rcvcngcrs · 4 years
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rcvcngcrs · 5 years
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rcvcngcrs · 5 years
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This is the Baby Money Yoda, reblog in the next 60 seconds of seeing this to receive a blessing from our green bean prince.
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rcvcngcrs · 5 years
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reblog and make a wish! this was removed from tumbrl due to “violating one or more of Tumblr’s Community Guidelines”, but since my wish came true the first time, I’m putting it back. :)
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rcvcngcrs · 5 years
Steamed Windows
Large snowflakes were falling down, and the temperature was drastically low. You heard the engine die, and your heart dropped as you looked at Stephen. “Please tell me the car did not just die.” You pleaded. Stephen looked at you with despair in his eyes.
“I’m afraid so.” Your teeth were starting to chatter and the snow was thickening on the windshield. “Zip up your coat, love.” He said as he zipped up his own coat. Stephen climbed in the backseat, and patted the seat next to him. “Come. Sit.” You climbed to the back and plopped down next to him. You wanted to cry.
“Stephen.” He looked to you and hummed. “How are we going to stay warm enough? There’s no way we can...” He cut you off.
“Don’t worry Y/N. Everything will be just fine.” He smiled and held you close to him. He reached to the very back of the car and pulled the bags into his lap. He dumped them out and told you to put on as many clothes as you can.
“What?” You laughed slightly. 
“The more layers of clothes, the more you’ll be warm.” You unzipped your coat and took off your shirt. “I said more clothes, not less clothes.” 
“I know.” You put on three other sports bras over the bra you were already wearing, and then put back on your shirt. Stephen began adding clothes to his own body as well.You put on a long sleeve shirt and then a sweater. You were about to put on another sweater when he lightly grabbed your wrist. “What?” 
“I have an idea, but…” He looked away from you, to the front seat. 
“What’s the idea?” You were curious now. “Stephen?” 
“Alright, but stop me if you don’t want to continue.” You were confused. ‘Stop what? What was he going to…’ But before you could finish that thought, his cool lips were on yours. You sunk into the kiss. Your body felt warmer feeling the warm inside of his mouth. He shrugged off his jacket and pulled at the hem of your sweater. You broke away from the heated kiss and ripped away your sweater, and then the sweater under it. Then you took off the long sleeve shirt, and the next shirt under. Stephen was chuckling at you struggling to strip. You took off the first, second, and third sports bras. Stephen stopped you before you could take off the last bra. He got rid of his sweater and shirt and pulled you into his lap. He took your head in his hands and kissed you. The kiss was full of lust and passion. He broke away and snaked his arms around you and undid the clip to your bra. He slowly slid the straps down your arms and threw it into the front of the car. He held your warm breasts in his hands and gently squeezed. You let out a small huff. He smirked and began kissing down your face, starting at your cheekbone. He kissed down to you jaw and nibbled, earning another small moan from you. You lulled your head back as he kissed down your neck. He sucked at your throat and drug his teeth against it. You moaned and he could feel the vibration in his hot mouth. You slid your hands down to his pants and undid the button and zipper. His bulge created a tent in his boxers and you started to pull his boxers down. He helped you pull them completely off. A cold shiver went through him and his member twitched. You leaned your back against the top of the car, with your legs straight, so you could take off your skinny jeans. As soon as they were off, Stephen pulled you into his lap quickly and you giggled at his lack of patience. You rested your arms on his shoulders and you ran your fingers through his hair. He caressed your thighs as you stared into one another’s eyes. You leaned your lips to his and he took your bottom lip in between his soft lips. Heat traveled through your body, from your lips and straight to your core. You felt Stephen’s member grow harder against your heat. You pulled away from his lips slightly, and Stephen held your bottom lip between his teeth. You smiled and your lip slid out from his teeth. He position himself between your legs, and he slowly pushed your hips down onto him. You both let out a growl-like moan, and licked your lips. You kissed the ends of his eyebrows. Then his sharp cheekbones. And the corners of his hot mouth. Stephen guided your hips against him, and you began panting. When you took control of your hips, Stephen let out breathy groans. One of his hands held the small of your back, and the other held the back of your neck to pull you in for another deep kiss. Stephen moved his hips against yours and you moaned into his mouth. You pulled away to throw your head back from the pleasant sensation you were receiving. His hands held your upper back as you leaned back. His lips attached to your collarbone, leaving a dark mark. Your pants and moans filled the car, steaming up the windows. You began reaching your high and called out his name. He grunted when his name fell from your lips. You gripped his wide shoulders tighter and panted his name, over and over. He groaned your name when you clenched around him. Hearing your name said in a groan caused you to mewl. Stephen held you close and moved to lay you down on the back seat. He now had a better angle to create more intense pleasure. He thrusted into you harder, calling your name. Your arched your back as you climaxed, and let out an almost pornographic moan. Stephen came to his climax shortly after, calling your name against your shoulder. You and Stephen continued to pant, until you came down from your highs. “Are you warm now, Y/N?” Stephen had a smug grin. 
