pinky-mouse · 4 months
The Sorrow of The Blue (Prt. 2)
Note: Sorry if this is very erratic looking. (T-T)
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“You can’t just—just abduct random people!” Pearl squawked, her hands grasping at her hair as if she were ready to rip it out. Knowing her, she probably was.
“I didn’t abduct anyone,” You reply, a little taken aback by everyone’s reaction. Your face becomes crestfallen as you look around you. “I just wanted the human to meet you all. He was so wonderful to me, I thought that I should share his wisdom with you all.”
Before Pearl could get another incoherent stammer out, the door to the house swung open.
“Blue!” Greg frantically rushes out of his coastal home, his son Steven following behind him.
You smile again, looking hopeful as you bend down to look at him at a more suitable level. “Hello again, Greg. It’s been a while.”
“Hi to you too,” He nods, a trickle of sweat running down his forehead as he looks at the older man next to your form. “Blue, you can’t just take whoever you please.”
“I didn’t take him, he came willingly.” You replied softly, your eyebrows turning upward with disappointment again. “He didn’t protest at all. And he reminded me so much of you, I thought you two should become acquainted.”
Everyone around you, minus Steven and the older gentleman who you had not taken the time to know the name of sighed and shook their head.
“What’s the matter?” You ask wearily. You felt so isolated and alone all of a sudden. You’ve done something wrong again, haven’t you?
The lump in your throat returned, and you couldn’t swallow it down. Your droopy eyes began to dampen, and unbeknownst to you, the environment around began to envelop in the blue embrace of your persistent despair and hurt.
“I’m sorry,” You murmur, large tears rolling down your cheeks. “I’m sorry, please don’t look at me like that…”
No matter how many times you’ve (accidentally) affected the gems with your sorrowful energy, they’ve never gotten used to it. It was like an anchor, weighing them down to the furthest depths of the dark and cold ocean.
And that was just a crumb of your pain. Even though your ability was so strong, you still bore the brunt of it all. Nobody could understand— fathom your agony.
Except Steven. “It’s okay,” He said quietly to you, snapping you out of your daze. His hand, which was so small in comparison to your giantess figure, pressed against your cloak. “you’re going to be okay, Blue. Just tell us what happened.”
You wiped your eyes, your lips parted slightly in awe at how quickly the boy took you out of that pit of self deprecation. He was so much like Pink. You almost shed a few more tears before you shook your head.
No, answer the question. You told yourself. Stop crying, that’s enough. You’ve done enough harm already.
“I was traveling through the human cities. And I found myself in a dark little place called Gotham City.” You say slowly, as if you can’t remember what you’ve done or have been to.
“I felt so…so helpless there. There’s so much suffering there, and I couldn’t bear to witness it anymore. So I found somewhere quiet to rest.” You look for the man you had taken with you from New Jersey all the way to Beach City, a place near Ocean City, Maryland.
You don’t seem him anywhere.
“Where is the human?” You question, your eyebrow raising as you look around him. Just as you had gone from bashful to distraught, your attitude was quickly souring. “Where has he gone off to?”
Greg was missing as well.
Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, and Steven watched you get yourself worked up silently.
Your fists clenched at your sides. “Why will none of you answer me? Where is the human?”
“He’s with my dad, inside.” Steven speaks up, his hand never leaving the fabric of your garments. “Don’t worry, he’s just helping Alfred get back to his family.”
“Family?” You repeat, your own hands loosening. “Alfred, his name is Alfred. How peculiar. You humans have the strangest names.”
“Uh, sorry?” The fourteen year old apologizes sheepishly, not sure what else he could say.
Garnet shifts, her hand going up to adjust her silver shades. “You,” She begins in her cool tone. “took the butler of Bruce Wayne.”
Everyone goes silent, the only things being heard was the sounds of the waves softly crashing against the shore and the seagulls flying overhead.
“WHAT!?” Pearl wails as Amethyst snorts. “YOU KIDNAPPED A BUTLER!?”
Even Steven gasps. “The billionaire?”
“What, what’s happening?” You ask. Is there supposed to be some significance to this? You don’t get it. “Bruce Wayne? Who is that?”
“An elite, very powerful businessman.” Pearl breathes, she looks as if she’s going to faint.
Amethyst chimes in. “Yeah, we’re probably going to get into a lot of trouble when he gets here.”
Despite everything that’s happened with Steven and the Crystal Gems, a majority of people outside the city didn’t know they existed. At all. So you kidnapping the servant of a prestigious human man was going to blow everyone’s cover.
“I’m sorry,” You sigh, running a hand down your arm. You didn’t have the energy to cry. Or do anything else, really. “I’m very sorry, everyone.”
“We-we’ll figure something out, don’t worry!” Steven says encouragingly. You almost smile, had it not been for the way he immediately turned to the others with a look of worry.
Of course he was looking at you like that. Like you were pitiful. You were.
You needed to leave, you’ve done more harm than good at this point.
As you went around to the back of the house, you shrunk your form so that you were no longer as large and problematic as you had once been.
You had no clue how long you had been sitting on that large rock, letting the ocean water splash against the hem of your clothings. You still didn’t crying you refused to.
You held your head in your hands, a headache worming its way into your body. Whispers etched themselves into your mind, and your chest tightened.
