#sabriel soulmate au
veeva-i0i · 1 month
Update on my Sabriel soulmate AU: After not being able to write for a few months (job hunting and actually starting my first ever 'real' job sucked most motivation out of me), I finally picked up writing again today and I'm having a ton of fun with it. It might still take a good while before I'm actually able to finish it, but hey: Baby steps!
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cas-edspace · 2 months
You ever discover an ick that you never expected to give you the ick?
‘Cause I just started a fanfic, a Sabriel (Gabriel/Sam, a tea of mine that I enjoy time from time. It had Destiel too— anyway)
And it was Sam’s pov, but first person. This normally doesn’t make me flinch, especially not as much as it just did.
Did I become a fanfic sommelier? (I have been reading fanfiction for a decade. But still)
Who the fuck am I to judge the point of view??
Is this just me???
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Written by @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes
Art by @bakh-meliorism
Rating: Teen and Up
Summary: A murder has occurred at the foot of the legendary angel statue in Mercy Cross cemetery and Sam is called in for help from an old friend.
The inspiring art piece
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fanfic-corner · 2 years
Supernatural Fics
Welcome to my Supernatural fic rec masterlist! Please use CTRL+F to search if you are looking for something specific. All of these fic recs are Destiel-centric, unless stated otherwise!
Alternate Universes
Angst + related tags
Character-centric fics
Episode Specific
Other ships
Word Counts
Alternate Universes:
Apocalypse/Dystopia AU
Café/Coffee shop AU
College/University AU
Soulmate AU pt1 // pt2
Angst etc
Angst with a Happy Ending
Dark fics
Major Character Death
Character-centric fics:
Bisexual Dean
Episode Specific:
15x18: Despair
15x19: Inherit the Earth
15x20: Carry On
Christmas pt1 // pt2
New Year's
Other Ships:
Dean/Other or Cas/Other
Bed Sharing
Case fics
Domestic Fluff
Emotional Hurt/Comfort
Enemies to Lovers
Established Relationship
Fake/Pretend Relationship
Fix it fics
Friends to Lovers
John Winchester is an Asshole
Love Confessions
Mutual Pining
POV Outsider
Slow Burn pt1 // pt2
Word Count:
Under 2k
Under 10k pt1 // pt2
10–50k pt1 // pt2
Over 100k
Lesser Known fics pt1 // pt2 // pt3
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and-make-it-double · 5 months
What is "part time soulmate full time problem" about?
Part Time Soulmate, Full Time Problem is s8 au gabriel fic for the Supernatural fandom
It started out as one multi-chapter fic but I've become very invested so it's going to a fic series with a bunch of sidefics lol
Summary- Following Dean and Cas' disappearance, Sam is left to deal with an old problem all alone. As the days pass by, a familiar face comes back into Sam's life and maybe, just maybe, all is not lost for Sam Winchester. or A post season 7 rewrite of supernatural with a focus on sabriel and minor emphasis on destiel.
sneak peak :3 "You were the song stuck in my head Every so that I ever loved" Sam laughed as Gabriel twirled him around. He felt silly- he was a grown adult for gods sake, not some teenager in a romcom- but he'd be lying if he said he didn't find this fun and he had a feeling that Gabriel knew this too.
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forget-me-nights · 4 years
Not to take fanfics too serious or anything but wouldn't the people in those soulmate AUs with a countdown on your arm until your first meeting have different "clocks" and "calanders" throughout history ? Like ...I am always picturing a digital clock but those haven't exactly existed for all that long so like ... did the Maya have their calendar on their wrist ? Did some people have a bunch of moons on there ? Or like a chart of the night sky ?
And if so what impact would that have on archeology and our knowledge about history etc.? Or on detective work?
But if not ... and they had digital clocks on their arms: would there have been less options in clocks ?
Oh and at what point would they change form ? Would they all just simultaneously change like magic to the newst calendar version of the world? Or were you just born with your local one, meaning if you'd be unlucky it changed but you still had to use an old version of it just to know when you'll meet them? Like ?? I have so many questions?