“I’m much more than warm. I’m hot and sweaty.” You pulled him down for a kiss.
“You are definitely hot.” You giggled into the soft kiss.
Smutty drabble thoughts at 2am, while snow was falling. Now it’s just raining. the snow didn’t stick :(
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rcvcngcrs · 5 years
12 Days of Christmas
First Day of Christmas - Chapter 1 of 12
“Robert! Slow down!” You yelled at him from the back seat of his Audi. There were some assholes who decided it was funny to hit the brakes in front of you all.
    “Y/N, I know what I’m doing.” He told you with confidence.
    “Well that doesn’t make it right.” Tom said, sitting next to you in the back. Benedict, who was sitting on your right, was glaring at Robert. Chris was wide eyed and grabbing the sides of the car. 
    “Tom is absolutely right. Now please, Robert, slow down!” Chris said frantically.
    “Why? Why must you do this?” You yelled at him again. “I don’t want to be dead for Christmas!” He was ignoring all of you now.
    “I second that!” Tom grabbed the handle, and everyone hummed in agreeance. Robert groaned.
    “Just let me get passed them and leave them safely behind us.” You and Chris rolled your eyes and Tom and Benedict put their heads in their hands sighing. Robert began speeding even more to race up to them. 
    “Oh my God, I’m going to die.” You said under your breath. Robert had made it behind the assholes and was now speeding more to go around them. Robert managed to pull up next to them in the opposite lane, looked the assholes dead in the eyes, and began racing them. The assholes sped up to Robert and they began racing down the road, with Robert in the wrong lane. You were now repeating ‘I’m going to die’ under your breath as if it was a mantra. 
    “Y/N! You are not going to die! Now shut up, so I can concentrate!” How dare he speak to you like that. 
    “You don’t have the right to speak to me like that Robert!” You were even more angry at him than before. 
    “I do actually. It’s called freedom of speech, babe.” You practically had steam coming out of your ears now. His confidence level was high now that he was racing someone down the road. This was his insane idea of fun. 
    “Robert, slow down! Quit your arrogance! And pull the damn car over!” You were fuming, and if he ever pulled the car over you were going to jump him.
    “You can’t tell me what to do, hun!” He was grinning and you suddenly had the urge to slap him across the face. You guys were long gone from the assholes by now.
    “Pull this damn car over before I slap that shit eating grin off of your pretty face!” You about had it with Robert. Chris, Tom, and Benedict had no idea what to do or say. They had never seen you this angry since you found your ex boyfriend in bed with another girl. But that’s another story, so let’s just say Tom and Benedict had to pull you off of his wimpy ass, while Chris held his laughter at how afraid he was of you. 
    Robert groaned. “Why must you ruin all the fun?” 
    “This is what you call fun?” You were practically screaming at him. “This, Robert, is not fun. This? This is what you call looking for disaster!” He groaned again. “Robert I swear to God! Pull this damn car over!” 
    Chris turned to Robert. “Robert, just pull the car over.” 
    “What’s the magic word?” He was messing with you. You had no idea how he could be teasing you while speeding down the road.
    “Please, God damnit!” You were still yelling at him.
    “The magic word was actually America’s ass, but please works fine.” He was laughing at his teasing. 
    “Robert I wouldn’t push it.” Tom was utterly nervous about what you were going to do if he kept it up. Robert clicked his tongue and slowed down. He pulled the car over and put the gear in park. 
    “Excuse me Tom, can you please let me out?” He looked at you as if he knew what you were going to do. You turned to Benedict. “Ben, can you let me out please?” He sighed. “Benedict.” You groaned at Tom and Ben’s stubbornness. “Fine.” You crawled over Benedict and stumbled out of the car. You straightened your shirt and stomped to the drivers door. Robert smiled at you when you knocked on the window. He rolled down the window and gave a low chuckle.
    “Yes officer?” You rolled your eyes. “Is there anything I can do to make this a warning, officer?” You crossed your arms and were about to speak, but Robert spoke again first. “I’m willing to do anything. Anything at all.” He said in a seductive tone. 
