we are mixed origin/traumaendo and non disordered 👍🏽 some stuff is a lil vague on purpose
1. We started out as just endo, then our trauma happened and it updated our system.
2. Our trauma wasnt the kind you dissociate from. We only dissociate when experiencing prolonged bouts of stress we cant escape from, and that has really only happened once currently soo.. (the dissociation was separate to our trauma)
3. idk if this question is talking about dissociation or just plurality.. but plurality does impact our life daily, in both good and bad ways. and dissociation only impacted our life during that period.
4. the dissociation did impact our system for roughly a year or less after? (our plurality did not cause the dissociation, it was separate)
5. yeah its pretty cool, but it also kinda sucks cuz we cant be open about ourselves :/
6. yeah..
I'm kinda bored and I wanna start a more interesting conversation so
Question to Traumaendo Plurals
so y'all consider yourself endo right? How come? Do you think your trauma contributes to your dissociation at all? Do you think that it has any effect on your daily life? Do the dissociative aspects interfere with your system? Do you like being seperate? Do you hate your trauma but love being plural?
I'm genuinely curious about it all. Y'all tell me your experiences because we have no idea how that works.
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people who don't wear glasses are so weird like you just wake up and your eyes are pussy fresh??
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sans giggled teasingly, “I’m all yours komaeda..so quit playing around”
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for the future to BE plural, for singlets to appreciate us, we need to post about being plural and make our voices heard! twitter tumblr youtube whatever, add the plurality flag to your pfps put it in your bios post about it make headcanons BE VOCAL!! let our voices be heard, speak up and promote plurality, spread awareness so the general public knows about it.
make it so they have no choice but to see us, THE FUTURE IS PLURAL!
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(graphic from @/dreamlandsystem)
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stardust-creature · 3 days
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stardust-creature · 4 days
I love occasionally seeing elder plurals around this site and others,
I love the reminders that there’s plurals from well before we we’re even born that support us, that there is hope that we’ll make it to be older. Some of these plurals are the same age if not older than our parents and its… refreshing? It brings some desperately needed hope sometimes.
I love being plural and our system as a whole, sometimes it’s hard to cope with it, but seeing people who’ve made it a lot further than just 18 years is nice. Sometimes knowing and being reminded others have it made it that far is a bit of nudge we really need at times to keep pressing on.
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stardust-creature · 4 days
Be Openly Scary
Society is scared of a lot of things it shouldn't be. A lot of those things can't be helped, a lot of those things don't hurt anyone, and a lot of those things are not what people even think they truly are.
So you know what?
Talk about your hallucinations, your delusions, your psychotic symptoms. Share things about your gender identity whether it be nonconforming, trans, xenogender or anything else. Scream about your nonhumanity and animal urges. Be open and unwavering about your systems existence, presenting as more-than-one wherever you want. Use and introduce your pronouns, even if people find them weird or offputting. Rock back and forth, pace, twitch and stim in any way you please. Wear things that reflect your identity in public. Get tattoos and body mods to your heart's content. Tell people about your personality disorders.
Don't make yourself small because others can't handle you. Be open where safe. Be you. Be scary.
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stardust-creature · 4 days
whoever is writing the minecraft lore rn needs a raise. bcuz some of the lore- and even just the theories- r so good and it gets. NO recognition
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stardust-creature · 4 days
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stardust-creature · 4 days
babe wake up more pics of the shadow statue & sonadow keychain
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stardust-creature · 5 days
🌠 Starwashic 💫
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[ID:, a rectangular flag made of 6 stripes, the stripes go diagonally and are shaped like waves washing up on a beach, there are stars on these waves and also on the beach /endID]
This gender feels like stars washing up on a beach!
[This gender was coined for @endermogai 's 500 follower coining event [here] , with the prompt Space / Ocean]
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stardust-creature · 5 days
One of the best writing advice I have gotten in all the months I have been writing is "if you can't go anywhere from a sentence, the problem isn't in you, it's in the last sentence." and I'm mad because it works so well and barely anyone talks about it. If you're stuck at a line, go back. Backspace those last two lines and write it from another angle or take it to some other route. You're stuck because you thought up to that exact sentence and nothing after that. Well, delete that sentence, make your brain think because the dead end is gone. It has worked wonders for me for so long it's unreal
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stardust-creature · 5 days
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stardust-creature · 5 days
Me, plunking Stinky Bastard Man’s carrier on the counter: hi he’s here for shots and a nail trim and he’ll need to be sedated
Nurse: Are you sure? We can try-
Me: he needs to be sedated
Nurse: Well, it’ll take longer-
Me: he needs to be sedated, he will try to rip your face off
Nurse: Well we’ll try without first and we’ll let you know if we need to sedate
Me, watching her carry him away: you will need to sedate him
Nurse, coming back 10 minutes later clutching her hand: so, we will need to sedate him
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stardust-creature · 5 days
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fallen angel
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stardust-creature · 5 days
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an angel! :D
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