#& i hope you're doing well too!! 💙
Guess who applied for college??
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kingspuppet · 1 year
I just want to say that if you’re suffering from horrible confidence and self-doubt issues towards your writing (or in general as well) just like I am, that you’re doing amazing! I know how difficult it is and how much it sucks because it can effect your writing flow, communicating with others, etc. But you are doing so well even if it doesn’t feel like it. How much you write or how productive you are doesn’t define your worth. Every day that you’re still here and still trying, no matter how minor it may feel, is the biggest success of all! Thank you for still being here, my friend. I’m so incredibly proud of you. 💙
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daringyounggrayson · 1 year
hello!!! hope you are so well these days <333
🎉how often do you celebrate completing & posting a work? how often do you give yourself the credit/validation that you seek from others when you post? (if you don't, you should!)
hardly ever honestly 😂 to me posting a fic kind of feels like crossing off an item on my to-do list or turning in an assignment. i kinda just go "cool, what next" you know?
🦋what are you most insecure about when you post a fic?
oh where to begin lmao, but uh maybe characterization? that's a big one
🍭why did you start writing?
well back in high school i rewatched teen titans and quickly become re-obsessed with DC/Robin/Dick Grayson. i was having "hey, what if [blank]" ideas, and after stumbling across fanfiction, i was like "oh i could actually write these down and share them!" so i did. and i'm still writing fic bc i'm still obsessed with Dick Grayson and my thoughts need to go somewhere
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girlsgenerati0n · 2 years
i realised i hadn't seen you on my dash in 2 days and i wondered where you were i hope everything is okay 🫶🏻🫂
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i'm fine!! thank you so much for wondering, that's so sweet!! 🥺😭
this is gonna sound so bad lmao, but there are lots of summer sales going on around us, especially from thrift stores, so we've been out almost all day the past couple of days looking around & looking for some furniture & things! & then i got on late at night yesterday & liked some posts but then fell asleep 😭
so i'm okay, just literally a grandma who can't be awake past 8PM & was too tired from shopping 💅🏻 to hold her phone KABAKJEVFJEKW
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animehideout · 1 month
Could you please do who falls first and who falls harder with jjk men - and how they would deal with falling in love? Like what would they be like. Sorry if that's too specific
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JJK men, who falls first and who falls harder.
A/n: Thank you sweetheart for this cute reaction, I hope you enjoy it 💙
Characters: Gojo Satoru - Toji Fushiguro - Ryomen Sukuna - Nanami Kento - Itadori Yuji
Gojo Satoru : Falls harder.
You'd be the first to fall in love with him, considering how gorgeous he is anyone would definitely develop a crush on him, including you. But you fell not only for his looks but also his teasing and goofy personality. But man would fall harder for you, the thing is he doesn't realize it..yet. I think Satoru would be confused and lost as hell.
He's not used to falling in love with someone, he's only used to people/ women going crazy over him. So him experiencing love and strong feelings for someone would throw him off shore, and the thought of you would consumer his mind. He'd try had to avoid the thought of you, to get you off his mind. Tries to convince himself that love isn't for him, and that those feelings are just shallow and would fade away. He'd think that he wouldn't be a good partner and that he's got more important things to deal with , like his job since he's the strongest. But the more he fights his feelings back, the more they grow stronger. He'd uncontrollably get jealous when another guy gets near you. He'll catch himself getting really angry if a man makes you laugh. Sometimes, he'll catch himself smiling like a dork over your messages, pictures or simply when he sees you doing the smallest daily things, like breathing. He'd get a very strong urge to protect you and keep you safe. He's good at hiding his feelings though, you wouldn't guess that he loves you back.
Even though he's an overly confident guy, he'd be like a lost puppy and seeks help from no other than Geto. He truly suck at facing his feelings, so Suguru will help him realize and accept them, he will also hel him through the whole thing like how to properly confess without making it awkward or messing it up.
Toji Fushiguro: Falls harder.
He wouldn't notice you at first, but once you started proving yourself and flirting with him since you have the fattest crush on him, man would become obsessed with you. He's into strong and confident women, so the fact that you took the initiative and shown you're into him, he'd fall hard for you too.
Even though both of you didn't fully and officially confess yet, he'd act as if you're dating. He'd become overprotective, very possessive of you and gets jealous easily. He'd start physical fights with guys who get near you. Toji would be very touchy with you, gives you your daily dose of pick up lines, compliments, random winks and delicate touches. He has no problem accepting his feelings for you, and he's always ready to get into a relationship as long as you're a real and the right one. I feel like despite his flirty nature, he's take his time and tries to get to know you better, on a deep level. He believes that the spark and sexual tension that comes from flirting is 100% necessary to keep both of you interested and to make things entertaining and spicy.
When he's 100% sure you're the right one, he'd casually ask you out , he's very confident at it, especially that he knows you're the one who started it at first.
Ryomen Sukuna: Falls first.
If Sukuna wants something, he'll get it no matter what. One look is enough for him to claim you. It's love at first sight, well more like obsession at first sight. If you smile at him or show him the slightest and smallest interest ( not necessarily ), he'll consider it as a green light to own you. You basically belong to him but you don't know yet. He'd kill anyone who dares to touch you in a way he doesn't approve of. He doesn't really think that he might scare you away, because he believes you have nowhere to hide or run away from him. He's a yandere when he's in love, a toxic one to be specific. He wouldn't hurt you physically but man would hurt those who are close to you. He wouldn't beg for your love but he aspires to make you beg for him. He wants you, he wants to have you and make you need him, as if your whole existence depends on him.
Sukuna knows how to play, he's got them plans. He knows how to drive you willingly to his web, to make you crawl to him as if he casted a love spell on you. He surely falls first but makes you fall x10 for him.
Nanami Kento: Falls first.
100% knows how to handle falling in love with someone. His heart would start beating fast yes but he wouldn't get nervous or panic around you. He wouldn't scare you away. He'd know how to treat you. Nanami doesn't have any intentions to make you fall for him, he believes that love shouldn't be forced so he'd admire you and love you respectfully and gently, but you'd end up falling in love with him any way, I mean who wouldn't?.
He's got natural, inviting charms, that make anyone crave to be with him. He's so calm around you, treats you with extra care and softness. He'd offer to help you even with the smallest and easiest tasks, he'd protect you, offers his jacket when the weather gets cold, walks you home late at night, and respects your boundaries. You wouldn't notice he's in love with you because he's a natural gentleman.
He'd shoot his shot though, patiently waits for the perfect moment to confess his emotions towards you, without pressuring you. He would make the whole environment, place, time, and the way he talks, comfortable as much as possible. Nanami would be surprised when you don't reject his feelings and tell him that feeling is mutual, he's a humble man. When you start dating, nothing would change, he's so mature and knows well how to treat you, and asks for consent first before doing anything.
Itadori Yuji: Falls first + falls harder.
No matter how much you love Yuji, he'll always love you more. He's a ball of joy, his feelings would start with a small crush, but he lets it grow into stronger feelings without realizing it untill he's drowning in your love. He'd be nervous at first, then starts getting really excited when he embraced the fact that he's a lover boy. He got more comfortable, acts extra friendly to you, makes sure to take a really good care of you, brings you your favorite snacks.
His cute actions, stimulated something in you, and made you fall in love with him. Yuji doubles and triples texts, call you randomly just to hear your voice and make sure you're fine. He cares too much, and isn't afraid to show his feelings even in front of others. He gets super energetic around you, makes you laugh all the time, and he ia there for you whenever you need him. You would be the one to ask him out first, cutie baby would be over the moon, the happiest man alive. He couldn't believe it at first, he'll look at you in confusion, literally stunned. Yuji Got no filter, he isn't shy or ashamed to let his feelings control his actions, if he feels a certain way, then he'll let it show. Yuji is definitely boyfriend material, he'll make you really happy and his love for you would grow more powerful day by day.
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animeyanderelover · 8 months
Since you're starting JJK, can you do the sleeping with a yandere ask for Yuuji, Sukuna, Megumi, Nanami, Gojo and characters of your choice?
I’ll be going on a vacation during my holidays so expect little to no updates from me then. Those sleeping habits that are what I imagine those characters to be like, by the way.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy relationship, toxic relationship, obsession, possessive behavior, delusion, clinginess, abduction
Sleeping with a Yandere
Itadori Yuji
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🩷​Yuji is a walking cuddle bear already if you two aren't sleeping in the same bed because he just can't get enough of his sweetheart. An abduction is never something that Yuji sees himself doing nor do you really so with the so unexpected abduction your relationship falls apart and it breaks Yuji's heart. Maybe some part of his brain can understand why you're as upset as you are right now but considering that he only resorts to an abduction in extreme situations, another part of him is just as stubborn to believe that he has done only something to be able to protect you. It isn't like he plans to imprison you forever after all. His delusions have even made him hope that you'd want to share a bed with him yet he resigns himself to your rejection and prepares a futon for you in another room.
🩷​One of the most obvious problems with Yuji isn't even something that is his own fault. Sukuna has to make some comments from time to time to try to annoy and anger the boy which might happen whilst both of you try to sleep as well. He always slaps the mouth of Sukuna that suddenly appears and apologizes to you slightly embarrassed about the inconvenience. Otherwise Yuji sleeps well, really well. Maybe sometimes a bit too well as you can't help but wonder how you can get him to wake up when you awake in the middle of the night and feel the urgent need to go to the bathroom. It always takes you a minute or two of shaking, light slapping and whispering his name until he wakes up and lets you out of his arms because his grip is too strong for you to free yourself alone. He snores slightly but that isn't the worst, you'd much rather make a fuss about the fact that he tends to drool on you in his sleep.
Fushiguro Megumi
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💙​As Megumi's darling you'd do the both of you a favor by being a reassuring individual since the Jujutsu Sorcerer tends to be very easily paranoid. He's had a case of being stressed around people before yet now with your addition to his life, this all becomes just multiple times worse. Ultimately it is this paranoia that drives him to the act of an abduction and similar to Yuji, he partially knows why it would scare you. Yet he has never had problems with justifying questionable actions with his love for you in mind so this won't be any different in this scenario. Why don't you understand that this was all done for your safety?? A strong negative response from your side leads to avoidance as he gives you time, gives himself partially time too to calm himself. Both of you sleep in different rooms during that time, although you know that he still keeps an eye on you.