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quzalqort · 4 years
Soulmates au where your soulmate's last name is written on your wrist
"Hey I know we're roommates and we have each other's last name but I don't like you that way and you don't like me that way either so let's just be friends. But wait that's your sibling/friend and they're kinda hot and they have the same last name as you and they have my name on their wrist so maybe your sibling/friend is my soulmate? Oh and look, my sibling/friend also has your last name so maybe, like, hook up??? Please??? they're pathetic and think you're hot."
Yes, two friends can have the same last name
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tiny-pun · 4 years
Can someone be your soulmate but your aren't theirs ?
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heccin-artist · 5 years
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marvelnaturalock · 5 years
(Requested? Yes. Challenge week people!!)
Genre: Fluff (mostly) Tooth rotting fluff
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Sam drags Dean to coax him off beer
"Your heart is gonna die before me, you jerk!"
Dean is reluctuant to replace his beer with coffee and/or tea
"I survived highschool, I'm pretty sure that I can survive beer for the rest of my life."
Sam drags him there anyway
They walk in and Cas is the new barista
Sam is already on a first name basis with everyone there because "The green tea here is really something Dean. You should try it!"
Dean pouts the entire time he's there because he doesn't get coffee. Cas thinks that it's pretty darn cute
Sam rolls his eyes and makes Dean get his order
"A little exercise will do you good, old man"
Cas smiles when Dean walks up to the counter to get Sam's order
"Hi, um... You have really blue eyes. They're so pretty"
Dean screaming internally because that angel of a guy is looking at him and he's smiling and he can't believe that he's so flustered
Cas fawning over him on the inside cause Dean's whole roguish look is EXTREMELY appealing to him but him stumbling over his words whenever they look at eachother is adorable
Sam noticing Cas and Dean checking eachother out and looking at the other when they think no one is watching
Sam plotting with the rest of the staff to get Destiel together
Sam being the biggest Destiel shipper
"Just ask him out, Dean!"
Cas being low-key scared when Sam stages an intervention with the staff
"You both are a couple of idiots"
Sam finally convincing the two to confess their feelings
Dean and Cas constantly texting eachother
Dean sending Cas memes
Cas laughing at the wrong time and getting into trouble
"The man asked for a decaf, Castiel. Not an Espresso"
Dean making heart eyes at Castiel when he's working the coffee machine
Sam being both disgusted and incredibly happy for them
Cas' phone dying just before their first official date and him freaking out cause he's late
Dean not getting answers to his texts and freaking out even more
"What if he gets kidnapped?! Or mugged?! Or kidnapped and mugged?!!!"
"I'm sure he can take care of himself Dean"
Cas showing up slightly late and looking sheepishly at Dean
"The phone said that I was almost out of battery, Dean"
Dean hugging Cas really tightly
"Don't scare me like that ever again, you hear me?!"
Cas not being able to stop smiling
Dean aggressively holding Cas' hand
"No, I will not let you go"
Cas fawning over how protective Dean gets
SSSSOOOO many coffee dates
Like they always have coffee whenever they see eachother
Cas experimenting with different types of coffees after finding out that Dean doesn't really like coffee
"So, I was mixing things in the kitchen this reminded me of you"
Going to a new coffee shop for their millionth date
"This bean juice sucks"
"It's a latte Dean"
Dean only liking Cas' coffee
"You should get an award for this coffee or something"
Dean secretly likes coffee but won't tell anyone because he'd then never hear the end of it, especially from Sam
Dean accidentally confessing to Cas over one of their usual casual coffee dates
"I may end up loving this coffee as much as I love you"
Dean having an internal gay panic
Cas also having an internal gay panic
Dean being a man and looking Cas in the eyes when he repeats himself
"I love you, Cas"
Cas getting flustered and not being able to word properly but trying his best
"I love you too, Dean"
Sam planning the entire wedding in his head when this happens because ITS JUST SO SOFT AND CUTE AND PURE and his big brother deserves the best
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veeva-i0i · 9 months
So I went to a secondhand record shop today and I, along other records, got two Asia records (which yes, one of them has Heat Of The Moment)
It's safe to say that I will write the remainder of my Sabriel fic with those two playing in the background.
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fancat-not-fangirl · 4 years
It’s Not You Pt.7
They sat in silence for a bit, finishing their food. 
