came along?
Sam was thinking too much. His brain was overwhelmed with the proceedings of today. There was no way he was getting any sleep tonight so he starts on working his way through his piled up school work. They'd have their final exams in a few months after all.
"Come on Gabe. You at least gotta eat dinner. I've got cake for you. Please don't shut me out." Castiel pleads his brother through the locked door. Cas feels like he’s talking to a brick wall.
"I'll just set it down in front of your door, so in case you get hungry..." He trails off and runs a hand through his already unruly hair as he puts the plate he's been carrying down on the floor.
There's still no response, except for an occasional sniffing, showing that his brother still hasn't stopped crying.
Castiel has no idea what happened when Gabriel visited his friend but it couldn't have been anything good. It's been two hours since Gabriel locked himself in and nothing has changed.
Castiel hoped that sleep would take his brother soon and he goes to read a book in the living room. But he can't concentrate, his eyes constantly drifting over to his brother's door. Sadly it doesn't help either that Cas can’t get the stranger from the pharmacy out of his mind.
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oh-my-spn-one-shots · 8 years
What Destiny Has Chosen - Waiting
Words: 2.662
Pairing: Sabriel (Sam x Gabriel)
Warnings: Bad injuries, descriptions of injuries
Summary: Gabriel waits impatiently on news of his soulmate’s wellbeing, he meets Sam’s older brother for the first time and the doctor explains everything to them.
A/N: I’m sorry I totally forgot to update this series on tumblr while I did on AO3, so I posted chapter 3 and 4 both now. I hope you enjoy it, leave some kind of feedback if you want. Love ya all and especially my amazing beta/editor @godisalwayswright who helps me with all this and luckily has a grasp on all that hospital stuff that I’m rather bad at. Thank you! It’s a rather dark chapter but I hope you guys enjoy it anyway.
What Destiny Has Chosen series:
Chapter 1   Chapter 2   Chapter 3   Chapter 5
Prequel Gabriel
Part One  Part Two
A nurse comes rushing into the waiting room. "George Smith?" She calls and looks around.
Gabriel nods and steps toward her, looking at her name tag, Gabe nods at the pretty blonde. "That'd be me. How is he?" Gabe asks with a face full of worry and his stomach still clenched tightly.
"I am not allowed to tell you. I'm sorry." Jessica sighs and rubs her face. "The thing is, we are trying to contact his father but he has turned off his phone and isn't calling back either."
That makes Gabriel frown and look at the clock above the door. He's been here for nearly three hours and they still couldn't get a hold on Tom's- no. Sam's father?
"I see." He gulps. "So how can I help?"
Jessica smiles a little at his question. "Our paramedic said you mentioned a brother of his. But he didn't write down the name. Is that brother older than Tom?"
With a nod Gabriel tells her what he knows. That Jake is four years older and that the brothers were close and that 'Tom' mentioned he works at a garage.
"Thank you so much. We'll try to contact him and see what happens." With a friendly smile she leaves and Gabriel goes back to pacing. Jessica had looked worried when she thought Gabe wasn't looking. But she hid it behind a smile when they talked.
Right now the short boy just wants to get to Sam, his soulmate, and comfort him, make him feel better. All his instincts are yelling at him to not just stand here and be so useless but to help instead.
Of course his mind knows that it's better to let the doctors do their work and that he couldn't help right now anyway.
Dean is cooking in the kitchen, humming a Bon Jovie song to himself as he stirs the sauce for his spaghetti. Yeah sure he still had some leftover pizza but he didn't feel like it.
He has just come back from the pharmacy again but for the first time in a week, the blue eyed boy hadn't been there. A sting of disappointment settled in his chest but he was able to distract himself.
Or maybe he wasn't. The questions kept coming back. Why had the other boy not been there? Had something happened to him or was he just well again and didn't care a flying shit about Dean? And why the heck did he even care, it's not like he knew the guy.
Well at least Sammy was having a good time, he thought. His little brother had left him a note saying he was meeting with the guy from school that he just wouldn't shut up about.
Dean was happy that Sam had finally found a friend. And he hoped they'd be able to stay here for longer.
The sudden ring of his mobile phone pulled him out of his thoughts and he answered with a small smile at seeing it was Rufus, his boss. The guy was like a grumpy grandpa most of the time but he always means well.
"Heya Rufus!" He calls, sticking the phone between his shoulder and ear while cutting up some tomatoes for the sauce. "What's up?"
"Baker." Oh no, this was the older man's serious, down to business voice and Dean turned off the stove and frowned, wanting to be able to fully concentrate on what he was about to say next.
He probably missed something wrong with a car or something like that.
"Just wanted to give you the heads up. A hospital just called, asking for your number. I guess they'll call you in a minute but I just thought you should know." Dean's stomach clenched into a tight knot at the words coming through his phone.
"Did they say what they wanted?" He clears his throat. As he receives a negative answer, Dean thanks his boss and hangs up.
Something must have happened to his father. His thoughts are going a hundred miles a second and he tries to think of what could have happened. Maybe these assholes from the Mafia found out his real identity?
Dean gulps, his heart racing with worry. Then his phone rings again with the call he was expected. Clearing his throat he answers.
"Jake Baker?" He tries to sound as clueless as possible.
"Hello Mr. Baker. My name is Amy, I'm the emergency room ward clerk from Mercy Hospital." A calm voice says, coming through the speaker.
"How's my dad? What happened?" Dean asks without leaving time for Amy to explain, he's already getting his jacket and grabbing his car keys.
He had always known that someday things with his dad wouldn't work out, as obsessed as he was with their mom's killer, or what John calls him, the demon.
His thoughts have him barely listening till they come to a screeching halt at the word Tom being spoken on the other end of the line.
Dean stops dead in his tracks. Tom is his little brother's fake identity, not his dad's. He gulps and pales before talking again.
"W-what happened? Will my baby brother be okay?" He worries his lips as he waits for an answer.
"Your brother has been hit by a car. Please come by so we can discuss the details of his wellbeing, Sir." Dean nods till he remembers that the other can't see that.
"Yeah I'm on my way." With that he hangs up and rushes out to his beloved car, glad that his father didn't take it when he disappeared.
His father... Damn it, John would be mad at Dean. Watch out for Sammy. Dean can hear the words clearly in his head and shivers, feeling like he had failed.
He jumps in his car and starts the engine but for the first time in years he turns off the music before it can really start.
Dean Winchester is not in the mood for classic rock right now.
Dean floors his accelerator, speeding to the hospital, arriving there within mere minutes and rushes into the building after locking his car.
"I'm Jake Baker. Can you please tell me where my brother is? Tom Baker?" Dean is completely out of breath but he tries to stay calm as he addresses the ward clerk behind the counter who's typing away on her keyboard.
"Mr. Baker, I'm Amy, we spoke on the phone just a few minutes ago. Please go sit in the waiting area. The doctor will be out to talk to you soon. And I believe your brother's soulmate is still waiting as well." She says without really looking up.
Dean frowns in confusion but decides not to ask further. He walks to the room marked as waiting room and goes inside. His eyes look around for the 'soulmate' the ward clerk had mentioned.
He knows that his brother wouldn't have kept it from him if he had found his soulmate. Now the question was who's running around as Sammy's soulmate.
Dean's eyes land on George, he had never actually met the guy, except for briefly getting a look at him in the school's parking lot, but Sam had told him so much already that he recognised him.
"You must be George." Dean states matter of factly.
Gabriel turns to look at Jake properly, having not focused on anything in particular for the past three hours. He nods and holds out his hand. "Nice to meet you." His voice is filled with concern on Sam's behalf and for whether Jake would like him or not. But right now wasn't the time to think about that.
Jake shakes his hand. "Jake, Tommy's older brother, but you know that already, huh?" He waits for confirmation before sitting down.
"So what happened and why did you tell everybody you were soulmates?" He sounds worried and tired but also a tad curious.
Gabriel visibly gulps. "Tom was on his way to me with pizza when it happened. I heard the noise of the paramedics horn and ran out to see what had happened." The lie comes rather easy to him, it's sad in a way but with his fake life he's used to lying.
"The paramedic wouldn't have let me see him or come to the hospital with them if I hadn't said the soulmate thing." At least that wasn't a total lie.
Jake rubs his face. "I see. I'm sorry if I'm not good company right now, I just want my baby brother to be okay." The older Winchester brother sighs.
The smaller man nods and they sit in silence for a while, Gabriel barely being able to hold still, fidgeting in his seat.
"When the doctor comes to talk to you, may I listen too, please? Tom's my best friend, I'm worried about him." Just as Jake opens his mouth to reply a man in a long white coat comes walking in and looks at the only two young men in the waiting area.
"Which of you is related to Tom Baker?" He asks in a voice that means business. Immediately Jake raises to his feet and approaches the doctor.
"That'd be me. I'm his older brother Jake. But he's his soulmate so you may speak freely." He motions towards Gabriel who sighs in relief and gets up as well.
The doctor nods at them. "Alright. Please sit." He waits till they comply and continues. "I'm doctor Miller, I just performed a rather complicated surgery on Tom." He finally sits down as well, looking tired.
"Your brother will live, Mr Baker." The corners of Jake's lips curl up in a relived smile but the worry still has the upper hand.
"He's got a concussion, 4 broken ribs, his right hip is fractured and the left wrist is broken. Tom does have some internal bruising on his right lung and his liver but it isn't severe. He got lucky though, most of his inner organs haven't had any damage done to them."
Seeing the shocked look on Jake's face and the considerable paling of Gabriel he hurries up to continue and explain.
"My team and I stopped the bleeding that was caused from a split in his skin along his left temple and did what we could for his hip. We put his femur back in place with some pins and we have fixated his wrist and a cast has been put on. He's stable and sleeping now under the influence of heavy pain medication. But we're positive he'll wake up within the next 5 hours."
The doctor can see that both men in front of him are about to jump up to get to Tom's side but he holds up a hand to stop them.
"He has to stay here for at least a week and even after that he's on bed rest. Tom won't be able to walk for about three weeks. He is restricted to a wheelchair and later with crutches, he'll need to rest a lot. And come back here once a week for a month. He's not to miss those check-ups. Oh and no alcohol while his liver is recovering from the bruising. He's underage anyway but still. If there's any change about his health you need to bring him here immediately."
During all of this, the doctor looks Into Jake's eyes, he gets an honest nod in response.
"I'll make sure to remember. Can I go see him now, please?" Jake is almost begging him before looking over at Gabriel. "I mean can we see him?"
Slowly doctor Miller nods with a tiny smile. "Yeah, go see him, just be prepared for how he looks. Tom's wrapped in bandages and has a face mask to help assist his breathing. He's also attached to a monitor that is constantly recording his vitals in case they suddenly become unstable. When he wakes up, he'll be in pain so just press the call button and a nurse will come and give him some pain medication."
As the doctor notices them twitching he gets up and motions to them to follow. "Come with me, he's in room 072 of our intensive care unit."
With that he walks ahead as the others follow him and enter the room silently. The doctor excuses himself and leaves them alone.
Jake rushes to his brother's side and grabs his hand as he sits down on a chair beside the bed.
"Sammy." He mumbles so quietly Gabriel isn't sure he heard right as he approaches the bed. Still, even the thought that it is real makes his heart jump.
But then his eyes scan Sam's face and body and Gabe's happily jumping heart crumbles with worry and fears for his soulmate. Gabriel slumps down on a seat next to Jake.
"You'll be just fine. You can't miss out on school, you little nerd. There's gonna be so much you'll have to catch up on, can't have that S- Tommy, can you?" Jake adds softly, tears of concern in his eyes.
"I'll help you. Promise." Gabriel sighs and takes Sam's hand, laying his forehead on the bed beside Sam, feeling all the energy drain from him after this very long day.
Jake sighs and pulls out his phone, dialling his father's number but only reaching voice mail. He tries three more times before finally leaving a message. "Damn it Dad! Tom's been hit by a car. He's in the hospital, injured badly. Please at least call back. We need you here."
Jake hangs up and presses the heels of his hands in his eyes to refrain from breaking down right there and then.
Six hours later Sam wakes up from his comatose like sleep with pain soaring through every fibre of his being. He starts to hyperventilate, unsure of where he is.
Dean and George had fallen asleep a couple hours ago, being allowed to stay the night because Sam's still a minor. Now they both startled awake, George immediately reaching out and pressing the call button.
Dean meanwhile holds his brother carefully. "Calm down! Don't move, you're severely injured. Please just calm down." He pleads his younger brother as a nurse comes rushing in and takes the mask off Sam.
