pastelnightgale · 1 month
I think Dev should have his memories of the finale not necessarily because of the fairies but because of the frankly horrifying nature of his realizations regarding his dad.
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cyixt · 3 months
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im addicted to making these
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fima11 · 5 months
how'd you develop your art style? it's so yummy i want to draw like you 😭
thank youu <333 (a lot of text under the cut I am so sorry I answered as I could)
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Try to surround yourself with artists that fit your tastes. I started to monitor everything I consume online, creating this "taste". I cleaned my environment from things that don't inspire me and which make me doubt what I want and it helped me to focus more on improving & creating a stable artstyle.
To me it's important to have a an example to follow, such as existing artist or a big mangaka, a person who knows what they draw and how they draw.
(but everything I've said up there is only from the aspiring artists point of view. In reality I respect every artist regardless of style they use and I enjoy their works same way.)
Also study a lot on real photos, but don't try to recreate it hyper realistically and just draw how you see it, that's a very nice way to find out what style suits you best. Sometimes it's good to collect some examples of artstyles you like and just try to recreate it too, use it as study as well. Artists of all times did the same.
idk. To me the greatest way to develop an artstyle is to find yourself artists who inspire you and to try to recreate their style, breaking it out piece by piece, from brushes they use to the way they start their sketching.
It sounds strange when you say it, but when you try it out you can never recreate it 100% in the same way, you always have something unique, something yours that will make difference anyway. And that's the way you develop your own artstyle, in my opinion.
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virtchandmoir · 6 days
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skate_canada: This week, we're celebrating the more than 6,000 skating coaches in Canada who help make our sport possible 🫶
Tag a coach who’s made a difference in your life and say #ThanksCoach! 🙏 _______________
Cette semaine, nous célébrons les plus de 6 000 entraîneurs de patinage au Canada qui contribuent à rendre notre sport possible 🫶
Identifiez un(e) entraîneur(e) qui a marqué votre vie et dites #MerciCoach ! 🙏
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travelerstakes · 6 months
ok, lemme get this straight...
there's a rebel leader everybody thinks is cool. They're not wrong, but she's also a massive zealot
she has a working relationship with the lyctors
she wants God dead
the lyctors also want God dead
two lyctors team up to have a threesome with God to steal his jizz
these lyctors presumably sneak this stolen godly jizz to her in the middle of some unrelated scheme that involves shipping embryos across the galaxy.
this goes wrong, and she needs to handle the human sacrifice baby growing herself
she avoids getting it murdered by naming it after the guy she's been hate fucking for two years so he thinks it's his
This evidently works, because Harrow definitely has been hanging out with Evil Femme Jesus
she ends up dead
baby Gideon, revenant who gives the baby her name and then effs off to do revenant stuff (keep running resistance??)
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briarmae · 2 months
So, I have autism. One aspect of autism and/ or adhd is RSD, or Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria. It's used to describe a type of emotional disregulation.
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I accidentally made a relatively popular post (for me). (It currently has 2,900 notes. My next most popular post has 100.) 2,900 notes, and of them, only about 12 people who responded were negative and/ or confused. I was CONSUMED with feelings of anger, anxiety, rejection, and sadness about those 12 people. 12 out of 2900.
RSD is ridiculous.
But my psychiatrist added a new antidepressant, and suddenly those feelings are blunted, and I can let go of things that cause me anxiety. But I can still experience joy, etc. It's like... my emotions are less overwhelming, but I can still feel them? I hope I'm describing it well enough.
Is this how *normal people feel?
(*Normal, of course, is relative. In this case, it refers to people who are neurotypical and/ or do not suffer from mental illness.)
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sherlock-is-ace · 3 days
i find it so amusing how little i care about the numbers of followers i have on tumblr. Like objectively i have more followers here than everywhere else combined and i'm not exaggerating. I've had this account for 11 years so it makes sense, but it's funny how little i think about it.
Now I've made a sideblog this year, in which I take the time to tag every post to make it easier to find, and potentially, show up in searches... And I cannot go over 4 followers (3 actually, one of those is me lol). I also don't care, I literally made it for myself, but it puts in perspective how gaining followers on tumblr is just as slow as everywhere else, I just don't care here lol
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sentistrange · 2 years
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part 2 with sylvie bc he also speaks latin bc i said so
no part 3 but if i did make it can you guess where the latin would be from
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werepires · 2 months
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plushchimera · 2 years
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hello i just love Y'shtola so much
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irbcallmefynn · 8 months
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How the fuck
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gauntletqueen · 10 months
wow is superstars really That Bad?? :(
In my opinion, kinda yeah :< (here I go writing a fucking essaybecause just listing complaints as bulletpoints isn't gonna get my thoughts across shafghghaf, this is all based on personal experience and opinion of course!)
(first off, the game uses Denuvo anti-cheat which eats a stupid amount of processing power, slowing down your PC, which is bad because there are better alternatives but SEGA keeps insisting on using this one) On a base level, the game is fine. The characters feel pretty good to control, the graphics are nice, I like that they brought back Fang and introduced Trip whom I love! About half of the soundtrack is very good too! But I just find so many problems that build on that base.
