#incorrect Harry Potter quotes
sayssnape · 1 day
minerva: i love watching severus when I'm having a bad day because no matter what kind of day I'm having, severus is having a worse one.
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pottermagiczz · 15 hours
Peter, sad: I'm always the last one to know everything
James: That's not true, Wormtail
Peter: Yes, it is! I was the last to know about Moony being a werewolf, I was the last to know about you dating Lily, I was the last to know about you being Head Boy, I was the last to know about you breaking your bed with your antlers, I was the last to know about Padfoot's crush on Moony, I wa—
Remus, cutting Peter off: WAIT, WHAT!!??
Peter: Oh, second to last
Peter, happily: I suppose you were right, Prongs
Sirius: You silly f*cking rat!
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propussyslayer · 4 months
sirius: so what do you do for a living
remus: i hunt and kill zombies
sirius: the fuck no you don't
remus: have you ever seen one?
sirius: no?
remus: then you are fucking welcome
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daddiesdrarryy · 9 months
Barty: You slept with Potter?
Regulus: I didn’t know what else to do! He had those big, sad eyes. I couldn’t help it!
Evan: …sure, sounds like you had no other choice
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toujoursincorrect · 18 days
Sirius: *walks in on James and Regulus kissing*
Sirius: This is incest!
James: No it’s not.
Sirius: Yes it is, James!
Regulus: We’re not related.
Sirius: Oh, and that makes it OK, I suppose?
James: Well, it makes it not incest.
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rhetorical-conscience · 8 months
James: We need to talk about your mental health.
Regulus, trying to change the subject: Actually, what I need is to be dicked down right now.
James, removing his tie: You know, one of these days that isn't going to work-
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moutainrusing · 1 month
Sirius: If you want my advice—
Harry: No offence, Sirius, but you’re the last person we want relationship advice from.
Draco: Yeah, you thought your husband was the traitor.
Sirius: In my defence, he also thought I was the traitor.
Remus: It’s true. We’re on the same wavelength like that.
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my-castles-crumbling · 4 months
Harry, thoughtfully: Do you ever notice how Sirius and Professor Lupin always sit next to each other at dinner?
Harry, even more thoughtfully: And...they always share a couch when we sit in the sitting room. And it's a small couch.
Harry, getting suspicious, now: And, you know, I saw Professor Lupin leaving Sirius's bedroom the other night!
Harry, nodding to himself: They must be really close friends.
Hermione: *bangs head on table*
Lily, to James, looking down from above: Oh, he is your son.
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Hermione: why are threesomes only for sex
Hermione: why can’t I join in on a couples argument if I want to
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pottermagiczz · 4 months
Sirius trying to teach lil Harry his name
Sirius: Harry, say Padfoot
Sirius: C'mon lil guy, Pad-foot
Harry: Moo-ee
Sirius: No Harry, Pad-foot
Harry: MOO-EE
Sirius: You're one lil sh*t, aren't you?
Harry: Sh*t!
Remus, entering the room: Hey Harry, having fun?
Harry: F*ck! Sh*t!
Remus: ...
Harry: Pad-foooo
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hpseeker99 · 4 months
The Daily Prophet: Three people have reportedly broken into the Gringotts. McGonagall, scoffing: What idiots *Front cover on the daily prophet, showing Harry, Ron, and Hermione riding a dragon out of the building* McGonagall: Wait, those are my idiots
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gryfferin-gaybies · 4 months
Draco: *walks by*
Harry: I'd hit that
Hermione: I know you don't like him Harry but violence is never the answer
Harry: right yeah violence...that's what I meant...I'd hit that with my fists
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daddiesdrarryy · 9 months
James: Okay, you guys, there’s Reg. Watch. Just watch this
Regulus: *walking past*
James: See? Still pretending he’s not interested. Oh! He’s coming over. Just pretend like we don’t know him. We’ve forgotten who he is!
Regulus: Hey guys!
Remus: Hey Regulus!
Peter: Hello!
James: …
Sirius: Hey, Reggie. You know Prongs, my best friend? He’s nice. He’s not bad to look at, right?
James: Thanks, Pads
Regulus: Well, of course
Sirius: Do you want to go out on a date with him? You got my blessing!
James: Sirius!
Regulus: Sure. Is Sunday okay?
Sirius: Sunday’s perfect. He can’t wait
Regulus: On the date, I will be able to talk to him directly, right?
Sirius: Yeah
Regulus: All right, see you Sunday, Potter *leaves*
James: Okay. What the hell was that? You know what? Don’t answer me
James, giggling: I have a date with Reggie!
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toujoursincorrect · 11 months
Sirius: I think I’m coming down with something, I’ve been feeling nauseous lately.
James: Maybe you’re pregnant?
Sirius: …
James: …
Sirius: I don’t know who’s the bigger idiot right now, you because you suggested it, or me, because i just had a heart attack.
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rhetorical-conscience · 9 months
Regulus: I don't deserve your love.
James: No, Reg, don't say that! You deserve all the love in the world!
Regulus: You know that's not true, Pott-
James: You can only accept mine, though.
James: I get jealous easily.
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The Daily Prophet: two people have reportedly broken into the Ministry all by themselves.
Regulus: *scoffs* what idiots
*Front cover on the daily prophet, showing Barty and Evan running away from the aurors*
Regulus: wait, those are my idiots
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