queerforeternity · 2 years
Good morning to all my funky queers with funky labels that some people might say are "contradictory" but don't care because labels are social constructs made to be broken. Everyone else....good morning to you too.
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queerforeternity · 2 years
Hey! I think it'd be important to do more research into "transrace" and what it /ACTUALLY/ is. It's not white people being like "Oh I'm black now <3 #transrace" it's a term created by BIPOC who have experiences w/ racial identity erasure. BIPOC adoptees who lost connection w/ their cultures, mixraced people branching out to explore the different facetes of their ancestry, etc.
I'm sure there have been dumb ass people co~opting it but I think it's important to keep in mind that a LOT of those people were trolls, y'know, racists, alt rights who wanted to make it seem like "transrace" "white to POC" people ACTUALYL existed as a way to both discredit transgender people as well as the BIPOC people with those experiences. So playing into that definition of it actively hurts people rather than helping them, and I've seen plenty of people say it's actively racist and erasure to act like "transrace" is something other than what it actually was originally.
Not sending any of this to be mean! More just educational! I recommend doing more research into it outside of just my ask btw. Love ur blog!
Hello I'm glad you enjoy my blog! It makes me glad to see that you enjoy my content. No I wanted to discuss why that part of my DNI means, when I say when I say "trans race" I never mean BIPOC who struggle with their racial identity, I myself, a hispanic person, have struggled with that as well and it is a completley valid struggle. What I mean is people who think that they can just claim a race as their own, those who obsess with a random race and think they can just "become one" and completely disregard how much actual people of that race have struggled (excluding white, as they don't face opression unless they are a white latine)
I don't use the term transracial because it's a term for people of one race who were adopted by another, and I don't want to misconstrue them any more then they already have been.
I will try to find a better term to use to describe those who actually fit the DNI I'm talking about. I don't want to make any BIPOC folk who have struggled with their identity to struggle anymore, and they are always welcome on my blog.
Love you guys, stay queer! <3
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queerforeternity · 2 years
A new gender identity I'm coining: Rygender
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A gender where you are the opposite of all genders, where your identity and expression is so unique that it can only be defined as the "opposite gender to all genders"
Example: you're gender is the opposite of being pangender, the opposite of being agender, a boy, a girl, non binary. And in a way it could even be the opposite of your own gender.
Simply put, the ultimate opposite gender
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queerforeternity · 2 years
Identity discourse doesn't exist irl, there are LOTS of ftm lesbians, mtf gays, neopronoun users and more! Remember that a lot of the hate is online, so if you can, take a break from social media, and focus on yourself and affirming your identity! No matter what, you are valid and loved ❤️
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queerforeternity · 2 years
Mspec lesbians, lesboys, ftm lesbians, and more are real valid identities, but lots of queer youth tend to invalidate these identities because it doesn’t fit into the harsh boxes of identity. So here’s a reminder
The humans brain is so complicated that you can’t just force everyone to describe themselves within a box, or force yourself to fit in that box. Almost everyone will have an identity so complicated that you can’t explain, so it’s only natural that people describe themselves as an “mspec gay” or a “pan lesbian.” All queer people are human beings deserving of respect towards what their identity is.
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queerforeternity · 2 years
I genuinely thought this was an actual ad for a second and then I saw this was a post. Very sad day
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queerforeternity · 2 years
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queerforeternity · 2 years
so the actors did all the work? got it. See this is why volume 2 was so bad because they probably didn’t even have a script. The only thing that was scripted was Mike forgetting he had a best-friend, a white highschooler tackling a black 12 year old, and Robin having to watch her crush kiss a guy? Let me write season 5, i’ll fix this.
I was just informed that the duffer brothers wrote volume 2, i understand now.
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(in my opinion) I’m not about to argue with y’all, so get out of my comments if you don’t agree or whatever.
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queerforeternity · 2 years
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for real
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queerforeternity · 2 years
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queerforeternity · 2 years
possible explanations for Baymax being able to get 10 bags full of menstrual products:
Hiro updated his programming so he can have a bit of money linked to a debit card or something
Baymax has no money but found an employee instead. Baymax politely and calmly told them that he needs to get a small city's worth of pads and tampons right away, you see he has a patient and it's very urgent, and the cashier who does NOT get paid enough to argue with or explain the concept of capitalism to an 8 foot tall crimefighting robot was like "man, just go"
Baymax knows exactly how money and capitalism works but thinks it has no place in medicine, and regularly just straight-up shoplifts in the name of free and effective healthcare
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queerforeternity · 2 years
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NTA-you stood up for your son
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queerforeternity · 2 years
Today at a restaurant a little girl called me a "he." I was so happy, little affirmations to peoples identity, even if they didnt know you were trans, are vital. Dont shame your trans friends for "overreacting" when someone genders them correctly without even telling them, because little things really make a difference in trans lives.
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queerforeternity · 2 years
Please don’t feel obliged, but if you want to please reblog or like this post if you’re a lesbian and an inclusionist. I need some hope.
Reblog or like if you’re a lesbian and support
Trans people
Bi lesbians
He/him lesbians
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queerforeternity · 2 years
Please don’t feel obliged, but if you want to please reblog or like this post if you’re a lesbian and an inclusionist. I need some hope.
Reblog or like if you’re a lesbian and support
Trans people
Bi lesbians
He/him lesbians
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queerforeternity · 2 years
Don’t listen to homophobes, transphobes, etc. You are valid, you are having fun, you’re the one living happily and accepting yourself while they’re screwing themselves over by being so negative. Keep being you.
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queerforeternity · 2 years
shout out to lesbians who are men in some way! demiboy lesbians, masculenby lesbians, genderfluid lesbians, bigender lesbians, nonbinary men lesbians, agender man lesbians, transmasc lesbians, trans men lesbians, lesbians who are on the edge between or are both butch and trans men, lesboys, lesbians who are also gay men, and any other variety of lesbians who fall under this!
your complex gender and orientation identity is something to be celebrated, and youre a shining example of what being queer is all about- proudly being uniquely yourself and breaking out of the bounds of societal norms! were queer and were not here to be easily digestable to others or water ourselves down, were here to unabashedly be ourselves and make others get used to it, were not going anywhere!
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