💙​He doesn't want to show a very strong response when both of you start sharing a bed, it isn't his style. He would be lying though if he would say that he isn't looking forward to it. It's one of the highlights of his entire day where he has to exhaust himself with the antics of his fellow Jujutsu Sorcerers and pressure from the Zenin clan so spending the hours of the night with your warmth close to his body always reminds him that there's still something good left for him, a person who makes all the drama durable. I see him as someone who needs hours to fall asleep simply because there's so much going on in his mind and often it happens that Megumi goes through interactions you had with people that day and start overthinking certain gestures and words you exchanged with them. He isn't someone with a deep sleep either and worst of all is that he tends to wake up a lot at night, his gaze always searching for you every time that happens and if he doesn't see you, he tends to freak out a bit.
Zenin Maki
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💚​If her darling is acting like a crybaby after their abduction, there might be signs of very mild annoyance from Maki's side but otherwise she is very patient. She fully understand why you're upset and mad at her, she's aware of what she has done. The aspect of protection dulls potential guilt though as she will always value your safety and life over your own feelings if there is no other way around it. She's so tough and strict but oddly fair at the same time because her cold facade doesn't mean that she just doesn't care at all. She's willing to give you some space and time for yourself as she's sure that you need it and as long as you don't try to escape or are seriously rude, she won't force you into anything. You get your own room with your own bed to sleep in and won't hear much from her for the next few days, although you know that she's still checking on you.
💚​She is looking forward to it but don't expect her to openly admit that. She isn't one to ask you first about this and if you're the one to suggest it first, she will never spot teasing you subtly about it for the rest of your life. She does her best though to suppress the smug grin that wants to appear on her face during the first few nights. She isn't actively cuddling you but you definitely have a problem at hand when she decides to swing an arm around your waist because subconsciously she tightens her grip once she falls asleep and since she has a very superior strength to the average human, you won't get up anytime soon unless you wake her up. She normally is able to sleep quite well but when she's stressed she experiences troubles falling asleep or tends to wake up multiple times at night. Normally she acts all tough and rarely talks to you about her own worries but if you ever witness her having an erratic sleep at night, you always know that there's something that is stressing her out.
Ryomen Sukuna
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🗾His darling is screwed no matter how you might look at it, especially if they're only a human. Because this man has made it very apparent that he doesn't care for anyone or anything and even you won't be an exception for this. Sukuna has always been a man who takes what he wants and that applies for you just as much. You're an object of his affection and greedy desire, by all means he sees you as his valued possession more than he sees you as a person with feelings and rights. So you can't expect any sympathy from him after your abduction and you'd do your best to not get on his nerves because he can hurt you and he will do so if he feels like it. Sukuna only does what he wants and the only thing you can really do is take it silently in hopes of not angering him but he'd find it cute if you would always show a little bit of fear around him.
🗾​I'm not even sure if he needs any sleep anymore since his times as a human are long over although he has kept his memories from that time so he still remembers that humans need sleep. Although what you need doesn't have to mean by a long shot that he'll just give it to you freely. In fact I totally see him terrorizing your sleep sometimes for the shallow reason of his own sadistic amusement. Other times he only allows you to fall asleep if you let him join you in bed and he'll keep you otherwise awake nights on end until you're too tired to care anymore. You're incredibly dumb for letting him so close to you in your most vulnerable state and the times that he has considered abusing that vulnerability are numerous. Honestly, he's being the ultimate creep by just watching you sleep the entire time, hands roaming over your body to feel what is his but if he's feeling rather relaxed and mellow, he sometimes just buries his face in your neck, closes his eyes and enjoys your scent, your warmth, your heartbeat.
Gojo Satoru
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🩵​Best of luck with Gojo after an abduction, better say goodbye to your privacy and personal boundaries because Gojo? He just doesn't give a single fuck about any of those. No, somehow he grows even more overbearing after you're permanently stuck in the probably biggest house that you've ever been in. Partially just because he feels like he has now his dream of living a peaceful and domestic life with his sweet lover without any stress from higher-ups or anyone objecting to this relationship. Now he can just love you and keep you for himself. It's a very strange and questionable way of fulfilling his dream but he is at a point in his life where he has given up to feel guilty and doesn't care anymore. He's always been the strongest to satisfy his own clan and the higher-ups of the sorcerer world so he deserves someone for himself. Someone for him and him only.
🩵​He's a clingy monster and you should already know this as he has barely kept his hands to himself during the entire time since you've known him and that has only grown worse the stronger his obsession got. There is no question, you are going to sleep with him in one bed from the moment you are imprisoned in your new home with him. He isn't even listening to your protests and complains and you'd better not provoke him unless you want to see him dropping his light-hearted facade. Seeing him asleep disturbs you but not because of his clingy behavior and tight hug he always gives you nor his surprisingly deep sleep but because he looks so terribly vulnerable. White hair covering his eyes, soft breaths escaping his lips and no teasing expression adorning his face. It's even worse when he initially wakes up and blue and sleepy eyes stare at you as he whispers, no, pleads you to never leave him. It breaks your heart a little.
Geto Suguru
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🗻​​Suguru has broken your trust severely when you realize what he has been doing all along, abusing your trust and ignorance to his own advantage until you made him your most trusted person and told him all of your thoughts. Now you're here, imprisoned and surrounded by jujutsu sorcerers who share his views. You're a lesser being in here for being a non-sorcerer and you know that secretly most of the people here look down on you but only show some level of respect because you're Geto's precious love or whatever he's feeling for you. No one tells you what's really going on but you are smart enough to understand that those people possess very special powers and that something is always watching you even when you're all by yourself. So you never misbehave, aware what would happen otherwise.
🗻​He isn't over the fact that he's fallen in love with what he hates the most even after an abduction so you are sleeping elsewhere. A tiny room with a futon as if to rub your lesser position in your face but truth be told, he's doing this mainly because he secretly wants your warmth next to him at night. He's just trying to reject his desires as he doesn't want to fall too deeply into his infatuation but it's already too late to turn back and perhaps you're more surprised than anyone when one day he tells you you'll share a bed with him from now on. You even vocalize your confusion but shut up when he throws you a sharp glare, silencing you as he himself doesn't want to answer your question. Vocalizing his needs would only make it harder to brush off as something less after all. Geto doesn't want to show too much affection but subconsciously he always fails as his half-awake form always pulls you closer to his body, always desires to feel your warm body safely held against his own as his long hair tickles your neck and face.
Nanami Kento
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💛​Here we have a man who is trying to be his most respectful to you after an abduction that he has been planning for a longer time now after a triggering accident, most likely something regarding his very protective feelings. He isn't scolding you for being scared and even lets you insult him all you want with a frightening calm expression on his face, only really stopping you if you try to escape, hurt him or yourself in which case you see his face flashing in anger and slight frustration as you realize how scary he can be if he chooses to be. He gives you space as much as he can but even then his presence is felt throughout your entire new life as you realize that Nanami apparently enjoys taking care of you to the point where he's being controlling with it. There's a certain schedule to your life now, one that he has prepared specifically for you.
💛​This even includes your bedtime as you have to be at a certain hour in bed and get enough sleep and have to get up at a certain time in the morning. Nanami isn't forcing you to share a bed with him though as he graciously prepares another room for you to stay and sleep in. So it's a decision based on consens after your abduction to sleep with him and he's another case of showing his emotions in a very controlled way whilst being deep down just relieved that the worst phrase of the abduction seems to be over now. His sleeping schedule is just as meticulous though so both of you go to the bed at the same time and stand up in the morning at the same time. Nanami is also another candidate who needs a bit longer until he falls asleep because he's also thinking a lot when he lies in bed and only silence surrounds him. He has always an arm wrapped around you but the grip isn't too tight for you to not be able to free yourself if you should ever feel the need to visit the toilet. He is a bit more of a sensitive sleeper though so try to be quiet if you don't want to wake him up.
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chuuyasheaven · 9 months
bsd men as tits ass or thighs pls :3?? (specifically meursault boys)
“Tits, Ass or Thighs— What do they prefer?”
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“—Everybody’s got certain preferences, don’t they? So, what are theirs?”
Tags: Dazai Osamu, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Nikolai Gogol, Chuuya Nakahara, Sigma / afab! Reader, Nipple play?, ooc! Sigma, praising kink, degrading kink, overstimulation, pet names?, hdc format ig, thigh riding?, hickeys, mentioned lingerie?, spanking, mild brat taming, atp everyone may be ooc, face sitting, oral sex (afab! and m! recieving), titty job, messes of their milk, might contain grammar errors, this is a lot holy shit, etc.
Notes: Maybe u just meant Dazai, Fyodor and Chuuya but I added Nikolai and Sigma for funsies— hope this is okay tho!! And I never wrote for Sigma before so sorry if he’s so ooc. . Maybe he’s gonna be added to my list lol.
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Dazai Osamu ;
💙 Thighs 💙
💙 I just know that he loves your thighs!! In my opinion, DAZAI lives for seeing you in thigh highs, especially if you have thick thighs. What do you mean you don’t wanna crush him with them??? What else are they made for then— oh, right, hickeys. It’s obvious that he’ll leave some marks here and there for fun, but another thing he lives about them is face sitting. This is literally the best way to die?!!? But also he lives to grab your thighs when he eats you out!!!
💙 Scenario;
He’s been at it for too long, you don’t even remember how many times you came already. . “Dazai, p–please. . S–sensitive!”, you tried to beg, but Dazai was way into this— Once you sit on this mans face, he won’t let go until your too sensitive, Dazai also always leave hickeys while he’s at it. Chanting how he would love to die this way, being crushed by your massive thighs. “—Why should I? You’re still talking properly, I won’t stop until you’re only able to moan my name. Now be a good girl, alright, ‘donna?”
Fyodor Dostoevsky ;
💙 Thighs 💙
💙 In all honesty, this man is a mystery for me– but if I would have to chose, thighs. FYODOR is kinda religious and stuff, meaning he’s definitely gonna be kinda traditional. (i do not know wtf I’m talking abt.) Fyodor doesn’t know what it is, but something about you in white lingerie and white thigh highs sets him off completely. Looking all innocent but being the complete opposite? Yes, absolute approval from him. But being the busy man he is, he’ll let you sit on his lap while he caresses your thighs!! :3
💙 Scenario ;
Seriously, how desperate are you? Walking up to Fyodor in white lingerie and white thigh highs while he’s obviously working? He finds it quite amusing how you think he’ll stop immediately to fuck you, no he won’t, yet. Fyodor just commands you to sit on his lap, now you’re getting off on his own thighs. But you’re still wearing panties, though he doesn’t care, you wanted this, didn’t you? As you keep grinding against it, he slapped your pussy through the fabric multiple times before. The small whines and whimpers are cute, but won’t change his mind to take you right now. “—I don’t really know what you expected me to do. . Well, actually, i did. It’s quite adorable how you think just because you’re desperate I’ll feed into your desires. Anyway, you seem to be getting off pretty easily, slut.”