A coughing fit rips through Sam afterwards as he tries to breathe on his own now. His whole chest explodes with pain as his lungs expand and contract at that, pressing against his rib cage.
As the coughing stops he winces in agony and reaches out his hand, somehow the pain eases as it's gripped by another.
Everybody can see when the nurse ups the pain medication since Sam's relaxing partially, still breathing heavily.
"What happened?" His voice is barely audible and he can see the worry in his brother's and friend's eyes.
Dean clears his throat and starts explaining it all, including what the doctor had told them earlier.
Sam groans as he understands. "I'm sorry for making you worry." He then looks around and frowns. "Where's dad?" He levels a questioning gaze at his older brother who just shakes his head.
That answer is enough for the younger Winchester and he closes his eyes as he let his head sink deeper into the pillow, suddenly all tired. His brain feels numb from the medications running through his veins.
"Sleep Tommy." George says softly as he strokes his arm. "We'll be here when you wake up again."
Dean watches the scene with a brow raised. Forcing his eyes open once more, Sam looks at his friend. "Promise?" He mumbles, his eyes already about to close again but they can see him fighting it.
"Promise." George and Dean say at the same time, the word bringing a soft smile to Sam's face as he drifts off. He can feel the prickling, warm and for a change completely painless sensation of George's hand running up and down his arm. The feeling finally lulls him to sleep.
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oh-my-spn-one-shots · 8 years
What Destiny Has Chosen - Pizza And Revelations
Words: 1.696
Pairing: Sabriel (Sam x Gabriel), implied Destiel (Dean x Castiel)
Warnings: Descriptions of an accident, bad injuries
Summary: Sam is very excited to meet up with the handsome George today but he doesn’t actually make it there. A secret is revealed. And what is going on with Dean?
A/N: I’m sorry for what happens in this chapter but hey, can’t really get any worse, right? I once again thank my amazing beta/editor @godisalwayswright for helping me with this, couldn’t have done it without you. I hope you’ll all enjoy the chapter, as always, likes and comments or any kind of feedback is always welcome.
What Destiny Has Chosen series:
Chapter 1    Chapter 2   Chapter 4   Chapter 5
Prequel Gabriel
Part One  Part Two
Sam rolls his eyes at his brother. "Seriously Dean? Again? What do you need this time?"
Dean shrugs, he's been better over the past four days but is still going to the pharmacy every day and now he is grabbing his jacket to go again.
"I forgot to buy tissues." He states matter of factly.
"Dude you can buy those in any drug store. Also when was the last time you even so much as sniffed?" The younger brother frowns. "So why do you need to go to the pharmacy?"
Dean forces away the grin that was about to spread across his face when he thought of the real reason, then he fakes a sneeze and a half shocked face that nobody would buy.
"See, I just sneezed. And the ones you get at the pharmacy are more fluffy." And they are kinda tall, handsome, with unruly black hair and piercing blue eyes.
Of course, Dean doesn't say that. Well he doesn't even think it on purpose.
Dean hasn't actually talked to the other boy yet but he can't deny his interest, that doesn't mean he isn't trying to.
"Bye Sammy!" He leaves before his brother could say anything else.
"What the hell?" Sam sits down on the sofa and runs a hand through his hair, his brother is acting weird but he trusts Dean so he won't call him out on it.
Instead he takes out his phone and starts texting George. It has become a habit now, for whenever he doesn't have anything else to do, to distract him from thinking of the other boy.
Sam decided yesterday it wouldn't help anything to ignore George. At least at the weekend he doesn't have to see him and feel the sparks flying whenever they so much as meet each other's eyes.
Tom: 'Hey there'
Sam grins as there's a reply after only a few seconds, he imagines George waiting for him to text already.
George: 'hey Tommy! How's it going?'
Tom: 'I'm fine. Just hanging out, waiting to get hungry so I can eat the leftover pizza from yesterday.'
George: 'care to share? There enough left? Cause I'm hungry too and I'd even bring desert'
Sam smiles widely, yeah sometimes it was weird between him and George and he always has to remind himself that the other wasn't his soulmate, but in the end, he always got excited to see him.
Tom: 'Or I could leave the leftovers to my brother and come over. I'd pick up a fresh pizza on my way. How does that sound?'
He can't believe how fast George answers, it's Sam had barely pressed send and his phone blinked with a new message, it makes his heart skip.
George: 'Sounds just perfect! Do you know my address?'
Sam would have to lie if he said that he didn't feel a little tingly and a hint too excited for a meeting with just a friend.
Tom: 'yeah you gave it to me two days ago, remember? I'll be there before you can even think the word pizza!'
With that Sam pockets his phone, writes Dean a note and shrugs on his jacket. He grabs his wallet and goes out, stopping by at his favourite pizza restaurant to pick up the steaming goodness with extra cheese.
The whole time there's a smile on Sam's face. Even if he wouldn't admit it, this feels an awful lot like a date... And he likes it.
Lost in his thoughts he walks towards George's house, not really looking where he's going. As he turns to cross the street at a crosswalk, there's suddenly a long and loud honk, combined with the screeching of tires on the asphalt.
As Sam looks up, everything seems to be in slow motion, he sees the car coming closer, inch by inch but he can't seem to move and even if he could, it's too late now.
A blinding pain goes through his whole body as Sam is sent flying through the air, smacking his head hard on the concrete as he lands. The last thing Sam sees is a man running to him, yelling something as Sam lies on the hard ground.
His last thought is how much he wishes that man was George, just telling him he'd be okay. Then the whole world goes black.
A sickening feeling hits Gabriel all of a sudden. It's a mix of pain and nausea and he doubles over, holding his abdomen with a silent groan. He feels like he has just been punched right in the stomach, hard.
He had just been cleaning up the small apartment he and his brother share when it happened.
Something must be wrong, very wrong. The feeling subsides slowly, only leaving a tight knot in his stomach and the clear knowledge that something must have happened and it must have been something bad.
Gabriel runs a hand over his face, feeling the cold sweat on his forehead as he tries to breathe slowly and clear his mind. A picture of Tom keeps coming to the front of his mind and he can't push it away. He feels like a mannequin as an urge to find the source of this feeling rises up inside of him.
The next thing he knows is that he's outside and running on the sidewalk. He didn't feel the freezing cold of the air around him as adrenaline and fear run through his body like fire.
Gabriel hadn't put on a jacket or anything else to stay warm but right now he wasn't thinking about it, wasn't even caring about it.
From far away he hears the sirens of an ambulance. Following his instincts Gabriel suddenly takes a corner to the left, not even noticing that he almost ran into a bike or the angry shout from the man riding it.
Completely out of breath he finally runs out to the Main Street and sees the police already closing the road and a paramedic hovering over the large frame of a boy.
Gabriel feels like his heart stops for a moment, his breath catching in shock of seeing what his mind had already confirmed, what his instincts had told him already. It was Tom, and he has been injured badly.
Ignoring the police officer which tries to block his way, Gabriel runs towards where Tom was lying.
"No no no no no!" He mumbles desperately and grabs for Tom's hand.
The paramedic looks up from where he was fixating Tom's back, neck and legs for transportation. "Who are you?"
Gabriel shakes his head and looks at the paramedic desperately. "Is he gonna be okay?" The words catch in his throat but the other man seems to understand.
"There's no way of telling yet. We'll do x-ray's in the hospital." He shrugs. "Now would you please tell me who you are or just leave?" The older man says firmly.
"I'm his soulmate." Gabriel answers immediately, it feels like the right thing to say. He doesn't really know why he's lying but it doesn't feel wrong and it certainly softens the look in the paramedic's eyes.
"Oh I see." Just then they hoist Tom into the ambulance on a stretcher, with the help of two more paramedics. All the while Gabriel tries to hold onto but has to let go of Tom's hand.
"You can ride in the ambulance with him. And maybe help us contact his family." Only now Gabriel looks at the name tag the paramedic has on his shirt.
"Thank you Greg." He mumbles and sits on the small bench next to Tom.
"So, what's your soulmate's name?" Greg asks, while taking Tom's vitals but showing no concerns as he notes them, so Greg leans back a bit and turns a page to document a file for Tom.
Even through the icy grip of Gabriel's fear for Tom has on his heart, Gabriel can feel a soft warmth spread in his lower stomach for a second at the word soulmate. But it's gone just as fast as it came up, going down at his brain shouting at him that it's not true.
"His name is Tom Baker. He has a brother named Jake and his father is called Andrew, I think. They live right across from the park in Abby Street." He had brought Tom home once and somehow every detail about him seemed to get stuck in Gabriel's brain.
While Gabriel talks, Greg had noted what he's said and thanks him. "So what's your name?"
"Ga-" Gabriel stops himself and clears his throat. "George Smith."
Greg nods. "Do you happen to have the number of his father or brother?"
Gabriel simply shakes his head and stares at Tom, gulping at the sight of his ghostly pale face. He just hoped that as unconscious as he was now, he wouldn't be in any pain at least.
"Did you find his phone?" Gabriel asks quietly.
"Yes but it's completely crashed. No way to get any information out of it." Finally the ambulance arrives at the hospital and Gabriel quickly squeezes Tom's hand as he notices black writing peeking out underneath Tom's sleeve.
Looking over at Greg, he sees the man is busy with checking the vitals again, Gabriel pulls up Tom's sleeve to reveal the soulmate tattoo.
He doesn't know if he did it out of pure instinct, curiosity or jealousy but what he sees wasn't what he expected. Gabriel had thought that it'd break his heart to learn the name of Tom's soulmate, but instead...
Instead he found his own name imprinted clearly on the pale skin of Tom's forearm. Or should he say Sam's forearm?
It said Gabriel Novak in beautiful cursive letters.
Gabriel's heart starts to thumb heavily in his chest as the sudden realisation hits him that the young man in front of him is indeed Sam Winchester, his soulmate.
Right as the thought settles in, Tom, no, Sam, Is taken out of the car and rushed into the hospital.
Gabriel is told to just sit in the waiting area. Numbly he does as he's told, his brain still processing what his heart had already known.
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oh-my-spn-one-shots · 8 years
What Destiny Has Chosen - Gabriel's Story II
Words: 933
Warnings: mentions of domestic violence, mentions of death, depression
Summary: This is the second part of the prequel to What Destiny Has Chosen, this has no Sabriel in there or Winchesters at all. We left off at Gabriel passing out after Lucifer punched him, this shows what happens after.
A/N: Sorry this is such a short chapter, I hope you enjoy it anyway.
What Destiny Has Chosen series:
Chapter 1   Chapter 2   Chapter 3   Chapter 4  Chapter 5
Prequel Gabriel
Part One
As Gabriel wakes up he realises he’s in a white room, something’s beeping beside him and his head is throbbing with pain. Suddenly it all comes rushing back and he sobs as the beeping beside him becomes faster in unison with his heartbeat. “Michael! Daddy!” He calls out, hoping that what he remembers was only a bad dream. Maybe he hit his head and that’s why he’s in hospital now? Gabriel sits up just as a nurse comes rushing in. “Please lay back down. It’s all good. You’re in the hospital, you’re safe now Gabriel.” She forces him back on the pillow softly but firmly. “Where is my family? My daddy and Mike?” The boy sobs out just as a doctor comes into the room and takes a deep breath. The nurse shakes her head sadly. “How are you, Gabriel?” The doctor asks carefully. “I’m fine but I want my family!” The stubborn tone of his voice makes a sad smile appear on the doctor’s face. “Your mother is waiting outside, should I let her in?” The doctor asks him and Gabe nods. The nurse opens the door and before it’s fully open Gabriel has his arms full with his baby brother. “They put daddy and Mikey in bag’s! But you’re not going to be in a bag, right?” Castiel holds onto him so tight that it hurts but Gabriel couldn’t care less. He looks up at his mother who is still wearing her apron, she must have come running from her job at the bakery. Her makeup has left dark traces on her skin and her eyes are red and puffy from crying, as are Castiel’s. “They’re dead Gabriel.” His mother states matter of factly, bursting out into fresh tears and gripping his hands as the doctor starts explaining. Michael was declared dead at the scene when police and ambulance arrived, but there hasn’t been a trace of Lucifer. His father was still alive when they found him but had died on the way to the hospital due to blood loss. Gabe had lost two brothers and his father in one day. Gabriel wraps his arms tighter around Cas, holding onto him like he’s the only thing keeping his head over water.
