ourmissionjannah · 3 years
I might not understand what my lord wants but i do believe that whatever he does is for my best.
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ourmissionjannah · 3 years
اللهم صل وسلم على نبينا محمد 🌷
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ourmissionjannah · 3 years
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People proudly saying that i speak my mind , i don't hold anything in my heart . But hurting is a thing too , you might hurt someone with your words and you may not hold anything in your heart but someone might hold your words in their heart.
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ourmissionjannah · 3 years
Don't ask me why am i crying because I'm not gonna say it , you caused me pain and the tears and you got that audacity to ask me why am i crying? Bruh.
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ourmissionjannah · 3 years
My heart is so full , not because I'm happy but because i have to see people i love in pain , no one acknowledges their efforts and no one asks them " are you okay? " . It's like living in a prison, people know that you exist but they couldn't care less , how can people forget that Allah is watching everything .
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ourmissionjannah · 3 years
Even if your person, the person that you love has this evil side and you know it and they are ruining someone's life , you won't accept it , you know that they are wrong but you will not admit it . It takes alot to stand up against them but when you do it's another level of peace there. You stood up for the truth.
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ourmissionjannah · 3 years
It was chaos in mind and my tongue uttered silence.
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ourmissionjannah · 3 years
The secrets you've been telling them , is being told to many.
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ourmissionjannah · 3 years
Her cold eyes gave the statement that she no longer serve love for mistreatment.
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ourmissionjannah · 3 years
When the relations that involves you doesn't bring you respect , there is no relation there.
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ourmissionjannah · 3 years
With counting rose petals i realized that i could plant 1000 roses for you but you will only compliment the grass of the garden
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ourmissionjannah · 3 years
My hands reach out to you , please hold it while it is warm , once it turns cold , it won't recognize yours.
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ourmissionjannah · 3 years
My brooding heart weaves your love into my spirit’s fiber                         Stitch by stitch, thread by thread, warp by warp,
Tahirih, tr. by Sholeh Wolpé, from "Rhyme by Rhyme"
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ourmissionjannah · 3 years
Warm tea cups in the snow cold wheather , hands intertwined, looking into eachother eyes , sky full of stars and moon , and your presence makes it 10 times more beautiful.
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ourmissionjannah · 3 years
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ourmissionjannah · 3 years
It was not very long ago when i felt the night was more calming than the day.
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ourmissionjannah · 3 years
You don't have to clarify everything for everyone. Sometimes silence is the best answer.
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