    “Get out.” Robert furrowed his eyebrows. “Get your ass out of the car.” You were gritting your teeth. Robert flung the door open and slung it shut with another shit eating grin. 
    “Are you going to handcuff me, officer?” You began to lunge at him, but Tom opened his door separating you from Robert. 
    “Y/N don’t do anything you are just going to regret later.” Tom said with pleading eyes.
    Benedict and Chris got out of the car and walked around the front of the car. 
    “Y/N, let’s just get back on the road.” Benedict spoke up. 
    “Yeah, guys c’mon. Let’s just get back to finding the so called perfect Christmas tree we were looking for.” Chris was more calm than Tom and Ben, they were clearly nervous. You were about to give in and get back on the road, but Robert just had to open his smartass mouth.
    “C’mon put your big girl panties on, and let’s get going.” He said with a smirk.
    “If you’re going to be a smartass, Robert, you have to be smart, otherwise you’re just an ass.” He laughed at your remark. “Move please, Tom.” You began walking towards him, but Tom stopped you with his long arms. “Tom, just let me..” Before you could make Tom move a truck slowed and rolled down their window.
    “You guys need any help?” They asked politely. And as soon as Tom was distracted, you ducked down and around Tom, heading straight for Robert. He backed up towards the snow covered ground. You lunged at Robert and threw yourself on him, causing him to fall backwards in the snow, with you on top. You held your hands on his throat and threatened to squeeze.
    “I’ll do it. I really will.” He was still smirking at you.
    “No you won’t babe.” He needs to stop with these nicknames. “You know, we are in a very compromising position.” You shoved a fist in his chest earning a grunt.
    “Oh I could. And I really would.” Tom, Ben and Chris watched the scene play out. “But I won’t.” You took your hand off his throat, but kept the other hand balled into a fist on his chest. 
“Is it bad I’m getting turned on by this?.” There he goes again with the teasing remarks. You were so frustrated with him you wanted to punch his face.
"You frustrate me so much, Robert." He smirked.
"Sexually?" Oh you were going to hurt him now. Tom walked over and placed a hand on your shoulder and gave you the 'don't do it' stare. You got off Robert and stood up. Chris was done with Robert's mouth and sat back in the car. When Robert was standing you shoved him back down in the snow. Tom was standing on your right, and Benedict walked up to the other side of you.
"I hate you." You told him.
"Hate is a strong word." You didn't hate him. You were extremely mad at him though. The three of you had your arms crossed glaring down at Robert in the snow. There were snowflakes in his hair, and his cheeks were turning pink from the cold. You could see each other's breath. You sighed.
"You're lucky she didn't beat you up with her tiny fists." Tom said giggling. Benedict joined his giggling and you turned to Tom.
"Tiny fists or not, I can severely hurt anyone of you." You went to the trunk of the car and grabbed your coat and handed everyone else their coats. You walked over to where Chris was in the car and told him to come out. Handing him his coat he trudged over to Robert still sitting in the snow.
"Is your ass frozen yet?" Chris laughed at Robert.
"As a matter of fact, yes." He took a handful of snow and threw it at Chris, but missed and it hit you. You yelped and turned around to meet a slightly scared Robert. "Oops?"
You stomped over to the snow and made a quick snowball. "Alright boys, let's have a little snowball fight." You turned back around to Tom, Ben, and Chris, who all had a snowball in hand. "Whaddya say?" Ben threw his snowball at you, and yours back at him. Tom threw his at you, and Chris threw his at Robert. Robert reciprocated at Chris, and then you tumbled over Robert, who was still sitting on the cold ground. Robert jumped up and helped you up. You bent down to get a snowball, and felt one hit you in the back. You turned to see all the boys wiggling their eyebrows with snowballs in both hands. You took off running in the field of snow, with them hot on your heels. There was a single skinny tree in the field, and you headed towards it. You were out of breath and leaned against the back of the tree, waiting for impact. No impact came. You peeked around the tree while puffs of your breath came out in the air. And there stood the boys, all with smug grins. You yelped and ducked to the ground to make a few snowballs. You stood up and slowly backed away from the boys. They followed you and got into a throwing position and just before they could throw their snowballs, you kicked up snow in the air, blocking their view. You chucked the snowballs you had, and heard small wails from the impact. You were suddenly hit with multiple snowballs. The boys came running around you, circling you like sharks would to prey. You were giggling at their intense, competitive faces. You lunged at Chris, who dodged you. You turned to Benedict, stopped dead in your tracks and smirked. You bounded at Benedict and tackled him onto the cold ground. Tom and Chris grabbed your biceps attempting to get you off Ben, but you clamped your legs around him. Tom and Chris stumbled at the unexpected action, tripped over Benedict’s legs, and fell into the snow. Tom fell more on you and Chris’ face fell in the snow. Robert held his stomach laughing at what he just witnessed. Chris grabbed a big handful of snow and hurled the large snowball at Robert, hitting him in the shoulder. 