Scared that if he’d look up he’d find Cas staring back at him with those big blue eyes, Dean kept his head down, pretending to look at the remaining pie on his plate. Only, once they were done, he didn’t have any more excuses not to look at Cas. So, steeling himself, Dean raised his head and immediately found Cas’s eyes, that glanced away the moment they met. Clearing his throat, Dean decided that the only way out of this steaming pile of shit was through.
“So. Cas.” The freshman’s head swiveled towards Dean, who desperately tried not to lose his nerve. “Sam tells me that you bring an extra sock everywhere you go, just in case you lose one from another pair.” 
Cas blushed furiously (awwww) and started fiddling with the edges of his sleeve. There was a word, a name maybe, stitched into the underside of his sleeve, but Dean couldn’t make out what it said. He focused instead on Cas’s face. “My mom makes me bring an extra because she knows that whenever I go somewhere, I always lose one sock.”
Dean’s eyebrows shot up. “Always?” A nod from Cas.
“Always always? As in, not once in your entire life have you gone on a trip somewhere and not lost a sock?” 
Another nod. “Well then the Sock God up in Sock Heaven must really hate you, Cas.” 
Dean loved the way the name rolled off his tongue. What he loved even more, though, was the small smile and laugh that Cas let out. Just for him. Now feeling incredibly pleased with himself, Dean bravely asked another question.
“And is it true that you have a vinyl record signed by the one and only Bruno Mars?” At this, Cas got this adorable proud look on this face and he nodded. 
“I went to one of his concerts for my sixteenth birthday and my mom got us backstage passes. That’s where I got him to sign it.” He then added quietly, “I’ve kinda been obsessed with him since I was little.”
“Did you bring it with you?”
Looking a little surprised, Cas nodded. Taking a deep breath and shyly looking down, he asked, “Do you want to see?”
Grinning from ear to ear, Dean said, “I’d like that.”
Back in the dorm room, which looked like it came straight from a magazine because it was so clean, Cas walked over to his bed and the record hanging above his pillow. Taking it off of the wall like it was the Mona Lisa, he gingerly cradled it in his arms and walked over to Dean. 
“Be careful.” He whispered as he offered it into Dean’s outstretched hands. Nodding, Dean held the vinyl record with the scribbled ‘Bruno Mars’ in the center. It was heavier than he expected. Heavier and a lot more rough. Examining it for a few seconds, he then silently handed it back to Cas, who looked thoroughly relieved that it was finally back in his care. Even then, the cute look of worry never truly left the freshman’s face until he record was safely hanging back on the wall. Oh but how adorable he looked when he was worried. His forehead scrunched up, and his nose twitched, and he shifted from foot to foot, and Dean decided that he should probably stop mooning over Cas and say something.
“I know how to play some of his songs on the guitar.” Cas obviously wasn’t expecting Dean to start talking, and he jumped a little at the sound of his voice. Dean fought back a smile and continued. “I’ve been playing the guitar for a while now, since Sammy was little.” He sat down on Sam’s bed, wincing a bit at how far down he sank into the mattress.
“Did he ever tell you that the only way he would be able to fall asleep when he was a kid was if I sang to him?” 
Cas shook his head with a small smile and in turn sat down across from Dean on his own mattress.
“Well, it’s true. And one day there was this guitar up for grabs outside this house that was for sale, and I decided ‘What the hell, I sing to him anyway. Might as well learn to play the guitar while I’m at it’, and snatched that wooden piece of junk from the driveway.” Smiling at the memory, Dean shrugged. “It’s still the same guitar I play now. She’s never let me down.”
He heard Cas stifle a laugh. “She?”
“Yeah. She. If my car is Baby, then my guitar is Baby 2.0.”
The giggle that left Cas’s mouth made the entire room brighter. Dean suddenly made it his life’s mission to make this freshman smile and laugh as much as physically possible. Starting now.
“Hey, did Sammy ever tell you about the time that he got invited to this chick’s middle school Halloween party? And he thought that she was oh so pretty and got so nervous, that when he went to go bob for apples and show her how ‘much of a man he was’, he threw up all over her?”
