#+ artistic expression of admiration and empathy
chatdae · 4 months
okay GENUINELY what does "We call everything on the ice 'love'" mean??
I am not certain what Yuuri means... maybe that all of the collaboration, competition, and sharing of ideas that takes place in skating is all a form of showing love? Enough to make me shake and cry and fall over, but i'd still love to hear if people have other interpretations
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ghostlyferrettarot · 2 months
★Pick a Picture: ✨️👑What makes you Charming?👑✨️
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•Pile 1 •Pile 2 •Pile 3
❗️This is a collective reading, take what resonates and leave the rest❗️
✨️Paid Services ✨️ (Natal charts and tarot readings) Open!
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👑Pile 1: The Sun, 3 of Cups and 9 of Cups.
Hi pile 1! You are a person who radiates independence and confidence, which makes you someone very confident in the eyes of others. They likely see you as a born leader.
I also see that you are perceived to have a great sense of humor, which makes you cool, pile 1. "The cool girl/boy", its what i heard. Honestly, I love your energy pile 1! your friends are lucky to have you!
I just feel like you are truly fun and amazing, the type of friend you want to hang out and party with.
Your loyalty and honesty also stand out. There is a duality in your person in which you continue to show empathy and be very open with those you love despite your honest approach to life; this makes others simply love having you around. Your type of energy is really special, sun energy for sure.
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👑Pile 2: 10 of Cups, Queen of Wands and The Fool.
Hi pile 2! You are truly unique pile 2. You have an air of selectivity that makes you stand out as someone really "foward" or "ahead of your time". You probably take great care of your energy and others find it charming how you prioritize yourself and how dedicated you are in everything you do.
Also, I perceive that others see you as someone extremely talented, with a bright future ahead of you. Whatever you dedicate yourself to, others appreciate this a lot; I feel that you put a unique vision into your career/hobby/study, which makes you stand out and that others admire a lot. This pile is definitely the "artistic" one, I feel that they can express a lot and reach many people through their art; "change the world" is what I heard, so if you were thinking of exhibiting your art somewhere, do it!
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👑Pile 3: Queen of Swords, The High Priestess and 4 of Wands.
Hi pile 3! Your energy is really captivating, I feel that there is something in you that is extremely charming, you may have prominent positions or aspects of Taurus, Scorpio, Libra or Venus.
You are someone really imposing, many may be your admirers, with an energy similar to that of Megan Fox in Jennifers Body.
I also perceive that you are someone who knows what you want, very determined; this is something that others find very charming about you, the way you hold yourself.
Your presence is really magnetic, and it is clear that you have a personality that attracts others. You are someone with a very special energy, which does not go unnoticed by anyone; there is a certain air of elegance too. It may be your personal style or the way you dress, but others are fascinated by it, pile 3.
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✨️Thanks for reading and tell me if it resonated ✨️
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kleopatra45 · 2 months
Aspects of Venus in the Natal Chart
☌ Venus Conjunct Other Planets
Conjunctions can be both positive and negative. On the positive side, they combine the energies of the planets involved, enhancing their qualities and creating a powerful synergy. This can result in heightened strengths and abilities in the areas governed by the conjunct planets. On the negative side, conjunctions can amplify challenging traits, potentially leading to imbalances or conflicts if the combined energies are not well-integrated or harmonized.
Venus Conjunct Sun: This conjunction blends love (Venus) with identity and ego (Sun), creating a harmonious alignment between personal desires and affectionate expression. The individual radiates warmth and charm, often attracting admiration and forming deep emotional connections. However, there may be challenges in distinguishing between personal needs and the needs of the relationship, sometimes leading to self-indulgence or dependency. Venus Conjunct Moon: When Venus is conjunct the Moon, emotions and affections are deeply intertwined. This aspect enhances sensitivity and a nurturing nature in relationships. Individuals are likely to seek harmony and beauty in their personal lives. They have a strong need for love and comfort, often expressing their feelings with warmth and tenderness, making them charming and empathetic partners. Venus Conjunct Mercury: This aspect enhances charm and communication in relationships. The individual expresses affection through articulate and persuasive language, fostering harmonious interactions and intellectual rapport. However, there could be a tendency to prioritize mental stimulation over emotional depth, occasionally leading to superficiality in emotional exchanges. Venus Conjunct Mars: This conjunction combines love and desire, enhancing passion and assertiveness in relationships. The individual pursues their desires with charm and confidence, often initiating romantic connections with vigor. However, it can also lead to emotional impulsiveness or conflicts arising from differences in emotional and physical needs. Venus Conjunct Jupiter: This aspect enhances love and generosity, promoting optimism and expansiveness in relationships. The individual values harmony and growth, often seeking to elevate their emotional connections through shared experiences and mutual understanding. However, there may be tendencies towards overindulgence or unrealistic expectations in emotional matters. Venus Conjunct Saturn: This conjunction blends love with responsibility and commitment. The individual values stability and longevity in relationships, often approaching love with maturity and patience. However, it can also lead to emotional restraint or fear of vulnerability, as they prioritize security and practical considerations in emotional affairs. Venus Conjunct Uranus: This aspect promotes uniqueness and unpredictability in emotional expression. The individual values independence and innovation in relationships, often seeking excitement and freedom in love. However, it can also lead to emotional detachment or sudden changes in emotional preferences, challenging the stability of romantic connections. Venus Conjunct Neptune: This conjunction enhances sensitivity and idealism in love. The individual is deeply compassionate and romantic, often drawn to mystical or artistic expressions of affection. It supports emotional empathy and spiritual connection in relationships but may also lead to idealization or confusion regarding emotional boundaries. Venus Conjunct Pluto: This aspect intensifies love and transformation in relationships. The individual experiences profound emotional depth and may undergo significant personal growth through intense emotional experiences. However, it can also lead to power struggles or obsessions in love, as they navigate the complexities of intimacy and control.
