#& ofc they found it hilarious 😭
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fellas. is it a special interest rabbit hole to speculate intensely, irresponsibly, and endlessly on someone's sexuality
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spirit-lanterns · 3 months
Oh my fucking god wait imagine Sparkle teasing and playing and licking cg!r's (we need a better name for that) ears until she becomes an absolute whining mess only to leave her hanging and set her loose for the other girls to handle. Sneaky little thing...
The idea of Sparkle riling up Catgirl Reader like a wind up toy, and sending her loose on the other girls is hilarious 😭😭
Just imagine Sparkle teasingly licking and biting at your cat ears, stroking the base of your tail and occasionally yanking it, getting you all hot and bothered, but instead of bringing you to a proper release, she just snickers and pulls away. You’d get so edged and needy that you have no choice but to whine and beg for your other owners to help you while Sparkle is nowhere to be found. Honestly, she’s probably hiding somewhere to watch all the chaos unfold, as you latch onto someone like Acheron and yowl for her to fuck you.
And ofc, Sparkle watches. She’s always watching from somewhere ;)
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redr0sewrites · 7 months
Hi, I love your works! Can you write a hazbin hotel Lucifer x gn punk reader? Like, they dress punk, listen to punk music and are pretty rebellious anarchists? Tysm
YESSSS OFC!!!! also random rose lore but i am such a big green day fan and my mom once went to a green day concert and she talks ab it all the time-
🥀Cw: fluff, Lucifer being a sweetie
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Lucifer was probably a little confused about your style and ideals when he first met you
he would ask you soooooo many questions about your outfits
hes a little awkward, but he means well 😭
he definitely asked you for music recommendations because you seemed really interested and invested in your style of music
when you started talking all excitedly about your favorite bands and music taste, Lucifer found himself enraptured by your love for the things you enjoy
Lucifer admires your individuality and how you stay true to the things you enjoy, and he also loves your spunky attitude
deep down, he despises heaven and authority figures as much as anyone else and he thinks its hilarious that the two of you are dating
an anarchist and the literal king of hell
once u start recommending your music to him, hes hooked
suddenly every rock or punk song he listens to reminds him of you, and he adores it
i think he'd really enjoy green day, maybe x ray spex too, but he'll ultimately listen to anything u want him too
lucifer ADORES your style too
if you wear studded patch jackets, vests, etc he DEFINITELY designs patches and studs for you
he would give u a little duck or apple pin to put on your jacket!!!
lucifer will help you out with your hair too, he loves detangling it at the end of the day and washing all of the hair spray and spiky styling out
would def help you dye it fun colors too
i mentioned this in my goth hcs, but if you wear a lot of jewelry he loves to fiddle and fidget with it while he's bored
like he'll just be standing next to you and all of a sudden he's playing with the chain necklaces you're wearing or poking the spikes and studs on your jacket just bc he's bored
overall, he's super supportive and sweet
"are you ready, duckling?" Lucifer called, waiting for you to finish getting ready. he had decided to take you out on a date tonight- not to a fancy establishment, no, but to a more hell-born central part of the pentagram to visit some knock-off theme park you'd mentioned weeks ago called LooLoo Land. the both of you thought that the obvious copyright of Lu Lu World was hilarious, and what better place to go on a date than a shitty theme park?
"I'm coming Luci, give me a sec!" you shout, "i'm just finishing up with my accessories". Lucifer hums in response, soon bursting into giggles as you come hurdling down the stairs, tackling him in a hug. you both pulled away after a few seconds, and Lucifer stepped back to admire your outfit. "Is it just me, or have you gotten spikier?" Lucifer chuckled, poking a stud on your jacket as you roll your eyes. "C'mon you, we have to go!" you smile, dragging him out the door as he admired your determined expression. "driving or teleporting?" you ask, and Lucifer shrugs. "you're no help," you grumble, but take his hand. "let's teleport, it'll be quicker." with a smile, Lucifer opens a portal. "Whatever you wish, dear ~"
RAHHHHHH💯💯💯 this one required a bit of research cuz idk as much ab punk culture/music as ik ab goth stuff, but it was still sm fun to write!!!!!
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sokkabaddiebender2021 · 7 months
ok y’all i finally finished the neflix live action avatar and…….don’t hate me……..but i enjoyed it 😭 my standards for entertainment is honestly on whether or not it entertained me, so honestly i question my standards.
first off, the visuals and score was absolutely amazing. the fight scenes were well choreographed, and the bending, which i was super nervous about, looked actually amazing.
i think we can all agree the writing and dialogue was pretty choppy at times, and the delivery could be better at times. but i also think (most) of the energy of the original characters was captured well. katara honestly got done the dirtiest because why was she so…….not passionate??? i’m hoping later on she gets more so because that’s a key trait of katara. i was very disappointed with that :/
what they did to suki too……..i liked her being a little awkward and such because it makes sense but i felt like too much of her character was dedicated to her having a crush on sokka. like where is her attitude, her ferocity?
i think aang was played very well by gordon cormier, especially considering this is a child actor we are taking about. his line delivery isn’t going to be great and yes he is a real boy so he can’t be as cartoony as some would hope but i think he was absolutely adorable.
surprise surprise, i loved dallas liu as zuko. i think there were some pretty whack line deliveries but he really captured the anger and cringeyness of zuko well. his martial arts were also also incredible, his fight scenes were my favorite to watch. the scene with him crying quietly on the bed when ozai banishing him shattered me, his subtle acting is underrated honestly.
i have my beef with ian ousley as sokka mostly because of the controversy and such, but i can’t lie he did play sokka well. yet again, as for the last characters, some line deliveries were iffy but he was still a very believable sokka.