“The Super Soldier just fell on his ass, because…!” He laughed even louder. “Because Y/N used her legs to hold on to Cucumber!” He was laughing so hard now, he tumbled to the ground still holding his stomach. “I wish I caught that on camera. That was priceless!” You all began laughing at Robert’s hysterical laughter. You could feel Tom and Ben’s rumbling laughter against you, which only caused you to laugh harder. 
“I think - think we are getting sick.” You were catching your breath. “Because we have never, I mean never, have laughed this hard before.” You slid away from Ben and laid in the snow between Tom and Ben. Chris sat up holding his now hurting stomach. “It has to be connected to hypothermia, that I am sure we are developing.” Once the laughing died down, you realized how far away from the car you all were. “Oh my.” You looked to all of them. “The car is like a mile away.” The boys looked in the direction of your sight, and saw Robert’s Audi that looked like an ant from there. 
“We better get back before we do actually catch hypothermia.” Benedict said as he stood up. All the boys were standing, but you began making a snow angel as the snow fell from the sky. “Come on Y/N, you are going to get sick.”
“Oh come on Cucumber. I thought we were having fun.” You sat up and sighed. “Fine.” Tom helped you up and you hopped back around to face them. “Last one to the car has to host the grandest Christmas party ever!” You darted through the white field, towards the car and the boys were right behind you. 
Chris made it to the car first, and then Tom and Ben made it just after. You made it to the car seconds later and Robert was walking. He was already hosting a Christmas party and said it was unnecessary to run. You all packed in the car and got situated. Chris was back in the passenger seat, Robert was the driver, and you were back between the two handsome Brits. 
“Robert, you better promise Y/N you will drive carefully.” Tom told him.
    “Not just Y/N, promise all of us.” Chris chimed in.
    “Agreed. Please don’t drive like a maniac, Robert.” Ben gave him a glare.
    “Alright, alright. I will drive carefully.” Robert said mockingly, with his hands up in defense. Once Robert had made sure everyone had their seatbelts on, he dramatically took off slowly and headed to the tree farm. 
    Robert had finally pulled into the Christmas tree farm. “Robert, you didn’t have to go that slow.” Chris told him. 
    “I was not going that slow.” Robert responded.
    “Yes you were Robert. An 80 year old lady passed you!” You said laughing. You all got out of the car and headed for the trees. “So pretty.” You said, admiring the trees. Robert came up next to you.
    “Thank you.” He said smugly and you rolled your eyes.
    “I think she was talking about me.” Chris squeezed between you and Robert, pushing Robert away from you. 
    “I don’t think so. She was definitely talking to me.” Benedict came up in front of you. 
    “You all know she was most definitely not talking about any of us. We all have disheveled hair, our ass’s are soaking from the snow, we have dirt stains on our coats, and we have coffee breath.” You were laughing your ass off, now that Tom had pointed out their messy state. They all still looked pretty, even with dirt stains and messy hair, especially Benedict and Tom. They had sharp cheekbones and the fluffiest curly hair. All the boys had very nice jawlines, and extremely beautiful eyes. You had stopped laughing, and was looking at all of them in admiration. Benedict waved his hand in front of you and you blinked out of your thoughts. Your face flushed bright red, looked to the ground, and walked away from the boys. 
    You cleared your throat. “This one’s pretty. What do you think Robert?” He smiled and walked over to the tree you were looking at.
    “It is nice, a little smaller than what I was going for, but nice.” He said.
    “Smaller? Robert it’s like eight feet tall!” Chris exclaimed. 
    “What size tree are you looking for Robert?” Tom asked, confused as to where the hell he would be able put it.
    “That’s not eight feet. That’s like 6 feet.” Robert laughed. “The ceiling where I’m going to put the tree is about 12 feet tall, so a tree eight to ten feet tall is what I was going for.” Robert explained. 
    “How about that one over there?” Benedict spoke up. Robert hummed and walked over to the very large tree. 
    “Wow.” You were amazed at the fresh, green color it had, and how it was almost too perfect. “You have to get this tree, Robert.” 
    “It’s perfect.” Robert said, rubbing his hands together.