Nikolai Gogol ;
💙 Tits 💙
Come on, this is so NIKOLAI, seriously. He's so silly, he would literally call them his personal stressballs. (Do not even try to deny it, it's canon.) Nonetheless, he likes to cum on them, Nikolai will make a mess out of them every time whenever you're giving him head. Another thing their useful for, in his opinion, is tit fucking!! It's a nice feeling for him when his dick's inside of your tits. Not to forget, your nipples are pretty fun to play with, but there's one last thing about them. .
💙 Scenario ;
There are many reasons why Nikolai adores you riding him! He loves how he barely has to do anything, hearing the adorable sounds leaving your mouth while you get off on his cock and most importantly, the way your tits bounce with you. All he's doing is laying back and enjoying the view of your tits almost bouncing out of your bra, he would love if they were to actually jump out. “—Hm, would you look at that! Your tits are seconds away to spill out of your bra, dove. I wouldn't mind if they did, maybe you just need to ride my dick faster. . Just like the needy whore you are.”
Sigma ;
💙 Tits 💙
I’m not really sure if it’s accurate, but running an casino ain’t easy. So what’s better than having you and your comfort. .—able tits? SIGMA would never admit it, but he loves them, dearly at that. If he ever needs an break, his head would probably rest on them. On the spicy side, he loves a good tit job. You mentioned this once and Sigma wasn’t against it, sure he was blushing over your suggestion but after he tried it, he loved it!!!
💙 Scenario ;
It felt good, really, Sigma loved your suggestion! He never thought of something like this, he never thought about recieving a tit job, but it felt heavenly. Just the way your tits were rubbing against his cock so good, it felt unreal. . The most beautiful whimpers left his lips, with his flushed expression on his face too, you assumed Sigma was enjoying himself, very. Soon he reached his climax, letting his cum leak on your tits. “—F–fuck. . You did s–so good, darling. Now, lay back and let me return the favor, yeah?”
Chuuya Nakahara ;
💙 Ass 💙
Ah, yes. CHUUYA is, in my opinion, an ass man. I saw a few people say that, and I agree. Like, he’s literally proud of that. He would slap your ass unexpected, respectfully though. He wouldn’t care if you’re carrying a bakery or not, he still slapping it!! Chuuya loves to spend money on matching bras and panties for you, but on your in general. Sometimes it gets to your head or something and you start to act out, which our ginger won’t let slide.
💙 Scenario ;
Lately, you’ve gotten on Chuuya’s nerves. Yeah, he loves to spend money on you and you, but he won’t stand you being bratty. As to right now, he’s ‘punishing’ you for it. The reference for ‘punishing’ is quite just fucking you until it’s stuck in your pretty little brain not to act out again. This time though, Chuuya added something to your punishment. . “Ch–chuuya. . ‘m sorry, I–i didn’t mean to—”, you tried to apologize, only to be silenced by another spank. “—Really? Too bad, you’re gonna take this if you want me to fuck you, baby. Just keep on taking f’me and I’ll fuck you soon enough, m‘kay?”
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surielstea · 4 months
So Soaked
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Pairing: Azriel x Fem!Reader
Summary: Reader washes Az’s wings but goes too far when teasing him.
Warnings: 18+ | Minors DNI | Smut | p in v | overstimulation | praise kink | use of pet names (baby/love) | dom!azriel | sub!reader | slight wing play | shadow play | nipple play | forced orgasm |
3.4k words
A/N: This kinda got out of hand I wasn’t expecting it to go this far but I think I like it?? I hope you like it! 😭💙
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A bundle of wings and shadows practically crashed down onto my balcony. I startled from across the room and rushed towards the glass door. It was rare my mate didn't make a graceful entrance, much less crashed. Which meant he was either half asleep or hurt, I prayed to the cauldron it wasn't the latter. I quickly slid open the door and was met with a very tired Azriel.
"Hey," I say to him from the warmth of our home, the biting cold he still stood in didn't dare try to breeze in. "Hi." He utters softly, looking into my eyes with his swirling hazel ones. Something like exhaustion roamed there. It's been two days and three nights since I've seen him, to say I missed him is an understatement. "Are you hurt?" I scan his body for injuries but don't spot any blood, just dirty leather. "No." He shakes his head. A small smile tugs at my lips and I pull him inside by the collar of his uniform. "Thank the gods you're okay." I wrap my arms around him and hold him close like he might slip away again. "I was only in the autumn court," He scoffs as if danger doesn't exist there. "Too far." I shake my head and I squeeze him tighter, being careful of his wings. I didn't care that the mud on his clothes was now sticking to me, I just cared that I was in his arms again. "I'm telling Rhys that overnight missions are banned." I assert and Azriel presses a hard kiss to my forehead. I smile against the familiarity of it, sending a wave of love through the bond. He seems to like the reaction, because then he begins to peck all the way down my face to my jaw.
I giggle as he dips down onto the exposed column of my throat, his hands roaming all over my body until resting at my hips. My breath hitched as he nips at a sensitive part of my neck, then sucks on the area to soothe it. My hand goes into his hair and I tug at it, pulling him away. "You're tired." I muse, knowing he won't rest unless I told him it was okay to. "I missed you." He shakes his head and continues kissing the area. "Az," I reprimand and pull him back again. He looks at me with a forking frown. "When was the last time you slept?" I raise a brow. He avoids my gaze, looking over to the bed we shared. "It's hard for me to sleep without you nowadays." He scratched the side of his neck shyly and a saddened smile tugs at my lips. "You need to take care of yourself." I say as he reluctantly loosens his hold on my hips.
He nods and walks over to the pristine ivory sheets. I wince as I look at how muddied his leathers are. "Az." I call before he can make contact with the clean bedding. His ears perk up and he looks to me. "Why don't we take a bath first?" I step closer to him. "I'm tired love, I'll do it in the morning." He reassured and I grab his hands before he can reach for the comforter. "I'll wash your wings." I tempt and his hazel eyes practically glow golden at the idea, I know from that look that I've got him hooked. "C'mon." I rub my thumbs over the back of his palms as I pull him towards our shared bathroom.
He follows me without hesitation as I lead him into the bathing chamber. Upon entering I notice the tub already full and gleaming with a thick layer of bubbles as well as only a few candles lighting the area. I silently thank The House and walk over to the shelves filled with soaps and oils. "You don't actually have to wash them," Azriel hums as he works on tugging his leathers off. "I like to, it relaxes me." I brush him off as I pile bottles into my arms then freeze. "Unless you don't want me to?" I look over to his topless figure as he begins on the ties of his pants. "No," His head shoots up to look at me. "I want you to." He had wide eyes to stress his point and I smiled, lining all of the bottles I picked out on the edge of the steaming tub.
The bath was large, much more of a pool due to the fact that it needed to fit Azriel's wings and he had the largest pair to my knowledge. It faced a wall of windows that peered out toward the night sky and all of its beauty, stars twinkling with a familiar shimmer making me release a long and content sigh. The room smelt of citrus soaps and vanilla scented candles.
Azriel steps into the basin and submerges himself fully, groaning as the hot water spread along his wings. I smile and round him as he sits back against a wall. With a sponge I begin to clean his shoulder that was awfully knotted beneath my touch. "What are you doing?" He leans his head back to look at me from upside down. I smile. "I'm taking care of you." I brush a lock of dark hair from his face. "No, I mean why aren't you in here with me?" He raises a brow and my smile widens. "I already washed today." I argue but the way he was looking at me could have convinced me alone. "It's past midnight." His tone is nothing short of arrogance. He had little persuading to do before I was stripping off my nightgown and joining him in the steaming water.
He grins and pulls me forward by my waist, water splashing upward as he crashes his lips down onto mine. "Entire days. How did I ever survive entire days without you?" His forehead rests against mine and I giggle, pecking his lips. He doesn't seem to settle for the small kiss so he sets his mouth against mine and conveys his love in that action. My wet hands go into his tangled hair as my body presses against his. It's been far too long since having his lips on mine, I managed to forget how perfect it felt.
"Okay let me wash you or we'll never leave this tub." I mutter, placing my palm flat on his chest and pushing him away. Begrudgingly he allowed me to. "I promise you can kiss me all you want when I'm finished." I peck his cheek and he his hands come to my waist, pulling me onto his lap in a fluid motion, having me straddle his hips. I grabbed a small vial of soap made especially for his wings, then poured a hefty dollop onto my hand. "Can I touch?" My eyes flick up to meet his. I was sure of his answer but I always asked. "Of course." He leans forward and kisses the corner of my lips before resting his chin against my shoulder, flaring his wings for my reach.
I began to lather soap on the top of his right wing, wiping down any grime with a washcloth and watching as it disappeared with ease. His wings were sacred to him more so than the other Illyrians but he's never forbade me from touching them. Not once has he ever said I couldn't lay a finger on them.
When I finished washing the boniest points I discarded my cloth, knowing my own hand would be much more gentle and steady. I lathered my hands in oils and serums before hesitantly running my fingers down the membrane. He shifted with a low grunt but I continued my ministrations, secretly enjoying the way his cheeks heated and his hips adjusting as if I couldn't feel him hardening beneath me.
He allowed a full on groan to slip from his lips as I worked on a certain area of his wing, right where a center vein ran down the membrane. I was beyond gentle with my hand, but did let a soft laugh slip when I felt his member press into me. "If you keep that up I can't promise I'll be able to hold back." He grunts out and a feline smile curls my lips. "Thought you were tired?" I taunt, stroking the area again. His fingers dig into my hips and my grin widens. I lean back, ghosting my lips over his before pulling away with another giggle. He doesn't seem to like that very much because his grip tightens and he pushes me back against the wall of the tub, sending me flush into it. "You're in no place to tease," He grits out in that commanding voice of his he knew I loved so much. His lips crash against mine before abruptly pulling away. "Are you capable of remembering that or do I need to fuck it into you?" His teeth graze over my lips and my breath hitched. "I can remember." My voice is a pitiful whimper. He places one more kiss to my mouth, his tongue breaking my lips open before laying claim to any place it could reach.
My arms wrap around the back of his neck and I pull him closer, arching up against him, the peaks of my breasts pressing against his chest as I did so. His touch leaves my hips, a scarred hand settling at my waist while the other passes my ribs and roughly grips my breast. His callouses scrape my soft skin, pulling a moan from my lips in doing so.