so for the writing, i have LOTS OF OPINIONS. there were things they cut that definitely upset me, and that was just because of their lowkey questionable pacing. as much as i hate the slimeball, i missed a lot of the interesting parts of zhao’s story that they cut like his agni kai, jeuong jeuong (aang’s fear of fire??), zuko SAVING him. i feel like they had something interesting there with building a fake alliance with him and zuko, and they didn’t build more off it. [edit] that so, the dude who played zhao had me losing my shit. his line delivery was hilarious and i just love that zhao just gives that manager no one likes/that one creepy math teacher in high school vibes (only combination i could think of y’all).
the additions to zuko’s story was something i absolutely loved. i found myself actually getting very emotional with a lot of the flashbacks, and the 41st division being his crew 🥹🥹 but then i find myself being upset that we were shown other flashbacks so early (like the death of katara’s mother??).
i actually hate the hate azula’s actress is getting. she’s playing a 14 year old……like a 14 year old?? she wasn’t even in season 1 in the og so ofc she’s gonna not be the same, i’m hoping this means they’re building up her up to her fierceness in season 2.
one last critique PLEASE GET A WIG BUDGET GOOD LORD THOSE WIGS WERE BAAAAD. and also a lot of their costumes looked fake or like plastic this was actually my least favorite part 😭
overall, not as horrible as people make it out to be, i had a good time but obviously the og will always be the higher quality product. i’m just glad the young actors seemed to really be passionate for the project :)
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theshipdiaries · 2 months
I actually love that 70s show SEASON 8!!
I mean, after the cliffhanger of Kelso in the towel, we get to see Jackie beg Hyde to believe her that nothing happened AND HE SAYS HE DOES BELIEVE HER. You know... growth! Ofc Kelso had spilled soda all over himself, THE MORON. Always making sexual jokes, a misunderstanding was bound to happen. Then he proposes and she practically says no because that's not what she needed, she just needed to know he loved her as much as she loves him. Also his "are you kidding me?" After Jackie doesn't know what to say to his proposal 🤣And it was so funny when she told him if it made him feel better he could sell the ring for accessories for his car and he said "I told you to never call it that, but yeah" and then they kissed and then they got on the bed and the scene just went back to Donna telling Eric what happened.
And how healthy their relationship was the whole season? Amazing. Even Hyde was less scared of admitting his feelings. I mean when kelso said "yeah because you loooove her" he said "yeah man we've been together for almost two years get over it". And how at the end he asked WB for a job in Chicago after Jackie's mom told Hyde the tv station wanted Jackie back and he told her mom not to tell her because wanted to surprise her 😭!!!! And how he kept both things a secret from her SO THAT HE COULD PROPOSE AND TELL HER ALL OF IT THEN. I mean they also kept it from us until we saw it on a flashback on the finale (I still think it's weird that they called her mom and not the apartment since her and fez were living together but I mean a last Brooke Shields cameo was necessary)
I'll admit I was stressed when they didn't tell us why Hyde was asking for a job in Chicago for like two episodes, the suspense was killing me. And when Jackie found out and she thought he was leaving her?? 😭😭 it broke my heart. But they got engaged! And again, it was hilarious when she said "Steven omg this one is so much better than the first one" and he was like "Jackie shut your pie hole". The call back was EVERYTHING. Yes I have all of their scenes memorized obviously. It was sad that eric wasn't there for most of the season but hyde and jackie definitely made up for it. Also, I did like that Hyde let his stubble grow, he looked good, imagine if it had been a mustache?? Haha nah Jackie never would've let him. And how the whole gang ended up in chicago.
I understand that the writers of t90s had to write the show as if Hyde had never existed but I do love that they explained it in an interview before the show came out.
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burntb4bydoll · 1 year
WOAHH NO WAY IM ACTUALLY WRITING FOR ONCE?!?!?? CRAZYYYYY!!!! This is my first time writing for Ville so im sorry if it feels super inaccurate!!😭
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Ville Valo general dating headcannons
•ok so hes a bit of a grump…
•hes just got a lot of attitude so it seems like hes pissed off a lot of the time but hes actually a big softie🤭
•LOVES to keep his arm around you when you go out in public (hes also subtly squeezing your ass and boobs the whole time but he likes to act all innocent afterwards🙄)
•lots of interviewers like to bring up your relationship and sometimes they talk about you very passive aggressively, and he absolutely despises it. He quickly shuts them down by interrupting them , making very rude and stand-offish comments towards them until they change the subject
•and yk his petty ass wont let it go so the rest of the interview is so awkward
•he also laughs every time some female interviewer flirts with him. HE CANT HELP IT ITS JUST SO AWKWARD AND FUNNY TO HIM (hes trying his best to be respectful he just cant hold it in for long😭)
•you probably have to clean his house a lot cuz he doesn’t do it and like HAVE YOU SEEN THAT SHIT… ITS A WRECK.
•Ville is often found on the couch writing new songs, and he loves when you come and sit next to him while he does it. Hes a busy man so its one a the few times you get to have a moment of silence with him
•lorddd ik that man REAKS of cigarettes, alcohol and probably a bit of sweat😭 you gotta make him shower with you most times cuz he hates it and wont do it on his own🙄
•yall seen that beanie he wore over that greasy ass hair? Yeah, he likes to sneak up behind you and pull it over your head so that it completely covers your face. He thinks hes absolutely hilarious😐 that shit smells so bad like sweat and dirty hair pls wash it for your own sake.
•honestly i cant see him being huge on fancy dates. I feel like he would prefer to just go on a walk at nighttime or go to some random bar instead
•that doesn’t mean hes not romantic tho. Everyone knows just how romantic he can be
•he’ll draw/paint you little pictures and write a short little poem for you alongside it. Hes very thoughtful and romantic about it
•gives very specific compliments. Its never just “you look pretty” it’s always something very thought out and sweet.
•he doesn’t realize it, but his voice always gets so much softer and sweeter when he talks to you. One second he’ll be arguing with someone and cussing them out but the second he sees you hes all like “oh hi my love, I’ve been wondering where you were” in the most gentle tone ever
•can and will write you songs that only you’re allowed to hear. He wants you to feel special so he keeps his super meaningful songs about you private.