— Four weeks later their mother still hasn’t stopped crying herself to sleep or wearing black. The police had brought them to a safe house and put them under constant protection. Seven days after the incident they had been able to catch Lucifer but they weren’t taking any chances. Today had been the day of the trial and somehow his older brother had managed to afford a very good lawyer. The music in Gabriel’s room was loud as he thinks about what they said. That the death of Michael had been a horrible accident, that all he did, he did because of grief. He even said that Lucifer hadn’t noticed that Gabriel was in the room. After a long 5 hours, it was all over. Luckily Gabriel was able to tell an officer everything that had happened, because he didn’t think he could have gotten a single word out on the stand. Seeing his oldest brother again had felt like being dumped into ice water filled with knives. Gabriel held onto his mother and Castiel the whole time. The sentence was devastating. Lucifer only has a 10 year prison statement, that can be reduced on good behaviour. The police had decided that it would be better for them if they’d go into a witness protection program. As all of them were in danger of Lucifer searching for them and possibly harming them. Tomorrow they’ll get their new identities and be flown out to their new life. His mother was advised to stop wearing black but she wouldn’t listen. Gabriel is packing his things as there’s a tiny knock on his door, almost not audible over the music. He turns it down and puts another book in his suitcase. “Come on in Cassie.” The door opens and Cas comes in to hug him. “You’ll never leave me, right Gabey?” He had been asking these kinds of questions ever since it happened, trying to reassure himself as much as possible. Gabriel nods. “I’ll do my best.” That seems to calm down the kid and together they remove every trace of themselves.
Becky Novak was watching them numbly, having lost the love of her life and her favourite son had crushed her. She doesn’t know if she’ll ever recover but she has to try anyway for her two youngest sons. Twisting her wedding band, she wonders if Gabriel and Castiel will ever find their love. She herself had found out that her soulmate died in a horrible car crash. People were supposed to be able to feel if something bad happens to their soulmate even before they ever meet. But there had never been something like that for her. That was why she married Chuck. It was easy, no soulmate bond involved so there had been no expectations either. Chuck had known what a real bond feels like but never said anything. “Boys! Come here.” Becky calls out and smiles softly as they come to a running halt in front of her. “Tell me the names of your soulmates.” At first the brother’s look at her confused but then Gabriel stands a little taller and smiles proudly. “His name is Sam Winchester and he’ll be the best soulmate in the world.” Castiel pouts at him. “No! Mine will be best! He’s called Dean.” Becky smiles and ruffles their hair. “I hope you’re both right.”
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oh-my-spn-one-shots · 8 years
What Destiny Has Chosen - Gabriel's Story
Words: 1.953
Warnings: Graphic description of violence, physical abuse, child abuse, character death
Summary: When Gabriel was 10 years old, something happened in his life that turned it upside down and destroyed everything he had known.
A/N: This is the prequel to What Destiny Has Chosen. It’s about Gabriel’s past and how he and Cas ended up where they are now. It tells a very violent and sad story. If you’re easily triggered please don’t read this. Stay safe and even though this is a very dark chapter, have a very happy Christmas.
What Destiny Has Chosen series:
Chapter 1  Chapter 2   Chapter 3   Chapter 4   Chapter 5
Prequel Gabriel:
 Part Two
“Luce!” Gabriel calls out happily as he gets home. After studying with his 20 year old brother Lucifer, he had finally got the A in history he was wishing for. “In here little brother!” Comes a call from the cellar. Slightly confused but too excited about the news to really care, 10 year old Gabriel climbs down the steps to the cellar. “Luce guess what!” The small boy grins up as he sees his brother and hugs him. The smile his brother returns is colder than usual but Gabriel doesn’t notice. “What is it Gabey?” “I got an A on that test!” He waves around with the paper in his hand so Luce can see the big red A in the corner. “That’s great! I’m so proud of you, munchkin.” Lucifer ruffles his younger brother’s hair, who giggles and tries to duck away. “I too got a surprise for you. Close your eyes.” As soon as Gabriel’s eyes are closed, Lucifer’s smile turns cruel and he locks the cellar door, pocketing the key. He turns away from the boy to look further into the cellar and turns on the light before leading him a few steps in. “Can I open them again?” Gabriel is fidgeting excitedly, unable to wait to see what Luce got him. Lucifer nods before remembering that his brother can’t see him. “Yes, you may open them again.” Gabriel grins widely and opens his eyes, at first not getting what it is, Luce was referring to but then his eyes widen. On the other side of the room is a single chair, Gabriel’s daddy is tied to it and has a gag in his mouth. As he looks closer he can see that his shirt is ripped and there are small, bleeding cuts on his chest.
Gabriel’s daddy’s eyes are filled with tears and he shakes his head desperately, trying to beg his eldest son not to do this. To let Gabriel go! “Luce….” Gabe’s voice breaks. “Luce what is this? Are you and daddy playing a game?” He’s still searching for some kind of explanation. “Are we playing dress up?” He frowns. “That’s fake blood, right?” Gabriel steps closer and looks at his daddy worriedly. “Are you okay daddy?” Chuck nods slowly before looking over Gabriel’s shoulder at Lucifer. Luce puts a hand on his little brother’s shoulder who seems relieved at his father’s answer. “Gabriel do you wanna be like daddy.” Gabe just shrugs, still unsure about the whole situation. “Uh… I don’t really want to be tied up.” He says in an apologising tone. “It’s okay, just sit down. You can watch.” He smiles coldly and points at the chair facing Chuck. Gabriel obediently does as he asks and looks towards Lucifer. “What will you do now?” Lucifer chuckles darkly. “Just sit tight and don’t move or you’ll take daddy’s place, understand?” Gabriel nods and frowns. “You mean our daddy, right?” Lucifer clears his throat. “Yes of course.” He takes a knife out of a holster on his belt, and steps in front of Chuck. “You are the reason she’s dead! She was your bloody soulmate, father!” He spits out the last word as Chuck starts shaking his head, struggling against his restraints, his eyes focused on the tip of the knife as it gets closer. “Lucy stop! You’re scaring daddy!” Gabriel shouts out, about to jump up as his brother spins around with a snarl. “Shut up Gabriel, you don’t know what this is about!” “Then tell me.” The ten year old orders stubbornly and Lucifer puts his knife away with a sigh. “Fine.” He stands in front of Gabriel and runs a hand through his hair. “6 years before you were born this man” he points at Chuck. “Cheated on my mother. The woman got pregnant!” Gabriel tilts his head, his eyes squinted in confusion as he tries to follow. “My mummy was pregnant with Mike then, wasn’t she?” “Exactly.” Luce grinds his teeth. “It hurt my mother so badly that when she found out she took me and ran away. As you know they had been soulmates.” The young man starts playing with the knife absentmindedly, his eyes unfocused. “It was winter and damn cold. Mom got ill and we were sleeping in a crappy motel without a heating system. I tried to help her, keep her warm. But I was only four years old!” His voice was getting louder with every word and in the end he was yelling. “I tried to contact dad, not knowing it was his fault! He ignored me though and I couldn’t cook or buy food to feed us. We were both starving and she was the one who died because she gave the little we had to me! I had to watch my mother die!” Spit flew out at the force of his words and he visibly had to force himself to calm down before he continued speaking. “Mom had only payed for two weeks so when the motel owner came to kick us out he found me curled on my dead mother’s lap and called the police. They brought me back here. To my father, him.” He sounded calmer now but his face was still carved with a look of rage and grief. “I only found out a few days ago why my mom did that. I found a letter she sent to that worthless piece of scum.” Gabriel inhales sharply at the insult of his father. “Now I get justice for my mother. It’s the right thing to do Gabriel.” Lucifer’s voice goes soft and he strokes his brother’s cheek. “You understand that, right? He took my mother away from me. Imagine if he took your mummy from you, Mike and little Cassie, how would you feel?” Luce sing songs with a warm smile, looking so different from how he looked only moments ago. Gabriel gulps. “I- I think I’d be angry. And very sad.” Lucifer gives a proud nod for his answer. “Now you see how I feel, and I gotta do something about these feelings or else I’ll snap.” He explains to his little brother. Gabriel thinks that Lucifer had obviously snapped already, but he doesn’t say so and just nods. Still scared of his favourite brother. The boy couldn’t remember ever really being scared before, except for maybe that one time Michael and Lucifer pulled that Halloween prank on him. Making him believe there was a vengeful spirit in their house. But even then it wasn’t half as bad as now. Gabriel can hear his blood rushing and heart beating loudly in his ears. Hoping that Lucifer can’t hear it aswell. “W- what will you do to him now?” Gabriel hates how small and scared his voice sounds, it’s shaking and now he knows for sure that Luce sees how frightened he is. But the elder doesn’t seem to care. “I’ll make sure he gets what he deserves. I’ll torture and kill him just like he did to my mother.” With that Lucifer squeezes his knife tighter and walks the three steps over to his father, the man he seems to hate so much. Quickly he takes out the gag. “Do you have anything to say in your defence?” Lucifer tilts his head with a nasty spark in his eyes. “Please Lucifer! I was weak. Your mother and I had a fight and I got drunk in a bar! I didn’t mean for that to happen but it did.” Chuck tries to explain himself. It just brings more anger on his eldest son’s face, Chuck shivers and tries for begging. “Please Luce, I love you, I always tried my best to be a good father to you. Please don’t do anything you’ll regret.” A dry laugh falls from Lucifer’s lips. “Yeah right. You were a perfect father. You didn’t even take time to grieve for mom, instead you married your one night stand that you impregnated!” “I’m sorry! Please!” But Chuck can see there’s no reasoning with Lucifer and Gabriel can see his shoulders slump forward as he gives up. “At least let Gabriel go, none of this is his fault. He had nothing to do with this.” Lucifer raises a brow. “You’re right.” Both Chuck and Gabriel look up with hope. “But he needs a lesson. This will teach him that the world is a cruel and unfair place. Sorry little brother, maybe after this you’ll be a better person than your father.” Chuck looks at Gabe and takes a deep breath. “I’m really sorry Gabriel.” He closes his eyes and waits for the unavoidable pain that he knows is to come. After what felt like years of screaming agony from Chuck and uncontrolable crying from little shell shocked Gabriel, the door bursts open. Michael looks at the scene and his eyes widen in pure terror. “Lucifer?!” He whispers, unable to believe his own eyes.
“Let them go!” The sixteen year old straightens his back and looks at his older brother with eyes of steel. “Or what?” Lucifer snarls at him, playing with his knife. His father passes out from blood loss just as Michael suddenly tackles Lucifer. They fall to the floor together and Lucifer pushes Michael off him. Gabriel jumps up and rushes over to Michael as he sees a red patch spreading out on his brother’s chest. Even Lucifer freezes in shock, he hadn’t meant for this to happen!
As Mike, had attacked Lucifer he was still holding his knife and it had impaled Michael’s chest as Lucifer was tackled to the ground. “Mike! No!” Gabriel pulls his brother’s head onto his lap, he’s shivering violently as tears keep streaming down his face.
With shaking hands, and luckily out of sight of Lucifer, Michael pulls out his phone and puts it in Gabriel’s hand. “Call 911. You gotta be strong now Gabey but you can do it.” Mike breathes out and smiles weakly at his little brother’s attempt to stop the bleeding. Slowly his eyelids become heavy and he grabs for Gabe’s hand and squeezes it weakly. “No! Don’t! You can’t sleep now!” Gabriel shouts as his brother’s body goes limp in his arms. He desperately starts to shake him so he’d wake up again but there’s no reaction.
His brain tries to progress what had just happened and he buries his face in Michael’s neck, sobbing, hoping it was all just a dream and he’d wake up any moment now. Lucifer frowns. “I’m sorry.” He whispers. “I never meant for anyone else to die or even get hurt.” “You killed him!” The younger Novak finds his voice again and points his tiny finger at Lucifer, looking up from where he’s still kneeling on the ground. Luce gulps and goes over, pulling Michael away so he won’t have to look at him anymore. Just as his back is turned, Gabriel takes Michael’s advice and dials 911. “911, what’s your emergency?” The voice of a young woman is heard as Gabriel presses the phone to his ear. “This is Gabriel Novak, 37b Thompson street. Please hurry, there has been a murder!” After he whispered the first part, Lucifer noticed what he was doing and jumped to get a hold of the phone. Gabriel runs away with it, his voice getting louder with every step. Finally Lucifer gets a hold of his arm and twists it hard causing the boy to yell in pain. Gabriel let go of the phone, Lucifer taking this opportunity to stamp on the phone, crushing it, then jerking Gabriel’s arm so hard something snaps inside.
As Gabriel screams, Lucifer punches him across the jaw, sending Gabriel sprawling to the floor as the world goes black.
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oh-my-spn-one-shots · 8 years
What Destiny Has Chosen - Flying Sparks
Words: 2.295
Pairing: Sabriel (Sam Winchester x Gabriel), hints of Destiel
Soulmate AU; High school AU
Warnings: None
Summary: What started with their brothers having a cold, quickly turns into a coffee date for Sam and George.