Cas stared at him for a second before bursting into laughter. Dean couldn’t have been happier. Making a split second decision, he got up and moved across the room to sit down next to Cas on his bed. Cas looked a little shocked at first, but then Dean launched into another story that had Cas almost rolling on the floor with laughter, making Dean the luckiest man alive.
“What about you?”
Cas looked up, still smiling but now a bit confused. “What about me?”
“Has my little brother done anything stupid around you?”
A slow smile spread across Cas’s face and he started telling Dean about the time that the boys had accidentally left their window open and a bird had flown in. Sam had apparently tried to shoo it out, but it had pecked him in the face, causing him to run out and come back a few minutes later with a broom, then proceeding to chase the bird around the dorm room. At one point in the story, Cas had stood up and pointed to a small indent in the wall, explaining how Sam had swung the broom towards the bird but missed, instead hitting the wall. Demonstrating Sam’s furious running back and forth, Cas had Dean almost in tears by the end, and he collapsed onto the rug in the middle of the room and panted, trying to catch his breath. His dark hair was spread around his head like a halo, and Dean had the fleeting thought that Cas looked like an angel. A beautiful, insanely adorable, funny as hell angel.
Dean gasped out through laughs, “What kind of bird was it?”
“A pigeon.” Then Cas’s eyes went comically wide as he lowered his voice to a whisper and brought his face so close to Dean’s that their foreheads almost touched. 
“It pooped on his head.”
Both boys dissolve into another fit of hysterics. Dean was soon joining Cas on the floor, both of them rolling around, cracking up. Dean couldn’t understand it. How happy he was, laughing his heart out with this freshman. God damn it, he was Dean Fucking Winchester. He wore leather jackets and had a cool car and could beat you up if you looked at him the wrong way. Yet here he was, with a boy that made his face light up and his stomach hurt and his heart almost burst out of his chest. Cas had somehow managed to throw everything Dean Winchester stood for out the window, and now he found himself giggling like a five year old at the faces Cas was making. And Dean didn’t want it to end.
Wiping the tears from his eyes, Dean choked out, “Do you have pictures?”
Cas nodded fervently and hauled himself up into a sitting position on the floor, sweater sleeve hiking up on his arm as he reached for his phone that was lying on his desk. 
Dean froze. 
Before he could think about what he was doing, he was tackling Cas and wrapping his arms around the now very very confused looking freshman. The one that was so cute and adorable and whose smile lit up Dean’s entire world. The one whose laugh was like listening to the prettiest music on Earth. The one whose eyes were like staring into the summer sky and whose hair looked like a halo around his head.
The one that had the word Winchester imprinted on his wrist, and whose last name, Novak, was stitched into the underside of his sleeve.
The one that didn’t pull back when Dean pressed their lips together, instead letting out a small sound that made Dean glow from the inside, and returned the kiss. It was perfect. Dean had kissed people before. He had kissed girls, he had kissed boys, but nothing could have prepared him for this kiss. This kiss was an explosion of color. Fireworks, even. 
Dean finally, finally, raised his hand and ran it through Cas’s hair. Hair that felt like silk under his fingers. Dean firmly decided that this had been worth the wait. 
Cas moaned into the kiss, and arched his body up into Dean, who wrapped his arms tighter around the small, cute creature who he could now finally call his. Dean could do this forever, he decided. Cas’s mouth was perfect and sweet and everything Dean could have asked for.
Dean and Cas didn’t even have time to break apart before the door was bursting open and Sam was careening into the room, announcing the phrase loud enough that people five doors down could hear. He was followed by Gabe, who froze alongside Sam at the sight of Cas on the floor, Dean sprawled on top of him. 
“What the shit-” 
“I can explain-”
“The hell are you doing, barging in like that-”
“You’re finally getting laid little bro-”
They all spoke at once, drowning each other out. Sam and Cas were both red in the face, one of them apologizing and the other staring at Dean in disbelief. Gabe, meanwhile, was obviously trying to contain his laughter, and Dean was clearly mad that his brother had interrupted them.
“Can someone please explain what’s going on?” This came from Sam, who looked incredibly confused at the scene in front of him. 