•although he will write songs about you and actually release them ofc
•would totally get a tattoo dedicated to you
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p4n1cl0v3r · 5 months
hello.. im back from reading them.. uh and HUGE spoiler warning, like spoilers for everything cuz i cant keep my mouth shut.. this is also really long so im so sorry if you actually read this 😭😭 i just wanted to yap
ok. so. chase is burnt out, thats rlly sad 😭 hope he isnt too burnt out that its effecting him way more than he can handle,
his beach boys outfit is adorable. deacon not being on the island and chase being stuck with buddy i knew was gonna be terrible from the start. when i saw chase hand buddy a water bottle to light the fire i thought it was sweet that they were getting along, same with buddy telling chase he can have the second fish.
at first, i thought buddy was hearing the whispers so i didnt really think much of it.
the “buddy being a vampire and chase freaking out” was really funny, i found that hilarious and just chase thinking buddy was cute (even if he said it was in “a jerk way”, it was still nice and i wonder how that will go down (after the most recent chapter)
buddys face when chase pulled the chocolate out looked like a dog seeing a ball, it was adorable ngl
my heart sank when chase made a comment about buddy not being treated well and then buddy shivered.. like hm i seriously wonder how he actually is being treated, yk? like all we see of him is him being a jerk and just genuinely not giving a shit about anyone or anything (until the most recent chapter in which ill get into that in a second..)
deacon was not having a fun time with the seagulls 😭😭😭 rip deacon 😔
the way chase bribed buddy with the last bar of chocolate was so funny
chase hit buddy in the face with a ball 😃👍🏼
buddy then threw chase in the ocean and called him tiny (damn bro making fun of his height, its okay chase is just fun sized ☠️)
buddy with curly wet hair felt weird but it looked nice on him
i found it sweet that chase wanted to help buddy, even if all buddy has been towards him was rude. shows what type of person chase is and it makes me love his character so much, everyone needs their own chase lol
i know buddys main goal is to get the keys, and so it would be very unlikely that he would throw that away to become friends with chase, but man. when chase called him out on it and the shattered heart image in the background… awh man.
the small fight they had was sad, but once buddy left chase was sitting on the ground crying, i may be wrong but i dont think we have seen him crying until now, right? brb lemme go check
ok i like reread the entire thing and few times we saw him cry was when we saw him visit myra for the first time in the story (that we see ofc) and it was just for a split second, and also in the same episode visiting his fathers grave, he seemed to cry a smige more but thats all.
+ while doing the research for that, i realized that in the very first episode chase got a black eye and when he went out of the book, he didnt have it anymore. so (again ill get into this when i get into the most recent chapter and what happened then) but at the same time, the second episode was more of a “hey! this is how this mess started!” sorta thing, so we dont know the timing of it.
in the morning when chase wakes up and sees buddy, from the way buddy is speaking im pretty sure he was upset about the conversation the night before too, as he’s never been that violent with anything towards chase before. im not saying buddy is a violent person, but at the same time, its concerning a bit how he took “the two characters have an argument “ and his anger took over him and make it a hostile argument instead of verbal.
“and if they do make you miserable, you deserve it” hm i get that chase is upset, i mean buddy is quite literally being a psychopath at this point in the story, but man.. when i read that i was just in amazement that that came to mind, i dont blame the guy ofc but still. didnt go over well, buddy seemed to be pretty affected by it, which brings up again, i do genuinely wonder how the ex libris is treating him to make him so easily shaken / angry when its brought up.
buddy hurt chase. now to be fair, chase sorta (i think) kicked him and made buddy land face first in the sand etc. but he didnt draw blood. buddy drew blood, now what i noticed when this happened is buddys first instinct was to drop the spear and instantly basically panic. its clear he didnt genuinely mean to hurt chase, but he still did.
now as said above, we dont know if these injuries can travel from book to real life, as we dont have solid proof that they do. but its obvious, even if its fake, that the characters still feel it, so that must have hurt a lot (ofc it did lynx you dumbass bro is literally bleeding on his face 😒) but if they do travel to the real world, how is chase going to hide it? its a slash under his eye on his cheek, decent size too. doesnt seem that easy to cover. i mean, he does have like 47 skin care products so maybe he can cover it with that somehow but im not sure
back onto the point above, buddy’s first instinct was to (first pause and stare) and then drop the spear, making it clear he didnt mean nor, even want to hurt chase maybe. buddy is usually good with his words and with what he says, it all comes out perfectly as if he is reading a script when he speaks. he was choking on his words, “trying” to explain why that happened.
“n-no, i-“ “i didnt mean that, i just-“ “i wasnt…”
he was obviously not prepared, nor did he want to. again, he was after the keys, he wasn’t after hurting anyone.
(which this is all quite obvious, however i love to yap and i have no friends in person that also like cinderella boy so shush let me nerd out for a sec)
it kinda felt uncomfortable seeing buddy so.. what’s the word? unsettled? upset? surprised? one of those, maybe all three. this entire episode for the most part felt off putting, buddy not being his “ha i dont care, just go away” persona and instead getting pissy (more that usual) and even upset at the end. it just didnt feel right and its so obvious that after this the next story that chase goes into (if he continues) will be so different compared to these when it comes to interactions with buddy.