A/N: Writing comes easier to me lately, so I hope I’ll have out a 3rd chapter by New Year’s Eve. But it also depends on my great editor/beta reader @godisalwayswright so don’t be mad at us. I’ve got a prequel to this coming up which will be intense and comes with a lot of warnings. For now just enjoy the fluff and have fun. Leave a like or comment if you like it and I’m always open for ideas, though I can’t promise to put them in.
What Destiny Has Chosen series:
Chapter 1    Chapter 3   Chapter 4   Chapter 5
Prequel Gabriel
Part One  Part Two
Gabriel was strangely excited to go to school today and he knew the reason. Tom Baker, the new kid, who just transferred to their school.
Gabriel’s thoughts were filled with what ifs, that maybe they could become friends, or something more. Sure, just like everyone else he was looking for his soulmate but as long as that guy isn’t around he might as well enjoy his life.
He didn’t have to tell Tom about who he really is. They’d just keep it easy. Well at least that was what Gabriel told himself. One week had passed since he met the taller boy, they’ve had lunch together in the cantina and chatted lightly during their breaks; even the classes they shared. Tom was tall and handsome, had an easy wit and he was damn smart, impressing Gabriel constantly with how much he knew. But he was distant. And just like Gabe he made sure not to reveal too much of his past or about his family which made it harder to get to know him. Gabriel shrugs into his jacket and grabs the keys to his beloved motorcycle, he hasn’t had breakfast but he will pick something up on the way. “Cassie you sure you’ll be okay? I could take you to the doctor’s.” He calls out towards his brother’s room. “Or do you want me to get you something from the pharmacy on my way home?” He heard a coughing fit for a moment, covering any words Castiel might have said. Gabriel started to get worried, his brother was almost never sick! But now he was down with fever, coughing, headache and other disgusting things Gabriel doesn’t want to think about. “I’ll be fine Gabe. I’ll go to the pharmacy once I can stand up without getting dizzy.” A hoarse voice answers before a new wave of coughs stops him for a minute. “You may bring home chicken soup and tea when you get back. Don’t worry so much.” Gabriel sighs and rubs his face. “Alright Cassie, I’ll hurry. Call me if you need anything else.” As he only gets a cough for an answer he walks out the door and drives to his favourite coffee shop. —Sam— Sam can’t stop a laugh from escaping his lips as he looks at his brother this morning.
Dean has huge black rings underneath his glassy looking eyes, his nose is red and looks swollen as he sniffs, holding a tissue in his right hand. He sneezes loudly before making his way into the kitchen. “Morning.” His voice is hoarse and breaks in the middle of the word; jumping a few notches higher. Sam chuckles. “Good morning Dean.” He jumps up as Dean goes to the fridge. “What are you doing?” He raises a brow, stopping him. Dean shrugs. “I’ll make breakfast for the two of us. Muesli for you, bacon and eggs for me.” He looks at his brother confused as Sam shakes his head almost violently. “Hell no, you’re not making my breakfast! Actually, you’re not making any food today.” He gives Dean what people who know Sam call his bitchface. “I don’t wanna get sick.” Once more Dean shrugs and slumps down in his seat by the table as Sam starts making breakfast. “I’m not hungry if I’m being honest.” He clears his nose. “But I’m not that sick.” He protests weakly, followed by a cough. Sam laughs dryly. “Yeah right, you’re perfectly fine.” He rolls his eyes. “Seriously Dean, stay home today. I’ve got enough time left to walk to school.”
He puts a cup of hot peppermint tea down in front of Dean, followed by a bun without anything to eat it with. “You need something in your stomach.” With that he fills a bowl with muesli and pours milk on it before sitting down across from his brother and starts eating. “What the hell is this?!” Dean exclaims, with an offended look towards the steaming mug of tea. “Where’s my coffee?!” He looks at his baby brother. “No coffee for you today. You don’t need the caffeine. In fact, you better go back to bed after breakfast.” A challenging look sparks in Sam’s eyes as he looks at his brother stubbornly till Dean turns his head away. “Fine.” Dean bites out and they eat in silence. Sam gets up and cleans his bowl after emptying it, he goes to his room and comes back a moment later with his school bag over one shoulder and a note he sets down in front of his brother, the note has the name of pills on it. “This is a name of a medication for colds and flu. When you’ve slept enough you should go to the pharmacy and get these.” He states. The two brothers are always looking out for each other and protecting another. They both know they’d sacrifice themselves for the other without a second thought. John Winchester was barely ever home with his boys and by now he has been gone for three days but they don’t really worry about that, as they’re used to it by now. Dean just nods and watches his younger brother leave the house. —Gabriel— Gabriel grins at the feeling of the wind on his face, he didn’t bother putting on his helmet, just enjoying the drive. On the side of the road he sees the familiar backside of a ridiculously tall boy. “Tommy!” He calls out loudly as he gets closer and presses his foot down on the breaks.
The other turns around to him, having heard Gabriel’s call. A surprised smile lights up his face. Gabriel tilts his head in question as he comes to a halt in front of Tom. “Why are you walking? Doesn’t your big brother have time to drive you?” Tom shakes his head. “Told him to stay home, he’s not feeling well. What about yours?” Sam mentions at the empty seat on the bike. Gabriel chuckles. “He’s got a cold for the first time in five years.” He pats the seat behind him. “Wanna jump on and hitch a hike to school with me? Though I’ll drive to the coffee shop first.” Tom smiles and nods before climbing on,Gabriel has to hold back a laugh at the sight, the taller boys knees are literally behind his ears as he sits on the rather small bike. The look on his face is priceless. Gabe let the engine roar as the other boy frowns. “Wait! Shouldn’t we be wearing helmets?” Gabriel rolls his eyes and kills the engine again, getting out the helmets and hands one to Tom before putting on his own and climbing back on the motor bike.
Awesome, seems like Tom is another guy that plays by the rules. Though he has to admit that the other boy makes even the ugly helmet look sexy. “Anything else or can we get going?” He waits for a nod and starts the engine at last. “Hold on tight Tommy! Arms around my middle!” Damn, as Tom follows his orders it feels just perfect.
They fit together like pieces of a puzzle. He feels the pressure of the other’s thighs on his hips and his grip around Gabriel’s middle. Gabriel leans back into him and feels the top of his head safely tucked under Tom’s chin. He’d lie if he’d say it wasn’t the best and safest he’s felt in a very long time. “George?” He hears the worried voice of his friend just as he feels the rumble of Tom’s voice going through his chest. “I’m fine!” He hits the accelerator and starts the drive to the coffee shop. “Georgy!” The shop assistant exclaims happily as the door opens with a soft ‘bling’ to reveal the two young men. “I was already getting worried that you’d go somewhere else for your sugar flash.” She jokes. The girl is very pretty, like out of a catalogue and Tom raises a brow at Gabriel. Gabe chuckles. “Hey Layla! I’d never.” He assures her with a smile. “I’ve been busy lately and my brother didn’t want to come here as often as me.” Layla laughs. “Alright. Want the usual?” As Gabriel nods she eyes Tom, obviously checking him out, this causes a little jealous sting in Gabriel’s heart, though he doesn’t know why. “And who’s tall, dark and handsome?” It sounds like she’s asking Gabriel but her flirtatious grin is aimed at his friend. The taller boy clears his throat. “I’m Tom. I’d like a soy latte please.” His smile is polite at most and that fact somehow makes Gabriel feel a bit calmer. Layla gives him a thumbs up, not at all bothered by Tom’s lack of interest. As she prepares their food and drink she sways her hips sexily and humms Asia’s Heat Of The Moment, it makes Tom cringe. “A hot chocolate with extra sweet cream and seven mini marshmallows, plus a jam filled, powdered donut and a soy latte, all to go.” The shop assistant puts it on the counter. “You paying together or separately?” Just as Gabriel was about to say they’d pay separately, Tom steps forward, having had enough of unwanted attention. “Together.” He says with a suggestive grin towards Gabriel and puts down 20$. “Keep the change.” Tom hands a surprised Gabe his bag and walks out without looking back, only stopping to hold the door for the smaller boy. As they stand in front of the motor bike Gabriel wiggles his brows. “Wanna tell me what that was about?” Tom rubs his face and nods slowly. “In a world where soulmates exist, how can some people still try to get into as many pants as possible? I mean, for all she knows we could be destined for each other and still she’s flirting like there’s no tomorrow.” He sounds exhausted and takes a deep breath before sipping on his hot drink. “At least she makes a decent latte.” Tom tries for a joke but Gabriel can see the sadness in his eyes. And damn if he doesn’t wanna hold Tom and tell him it’s all gonna be okay because they’re soulmates… But that’s not true. Gabriel pats his elbow, it would feel and look stupid to reach up to his shoulder, and smiles a bit. “I’m sure you’ll find them soon and live happily ever after. Now drink your latte or we’ll be late.” Gabriel sips on his hot chocolate happily, feeling the sugar running through his veins and giving him the energy he’s going to need today. He takes the tiny plastic fork that Layla luckily remembered to put in his bag and pokes it into a marshmallow, first dipping it in the drink and then making sure it has a lot of cream on it. A small, satisfied moan escapes his lips as he closes his eyes in pleasure at the taste. “So good!” He mumbles. Tom just watches him with wide eyes, and the hopeless wish that the boy’s name was Gabriel Novak instead of George.
That face he just saw, in connection with the moan was the hottest thing he’s ever seen. The little voice in the back of his head is yelling that he wants to be the cause of it next time, he wants to make him happy, even in the most innocent ways. If these thoughts kept coming back he’d have a problem! Tom can see that Gabriel is about halfway done with his drink and so Tom hurries to down his own, even though it’s still hot enough to burn his tongue. After finishing their drinks in silence, only broken by small happy gasps coming from Gabriel, they drive to school and go to their separate classes. —Dean— “I’m gonna die.” The older Winchester brother mumbles to himself hoarsely after a wave of coughs had passed. He picks up the note Sam had given him and sighs. “You win.” Dean grabs his old leather jacket and shrugs it on. Once it belonged to his father and now to Dean who was given it as a birthday present when he turned 21. Luckily the pharmacy is only half a block away so it isn’t a long walk. Checking his wallet to see if he has enough money left for the medication, he makes his way out of the front door and towards the shop.
Winter is approaching quickly, outside its getting colder by day. Soon it will be snowing. Dean at least feels like he’s freezing, which only goes away once he enters the pharmacy, where it’s slightly too warm for his liking. Yes okay, he was being grumpy, but he has a cold so he was allowed to be, right? Once more the little bell on the door rings and a boy with messy black hair, piercing blue eyes and a red nose that could win against Rudolf’s walks in, sneezing loudly. He looks miserable and Dean finds himself feeling sorry for him, even if Dean’s not better off himself. “Young man it’s your turn!” The shop assistant calls out to Dean who quickly steps forward and hands over the note. “My brother said I should get these.” He looks around to the stranger. “And I guess he could use them too.” The young woman shrugs and gets him the medication. “That’s $14,99 please.” After Dean hands over the money he takes a pen laying on the counter and scribbles on his note. 'Hey! My brother said this medication is great against cold. Get well soon!’ As he turns to leave, the medication in his hand he smiles at the other boy and holds out the note to him, waiting for him to take it before finally leaving the pharmacy.
Walking back home, feeling warmer than before and wearing a small smile on his face for no reason at all.
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oh-my-spn-one-shots · 8 years
What Destiny Has Chosen
Words: 1.855
Soulmate AU, High School AU
Pairing: Sabriel (Sam Winchester x Gabriel)
Warning: none
Summary: When Sam starts out on a new high school in the middle of his last school year, he thinks it’ll be horrible. With his fake name he won’t be able to really get close to anyone, not to mention finding his soulmate. But then he meets someone who makes things seem easier.
A/N: It took me a long time to start writing again, I have 12 unfinished fics in my file that I might or might not come back to one day. I’m really excited about this one and I’m already halfway through writing a second part. (My beta reader and editor ^^ @godisalwayswright is excited about this too and keeps reminding me to write. Thank you so much for everything you do for me!) I hope I’ll have a new chapter up within two weeks. Anyway, I really hope you’ll like it. Leave a like and/or a message if you do!
What Destiny Has Chosen Series
Chapter 2     Chapter 3     Chapter 4   Chapter 5
Prequel Gabriel
Part One  Part Two
“Just calm the heck down now Sammy. You’re not that late.” Dean rolls his eyes as he calmly drives the impala over the speed limit, in order to drop off his younger brother at his new highschool.