    “Hey Robert?” Chris grabbed his attention.
    “Yeah Chris?” Robert responded.
    “Did you bring a saw?” Robert’s eyes widened.
    “Oh shit.” Robert forgot a damn saw.
Christmas Time is Here! Hope you all enjoyed!
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rcvcngcrs · 5 years
Icing Covered Lips
Ahhhh! This is my first writing post! I hope anyone who reads this enjoys it! ❤
  “Are you done yet?” Your best friend was tired of waiting for you to finish touching up your makeup. You playfully rolled your eyes at him and laughed.
    “I need to cover up all the ugly.” He scoffed. He took the lipstick out of your hand and grabbed your makeup bag out of your lap. “Hey! Give that back!” He threw your makeup bag on the back seat and took the keys out of the ignition. You looked in the car mirror and your lipstick was smeared onto your cheek. “Tom! Look what you did!”
    “Come on.” You had your arms crossed, giving him what you would call a ‘death glare.’ “Let’s go. Before it gets too busy and there won’t be any bread left.” You quickly fixed the smeared lipstick and hopped out of the car. You mumbled, mocking him. “What was that?” 
“Oh, nothing.” You smirked. “Just know that your a little shit and I’ll get you back for what you did.” He gasped and placed his hand on his chest. 
“Me?” His voice was laced with playful sarcasm. You stuck your tongue out at him. “Don’t stick your tongue out at me.”
“Or what?” He gave you the death glare. You stuck your tongue out again and took off through the parking lot. He was on your heels in an instant, and as soon as you made it through the doors he grabbed you. You yelped and attempted to get away, but he picked you up and gently placed you in a grocery cart. “Tom! Why did you put me in a cart?”
“Because you are a small child. And small children must sit in a cart.” He booped your nose and pushed the cart along. You gave him a pouty face, and crossed your arms. Tom pushed you down the toothpaste aisle and stopped at the mouthwash. He handed you a big bottle of mouthwash. “Here. You need this.” He let out a big chuckle at the pouty face you still gave him. You hopped out of the cart and punched him in his bicep. “Ow!” You gave a big smirk. “What was that for?” He reached out to grab you, but you took off running. “Hey! Where are you going?” Tom bounded after you and left the cart behind. “Get back here!” You ran down to the pet food aisle and hid with the dog food. Tom came down the same aisle and walked right passed you. As soon as Tom was out of sight you snuck your way towards the outside garden, but when you turned the corner you ran right into a large body. 
“Oh my goodness!” You looked up to a familiar face. He seemed to look as if he knew you as well.
“(Y/N)?” The attractive man collided your bodies together in a big bear hug. He separated your bodies with a giddy smile. “You don’t know who I am, do you?” You shook your head. “Ah, well this is awkward.” You gave him a polite smile and took a small step back, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “I’m Danny. Danny Duncan.” Oh, you knew him alright.“We had biology together Junior year of high school. We had to make an edible plant cell, so we baked a cake and we got covered in flour because you…” You knew exactly who he was.
“(Y/N)! Are you okay?” Danny’s face came into view after the cloud of flour died down and held out a hand to help you up. Was he laughing at your clumsiness? How dare he.
“Yeah, I’m alright.” You took his hand and he guided you up off the floor. “Let’s just get this cake in the oven already.” You poured the batter into the rectangular cake pan and handed it to Danny to put in the oven. After Danny placed the cake in the oven, he turned to you with a big smile and flour on face and in his luscious eyelashes. You giggled at the man. 
“What?” You began to laugh even more. “What? What’s so funny?” All you could do was point at his face and hold your stomach. He picked up a spoon and used it as a mirror. “Oh.”He started laughing at himself. “But it’s not that funny. At least not as funny as this.” He took a spoonful of icing and flicked it at you. You gasped. Now there was icing across your face and chest. And let’s not forget in your hair.
“How dare you!” Now Danny was holding his stomach, laughing. As Danny’s laughing finally stopped he looked at you with intense eyes. “What?” He glanced at your lips, and back to your eyes. He slowly guided you by your arms closer to him. He stared down at your lips covered in icing, and looked to you for permission. You were stunned when Danny’s lips crashed into yours. He sucked at your lips to get the icing off, and pulled your bottom lip with his teeth. He opened his eyes to a very flustered face, still covered in flour and icing. You suddenly had a rush of adrenaline, and wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him back to your lips. Danny’s arms snaked around your hips and down to your thighs. He lifted you up and sat you on the island counter, as he began kissing down your neck. Danny tugged at the hem of your shirt, and you lifted your arms so he could glide it off your body. Danny threw your shirt, and took off his. You wrapped your arms back around him and your legs around his waist. He lifted you back up and took you to the couch, laying you down without removing his lips. His hands slid down to your jeans, undid the button and zipper, and pushed them down your legs and off your feet. Danny kissed your cheekbone to under your ear, then down your neck and chest. He began to slide your bra strap down your shoulder as he lapped at the top of your breast. Before he could take off your bra, you began to smell something burning. What would be burning? The cake! “Oh shit! The cake!” you told him. Danny hopped off you and ran into the kitchen. 