“youre just a scum, you know that?” YIKES BRO 😭💀💀 chase is uh yeah i just wanted to mention that line
seeing chase with tears in his eyes, obviously looking genuinely scared and saying “all i wanted to do was help” HURT MY SOUL. again, mentioned above, we rarely see him cry, and the only times we did was when visiting his sick mom and his fathers grave. thats it. the fact that hes cried now twice because of something buddy has done is huge, dont ya think?
chase ran away crying, which ykw i dont blame him, buddy’s body language was also a huge giveaway that he genuinely felt bad because again, hes usually so confident in the way he poses, and from the moment he hurt chase to the end of the episode, he was holding himself, just standing there.
also the fact that the last panel is one of the chocolate bar wrappers blowing towards buddy’s feet was also interesting. like putting salt water into a cut yk? (haha get it cuz theyre on a beach island and chase has a cut.. haha.. okay sorry)
okay so these were a LOT to take in, and chase being already burnt out might be a reason he cried so easily, but you never know. i think buddy gaining chase’s trust without trying and KNOWING (or probably knowing) he had chases trust and just not caring and broke it without a thought kinda sucks, but as said TWICE. we dont know his situation. for example, what if he will get hurt or someone around him will if he doesnt get these keys? we dont know why he does what he does so we cant really excuse nor can we blame him.
i saw them getting along and from that second i knew it was going to end terribly.
my theory is, that when deacon comes back he will see chase hurt and upset, and buddy either will be no where in sight (very likely) or he will be very quiet and not making a single noise in the background. deacon will see chase, probably be really confused and then realize who chase was around. now, im not that great at reading characters.. unless like i study them HARD so all this next stuff just might be bs, but ima say it anyways because its tumblr.
now, i think once they get out of the book, deacon will beg chase to tell him what happened, if he didnt already in the book, even if deacon already knows without saying. deacon, being deacon, will probably panic, and either 1) try to convince chase its a bad idea to continue. 2) try to convince chase to take a break and make deacon do them for a small period of time (very unlikely). or 3) deacon will be hesitant to continue, but if they do then he will be a lot more protective of chase, and possibly look more into books completely without any sort of villain.
its obvious there could ALSO be other scenarios, but these are the ones i came up with. another is that chase could stop completely, and just give up. but thats HIGHLY unlikely as its literally part of the story and silver and bronze will probably try to support him.
now, with the chase and buddy dynamic… oh wowie. this is a slow burn enemies to lovers story, which means this wont be miserable for a long time, however it still asks the question “well how are they going to react towards one another” and my GOOD friends, who the fuck knows. (punko thats who)
however! its impossible for them to go along and pretend it never happened, because its clear they were both hurt by it. even if it wasnt completely just physically. maybe buddy will stop appearing in the books for a second? what if he’s replaced by another member? ikik unlikely. okok, well what if in the stories buddy just stays quiet and entirely follows along with his character? i feel like that wouldnt last long and i dont think buddys that much of a jerk to try and dodge it. chase? i feel like chase would try to dodge it, i mean after this he has to fear buddy a little right? they could also be a lot meaner to one another, but i also see that as very unlikely. i can see chase being more cold, but for some reason i cant imagine buddy being as rude as he was in the beginning, or even rude to being with.
all in all, i really dont know what theory to go with, MAN I WANNA NERD OUT MORE ABT THIS. 😭😭😭 (yk w someone who will actually listen cuz my friends irl dont give a shit)
holy shnizer that was a lot of words... okay well if you read all of that then we might as well be friends cuz man i talk a lot about subjects i like.. BUT YEA. WILD RIDE. WOWIE.
me when it comes to cinderella boy:
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straynefelibata · 9 months
How would the Ravage, Megatron and Rodimus react when they discovered that a demigoddess/demigod (who for some reason has the appearance of someone young and the personality of a child even though they are hunted throughout the universe and suffered torture as a child) created by Unicron simply invaded the ship and promised to protect everyone just because they thought Rodimus was funny and saw Megatron as a father figure? the demigod/demigoddess was literally created to cause chaos and destruction but they ignores this and has healing powers, they even revived Ravage saying 'no one touches my meow meow friend!' and hunted Tarn then tore off his head and kept it alive as if it were a toy and doing things like tea parties and such pretending that his head is just some doll and stuff-- (as if they were pyro from tf2 with the spy head in the lil pootis series)
(you don't have to make this request if you don't want to, good morning/good afternoon/good night :))
This was very specific😃 definitely not what I was expecting for my first request but here we go💖 you didn't specify so I just went with headcanons
Ravage, Megatron & Rodimus meeting a demigod
He was probably the one to see you first, perhaps you were hiding in the vents observing everyone?
He doesn't trust you at first given your past purpose.
But as he saw your efforts to approach and befriend him, he starts to warm up to you
He's bewildered by your unexpected protective nature and feels a mix of confusion and gratitude.
He's both intrigued and disturbed by you keeping Tarn's head😀 but mostly disturbed pls get rid of it
Meeting you was interesting to say the least...
Like Ravage, He doesn't trust you at first and asks Ravage to keep a close eye on you
Megatron was initially taken aback but develops a sense of responsibility towards you when he found out that you see him as a father figure.
He's torn between feeling protective of you and how undeserving he is of the title "father figure"
Nuh uh. Absolutely not, he calmly asks (frantically tells) you to please get rid of Tarn's head
Amused and entertained, Rodimus finds the whole scenario hilarious.
But also slightly unnerving... He's not okay with the whole takeover thing ofc, He's the captain!
But he'll embrace the your demigod protection after awhile!
He is like an older brother to you and joins you in all your troublemaking antics
Including playing with Tarn's head, he's having a blast with it😭🙏 he might be having more fun with it than you are
He loves your demigod magic powers! *gets shot by Perceptor*
Author's note: Sorry if this isn't good enough, it's my first time and couldn't cover enough of the prompt, idk who pyro is😭
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uusercatt367 · 9 months
⭐️ My Main Diabolik lovers Oc’s ( Info / about ) ⭐️
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A better look at them without the shading 👇
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( Something I have to add before you read their info, I haven’t thought of a surname for them and This Oc’s I’m gonna ship with Yui ofc, I remembered I promised to write more about my DL Oc’s so here you go ^^ )
( apologies early if there’s some spelling mistakes / English isn’t my first language 😭😭😭 )
Diabolik lovers Oc’s info
- First name: Mari
- Race: Vampire
- Age: 18 ( physically)
- Highly intelligent
- Very cold
- Her beauty is admired by many girls and guys at school but because she is so cold people are afraid/ uncomfortable with talking to her.