⚹ Venus Sextile Other Planets
Sextiles are positive aspects that encourage cooperation and the easy flow of energies between the involved planets. This harmonious connection facilitates smooth interactions and enhances the beneficial qualities of each planet, leading to supportive and constructive outcomes. The ease of this aspect promotes opportunities for growth, creativity, and positive developments in the areas influenced by the sextile.
Venus Sextile Sun: This harmonious aspect enhances creativity and self-expression in relationships. The individual radiates warmth and affection, fostering mutual respect and admiration. It supports emotional harmony and cooperative efforts towards shared goals, enhancing the overall enjoyment of romantic connections. Venus Sextile Moon: A Venus-Moon sextile brings a harmonious blend of emotional sensitivity and affectionate expression. This aspect fosters easy emotional connections and enhances social charm. People with this sextile are likely to express love and care in a gentle, supportive manner. They enjoy creating a pleasant, aesthetically pleasing environment and excel in nurturing and maintaining harmonious relationships. Venus Sextile Mercury: This aspect enhances communication and understanding in relationships. The individual expresses affection through thoughtful gestures and attentive listening, fostering intellectual rapport and emotional closeness. It supports harmonious exchanges of ideas and promotes a shared appreciation for mental stimulation. Venus Sextile Mars: This aspect enhances passion and assertiveness in relationships. The individual pursues their desires with grace and determination, often inspiring mutual attraction and emotional intimacy. It supports proactive efforts in romantic pursuits and encourages healthy expressions of desire and affection. Venus Sextile Jupiter: This aspect brings generosity and optimism to love and relationships. The individual values growth and mutual support, often finding joy in shared experiences and emotional expansion. It supports a positive outlook on love and encourages acts of kindness and emotional generosity towards others. Venus Sextile Saturn: This aspect blends love with stability and commitment. The individual values loyalty and reliability in relationships, often fostering long-lasting emotional connections built on trust and mutual respect. It supports practical efforts in love and encourages patient and mature approaches to emotional fulfillment. Venus Sextile Uranus: This aspect promotes innovation and spontaneity in emotional expression. The individual values freedom and individuality in relationships, often seeking unconventional or exciting romantic experiences. It supports adaptability in love and encourages creative solutions to emotional challenges. Venus Sextile Neptune: This aspect enhances sensitivity and compassion in relationships. The individual is empathetic and romantic, often expressing affection through artistic or spiritual means. It supports emotional healing and fosters deep emotional connections based on mutual understanding and empathy. Venus Sextile Pluto: This aspect brings intensity and transformation to love and relationships. The individual experiences profound emotional growth and may undergo significant personal changes through deep emotional connections. It supports emotional resilience and encourages the exploration of intimacy and shared vulnerability.
□ Venus Square Other Planets
Squares are negative aspects that create tension and challenges between the involved planets, prompting growth through conflict. This dynamic aspect often leads to struggles and obstacles that need to be overcome, pushing individuals to address and resolve the underlying issues. The friction generated by squares can be difficult to navigate, but it ultimately encourages personal development and resilience as one learns to balance and harmonize the conflicting energies.
