Witch Sabbath
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Dance, dance you witchy witch
Dance, dance your bruises stitch
You will rise very soon
Under big crimson moon
-Sebastian Winter
Hey, I decided to commercialise my poetry. Of course, you can still read all my poetry for free, but if you really like something, now you can buy a mug. This is print on demand service, and print quality is very good. I ordered a mug for myself and it turned out great. For now you can buy Halloween edition mugs with creepy poetry, but I can make everything really. You can visit my store HERE  My instagram HERE
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No bound by borders
No following orders
I’m running free
Only way to be
-Sebastian Winter
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Trick or Treat
Trick or treat is a question lame
Always a treat it’s all the same
That’s why I stole your treats neat
A wicked trick nothing can beat
-Sebastian Winter
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-by Sebastian Winter
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Hurtlepool is the most ordinary small town one can imagine. Its cute, little houses stand in neat lines and sun shines above the red roofs. Of course, it would be stupid to say that nothing bad ever happened here, but these weren’t major things. All in all this town is peaceful, so peaceful that it could adorn postcards in order to evoke thoughts about paradise. However, every little town has its secrets, and Hurtlepool isn’t an exception.
You know there are these crazy stories kids come up with. Boogeymans visiting them at night, standing in dark corners and watching them. If you’re not careful enough boogeyman can take you away, and you’ll never come back. Pretty basic stuff actually, but it’s a little bit different here in Hurtlepool.
Hurtlepool also has a similar urban legend about something disturbing peoples peace at night. The only difference is that it can happen to anyone, not only kids. It makes it somehow more creepy, more believable. Continue reading...
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-by Sebastian Winter
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I was sitting in my bed in the evening, and my hands were shaking. It had been a crazy day. Everything that had happened with Suiyama-san. I couldn’t quite wrap my mind around it. His death that day probably had changed the village’s course of action. I wondered if he would ever again fall from the bridge and break his back.
For a long time, I couldn’t fall asleep. Of course, I was accustomed to all the happenings in the Village of Nightmare. But this time it was different. When watching bad things going on with others, I could feel sad, devastated, angry and powerless, without being able to change anything. However, I had never been chased by someone like today. It was something completely else. The feeling of death running after you, the adrenaline rush through your body. In moments like these, you understand what it truly means to live…
Then I fell asleep. Continue reading...
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-by Sebastian Winter
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Usually, I don’t read newspapers. Who does it these days anyway? But in the small village, such as the Village of Nightmare, people still use this archaic method of getting news. So, when one day I was going out, I saw a newspaper on the receptionist’s table. I took it. Don’t know why, but I just wanted to. On the first page, there was news about a man drowned in the river.
Almost every week such news appears in the Village of Nightmare. However, after some week or day, or month everyone forgets about the events and the dead ones appear live again. I still can’t figure out what pattern this village has because every event of someone dying has a unique time of resetting.
Sometimes I think about how exactly this happens. Does the person just pop out from the blue sky into the existence once again? Or does he or she appear smoothly in their bed at night bit by bit? At first, their body being transparent and then materializing more and more. This is a mystery for me just like this whole hellish place. Continue reading...
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- by Sebastian Winter
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Have you ever wondered what true evil is? Probably not, because really bad things don’t happen that often in one person’s life, but when they happen the person memorizes them for the rest of his life.
But what if I told you that there is some place where evil things happen over and over and over again with the same persons. And usually, there are no malicious people involved. Usually, these are just coincidences, bad luck one could say, but I would say that it’s the true evil. The evil we don’t know anything about because no one really knows that this evil exists, only some special people like me. But who would listen to the crazy girl? I guess that is my own curse in here…
My name is Yoko and I live in the asylum of the… Hmm. Maybe it’s not such a good idea to tell where exactly. I’m afraid some people would be drawn by this and would want to come here, but they really shouldn’t. From now on I’ll call this place the Village of Nightmare.
