Hi everyone, I started my podcast back in March discussing multiple topics including self-love, self-care, mental health and healing from trauma.
If these topics interest you, please check out the podcast. If you have Spotify, I would greatly appreciate if you answer the Q&A questions and polls. I would love to interact with my audience more.
If you do decide to take a listen, thank you so very much. I hope you enjoy and gain great insight. If you feel called to do so, please follow, share, and leave a review!
- Rose Empress 🌹👸🏾🤍
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The newest episode of Rose Empress Speaks drops tonight. The topic is Choose Calm Over Chaos. I hope you all enjoy as well as gain great insight and possibly a new perspective.
- Rose Empress 👸🏾🌹🤍
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The Seasons of Change
As Gaia goes through seasons of change, so do we. Life is not one long season. We are not meant to always be in a state of blossoming and creativity such as the season of Spring. There are seasons that call for releasing and shedding things that no longer serve us like how the trees shed their leaves in the Fall.
When we honor our seasons in life such as we honor the seasons of Gaia, we start to flow with creation. Honoring the ebbs and flows of our lives allows us to align with what is higher, finding perfect harmony within ourselves and with all creation.
There are seasons that call for doing and seeing more, there are seasons that call for stillness and rest. The matrix will have you believe that you have to run in an endless rat race to achieve your goals and dreams. Honoring yourself and your seasons allows you to align with the right pace for the specific phase that you find yourself in. The pace that will allow you to achieve without draining your energy in the process.
Trust the process.
As we trust that after Winter will come Spring, and after Summer will come Fall. Trust that honoring your seasons, your cycles, your phases, and your paces will be for your highest good.
View your life through the lens of the seasons of Gaia:
Spring is about creativity, blossoming and rebirth. No longer lying in dormancy, fresh and rejuvenated from your Winter slumber.
Summer is about long days of sunshine, getting outside and getting active. Enjoying the weather and the brightness it brings. Adventure.
Fall is about releasing and surrendering. Shedding the things that no longer serve us and preparing for our season of silence, stillness, and reflection. (These things can be people, mindsets, behaviors, etc. )
Winter is about resting, reflecting, deep introspection and healing. Preparation for the bounties of Spring.
- Rose Empress 🌹👸🏾🤍✨
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True Love 🤍
What is the thing that we need to THRIVE
The thing that , if we don’t have it, leaves us only to survive? 
The universal language of the world
The universal language of the soul 
True love is not restricting or confining 
True love is free and goes beyond what the eyes can see
True love goes far beyond skies 
True love goes deeper than the ocean floor
True love never leaves you guessing 
But always leaves you wanting more 
Give and receive 
Open and free
Talk and breathe
Bloom, plant seeds 
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A Mouthful of Air: A Story That Sounds Much Like Ours
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Trigger warning! This movie and post do show and/or discuss self-harm, severe mental illness, suicidal ideations, suicidal attempts, suicide, and child abuse. 
I’m not sure how many of you have heard of and/or seen the movie A Mouthful of Air with Amanda Seyfried. I was led to watch the movie and when I tell you the tears were effervescently flowing from my face I.. KID…YOU…NOT. 
For a general synopsis, the movie is about a children’s book author who is struggling with motherhood and postpartum depression. The movie discusses the anxieties, fears, and traumas that haunt her throughout the course of the movie. The movie also touches on her fears regarding having a daughter due to her own experiences and fear of inadequacy. 
As someone who suffers from complex PTSD, I resonated deeply with this movie. From the constant anxious thoughts that something bad was going to happen to my baby to me being completely out of it during childbirth that everything was literally a blur. 
I gave birth to my daughter in September 2019. At the time I was 21 years old and my pregnancy was not ideal. Don’t get me wrong, my daughter was planned. However, the things I experienced such as hospitalization and surgery due to an enlarged kidney stone unable to pass were far from what I would call an ideal pregnancy. 
Just like Julie, I managed emotionally and mentally even with the hospitalization scares and other adverse events that took place. Everything changed after I actually gave birth though. I felt like a constant failure to my daughter. I wanted to breastfeed, however, it was so draining pumping while working 40 hours a week from home and taking care of a newborn during that time. My support system as well as myself all worked daytime jobs, however, I was the only one working from home so naturally baby stayed with me all day. 
Like Julie, I had been struggling with my mental health since I was in elementary school. My first suicidal attempt was made in 6th grade. However, no one was aware. I was very good at pretending that I was okay even if I wasn’t. I can remember being so sad, so angry, and so hurt. I would scream and cry into my pillows so no one could hear me. I felt so alone and I was so lonely because no one knew what I truly felt inside. A Mouthful of Air. Sometimes I felt like I couldn’t breathe, other times I didn’t want to breathe. I’ve attempted to smother myself with pillows, choke myself with a belt, and hold my breath as long as I could because I was in so much pain. My young mind could not wrap my head around the things I had experienced and I was filled with so much fear, hatred, and rage. A Mouthful of Air. I felt voiceless. 
All of those childhood memories that I tried my hardest to bury and forget came resurfacing in phases. New trauma and old trauma were blended and mixed to create a beautiful disaster. An upheaval, destruction. A dark knight of the soul. I was fighting for my life in 2020. Not just through COVID. Through postpartum, Complex PTSD, lies, frenemies, family, my mind, the past, my trauma, and my fears. For a long time, I felt like I was fighting a losing battle. I couldn’t see the stars anymore. All I could see was fog and mist and dust. I did not think that I would make it, however, Spirit nudged me along the way. I fell a lot, I crawled, I scooted, I kept moving centimeter by centimeter until I got to the here and now. 
I want to encourage you and let you know that despite all that you’ve been through the stars are never gone. The light that shines within only dims it never fizzles. Keep moving, get therapy, set boundaries, feel your feelings, express your fears, and then conquer them all. You are not alone mama, you are never alone. We are here with you, we hold space for you, we love you, we innerstand you, and we are rooting for you to make it to the other side where you can truly see the sun shine.
-Rose Empress Chronicles 🤍
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This is a collective energy reading that I was led to record and post. I hope that the messages resonate for all who are drawn to this post and I am sending you all much love and light on your healing journey 🌹👸🏾🤍✨
DISCLAIMER: If you do not believe in divination practices and/or spirituality and are not open to receive the messages DO NOT WATCH the video. We do not have to share the same beliefs for the messages to resonate. This is based on energy. Any negative commenters will be blocked. Constructive criticism is welcome.
*I do not own the rights to the music in this video*
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