Venus Square Sun: This challenging aspect creates tension between personal desires and the needs of others in relationships. The individual may struggle with issues of self-worth or feelings of inadequacy, affecting their ability to form balanced emotional connections. However, it also encourages self-awareness and personal growth through learning to prioritize mutual respect and emotional reciprocity. Venus Square Moon: Venus square the Moon can create tension between emotional needs and desires for affection. This aspect may lead to difficulties in balancing personal feelings with relational expectations. There can be internal conflict or inconsistency in expressing love and emotions, resulting in potential misunderstandings or dissatisfaction in relationships. Learning to navigate these differences is essential for emotional harmony. Venus Square Mercury: This aspect can lead to misunderstandings or conflicts in communication within relationships. The individual may struggle to express their affections clearly or to understand the emotional needs of others. It challenges them to develop empathy and effective communication skills in emotional exchanges. Venus Square Mars: This aspect can lead to conflicts or power struggles in relationships. The individual may experience challenges balancing emotional desires with assertive actions, potentially leading to emotional confrontations or misunderstandings. However, it also fosters emotional courage and assertiveness through learning to assert boundaries and manage conflicts constructively. Venus Square Jupiter: This aspect can create conflicts between emotional indulgence and practical realities in relationships. The individual may struggle with overextending themselves emotionally or having unrealistic expectations of others. It challenges them to find balance and moderation in emotional exchanges, fostering emotional maturity and realistic emotional expectations. Venus Square Saturn: This aspect generates tension between love and responsibility in relationships. The individual may experience fears or insecurities related to commitment or emotional vulnerability. It challenges them to develop patience and emotional resilience in forming lasting emotional connections based on trust and mutual support. Venus Square Uranus: This aspect can lead to conflicts or disruptions in emotional stability within relationships. The individual may feel torn between the desire for emotional freedom and the need for security or stability. It challenges them to find creative solutions to emotional challenges while maintaining authenticity and respect for emotional boundaries. Venus Square Neptune: This aspect can create confusion or idealism in relationships. The individual may struggle with boundaries or clarity in emotional matters, potentially leading to emotional vulnerability or disillusionment. It challenges them to develop realistic emotional expectations and to communicate openly and honestly in romantic connections. Venus Square Pluto: This aspect can lead to power struggles or intense emotional transformations in relationships. The individual may experience issues of control or possessiveness, challenging them to confront deep-seated emotional fears or desires. It encourages them to navigate emotional complexities with honesty and respect for emotional autonomy.
△ Venus Trine Other Planets
Trines are positive aspects that create a smooth and beneficial connection between the involved planets, enhancing talents and creating a sense of ease. This harmonious aspect facilitates the natural flow of energy, making it easier to express and develop the qualities associated with the planets. Trines often lead to emotional balance, inner harmony, and an overall sense of well-being, as the supportive nature of this aspect encourages the effortless integration of strengths and abilities.
Venus Trine Sun: This harmonious aspect enhances love and creativity in relationships. The individual expresses affection with warmth and generosity, fostering mutual appreciation and respect. It supports emotional harmony and encourages creative collaboration and shared enjoyment in romantic connections. Venus Trine Moon: With Venus trine the Moon, there is a natural flow of emotional expression and affection. This aspect brings ease and grace in relationships, enhancing charm and social grace. Individuals with this trine are likely to be emotionally supportive and nurturing, finding joy in creating a loving, harmonious environment. Their warmth and kindness attract positive relationships and mutual understanding. Venus Trine Mercury: This aspect enhances communication and understanding in relationships. The individual expresses love and affection through clear and thoughtful communication, fostering intellectual rapport and emotional intimacy. It supports harmonious exchanges of ideas and promotes a shared appreciation for mental stimulation and emotional closeness. Venus Trine Mars: This aspect enhances passion and assertiveness in relationships. The individual pursues their desires with grace and confidence, often inspiring mutual attraction and emotional fulfillment. It supports proactive efforts in romantic pursuits and encourages healthy expressions of desire and emotional intimacy. Venus Trine Jupiter: This aspect brings joy and optimism to love and relationships. The individual values growth and mutual support, often finding happiness in shared experiences and emotional expansion. It supports a positive outlook on love and encourages acts of kindness and generosity in romantic connections. Venus Trine Saturn: This aspect blends love with stability and commitment. The individual values loyalty and reliability in relationships, often fostering enduring emotional connections built on trust and mutual respect. It supports practical efforts in love and encourages patient and mature approaches to emotional fulfillment. Venus Trine Uranus: This aspect promotes spontaneity and excitement in emotional expression. The individual values freedom and individuality in relationships, often seeking unconventional or innovative romantic experiences. It supports adaptability in love and encourages creative solutions to emotional challenges. Venus Trine Neptune: This aspect enhances sensitivity and compassion in relationships. The individual is empathetic and romantic, often expressing affection through artistic or spiritual means. It supports emotional healing and fosters deep emotional connections based on mutual understanding and empathy. Venus Trine Pluto: This aspect brings intensity and transformation to love and relationships. The individual experiences profound emotional growth and may undergo significant personal changes through deep emotional connections. It supports emotional resilience and encourages exploration of intimacy and shared vulnerability.
☍ Venus Opposition Other Planets
Oppositions in astrology create a dynamic of tension and awareness between the energies of the planets involved. This aspect often highlights contrasting needs and urges individuals to find a balance between them. While oppositions can create challenges, they also provide opportunities for growth and integration as one learns to navigate the tension between opposing forces.