It’s a small Japanese mountain village. The same kind of villages you can find all around Japan. It lays between mountains in a beautiful valley, and the village is beautiful itself too. You can find here small traditional Japanese houses which are well maintained from the ancient times. The grass here is full of small animals, skies of birds, but little ponds and canals of fish. One could think that this is the paradise on Earth, yet it is more like hell.
To not confuse you I’ll tell you right away that my asylum isn’t like any other. I’m not restrained at all because they say that my illness is not endangering the people around me in any way. And that’s true because I’m not really sick, I just remember things no one is able to remember and they live their loop over and over again. Because of this, I can wander through the village all I want until the evening hour when everyone in the asylum is ought to go to sleep.
You may wonder why I don’t run away from here if I have so much freedom, but that is the story for some other time. At first, you have to know why I would want to run away in the first place. Continue reading...
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-by Sebastian Winter
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Today my parents called and invited me to the dinner. It’s nice to have a family dinner once in a while.
I’m not living with my family for almost four years already. At first, they didn’t believe in me when I wanted to move out. They said that I wasn’t going to be able to provide for myself, to survive, especially in the city, but already then I knew that I would manage.
And here I was, after those years, standing on my family’s house porch which instantly evoked warm memories. I knocked on the door, and my sister opened them. She seemed very happy to see me.
Father and mother beckoned me in the living room where the table was ready for the feast. Truth to be told I was happy too. It was nice to come to my old house and eat together with them. I knew that it cost them a lot to feed me, but you know family bonds are the strongest.
I sat in my place behind the table. The smell of the meal was awesome. I still haven’t learned to prepare food so well.
We prayed and thanked God for everything we had, and then we started our meal. After the prayer, I immediately could tell that my sister wanted to ask me something. Continue reading...
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FREE Book till April 24!
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My sci fi romance cyberpunk book is free on Amazon till April 24!
Also, if you like the book, please leave a review on Amazon if possible (Amazon has strict rules regarding this). It can be only a few sentences, but it would really help me a lot. Below I provide all the links where you can get the book:
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07C6BDKH3 US
https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07C6BDKH3 UK
https://www.amazon.de/dp/B07C6BDKH3 Germany
https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B07C6BDK France
https://www.amazon.es/dp/B07C6BDKH3 Spain
https://www.amazon.it/dp/B07C6BDKH3 Italy
https://www.amazon.nl/dp/B07C6BDKH3 Netherlands
https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B07C6BDKH3 Japan
https://www.amazon.com.br/dp/B07C6BDKH3 Brazil
https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B07C6BDKH3 Canada
https://www.amazon.com.mx/dp/B07C6BDKH3 Mexico
https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B07C6BDKH3 Australia
https://www.amazon.in/dp/B07C6BDKH3 India
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FREE Kindle Book for 4 Days!!!
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Hello, dear book lovers!
I would like to announce that my sci fi/romance/cyberpunk book is FREE on Amazon for 4 days till April 24. You can read the beginning of the book below:
The Cyber-City was breathing in its usual rhythm. Sparkling ads were encouraging its citizens to live faster, to live better, to forget about their worries and indulge in pleasures, but he wasn't happy.  Some connections in his body were wrong, and he didn't understand this city and this age.
Evans was wondering what the earth looked like in ancient times. He often liked to imagine the green courtyards of mansions from prehistoric video files. He had seen even some with forests and meadows in them; things that contemporary man wasn't destined to see. Evans imagined that he was living in this prehistoric era.
He goes out of the sunny living room into the garden, where his wife awaits him. He embraces her tightly. She's the most beautiful woman in the world, and he loves her madly and deeply. He loves her in a way that cannot be expressed in words; her breath is his breath, and her life is his life. Their souls are pulsating in united, eternal rhythm.
However, in real life, Evans hadn't seen any wild forests or meadows, just like all the other inhabitants of the Cyber-City. He had never felt love for a significant other either and he didn't even know what it was, but his heart longed for love as a traveler longs for a drop of water in the desert.