His thumb flicks over my hardened nipple at the sound, he smiles against my lips before granting me another opened mouth kiss. "I want you." I pant out in a needy whimper and he pulls away from our heated kiss, my glazed over eyes pleading as I look up at him. "Do you now?" He hums and I nod pathetically. "Want your hand," I mumble and he wickedly grins, the hand on my hip slowly inching down, lower and lower and lower.
"You'll be good?" He arches a brow. "Mhm." I nod again. With my response two of his large fingers slide through my folds. I sigh in disbelief at how good it felt, so much better than my own hand and he's barely touched me. His thumb brushed over my clit and I clench around nothing. "Az," I whimper and he circles my entrance with one of his fingers, the sensation making me throw my head back. "Look at me." He demands. "I want to see those pretty eyes when you're moaning my name." He purrs and my brows crease, I muster up the confidence to lock my gaze with his, hazel eyes glowing golden with lust as he slowly enters a long, thick, finger.
I bite into my lower lip at the foreign stretch, mouth watering as he circled over my clit again. "You okay baby?" He asks and I nod, desperate for more. He gets the hint and with the next thrust of his finger he adds another. My breath hitched as I feel the way the texture of his scars rubs against my walls, adding so much more pleasure. "Fuck, Azriel." I cry out and he quickens his pace, finger-fucking me faster and harder.
"Your scars." I moan out and his hand freezes, then slowly retracts. "Sorry." He mutters with solemn eyes. "No!" I grab his wrist and force his fingers back into my cunt, a small whimper releasing from my lips as I do so. "Feels so fucking good." I reassure. "Only your hands makes me feel like this." I mumble out to the best of my abilities. "I love it." A smirk curves my lips and he regains confidence, pumping in and out of my pussy. His thumb returns to my clit as shadows wrap around my torso, cold tendrils traveling up until they're on my breasts and tightly swirling over my nipples. I gasp at the unfamiliar feeling, pinching and suctioning on the hardened peaks making me cry out.
"Az, s'too much I'm gonna—" I begin, grinding my hips onto his hand as he rubs harsh and tight circles on my clit. "Gonna cum." I murmur out and a feline smile graces his expression. "Go ahead baby." He allows and that's all I need to hear before my first orgasm of the night tears through me and my legs shake around his hand with the action. "So worked up from only my fingers, how will you ever take my cock?" He arches a brow as I slowly come down from my high, pussy fluttering around his hand.
"I can," I whine as he takes out his fingers and I'm left to my own devices. "I promise Az, I can." My whimper is below pitiful and pure passion glints in his eyes. "Be a good girl and turn around for me then." He demands with that powerful voice. I clench my thighs together but does as he says, propping my elbows on the edge of the basin as his hands return back to my hips.
He places a kiss at the top of my spine and I arch as an automated response, grinding down onto nothing in need of friction. I feel his lips curve into a smile and he guides my hips up. I release a soft sigh as his other hand goes into my hair and he pushes me flat against the cold counter made for holding soaps and candles.
He leans down, his chest flush against my back and he places a gentle kiss to my shoulder blade. The head of his cock slides through my folds with an embarrassing ease. "That's not just water is it love?" He hums and I shake my head no. I let out a soft moan as his tip rubs against my clit with a stimulating pressure. "I want you," I whine, my nails digging into the edge of the basin. "Oh yeah? How do you want me?" He prompts and I flush at all the thoughts that come to mind.
"I want you inside." I whine. "Inside what? Say the words and I'll give you what you want." His large hands massage my waist. "I want your cock inside my pussy. Please." I manage to say. He grins wildly at the corruption, the way I sounded so embarrassed. "What a dirty mouth you have baby, maybe later I'll teach you how to use it hm?" His hands roam down to the curve of my ass. I was going to reply but then he was groping the plush skin, kneading it in his large hands and I lose all train of thought.
One of his hands moves away from my ass, I don't realize why until his tip presses against my entrance and I know he's aligning himself. "You want this?" He asks and I nod. "Please Az." I cry. He rises on his knees, his cock being pushed into me halfway at the action. I moan at the sudden stretch, eyebrows twitching together as I marvel at the width of him. My breathing becomes labored as he slowly begins moving, rocking his hips back and forth, going deeper and deeper with every thrust.
I mewl out as he comes into contact with that spongy bundle of nerves and he wasn't even all the way inside. Tears brim my eyes as I feel my walls struggle to stretch around him. Like I was some kind of mold he seemed to slot so perfectly inside of. "Gods you're so tight, fuck, that's my good girl." He groans out and I release a string of moans. "Faster— Az, I want it harder." I beg. He seems to obey my plead because the next time he retracts he pushes into me with more power, his base pressing against mine and he finally has all of his member sheathed inside of me.
I cry out his name as he begins fucking into me, the smell of his arousal flooding my senses as my body aches in a needy pleasure. I can feel every inch of him, the way he throbs inside of me. I analyze every touch, remember exactly how this feels. He's been gone for too long, I can't believe I've forgotten for he feels tucked inside of me.
"Are you close already baby?" He could feel me fluttering around his member, knew I wouldn't be able to last much longer. "Mhm," I manage to sound, all coherent thoughts flying out the window as his hand on my hip snaked down and two of his scarred fingers pressed directly onto my clit. I moaned his name like he was some sort of god that needed worshipping because fuck did he feel like one.
"Az, please," I whisper in a soft tone but he doesn't cease, he doesn't care if I can't handle it, he doesn't care if it's too much. "I— I'm gonna," I breath out, clenching around him like my life depends on it. The sounds of water splashing and his balls smacking against my folds have me being pushed so much closer to the edge. "I know baby, I know." He weaves his fingers into my hair and he tugs it, at the pain from my scalp my orgasm crashes into me and I'm mewling for him, my walls clenching tighter around him as euphoria blooms in my abdomen.
But even after my high comes down the way he pounds into me doesn't slow, doesn't relent. He fists my hair then pulls me straight up so my back was pressed into his chest. He continues pumping himself into my cunt, groaning at this new angle now that I was squeezing him so much tighter. "You sound so pretty when you're coming on my cock." He praises, placing a kiss on the junction between my shoulder and neck.
Overstimulation floods my body as his hips slam against mine. One of his hands wraps around my waist, keeping me still and stopping me from collapsing, his other hand coming to my front as well but only to grope and massage my breast. I moan at the feeling, my head being thrown back as he flicks over the hardened bud with his thumb, callouses scraping over the sensitive nipple.
"Fuck— uh, Az please I can't!" I cry, tears spilling from my eyes and down onto my cheeks. "Yes you can, be a good girl and take it." His teeth graze over my shoulder where hickeys now lay. He twitches inside of me and I know he's close, can feel the way he pulses in need of release. His hand slowly slips down my torso, past my navel and straight to where I needed him most. He begins rubbing tight circles around my most sensitive area, pulling a string of moans from my lips.
I could feel another orgasm approaching, my third one tonight and he hasn't even found his own once. "Az," I gasp out, incapable of forming words other than his name. Drool slowly drips from the corner of my mouth. "Azriel." I breathe, my eyes tightening shut as he throbs inside of me yet again. His thrusts grow sloppy but the power of them doesn't let up. He continues pushing himself deeper and deeper, ramming into the bundle of nerves that was about to make me release again.
I clench around him as tight as I can, making it harder for him to even pull out but he still manages. "Come on my cock," He commands. "Az, I—" Words are foreign as he pinches my clit and I do exactly as he says, releasing all over his member with my walls suctioning around him. With another forceful thrust his seed is spurting out of him and painting me white. I mewl at the feeling of his warm cum splattering into me, his cock stuffing it into me as he thrusts a few more times, coming down from that high.
With a grunt he pulls himself out from me and his seed pours down my thighs, there's so much of it. Gods he was still fucking releasing. I collapse down onto the counter of the tub and allow myself to sink into the water. "You did so good." He leans down and places a kiss to my shoulder blade. "Let's get you cleaned up."
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heartlilith · 7 months
Astrology Observations (part 4)
Here are some of my observations and opinions on various placements - Part 4
🧿People with Sun opposite ASC can really struggle with their identity. They may not relate to their sun sign and they are always questioning who they really are.
🧿OPINION: Sister signs make great friendships and platonic relationships. Romantically speaking, I feel like the attraction is there but it usually doesn't work out in the long run.
🧿Planets square to Jupiter are "too much" or "in excess" versus Saturn squares are "too little" or "lacking"
💙Sun square Jupiter - Too much confidence and stubbornness, too much generosity
💙Moon square Jupiter - Too much indulgence, emotional changeability, too much self sacrifice
💙Mars square Jupiter - Too much energy, aggressiveness, and restlessness
💙Sun square Saturn - Lacking confidence and assertiveness
💙Moon square Saturn - Lacking trust and vulnerability
💙Mars square Saturn - Lacking stamina and self expression
🧿Mars in the 7th house people can move fast in relationships. When they catch feelings for someone and the relationship is shiny and new (aka the "honeymoon" stage) they can get impatient and rush things like meeting parents and moving in together... this is especially true if your Mars is in Aries, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Scorpio, and Pisces - this could be less true if your Mars is in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn, or Aquarius - Taurus Mars could go either way in my opinion
🧿OPINION: Scorpio Moon and Aries Moon relationships can easily become a disaster
🧿Prominent Scorpio & Capricorn natives are vaults. Your secrets are safe with them.
🧿OPINION: Sometimes I think of people as their Moon sign with a dash of their Sun Sign. For example: I would think of a Sagittarius Sun with a Virgo Moon as an analytical person (Virgo) with a big mouth (Sag) lmfao. Aries Sun with a Capricorn Moon as a hardworker (Cap) with a lot of drive (Aries). A Gemini Sun and Leo Moon as a confident and attention seeking (Leo) intellectual (Gemini). Obviously the qualities of a certain placement are affected by all the placements in a chart but generally I think of the Moon as the core person and the Sun influencing it.
🧿Pluto in the 12th house natives can obsess about life after death
🧿Pluto in the 7th house transforms through relationships and one on one connections but they also transform the other person as well, same goes for Venus in the 8th
🧿Sun and Mars in the 8th house and Pluto in the 1st house are natives that people remember. "Remember so and so, they were so kind and smart. I hope they're doing okay" type of thing.
🧿Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Pisces Venus in the 1st house... aren't you tired? Don't you just wanna scream "FUCK OFF" to people sometimes?
🧿OPINION: Leo and Scorpio prominent people make the best of friends, it's giving Wednesday and Eugene vibes
🧿Sun in the houses shows what you're all about, what's most important and a main focus in your life:
💙Sun in the 2nd house: Stability is the most important thing for you. The ultimate goal is to be comfortable financially and also within yourself.