Dean smiled and started rolling up his sleeve. He then unclasped his watch, which he only ever took off at night, so that Sam could never see his soulmate’s name. After realizing as a little kid that he and his brother shared the same imprint on their wrists, he refrained from sharing his soulmate’s name with his brother, afraid of the drama it would cause in the family. Instead, he kept his watch on him at all times of the day, but it finally came off now.
Sam inhaled sharply as he saw the clear, black ‘Novak’ inscripted on his brother’s wrist. Cas gasped, too, and his wide eyes met Dean’s, who didn’t look away this time.
“So what y’all are telling me,” Gabe spoke up now, still trying his best not to laugh. “Is that I’m going to be fucking your brother, and you’re going to be fucking my brother? We’re one big brother fucking family now or what?”
There was a moment of silence. 
“Try selling that shit to Disney.”
And then they were all shrieking with laughter, doubling over and gasping for breath until their sides hurt. Cas and Dean were yet again rolling on the floor, but this time they were grabbing at each other’s hands and shirts instead of keeping to themselves. Gabe had collapsed onto Sam’s bed, giggling into the pillows. Sam was bent over, trying to steady himself by grabbing onto Cas’s chair, which promptly tipped over, sending him tumbling to the ground. That didn’t help matters whatsoever, and it was a solid ten minutes later that they finally got themselves under control and could say anything without the group launching back in a frenzy of chuckles and cackles.
Regaining their breath, Cas and Dean sat up and leaned their backs against Cas’s bed, Cas putting his head on Dean’s shoulder. 
“So how did you figure it out?” Dean asked his brother, who hadn’t bothered getting up from the ground and remained sprawled across the floor. 
Sam blushed and opened his mouth to answer, but Gabe talked over him, winking at his soulmate. “Oh buddy, you don’t want to know.”
Anything that was enough to make Sam blush was a must-know in Dean Winchester’s book.
He leaned forward.
“Tell me everything.”
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majesticfox34556 · 5 years
Soulmates With A Trickster
Title: Soulmates With A Trickster
Rating: Teen (T) 
Word Count: 880 words 
Pairing: Sabriel (Sam/Gabriel)
Tags: Soulmates AU, Soulmate Identifying Marks, Fluff, Crawford Hall Sabriel,
Summary:  Sam believed in soulmates as much as he believed in angels. He never thought his would be both.
Sam believed in soulmates. He believed in them as much as he believed in angels. That didn’t mean he couldn’t love someone else, though. 
When Sam was at Stanford he met Jessica. Jessica didn’t have a mark. Sam did. Sam’s mark was big. It spread across his back and hips like a tattoo. It was six golden wings surrounding a cross made of shotguns. 
People always thought Sam was special for having a big soulmate mark. Sam’s dad hated it and made him cover it up. Dean had a similar mark. It spread on his shoulders. Not as big as Sam’s but still, pretty huge for a soulmate mark. It was two dark wings curled around a white circle. 
On top of having big soulmate marks, theirs were in color. No one else in the world had marks in color. All this made Sam feel like a freak and think his soulmate was a possessive asshole. 
So when Jessica died, Sam vowed vengeance for the sweet girl with no mark. Sam left Stanford. 
For over a year, Sam hunted for the monster that kill his mother and Jess. Sam gave little thought to his soulmate. He did until he came across a janitor at a college. 
Sam winced as a chainsaw murderer sawed down at him. He ducked out of the way, but his shirt got caught on the blade and it ripped. 
Sam growled and tore his shirt off exposing his mark. All of the sudden the guys disappeared and the girls paused in mid punch at Dean. 
Dean and Sam shot frantic looks over at the Trickster only to see him staring at Sam with an unreadable look on his face. 
Dean snuck up on the Trickster with a stake, but the pagan deity snapped his fingers. “Hold on there Rambo.” 
The Trickster stared at Sam. More specifically, his back. “Oh kiddo, please tell me that is a tattoo.” 
“No. Why?” Sam was guarded. 
“Damn it! Nice going Dad!” The Trickster yelled at the ceiling. 
Bobby, Sam and Dean shared confused looks. 
“Wanna fill us in?” Sam was very confused. 
“Not here.” The Trickster snapped again and the three hunters found themselves in a retro style apartment. “Have a seat. This could take a while.” 