Sam is skidding around in his seat, it’s hard enough to be the new kid, but also starting at the school in the middle of semester, pretending not to be yourself and then being late for your first class is just horrible, especially for him.
“I told you ten times last night to set your alarm! Now would you please hurry?” He snaps back, watching the road. It’s his last year of high school and he needs top grades in order to be accepted into Stanford. “I hate having to change school every few months!”
Dean sighs “It’s not my fault that Dad is on a new case. I’m glad the last one is over actually.” By an unspoken rule nobody in their family mentions that John Winchester is with the FBI, going undercover within drug rings to catch the big fish and the man responsible for his wife’s death.
“I know it’s not but I’m not good at finding friends and being the new kid certainly doesn’t help at all.” Sam admits. Dean shrugs “well at least this way you get to meet loads of different people. Maybe your Gabriel is with them.” This makes the other blush.
The impala comes to a halt in front of an old building, the school. The younger brother grabs his bag and jumps out the car, waving his middle finger at his brother over his shoulder.
He runs inside and looks at his timetable before running to the room his class is in. His head is spinning around Dean’s words, yes he’s right but how could he meet Gabriel properly if he can’t reveal his true identity to anyone?
Sam Winchester rubs his forearm where in wide golden letters the name Gabriel Novak is imprinted. He knows that somewhere out there’s a man called Gabriel Novak with Sam’s name imprinted on his skin.
But here and now he can’t be Sam Winchester, he’s Tom Baker, son of a construction worker and brother of a mechanic. The young man knocks on the door nervously, walking in after hearing someone from inside calling out. He walks up to the teachers table and hands over his student file.
“I’m Tom Baker, the newby. I apologise for being late, the car wouldn’t start.” The lie rolls off his tongue so easily as if it’s nothing but the truth. The teacher nods. “I’m professor Crowley, please sit down Thomas.” He mentions at the last unoccupied seat next to a short, blond haired boy. Sam goes and sits down, pulling out his books and pens from his bag he smiles at his neighbour.
“Hi. I’m Tom Baker.” He whispers and holds out his hand.
“Nice to meet you Tommy!” The other doesn’t even try to be quiet, smirking widely. “The name is George.” Sam chuckles and shakes his hand, warm and firm, earning a sharp look from their professor. Sam looks into the eyes of the other boy and his heart skips a beat. They’re the most beautiful shade of brown he’s ever seen, like amber or the sun shining through a glass of whiskey. Quickly he lets go of George’s hand and looks away before his thoughts can stray any further. Sam concentrates on his classes, though thinking back to George every once in a while, finding himself constantly drifting his gaze to him.
— At lunch Sam sits alone at a table in the corner of the room with his back to the wall as he pokes around in his salad, looking around at the people sitting together and chatting happily. Looking at his phone he texts Dean. Sam: ‘hey Jake, how’s work? School’s slow, although the people are nice as far as I can tell.’ Immediately there’s a buzz from his phone and he reads the new text with a slow smile. Dean: ‘hey there little brother! Work is the same here as everywhere. Met a nice guy with an old thunderbird. I’m glad nobody is giving you any trouble but you know if they do you’ll just have to give me a name.’ Sam laughs and starts typing out a new message as his eyes land on the boy who plonks himself down across from Sam. George… Sam finds himself staring for a moment and shakes his head. George is very handsome and distractingly so. He stops himself before he can think any further, unlike Dean he always believed in the truth of soulmates. That the name written on his forearm was his one true love and that he just had to find him. Dean was still in denial, his soulmate named Castiel Novak, probably the brother to his own. But most importantly it is a man. Dean still claims to only be attracted to women and Sam wouldn’t have known the name of Dean’s soulmate if he hadn’t walked in on his brother showering. Dean made him swear not to tell a soul about it, instead of looking out for Castiel he had sex with every available and willing female he could find. A little cough wakes Sam from his thoughts and he looks up, eyes focusing on a raised eyebrow above golden eyes and a cheeky smile. Dimples dig in Sam’s cheek as he smiles back. “Uh hi, what’s up?” Sam asks after a moment of awkward silence. The blond boy clears his throat again. “Just wanted to ask if I could sit with you. I really don’t wanna sit with my brother Chris and his nerd friends. They wanted to start an experiment on me last week so I have decided to keep away from them for a while. Then I saw you sitting here on your own and I thought…” He takes a deep breath to stop himself from rambling. “Can I sit here with you?” As Sam nods George beams at him. “So Tom… It’s Tom, right?” On the inside Sam is cringing but on the outside, he just smiles politely. “Affirmative.” George nods. “So why were you late this morning?” He starts eating his lunch that consists of a big slice of cream cake and a chocolate bar. “We just moved here and my brother forgot to set his alarm so he slept in when he was supposed to bring me to school.”
George laughs. “Sounds like a typical big brother to me.” He gets a nod for an answer. “Do you have any siblings besides Chris?” Sam immediately regrets his question as he sees the other boy pale slightly and gulp before shaking his head. “No I don’t.” George replies sharply, in a quick, practiced way. The taller boy runs his hand through his georgeous locks of brown hair. He can see how the question hurt George, so he decides to not ask any further, assuming he may have lost a sibling. Again, an awkward silence spread between them like a wall they weren’t able to climb over. After a moment, they both start eating without saying another word. As the bell rings, they’re startled from their individual train of thoughts and get up, looking at each other. “I’ve got biology now.” Sam informs the smaller student. “Then we probably won’t see each other again as I have Latin now.” George sighs barely audible but Sam notices and quickly gains the courage to ask a question that’s burning to get out. “Would you like to sit with me again at lunch tomorrow and…” Once more he forces himself to stop and just smiles weirdly at his shoes. No, he’s not going to ask this boy out, long ago he had decided that his soulmate will be his first romantic relationship, even if he must wait forever. Oblivious to what’s going on in Sam’s mind a sly smile spreads on George’s face, lighting up his face as if a wind blew away the sadness clouding his mind since Sam asked that question. The look was so pure that Sam wanted to take a picture of it to remember it forever. “I’d like that very much Tom.” He pulls out his phone. “Wanna exchange numbers?” Happily Sam agrees and tells George his number before pulling out his phone and typing in George’s, adding George to his contact list. The bell rings once more, most of the other students have already left for their classes and after a quick good bye they both go their separate ways. —Gabriel— Leaning on the wall, Gabriel looks at his motorbike while waiting for Castiel. His thoughts are going back to the new guy. How can a boy the same age as him be so damn tall?? And handsome…
Gabriel himself is pretty short and he’s afraid he won’t grow much more. He imagines his neck hurting from looking up at Tom all the time if he spent more time with him. For some weird reason that thought makes him smile. He banishes the thoughts, not wanting to get attached, he will never be able to be completely honest with anyone about his backstory. Well maybe besides his soulmate if he ever managed to find them. Tom Baker isn’t Sam Winchester though so he shouldn’t get his hopes up. He remembers his parents not being soulmates either, after his fathers died and his mother never met her’s. Maybe it was better this way, considering what the only child of his father’s soulmate did. Shaking these thoughts off he crosses his arms just as Castiel walks around the corner, his school bag slung over one shoulder. Gabriel pushes himself off the wall and raises a brow at him. “Hey little brother! I was starting to get worried, what took you so long?” Well he did not actually worry, he wasn’t even really thinking about his brother till he arrived but he sure as hell wasn’t going to tell him what had really been on his mind. “Sorry George.” He scrunches up his nose at the fake name. “A professor wanted to talk to me. I texted you but as I can see you haven’t looked at your phone. Couldn’t have been that concerned about my whereabouts then, could you?” He tilts his head in a way only Castiel does and looks at him with his piercing blue eyes, as if he could look right through him. Gabriel groans and walks over to his motorbike, putting his bag in one of the side boxes and his brother’s in the other. He throws a helmet at Castiel and puts one on his own head. After Cas got it on he sits on his bike and raises a brow. “You coming?” After the taller brother climbed on he kick starts his bike and drives them home to the small flat they share. George doesn’t see how the new kid is standing on the side of the car park, watching them driving away as a black Impala drives up. He climbs in, telling his older brother about his day as they drive home.
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oh-my-spn-one-shots · 8 years
Of Coffee And Chocolate
Words: 2.683
College AU
Pairing: Sabriel (Sam x Gabriel)
Warning: None
Summary: Gabriel is a new student, studying lore at the local college. He lives with his older brother Luce who’s studying law in his 3rd semester. Sam is in Luce’s class as well and meets Gabriel on his first day.
AN: This fanfiction is for my wonderful Ianto, tasha-melinque-11. You brighten up my world and make every day better. I miss you and I can’t wait to see you again. Love ya.
Also thanks to my beta reader, godisalwayswright she helped me correct the mistakes I made (oh dear there were many). You’re a great help.
Fanart that inspired this:
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Gabriel looks around the empty hallways, running to find his classroom. It's his first day in college and he's already 10 minutes late. "Damn it!" He swears loudly as he almost falls over a low step, some hair falling over his face. 
Breathing hard he stops for a moment and leans against a wall to calm down a bit. He rubs his face and sighs, pulling out his phone and looking at campus map he downloaded. Room 19... "Where the heck is room 19?" He looks around again, brushing the hair out of his face. There's room 13, 15... It should be in this direction, he thinks to himself.
"Down the hallway the third door to your left." Gabriel jumps at the sudden voice, he hadn't even realised someone was there. 
"Ah... Uh.. hi." He stumbles over his words and looks up, far up, into the face of a handsome, giant man that couldn't be much older than him. The other man chuckles and holds out his hand.
"I'm Sam Winchester. You're new here, am I right?" Gabriel nods. 
"Gabriel Novak. First day. I'm studying Lore. My older brother studies here as well, doing law to become a lawyer, he's in his third semester already. I got lost on the way to my north mythology class, my friends like to call me Loki too so I can't wait for that class-" He blushes as he notices Sam's raised eyebrow. "I'm sorry, I seriously don't know what came over me! I didn't mean to ramble, sorry if I’m annoying you. It's just you're the first person I’ve talked to here that isn’t from the administration office and yeahhh I'll stop now!" He pretends to zip his mouth shut and looks down at his hands. 
A friendly smile forms at Sam’s lips for the adorable young man in front of him, trying to catch his eye.
"Hey it's fine, seriously Gabriel. I remember how nervous I was on my first day. Come on I'll show you to your class, I don’t have a lecture now anyway, I did all the notes for this semester already, before it started." Sam slowly leads him towards his lecture theatre.
He stops when he notices Gabriel staring at him. "What's wrong?" Sam frowns as Gabriel shakes his head. 
"When did you have time to do the notes for a whole semester??" Gabriel looks shocked.
Sam chuckles. "Had a lot of time during spring break. And it's just the work for the next 3 months really." He smiles as they arrive at room 19. "Oh before I forget it, I'm a third semester law student as well, I might know your brother. What's his name?"
Gabriel rubs the back of his neck. "His name is Luce.... Alright, thanks for bringing me here Samsquatsh! See you around." With a little wave the smaller man slips into the class and leaving a huge student, staring after him, asking himself how it's possible that a man this cute, is a sibling of Luce... 
"Winchester!" The call loud in the quiet campus library, Sam frowns, it's impossible forget who belongs to this voice. He turns his head and there he is, it's annoying that the professors always put them together for group work. 
"You’ve decided to show up here after all Luce, huh?" Sam looks around the table, full of open books and scribbled notes. Since he had to wait for Luce for two hours he decided to start on their project on his own, it'll decide one fourth of their grade for this semester after all.
"Hey I told you I’ll be a little late." Luce smirks as he plops down on the chair opposite to Sam. He's a rather tall, blonde and attractive guy though next to Sam he looks small. In Luce’s eyes there's a fire burning, making everyone he looks at feel uneasy. Not Sam Winchester though, he's had it worse and just stares back disinterest.
"Two hours is not just a little late. Don't you have a watch or mobile that can show you the time?" he says calmly, which earns him a glare.
"Be glad I'm here now and stop whining like a bitch!" Luce snaps back. "Now can we hurry and get this done? I've got a party to go to."
Sam runs a hand through his hair, a clear sign of annoyance and defeat, there's just no use in fighting with Luce Novak.
Gabriel looks at the clock in the kitchen and frowns, his brother said he'd be home by midnight. Now it's 3am and still no sign of him. He's munching on a chocolate bar, the candy wrappers around him a sign of his sweet tooth that gets especially bad when he's worried or nervous. For the tenth time tonight he calls his brother's phone, only to get straight to the voicemail, he must have turned it off.