💙Sun in the 7th house: The goal is to have harmonious relationships. You want a partner to experience things with and strong relationships with close friends.
💙Sun in the 10th house: You're all about your career and accomplishing things. You want to build something that will contribute to society. You want to have authority.
💙Sun in the 12th house: You want to be of service to people, you want to help and make a difference to large groups. Think traveling the world and helping less fortunate people like in the Peace Corps. It could be animals too. You want to be an advocate for unadvocated.
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imnameimswrld · 5 months
╰┈➤ ❝ [𝐂𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐁𝐲 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐜𝐞𝐚𝐧 || 𝗢𝗣𝟴𝟭 ꒱꒱
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━━ ❪ . . . oscar x verstappen!surfer!reader ❫
━━ ❪ . . . description : freshly surfing world champ, yn goes to take some much needed time off, and starts her vacay off by attending the miami grand prix. her intention was to support her big bro, but it appears a certain papaya driver had other plans; ❫
━━❪ . . . smau ! ❫
━━❪ . . . warnings : none ❫
━━❪ . . . fc : caroline marks ❫
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liked by maxverstappen1, oscarpiastri, and 767 224 others
ynverstappen world champion, blessed, thank you to the beautiful cali waves 🌊🏆
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user so well deserved, congrats yn !
bestfriend you were WICKED on the waves girl !!
maxverstappen1 let's gooo, congrats sissy ♡
⤿ ynusername couldn't have you being the only world champ in the fam, now could I ? 😋
⤿ maxverstappen1 no, no you just couldn't 😤
user the verstappen siblings are just legendary
user so with the break coming up, will we see yn at the next grand prix 👀 ?
⤿ user plus the next ones in miami, super close to cali, so 🤞 !!
oscarpiastri congratulations yn, coolest world champion ever 👏🥇
[ liked by ynverstappen ]
user and if I said yn and oscar would be SO cute together ?
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Boeta 🏎
hey sissy
where r u ?
Sissy 🌊
what's up ?
Boeta 🏎
no, I mean where r u
you said you were gonna be the paddocks when I got back from my meeting ?
Sissy 🌊
well, I am in the paddock
just not yours
Boeta 🏎
what ?
yn, are u hiding in dani's closet again to scare him ?
Sissy 🌊
ahhh, good times
but nope, I'm in the mclaren paddocks
Boeta 🏎
is lando talking your ear off again ?
Sissy 🌊
nah, lol
I'm uh, actually with chilling with oscar
Boeta 🏎
piastri ?
since when are you guys on chilling level
Sissy 🌊
since he asked me out to dinner later
Boeta ?
uhhhh, boet ?
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liked by redbullracing, schecoperez, and 977 335 others
ynverstappen soooo good being back in the paddocks, thanks so much for having me redbullracing – and ofc, congrats boeta on p1 ! 💙
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user soooo, did anyone else see the video of oscar and yn walking around together ??? dude had the dopiest smile on his face too 😭
redbullracing you're practically family yn ! 💙
[ liked by ynverstappen ]
user 2 champs 🏆
danielricciardo thanks for not scaring the crap out of me this time yn :)
⤿ ynverstappen ah, there's always next time dan 😄
⤿ danielricciardo no no, pls don't.
mclaren hope you had a wonderful time at the race yn ! 🧡
⤿ redbullracing are you going to apologize for stealing her from out paddocks ?
⤿ mclaren are we supposed to ?
⤿ oscarpiastri of course not.
⤿ maxverstappen1 thin ice piastri, watch it.
user uhhh, not redbull and mclaren battling it out over yn 😭
user my yncar ship is HERE BDJEHZIS
oscarpiastri just added to their story !
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[ caption 1: stolen forever maxverstappen1 🤚 ; caption 2: 🧡 ]
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Boeta 🏎
oscar is really bold
Sissy 🌊
oh, I know 😁
it's one of the many reasons why I like him
Boeta 🏎
so you like him then ?
like, really like him ?
Sissy 🌊
yeah, I do boeta
Boeta 🏎
okay then...
invite him to the lunch tomorrow
Kelly has been dying to see the two of you together
Sissy 🌊
she's so prescious I love her
and thanks boeta, for being cool with all this
Boeta 🏎
hey, i may be protective, but who am I to tell you who you can and can't date sissy
Sissy 🌊
🥺🥺 , houd van je 💙
Boeta 🏎
mhm, hou ook van jou 💙
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liked by oscarpiastri, kellypiquet, and 878 301 others
[ tagged: oscarpiastri ]
ynverstappen had some cake by the ocean with my papaya boy... p.s yes, the cake he bought me brought me to tears 🍰 🧡 🌊
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user stop that cake is so cute 😭😭
oscarpiastri I'm just happy to call you mine, liefie :)
⤿ ynverstappen and I'm just as happy to be your liefie ❤
⤿ maxverstappen1 not the dutch- ya'll gonna make me puke.
⤿ kellypiquet max, stop bullying your sister and oscar and go clean the litter boxes dammit
⤿ ynverstappen oohhh, mother is mad now boet, better get to it then 😄
⤿ maxverstappen1 you're staying in my house.
⤿ ynverstappen says who ? I'm staying at oscar's – plus, you know how I love the aussie waves
[ liked by oscarpiastri ]
⤿ maxverstappen1 yn verstappen istg... girl gets a bf and thinks she's the shit.
⤿ kellypiquet MAX.
⤿ maxverstappen1 I'M GOING.
user can I make this comment section my roman empire ?
user I'm laughing and crying rn, this is too funny
546 notes · View notes
kingspuppet · 9 months
I miss writing and you guys so much. ;3; I hope you've all been doing well. 💙
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grievedeeply · 8 months
Hello there :) I see you take BG3 requests now, if it’s okay please could I request headcanons for Astarion, Gale, Wyll, Dammon and Karlach falling for reader who always goes out of her way to help them with anything they need 💙💙
decided to take some liberties with this prompt and expand it out a bit to them just being super helpful overall as a person, but going out of their way to help them in particular lol. hope you enjoy anyways and thanks for the request! sorry if these are short I didn't want to be super repetitive
astarion, gale, wyll, dammon and karlach with a helpful s/o headcanons
he's used to you being incredibly helpful by now. helping out the tieflings in the grove, helping to rescue halsin from the goblin camp.. it's in your nature, he thinks
and with him, you acted the same. only your behaviors increased tenfold with him
you went out of your way to help him, and he isn't sure of why, really. but you won't see him complaining. the less work he has to do to make it by, the better.. and you seem happy to assist, so why not enjoy it?
you tend to offer your neck up to him whenever he's feeling particularly hungry. it's the first time you do this when astarion really realizes you're always a bit more attentive to him than with anyone else
still, he jumps at the opportunity for a free meal. it's not as though he doesn't appreciate it, but he'll always wonder what's going on in your mind whenever you decide to help him out in that way
he's used to being seductive and a bit flirty.. but he notices that with you it starts to feel different. he hates the thought of falling for you, feeling something real and genuine in that way wasn't exactly a familiar thing to him
but he knows you'd treat him well. after all.. you're already this helpful now. but if you were his? he could only imagine how things could change
he doesn't understand it. why you're so helpful
he's very thankful for your help, but he wonders why you always make the extra time to find an artifact for him. days before he needs his next one, it's already in his hands, ready for consumption and it's always because of you
he doesn't want to overthink it. but he will
do you think that he's not as capable as everyone else? is it just out of the kindness of your heart? whatever the reason, he tries to refuse any unnecessary help
even though he appreciates it, he wants to see you spending more of your attention on yourself. he loves that you care for people and especially him, but he wants you to take care of yourself first and foremost
he realizes he's falling for you relatively quickly. no one else in his life had really looked out for him in the way you have. you're special. you're kind and you're.. lovely, really
he adores you, and he'll return your helpfulness in kind!
oh... wyll
he's so sweet. he's always looking out for you, just like you are for him. you're so incredibly protective of him, especially when mizora is involved
you're trying to find a loophole in his pact whenever you can, and he realizes he's falling for you as soon as he sees how serious you are about this whole thing
he falls hard. no one else had really shown him this type of care before, and he feels appreciated whenever he's with you. you see him as wyll. not just the blade of frontiers
he sees how much you care about other people, too. he sees your heart and your kindness, and he just adores it. it's hard to come by people as genuine as you. he counts himself lucky to even be in your life at all
he doesn't think he needs the help
he enjoys your company at the forge. you keep his mind occupied and you keep him talking. sometimes he gets so lost in his work that he forgets to eat or drink
but he still doesn't think he needs your help. he's used to doing everything by himself, and he's not exactly the biggest fan of change
but when you start organizing the materials and metals laid about.. it's really nice. he won't say anything or bring it up at all, but he does notice everything you do for him
you'll make him a snack every now and then. you'll tell him to take breaks— things that he forgets to do sometimes— and spend time with him when you're able to
he likes you. a lot. he doesn't admit it right away, but he knows he does. he feels the ache in his heart. he would be a fool to not like you
he'll tell you eventually. hopefully
she's beyond appreciative of you in general
you're so sweet. it's a big change from her life with zariel in the hells, so she jumps at the opportunity to talk to you whenever it arises
she notices how you jump to help whenever you can as soon as she meets you. after all, you believed her about the paladins when she was practically a stranger
karlach tells you about her infernal engine, and you're constantly trying to find the infernal iron she needs. wherever you go you're looking for it
it puts a smile on her face, knowing that you care so much about her..
she develops feelings for you pretty quickly. you're kind, you're able to see her as more than a soldier.. and that's more than she's had in a long time
a little unrelated, but she's so happy when she gets to touch you. like... over the moon happy
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tired-teacher-blog · 2 years
Hello teach 🌺💙
Can I request First time having sex with Izuku, Shoto, Katsuki, Dabi and Tamaki ( separately 😂 ) but it's their real personality ( insecurities, shyness... )
I always read people making things far away from the real character and sometimes I'm like 😐
No pressure I know you're the best 🥰
This was such a cute request to work on, so I hope you enjoy my input sweetie ❤️
First time
Characters : Bakugo/ Izuku/ Shouto/ Dabi/ Tamaki/ Fem reader
Genre/ Warning : Established relationship/ Smut/ NSFW/ 18+/ Vaginal sex/ squirting (in Izuku's part)/ cock warming -kinda- (in Shouto's part)
Please do not read if you're a minor
Masterlist|Second Masterlist
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Bakugo :
He kissed you again, groaning against your lips as his fully erect cock grazed your thigh.