- She has a sister ( Ari )
- She and her sister don’t get along but Mari doesn’t hate her sister she rather feels guilty and responsible for what happened to her sister’s right eye.
- She tries to act softer and nicer to her sister even tho Ari is still hurt and mad about her and what happened when they were kids.
- Will protect and fight for people she cares and loves.
- abused in childhood to be perfect and number 1 in everything ( Like Ayato but not that worse like him )
Gets along with:
- Reiji, Ruki ( obviously) and surprisingly Kou also.
- Subaru, Kanato, Yuma ( even tho she gets annoyed by him sometimes), Azusa and Shu ( even tho she kinda hates his whole laziness but in some way she can understand him. )
Absolutely despises:
- Ayato ( she hates how he tries to be better than her and finds him annoying and stupid, and it’s just a No. ), Laito ( she despises his perverted mind and behavior, she mostly pity him for that )
- And obviously she hates Shin and Carla and they hate her back cuz she’s a vampire ;w;
- First name: Yuu
- Race: Vampire ( honestly I’m thinking of making her an Adler / Eagle, not sure yet )
- Age: 16 ( physically)
- Very Optimistic
- She is also admired by everyone in school for her talent for singing
- She is a trainee for becoming an Idol
- Kou is her main inspiration and inspired to be like him
- Even tho she doesn’t have such a bad childhood like some other characters but her parents were killed by some unknown demons when she was a kid but she never became depressed by it, she keeps smiling and having fun in her life
- Ari, Mari and Fumiko aren’t her real sisters but she still treats and loves them as they were blood related.
Gets along with:
- Kou ( ofc ) she sees him as her idol ( literally ), Ayato and kanato.
- Reiji ( she respects him nothing more than this ), Ruki, Azusa, Yuma ( she tries to get along with them as much as possible ). And Laito ( she not always likes his dirty behavior but sometimes she finds him hilarious )
Absolutely despises: ( I wouldn’t really say she despises because she tries to get along with everyone but she fails to get along with.. )
- Shu ( doesn’t understand his lazy behavior, she hates when people are lazy to do anything like you’re waisting your life like this. )
- Subaru ( tried to get along with him but he doesn’t seem like he wants to talk to her + they are in the same class )
- +Shin and Carla
- First name: Fumiko
- Age: 17 ( physically )
- Race: Vampire
- Despises men.
- She is the only one out of the 4 who is un attracted to men in any way.
- Into goth Lolita fashion
- She also acts cold like Mari but more of a weird way
- Talking like she’s a dead corpse to freak people out on purpose
- Into witchcraft and more creepy stuff
- The reason she acts weird and mostly quiet around people is due to her heavy trauma during childhood, She was living with her mom who clearly didn’t want to do anything with her and found her useless, while also being abused by random men her mom was bringing home ( not gonna really say in which ways but u get my point:,) )
- Eventually ran away from home in the age of 10
Gets along with: ( even tho she rather not interact with men or anyone She still gets along with few )
- Shu ( he doesn’t bother her and because he is lazy she doesn’t fear he will do something bad to her, even tho sometimes he can make a dirty joke which she hates ) Azusa, kanato ( they just honestly have the same vibes as her and that’s it. ) and Subaru.
- Ruki and Reiji ( likes how calm and serious they are )
Absolutely despises:
- Laito ( I dont think I need to explain ), Ayato, Kou ( even tho she tries to get along with him because Yuu is his friend ) and Yuma
- +Shin and Carla.
- First name: Ari
- Age: 18 ( physically)
- Race: vampire
- Always acts Happy and optimistic around people.
- A very confident person.
- She loves feeling popular and admired.
- Her “ weird “ and eye catching appearance cough a lot of peoples attention.
- Plays in a band and is very talented so also helps Yuu out with her Idol training
- She’s dirty minded.
- No matter what gender you are if you offer her to do it she would most likely say yes.
- She hates her sister Mari.
- She is mad at her for what happened to her eye during childhood
- When they were small Mari was always more adored by her parents to be “ perfect “ and better than her in everything.
- One day they were practicing archery and Mari got jealous of Ari for doing something better than her for once, so she splashed a really toxic snake poison into her right eye, Mari wanted to make her blind completely but failed ( also the snake poison splashed on Ari’s skin so she has a few scars on her body ), Of course Mari regretted her actions right after but it wasn’t entirely her fault because of all her parents abuse and pressure for being perfect, she got scared of what will they think of her if they find out She’s not good enough.
- Obviously Ari’s parents didn’t care what happened to her eye and now found her more useless than she was before so they even tried to sell her to some random guy but before this happened Mari saved her and convinced her to run away.
- To this day Ari never and probably never will forgive her sister but she’s still thankful for her saving her.
Gets along with:
- Laito ( she likes his dirty mind and dirty jokes he makes sometimes, but they didn’t do it and will never do. ) Ayato ( she hates how he thinks he’s better than everyone else but still gets along with him. ) Kou ( she likes helping Yuu with Kou together and they get along very well ) Yuma.
- Shu ( loves his passion for music but other than that nothing ), Kanato ( she is okay with him but she really likes to tease him for his height and other things. ), Subaru ( he’s okay. ) Ruki ( he can be annoying to her sometimes )
Absolutely despises:
- Reiji ( she finds him annoying and hates how good he is in everything like her sister Mari. )
- +Shin and Carla.