Sam sat in shock as he listened to everything this creature was saying. Angels? Setting Lucifer free? Vessels?
“How do you know all this?” Bobby threw out there. “You are way more powerful than a Trickster should be.” 
“Give the old man a cigar.” The Trickster, who still hadn’t told them his name, snapped and a cigar was between Bobby’s lips. “You are looking at the archangel Gabriel.” 
Sam choked on a breath of air. The Trickster… No Gabriel was immediately at his side. 
“There are no such things as angels.” Dean yelled slightly hysterically. 
Gabriel rolled his eyes and made the shadows of his wings appear on the wall. Ignoring Dean’s choked protests he focused on the younger Winchester. 
“How are you doing Sam?” Gabriel asked gently. 
Sam stared in awestruck wonder. “Why do you care? Why tell us this now, instead when I prayed years ago?” 
Gabriel grimaced. “That’s the thing kiddo. Angel’s don’t have soulmate marks. On May 2nd 1983, this thing burned itself into my grace. Not just my vessel but my very being. Everything I am made of.” 
Gabriel unbuttoned his coveralls and etched across his heart was six golden wings surrounding a cross made from shotguns. 
Sam’s jaw dropped. He glanced over at Dean, to see him slumped on the floor with his head in his hands. Sam gently traced the mark on Gabriel’s chest. “I think we broke my brother.” 
Gabriel laughed. His golden green eyes lighting up with mirth. “That’s all you have to say? I reveal my deepest secret, a secret that can get me killed by the way, I tell you about your destiny and all you say is I broke your brother?” 
“No I. We.” Sam emphasized. “We’re soulmates for some wonderful reason.” 
Gabriel snorted sadly. “More like my Dad decided to make us that way.” 
“I don’t care. You’re mine and I’m yours.” Sam wrinkled his brow. “Isn’t that how it works?” 
“Yes.” Gabriel paused. “I will help you fight your destiny if you want it. No saying yes to my dick brothers and no letting the devil out of his box.” 
“Of course we want that. I’m not having some dick wear me like an angel condom.” Dean butted in. 
Gabriel got a strange look on his face. He busted into gut wrenching laughter a second later. “Oh my. I think you and I will get along nicely Deano. Angel condom.” Gabriel snorted with chuckles. “Only you can make something, that back in the day was considered holy, that perverted.” 
“Gabriel? How do we put a stop to all of this?” Bobby asked. “I don’t know about you boys, but the devil walking free is not something we want.” 
“Okay, first thing’s first.” Gabriel scooted closer to Sam and began planning. 
Sam smiled. He found his soulmate. He was still going to avenge Jess. That sweet girl with no mark, who died for loving Sam. 
Sam looked over at Gabriel. He got a sudden thought. “Hey? What about Dean’s mark?”
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deanxcasficrecs · 5 years
Soulmate Sabriel  (and Destiel, of course)
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I’m here! I’m positive you all have missed me like crazy, right? Right, because I have missed you and this blog like crazy. 
The other day I was cleaning my crazy fic folders (the one with 555 fics was just a start so it took a long, long time, and I found some horrible fics that were locked in their curse boxes (really, they had their own folders labelled as ‘don’t ever read this again’ and so on)) and I found a small yet impressive collection of Sabriel soulmate fics. Then, the nice person I am, I went to see the old asks you guys have sent to us, and quite a few of you had asked for more Sabriel. So, here we are. 
Also, I think I might have other posts coming, too, because as I said, I cleaned my folders like crazy and I have been surfing through some new tags and so on. Anyway, hope you like these. Guess I could open the Ask Box for a few moments, in case you want to suggest some topics? Leave a comment if you think opening the Box would be nice after a while.
– Admin J
Title: Suddenly I See
Author: Itch
Rating: General Audiences
Words: 2,302 – Finished
Admin’s assessment: ★ ★ ★ ★ 
Admin J’s notes: I loved the first part, the last part and the basic idea. The parts in between were a bit… I don’t know, not that good, but I give four stars for the last few and first parts. I’m a nice person like that, and it’s a soulmate AU and colours and all the nice stuff.