Venus Opposite Sun: This aspect creates tension between personal desires and the needs of others in relationships. The individual may struggle with issues of self-worth or feelings of inadequacy, impacting their ability to form balanced emotional connections. However, it also encourages self-awareness and personal growth through learning to prioritize mutual respect and emotional reciprocity. Venus Opposite Moon: Venus opposite the Moon can indicate a push-pull dynamic between emotional needs and expressions of affection. This aspect often brings challenges in balancing personal feelings with the desire for relational harmony. There may be a tendency to seek validation through relationships, leading to potential dependency or emotional conflict. Striving for self-awareness and balance is key to managing this aspect. Venus Opposite Mercury: This aspect can lead to misunderstandings or conflicts in communication within relationships. The individual may struggle to express their affections clearly or to understand the emotional needs of others. It challenges them to develop empathy and effective communication skills in emotional exchanges. Venus Opposite Mars: This aspect can lead to conflicts or power struggles in relationships. The individual may experience challenges balancing emotional desires with assertive actions, potentially leading to emotional confrontations or misunderstandings. However, it also fosters emotional courage and assertiveness through learning to assert boundaries and manage conflicts constructively. Venus Opposite Jupiter: This aspect can create conflicts between emotional indulgence and practical realities in relationships. The individual may struggle with overextending themselves emotionally or having unrealistic expectations of others. It challenges them to find balance and moderation in emotional exchanges, fostering emotional maturity and realistic emotional expectations. Venus Opposite Saturn: This aspect generates tension between love and responsibility in relationships. The individual may experience fears or insecurities related to commitment or emotional vulnerability. It challenges them to develop patience and emotional resilience in forming lasting emotional connections based on trust and mutual support. Venus Opposite Uranus: This aspect can lead to conflicts or disruptions in emotional stability within relationships. The individual may feel torn between the desire for emotional freedom and the need for security or stability. It challenges them to find creative solutions to emotional challenges while maintaining authenticity and respect for emotional boundaries. Venus Opposite Neptune: This aspect can create confusion or idealism in relationships. The individual may struggle with boundaries or clarity in emotional matters, potentially leading to emotional vulnerability or disillusionment. It challenges them to develop realistic emotional expectations and to communicate openly and honestly in romantic connections. Venus Opposite Pluto: This aspect can lead to power struggles or intense emotional transformations in relationships. The individual may experience issues of control or possessiveness, challenging them to confront deep-seated emotional fears or desires. It encourages them to navigate emotional complexities with honesty and respect for emotional autonomy.
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venusiancharisma · 1 year
What Type of Lover Do You Attract - Natal Chart Edition
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This is a fun way to reveal the type of lover or type of energy you naturally attract into your life based on specific placements in your chart. Since I am not including specific transits, just keep in mind that this is on a broad & more thematic scale that doesn't include what you, yourself may actually want and need from a lover. It is tapping into the type that YOU ATTRACT based on natal placements
I will be honing in on Venus sign & house, 7th house ruler & descendant, and Mars' sign & house placements
—> 7th house & descendant slightly differ; descendant is a point on the cusp & this is where we find our specific relationship preferences vs the house as a whole which can usually fall into 2 signs & show a more nuanced theme of attraction <3
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Venus Sign:
Venus in your natal chart represents your approach to love, relationships, and attraction. The sign and house placement of Venus can offer insights into the type of lover you might attract and the qualities you value in a partner. Here's a general overview of Venus in each sign and house:
Venus in Aries: You attract passionate and dynamic partners who are assertive and independent. They're drawn to your boldness and enthusiasm.
Venus in Taurus: You attract partners who value stability, sensuality, and comfort. They appreciate your loyalty and enjoy shared pleasures.
Venus in Gemini: You attract communicative and intellectually stimulating partners. They're drawn to your wit and curiosity.
Venus in Cancer: You attract nurturing and emotionally connected partners who seek a strong bond. They appreciate your sensitivity and warmth.
Venus in Leo: You attract partners who are confident, expressive, and appreciate your creativity. They're drawn to your charisma and playfulness.
Venus in Virgo: You attract partners who are practical, detail-oriented, and helpful. They admire your diligence and desire to contribute.
Venus in Libra: You attract harmonious and diplomatic partners who value balance and fairness. They're drawn to your charm and willingness to compromise.
Venus in Scorpio: You attract intense and passionate partners who seek deep emotional connections. They're intrigued by your mysterious and transformative nature.
Venus in Sagittarius: You attract adventurous and open-minded partners who appreciate your love for exploration. They're drawn to your optimism and sense of freedom.
Venus in Capricorn: You attract partners who are ambitious, responsible, and value stability. They admire your determination and strong work ethic.
Venus in Aquarius: You attract unconventional and intellectually stimulating partners who value individuality. They're drawn to your unique perspective and open-mindedness.
Venus in Pisces: You attract compassionate and spiritually inclined partners who seek a deep emotional connection. They're drawn to your empathy and dreamy nature.