Something they all have in common:
- they all love Yui very much :3333 💗💗💗💗💗
*That’s it for now, I’ll be more than happy to hear your thoughts on them ^^ *
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theaudenator · 1 month
So I know I'm late to the hate bandwagon, but I just found out notoriously "anti-woke" show Mr. Birchum has a canonly gay character. So ofc the target audience is mad abt it. Like damn how you fuck up that bad 😭😭?! I'm glad ppl are making yaoi of it tho cuz that's hilarious
Humor aside, this show is a disgrace to the legacy of Ron Swanson, Ron would fucking hate this show. My condolences go out to Ron Swanson in this matter ❤️
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regularme12 · 7 months
Hazbin Hotel tickle hcs (AGAIN)
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Doing this lil ol' ideaaaa.... I added one more bc it just having 9 questions was kinda throwing me off😭
1. Who's the most ticklish character?
Lucifer. Hands. Down!!! This guy would squeakkk if u just poked his ribcage, so imagine the reactions you'd get out of him if u really tickled him... Esp. his worst spot~.
2. Who’s the character that most people would assume is ticklish, but actually isn’t?
Nifty. Don't ask how people would think her of all devils to be ticklish, but they just do.
3. Who’s the character that everyone gangs up on and tickles?
In the Hotel? Gotta be Sir Pentitous, just because he explicit hilarious reactions, it would've been Angle, but he really hates being tickled, so they gotta set boundaries, you know? But over all, it's Lucifer, just bc he's really sensitive.
4. Who’s the character that somehow knows everyone else’s tickle spots and reveals them to others?
Niftyyyy, she's too energetic, and usually, if not everytime, would hear someone being tickled and rush right to it, just to watch. Just because, since she likes pain, and when she hears someone yell stop, she thinks they're in pain, and absolutly enjoys it way tooo much.
5. Who’s the character with one specific tickle spot that only one other person knows about?
Adam's collar bone is stupid ticklish, like if u only tickle him there, he'll be more ticklish than Lucifer. And Lute knows this, and uses it to blackmail him. She won't tell anyone about Adam's secret, in return of what Lute wants.
6. Who’s the most likely to win gang tickle wars?
Vaggie, she's just so skilled because of what she had to endure in Heaven. Beilieve it or not, but the angles really love tickling other angles, so in order for Vaggie to not be taken down that way, she had to stand her ground, and stand it she did.
7. Which character has a kink for tickling?
Val.😐 No suprise here, but he only has that kink for his very own, special prodigy, Angledust.
8. Which character didn’t even know they were ticklish until another character tickled them?
This is a tie between Alastor and Vaggie, so I'll go with Vaggie first. She didn't know until, I'd like to headcanon her and Emily were like bffs in Heaven, Emily tickled her since Vaggie tickled Emily, and let's just say, all hell broke lose when Vaggie realized she was indeed ticklish. Now, Alastor. He didn't know until Nifty was running up and down his body, and he like jumped and squeaked knocking her off. But of course, with this new found information, Nifty keeps doing it, but she doesn't get far until Alastor pushes her off with force. Husk witnessed it too, and he tried, but let's just say, never again.
9. Which two characters have tickle fights all the time?
Vaggie and Charlie, ofc. They are too cute with each other. Charlie would intiate the tickling, only to be taken down all the time, because Charlie loves being tickled and tickling all together, so she kinda just let her self get taken down. In which, Vaggie really don't mind, bc she hates being tickled, and she loves her girlfriend's giggles. So it's a win-win situation.
10. Which character only let's one specific character tickle them?
Husk only let's Angle tickle him, bc he has a soft spot for the spider demon. Cuteeeeeeee >_<
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
i always found it weird how rick was never consistent when it came to nico getting ostracized it was so contradicting between will telling him he pushed himself away and percy just agreeing with him😭
=))))))))))) Ikr? That’s just so hilarious. 🤣🤣🤣 Will said it like CHB welcomed everyone whereas Percy Jackson the de facto leader is right there accepting it. 🙆‍♀️
Now. I think there’re many things going on for this.
The first thing I can think of is, well, Rick needs it for the plot. 🤷‍♀️ Nico’s like his plot device, you know?
Because he isn’t at camp -> he comes in contact with more sources -> he gathers information -> helping those who have no idea what they’re doing despite being the protagonists.
So basically. Rick needs Nico to leave. 🤷‍♀️ It’s just simple.
(Ofc this involves the whole character arc he creates but like akxhajxhak you know what I mean)
Ok maybe not that simple. Technically a good plot requires him to think of a logical, reasonable, context-fit explanation/ a series of incidents for why Nico has to leave. That roles fell into ‘Hades’ kids get ostracized’ (wasn’t a good choice as you can see) and now here we are. 🙆‍♀️
It might be possible that Will and Percy have very different views on CHB as a whole.
This is reasonable. Will is a son of Apollo healer, one of the most populated cabin. Percy is, well, Percy: son of a big Three, the prophecy child. Same reason as Nico is the Hades’ kid, the difference in linage prompts difference in treatment, leading to difference in the recipients’ reviews.
Generally, we can see Will is quite adored at camp. He has friends. He can pacify Clarisse. His role as a healer probably helps him make friends, too. Of course, we barely have any idea how Will was treated from the first day he went to Camp, so half of this might be just assumption (and should be taken with a grant of salt).
On the other hand, I can’t quite recall it correctly at the moment since it has been so long but apparently Percy didn’t have a nice smooth merge in with the Camp? People were wary of him as the son of Poseidon, child of the prophecy too. It’s also why Luke got to him so easily just by being nice. Percy had to fight to get his place, too. (Clarisse would still dunk his head in the toilet btw)
So as you can see: As it turns out, both Will and Percy probably have their own reasons for their views.
Maybe CHB is more complicated than we think. Unlike Camp Jupiter wherein a series of rules are applied and kids were raised disciplined by wolves, CHB is more lax - which might or might not bring another series of problems on another category.
All in all, Rick did not do it well to come up with a plot-wise logical reason for Nico’s leave. Or rather: the explanation he gave (Nico said people only liked him after he helped defeated Kronos and then went back to avoid him) sounds more like an excuse and brings more problems than not.