Summary: AU: One cannot see the colour of their soulmates eyes until they see them
Sam Winchester can't see honey, whiskey, or early morning sunlight. Dean Winchester can't tell whether it's a clear sky or overcast. Castiel Novak can't enjoy the beauty of nature, and no one is sure about Gabriel.
( Read here )
Title: Watch your hands, Watch your mouth
Author: RawrSquared
Rating: General Audiences
Words: 2,471 – Finished
Admin’s assessment: ★ ★ ★ ★ 
Admin J’s notes: I’m literally dying for this fic every time so it has the right to be recced again. Epic soulmate tattoos are one of my favourite things and I always get so much fun out of them. Or maybe I just have a thing for text tattoos. I mean, I do have a Destiel text tattoo over my ribs and Sirius/Remus text tattoo on my forearm, so... :’D Maybe I know I’ve met my soulmate when I find someone with matching tattoos, hahaha. Soulmate, denounce yourself!
Summary: Sam was just doomed to spend his life with 'Are you fucking sorry?!' marked on his skin. Really, it wasn't fair.
As it turns out, the explanation isn't so bad.
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Title: Me To Blue
Author: authordean
Rating: General Audiences
Words: 1,191 – Finished
Admin’s assessment: ★ ★ ★  
Admin J’s notes: Call me a girl, but what if your soulmate colour is something that looks terrible on you? I mean, you should see me in baby pink. My soulmate would be running away as fast as they could. Or, what about when you meet your soulmate and realize you hate the colour? You need to do plenty of shopping. 
Summary: AU in which soulmates are attracted to the colour of their soulmate's eyes. Castiel has been attracted to green his entire life.
( Read here )
Title: Suddenly I See
Author: Itch
Rating: General Audiences
Words: 2,302 – Finished
Admin’s assessment: ★ ★ 
Admin J’s notes: Excuse me very much but does someone use the word “broski”? Sounds very Russian to me, like a Russian mafia. Anyway, the fic. Something was a bit off, this wasn’t like extremely shitty or anything, but something was just… Well, off. Sorry. But it has Sabriel and Destiel and soulmates and colours and all the good ingredients, so...
Summary: AU: One cannot see the colour of their soulmate's eyes until they see them.
Sam Winchester can't see honey, whiskey, or early morning sunlight. Dean Winchester can't tell whether it's a clear sky or overcast. Castiel Novak can't enjoy the beauty of nature, and no one is sure about Gabriel.
( Read here )
Title: True Colours
Author: TempestHeart
Rating: General Audiences
Words: 1,091 – Finished
Admin’s assessment: ★ ★ ★
Admin J’s notes: I just started to think, what if you’d see everything in black and white and when you meet your soulmate you walk into your closet and realize that a) half your the clothes you have are in horrific colours and b) you’ve been mixing like red and pink every day. How about the traffic light? “Excuse me mister but can’t you see the light is red? Oh, haven’t met your soulmate? Sorry pal, my bad.” What a life. The Sam of the fic is me, though. Never goes out except when it’s school or work. That’s pretty much me :’D I sound like a sad, sad creature. Also, now I have the terrible ‘True Colours’ song stuck in my head.
Summary: The world is black and white until you touch your soulmate. Then, you can see colors.
( Read here )
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fanfic-corner · 4 years
Soulmate AU Part 2
Here’s a basic fact you need to know about me: I am very lazy. And I read a lot of soulmate fics. And I started college today, so I’m kinda busy, but also desperate to procrastinate for the first time in 6 months. Anyway, here are the slightly lower-ranking soulmate AU fics that I couldn’t be bothered adding to my last post.
Meant to Bee by violentincest on AO3. (3,823 words).
Tags: Tattoo Artist Dean, Tattooed Castiel, First Meetings, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Fluff and Angst.
My Rating: 3 stars.
Description:  Dean is a tattoo artist, who can remove peoples Soul-mate Marks if they so choose. One day a client comes in wanting his Soul-mate mark removed, and it's just Dean's luck that this man may very well be his mate.
Notes: This was a very interesting idea, but I don’t think it was executed particularly well (that might just be me though).
Puzzle Piece by flannelfeelings on AO3. (571 words).
