sarcasticpotatoe · 3 years
why does senior discount exist? why do old people get to pay less for shit? same goes for toddlers and college students. what do they have in common that makes them eligible to get discounts? for old people and toddlers, its just based on how long they’ve been sitting on this floating rock. college students are just fucking miserable. they do fit into the category of most likely to kill god, though the toddlers are also there. seniors can’t do much. they can sit. and nap. and complain about stuff. does society see these as the three categories that must be kept happy in order to keep peace and balance in the universe? but what do toddlers struggle with? not wanting to take naps? college students would gladly take the sleep time, and seniors already have that normalized with them and don’t seem to be complaining like the toddlers. seniors are closer to death, so it may be pity. so are college students, not that society seems to care about that much so i doubt they’d get discounts for it. toddlers are just gremlins who scream and run and eat and avoid sleep like its a void that will consume them and their soul forever and then have the audacity to cry when they’re overtired. i just wanna know why the old people get to pay less. /lh
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sarcasticpotatoe · 3 years
watching inside again......im fine i promise
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sarcasticpotatoe · 3 years
"They are two sides of the same coin. They kinda need each other because of the common experience that they have. They are the only two people in the planet that really know each other."
""It's really love, right? They love each other"
-Kari Skogland on Sambucky in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
“Both characters, coming from where they came from and being the men that they are, realize that the world has changed and evolved. The Blip has put us in a position where we no longer are accessible to the way of thinking that was before. That’s what gave us Thanos. So both characters are smart enough to know that the future is different, and they’ve always been progressive enough to see that and move along with [it].”
-Anthony Mackie on Sambucky in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
"They’re both two people trying to find their new identity, and that really has nothing to do with Steve Rogers. Steve Rogers is much more the catalyst, like the event that sets off the bomb that causes both of them to go, “Okay, that happened. Now, let me deal with these things”. I think it’s about them figuring out that they need each other much more than they want to accept"
" Those characters are very interlinked because they are the only thing they have to remind them of a past that no longer exist. My approach to those scenes was to find the truth to it. And the truth was that these guys are actually experiencing something extremely traumatic, if you’re actually looking at the truth of their experience. And you’re taking away all the glitter and glamour of a superhero, superpower, whatever it’s called. You’re talking about two people entirely ripped from the world, thrown to another, and are just doing their best to make the right decision. And all they have is each other. "
"Is it love? For sure it’s love."
-Sebastian Stan on Sambucky in the Falcon and the Winter Soldier
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sarcasticpotatoe · 3 years
Top 5 SamBucky moments that made me feel like a sex scene just came on while watching a movie with my parents!
Number 1 obviously goes to the rolling in the field scene. I don’t think I’ve ever had to hold in a scream more then at that moment. I kept glancing at my parents “like do you see all the gay going on here”
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2. The couples therapy scene. They were crotch to crotch for goodness sake!
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3. The soft voices, the fact it was the early hours of the morning. The helping each other. Look how close Bucky was to resting his hand on Sam’s hip again! The soft, assuring looks.
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4. Bucky calling Sam “Samuel.” Idk why, but anytime anyone says someone’s full name it’s either bc they are mad at the person or horny and Bucky wasn’t mad at Sam so where does that leave us?
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5. When Bucky showed up and picked that heavy ass thing just to be dramatic and show off to Sam. Like okay rom com
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“You’re welcome” okay slut
Bonus: You know what here’s a bonus and dare I say the one that made me levitate off the ground as the spirit of SamBucky overtook me. Bucky put his hand on Sam’s waist. Not on his shoulder. Or hand. Or you know just said “hey Sam move over.” Nope nope he put his hand on his waist all flirty and showed off to Sam that look “hey I’m a big, strong man helping out you, another strong man, but you’re too pretty so I’m going to do the work for you.”
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Feral is what I am
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sarcasticpotatoe · 3 years
✨rejection sensitive dysphoria✨ is the worst thing everrrrrr, not only do i want to cry, i hate myself, i feel like im falling into a void, the guilt is suffocating, i wanna cry, everything is overwhelming, im positive that everyone hates me, i hate existence, and i just also really wanna cry /lh
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sarcasticpotatoe · 3 years
this has so many good points and is so so important, especially with the disney. im also now convinced with the loki/grandmaster thing, its now cannon in my head!
still annoyed at all the queerbaiting in tfatws, there’s so much romance coding between sam and bucky, its like captain marvel all over again, there was so much romance coding between carol and maria, so god damn much, and nothing happens, sarah and bucky are adorable together, theres just more romance coding between him and sam and it just makes more sense and its just so annoying that we have no cannon queer representation in the mcu yet, i love sarah, but i rly just want sambucky right now, or honestly just some kind of good queer representation, and we’re gonna get is teasing, im just a tad annoyed, so might as complain into the void (hey that rhymed) /lh 
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sarcasticpotatoe · 3 years
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sarcasticpotatoe · 3 years
ah yes, my three moods, peace signs, soft smiles, and steve:
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( photo is from steve’s twitter https://twitter.com/stevensuptic) 
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sarcasticpotatoe · 3 years
still annoyed at all the queerbaiting in tfatws, there’s so much romance coding between sam and bucky, its like captain marvel all over again, there was so much romance coding between carol and maria, so god damn much, and nothing happens, sarah and bucky are adorable together, theres just more romance coding between him and sam and it just makes more sense and its just so annoying that we have no cannon queer representation in the mcu yet, i love sarah, but i rly just want sambucky right now, or honestly just some kind of good queer representation, and we’re gonna get is teasing, im just a tad annoyed, so might as complain into the void (hey that rhymed) /lh 
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sarcasticpotatoe · 3 years
so i have been informed that there was more flirting between bucky and sarah than was given screen time, again i just finished watching it so this was my raw reaction. im sry if this came off as angry towards people who ship buckysarah, i didnt mean for it to sound that way, go ahead and ship whoever you want, im completely fine with whatever, i also meant to put a /lh tone indicator cause this was meant as a lighthearted joke kinda thing so im sorry that it was disrespectful to other ships /gen /nm
just finished watching tfatws, very enjoyment, much good, but bucky and sarah have ZERO AND I MEAN ZERO chemistry. like none. its outrageous. all i wanted was sambucky, but nooooo, i get forced straight couples, like why, marvel, WHY MUST YOU HURT ME LIKE THIS????
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sarcasticpotatoe · 3 years
just finished watching tfatws, very enjoyment, much good, but bucky and sarah have ZERO AND I MEAN ZERO chemistry. like none. its outrageous. all i wanted was sambucky, but nooooo, i get forced straight couples, like why, marvel, WHY MUST YOU HURT ME LIKE THIS????
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sarcasticpotatoe · 3 years
i wrote the beginning of a story on AO3 and saved it as a draft but didnt save it anywhere else and it automatically deleted itself...........im in agony......
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sarcasticpotatoe · 3 years
hahahahah, so my adhd made me say something impulsively, now i regret it, time to disappear from the internet, byeeeeeeee
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sarcasticpotatoe · 3 years
words literally cannot describe how much i love this
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i know you
i walked with you once upon a dream
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sarcasticpotatoe · 3 years
god i'm coming up
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sarcasticpotatoe · 3 years
its time to cry
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Everything hurts
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sarcasticpotatoe · 3 years
Ladies and gentlemen,
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