Venus House:
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1st House: You attract partners who are drawn to your appearance, confidence, and how you project yourself to the world. These individuals are captivated by your charisma and physical presence.
2nd House: You attract partners who value stability, comfort, and shared resources. They're attracted to your practicality and the way you handle financial matters.
3rd House: You attract communicative and intellectually stimulating partners. These individuals are captivated by your conversational skills, curiosity, and the way you express your ideas.
4th House: You attract partners who seek emotional security and a strong sense of family. They're drawn to your nurturing nature and your ability to create a comfortable home environment.
5th House: You attract lovers who enjoy creativity, fun, and self-expression. These individuals are charmed by your playfulness, enthusiasm, and the way you express yourself artistically.
6th House: You attract partners who value practicality, organization, and a sense of duty. They appreciate your helpfulness, attention to detail, and willingness to take care of them.
7th House: You attract harmonious and balanced partners who seek companionship and cooperation. They're drawn to your diplomacy, charm, and your ability to create harmonious relationships.
8th House: You attract intense and transformative partners who value deep emotional connections. These individuals are intrigued by your passion, intensity, and your ability to share your innermost feelings.
9th House: You attract adventurous and open-minded partners who value exploration and personal growth. They're drawn to your enthusiasm for new experiences and your philosophical outlook on life.
10th House: You attract partners who are ambitious, responsible, and value their public image. They're captivated by your professionalism, leadership qualities, and your drive to succeed.
11th House: You attract unconventional and intellectually stimulating partners who value individuality. These individuals are drawn to your unique perspectives, your involvement in social groups, and your ability to connect on an intellectual level.
12th House: You attract compassionate and spiritually inclined partners who value deep emotional and spiritual connections. They're intrigued by your empathy, your ability to connect on a profound level, and your willingness to support them emotionally.
7th House Sign/Descendant:
Zodiac signs that fall in the 7th house and Descendant of a natal chart can provide insights into the type of lover someone attracts and the qualities they seek in a partner. The 7th house is associated with partnerships and relationships, while the Descendant represents the qualities you're drawn to in others. The pairing of opposites is the energy that each similarly take on when they are placed in this house -
this section isn’t saying that if you have a sign in the 7th house it means that your descendant becomes the opposite sign, it’s just that the sign of the 7th house would energetically match the coordinated sign of the descendant sign
Youre gonna look your 7th house sign as well as the rising as the 7th house sign… it’s shows what you’re attracting vs what they are attracted to in you and depending on your projection, it can change from relationship to relationship. I’m Aries descendant/7th house and Libra rising… some relationships I attract super independent Aries type energy, allowing me to project a more balanced energy while some relationships I attract the diplomat/balance seeking partner which puts me in an energy of projecting my more Aries qualities.
Aries in the 7th House / Libra Descendant: You attract partners who are assertive, confident, and dynamic. These individuals are drawn to your independence and enthusiasm. They may seek balance and harmony in relationships, and they appreciate your direct approach to resolving conflicts.
Taurus in the 7th House / Scorpio Descendant: You attract partners who value stability, sensuality, and emotional depth. These individuals are drawn to your loyalty and your ability to provide a strong sense of security. They may seek transformative and passionate connections.
Gemini in the 7th House / Sagittarius Descendant: You attract communicative and intellectually stimulating partners. These individuals are drawn to your curiosity and your ability to engage in meaningful conversations. They may seek a partner with whom they can share their adventurous spirit.
Cancer in the 7th House / Capricorn Descendant: You attract nurturing and emotionally connected partners. These individuals are drawn to your sensitivity and your ability to create a supportive home environment. They may seek a partner who values responsibility and commitment.
Leo in the 7th House / Aquarius Descendant: You attract partners who appreciate your charisma, creativity, and leadership qualities. These individuals are drawn to your uniqueness and your ability to stand out. They may seek a partner who values individuality and innovation.
Virgo in the 7th House / Pisces Descendant: You attract partners who value practicality, attention to detail, and emotional depth. These individuals are drawn to your nurturing nature and your willingness to provide support. They may seek a partner with whom they can share their dreams and ideals.
Libra in the 7th House / Aries Descendant: You attract harmonious and diplomatic partners. These individuals are drawn to your charm and your ability to create balanced relationships. They may seek a partner who values independence and takes initiative.
Scorpio in the 7th House / Taurus Descendant: You attract intense and transformative partners. These individuals are drawn to your depth and passion. They may seek a partner who values stability, sensuality, and loyalty.
Sagittarius in the 7th House / Gemini Descendant: You attract adventurous and open-minded partners. These individuals are drawn to your enthusiasm for exploration and your ability to engage in stimulating conversations. They may seek a partner with whom they can share their ideas and experiences.