The only thing that brought you back to the real world was the yelling coming from Steven, and as you lifted your head, you heard his words more clearly.
The boy was running to you, his hand outstretched and a look of fear on his face as he cried, “No! Don’t!”
‘Don’t, what?’ You wanted to ask, but before you could get the words out, before you could turn your head to see who he was pleading to, you felt a piercing stab in your stomach.
You looked down, mouth agape as you saw the sharp blade sticking out of you. Just you blinked, your mind catching up with your eyes, you went *(Poof!)*
And your gem splashed into the icy waters of the ocean.
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pinky-mouse · 4 months
The Sorrow of The Blue
Note: I don’t know what compelled me to write this crossover, but I did. I’m also not too great at writing fanfics either. That being said, enjoy, I guess. lol.
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GIF by pieropann
You were not supposed to be here. Most likely.
It’s strange, you had previously said that every gem that had visited this planet had turned traitor. And look at you now, enjoying the very earth that you had so callously declared to despise many millennia ago.
Were you a traitor then?
You sat quietly on the steps of a worn staircase, your cloak’s hood covering you as a veil. You had come alone, you wanted to be, needed to be.
Yellow thought you were hysterical too often. You were a Diamond, not some puny, overly emotional lower life form. You were supposed to act according to your expectations - the very expectations set by the controlling White.
You sighed, your hands folded neatly on your lap. A thick tear dribbled down your cheek, but you didn’t bother to wipe it away. There was no point. More would follow shortly afterward anyway.
“Oh my,” You heard a voice say. It was a male. A male human. You kept your gaze ahead, looking at the flowers growing through the mulch in the garden. They were so organized, not a petal out of place.
Unlike your life.
The thought made a few more hot, salty tears of anguish spill down your cheeks. You let them flow. You were used to crying, though the feeling was never therapeutic. Crying was supposed to make you feel better, yet all it had done for you was make you feel so much worse. You felt weak and helpless.
“Miss, are you alright?” The voice asked again. You turned your head, a look of surprise on your flushed and watery features. It was an older human male.
“Ye—yes, I’m quite alright.” You responded, wiping your eyes as you fruitlessly attempted to collect your bearings. “I was just…lost in thought.”
You look ahead at the garden again. It’s so beautiful and serene, especially considering that it’s coming from the hands and care of a human.
“Your garden is lovely,” You swallow the lump lodged in your throat. It hurts, but you push the feeling away. “I did not think that a human would be capable of creating such beauty, but it seems I was wrong.”
“Why, thank you, Miss?” The old man says expectantly, but you’re back deep in your own swirling thoughts of grief, longing, and blame to notice. Your head hurts, like someone is rapping their hand against it as if it’s a door that needs to be opened.
He takes a quick glance at you and noticed your unnatural skin color, but makes no mention of it. Rather, he opts to sit next to your tall form as you remain seated silently on those steps.
You’re trespassing on private property, but he knows better than to openly acknowledge that. He has no clue if you know that fact or if you’re a threat. He’s playing with fire just by getting close to you like this, but somewhere in his heart he can tell you need something to bring you back to the present.
“Something on your mind?”
“Yes.” You answer faintly, your head bowing a little further as your hood covers more of your face. “I just miss what life used to be like, long ago. I could smile more. I was happy. But now, I am not. And I—”
“—Wish you could go back?” He asks. “Me too, sometimes. But unfortunately, we cannot turn back time.”
“You ‘too’?” You echo, your head lifting as you look at him in mild surprise; another tear rolls down your cheek and lingers at the end of your chin. “You know how I feel?”
“Of course,” He nods solemnly. “There are days I wish I could go back and change the past. Some nights I think to myself what could’ve been had I done something differently.”
“I’m surprised a human being is capable of understanding how I feel.” Your quiet voice murmurs. He doesn’t acknowledge the way you worded that. “What have you lost?”
“I’ve lost many people in my life. Some gone too soon, and others not. The pain doesn’t get any better, but I have learned to keep looking ahead. I can’t take care of the people in my life now if I spend my days dwelling on the past.”
“That’s very intelligent of you to say.” The words aren’t necessarily groundbreaking, but they are reminding. Reminding you that you need to learn to push forward, that there’s nothing more you can do. And it is what it is.
You feel somewhat better, for the first time in hundreds of years.
You pause, a tired, melancholic smile etching itself on your face as you lean in and look at him. You lift your hood enough so that your face is no longer covered. “You know, I really shouldn’t be here.”
“I am aware.” The older man comments offhandedly. Just as he ignored you calling him out as a “human,” you pretend not to hear that little remark of his.
“But, I’m glad I came here.” You continue. “You remind me so much of the others. I wish you could meet them.”
Just as you say that, you have an idea. Standing to your full height, you reach a hand down and pick him up, cradling the man to your shoulder. You pay no attention to his stunned gasp as you begin to walk to your destination.
Oh, the others will be so happy knowing you’ve made a new friend.
Hours pass, and the sun begins to set. The pink, purple, and orange colors paint across the sky as if it were a canvas, and the moon’s glow begins to shine faintly through the passing clouds.
A young man, with black hair and a tuft of white at the front looks at the others behind him, his eyebrow raised in confusion and his blue eyes squinting in disbelief.
“Where the hell’s Alfred?”
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