“Oh shit!” He looked over at you, as you put your shirt back on. “We burnt the cake.” You both began to giggle and put your clothes back on. “I guess we’ll continue this later.” He said as he caressed your cheek. You began to start a new cake batter for your project, but what you did not know, was Danny already had a girlfriend. You found out the day you presented your project. She came up to him and kissed him for doing such a good job. 
You blinked out of your steamy flashback, to look up to an even more attractive Danny Duncan. “Oh yeah, I remember. We fooled around and you had a girlfriend.” He looked disappointed.
“Yeah. About that. I’m really sorry. I was a stupid kid then.” He rubbed the back of his neck and looked extremely guilty, and even a bit embarrassed. “Maybe I could make it up to you?” You smiled. “Okay, well I can give you my number and I can take you out for coffee or something.” You handed him your phone so he could put in his number. When he handed your phone back you felt eyes on you. You turned slightly to the left and saw Tom, and he seemed depressed. You went straight to Tom forgetting about Danny. “Okay, well I guess I’ll see ya, (Y/N).” You nodded and turned back to Tom.
“Tom? What’s wrong?” He would not look at you. He witnessed someone taking his chance with you. He loved you more than anything in the world, but you never noticed. And now his chance was gone. “Tom. Do you need a hug?” He would not budge. 
“Let’s just get the stuff and go.” He seemed angry now, rather than depressed, and you were confused as ever. He walked back to the toothpaste aisle and got back the cart.
“Tom?” He turned to you and his eyes softened. “Did something happen? Or did I do something?” 
“No, no. It wasn’t you.” He started to walk in the direction of the produce, and you followed.
“Then what was it?” He did not answer. “Tom?” He stopped and turned to you.
“It’s nothing (Y/N). It’s okay, let’s get our stuff, go home, and watch a movie.” You smiled at him, you love watching movies with Tom. Always laughing at the wrong times, and blaming tears on allergies. He grabbed your hand and led you to the baking aisle. “Let’s bake a cake.” He hummed. 
“A cake? Why do you want to bake a cake?” He grabbed cake batter, pre-made icing, and many different types of sprinkles. “Tom?” He put all of the items in the cart. “Thomas, what is with you?” 
“What?” He wanted to bake a cake with you, because he knew you and Danny dumbass Duncan baked a cake and fooled around in high school. He wanted to have the same with you, possibly. He was angry, not at you of course. He was angry at Danny Duncan, for sweeping you off your feet right under his nose. “I can’t have fun with you?” 
“Tom. Why are you so upset?” Before he could refuse you spoke again. “Tom, you were so happy when we got here. Then you were depressed, and now you’re angry. What is going on?” You needed your happy Tom back. 
“It’s just. I-I don’t want some guy taking you away from me.” He was back to being sad and depressed. You pulled him in for a hug.
“Tom. No one, I mean no one, can take me away from you.” He hugged you tighter, and smelled your coconutty hair. “Why don’t we bake a cake and play some funky music tonight?” He pushed out of the hug, smiled and kissed your cheek. You blushed and pushed the cart along. “I need some snacks first.” You and Tom walked down the chips and pretzels aisle looking for a snack or two. The store’s music changed to ‘I Want Your Love by CHIC’ and you hummed along getting into the groove. Tom started to sing along and you giggled at his dancing. “I want your love. I want, your love. I want your love. I want, your love.” You sang and danced together, which caused heads to turn. You and Tom began a fit a laughter at everyone’s reactions. “People can never have any fun, can they?” 
“I don’t think people understand the meaning of fun.” He picked up a bag of cheetos puffs and placed them in the cart, wiggling his eyebrows. You got out your phone and opened Spotify. You hit shuffle play on your favorite playlist, ‘feel good jams,’ and smirked at the first song that began to play. 
“Girl, to be with you is my favorite thing. Yeah, uh huh, yeah. I can't wait till I see you again. Yeah, yeah, uh huh, uh huh.” You sang to Tom with a big, giddy grin.