Capricorn in the 7th House / Cancer Descendant: You attract partners who value responsibility, commitment, and emotional connection. These individuals are drawn to your practical nature and your ability to provide security. They may seek a partner who values family and home.
Aquarius in the 7th House / Leo Descendant: You attract unconventional and intellectually stimulating partners. These individuals are drawn to your unique perspectives and your ability to express your individuality. They may seek a partner who appreciates your creativity and authenticity.
Pisces in the 7th House / Virgo Descendant: You attract compassionate and spiritually inclined partners. These individuals are drawn to your empathy and your ability to create a harmonious environment. They may seek a partner who values practicality and attention to detail.
I will continue this in the next post, stay tuned!
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astrolovecosmos · 7 months
Aries - Libra Axis: Tells a story about taking action vs. indecision, inaction, and procrastination. Tells a story about selfishness but also giving to the detriment of self, lack of boundaries, assertion, charm, persuasion, force, peace and war, leadership and cooperation, independence vs. partnerships, passion, romance, self-awareness vs. shallowness and detachment, insensitivity vs. tact, cheating and deception, winning and losing, honesty and bravery. Tells a story about lovers and fighters.
Taurus - Scorpio Axis: Tells a story about control, power, jealousy, resentment, stubbornness, indulgence and sensuality, comfort and thrill, safety and danger, possessive behavior, materialism, emotional strength and influence, inner security or contentment and inner empowerment and passion, willpower, revenge, grudges, manipulation, obsession, seduction, self-destruction, transformation and rebuilding. Tells a story about self-mastery and self-esteem.
Gemini - Sagittarius Axis: Tells a story about communication, learning, knowledge, teaching, exploration of mind, body, and the world, trickery, con artists, betrayal, support, lies and truth, versatility, duality, variety, curiosity, superficiality vs. depth, philosophy, morals, logic, spontaneity and fickleness, symmetry vs. asymmetry, restlessness, carelessness, freedom, exaggeration vs. factual, movement, cunning wit and intellect as well as wisdom, optimism vs. skepticism, dissembling, analyzing, deception, schemes, gossip, boasting, charm vs. tactlessness, and promises. Tells a story about storytelling - lessons and adaptation.
Cancer - Capricorn Axis: Tells a story about protection, self-preservation, endurance, practicality, emotions and rationality, defense vs. offense, vulnerability, attachment, clinging vs. self-reliance, sentiment, nostalgia, home and family, ambition, purpose, clans, tribes, societies, private world vs. external/outer world, moods, cycles, authority, parents/mothers and fathers, caution, responsibility, duty, patience, compassion vs. cruelty, intuition, shrewdness, strategy, contentment vs. dissatisfaction, security vs. insecurity. Tells a story about needs and being uninhibited, as well as control and discipline.
Leo - Aquarius Axis: Tells a story about leadership, charisma, confidence, individuality, self-expression, creativity, innovation, the power of one vs. the power of the many, attention, compulsion, pride, ego, play and discovery, experimentation and rebellion, drama, curiosity, socialization, influence, dignity, generosity, benevolence and/or common good, chaos, destruction, passion vs. dispassion, humanity, divinity, fellowship, organized groups, separation or standing apart, control or tyranny, strangeness and what's rejected vs. what's accepted or even celebrated. Tells a story about the king/queen/politician and anarchist/rebellion/revolutionist.
Virgo - Pisces Axis: Tells a story about the spirit and body, healing, helping others, service, caring for others, listening to your body or your intuition, purity vs. corruption, compassion, sensitivity, impressions, flexibility, logic, imagination, being receptive, mysticism, confusion, illusions, clarity, distillation, categorizing, researching, analyzing - a thorough search for facts/truth. Tells a story about sacrifice, empathy, saving others, discernment, efficiency and productivity vs. procrastination and rest, modesty, free and flowing energy vs. precise and predictable energy, perfectionism vs. admiring flaws, realism or skepticism vs. idealism, details vs. big picture. Tells a story about the dreamer and the worker, the ability to make our dreams come true.
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strayklds · 1 year
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“The reason I started making music was to express my inner struggles through music and to become someone who can represent the concerns of people like us. Instead of becoming an idol or an object of admiration, I hope to be an artist who lives in the same era as those people, someone who can capture the stories of many people in my music and create a sense of empathy together. I want to become a singer who is a proud to someone and a friend-like figure to others.” [trans]
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mercurianchild · 4 months
Venus in the 5th house
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✨Venus in the 5th house: Embracing the Romance and Creativity of Life✨
Venus in the 5th house is like a brush dipped in stardust, painting your life with romance, creativity and an eye for all things beautiful. This placement transforms you into a beacon of charm and artistic flair, drawing love and joy into your orbit. It’s not just about the art you create but the artful way you live your life.
Creativity flows through you effortlessly. Whether you’re drawn to painting, music, dance, or drama, your artistic expressions are infused with a unique, magnetic energy. But it’s more than just traditional art forms—you have a gift for turning everyday experiences into something extraordinary. Your creative spirit isn’t confined; it spills over into your approach to problem-solving and your ability to make life itself a work of art.