Evans was sitting at his usual place beside the window in his favorite restaurant. It was raining outside, and raindrops on the glass were breaking rays of bright neon ads. These ads stretched endlessly—all around the globe. In this era, the whole earth had become this Cyber-City. Some of the natural environment was preserved in special parks, but they contained only a very small fraction of the species from the past.
Hundreds of bright signal lights were flashing behind the window in various notches. They belonged to a wide variety of vehicles and robots, which were roaring, humming and buzzing in different tones at different volumes. All this mess was usual and familiar to Evans. It merged into one continuous blur. He looked at this world as if he were wearing smeared glasses, only the blur was permanent, he couldn't clean it off...
However, something behind the window attracted Evans's tired look. A window cleaning robot was damaged, and it had departed from its usual route. This robot was a simple one, the type which was still allowed. At that moment, it was washing the concrete wall vigorously, and, as soon as the wind blew a little bit more rain water on it, sparks started flaring from the robot's shell. Evans continued to observe the robot's tumultuous movements until it stopped completely. After that, its red signal light slowly faded as if the robot's soul had left the shell and flown to the heaven of the Cyber-City.
Robots didn't have souls. Evans was completely aware of this, and therefore he hated them. He hated them just like this city, this globe, the soul of which had departed the shell a long time ago. People here were like an old echo of the true life from the past. Evans got up from the table and left his food uneaten.
The next day, he visited the same restaurant and sat down in the same place he had sat last night. He was looking through the window again, but this time his gaze was drawn to the ground. Hundreds of floors below, the land was barely visible. People were crowding on the ground, but they were so far away that it was impossible to see any smaller details. They look like worms, Evans thought. This comparison wasn't meant as an insult or scorn because he had never seen real worms. For Evans, this sight resembled only those worms that he had seen in old video files.
No matter how many people were down below on the ground and all around in the tremendous structures of glass and concrete, Evans was lonely. He was as lonely as a person could be. Since the death of his mother ten years ago, he had never expressed his feelings and emotions to another person.
Although he was a board member of a very influential spaceship engineering company, he didn't feel happy. He remembered that, earlier, when he had participated in the engineers' work he had been able to forget about how unhappy he was, but now Evans was dealing only with document signing. It was tedious work. There was nothing creative in this job, no room for self-expression. He hated this work as much as he hated the Cyber-City.
He lived on the 562nd floor. The floor on which a person lived showed their status in society. Evans was one of those lucky ones who had never been down on the ground. He and his family had always been wealthy. At that moment, the "successful" man was only eight floors away from the last one and an elegant roof terrace.
He often thought that, when he arrived, he would open his arms on the roof like a bird who's about to fly, and then he would jump. It would be the fulfillment of his life, his ultimate destination. It was unlikely that his body would reach the ground at all. More believably it would smash against an aerobus or private aerocar, and, because of the direction change, it would shatter the glass facade of some apartment, frightening its inhabitants to death.
He got up from the table and left his food uneaten again.
Evans visited the same restaurant for years. He always sat in the same place at the window when it was vacant. Three more years had passed, and Evans was living on the 569th floor now. Just a little bit longer till the end of his life. He had decided to jump for real. The suicide from the roof terrace was the whole purpose of his life now. If he hadn't had this goal, he would have opened the window of this same restaurant and put an end to this stupid masquerade, which others called life, a long time ago.
 On one particularly gloomy evening, when Evans was visiting his beloved restaurant again, he had to face the fact that all tables in this part of the restaurant were occupied. He had to go to an adjoining room where he had never had dinner before. Even he admitted that it was strange, but he wasn't the type who liked change. The man sat in a dark corner. The most remote place he could find. He continued to sit and sit there until there were no other visitors in the restaurant. However, this didn't disturb the restaurant's usual functioning, as almost all institutions in the Cyber-City were open around the clock.
Evans felt someone approaching his table, and a shadow slipped over its surface.
''Would you like something else?'' a fine, gentle voice asked. ''Your plate is empty.''