"Hello, you've reached the phone of the devil. Since I didn't answer I'm most likely in hell, the connection down there is horrible. Leave a message and I call you back when I'm back upstairs!" Gabriel rolls his eyes as the beep sounds and he hangs up. This really didn't help in soothing his nerves. 
After another half an hour and 3 more unanswered calls he finally gives up and makes himself ready for bed.
At precisely 4am the apartment door opens and his brother stumbles in. Gabriel is up immediately and helps him over to the sofa. "What happened Lucy? Where have you been?" he looks at him concerned. The smell of alcohol is wafting off Luce in waves. 
"Damn Winchester... Kept me … library till closing time. Late for party, went club." He slurrs, not really having much connection between the words but Gabriel understands it anyway. Luce is 23 now but even before he turned 21 he came home wasted as fuck a couple times.
"Sam Winchester and you worked on the project till the library closed at 10pm so you were late for the actual party and decided to go clubbing instead?" Gabriel fills in the blanks and Luce nods, immediately paling at the movement of his head and holding his hands in front of his mouth, trying to run towards the bathroom but stumbling. He ends up puking on the living room floor and Gabriel rushes to get him a bucket. 
After getting his older brother to bed Gabriel cleans up the mess, feeling dirty, decides to take another shower. He opens all the living room windows to air out the smell of puke. 
When he finally gets into bed, his clock shows it's nearly 6am. Gabriel groans at the prospect of getting up again in two hours for his 8am lecture. Quickly he falls asleep. 
Sam goes to the little park on campus with the intention of studying, he soon spots Gabriel sitting on a bench, half asleep. There are dark rings under his eyes and he looks pale. He runs a hand through his hair and walks over. 
"Hey Gabe." Sam clears his throat as Gabriel jumps, nearly knocking their heads together. "It's okay if I call you Gabe, right?" He smiles friendly.
The shorter man rubs his eyes like a child too stubborn to admit that they're tired and nods. "Sure Samsquatsh." His words are muffled by a yawn he tries to hide.
Sam sits down next to him, his nose scrunched up at the nickname but doesn't protest. "What happened to you? You look like crap." This gets a genuine giggle out of Gabriel.
"Well it's actually your fault, Sammich." Garial then tells him how he had to care for his brother, resulting in not getting much sleep because of it. Sam rolls his eyes.
"Please excuse my rudeness but your brother is an idiot and an asshole. If he makes me wait on him for two hours to do a group project that's worth 25%, then I have to make up the time we missed. I don't care that he missed a party for it." He takes a deep breath, trying not to think about Luce too much, that won't help anyone. "Anyway, when does your first lecture start?"
Gabriel raises an eyebrow but looks at his watch. "In half an hour, why?"
Sam grins. "That's perfect. Come on!" He gets up and motions to the young man to follow him, walking straight towards a house on the other side of campus and knocking twice, then three times and then once. The door is opened by a grinning red haired girl, who immediately hugs the giant in front of her.
"Sammy! What took you so long to visit me???" An adorable pout takes over her face before she notices the shorter man. "Oh and who's your handsome friend?" She giggles.
"Charlie, this is Gabriel, Gabe this is Charlie. She's my best friend and makes the best coffee on campus." He looks at the girl and motions towards Gabe. "The guy was up all night, taking care of his drunk, idiotic brother."
Charlie throws her head back in laughter. "Then come on in boys! I was just about to make coffee anyway." She leads them into her kitchen, two coffee makers working already, a third is about to be turned on. Gabriel looks around wide eyed, the smell of coffee bringing some colour back to his cheeks.
"Uh I'm actually not that much of a coffee fan, Charlie." He admits blushing. "I'm more for sweets."
The girl nods in understanding. "How about a mocha then angel boy? I promise it'll keep you awake through all your lectures." She looks back at Sam. "And for you, cappuccino and a double espresso?" Sam nods and Gabe grins, he likes her already.
"Coming right up!" She winks and turns on the coffee machine.
"What are you studying, Charlie?" Gabriel wonders and a wide and beautiful smile spreads on her face.
"IT! You know there are so damn many cool things you can do with a computer and a few numbers! I mean give me a minute and I'd know anything and everything of you!" The sparkle in her eyes makes the gold eyed man raise a brow, he didn't know it was that easy.
"Really? That's fascinating, maybe you could show me one or two things." At that Charlie laughs and Gabriel just tilts his head in confusion.
"Oh boy, there's not much I could show you that Sammy here couldn't. In fact, some of my best tricks I know, I learnt from him." Sam looks down sheepishly and shrugs.
"Nothing special Charlie." But Gabriel looks seriously impressed.
"I thought you were studying law, Sam?" The man in question simply nods.
"I am indeed." His expression and tone a clear sign that he doesn't want to talk about the subject any longer, there's a little pout from Charlie at that but she knows not to argue with her friend. It's not like anyone could ever really change his mind anyway, once it's set on something.
She finishes making the coffee’s and hands them over, earning a bear hug from Sam with a whispered "Lifesaver" and a kiss on the top of her head. After thanking her and Gabriel asking twice if she really doesn't want money for it, they leave and the smaller man takes a sip of his hot chocolate.
A groan slips from Gabriel's lips and his eyes close in pleasure at the rich taste of chocolate that fills his mouth, immediately waking him up. Sam looks over at Gabe’s warm and happy smile, causing Sam’s poker face to be replaced by a similar smile.
A new goal is set in Sam's mind, to see Gabriel smile like this as many times as he can, possibly being the reason for it one day.
Gabriel opens his eyes and looks at the clock, the blissed out look on his face vanishes. "Shit! My lecture starts in five minutes! Sorry Samsquatsh, I gotta run!" He gets on his tiptoes and kisses Sam's cheek before running away. 
Only when arriving in the lecture theatre he realises what he just did and blushes deeply, cursing himself. Why the fuck did he do that?!
Meanwhile Sam still stands frozen in place, a hand going up to his cheek and touching the where Gabriel's lips touched, confused as to what this could mean.
After a week of hiding from Sam, Gabriel decides to stop. It's not like anything really happened, it wasn't even a real kiss. Sam probably forgot about it anyway. 
Gabriel waves, smiling a bit as the giant makes his way through the crowd towards him, stopping in front of him. Golden eyes look up into hazel ones and Gabriel has to crook his neck for it to be possible.
"Good morning Gabe." Sam smiles softly and holds out a chocolate bar. "Hungry?" Gabriel grins happily and takes it, unwrapping it within seconds and taking a bite. 
"Thank you!" They start walking together with a comfortable silence between them. Coming to a halt outside Sam's lecture hall he smiles at Gabriel.
"So... Can we meet up sometime, maybe not at school?" The taller man mumbles, feeling insecure which barely ever happens. After a long slience there's a nod from Gabriel.
"I think I'd like that. Tomorrow, 4pm at the cinema?" Gabe answers with a smile as the giant man opposite him nods. "Now, good bye Samsquatch." he waves at him before walking away, as Sam's face scrunches up comically.
"Please, just Sam." the giant shouts at Gabe. With that he goes inside and leaves back an eye rolling Gabriel.
The next day Sam arrives at the cinema where Gabriel is already waiting. "So what are we going to watch?" he smiles.
"I was thinking the new Ice Age movie, I just love that squirrel." Gabriel grins excitedly as Sam just raises a brow, he would have preferred to watch Star Trek but for Gabriel he will be happy with whatever, so Sam nods in agreement.
"Alright. Come on then." They enter the cinema and Gabe pay’s for their tickets, even with protest from the taller man. "You can buy the snacks for us."
The men chatter and go to watch the movie, strange enough Sam finds himself laughing a lot but finds himself staring at Gabriel a lot more as he watches the film with passion, his expression changing with his mood and the general mood of the movie. More and more he finds himself intoxicated.
Sam didn't even realise that the movie was over till Gabriel looks at him, questioning. "Sammy, you still there?" He giggles. 
Sam shakes his head to get the fog out of there. "Yeah I'm here." He smiles and gets up. "Wanna go get some pizza?" Gabriel looks down.
"I'm sorry but I need to head home. I'll see you tomorrow?" His hopeful eyes are directed at Sam now, the giant man agrees, taking his hand. 
"Can't wait." He let go of his hand and they both go their own ways.
Sam is waiting for Gabriel in the hallway the next morning, with a steaming cup of hot chocolate, and can't help the warm feeling spreading through him at the first sign of golden hair.
"Morning Samshine!" The happy call coming out of Gabriel's mouth, makes Sam grin as he holds out the steaming cup. "Awww! You gotta stop making me these little presents Sam, everyone will think we're a couple." He chuckles.
"Would that be so bad, Gabriel?" He tilts his head and Gabe blushes a little, shaking his head barely noticeable.
"No it wouldn't." It's scarcely a whisper but Sam hears it as clearly as if it was spoken right into his ear. Sam takes the cup out of his hands and sets it on a nearby table before laying his hands on both sides of Gabriel’s face and leaning down to him, Gabriel's hands barely holding his shoulders as he stretches. The eyes of both young men lock, closing them, right before their lips meet in a loving kiss.
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oh-my-spn-one-shots · 8 years
And again I apologise. The long wait will come to its end really soon and I thank everyone who's still interested in reading what I write. The fandom needs more Sabriel!
Sorry I’ve been gone for so long! I had a lot of stuff going on in my life lately, like my final exams and everything… 
I even missed my sideblogs first birthday.
I’m sorry guys, I’ll do my best to do better now but I can’t promise anything since I’ll have to work at the end of july to august…
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oh-my-spn-one-shots · 8 years
Sorry I’ve been gone for so long! I had a lot of stuff going on in my life lately, like my final exams and everything… 
I even missed my sideblogs first birthday.
I’m sorry guys, I’ll do my best to do better now but I can’t promise anything since I’ll have to work at the end of july to august…
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oh-my-spn-one-shots · 9 years
Cotton Candy
Words: 2.427
Candy Shop AU; Lawyer!Sam; Human!Gabe
Pairing: Sabriel (Sam x Gabriel)
Warnings: none (I hope? Just fluff)
Summary: Sam is a successful lawyer but that wasn't enough for him so he bought a little sweet shop. One day a handsome stranger walks in and buys literal tons of sweets, he becomes his best costumer and they get closer as time passes.
A/N: this is my fist AU and my first Sabriel fanfic as well, I hope I can make it a little series tho so tell me if you'd actually be interested in that.
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It was that time of the day again when the whole store was quiet but for the silent ruttling of the air conditioning that waltzed around the cool, sugar and chocolate scented air to provide the sweets from melting, considering the heat that made the air over the streets blurry.
The tall man behind the counter rubs his face, he looked tired after having spent all night looking into a case. He was still a lawyer after all, and a good one if you believe what you hear from the people he had worked for and with. Sometimes he thinks it was a mistake to buy the little store he was standing in, but then again he loved spending time there when it was stuffed with people and sweets, he would give out free bonbons or chocolate to the kids that came there and in winter he offered the best hot chocolate in the whole area.
The man loved spending his time there when he was not working a case. He had gotten an employee though since he didn't have the time to do just this job. In the end he wouldn't want to miss either of his jobs anymore.
He's pulled out of his thoughts as the little bell on the door rings to let in a costumer. The shop owner's eyes widen and he runs a hand through his rather long hair and straightens his back so he stands to his full, giant size.
The man who just came in made a special first expression to him. He was really short compared to him, but then again, who wasn't. He had blonde hair that wasn't much shorter than his own and he was wearing simple jeans and a grey t-shirt but it fit perfect in all the right places. What had the young man staring wasn't either of those things though but his eyes that seemed like they were made from drops of honey the sun was shining through, they looked like they were laughing even though the man's expression had only been a polite smile.
The customer walked through the shop slowly, looking at all those delicious things that made him feel his sweet tooth throbbing and grabbed his arms full of chocolate, bonbons, caramel and different other treats. As he puts them on the counter there was a smug smile on his face.
The taller man kept staring at him and the masses of sweets he just lay out in front of him, unable to say a word. The other man laughs. "Are you gonna stare at me all day?" He looks at the name tag of the guy on the other side of the counter. "Sam. I mean that wouldn't be much of a problem for me but I just came here to grab some things that are important for me to survive." He mentions at everything on top of the counter.
Sam finally seems to regain his voice as he clears his throat, his lips dry and he licks them before speaking. "I'm sorry sir." He rings up the stuff and looks down to the other man. "Do you need anything else? I have some cool boxes here I could give you one if you bring it back. It's really hot out there that's not good for the chocolate." He pulls on his collar, feeling uncomfortably warm as well. The other guy smirks, his eyes focused on Sam's lips that he just licked, he'd be lying to himself if he didn't want to pull the giant down to taste those lips on his own.