Romance with Venus in the 5th house is a series of passionate chapters filled with grand gestures and intimate moments. You’re a true romantic, seeing love not just as a part of life but as a vital, enriching experience. Your charm and magnetism make you irresistible, drawing admirers like moths to a flame. You revel in the highs of love, and even the lows become poetic in your eyes.
Life’s pleasures are your playground. You approach social gatherings with a sense of fun and playfulness that’s infectious. You’re often the heart of the party, your laughter and zest lighting up the room. Your positive energy not only uplifts you but also those around you, making every social interaction a memorable celebration.
Children hold a special place in your heart. Whether you’re a parent, an aunt, or simply someone who loves the innocence and creativity of kids, you connect with them effortlessly. Raising children or engaging with them brings out your best qualities, filling your life with joy and fulfillment.
Yet, this placement isn’t without its shadows. Venus in the 5th house can lead to overindulgence. You might find yourself chasing pleasures to excess, whether it’s spending too much on entertainment, indulging in romantic escapades, or savoring one too many decadent treats. Balance is crucial to avoid the pitfalls of excess.
Your romantic idealism can sometimes lead to heartache. You might idealize your partners, crafting perfect fantasies that reality struggles to meet. When reality falls short, disappointment can hit hard. It’s essential to remember that real love involves effort, compromise, and finding beauty in imperfections. Attention-seeking can also be a challenge. You thrive in the spotlight and might feel unfulfilled without it. This need for recognition can strain relationships if not kept in check. Staying grounded and valuing mutual respect and understanding is key.
The fun loving nature of Venus in the 5th house can also lead to risky behavior. Whether it’s gambling, impulsive decisions, or diving into whirlwind romances, your desire for excitement can sometimes cloud your judgment.
There are subtle nuances to this placement that often get overlooked. The creativity you possess isn’t just about making beautiful things; it’s a powerful tool for healing. Artistic pursuits can help you process emotions, heal old wounds, and create a harmonious inner world. Engaging in these activities is like therapy for your soul, providing solace and clarity.
In our fast-paced, achievement-oriented world, the importance of play is often underestimated. Venus in the 5th house reminds you that playfulness and joy are essential for a balanced, happy life. Embracing play through hobbies, sports, or simply enjoying time with friends can rejuvenate your spirit and bring deeper fulfillment. This placement also blesses you with deep empathy and an ability to connect emotionally with others. You have a knack for making people feel seen, appreciated, and loved. This talent can be a powerful asset in both personal and professional relationships, fostering genuine connections and mutual understanding.
Venus in the 5th house is a gift, filling your life with joy, creativity, and love. By acknowledging and balancing the challenges, such as overindulgence and romantic idealism, you can harness its full potential.
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002yb · 10 months
It’s disconcerting for Zoro to see his captain falter when confronted by their new crew mate. There’s no imminent threat that Jean poses, but Zoro recognizes the man's presence on their ship brings Luffy no small amount of distress. Jean is a challenge Luffy doesn't know how to confront or overcome. The emotional turmoil that follows in Jean's wake is a damning thing and Luffy struggles in an uncharacteristic way that Zoro won't ignore.
“Tell me and I’ll send him off.” Because Luffy is his captain and Zoro is his first mate. Because if Luffy asked anything of him, Zoro would follow through. He might not be able to soothe the nightmares that torment Luffy, but Zoro can banish the ghost that haunts him.
Jean’s resemblance to Ace is uncanny. Zoro is no stranger to being confronted by an unwanted doppelganger of a love lost - to be terrorized by guilt and regret personified. He has no doubt Luffy will adapt despite the discomfort, same as Zoro, but Zoro knows from experience the heartache will stay. A persistent thing even in its dullness.
Jean is his own man, but the ghost he carries with him in body and voice and fiery soul is someone else entirely. Luffy is blindsided by Jean because of it and it makes Zoro wince at how lost Luffy looks, how stricken - like he's floundering in open water, dragged down by a devil's fruit and regret he can't shake.
Sometimes Zoro wonders if his captain sees the artist at all or if all that graphite bleeds red like blood and fire. He wonders if Luffy relents to the man’s continued presence on their ship because Luffy genuinely wants Jean there or if it’s because Luffy can’t fathom turning his back even on Ace’s visage. Is it desire for crew or for his brother?
It’s been a rough adjustment since Jean stowed away to pay his respects and dues. The man is all gratitude and admiration and maybe that, too, is similar to Ace. Not in expression, but perhaps in intensity. There’s a lot that Luffy doesn’t say about his brother, but there are some sleepless nights where Luffy will choke out truths in the dark, his voice muffled by arms strewn across his face or by the breadth of Zoro’s shoulder.
