"My Hell"
This cruel world a dark, sad, miserable rock
Warmth only deep inside, in its unreachable core
Its feigning beating heart, cannot ever be sought
Any attempt to reach it, so much deadlier than war.
It's outer crust, a cold, baron conundrum of strife
Overran by hungry parasites, from its very start
Trying to feed off its eternal love they lust, not rife
This world seems so warm, this world is falling apart.
Simply a sphere of dirt, a rock all alone in space
Rotating constantly, never going any particular place
Satisfied that it's plagued, with pure hatred and haste
Satisfied knowing, it will end a horrific, tragic waste.
Each blood sucker, only here helping him or herself
Each parasite, convinced happiness is simply wealth
Each blood sucker, only out for his or her own health
Each parasite's morals, left long ago, on his or her shelf.
Deadly insects, sending thousands to die, for greed
Snakes slithering through grass, a sadistic sinful deed
Scorpions sting to cause pain, and make men bleed
Wolves eating one another, dog eat dog world they feed.
Nothing here on this cold hell, is nearly as it seems
Facades are selfishness, disguised as selflessness
False promises and fake morality, here it gleams
Where there's more good than bad, is only in dreams.
I am in no way afraid, to meet my final demise
Just one part of my death, brings terror to my eyes
My hell would be if my soul, was real and it did rise
Heaven my hell, eternity amongst you all, in the skies.
Copyright 6/23/2018
Gregory Fino
US Marines 0311
Iraq 2005
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"See" (Full Loop in Iambic Tetrameter)
Looks can deceive 
Deceive our eyes
Eyes can perceive
Perceive our lies
Lies versus truth
Truth can be pain
Pain let's us know
Know and explain
Explain why yet
Yet we have met
Met in these years
Years of regret
Regret so much
Much I'd now do
Do to not lose
Lose the old you
You I once was
Was in the past
Past is now gone 
Gone and so fast
Fast go the years
Years since my eyes
Eyes saw this world
World in disguise
Disguise was fact
Fact was untrue
Untrue that most
Most ever knew
Knew how to see
See earth for real
Real is the fear
Fear we should feel.
© Copyright-9/9/18
Gregory J. Fino
US Marines 0311
Iraq 2005
#Warpoetry #warpoet #combatpoetry #combatpoet #purpleheartpoetry
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"You or Me"
Weapons at the ready
Prepare to now engage
Turn off all your feelings
Turn on all your rage.
Death upon your enemy
What you are trained for
To the cemetery
Walk him to his door.
Death is at your doorstep
Every single day
Every waking hour
Every lethal way.
It's he or it's you
Blood will cease to flow
Do what you must do
One of you must go.
Who's quicker on the trigger?
Who's more eager to kill?
Who's will to live is bigger?
Who's trained and has more skill?
Better him than me
I am going home
I will be more deadly
'Adios! Shalom!'
© Copyright 5/8/18
Gregory J. Fino
US Marines 0311
Iraq 2005
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The sounds of the war
the scents of war's dead
the sights of pure horror
the crimson blood red.
Forever to stay
Forever to be
Forever my soul
Forever in me.
Most will come home
Most will atone
Most all alone
Home feels alone.
Forever more
Forever the war
Forever my tour
Forever the Corps.
Forget about war
War you can't forget
your mind is a blur
But noone sees it.
You see different colors
Smell different scents
You hear different noises
Feel more intense.
© Copyright-12/8/17
Gregory J. Fino
Marine Corps 0311
Iraq 2005
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"Next of Kin" (Realistic Fiction)
I never got to tell you
Our baby, he's a boy
You'll never get to meet him
Our newest pride and joy
We married one another
Before you went to war
We never even started
We're done forever more
I found out on the phone
Late on Tuesday night
Your Mother sounded numb
She didn't sound alright
Then I heard her crying
I knew it was for you
I knew that she was trying
To tell me the bad news
Then within the background
I heard the Chaplain speak
I heard him tell your father
You'd be home in a week
Then a low deep voice
An officer for sure
I heard him say "for freedom"
You fought and did die for
The whole time I was silent
I felt our baby kick
My mind, it tried to fool me
"Could this be a cruel trick?"
I knew this was for real
I knew I'd never heal
I knew the sad despair
I knew for life we'd feel
In combat men do die
Not all do survive
As hard as we do try
This fact we don't deny
God, tell me it's not true
God, tell me it's not you
God, tell me what to do
God, if not him, then who?
Regarding our new child
He'll learn why you did go
He'll learn about his Father
Your sacrifice, he'll know.
© Copyright-4/21/2018
Gregory J. Fino
US Marines 0311
Iraq 2005
The brave Soldier pictured is SFC Ofren "AC" Arrechaga, born 12/22/1982, in Havana Cuba. SFC Arrechaga received American citizenship during his 3rd tour to Iraq. Ofren was tragically killed in action on his 4th and final tour, in Kunar Province, Afghanistan, on March 29th, 2011. Please note: this poem is NOT a factual account of SFC Arrechaga and/or his family's life, including his wife, also pictured. It is a powerful picture that accompanies a realistic but fictional poem, intended to add to the message.
