rquideal · 1 year
I guess
I can’t help but wonder if I came here for all the wrong reasons
When I try to figure things out people ask me to stop
When I try to love with my whole heart people take me for granted
When I try to do my part in making the world a better place
People say to me why bother
I guess I came here to be different
I guess I came here to be an alternative
I guess I came here to be the glitch in the system
At least that’s what I think
But who really knows
- Raquel Lake
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rquideal · 2 years
My thoughts are a story
Today is Thursday but today feels like an in between day. Because it doesn’t feel like it’s a day at all. It feels like I’m living in between time. Stuck in the end of Wednesday and the beginning of Friday. I feel like I’m not really awake or aware of what day it is or time at all. I’m living in a moment that may not ever make it to the next moment. There is so much weirdness here. In the in between. Weirdness in the present time and tense. I don’t know what to make of all this or even how to feel. But if you told me this how the world ends, I wouldn’t be surprised. The world ended with everyone being confused about what exactly happened. Ending like a blip that no longer blinks on a screen. Ending painless and quiet with no alarm, no warning, no fan fare. No time to say goodbye or see who I love one last time. Just ended. Maybe that’s the right way to go. We have all experienced an end that we couldn’t identify until years after it was over. Looking back and saying: That’s the day I knew it was done. Feeling so in between like I do. Maybe that’s my signal that this is it. So I guess I’ll spend the day saying love you. I hope I don’t forget anyone.
- Me
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rquideal · 2 years
I face the prospect of an alone future
I don’t fear it
It’s not what I want in truth
But some parts of it feel more appealing
Than trying to be with someone anyone anymore
The man puts up obstacles like lack of communication or understanding
So what could we possibly have
Maybe I’ll just disappear
Try over in an uncluttered space
Space free of all the debris of what someones said they would do
Only asking for the truth of it
To be left free and clear or alone
No need for a liar who clutters my heart with his nothingness
Laying here in bed taking in all the sites and sounds of my alone
There is truth in the moment
Real love right here right now
I’ll spend the rest of my life
Getting exactly what I want
From this day forward
Goodbye to messy mates who leave their debris in my space
Who lie to themselves more than they do me
Freeing my heart of all their clutter
For good I hope
I’m free
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rquideal · 2 years
I feel too much
I’m wide awake in my confusion
Rambling in my head
About how I feel, what sucks and trying to remember song lyrics
Looking all around for the door that leads to far away
I’m not upset but
I Do Not
Want to be
No more
Planet renamed Hot Box
At least It doesn’t hurt so much anymore
A nagging uncomfortable
Tired of pointing out all the flaws
To friends and strangers
Just make them go away
And stay that way
When I say
Don’t want to
Be here
No more
I mean
This life filled with topsy turvy inequity
Having to fight for my rights
While I pay for everything
Pay to eat
Pay to sleep inside
Pay for my health
Pay to numb myself to sleep watching a movie about a serial killer
Pay for discrimination at work while I make less than a white man with no HighSchool diploma
The reasons pile up
But I remain grateful for all I have like Mommy taught
And all the rich people tell us to in an IG post
Oprah and the others
It’s Thursday and my discontent
Might unhook my connection to the race
I don’t feel human anymore
I’m too imperfect to be considered an animal
Animals live each day with purpose
Even germs and disease do
I’m not fully aware of what to categorize myself as
I’m not unhappy
I am a hopeless romantic
An idealistic wide eyed child
That wishes
Productivity and money wasn’t the metric
Wishing life was free
Like the ticket to come here
Clear mind and clear skies ahead
If not
Wanting to give us all a pill
That makes it all better
- Raquel LM
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rquideal · 2 years
I always have so much to say
I wonder if I’m in the mood to over share today
Or to actually write
Cause lately I do both
Over share until I find the poetry in the words
The poetic in my thoughts and deeds
Or maybe being a writer is learning to balance both
Expression and the need to grieve
Or be in love and be poet
Go on an adventure and then tell a story
Or to hate any man for telling me what to do with my body while putting 3,000 words on paper to get published so me and the cat can eat
I don’t know
All I have is ideas of what I want the words to do
Don’t know if they will cooperate
Get in line
Be neat and simple
Say what I most long to say
Have always wanted to say
But alas I’ll try
I really will try
What else can I do
But really really try
It’s what I have to do
I have so much to say
-Raquel LM
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rquideal · 2 years
Tumblr media
Just a glimpse turned 9 today!
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rquideal · 2 years
Flowers growing in my mind.
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rquideal · 2 years
At some point I always feel like this… it just happens to be her birthday
Sitting in my car again.
Instead of going in the house.
Feeling like I’m completely trapped.
No where
I could ever drive to
would get me far enough away from
What I’m running from.
What I’m hoping to avoid.
It’s not fear.
It’s not pain.
It’s not hate.
I am Running
From the slightest notion
That getting exactly what I want -
I can’t have.