The level design, while fine overall, has a tendency to make you run or jump directly into obstacles a lot, partially because the camera is much to close to the player character. There is just no way to see these obstacles coming until it's already too late, or the enemies will shoot projectiles from off-screen, giving you no warning either. This also means it's harder to see jumps coming, making you fall down a lot. Not necessarily in bottomless pits, but it can be a bit annoying all the same to fall down to a lower route. The game also features several special powers you can activate, and the game wants you to use these at specific moments, but most of these aren't build into the levels fluidly at all. Instead they usually halt the momentum entirely just for a small gimmick that'll be over in a second and, in my experience, never adds anything, aside from the water power which lets you swim freely, which makes for a nice change of pace, but it's only applicable in water stages and using it anywhere else is totally useless. Most of the powers are like that, far too situational, to the point where I kept forgetting they existed unless the game reminded me. I will admit I am just forgetful so maybe this is a me problem.
The game's main selling point, the multiplayer, also makes these problems even worse. The camera seems to choose entirely at random which player it wants to follow, swapping at random as well. The moment a player leaves the screen, they despawn. Given that this game is about running fast, this means that you will despawn constantly. After despawning in this manner, rather than dying, you can press A to respawn next to the surviving player immediately, so it's not the worst, but still incredibly annoying when you can never get into the flow of the game. But it gets worse when one person falls into a bottomless pit, and the camera decides to follow that player. The other player is pushed offscreen, dissapears, and the first player falls to their death, thus killing both. These kinds of problems are a constant and make the multiplayer incredibly frustrating.
The bosses are a big gripe for me as well. In previous Sonic games, Classic especially, if you could hit the boss in their weak spot, you could hurt them. That sounds obvious at first, but a lot of games aren't like that, where you need to wait for a specific attack to leave the boss vulnerable or something. Most bosses in Sonic games don't have that, if you can duck and weave between the boss's attacks and get close enough to land hits quickly, you can really speedrun a boss and feel great about it! In Superstars, bosses can only be hit at certain points, which often isn't visually indicated, causing you to either bounce off of them, or take damage, despite the boss looking no different than when you can hit them. When you hit them, they flash white, indicating their invincibility frames, another common thing for bosses in games, but their invincibility actually lasts much longer than the flashing, which results in the player trying to attack them too early and bouncing off or taking damage again. This already drags bosses out a lot, but on top of that, a lot of bosses take a ton of hits compared to most Sonic games, which, again, breaks the game's momentum. The bosses end up feeling so tedious and long that I started dreading having to fight most of them.
But okay! You can just play the main game in singleplayer! The levels are usually fine and some bosses actually work well! It's not entirely unfun. However, there's more once you beat the main game. (spoilers ahead, though I refrain from talking about specific story elements)
After beating the main story, you unlock a second story. This story is just as long as the previous one, because it's all the same levels, but made harder. This includes the bosses, which were already a pain before, some of which become like torture now.
At this point, the game becomes an endurance challenge, just suffering through harder and harder variants of the same levels and bosses, which, at least in my opinion, stops being fun pretty quickly, since all the earlier issues compound. No new story is learned through this mode either (it's even difficult to understand whether it takes place before or after the main game until the ending which seems like an easy thing to do), so it really just feels tacked on to stretch the game length. and I've been told by a friend that the final boss is so stupidly difficult that it took them like 6 hours to beat. Considering how frustratingly unfun and difficult the game had gotten by the 8th stage, I can believe it! It was, in no small terms, one of the most soulcrushing experiences I've ever had with a video game. It just made me really sad and dejected.
After finally beating it, you unlock a shoddily integrated True Final Boss which comes out of nowhere, and that's a shame because I feel it could've been something neat, and I understand where they were going with it, story-wise, but just needed to be introduced better.
Overall the game has a great basis for a good Sonic game, but ends up getting more and more frustrating and demoralizing as it goes on, and ends up being one of the few games that's actually less fun in multiplayer! Impressive. I really can't say who's at fault here either, since there's so many choices here that I feel can't be due to executive meddling, and it's important to remember that these are the same devs as Balan Wonderworld, Yoshi's New Island and Hey! Pikmin. They don't have the best track record, yknow? Perhaps we'll get a huge patch someday that fixes all of my issues with the game, or maybe the fans will mod it, or maybe not! Whatever! There's better Sonic games to play! Play Mania or 3! Or fan games!!
okay thank you for reading <3
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derangedanomaly · 4 months
Hi! Wanna meet my pet bunnies?
Oh dear they got loose.
How many were there?
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the-post-crow · 10 months
I wonder how many followers I ha-
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I have rewatched Young Royals at least 200 times. Plus all the times I've rewatched favorite parts. I have a problem.
Can anyone steal the Top YR Watcher trophy from anon here? 🏆
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thepeculiarbird · 7 months
Me waking up to 98 notifications on Tumblr.
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