Evans raised his eyes from the point on the table where he had been staring almost all the time. There stood a delicate and fragile looking waitress who seemed very young, but Evans instantly noticed some of the almost invisible wrinkles in her face, which indicated that she was a lot older. She had maroon-colored hair and big, expressive eyes of the same color, which were beautifully marked by thin but pointy eyebrows.
''I don't want anything, thank you. I'm leaving. Please take this tip.''
She looked at him and said, "You don't have to do this, sir. You know it's an etiquette of the past.''
''Then consider me old fashioned!'' He put the money in her hand, clutched her fingers around it and went away, leaving the woman completely confused and incapable of protesting. He was surprised how cold her fingers were. It was probably awful to work if you felt so cold. He felt pity for her...
This is the end of the book’s beginning. If you want to read the rest, you will have to get the book on Amazon. Remember, it’s free and is available worldwide. Also, if you like the book, please leave a review on Amazon if possible (Amazon has strict rules regarding this). It can be only a few sentences, but it would really help me a lot. Below I provide all the links where you can get the book:
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07C6BDKH3 US
https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07C6BDKH3 UK
https://www.amazon.de/dp/B07C6BDKH3 Germany
https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B07C6BDK France
https://www.amazon.es/dp/B07C6BDKH3 Spain
https://www.amazon.it/dp/B07C6BDKH3 Italy
https://www.amazon.nl/dp/B07C6BDKH3 Netherlands
https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B07C6BDKH3 Japan
https://www.amazon.com.br/dp/B07C6BDKH3 Brazil
https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B07C6BDKH3 Canada
https://www.amazon.com.mx/dp/B07C6BDKH3 Mexico
https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B07C6BDKH3 Australia
https://www.amazon.in/dp/B07C6BDKH3 India
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-by Sebastian Winter
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Yesterday, an event happened which triggered me to share the most important part of my life with you. I was working at my workplace which is McDonald’s in Hong Kong. The group of foreign teenagers came in. They were acting loudly and without any respect. Although it’s nothing unusual, I don’t support bad behavior in any case, but restaurant rules prohibit to reprove to customers unless they are doing something really crazy which wasn’t the case. The problem there was that I clearly heard them insulting my colleague. Although they didn’t say it into his face and were speaking among themselves, the teenagers didn’t lower voices at all, so anyone could hear.
They said that my colleague must be a real loser if he works at McDonald’s, that he probably came from some orphanage, that he stinks and stuff like that. They also made jokes about him being poor and ugly.
These teenagers were next in line to him, but I asked my colleague to go away and took his place.
”Hello, little brats,” I said. ”How are you feeling today? Isn’t it hard in this hot weather to be so fat?” One of them was fat. ”And you, why are your teeth so crooked? Didn’t your parents buy you braces? You definitely need them. But you, as a woman I can say that you’ll never get a girlfriend!”
I probably said something else too, but now I can’t remember everything. I think you get an idea.
After my speech, they fell silent for a moment. I had really confused them, but then the bravest of the group said, ”And who exactly are you? You are also just some loser who works here and…”
He didn’t get further because I started to yell at them to get out of the restaurant. Everyone around was watching this. After my loud yelling, the teenagers got scared and went away.
Of course, my boss wasn’t happy about all this, but he is very nice, and I didn’t get to write the official explanation about my behavior. He sent me home to think about my actions.
So, this was my upsetting experience yesterday. It made me think about my past and that no one, who comes into McDonald’s, knows anything about me. Every person is unique and you can’t judge someone because he or she works somewhere. You can’t even make assumptions because you just simply don’t know. I’m quite unusual actually, and I could earn a lot more if I wanted, but it’s simply my choice not to, so here my story begins. Continue reading...
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-by Sebastian Winter
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I don’t know why I want to share this old story with you right now, but I just feel like it. It’s definitely not because I’ll ever forget about all these events. So, my story is about what helped me to become a professional photographer who I am now. It happened 2 years ago when I’d just finished the high school.