-Raquel LM
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rquideal · 3 years
One day
One day
On a soon day
He will come looking and
He’ll find me
Find me right there
See I had stopped looking stopped trying
Instead tending to old wounds or hurt feelings
Instead getting lost in my bed sheets or the corner of my room
Instead finding loop holes to hide in
Mostly using words to massage my heart
It hadn’t stopped beating but it had slowed
There I was
When he found me
Tied up in old sheets and old pain and new hopelessness
And yet
I had begun to do myself a favor
I had started untying myself
Telling myself
If I’m going to be alone
Then I’d rather enjoy it than suffer it
So truly who he found was the best me
Me truly loving myself finally
No longer stuck
I was freeing myself
That’s how my love will find me
Untied and loving Me
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rquideal · 4 years
I don’t have a lot to say
I’ll be brief
I love you
That’s it
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rquideal · 4 years
Time to tell
Our love must live in the light
Not the shadow
If you cannot tell the world
If you think my ears, my eyes are the only ones that need to understand
You’re wrong
Love needs the open
Air, sun and the moon
If only I know that you love me
How real is it
Cause I’d yell it from the mountaintops
I’m ready to tell my best friend and the whole world
That I love you
If you can’t do that
If you won’t do that
Especially if you don’t want to
Then my love should not be with you
She will not be a secret
My love requires the sun
She will wither in the darkness
She is strangled by secret
Love me out in the open in front of the world
Or leave me be
—Raquel LM
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rquideal · 4 years
Can’t quite put my finger on it
What else can I do but see
See you for exactly who you are
I want to deny it
Want to act as if I’m blind
But I know better
I so do
You are a flawed flaw
A broken broke
I’m not excluding myself
I’m imperfect in the light
The difference is
I’m trying to be better
You ain’t trying to do anything
Except maybe survive
All I know of you is that you exist
So much of you isn’t good enough
You never will be
You ain’t right
But I love you
So what now
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rquideal · 4 years
I come here to lay
She greets me with open arms
Accepting the tired body
The tired soul
She does not judge me for my failures
Doesn’t speak a word about anything
She keeps the secrets
I close my eyes
Feel like I am floating
If she were in water
Where would we go
Since being confined in this room
Our relationship has become stronger
I chose to turn to her
Instead of friends
When I am away
I long for her
She has become the only anything I can count
I can run to
I can lean on
I am thankful for where I come to lay
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rquideal · 4 years
She is everything
I’ve always wanted to be
She faces all the unknown
Not caring to be understood
Just for the sake of it
Choosing to stay an enigma
In order to become the light
You don’t require comprehension
Truly knowing is just a feeling anyway
And I like she
Don’t give a fuck anymore
Who gets it
That wasn’t the point
I know you feel it
So I’m good
—Raquel LM
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rquideal · 4 years
I’m not from here
I know in my heart I was brought
Hopefully sent
I pray not left
Daily my heart aches for somewhere else and far
Breathing is unproblematic most days
Visibility is clear at least in front of my face
I have no issue with this planet
No qualms or difficulties with the geographical features or mechanics of earth
It’s her inhabitants
That leave fear in my bones long after the chill is gone
They seek politics rather than truth
They cling to tribal bonds that divide them
They are slaves to their religions
They do not seek out their common bonds or common tongue
Yet they share the same vocabulary
They want to know better as to never mistake again
Yet they err in the same ways as they have for millennia
Something as arbitrary as eye color deciding who lives and who eats
I just can’t be from a place where walking with a hoodie on could seal my fate
I just can’t
—Raquel LM
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rquideal · 4 years
Sitting in my car not wanting to go home
I saw a man cutting grass today
An old man still pretty upright
Thin grey haired with glasses
But still able bodied
I couldn’t help but think about when he would die
How inconvenient it would be to his family and friends
Having to take time off from work
Please be sure to secure your I was at a funeral excuse note
All the I’m sorry for your...
Then the Thank you...
We thank people for acknowledging our right to grieve
Our earned right to be unhappy
Those moments so many
The chance to feel then heal so few
I am reminded
How I am discontent with every single thing about this world
But I’m not allowed to be
That’s what I’m most sad about
Not that my Mother has been dead for almost too long
Even that grief I’m barely allowed to keep
There was a funeral
Shouldn’t she be over it yet
No today I’m most sad about this world
How it won’t change because we are all too lazy
All Too selfish to give up anything
A whole wide world full of people willing to kill us all or die trying
Instead of securing for all the god given rights
To be & To live
Some feigning ignorance
While most know the truth
Why are we all so complicit to our own end?
We all deserve the good clean equal air for all of us to breathe
Not just the old white man with grey hair fortunate enough to own a home with grass to clip and leaves to rake
Cause it’s always about race on a planet where it matters and the form asks
Feeling a little better now
I guess I’ll go home
—Raquel LM
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rquideal · 4 years
Can’t get comfortable
Try the left
Then turn to the other side
About ready to rest on top of my head
The point being
I can’t lay right
I’m uncomfortable
Opting now to lay on my back... for a while
So aware of everything
Especially what’s missing
Half alive with sensations
Naked in my robe
Skin itching like I’m molting
Clawing at my skin
Just rip me out
Not comfortable in this body
This place
Corner of the world I live in
Is the smallest
Only because I’m in it
Since my imagination is faltering
Any space I enter now
Wherever I lay
I suck up all the air and make it small
I have lost all my big ideas
Mostly I’m forgetting how to hope
My mind brings me no comfort
Trapped. Stuck. Losing. Uncomfortable
I will make it through this night though
I did last time
That’s something
—Raquel LM
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