sc1fly · 5 years
A brief update before my next review
A brief update before my next review
So, I noticed its been too long since I’ve posted and I hope I haven’t disappointed any of you! I’ve recently started a new job, moved to a new state, and joined a new writing group. Life has been hectic but enjoyable and I wouldn’t change it for anything. Fresh starts are so exciting! Anyway, I want to share a bit about each of these changes.
The new job
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As of two weeks ago, I have been…
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sc1fly · 5 years
Aren't we all a little insane?
Aren't we all a little insane? My latest post may be a bit surprising...
A Review of Legion: The Many Lives of stephen leeds
I see it differently—but even if we admit that the word applies to me, it applies to you too. The longer I’ve lived, the more I’ve realized everyone is neurotic in their own individual way. I have control of my psychoses. How about you?
—Stephen to Dion
Stephen Leeds is a certified genius, hired by various corporations and governments to…
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sc1fly · 5 years
My Top 5 sci-fi novels
I’m not even 30 yet so I’m sure this list will change, but here are my favorite sci-fi stories so far:
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5. Post-Human series by David Simpson
The desire to become stronger, faster, smarter…to push the limits of the human body and redefine what it means to be Homo sapiens sapiens, is probably captured best in this series than any other.
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4. Simulacron-3 by Daniel F. Galouye
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sc1fly · 5 years
Do we live for pleasure only?
Is pleasure such a strong desire that it’s all we seek, even if it comes with giving up other faculties?
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“The people have made their choice, Martin. You can’t change history.”
The film, Narcopolis, paints the picture of a future where all drugs are legal, at least those sold by Ambro Corp. Surely, this pursuit must be enjoyable (most people take drugs because they are enjoyable),but is it too enjoyable? Is pleasure such a strong desire that it’s all we seek, even if it comes with giving up other…
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sc1fly · 5 years
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A short thank you I’d like to thank everyone who has taken to the time to visit, read, like, or comment on my posts.
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sc1fly · 5 years
Can our lives have meaning?
If you were the last person alive, would your life still have meaning?
Twenty Twenty-Four and Existential Crises
“I just wanted to know I made a difference. That’s all.”
Roy, Twenty Twenty-Four
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It is the year 2024 and humanity has nearly run out of resources, leading to a war between nations. A program is enacted to try and preserve humanity in case the war nearly wipes us out. Multiple underground bunkers are created, each maintained by one person called an…
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sc1fly · 5 years
The brevity of life and the dilemma of self-preservation
Imagine that you could write a letter that would be saved for all time, a letter that would make you a little less negligible. What would your last words be?
It’s no secret: life is hard. And unless Biogerontology (a field of science aiming to slow the aging process) pans out, we all have an incredibly short time to live. In the same vein, unless you’re one of the lucky ones who were capable of making a significant mark on human history, you’re likely to be forgotten. But imagine that you could write a letter that would be saved for all time, a letter…
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sc1fly · 5 years
I've sacrificed way too much for you!
Are children indebted to their parents? Maybe not...
After Darkness and whether children are indebted to their parents.
You will live however I want you to live! You understand me?
Raymond, After Darkness
Raymond, the Bruce Wayne-esque father in this sci-fi drama.
After Darkness is your typical, solar catastrophe sci-fi flick. I mean, just check out its Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB ratings. Basically, the Sun is dying and humanity is going to…
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sc1fly · 5 years
But Billy, it's my turn to play God!
Can torture ever be morally justifiable?
The film, Higher Power, and the justification for torture.
If your God will not save us, I will design my own.
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In this sci-fi thriller, recovering addict Joe Steadman is unwillingly made a test subject with the purpose of enhancing him enough to prevent a Gamma Ray Burst from destroying the planet. Chosen by an anonymous scientist only known as “Control” per the subtitles, Joe is put…
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sc1fly · 5 years
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5 posts! I feel a lot more coming soon!
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sc1fly · 5 years
There are so many themes and motifs in the science fiction genre. Here are my absolute favorites!
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sc1fly · 5 years
2047 Virtual Revolution
Can a good life be lived inside a Virtual Reality Program?
The revolution came, but not in the way we expected.
Nash, a private investigator, is working for a major Virtual Reality company called Synternis. In this future, 75% of the world’s population is Connected, meaning they spend most of their time inside the VR called Verses.
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Nash is considered a hybrid: he spends equal amounts of…
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sc1fly · 5 years
What does it mean to be a real person? 
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sc1fly · 5 years
As humans, do we place ourselves on some moral pedestal? Are we as good or as valuable as we think?
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sc1fly · 5 years
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