My dream always has been to be a photographer. Whenever I go, I take my camera with me, but after the high school, my family didn’t have the money to pay for the university, so I couldn’t get the proper education. Although I was pretty skillful already, no one wanted to hire me as a photographer, but I really needed a job and couldn’t just try to become a self-employed person. All employers were asking for some grade, at least courses, but I didn’t have any. I was sending my portfolio to countless places but always got a rejection. They answered that my work was good, but unfortunately, they couldn’t hire me.
I remember that I was walking down the railroad on some particularly hot summer day. I’d been to a job interview, but they’d rejected me. After that, I’d talked with my uncle, and he’d promised me place in his grocery store as a vendor. Continue reading...
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- by Michael Kraus and Sebastian Winter
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On May 21st, 1722 there was a massive ship sailing to the harbor. It was battered and the sails were all torn up. Even from the coast, one could hear people screaming.
The ship didn’t make it to the harbor. It sank to the bottom of the ocean and only one man made it to the coast. I was working in the harbor when it all happened. Without hesitation, I dropped my crate with fish and ran to the man. He was severely wounded and needed medical attention. The man was saying something about a sea monster or sea God, which destroyed the ship, but no one on the coast had seen anything particular when the ship sank. It all was really strange. I still remember how the man firmly clenched my hand and said: Continue reading...
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-by CarshaltonRoad
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First off, I’m not a writer so I apologize for any grammar mistakes or poor writing and secondly I created a throwaway account because things have got a little weird and I don’t want anything linking back to myself.
So it all started about 3 weeks ago, driving to work and I drove past a pretty normal looking house on Carshalton Road. Normally I wouldn’t notice any specific house but as I was driving a lady in a skirt suit was knocking on the door. Sounds pretty normal but when the door opened I am almost certain I saw her being dragged inside. Now I couldn’t be sure and by midday I had forgotten about it.
The next day driving to work once again, the same house but this time two men in suits were standing outside looking panicked. They seemed to be looking up the road but I couldn’t tell if they were looking for something or waiting, either way they wouldn’t leave the drive.
A week passed and there wasn’t much activity to make me notice but Saturday came and I decided to take a walk to the park with my 2 year old. Now I knew I would be passing Carshalton Road and I have to say I was a little excited to have a closer look at the house. I kept looking out for for sale signs incase that would explain the suits but nothing. Continue reading...
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- by Sebastian Winter
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”So, how’s it been, Susan?”
”Something of this, something of that, you know life is life.”
”I see, you don’t want to talk about it…”
”It’s not like I don’t want to… Just ask something more specific.”
”What did you do after you left town with Jimmy and where is he? What is he doing?”
”The job was really great, I had the big one. Salary, you know. Really worth moving away. We got married but didn’t have kids. For Jimmy moving away wasn’t as great as it was for me. So, the time went by and eventually we divorced. With no apparent reason actually. We just both knew it was over. I really don’t know what he is doing now. Although we parted as friends, we haven’t kept the contacts.”
”When did it happen? Divorce I mean, how are you holding up?”
”Oh, don’t worry, it was five years ago. Since then scars have healed.”
Continue reading...
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-by Sebastian Winter
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How can I start this letter?
My name is Walter Cole. I lived at 25 Maple Avenue, Greenwood town, Maine. I’m not a native American, I moved here from Europe.
Firstly, if you ever read this, go straight to the police. Of course, I know they won’t believe all this right away, but hopefully, they will start an investigation to reveal the truth. Down below, I tried to describe all that has happened to me as well as I could. It’s a horrid and terrible story.
Secondly, I would like you to find my wife and three kids. Go please to Greenwood town and ask locals how to find Cole family. They will know. When you meet them, tell them that Walter loves them very much and if he ever gets out of the situation he is right now, he will return home. If you don’t believe me and haven’t gone to the police, please, please give this letter to my wife Clare. Oh, how much I wanna see my wife and kids again! I would like to tell them all sorts of kind words but I can’t. My space on this little piece of paper is limited, and I have to describe all the details of my story as well as I can. So here it is: Continue reading...
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