He has been waiting for so long to finally have you spread out underneath him, moaning his name as he pushes himself deep into your heat..
Sweat beads appeared upon his flushed chest and arms as he caged you between them, and his piercing eyes stared lustfully at your longing form.
You were anxious –extremely so– it was your first time together like that after all. However, you could sense a hint of nervousness in his usually smug demeanor as well, and you wondered if it was just a figment of your imagination.. until he spoke.
_ "Don't worry babe, I promise I'll be gentle."
You knew about that deeply hidden soft side of him, the one that makes your heart skip a beat everytime it shows, "I know you will Katsuki."
You gasped when he finally breached your fluttering entrance, digging your nails in his shoulders as he immediately started moving within you.
His sensual kisses distracted you from the inevitable discomfort of the first few thrusts, and those big warm hands caressing your thighs delicately, gave you the needed comfort to leave your anxieties behind.
_ "You feel so good around me babe, fuck, tell me how you're feeling." he groaned against your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
_ "It feels amazing! Yes, keep going.. just like that." you shamelessly begged as your brain turned into mush with every slow stroke of his veiny shaft against your longing walls, and his heart swelled with pride knowing that he was pleasuring you the way you deserved.
He leaned back, kneeling in front of you while his hands moved to grab your sides, and thumbs caressed your skin reassuringly as he kept a steady pace.
The new position drove you wild, was it because you were given a clearer view of his godly flexing muscles? Or was it that he was hitting a spot within you that had you seeing stars? Either way, you weren't going to last much longer.
_ "I'm close.. Katsuki.. I'm cumming." you announced, desperately clawing at his arms and squealing when he picked you up and cradled your butt cheeks so he could upthrust into you while you collapsed against his chest.
_ "Don't hold back babe, I'm close too." his growls filled your senses and his pulsating cock drove you over the edge soon after, your walls squeezing hard before creaming around his shaft.
Your fingers tugged on his hair weakly as your mind slowly cleared up, he pushed himself deeper into you a few more times before pulling out of your glistening cunt and releasing his pearly seeds all over the bedsheets.
It took you both a moment to recover, and you almost lost consciousness in his arms if not for that deep voice you loved so much, "are you feeling alright princess?"
_ "I am.. s' good.. love you s' much.." you mumbled quietly but he heard it all, smiling tenderly as he placed you gently on the bed and whispered a soft: "I love you too baby girl," before moving to run you both a relaxing bath.
Izuku :
_ "Is.. is this okay? Are you really sure.. about this?" he nervously asked as you finished removing the last article of clothing separating you from one another.
_ "Relax Izuku, you're too tense." you giggled softly before pecking his lips and straddling his waist.
You have been dating the pro hero for a few months, but your intimate times had never gone beyond the usual intense make out sessions, and his shy and reserved nature is mainly why.
_ "We've already got this far, I mean look how hard you are." you admired the huge cock you could barely wrap your fingers around, and wondered if it would actually fit inside you.
His only response was a strangled whimper and a tighter hold on your waist, and you chose to interpret that as an approval to carry on.
You steadied yourself on your knees, positioning your pussy right above his pulsating shaft and looking into his eyes one more time before lowering yourself oh-so-slowly.
Your legs trembled beneath you, almost losing control over your body if not for two strong arms holding you steady and helping you carry out your task, "I got you gorgeous."
Where did that come from? Where did his bashfulness go and when did he manage to take control?
You were no longer in charge of your movements, nor were you about to set the pace like you thought you would.
_ "Just relax, I'll do it." his big calloused hands moved to cup your bum, squeezing your flesh and lifting you up with ease before slamming you back down on his cock.
_ "Izuku! too deep!" your eyes widened and your nails sunk into his arms as you tried to regulate your breathing.
_ "Oh! I'm.. I'm so sorry sweetheart, did I hurt you?" he blinked innocently, fear evident in his voice as he froze for a moment.
_ "No, don't worry I was just.. surprised," amazing how that sweet side of him reappeared as soon as your well-being was called into question, and you couldn't help but smile as you thought of it, "let's keep going Izuku, I'm all yours to claim."
His blush deepened and his hold tightened on your buttocks, but his eyes held a determination that made your heart skip a beat. He lifted you up again, leaving only his tip inside, and you squeezed your eyes shut in anticipation of another brutal thrust that never came, because instead, he lowered you slowly, making sure you could feel him thoroughly, repeating the action again and again and again until your moans were the only thing that could be heard.
You wanted his lips on you, but you couldn't for the life of you formulate a single word, settling for a longing gaze that he -fortunately- understood.
He smiled sweetly pecking your forehead first and moving to your scrunched up nose next before grazing his lips against yours and capturing them in a heated kiss, all the while bouncing you on top of him.
It was intense, passionate, the way he moved inside of you mixed with his breathtaking kisses drove you wild, and you knew you wouldn't last much longer if he kept it up, and judging by how erratic and sloppy his movements became, you knew he was too close as well.
His lips left yours and spread wet pecks along your neck, moving further down until they reached your bouncy breasts, taking one teat into his mouth and sucking gently before moving to the other.
And that did it for you, "Izuku! I'm cumming I'm cumming!" your moans turned into cries as you tensed up around him, trembling uncontrollably before gushing all over his abdomen.
The stream of your juices kept flowing with each snap of his hips, and you were too lightheaded to feel embarrassment at that point.
_ "Amazing, look at this I'm drenched.. you're going to make me cum sweetheart." he growled as he bounced you a few more times on top of him until the waves of pleasure had passed and you finally relaxed in his hold, and that was when he pulled out of you, pumping his length and releasing his seeds on the messy bed sheets underneath you.
_ "I'm sorry Izuku, I made a mess.." you mumbled quietly against his shoulder as shame washed over you, your first time together and this happens?!
_ "What are you talking about beautiful? That was so sexy and to be honest.. I can't wait to make you do that again." he responded cheekily as a gentle chuckle escaped his throat.
Shouto :
_ "Is this okay? I won't move until you tell me love, so take all the time you need." he sounded strained, holding you from behind and resisting the urge to start moving his hips as you both laid on your sides.
_ "Yes, this is fine, I'm okay." you responded quietly, sheepishness taking over your being.
He had you stretched out around his shaft oh-so-perfectly, and you thanked the heavens you weren't facing him at that moment.
It was your first time with the pro hero after all, something you hesitantly suggested earlier in the evening and to which he enthusiastically agreed upon.
His warm breath tickled your nape and his big protective arms squeezed you between them, "is this position comfortable enough?" he truly wanted your first time with him to be enjoyable, he had been waiting for that moment to come for a long time.
_ "Yes, this feels good." you placed your hands over his arms and shifted your hips a bit in order to get more comfy, but the action drove him deeper into your pussy and he instantly growled as a response.
You wanted him to start moving already, your walls desperately clutching onto him and you knew it must have been as hard for him to settle as it was for you, but you were too embarrassed to ask.
His lips caressed your shoulders, and his hot breath fanned over your skin as he trailed soft feathery kisses on your quivering flesh.
His hand brushed against your tummy, gliding along your luscious curves and resting on your thigh.
You couldn't speak, your lip caught between your teeth to prevent the whines threatening to slip out, and decided to let your body take control instead as you rocked your hips against his, and hoped he would take the hint.
_ "Y/n, can I?" he breathed out between soft kisses and you nodded weakly, feeling the curve of his lips against your nape, and finally allowing his name to escape your throat when he started moving within you.
He was gentle the whole time, knowing how much courage it must've taken for you to be this intimate with him, and wanting you to enjoy it thoroughly because you deserve to be treated well.
_ "How are you feeling princess?" he barely managed to keep his voice stable, as your gummy walls hugged his cock tightly.
_ "I'm.. 'm feeling good.. so good.. Shouto keep going.."
Your confidence went up and so did your bravery, nails digging into his arms as he kept a steady pace.
_ "That's good to know gorgeous, damnit.. I'm going mad." he wrapped an arm around your thigh, lifting it up so he could fuck you even deeper, a move that drove you both wild.
His smooth head kissed your cervix repeatedly, and it would have been overwhelming if his movements weren't gentle.
His other hand slipped between your legs to fondle your sensitive clit, and you gasped knowing that you wouldn't last long after that, "Shouto! Wait wait! If you keep doing that.." you couldn't finish speaking as your words turned into whines.
_ "I know beautiful, I'm so close too, let's finish together." his thrusts quickened and his lips moved eagerly along your skin, sucking a perfect red mark right behind your ear.
You opened your mouth to announce your upcoming orgasm, but no meaningful words have left you, only a loud moan along with his name as you tensed up and spasmed uncontrollably in his arms.
He pulled out immediately, tapping his cock against your bum before spurting all over your back while his fingers still played with your clit until you finally settled.
He squeezed your shaky form tighter, breathing heavily and showering your soft skin with even softer kisses before moving you gently so you were finally facing him.
_ "Hi princess, how was it? Are you feeling any discomfort?" he whispered his query before running his thumb over your parted lips and kissing you deeply.
_ "It was perfect." you mumbled shyly as you averted your gaze, the night's activities playing again in your head.
_ "It was perfect for me as well, I love you y/n."
Dabi :
Your back hit the wall behind you, and before you could voice your protest, a pair of needy lips claimed yours.
It was your fault really, how else did you expect him to react after giving him the green light at long last?
Your shirt was torn to shreds, and so was your cute little skirt, and if you thought he would treat you gently just because this was your first time with him, then you've got another thing coming.
He's never been known to be a softy after all, and his way of manifesting his lust for you is enough proof.
_ "You look so fucking sexy," his lips latched onto your neck, sucking and nibbling on your warm skin while his fingers sneaked under the trim of your panties, "uh-oh, what do we have here? eager already are we?" his teasing continued and without a warning whatsoever, he slipped two fingers into your wet quivering cunt at once, pumping them slowly and watching with amazement as your pussy swallowed his digits greedily.
_ "Touya please.." you didn't need to word it clearly as he understood what you wanted, pulling his coated fingers out and smirking while admiring the sheen covering them.
_ "I got it doll, now hold on to me alright?" he cooed before picking you up and pushing your back against the wall again, wasting no time thrusting himself into your welcoming heat.
_ "Touya, not too fast please!" your whimpers filled his dark empty room, and as loud as you cried out, he chose to ignore your desperate request.
_ "You feel so fucking good y/n, why did we wait this long to do it?" he growled between each deep thrust delivered straight to your cervix.
