skumar9 · 4 years
Manifest Your Dream Life in 2021 - Join the Group for free to manifest your dreams...
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skumar9 · 4 years
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skumar9 · 4 years
START where you are, USE what you have and DO what you can
Arthur Ashe
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skumar9 · 4 years
Whatever action is performed by a great man, common men follow in his footsteps, and whatever standards he sets by exemplary acts, all the world pursues
Bhagavad Gita
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skumar9 · 4 years
Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is
Bhagavad Gita
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skumar9 · 4 years
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skumar9 · 4 years
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“Its time to start something new, and trust the magic of beginning” 
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skumar9 · 4 years
Unleash your inner treasure. You have unlimited power within you.
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skumar9 · 4 years
Boys...just have a look....
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skumar9 · 4 years
You are the creator of your life- manifest your dreams””
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skumar9 · 4 years
Things do not change; we change.
Henry David Thoreau
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skumar9 · 4 years
“Power of Giving”
Life is a gift, and all of us who have the ability must remember that we have the responsibility to give back. Yours contribution can truly make a difference.
_Tony Robbins
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skumar9 · 4 years
“Power of positivity”
What your mind conceive can achieve Miracle do happen 
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skumar9 · 4 years
“Change your life with these small changes in your daily routine”
If you want to change your life you need to change your thoughts and your habits. People have lots of knowledge and information these days but lack on action. Remember guys, knowledge is a potential power, you need to take action on the knowledge to get the results. Start with small first, and create a momentum. Every action has its reaction, you will see the changes in your life even by these small actions. You have hidden power within you and you need to unleash that power. Start with these small basic changes in your daily routine for 90 days and see the amazing results. So here it is:
1) Go to bed at 10.30pm with positive affirmations:
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If you want to get up early in the morning, you need to go to bed early in order to complete your sleep. The best time for sleep is between 10pm to 2am. You can find tons of benefits of sleeping early. Have your dinner before 8PM and read some good stuff and recite some positive affirmation just before going to bed. Or you can listen any self recorded affirmation audio. This will make your subconscious mind to attract positive things in your life. Make this your practice. If you struggle with your sleep, click on the link to get best audio which will help you to find sound sleep in just few minutes.
Many people struggles for sleep and here the study on sleep disorder you may like. click on the link below:
2) Get up Early in the morning (between 4AM-5AM)
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Waking up early consistently takes a lot discipline. You begin to take control of your life and have more control over the activities you engage in. You acquire time management skills, meaning less last minute work popping up throughout the day. Being disciplined, organized, on top of your schedule and having clear stewardship are all elements of strong self-mastery. This time is rich of cosmic energy and will change your life drastically.  The morning tranquility is an indescribable bliss. This serenity comes with two levels. First, there’s the physical quietness. You rise with the sun and are alone with no disturbances. Then there comes the mental level – the quietness, peace and clarity. While physical peace is something you also get by sleeping late, the mental peace comes from waking up early. The tranquility on both levels gives you the unrestricted space to get an early start on whatever you want to do.
3) Meditate for 30-40 minutes:
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Start your day with silence. Morning time is most peaceful time of the day for practicing meditation specially for beginners. Learn basics of meditations (there are lots of stuff on meditation in google) and start with a technique which is most suitable to you. In Hinduism this time is called as Brahmamuhuratha which means time of creation. if you want to manifest or create something new this is the best time. Practicing meditation in Brahmamuhuratha for 90 days consistently will completely change your life. You may experience Kundalini awakening too. Your attitude will become positive, you will have positive aura always around you. Your face will glow with cosmic energy and people will attract towards you and they would like to listen to you. Your skin problems will get cured automatically, your mental and physical body will be in perfect harmony. There is a huge list of benefits, I would say you will enjoy your life.
4) Practice of Gratitude : 
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You May have heard from many law of attraction coaches about the power of gratitude. Show gratitude to almighty for such a beautiful morning, say thank you for what you have and say thank you what is coming in your life. Universe will respond to your commands if you show your gratitude for what you already have. Thank you word has tremendous energy and emotions in it so never ever hesitate to say thank you. It takes nothing but gives a lot.
5) Visualization : 
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Think on paper. Note down your Goals on a paper or diary. Write complete description of your desire, for example if you have desire for a car you need to write complete detail of car like car model, color, other specifications etc, or if you want money so you need to be specific for the amount of money you want. Now close your eyes and think that you already possess these items and feel that you are using these things. Think that you are driving your dream car or you are entering your dream home feel each and every texture. Let the emotions come out. As much as clear you visualize the faster the manifestation process will be. Practice this on daily basis for 90 days. Do it as much as you can. Soon you will experience that your dreams are manifesting. 
6) Exercise :
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Exercise is an essential part of our daily routine, in order to pump oxygen to each cell of our body and keep them alive we need to exercise daily at least for 30 minutes. To keep your body and mind fit make it your habit. Exercise makes you feel happy, stress free, active and provides you better sleep. There is long list of benefits of doing exercise daily. So from today onwards commit with yourself that you will exercise daily at least for 30 minutes. It may be yoga, gym, running, skipping or anything else.
So folks, I have started practicing above habits for last 45 days consistently and I can feel the change. I have committed myself to do it for 90 days without any gap and I happy that I have completed my half journey successfully. I can feel positivity in my mind and I feel relaxed. Morning Meditation is an awesome experience and it connects you to the supreme power of universe. You connect to your inner self and you understand that the power within is eternal. In today’s world we are suffering with stress, anxiety, overthinking, depression, fear and many more ailments which are just an illusion nothing else. You will get rid of all these fake illusions by practicing meditation and exercise regularly. So finally, I would request you all that you have enough information and knowledge, now this is the time to take action. Nothing is going to change until you start taking action. Practice these above small habits for 90 days without a gap and see the magic. You and your life will not be same. Share me your results and story when you complete your 90 days and I will share you mine. 
We have got one life only and half already has passed, so make your remaining life beautiful, enjoy it, live your dreams and stay happy always. Never ever regret for anything, God is always standing behind you to support you, just feel it. 
Please check below links to know more about manifestation and better sleep: 
https://bit.ly/3kxQPVd https://bit.ly/2RJEXmH https://bit.ly/3mGQ7GU https://bit.ly/35SAsOR https://bit.ly/33Gdx6M
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skumar9 · 4 years
The great end of life is not knowledge but action
Thomas Henry Huxley
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skumar9 · 4 years
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Reading Tony Robin’s bestseller book “Unlimited Power” 
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skumar9 · 4 years
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