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coichii · 11 months
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Mario kart and cuddles - HAN JISUNG
pairing: han x gn!reader
genre: fluff (ofc) hurt/comfort if you squint
word count: 0.6k
warnings: nothing I could think of
A/N : I don’t really like this😭 it’s shorter than I would’ve liked but I couldn’t think of any ideas for him and it was making mad🙁
You finally returned home after a long and grueling day at work. Your boss was all over you, giving you piles of extra work since two of your co workers didn’t show up today. To add onto that, it was your week to deal with the new batch of interns, and they were extremely hard to navigate and work with.
All you wanted to do was lay down and cuddle with your boyfriend. Today was a rare chance to be with him this early in the day, since he usually stayed at the dorms or at the studio. You were really happy to get some alone time with him, but your job kept that from happening.
You swiftly put down your bag, not bothering to make something to eat, and headed straight to your bathroom to take a shower. Before you take your shower, you check to see if Han is awake, not surprised to see that he was up playing games on his switch.
After you take your shower, you put on a (his) hoodie and some pajama pants before joining him on the bed and snuggling into his side.
“How was your day baby?” He asked, not taking his eyes off of the screen. The thoughts of how stressful work was flooded back into your head, causing you to groan which made Han giggle a little.
“I don’t wanna talk about it” you whined, wrapping your arms around his waist.
“Want to play some Mario kart against me? Maybe it’ll help you take your mind off of things” he suggested, handing you your controller. At first, you wanted to say no and just sleep, but his eyes were tempting and so you agreed.
“Yes! I finally beat you” you exclaim, shooting up from the bed and childishly mocking your boyfriend, who was staring at the screen in disbelief.
It’s been about, 20 minutes since he first suggested the idea to you. He had beaten you in the 4 previous rounds, but you were getting irritated so you decided to mess with him by giving him a quick kiss to his cheek which flustered him so badly that you could take the lead. It might have been just a little but his reaction was worth it.
“That’s not fair! You cheated” Han pouted, still blushing from earlier. You found this undeniably hilarious and cute, pinching his cheeks to his dismay and making him groan.
“As long as you’re feeling better, I don’t mind” He said, lying back down on the bed.
“You did make me feel better, thank you.” You replied, laying your head on his chest. You watched as he powered off his switch, placed it to the side, and gave his full attention to you.
“You don’t have to thank me, it’s my job. Now you should get some sleep ok baby?” He suggested, turning off the light. You tried to close your eyes and sleep, but after 10 minutes, you were still awake. You started to get frustrated and tightened your grip on him, and Han picked up on this.
“Whats wrong?” He asked, looking in your tired eyes. You explained to him that you were struggling to sleep, so he started to rub your hair and tell you about the small details of his day. He knew that listening to his voice helped calm you down, so he went through everything he could think of to talk about. This ranged from his day, to the latest anime he watched, to all the things he loved about you when he thought you were sleeping. (You were NOT sleeping and teased him about this in the morning)
You fell asleep not long after, soothed by his gentle voice and comforting hold.
Back to masterlist (skz)
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eliteseven · 4 months
I read the post about Tav and Shadowheart had sex in Astarion’s tent and found it hilarious. I can see Tav being hesitant, but Shadowheart gets her way. I’d like to think those two made such a mess in his tent that when Astarion returns he thinks he’s been robbed. Tav’s trying to hide in embarrassment while Shadowheart looks proud of what they did. This would be a hilarious oneshot.
Oh yeahhh… I remember that answer quite vividly lol. (Context- it was revenge for biting/trying to bite Tav in her sleep!!! It wasn’t unprovoked!! 😭) it’s Shadowheart making a little possessive statement, ofc:
I like to think they’d make a mess too but Astarion lives rather sparsely lmao. Some wine goblets are knocked over, the planter falls off the table (which Tav very carefully puts back in place 🥹). They use his mirror to enjoy the view of themselves while they commit their heinous crime! 😅 (they actually enjoy that part a bit too much)
Still, I think you’re so right- Shadowheart is cocky about it and Tav just wants to go back to the safety of her tent afterwards and have Shadowheart shroud them in darkness 💀 but ofc it was thrilling and thoroughly enjoyed by both of them!!
Might start a little mini war of jabs between Astarion and Shadowheart but it’s all in good fun, I really really like to think they’re catty best friends who actually care for each other, despite their little comments and rivalry 🥰
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ticklishfiend · 5 months
um long irl tickle story because i’m tweaking out rn 😀
so i’ve got this friend who is also not Just A Friend and it’s complicated LMFAO anyways, we’ve done kink play stuff before so we know everything each other is into. obviously this means they know i’m real big into tickling fjskjf (which no, is not purely sexual for me lol. neither of us are very sexual people, kink isn’t always abt sex and i think more people in this community need that to register in their brains LOL)
ANYWAYYS so i dont think they know Just how into it i am, like they dont even know abt this blog but im slowly working up the courage to tell them abt it bc i know they wouldnt be weirded out (im just shy LOL). so bc they dont rlly know how big of a thing this is for me, they’ve never Really tickled me before.
now, i’ve tickled them. plenty actually lol. it’s super fun and i love tickling them sosososo much bc they’re reactions are so cute and they’re really good at holding still lol. but anytime they’ve tickled me, it’s mainly just like a poke here or a squeeze there, nothing for real yknow.