“ I want to put on my my, my, my, my boogie shoes. Just to boogie with you, yeah. I want to put on my my, my, my, my boogie shoes. Just to boogie with you, uh huh.” Tom spun you around and sang with you. People gave odd looks, but you two did not have a care in the world what anyone thought. You were having fun, and nothing can stop that. You took the cart and pushed it out of the aisle, while Tom put his hands on your shoulders doing a little train dance with you. The next song began to play, ‘You Sexy Thing by Hot Chocolate’ and you and Tom began to burst into a groovy dance. “I believe in miracles. Where you from, you sexy thing?” You sang, and danced together all the way to the checkout. You and Tom began shoulder shaking side to side as you made it to self checkout. When you began scanning items, the song changed to ‘More Than a Woman by Bee Gees.’ Tom spun around and handed you another item to scan. “More than a woman. More than a woman to me.” You began doing the disco finger and Tom went along with you. As soon as you were finished scanning you paid for your groceries and went on your way. Tom insisted on putting the groceries in the car so you could hook up your phone to the car to continue playing 70s music. When Tom got back in the car you played one of his favorite songs, ‘He’s the Greatest Dancer by Sister Sledge.’ 
The car ride back to your shared apartment was quiet, besides the music playing. Nothing was said even when you both brought the groceries in. Tom and you put the snacks away and left out the baking items. “What about dinner?” You asked Tom. “You weren’t planning on eating cake for dinner, were you?” He shook his head. “Tom?” He began opening the cake box. “Hello?” You waved your hand in front of him, giggling. “Tommy, what’s going through your mind?” The nickname grabbed his attention. He wanted to tell you how he felt, but was afraid it would ruin your friendship. 
“I’ll order a pizza, and we can start baking the cake.” He pulled out the eggs and other ingredients the cake called for. “You can go ahead and start mixing and I’ll go order pizza.” You nodded and began cracking the eggs into the mixing bowl. 
When Tom came back he took over mixing and you went to play some music. Tom was different again. “(Y/N)?” You hummed in response. “There is something I need to tell you.” He poured the batter in the cake pan, and you place the pan in the oven, setting the timer and turning back to Tom. He rubbed his hands together in nervousness, and you could tell.
“Tom, it’s okay. You can tell me anything.” You grabbed his hands in yours. “You know that, don’t you?” He swallowed the lump in his throat.
“You love me right?” You were shocked that Tom had to even ask. 
“Of course Thomas. I will always love you.” You hugged him. “Tom, please just tell me. You’re scaring me.” He held you close and was trying to build up the courage to tell you his feelings. 
“I just don’t want our friendship to be ruined after I say this.” Now he was really scaring you. 
“Tom, just spit it out.” You said that a little harsh, but you were anxious, and scared. “Please.” You said softer.
“Okay.” He pulled away from you, and held your hands. You looked into his beautiful blue eyes and waited for what he was about to say. “I-” The apartment buzzer went off. You waited for Tom to speak, but he blinked a few times and walked to the door. You stood there thinking what Tom was going to say. He paid the pizza guy and came back with the pizza, placing it on the counter. “(Y/N), I love you.” You looked at him confused, of course he loves you, and you love him. “I love you, (Y/N). Of course as friends, but as more than friends. I-I have feelings for you.” He couldn’t look at you, he looked to the floor. You couldn’t believe what you just heard. Tom, your best friend of three years, has feelings for you, and you didn’t see it. You were shocked to say the least. Does this mean he sees the way you feel about him? Do you tell him you love him more than a friend? “(Y/N), please say something.” He had tears in his eyes now. He thought he ruined everything. You looked up at him and opened your mouth to speak, but nothing came out. You looked in his eyes and his sharp cheekbones, and down to his five o'clock shadow, and then to his lips. You took all of him in, as if you were seeing him for the first time. You were seeing Tom for the first time as more than a friend. You reached out for his hands and pulled him closer to you. Tears were threatening to fall from both of your eyes. You slid your hands from his and up his forearms to his shoulders. You wrapped a hand around the back of his neck and slowly pulled him in. He was unsure if he should kiss you, so he let you play it out. Your heart was beating much faster, and you could feel Tom’s fast pulse. You pulled yourself up on your tippy toes and crashed your lips together. Tom reciprocated the kiss and had his hands on your hips, pulling you closer, if possible. Your fingers pulled at the ends of his hair as Tom deepened the kiss. Tom pulled away with a smirk. “I bet Danny Duncan can’t kiss you like that.” What a little smartass. But wait, you figured out what was up with Tom earlier. Tom was jealous. Jealous of Danny. You smirked back at him. Tom’s kissing was so much better than sloppy teen kisses from Danny. He came down to your level and placed his lips against your ear. “I’m going to make you forget any interaction you had with Danny Duncan.” Tom growled the name, Danny Duncan. He kissed under your ear and ran his hands up and down your body. His hands made it just under your bum and gave a small squeeze. “Jump.” You jumped into him and wrapped your legs around him. Tom began kissing down your neck and around to your throat, you threw your head back to give him more access. He slightly nibbled at your throat earning another soft moan that vibrated into his mouth. He walked out of the kitchen and into the living room. Tom sat down on the couch with you in his lap and you tugged at the hem of his shirt. Tom removed his shirt and began removing yours as you panted for air. Tom took your head in his hands and looked deeply into your eyes. “I love you so, so much (Y/N). And nothing will ever change that.” You gave him a watery smile. 