His pace was unforgivably fast, hitting you right where you wanted and soon, you started slurring your pleas for him to keep going "just like that".
You looked dashing to him; heavy lust filled eyes, flushed skin, messy hair, desperate clutches on his shoulders, and his name falling from your parted lips seductively each time he was buried deep into your cunt.
He cursed under his breath, but it was mainly directed at his own regret for not taking you much sooner.
Honestly speaking, intimate relationships and sexual desires have never been among his interests or priorities until you came along, and voicing your consent was all he needed to hear after long weeks of imagining how it would be like to finally have you.
_ "The real thing is even better." he admitted with a smirk, leaning in to lick the string of saliva escaping your abused swollen lips before capturing them yet again in a passionate kiss.
It was intense, nothing like you've ever experienced before with any of your previous partners. His strength, his stamina, his familiarity with your needs, all of it was driving you nuts, "Touya, oh god! I'm cumming!" you broke the kiss to voice your announcement.
_ "Oh yeah? Go ahead then, let me see you lose control gorgeous." he was obviously nearing his own release as his thrusts became erratic, but he wanted to hold on a bit longer until you crumble in his hold.. and you finally did, spasming violently while struggling to form a coherent thought and almost passing out with an overwhelming pleasure.
He fucked you some more until he reached his own high, pulling out and shooting his sperm all over your belly, "we should do this again soon gorgeous." he requested heavily and you nodded weakly, smiling against the crook of his neck.
Little did you know, the 'soon' he referred to was only a few minutes away, and your first time together was just the beginning of a passionate night.
Tamaki :
_ "I.. I don't know.. this is embarrassing!" he covered his face with both hands as you lowered his boxers and revealed his rock hard cock.
_ "Well, seems to me like your body is more honest than your words." you giggled softly, taking his thick shaft in one hand while using the other one to fondle your own heat.
You lowered your head, eyes studying his trembling body as you took him in your mouth.
You hummed around his throbbing cock, eyes widening with surprise when you felt a grip on your hair, "you're.. so warm," he whined through a clenched jaw, unconsciously bucking his hips and hitting the back of your throat.
You moved back immediately, coughing as you tried to catch your breath, and seeing you in that state freaked him out.
_ "Oh God! Sweetheart I'm so sorry! Look at me, are you okay?" he bolted upright and came closer to you, caressing your cheeks and apologizing non stop.
In all honesty, you were perfectly fine, but he looked adorable blinking in fear and checking to see if you were alright, so you decided to play along for a bit.
_ "Maybe I'll feel better after you kiss me." it was a joke that you thought would lighten up the mood, but what he did next left you in state of disbelief, as he actually leaned in and kissed you deeply.
You had no time to react to his brutal force, and next thing you knew, you were laying on your back with him on top, still kissing you.
_ "Are you.. feeling better?" his innocence is baffling -always has been- and it's one of the things that made you fall deeply in love with him.
_ "I am," you giggled softly, cradling his cheeks and pulling him in for another kiss, moaning as the smooth head of his raging cock touched your glistening cunt for the very first time in your life.
You rolled your hips against him, craving for more, and he tensed up feeling your heat.
One of your hands traveled down to caress his shaft, "can I.. is it okay?" your self esteem slipped away little by little as you anticipated his response, wondering if he didn't want to go any further..
He must've sensed your struggles, because a shy smile appeared on his face before you could finally feel him breaching your longing entrance.
He hid his face in the crook of your neck, whines stiffled against your skin as he started moving hesitantly at first.
_ "Yes baby you're doing so good.." you cooed breathlessly as you wrapped your arms around him while gently caressing his spine.
Your little gesture helped settling his nerves, and soon, he picked up the pace as his thrusts deepened, but his face remained tucked in your neck.
You ran your fingers through his soft hair, pulling gently everytime he hit that tingly spot within you, " Tamaki, kiss me, please.." you wanted his lips on yours, you needed to feel him everywhere in your being, and all you had to do was ask once as he instantly connected your lips in a passionate kiss that took you off guard at first.
His thrusts quickened and you wondered if it was unintentional or if he was as close to climaxing as you were, but you assumed the latter judging by the twitch in his cock and the groans against your lips.
_ "Faster! Tamaki please don't hold back!" you tilted your head back and begged to be fucked harder, crying out his name when he did as you asked.
_ "Y/n, I think I'm gonna.." his lips were back on your neck, nibbling softly on your skin while rutting into you mercilessly.
_ "Me too honey! I'm cumming!" you wrapped your legs around his waist and dug your nails in his back as you finally reached your blissful high.
You trembled beneath him and he fucked you throughout your orgasm until he reached his own, pulling out last second and releasing his pearly seeds on your tummy before relaxing on top of your spent body.
You held him tighter, smiling satisfyingly and almost drifting off if not for a trail of soft kisses against your heaving chest, "I really.. I liked it.. so much.." he mumbled quietly and it was the cutest thing.
_ "Me too sweetheart," you whispered back and sighed in satisfaction as his arms sneaked around your waist and squeezed you between them.
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milksuu · 7 months
Hey hey heyyyy!!! It's me, the one that keeps stalking your page! 💙🧚‍♀️
I wanna say that OML I LOVE YOUR WRITING!!! AAAAHHH! And I'm so so so happy to see that
anyways, this is a request for how the heartsteel boys would react to a lover with big bazoinkers who usually wears baggy clothes suddenly wearing something tight fitted??? Heheehehehe.
Also, how would the react if you were hit on by someone else due to their lover having big personalities?? (You don't have to do this one if you're uncomfortable ofc!!)
Also, keep up what you're doing, feeding my unhealthy obsession with these fictional (but very attractive) men. I hope you have an amazing day/night!!!🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️
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❥ prompt: So, you got the big boinkers. The huge bagonzos. The gigantic bonobos. Whatever guys called boobs these days. You're super self-conscious about them, ever since you hit puberty. You've tried to hide them. But with the upcoming red-carpet event for the music awards, you can't wear baggy clothes next to your Heartsteel boyfirend. You had to look your best. Or as some would say, your breast. ❥ content/warnings: mild suggestive themes, possessive boyfriend energy, over protective boyfriend energy ❥ characters/pairings: v!Heartsteel (aphelios, ezreal, kayne) / f!reader
Aphelio's thought you always looked cute and comfortable in your hoodies. In casual form, it was his aesthetic as well. Until the time came for a special event.
Aphelio's hadn't imagined exactly what you would wear. But surely, it might be a long-sleeve and turtleneck to match your conservative style. He understood how you felt about your particular assets. He would never suggest you to wear anything that didn't make you feel secure.
He was absolutely wrong. So, so, so wrong. (Wait. Did he actually like being wrong?) He got the long-sleeves part right. But the black mini-dress you sported hugged all the curves you possessed. With just a bit of thigh fat squeezed at the hem. If Aphelio's could ever speak again, he'd beg to be immediately silenced between those thighs. And at the top, there was a glorious boob-window that any e-girl would go absolutely rabid to have.
He had to look away a few times. Thankful to have a mask covering most of his flustered features. Maintaining a semblance of composure, he led you by the hand, speaking to you through squeezes between your hands.
Down the red-carpet, with flashing lights, the two of you posed. One camera man took a picture a little too angled for his liking. Your hand trembled in his. Blushing and holding your breath. Embarrassed tears pricked the corner of your eyes. Afraid of the possible lewdness that would be plastered in magazines. You didn't want to even imagine the headliners. And what would they say about Aphelio's? That he was dating some sort of 'all-boobs-no brains' bimbo? You wanted nothing like that for him.
Aphelio's sensed all of your emotions and didn't hesitate his next move. He dragged a discreet foot against the carpet, folding it in a manner that caused the paparazzo to trip. When the shady-cameraman fell, his camera smashed to pieces against the ground. The man dramatically fell to his knees, holding his head and weeping in buckets.
You gasped. Aphelio's merely rolled his eyes dismissively, tugging you way. He knitted his brows, and squeezed your hand tightly. You knew exactly what he did. You smiled, condensing your chest against his arm.
Feeling his face heat up again, he looked away. After acting so cool, and looking so cool, there's no way he'd let you see him blush like a high-school boy.
Ezreal never minded you wearing baggy clothes. He thought it was fun—for him! He loved diving underneath your oversized hoodie, and poke his head out the other side. Like you two were some odd circus attraction. That, or pretend he was a sailor drowning in a sea of boobies. He liked wearing the stylish hat.
He wasn't exactly sure what you would wear to the event, but he wished it was something he could fit inside later. He was joking. That was a total joke. So long as you were comfortable in it, he didn't mind.
When he saw you step out of the limo, his jaw completely dropped. He felt like one of those cool male-lead movie stars. Taking off his glasses in iconic slow-mo fashion, mouthing the words "Oh, Baby."
He spared zero time to lead you by the arm. Ready for from some press worthy photos he knew you two were going to absolutely rock.
Making it to the concessions room, where the liquor and horderves were plenty, it was prime time for music stars to socialize.
One young rapper approached, way too drunk off his drink, slurred with a smirk at your general direction. Commenting on whether or not Ezreal paid for you to have boob job in order to please him.
The giddy-boyish-sunshine smile turned utterly dark. The laugh he forced was ear grating. It chilled you to the bone. There was a flash of yellow. And briefly, you felt your arm empty of his presence. Then the scene unfolded. The man's drink completely spilled all over him. Another flash. He was pushed, stumbling to the ground.
Ezreal merely snickered into his suit sleeve when bouncers in the room dragged the drunk man away by the collar. Deeming him too drunk and unfit for the show, and subsequently tossed out.
Ezreal tugged you off to a far, secluded corner. He took you into his arms, squeezing tightly. Apologizing into your ear. You smiled softly, and rubbed his the back. Reassuring him you weren't hurt by the comment. And gave him a grateful kiss into his hair for sticking up for you.
Kayn 'Big ol' Tiddle Bitties'. If he could change his middle name to that, he would. It'd be his other rap persona, in ode to your breasts. Rhaast approved. And sure, you may be insecure about them, but Kayn fucking hell wasn't. He swore, one day, he would scream in praise at the rooftops. (Thankfully that hasn't happened...yet.)
He prayed to every demon, anti-christ, Eldritch God on this forsaken plane of existence for you to bless his presence with those huge knockers. And holy shit, did you ever at the event.
From the outfit alone, if he leashed himself for you, and placed a crop in your hand, he'd be on all fours. This wouldn't be a classy event anymore. It'd be an all-out fetish party.
Sadly. Reality kept it to a red-carpeted event. Where he had to act professional. Lead you accordingly, and restrain himself on every level possible. It took all his effort to not just call an Uber and take you in nearest love-hotel.