which is like. it’s fine. but every time they do it i get skyrocketed into the biggest lee mood for like days on end and usually i get too embarrassed to tell them dhsjndjsg
but the other day i actually decided to tell them how much it affected me. we had both spent the night at a friends house, and at every sleepover when its time for bed, our other friend goes to her room and then its just the two of us alone in the living room. we were high the other night and cuddling, and they kept teasing me by making claw hands and wiggling their fingers at me (i’ve told them before it flusters me So Bad when they do it and now they’re just relentless with it 😭😭), they poked me a few times like usual but also kept quickly skittering their fingers on my foot which they’ve never done before and dhsjjdjdf i was too high i was losing my mind
so that was it, but the next day when i got home i texted them telling them they were so evil for that bc now im feeling crazy. they found that hilarious and teased me abt it for a minute 😭 so i thought that was the end of it bc they rarely tease me too much (im mainly the dom in our relationship so i can understand why lol)
but then. but then.
my friend group went hiking all day today, so when we got back to my friends house we were pretty beat. me and my friend were cuddling on the couch watching tv, but they just kept. poking. me. i felt crazy LMFAO
so ofc bc im me, i was tickling back! i’m more deliberate with my tickles, so i kept squeezing their side and poking places i know they’re ticklish at. they ofc kept making wiggly hands at me, but atp im like so lee and it’s not enough 😭
so. i called them a coward! (teasingly, ofc). i didn’t get specific cause our other friends were right there and id rather they not know abt it LMAO but this main friend knew what i was talking about. they were playing all offended, trying to defend themselves, but they kept not actually tickling me so ofc i kept calling them a coward hehehe
so later tonight once we were at our own houses, we text each other almost immediately. ofc because i was feeling super lee after all that i told them i was (playfully) mad at them for teasing me earlier
they started defending themself again saying they aren’t a coward, so i texted back with “always threatening but never actually does anything about it 🥱 coward behavior to me”
they texted back with “when i come over tmrrw its over. im gonna get you”
i was. freaking out LMFAOOO
they kept teasing me back and forth about it and i am STILL losing my mind and that was hours ago 😭😭
we’re hanging out tmrrw night and yall. yall idk if i can HANDLE ITFNFKD we’re spending the night like we always do so once we’re alone and ALSO HIGH AGAIN………bitch i can’t my stomach just turned a flip thinking about it omfg
anyways yeah sorry i know this was long but this little back and forth on “will they ever actually tickle me” has been going on for almost a YEAR now so im justifiably freaking out abt it LMFAOO
i’m also taking my driving test for my license tmrrw before we hang out so let’s hope i don’t start thinking abt tickles and crash the car 👍
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trickstarbrave · 1 year
squeeee dragon! dragon! cute baby dragon! its so cute, you did such a great job drawing him!
more deets on obsidian please? also!! ansa's interactions w him!
I love Obsidian so much ofc I’ll talk abt him 😭
>she found the egg after a puzzle that required blood, and he was in a furnace. Seems like the cult was trying and failing to hatch him. His egg was smooth and shiny as obsidian, hence his name. Ansa just carried it at first thinking it might be important but quickly learned she couldn’t get rid of it and kept staring at it, turning it over, and gently talking to it. The guild, understandably, thought she was crazy bc they all thought it was just a stupid rock
>egg turns super hot when hatching except to its parents so when brynolf tried to grab it it burned his hand. He still has a slight scar from it that obsidian seems apologetic abt even tho none of them were sure how he could know or how sentient he is
>he’s a little menace as a baby. If Ansa isn’t holding him he will begin crying and wailing like he’s being killed and rip up anything he can reach so. No super important stealthy missions for Ansa for a while
>he has black scales and red horns and eyes!
>loves to ride on her shoulder or in her traveling bag
>when the Helgen attack happens he’s very excited to see his dad and refused to GET BACK IN THE FUCKING BAG
>his first shout is ‘fus’ after Ansa learns it, followed by ‘yol’
>was bottle fed at first b4 moving on to basically eating anything. He loves salmon and apples the most but loves trying to catch dragonflies more
>the second Delphine sees him she knows he’s a dragon and wants to kill him so I imagine she’ll be a problem later on
>begins speaking common like a toddler around the 2 year mark which will. Deffo freak Ansa out as her baby learns full sentences
>obsidian insists on sleeping on Ansa. Even if she tosses and turns he Will find a way
>likes being held like a human baby bc his mom looks human so obv he should be held like humans hold their babies
>Delvin keeps feeding him scraps even tho Ansa told him not to.
>tries to dig up dragon burial mounds if Alduin hasn’t gotten to them yet
>technically has a supernatural sense of where both of his parents are but he’s a crybaby and if his mom is not with him 24/7 he IS going to throw a tantrum. So he could basically function as an alduin detector
>he can’t swim yet :( he wants to swim with his feral mom who catches fishies for him bare handed in her underwear like the freak she is
>actually rly likes foxes and wants to play w them. They don’t feel the same way tho. This I just think is funny bc shor and foxes. Yknow
>loves gold. He wants to learn to pickpocket like his mom, but he doesn’t have hands so it is pretty difficult. He WILL steal stuff from markets tho. Mama is in the thieves guild ofc he thinks stealing is okay
>loves giving kisses. He’s a very sweet boy
>one time ate a bee and his cheek swelled up. Odahviing who is traveling w them found this hilarious. Ansa nearly strangled him for laughing at her baby. He did not eat bees after that but quickly formed plans on how to weaponize hives in combat if he ever needed to
>this is a spoiler but comes up quickly and is hinted at a lot: Ansa is the reincarnation of obsidian’s birth mom and Alduin’s mate. Alduin is stupid in denial abt this, bc ew mortal, even tho he knows a dragon egg can’t hatch unless one of its parents is incubating it and taking care of it
>related to this and also still a spoiler: obsidian’s uncle is Odahviing!! Alduin’s mate and Odahviing were clutch mates (after getting older most dragons normally just consider Akatosh their father and choose to ignore true sibling bonds above all else) and he finds Ansa pretty quickly and goes in human disguise to travel with her. Bc it’s funny and feels bad to leave his reborn sister with a baby alone if Alduin is gonna throw a tantrum and be stubborn abt it. I’m looking forward to these parts
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