"Yeah, yeah that sounds like a good idea." He nods and puts the sweets in the box Sam hands him after he paid. "I'm Gabriel, by the way. It was nice to meet you Sammy boy. See you when I bring you your box." He winks and turns around to leave. Even ten minutes after he's gone Sam still looks after him, unbelieving what had just happened.
Sam finds himself spending more time in his shop after that incident, passing on cases to other lawyers more and more. He didn't know why but he had been upset as he came to open the store one morning and found that all boxes were back in place. The day before he hadn't been working so he asked Garth about it and indeed he told him about Gabriel bringing it back. But Garth also had a message for him.
"He told me that I shouldn't be offended but he had hoped to meet you there instead of me and made me promise to tell you that he's gonna show up here more often." Garth wasn't prepared to the wide grin those words brought to the face of his boss but once he saw it he half expected him to just start jumping up and down like an overexcited child.
And the blond man did come there at least once a week from that day on, taking care to come when it was Sam's shift. They didn't talk much, just shared some looks and smiles while Gabriel got as much sugar stuffed sweets every time as Sam didn't eat in a year.
A few months passed and even though both of them liked the little play they did every time, they realised that they wanted more, needed more. Sam has only had one other
really bad
relationship after what happened with Jess but that was years ago and he was willing to try again. He told himself that he should just get a date, preferably with the handsome customer.
Gabriel looks at his stash of sweets in the top drawer of his nightstand, it's almost empty. As he realises that a wide grin spreads on his face and he grabs his wallet, keen to go to the sweet shop again. After work, he was working for his family company, he walks up to the store and frowns as he sees that the sign on the door says closed. As the short man is about to turn around and just go home the door opens with a ringing of the little bell and Sam steps out smiling.
"Hey there, my favourite customer." He chuckles and Gabriel notices that he seems nervous, squeezing his own hands. "You wanna come in and grab your usual sweets for the week?" He smiles at him.
"No, no it's okay. If you're closed I'm not going to bother." The golden eyed man says but the giant in front of him just shakes his head. "Just come in." He opens the door for him and steps back so he can pass him. A brow raised Gabriel steps in and takes a deep breath of the scent he associates with Sam by now. He looks around and his heart beats a bit faster, there are candles everywhere in the shop, enlightening it with a warm light, he turns back to the other, his head tilted questioning.
"What is all this?" In a sudden rush of nervousness Sam rubs the back of his neck and looking in the other man's eyes. "I-" he has to clear his throat before he can continue. "I wanted to ask you something." He hadn't actually planned for the candles, it just so happened that something was wrong with the fuses and he hadn't had the chance to repair it yet but he wasn't mad about it anymore. As he had seen Gabriel in front of the door he had decided that it wouldn't hurt to ask him right away.
"Would you go out for dinner with me... One day? At all?" He looked to the ground when he asked so he couldn't see the happiness sparkle in Gabriel's eyes. All of a sudden he felt arms wrapped around him and looks up, he smiles a bit and hugs back.
"I'd love to!" The words were muffled against Sam's chest but still he heard them as clearly as if he would have spoken them right into his ear. His heart felt like it would stop for a second before jumping up and down in his chest, a feeling like when a rollercoaster goes down spreading in his stomach. Easily he lifts the shorter man up and sits him down on the counter, studying his perfect face in the twilight of the candles.
Gabriel smiles at him bright, sitting like this he felt a bit like a child, when his mother let him watch her while cooking. But it didn't matter, finally his face was on the same level as Sam's. He didn't even try to resist the urge to raise his hands to the other man's face and cup his cheeks as he pulls him into a soft kiss. The kiss was even better than both of them had imagined, their eyes were closed as they took in each other's taste and the feeling of soft, warm lips against their own.
"When?" The blonde man asked, mumbling into the kiss before they parted and he earned a confused look. "You asked me to go out for dinner with you. So when?" Sam smiled and leaned back a bit, though his hands were on Gabe's. "How about tomorrow? I actually do live right across the street, so if you'd want you could come around, let's say at 8?"
A nod and another sweet kiss accompanied the enthusiastic answer that escaped Gabriel's mouth. "Hell yeah, I can't wait." A sheepish grin curled up his lips. "I'll see you tomorrow then?" He jumped down from the counter and looked up, well if he'd do that too often his neck would probably hurt. Sam's eyes seemed to pull him closer but he had to resist the urge to kiss him again since he still wanted to get home that day.
Sam smiled and looked around before noticing something. "How about you don't buy your sweets today but I'll make sure you get them tomorrow?" The shorter man agreeed and hugged him again, getting on the very tips of his toes to kiss his cheek. As he left he waved and winked, smirking before turning around and walking out of the little shop, almost jumping in happiness. He finally had the date he was craving for for months now.
Sam grinned like an idiot for the rest of the day, whistling happy little melodies when someone came to fix the lights, when he was working and finally he was still doing it when he arrived home what caused his brother to raise an eyebrow. "Did a rainbow coloured unicorn poop in your lunch today Sammy or why are you acting like this?" The rather harsh words came with a soft smile. Dean hadn't seen his kid brother in such a good mood since the day he graduated law school and it spread over to him.
Sam just shrugged. "I got a date!" And let himself fall on the sofa next to Dean. "Remember the cunstumer I told you about? I finally found the courage to ask him out. He'll come over tomorrow night." The older Winchester didn't think it was possible but the grin on Sam's face spread even wider, letting his dimples dig deep into his cheeks.
"Wow, congratulations then!" He chuckled, luckily they were able to talk about anything since Sam was practically raised by his brother. He had told him that he was actually bisexual years ago and they got along great.
The older but shorter man still claimed to only be attracted by women but Sam had seen the look on his face when he was watching that one guy at the garage who had his old Chevy repair by Dean once, there was no chance he could hide the feelings he had from his kid brother.
Sam smiles and pats his brother's shoulder. "Thank you. I'll go to bed now, night!" With that he goes to his room, feeling the older sibling's look on his back till he closes the door behind him. He's still awake for quite a while, just laying on his bed and looking at the wall. When he finally falls asleep he only dreams about Gabriel.
The next morning he sits up, completely awake all at once. He's covered in sweat and his heart is racing from the nightmare he had had. The image of Gabriel hanging on the ceiling and bursting in flames was stuck in his head and he had to take in a few deep, shaky breaths before he was able to get up and get a shower.
Jessica had died that way and there hadn't been anything he could have done. And to this day the police hasn't found her killer. His mother also died in a fire when he was still a tiny baby, both times he was safed by his brother. The younger Winchester feelt guilt itching in his heart, guilt that he had asked Gabriel out when it's so obvious that everyone who got close to him got hurt. Even Dean.
Sam goes back to his room and takes out his phone, he wants to cancel the date but as he thinks about it he's hit by the realisation that he doesn't even have the other man's phone number. He curses himself internally while getting dressed. Now there was no chance of turning back so he would have to bite the bullet. The thought was ridiculous since he had waited to bite that bullet for so long and only a few hours ago he had jumped in happiness at the promise of the date today.
The young man rubs his face what makes him realise he didn't take the time to shave for a couple days so he quickly catches up on that. Once he's done he grabs his wallet and goes out to buy whatever would be needed for dinner.
Sam had decided to make chicken breast with orange souce and noodles for dinner as well as mousse au chocolate for dessert, knowing Gabe would love that. He also added a good bottle of wine to his basket and went to pay. He loads everything on the band and waits patiently till it's his turn.
"Hello Sam. Long time no see." An all too familiar voice suddenly sounds from right behind him and jerks him out of his daydream about his date with Gabriel later today, he spins around and stares at the woman in front of him in complete shock. He had hoped to never see her again.
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oh-my-spn-one-shots · 9 years
Words: 3.789
Pairing: Destiel
Warnings: bit of angst
Inspired by anon:  Fluffy fic/one shot idea - dean gets injured on a job and ends up in a coma for a while, and cas cant leave his side - believing that dean is unable to hear him, cas explains to dean why he needs him to come back and that he loves him. Time goes by, cas forgets he said it but dean doesnt and when he wakes up he confronts cas and mushy bits ensue
Summary: Dean goes on a hunt and is hit by a spell from a witch before he’s able to kill her, he falls in a coma and Cas doesn’t leave his side, unable to heal him until he gets some help. After two months Dean finally wakes up again.
A/N: Of course it’s not just fluff but I like how it turned out, even tho it gets kinda cheesy in the end. Let me know if you like it.
Thanks to the sweet anon for answering to my question from two weeks ago, it really helped. I have a lot of stuff going on in my life so it always takes me a bit to write and post. Also thanks for tiny-tinx  and  sherlock-jutschina-holmes for reading through it and helping me. Love ya!
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The witch laughed Dean right in the face and throws something at him while yelling in Latin. Dean frowns and it takes him a few seconds to look through the dust of the stuff she threw in the air and aim for her. Finally he shoots her and the old woman drops to the ground.
Dean rubs his face, getting a headache. He makes his way out of the building and back to the impala. As he drives he gets dizzy after a while, collapsing behind the steering wheel. The impala keeps driving straight ahead, out of control now and slams into a near tree.
Cas is working in heaven as he gets a weird feeling, something like a tingling in the back of his head. He furrows his brows and zaps to where it leads him, frowning as he sees the crashed car. The angel rushes and rips the door open, pulls Dean out and tries to heal him.
"Dean? Dean?!!" He swears under his breath as its not working, presses the sleeve of his trenchcoat to a hard bleeding wound on Dean's temple and lifts him up on his arms panicking. Cas zaps to a hospital with him and looks around.
"Help! I need help!" He looks completely lost as a nurse comes and leads him to an emergency room, taking Dean in. Cas paces in the waiting room as he's send out. All he can think about is Dean and how he wasn't able to heal him. The doctors work on Dean for nearly two hours before one comes out. "You're his brother you said, right?" He raises a brow at Castiel, he's only allowed to tell relatives. Cas nods, running a hand through his hair. "Yes! Is he okay?? Please tell me he is!" His voice sounds desperate.
The doctor sighs. "Sit down please." He mentions to a chair and Cas does as told, moving on the chair restless. "Your brother hit his head pretty bad and we can't tell what permanent damage it caused. He's... Sleeping right now and we don't know when he's going to wake up or if he's ever going to wake up again. I'm sorry Sir but we'll have to see what will happen." The angel shivers at the words he can't believe the doctor is actually saying. There's a long moment of silence before he speaks.
"You mean he could never wake up again... because of a car crash?!" The doctor nods slowly. "You know a lot of people get hurt like this in a car crash or even die. It's nothing unusual." Cas just shakes his head repeatedly, looking down at his hands that seem useless to him right now. "No. Not Dean. That's not how he's supposed to go." The doctor nods. "I'm sorry. I'm gonna let you take your time. If there's anyone else who needs to know about this I'd be grateful if you'd call them. You can visit him in room 372 in about an hour." With that he leaves.
The man in the dirty trench coat that's still covered in Dean's blood sits there, just staring into the distance blankly. Then he gets out his phone and calls Sam who had been sick the day before Dean left for the hunt, so he didn't go with him. Sam frowns after Cas finished talking and promises to be there as soon as possible, what will mean about a day later. 
The angel hangs up and runs a hand through his thick, black hair, looking at the clock every few seconds, wondering how it's possible for time to pass so slow. There's a tight knot of worry and fear in his stomach, something he never felt like that before. He thinks about all the things he wanted to tell Dean, asking himself if he'd ever be able to hear them. But the main question in his head is what's the reason to him being unable to heal the older Winchester.
As soon as an hour has passed Cas gets up and goes to the room the Doctor had told him, nervously squeezing his own hands before he knocks. When he doesn't get an answer he steps in anyway, seeing Dean laying on the holpital bed, a blood bag and something else connected to him with a tube and a white bandage wrapped around his head. At least he was breathing on his own. Again he tries his best to heal him but he's not getting better the slightest bit. Castiel takes his hand in his own and holds onto it tight, as if he's the one who could die.
"Please Dean, just wake up. The world needs you, Sam needs you." With his free hand he rubs the lower half of his face, everything in his expression shows fear and exhaust. "I need you." His voice is barely more than a whisper, it's a desperate sound. "Wake up so I can tell you. So I can tell you how I feel for you. I didn't know angels could feel like this and I don't think we're supposed to." His look travels to Dean's closed eyes, knowing that behind those closed eye lids there are eyes with the colour of emeralds, of summer leafs, Cas' very favourite colour in the universe.