-G. Fino
#warpoetry #combatpoetry #vietnamwar #poetry #goldstarfamily #realisticfiction #iraqveteran #afghanistanveteran #militaryorderofthepurpleheart
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"Red White and Purple"
Mix red and blue
Pour in some white
Purple's the color
Made if done right.
Hearts that beat purple
Soldier's worst plight
Purple in war
Red blood in a fight.
Purple war colors
Gruesome sad sights
Pray you won't hear
"Walk towards the light."
Purple for those
Now injured or dead.
If hit with hot lead,
The weapon belt-fed
A Purple Heart's coming
For your bloodshed.
Pinned on your chest,
For "Military Merit,"
If Killed In Action,
Always you'll wear it.
Rolling two dice
Will dictate your fate
If purple's not seen
We'll see your death date.
Purple skies shine
From Heaven's gates
Its guards are Marines
Deep purple they rate.
Purple Heart medals
Wear them with pride
Wear them with honor
For those who died.
© Copyright-11/4/17
Gregory J. Fino
US Marines 0311
Iraq 2005
#combatpoet #purpleheartpoetry #PTSD #warpoet #warpoetry #combatpoetry #purpleheart #combatwounded
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"Once More"
The urge that you have
To go back to war
That is what you want
What you do yearn for?
Yes it is true
I yearn for that drug
That sweet rush of life
I crave it for sure.
But forty-nine died
You need to atone
You shed crimson blood
Upon sunbaked stone.
A Purple Heart Medal
All that was gained
Onto your flesh
Hot metal rained.
Life's not the same
Not like before
Combat's to blame
Combat's allure.
I crave still to fight
Some say I'm insane
I say they are right
Now "lock load and aim."
Now, Give me my rifle
My orders please, Sir
I'll kill every enemy
Like I have trained for.
Thoughts, now abusive
Thoughts now intrusive
My tour was cut short
Wounds took me away
I think of "what ifs"
"What if" I did stay?
If I went back
I could find peace
Once more in Iraq
My guilt could cease.
© Copyright-4/4/18
Gregory J. Fino
US Marines 0311
Iraq 2005
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trap myself in
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"Invisible Wounds"
Invisible wounds
Deep in our flesh
Our scars appear healed.
Our memories, fresh.
Our Souls isolate
We keep to ourselves
There is no time limit
I'm past year twelve.
Alone we remain
Just digital life
Just social-media
Solitude's rife.
What's this disease
Brought home from wars?
Why are we plagued
From our combat tours?
So, is this the end
Will our lives change?
Or forever more
Our minds rearranged.
Know we are broken
We break, not bend
Know we can heal
Know broken parts mend.
Do not judge our actions
It's how we cope
Around our young necks
Quit cinching the rope.
With us be patient
Give us our time
We'll make repairs
Like stars can align.
© Copyright-10/20/2017
Gregory J. Fino
•US Marines (0311)
•Iraq 2005
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Presswood People
The best place to be when you travel through time is alone in the dark.
I neglect sleep for fractured snippets of faulty conversations that nobody else remembers;
but I remember because those snippets fractured me.
I watch the people who were my age when I was smaller,
and I scold them for letting time chip away at their presswood bones.
Their withered faces scare the life out of me;
but only because the more they peel away,
the more I can see my own face underneath.
If only we had built ourselves up then with the tools we have now,
if only we had known what to say back when we didn’t say it.
I thought I hated family gatherings until they started getting smaller.
We only gather at funerals now.
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A dead Soldier's mother
Cries for her son
He lived by her love
He died by his gun.
She knows it is true
Her life's over too
Her seedling came close
But it never grew.
Now a rope hangs
From a Holly tree
It represents wisdom
Perhaps peace for she.
Planted the cherry tree
Upon his birth
It represents happiness
And joyful mirth.
Eighteen years old
It had grown so tall
Her son did give some
Her son did give all.
Her life was lost with him
He was her life
Her days are now grim
Her depression's rife.
Attention to detail
She's fashioned the noose
Not from the Elder
She'll hang from the Spruce.
Together they grew
Their love was combined
Like pear trees good health
They grew intertwined.
Dogwoods bloom bright
Pink and pure white
Her son's now a tree
Starved of all sun light.
The red bud is shedding
Like tears falling down
Soaking the land
Like blood soaking ground.
The oak standing tall
Bows it’s mighty head
It feels death’s cold grip
Soon you'll be dead.
The Fir's furry branches
Reach out for you
Longing to save them
Death's aim is true.
Death came a calling
Just like a disease
War plagued her son
Termites, the trees.
Evergreens love
Ensure happy life
Life though was stolen
Left was pure strife
Holly highly sacred trees
Death is in the air
Together now forever
Two trees, in one pair.
© Copyright-5/14/18
Gregory Fino
US Marines 0311
Iraq 2005
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"Combat Estrogen"
Hell hath no fury
Like women who've been scorned
To men, who do doubt this
Consider yourselves warned.
Maternal instincts fierce
They're programmed to protect
Mess with Molly's loved ones
Your fate, your life, you're wrecked.
Ask any Marine
Will females shoot to kill?