After mingling before the show, it was time for the awards. You took your seat next to each other. As the event played on, with various performances, you felt something being thrown into your cleavage. You looked down, spotting popcorn. Turning a cheek, you saw a group of young men laughing. Making comments about your breasts, and high-fiving one another when they 'made the shot'.
Kayn noticed. And boy, was he about to lose his shit during a performance speech. You placed a hand against his chest, whispering for him not to make a scene, and not allow the clowns to hurt his reputation. Fine—he wouldn't commit a crime. But he would show them who they were fucking with.
You slapped a hand over your mouth, muffling any lewd noises. Kayn planted his face in your cleavage, biting and licking your chest. He took up all the popcorn, and spat it out the guys like buttered bullets. They jumped with looks of disgust, cursing under their breaths about how damn crazy he was. With a final growl, they scurried away.
Kayn cackled, and you had to shush him when Yone leaned back in his chair and gave a look.
an: holy shiii tysvm for this req. @ccraccz! you're a genius. pls keep stalking my page *smooches you* sadly i have to break this up into two parts, since I wasn't expecting to make it so long??? lmfao??? pls stay tuned for part 2
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neopuppy · 1 year
Hi 😊 hope you're doing well. Can I ask for just the tip scenario with jaemin please 💙 love your work.
think of this as…..a teaser of something to come in the future☺️💚
warnings: ‘just the tip’, unprotected penetration
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“I thought you said she was special for a newbie.”
Jaemin’s glaring at you, arms crossed over his chest annoyed with his ankles mimicking the same position. Only to further intimidate you, test your will and see just how serious you are about this.
“She is.” Johnny’s quick to confirm, quickly shooting him a stern look before moving to stand in front of you and hide you with his larger frame. “Don’t listen to anything he says.”
“I’m still sore from yesterday..” you try to whisper, Jeno standing nearby scratching at his nape shyly.
“Sorry…” he mouths, shrugging and smiling sheepishly.
“Do you want to reschedule?” Johnny’s assuring as always, squeezing your shoulders to calm you. “We don’t have to film today if you’re not up to it.”
Jaemin’s mumbling curses under his breath, tightening the sash around his waist, robe concealing more of his chest. “This is bullshit.”
“No no..” you know Jaemin’s pissed off, rolling his eyes behind Johnny’s back while repeating ‘special my ass’. “Can’t we just, I don’t know.. take things slow?”
“We’re shooting a gonzo scene, how the hell do you imagine we can take things slow!” Jaemin moves to stand next to you, his expression clearly filled with frustration. “This is stupid Johnny! We’re wasting filming time.”
“We can always rework the filming style, nothings set in stone alright? Calm it down.”
“What if we..” Jaemin’s eyebrows furrow at the sound of your voice, teeth gritted between his lips. “A little at a time, you know.. slow.”
Jeno clears his throat, continuing to set up the camera’s position. “Just the tip scenes do great from what I’ve seen, just saying.”
“Just the tip?” Johnny’s eyebrow cocks up, slowly nodding. “POV Just The Tip….innocent slut struggles to take a 9 inch cock for the first time.” His fingers snap, nodding and smiling. “You think you can handle that?”
Jaemin smirks over his shoulder for only you to see, tongue dragging between his teeth as if daring you to back down.
“I can do it.”
Johnny nods, tugging you into his side to whisper against your hair. “I won’t get mad if you can’t.”
Tucking into his chest you double check that Jaemin’s moved away, wrapping around Johnny’s waist. “Is it really 9?”
He laughs at that, stroking your waist through the robe. “Nothing you haven’t handled before.”
He’s right, between filming with Johnny and Jeno you’ve been put through thicker and bigger than you fathomed to be possible, but Jaemin..
As if on cue he unties the sash around his trim waist, eyeing you from your toes up to the anxious look you give him in return. Grinning slightly he bites down on the corner of his lip, robe dropped down leaving himself completely bare, length half hard dangling between his upper thigh and pelvic bone.
Tugging himself to full mass his brows lift at you suggestively, as if to say ‘you next’.
The settings simple today, nothing plot heavy, plain set only for the purpose of close-up shots, a few cameras set up around to capture your lower halves connecting, Jeno handling a handheld camera for up-above shots from Jaemin’s point of view. It’s different, and as you approach the edge of the couch in front of him you remind yourself that this has to do good. It’s only your second week working at Suh Films, and the last thing you plan to do is let Johnny down so soon after taking a chance on you.
“Jeno fuck you too good yesterday?” Jaemin asks, low toned, grabbing onto the knotted up sash keeping your figure covered. “You know, if you can’t handle a little pain..”
“I can.”
“He’s not really..” Jaemin leans in, licking at your earlobe. “As thick as me.” Untying your robe, he steps closer and grips onto your waist, fingers digging into your sides purposefully to manhandle you onto the couch, robe completely slipping off in the process.
Gripping around your knees, he hoists you closer until half of your ass hangs from the edge, shoving your legs into place until you sit spread open, feet curled against the couches ledge and your palms flat to support your balance.
A sadistic thrill runs through his chest, inspecting your swollen core. Jeno really had done a number on you, fucking like a horny teenager finally nailing his wet dream. Palming down your inner thighs, he pulls your center open with his thumbs, wet folds spreading out met with the cool air filling the room.
“You’ll let me put it in a little, right?” He asks, no longer whispering. The cameras rolling not even crossing your mind, too engrossed in each flex of muscle rippling through his chest and arms. The dumb whiny nod you give is all he needs to grip around the base of his length, girth appearing ridiculous in thickness surrounded by his fingers.
Smoothing his thumb between your folds, he bends at the knee, the tip of his length swiping between to smear arousal up to your clit. Slit sucking at the bundles of nerves with each slow pass.
“Too wet for a whore that can’t take a big cock.” Jaemin sneers, tip pushing down a glob of wetness back to your entrance, the sound of it bubbling out embarrassingly loud.
“I can..”
“Oh yeah?” His teeth poke out, hiding back a smile as he pushes down against your resistant opening, having to suck back a hiss at the first bit of his length making it inside. “Fuck that’s tight.”
Jaemin whispers too low for the cameras to pick up, zoned in on the tip of his length struggling to push past the pulsating band sucking around him.
He keeps still for a second, inhaling short deep breaths as the veins lining his rod thrum violently, hungry for more. “Need in this pussy.”
Chewing at his bottom lip for a minute, his cockhead dips in and out furiously; stomach muscles contorting with every snap of your entrance around him. Focusing on your cunt gripping around his size, the stretch too painful to even look at. Heat scorches between his thighs, balls tightening up forcing him to tear his gaze away, distracting himself with your mouth, hung open and panting.
“Can you take more?”
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captainreecejames · 2 months
Still Me Here - LN 4 smau
author's note : This has been sitting in the drafts for a while (lol) but I'm really happy with this one so I hope you all enjoy it!
summary : the world reacts to a hit album by yn ln, and also theorizes that it's about a certain mclaren driver
pairing : lando norris x EX!fem!reader
faceclaim : maisie peters
June 2023
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liked by lilymhe and charlottesiine others
ynusername the good witch is finally out!! I put so much love and pain into this album that I now can share with you. I hope that if you relate to this then you'll find some peace as well because we all deserve that. let me know what your favorites are and what to put on the set list 😉💙
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ynwitches I've been waiting for this one turn it up
faneditsyn pleaseeeeee history of man has to be on the tour ↳ ynusername oh that one's definitely gonna be on the list ↳ Faneditsyn she responded 😳
lilymhe so far run is my favorite ↳ alexalbon what's that supposed to me ↳ lilymhe sleep with one eye open tonight ↳ ynusername stoopppp 💙💙
landonowins not lily commenting 🫣 ↳ yntruthers now we know who got who in the break up 😭
thegoodwitchyn another no skip album I fear
ynhearts hearing the screaming of her name at the end of the good witch, literal chills
landoyn4ever ynlando stans are gonna be in the trenchs again (it's me)
ynwitches I also don't move on (in my loafers (with a smoothie))
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October 2023
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liked by ynpartysongs and francescacgomes others
ynusername SURPRISE! The good witch (deluxe) is out now. I had more to give from the moment she dropped in June and I'm happy to share those songs with you now!
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ynforever babe wake up new yn songs just dropped!!
ynwithasmoothie now why'd you drop this after our show ↳ ynusername I promise I'll come back with these!
ynfans3 brb gonna go scream holy revival
ynfans4 lando can't catch a break damn! (do it again)
oliviarodrigo girl you're making me cry over here ↳ ynusername shut up you make me cry too 😭😭
charlottesiine not the guy on a horse ↳ ynusername 🫣🫣😏 ↳ ynfans3 ex's teaming up I see, lando and Charles are going through it
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March 2024
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liked by ynpartysongs logansargent and others
ynusername MELBOURNE you were amazing. this was an amazing show and I'm so happy that you got to be here. to share this album and these songs with everyone has been a dream come true and it's extra special because so many close friends came out.
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francisca.cgomes girl!!!! It was so wonderful!! ❤️ ↳ ynusername BABE THANK YOU
ynausyfans you have to come back soon!
pierregasly thank you for inviting us! ↳ charles_leclerc we had a lot of fun! ↳ ynusername couldn't forget about my favorite Frenchies (and monagasque)
lilymhe ahhhhhg!!! Hearing you sing history of man live is just life changing ↳ ynusername stoopppp you're so sweet 🫶🏼 ↳ alexalbon thank you for the cake too!
ynhistoryofwitches her bringing out half the grid to sing happy birthday to Alex is just so 🤧🤧 ↳ ynusername had to show love to my good friends
georgerussell63 an amazing show! Love you YN! ↳ carmenmmundt gonna drive him crazy with how much I stream the good witch again ↳ ynusername 🫶🏼🫶🏼 babe I love you
carlossainz55 ❤️❤️ beautiful show YN
oscarpiastri 🧡🧡😏 ↳ landoyn4ever what do you mean?? What do you meannnn???? ↳ ln4eva WAS LANDO THERE ↳ landitonorris OSCAR TELL US WHAT YOU KNOW
l4nquadrants DID ANYONE ELSE SEE THAT LANDO LIKED. IT WENT AWAY BUT I SWEAR I SAW HIS USERNAME ↳ yncomingofage time to go to sleep grandma you're making up stories ↳ alltoomuchlando no I saw it too
maxfewtrell an amazing concert yn! ↳ ynwithasmoothie WHY ARE ALL OF HIS FRIENDS HERE??
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