Tags: Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Drabble, Cutesy, Human Castiel, Domestic, Funny, Lighthearted, Gas-N-Sip, very short, First Meetings, Sassy Castiel, Dean-Centric.
My Rating: 3 stars.
Description: In a world where your soulmate's first words are imprinted on your forearm at birth, sometimes life can be confusing.Luckily for Dean, it's not very hard to distinguish who his soulmate is.
Notes: Incredibly short but fairly cute and funny - I just wish there was more!
Last Words by Miniatures on AO3. (1,353 words).
Tags: Angst With a Happy Ending, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Soulmate AU, Angst, Romance, I will RIP YOUR HEART OUT and then put it back in.
My Rating: 3 stars.
Description: He feels Dean’s eyes on him, but he can’t bring himself to meet his brother’s gaze. His mouth is cotton, his chest scraped raw. He draws back his sleeve and stares, breathing ragged, at the sharp black lettering along his forearm—the last words he’ll ever hear his soulmate say."And this is me lying down."
Notes: I know exactly what you’re thinking: well hello, Lucifer, old friend. And you would be absolutely correct. My only problem with it is that it is too short to be executed as well as it deserves, and it feels slightly rushed.
Do You Understand What You Do To Me? by anonymous_dragon on AO3. (1,282 words) .
Tags: Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Soulmate AU, Fluff.
My Rating: 3 stars.
Description:  Sam sees a glimpse of Gabriel’s wings. Gabriel notices. (And he may feel just a tad scared.) 
When Sam’s born with a soulmate mark that is random gold squiggles (also known as Enochian) on his hipbone, and Gabriel never bothered to look for his own mark after he left Heaven. (It appeared on May 2nd, 1983.)
Notes: Quite cute, with the added bonus of Gabe being an icon, as usual.
Cas-ti-el by valinde on AO3. (2,647 words).
Tags: Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Pining Dean, Pre-Slash.
My Rating: 3 stars.
Description:  Dean had figured out the problem. The reason no one could translate the name written on his arm was because it wasn't one. It was just a line of meaningless gibberish. He didn't have a match.
Notes: Don’t sue me: I read this late at night and all I wrote was: “Kinda depressing, but we’re all here for some enochian.” Take from that whatever you want.
The Words We Long To Hear by StarlightDragon on AO3. 
Tags: Canon-Compliant, Post Series 10, Angst With a Happy Ending, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Soulmate AU, all 10 seasons in 4000 words, Sam’s POV.
My Rating: 3 stars.
Description:  Sam Winchester has known his whole life that the first words his soulmate says to him will be "I've been mopping this floor every day for six years." The guy who says it to him is a janitor, and then he's a Trickster, and then he's an angel, and then he's a Norse god, and Sam's not sure which one of these is the truth - but it's not like it matters, because Sam doesn't believe in soulmates anyway.
Notes: Just in case the tags and the description didn’t give it away, this fic is mostly Sabriel. Not entirely sure who came up with that or why it works, but it kind of does. Worth the rec because it’s pretty cute, and a great way to catch you up all the way to season 10. That being said, massive spoilers if you aren’t up to date.
Watch Your Hands, Watch Your Mouth by RawrSquared on AO3. (2,471 words).
Tags: Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Fluff.
My Rating: 3 stars.
Description: Sam was just doomed to spend his life with 'Are you fucking sorry?!' marked on his skin. Really, it wasn't fair.As it turns out, the explanation isn't so bad.
Notes: Quite cute and funny, but also mostly Sabriel.
The Mark Is In His Arm by Innwich on AO3. (3,220 words).
Tags: Soulmate AU, Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Soul Bond, Self-Harm, Angst.
My Rating: 2 stars.
Description:  Dean hated his soulmark. He didn’t know anyone whose mark hurt as bad as his did.
Notes: Not really sure what was going on in this one. The Mark of Cain was Dean’s soulmate? Highly unclear. (I feel like I may have put this in the other post but here it is again).
So, there they are. All the mediocre soulmate related fics. I swear I rate fics more/less than 3 stars occasionally. Promise.
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baroldspaghet · 6 years
AU Idea
where the name of anyone crushing on you appears on your body.
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