The same answer they'll scream
Semper-Fi, they will.
Joe is in a foxhole
With Mrs. G.I. Jane
Forecast looking dreary
Brass storms with lead rain.
Misogynistic males
Who think women can't fight
Prepare to go "night-night"
As "Wook" turns off your light.
© Copyright-7/11/17
Gregory J. Fino
•US Marines (0311)
•Iraq 2005
▪Molly Marine: In 1943, in the middle of World War II, Marine Technical Sgt. Charles Gresham, a recruiter, needed a way to promote the enlistment of females into the Marine Corps. He decided on a statue of a woman in uniform. "Molly The Marine."
▪Wook: Derogatory term that some male Marines use when referring to female Marines.
#Warpoetry #warpoet #combatpoetry #combatpoet #purpleheartpoetry #PTSD #femalemarines #femaleveterans
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"God Country Corps"
His helmet's on his rifle,
His dog-tags on its grip,
Marine, killed in action,
Until Valhalla-RIP.
His soul forever wanders,
Through the desert sand,
His body flown back home,
Back to his native land.
To Dover Air Force Base,
He's destined to first fly,
Destiny ensured,
He won't arrive alive.
From this sacred spot,
His home he will go,
Loved ones simply shattered,
Mendability unknown.
In shock, they remain,
His family and close friends,
They waved him off to War,
Their joyfulness pretend.
A Captain by his side,
His duty-detail-chore,
Ensuring total honor,
On this final tour.
The officer did well,
Expected, nothing less,
Regarding, he who fell
Closed casket would be best.
-Military honors
Bugles blasting-
-Folded flag
Given to his daughter-
For her lifetime
-She shall have
Taps is heard so loud,
Through Arlington's blue sky,
For God, Country, and Corps,
He'd fight-he'd fall-he'd die.
© Copyright 12/17/17
Gregory J. Fino
US Marines 0311
Iraq 2005
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Wars have a start
Wars have no end
Wars tear apart
What may not mend.
Woven perfection
Shredded and torn
Every direction
Brand new or worn.
Live life in peace
Or in peace rest
Stitch every piece
Live life your best.
Needles and thread
Mind, body, soul
Make all repairs
You have control.
Your cloth the same?
Never again
How long it holds
That will depend.
Options are these
Be dead or alive
Patience a virtue
With time, arrive.
Short cuts exist
Slow down and breathe
Rush, hold your breath
Destroy the weave.
© Copyright-3/30/17
Gregory J. Fino
Marine Corps (0311)
Iraq 2005
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"Hold Your Breath"
Weapons, their destruction mass
Get your mask, now dawn it fast
Mustard, Sarin, Chlorine gas
Take a breath, perhaps your last.
Perhaps formed with good intentions
But now give me your attention
Four formed Geneva Conventions
Ancitipate their circumvention.
Aftermath of World War Two
Two more treaties added, new
What nations can and can't do
Specific rules, how to kill you.
What's humane and what is not?
In war, where death tolls are sought
I've seen war, in war I've fought
Death is death, blown up or shot.
In every Nuremburg trial
Revealed war crimes sad and vile
Rules of war some would compile
With a "wink" a "nod" a "smile."
History repeats itself
Leaders crave power and wealth
Selflessness sits on a shelf
Greed surmounts, mans life and health.
Ignorance is truly bliss
Rules of how to kill exist
Dismiss bliss, believe now this
All things go, so to subsist.
Syria, the Nam, Iraq
Bio/chem, pungee spikes, fact
Treaties from Geneva lack
Everytime cultures attack.
© Copyright-6/18/2018
Gregory Fino
US Marines 0311
Iraq 2005
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"Blackhawk Down"
Two helos, they were hit
Both hit with R-P-G's
The third day of October
In Nineteen Ninety-Three.
Somali fighters knew
A ground fight would ensue
It's so hard to construe
That Mogadishu's true.
Our Delta Force and Rangers
Our War fighters, elite
Were totally outnumbered
And facing their defeat.
The battle, it would rage
Until October four.
A firefight like this not seen
Since the Vietnam War.
Find 'Aidid Mohamed'
Capture him alive
That was the main mission
It then was survive.
Only do the dead
See the end of war
The end was closing in
On many men for sure.
Count our killed in action
Nineteen troops lay dead,
Insurgents killed, three hundred
Probably more, it's said.
One hundred and sixty
All the troops we had
Two perhaps three thousand
"Skinnies" raging mad.
We had to then egress
A fact hard to confess
Our Soldiers fought their best
In peace now, nineteen rest.
For them, it is their job
To fight and shed blood red
They kept on going back
To retrieve each our dead.
Leave no man behind
Leave not a single one
No matter what the cost
It simply must be done.
'Aidid' did not walk free
For his crimes he'd pay
The warlord would be caught
The "Rangers lead the way."
The home of the true brave
The land of the true free
Army Rangers, Delta Force
Blackhawk Down, they'd be.
© Copyright 2/7/18
Gregory J. Fino
US Marines 0311
Iraq 2005
#combatpoet #purpleheartpoetry #PTSD #warpoet #warpoetry #combatpoetry #Blackhawkdown #somalia
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