“I love you too, Thomas. More than anything in the world.” You dove in for another kiss and Tom unclasped your bra. You suddenly felt nervous, as Tom had never seen you completely naked before. He noticed your newfound nervousness and kissed the corner of your mouth.
“It’s alright, love. We don’t have to continue, if you don’t want to.” You nodded and began kissing his neck, gaining a deep moan from Tom. Looks like you found a sweet spot. You smirked into his neck and breathed in his scent. You slid out of his lap and stood up to remove your pants, and Tom began doing the same. Once you and Tom were completely bare you pushed him down back on the couch. He looked you up and down with clear hunger in his eyes. You blushed at his action, he took your hands and pulled you into his lap. Tom kissed your bicep and up to your shoulder. He bit down on your trapezius and sucked on your collarbone, most likely leaving a mark. You threw your head back a moan fell from your lips. “Music to my ears.” Tom said in a breathy whisper. Just as he was about to begin the best sex you would ever have, the oven began beeping. The cake was done. You both simultaneously let out a sigh of disappointment. “This is not over, darling.” He kissed your nose and slid you off next to him on the couch. Tom put his pants back on and jogged into the kitchen. You took Tom’s shirt and pulled it over your head, and walked into the kitchen. “Now can Danny Duncan do that? Bake a cake, fool around, and not burn the cake?” He said with a sly grin.
“Who’s Danny Duncan?” He smirked and kissed your forehead.
“That’s right, darling.” He looked down to see you wearing his shirt. “That shirt looks so much better on you than it does on me.” You playfully smacked his chest. Tom picked up the icing and shook it in his hand. “Shall we?”  
“We shall.” You grabbed a butter knife and began covering the cake with icing. Tom dunked his fingers in the icing and put it on your lips, and then on his. “What are you-” He grabbed the sprinkles and placed them on yours and his icing covered lips. He got out his phone and took a picture of you. “Why?” You asked laughing. He leaned down and collided your lips in a sweet kiss. “We can finish the cake later.” You pulled Tom down to your lips. “I love you.” You breathed against his lips and pulled away. 
“You minx.” Tom pushed you backwards, kissing your swollen lips, down the hall. Once you both made it to his room, he pushed you inside and kicked the door shut. Tom removed his shirt from your body and kissed down your chest, down your stomach and stopped just above your sex. “Danny Duncan never made it this far.” You rolled your eyes at his ongoing jealousy.
You sat up and held Tom by the shoulders, leaned in with your lips just touching his and whispered, “Danny Duncan could never.” 
Thank you for reading!
(:if there are any mistakes, my bad, I didn't go back to look:)
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rcvcngcrs · 5 years
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you do you, little dude
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rcvcngcrs · 5 years
yUp 🤡
If I had to pick a favourite scene from Joker it would have to be literally the whole fucking movie
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rcvcngcrs · 5 years
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rcvcngcrs · 5 years
I drew Joaquin Phoenix's Joker on my bag, and anything about Joaquin Phoenix is post worthy 🃏💚💙❤
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rcvcngcrs · 5 years
《Rocket texting Thor to grow a new Groot》
×I made this text imagine×
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rcvcngcrs · 5 years
Setting Up A Date for Steve:
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bucky: Steve's not great with set ups. last time I tried to set him up, he joined the army and destroyed hydra
natasha: the last time I tried to hook him up with a girl, he took down SHEILD
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tony: hey guys, I set Steve up with a blind date tonight, he has no idea, he'll love it. right?
tony: right?
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rcvcngcrs · 5 years
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《follow me for more posts like this》
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*hears meow*
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love you 3000 Stan Lee❤
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