A drop of water falls to their tangled fingers, the Angel can feel it's salty but he doesn't know where it's coming from until he feels some kind of wetness on his cheeks and wipes on it. He had never cried before. Angels usually aren't able to but his emotions were shown by his vessel and a quiet sob escapes his lips. "Please father if you're still out there somewhere and able to hear this... Please don't let Dean die. He already proved that he is worth being safed. He even fought for you. And- and I love him. Yes he's human but didn't you tell us to love humans more than we love you?" He lowers his look to Dean again and places a chaste kiss to his bandaged forehead. "I love you, so don't die before I can show you how much."
His piercing blue eyes are red rimmed from crying and his hands are shaking as he looks at the still pretty young man in the bed. Cas wipes his face repeatedly, still silently praying even though he doesn't know if there is someone listening. 
For a day nothing changes about Dean's condition. Every once in a while a nurse or doctor comes in to check on him. The blood bag vanishes and the IV gets changed but otherwise everything stays the same. The angel at his side seems frozen in time, not moving, not even blinking as his eyes are locked on Dean's face that looks so incredibly peaceful, an expression he had never seen on it before.
As promised Sam arrives at the hospital after a day. He asks for his brother and is sent to the room. The younger Winchester knocks on the door nervously about what's waiting inside. Cas' head shoots up and he looks at the door, knowing who's standing on the other side he tells him to come in before looking at Dean again. "Sammy is here, everything's going to be okay." He whispers.
Sam steps in, he hasn't slept in two days neither has he eaten since he got the message about what happened to Dean. He had rushed to the car and drove all day and night. As he sees his brother like that he doesn't regret anything though and he quickly goes to sit on the other side of the bed, taking his hand.
"Why didn't you heal him?" He asks and his voice breaks at the last word. The other man looks at him blankly. "Don't you think if it would have been in my powers to heal him I would have done it by now? It was the first thing I tried but something is blocking my grace to have any kind of influence on him." Sam nods slowly. "Sorry... It's just- What could cause your powers to be blocked?" The angel sighs. "I don't know but we'll find out." The younger Winchester brother grabs his laptop and starts doing research.
A week passes, then two and soon a month had passed without anything happening. The doctors had actually given up hope that Dean would ever wake up again but Cas didn't. He kept searching for something to heal him but nothing worked. Sam was visiting as many times as possible but at some point he had decided to go and hunt again, trying to do the job of both of them alone.
The angel in his dirty trenchcoat didn't leave the side of the man he loves though, except for the one time he went to Crowley and begged for him to heal the older Winchester but not even the King of hell was able to help Dean. Cas still did research every day till he can't concentrate anymore. By now he's pretty sure it all has something to do with the witch from Dean's last hunt but as long as he doesn't know the spell she had used nothing would help. Every time he looked at Dean the knot in his lower stomach got bigger, tighter and more painful. Finally he decides to get the only person he can imagine could help him with the spell.
"Crowley!" He calls for him before leaning back in his chair as the demon appears in front of him. Crowley scrunches his nose as he sees who called him. "What do you want this time, wings? I thought I already made it clear to you that I can't wake your little Winchester up." Cas frowns and shakes  his head.
"I need to talk to Rowena. She's the only one that can help" his voice is stronger than he thought it would be, even though it's a little cracked from how rarely he's using it now. The demon's eyebrows shoot up. "Why should my mother be able to help you? And why should she even want to?"
Cas sighs. "I'm sure the witch Dean was hunting cast a spell that caused this." Mentions at the young man laying there without any sign of movement. "If someone can find out what kind of spell it was and reverse it then it's her." Crowley nods, the angel had annoyed him over the past months and he just didn't want to deal with him anymore.
"I'll bring her here but I can't promise she will do anything for you or him. You have to swear something to me though." Cas nods serious. "Anything." The King of hell tilts his head, maybe he should ask for something more? "Even if it doesn't work out I don't want you to call me again, I'm not a crossroads demon anymore that you can push around and make do what you want. I'm the king!"
After the angel had promised he vanished, only to come back a moment later, bringing a woman with long ginger hair with him that looked at Cas interested. "Hello dearie." Her words were said with a scottish accent and as she smiled it didn't reach her eyes. "How may I be of assistance?" The man in front of her looks lost as he points at Dean once more, explaining his theory.
The witch raises a brow and goes over to the bed to lay a hand on his chest before investigating on him. As he watches Cas frowns at her touching Dean but he doesn't say anything. When she looks up again there's a scientific interest in her eyes. "You don't happen to know the name of the witch he was fighting, do you?" Cas shakes his head and she nods, smiling bright like it's her birthday.
"It must have been a really powerful one, I barely get to see such artworks of spells. How fascinating." From her voice they were able to tell that she was actually excited about this. "But I can't help your little friend here, I don't have what I need and I don't thing the nurses and doctors would appreciate it if I brought all of it here." She waits till Cas makes a sign that she can do whatever is necessary before smiling sweetly at her son.
"Fergus would you please bring us back to hell? As soon as this angel checked his little boyfriend out of course." Crowley looks like he's being tortured when she uses that name but nods anyway. "We'll wait outside the hospital." And with that they vanish again.
Cas goes to find Dean's doctor, explaining to him that he would rather have Dean die at home than live like this in a hospital for longer. Even the thought of him dying let him frown and feel empty. The doctor tells him about the risks but finally gives in and hands him the papers that he signs with a fake name, the same fake last name that they used to sign Dean in. Two nurses help Cas to bring him out to the car in a wheelchair. The thought crossed his mind that Dean would have liked that, finally a hospital with good looking nurses, he shivers at that.
As soon as they're back inside the demon and his witch of a mother appear again and they all zap down to Rowena's room in hell. Castiel lay Dean down on bed while the ginger woman walks around and gets her ingredients together, cutting, squeezing and boiling them all differently before putting them into a bowl together. "I need some of his blood to reverse the spell." The angel nods numbly, he just wants this to be over and him to wake up again. 
Rowena brings the bowl to the bed and quickly cuts into Dean's arm, letting the blood drip into the bowl. As she has enough she steps back and starts mumbling a spell in Latin while cutting herself to drip her blood in the mix as well. It all starts to burn and as it stops there's a black, dust like pulver left on the bottom of the bowl. She takes it and blows some on Dean, it's obvious he breathes some in. Again she mumbles a few words before nodding at Cas, after checking on the man in the bed again.
"The spell is working but he will still need about twenty four hours to wake up." For the first time in a long time there's a little smile on the angel's face. He goes and hugs Rowena. "Thank you! So much." He parts and decides to leave before she asks for something in return, he goes and lifts Dean up on his arms, the memory of the last time he did that flooding his brain as he zaps him to the bunker and lay him down in his own bed again, finally.
He actually doesn't want to leave his side but there's nothing he could do for him at the moment so he walks through the bunker, looking for Sam. He finds him in the library, hovering over some books, his laptop and handwritten notes as he's doing research. Cas clears his throat and the younger Winchester brother looks up, lines of worry are drawn on his face from all the years of hunting but even more from the time Dean was in a coma.
"Hey Cas. What are you doing here?" He sits up straighter, only now Cas can see his real size again. "Is my brother okay?!" His voice hitching and breaking at the end of the sentence as he imagines what could have possibly happened to cause Cas to leave the side of his brother. But the man in the dirty trenchcoat shakes his head. "Dean is fine, actually he will wake up soon. I brought him to his room."
Before he could even finish speaking the tall man in front of him had jumped up, not caring that it caused his research to get thrown to the ground, and pulled him into a tight hug that squeezed the air out of the angel's pipes. "That's amazing! Thank you so much!" His voice was muffled by the fabric of Cas' coat before he parts, smiling but with tears in his eyes. "I need to see him!"
Now Sam is sitting on the edge of the bed, squeezing the hand of his brother softly. "He doesn't look any different than in the hospital when I visited him for the last time. Are you sure he's gonna wake up?" Cas simply nods, he's standing in the corner of the room, trying to give Sam some time with his older brother but also not knowing what to do. He has a deja vu as he stares at the clock, only this time it's not just an hour to pass till he's going to see Dean again but a day till he can look into his eyes.
Once again the time passes tenacious like flowing honey and Cas has to zap Sam some food and water since he only leaves his brother's bed if he needs to pee. Whenever he does that the angel takes his place. One of those times, twenty seven hours had already passed, there's a little movement. Cas can feel how Dean squeezes his hand a little and his eyes widen.
"Dean! Dean come on, please wake up." A hopeful and excited smile is on his lips. "Sam!" The older Winchester's eyelids flutter before his emerald eyes open and stare right into Cas' sky-blue ones. There's a confusion written on his face and he looks around, finding himself in the bunker he relaxes a bit and smiles a little at the angel in front of him.
"Hey Cas." His deep voice is horase but Castiel doesn't care, it's almost visible how the anxiousness, worry and helplessness fall off of him, only leaving relieve and happiness. "Hey Dean." He smiles bright and brushes an eyelash from his cheek. "Welcome back." Sam rushes into the room and Cas sits up straight, the electricity like feeling he had just felt pulling him closer to the man in front of him vanishes.
The younger Winchester crosses the room with a few long steps, smiling at his brother and wrapping his arms around him to hug him tight. Dean pats his back, smiling. "Hey there, calm down a bit, would you? I didn't wake up just to be squeezed to death." He laughs, the sound is pretty dry and Cas hurries to get him a glass of water and hands it to him as soon as the brothers part.
Dean nods a 'thanks' as he drinks in slow sips, he feels like he had been run over by a truck. "Do you guys mind explaining to me what happened?" He asks after a while and Sam goes to tell him everything, Cas is just looking on his own tangled hands as what he says brings back the pictures of Dean half dead in that hospital with nobody able to help. A few minutes pass and he notices them staring at him questioning. "Uh sorry, what was the question?" A little chuckle rolls off Dean's lips. "How you managed to bring me back."
The angel rubs the back of his neck as he starts explaining everything that had happened besides what Sam already said. The questioning look the brothers had before turns to a slightly shocked expression after Cas confessed that he let Crowley take Dean to hell but in the end the boys are both okay with it, seeing how it turned out.
The older brother looks at his best friend and smiles before turning to Sam. "I'm starving, could you get me a burger? One from our favourite diner?" He asks with puppy dog eyes he must have learnt from the person he's talking to. The young man nods and ruffles his hair. "Of course Deano. I'll be back asap." He gets up and leaves the room, closing the door behind.
"So you didn't leave my side, huh?" Dean starts as soon as he can't hear the steps of his brother anymore. A shy smile spreads on the angel's face as he nods. "I just couldn't." The words earn him a brighter smile. "You know I once heard people discuss if comatose people still hear things and feel things." He clears his throat and the angel by his side looks confused. "What are you trying to say?" He tilts his head at the human who seems nervous all of a sudden.
"I was gone for two months... So I guess I definitely didn't notice everything that was going on but I do remember hearing your voice every once in a while, talking to me." He gulps, squeezing his hands a bit. Cas starts getting worried, he has never seen Dean insecure like that, he can't even hem ember having seen him insecure ever but the young man just keeps talking. "I don't know maybe it was just a dream but I have to know..." He looks right into those piercing blue eyes, warmth spreading in his stomach at the sight. 
"Back in the hospital, did you say that you love me?" Cas gulps and his eyes widen, he doesn't know what to answer, not wanting to destroy the friendship between them but then again he can't lie either. He slowly nods, a weird, buzzing feeling in his chest. "I do. I think I did from the second I first met you. I understand if you rather want to take your distance from me now but I don't want to hide it anymore." He ends, looking anywhere but at Dean who's smiling at him, his heart racing at the words.
"Me neither." His answer is quiet, but so full with love. The angel focuses his look on him again, staring at his pink lips, he didn't even notice he got that close to him till now. The younger man rises his hands up and lay one on his cheek, cupping it. The other one goes to the back of Cas' head, tangling in his hair. They both stare into each other's eyes as Dean pulls him down, not breaking eye contact until their lips finally meet and their eyes close.
Heat runs through both of them as they melt into the kiss, Dean's tongue licking over Cas' bottom lip till his lips part slightly to give it access. The men become one as they explore each other, getting to know another even better than before and finally the world seems like it's whole again.
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oh-my-spn-one-shots · 9 years
Destiel fic coming up!
I'm on the best way to finish the promised Destiel fanfiction! It's not all fluff but I guess there barely is anything in this ship that is all fluff. I hope you will like it and I'm excited for you to read it! It'll be posted this evening or sometime tonight.
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oh-my-spn-one-shots · 9 years
I’m having destiel feelings (after reading twist and shout for the second time, shouldn’t have done that!!!) and I just wanna write some destiel fluff and I’m looking for some topics or simply ideas. Help?
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