‘He always called me ‘crybaby’.’ Luffy would say around breathy laughter, and Zoro would soothe him in the only way he knows how — with dry banter. A quipped, ‘You probably were,’ that’s followed by titters and a nostalgic, ‘I was. He hated it.’ And Zoro understands that in a way Luffy might not; in the way Ace did.
‘He told me he wouldn’t die.’ Luffy said just once, so quiet Zoro almost missed it. But he could feel the ghost of Luffy’s lips and the grief in how he butted his head to Zoro’s jaw, ‘I made him promise because I didn’t know what he’d do.’ And Zoro didn't know what to say; had no means of reconciling that sorrow to the memories he has, to the wild stories Luffy has shared or the tender sentiments Zoro has noticed, himself. 'He told me he'd stay if I needed him. He swore it.'
His captain and he have fought and bled for each other. They’ve gone on a lifetime of adventures together; they share their dreams, their triumphs and failures and burdens. Zoro knows Luffy, but those shared intimacies in the dark give Zoro a clarity he’d lacked.
Luffy's capacity for compassion is a terrifying thing. His empathy towards those who are hurting is just as great. Zoro is no stranger to the hope Luffy can breathe into punctured lungs, the strength he inspires with his steadfast faith and resolve. Zoro assumed it was one of Luffy's innate qualities. It's in hindsight that he realizes Luffy's compassion was learned: a crybaby pleading for his brother to stay with him, to fight and love and live and dream.
Ace is the first person Luffy ever saved; Jean is the latest and all his regard and respect is like salt rubbed in an open wound. 'Thank you for loving saving me,' only Luffy didn't - he has the blood on his hands and a scarred heart to prove it. Jean is a ghost sent to haunt him and it's painful because Jean is kind in a way Luffy isn't ready to accept.
But Luffy is willful. If he didn't want Jean, then he wouldn't be with them.
When Zoro thinks about it, he knows why Luffy chooses to keep the artist around. Jean fits with the crew, all dreams and ambition and steadfast will. Jean is finding his footing after the world left him scarred; persisting despite past hurts and finding purpose and joy in a liberated world with open skies and seas. He is the shadow of Luffy’s brother that Luffy never stopped wanting needing.
It's complicated. Grief is like that.
“He’s crew.” Luffy tells him. It’s the end of their discussion on the matter. Zoro doesn’t need anything more; he trusts his captain’s word. Luffy will work through his grievances.
One day Luffy will stop jerking his head to the side when he catches Jean in his peripheral, mistaking him for Ace and one day the disappointment at his mistake won’t be such a heartrending thing. There will come a time when the depth of Jean’s voice and the sound of his laughter stops being an echo of someone else, when graphite smudges stop looking like blood stains.
Jean might be persistent in that same way Luffy was with Ace. It’s not anything Luffy comments on or complains about, though Zoro notices how contemplative it leaves their captain. He doesn't doubt that perseverance will win Luffy over. History repeats itself in strange ways.
That aside, Luffy is a simple man at heart. Zoro sees it before it happens. He can't help the smirk that pulls at his lips because of it.
Zoro stands at Luffy's side overlooking the seas when a row of graphite beetles come marching along the railing, tiny feet leaving scuttled marks of graphite across the wood as they approach their captain. The way Luffy's eyes light up with merriment as drawings brought to life crawl across his fingers and up his arms is a wonderful thing no matter how seemingly commonplace. Laughter bubbles up from Luffy's chest alongside his awe and wonder and delight.
Zoro catches Jean sitting further down the deck, smile bright and maybe the slightest bit sheepish, misinterpreting the first mate’s stare for scrutiny. Jean makes another creature with that logia devil fruit of his and sends it across the railing. Zoro stares after it for some time, bemused until he realizes it’s a damn marimo (undoubtedly courtesy of the damn cook spreading falsehoods about Zoro's likes and interests), at which point Zoro scowls something fierce and Jean balks.
Everything is made right by Luffy’s renewed laughter though, by the width of his smile and the mirth in his eyes. His joy is contagious just like so much else about him. It doesn’t stop Zoro from smacking the pseudo-marimo out of Luffy’s hand and out to sea when his captain tries to torment him with it though — graphite pressed to Zoro’s cheek once, twice and leaving smudges across Zoro's skin all the while—
Both Luffy and Jean gape when the marimo goes flying, Luffy’s arm stretching out after it a moment later. That Luffy catches it at all is impressive; the guilt Zoro feels when Luffy opens his hand to a circular smudge from crushing the thing is somehow even greater.
Jean fits in with their crew well though. The graphite beetles congregate on Luffy’s hand, molding together into an even larger marimo and Zoro grunts despondently as his captain and their artist cackle at his expense. Some part of Luffy's smile might always be strained when he looks after Jean, but Jean shares Luffy's empathy and compassion. It shows in his patience, the persistent and tentative way he stays just within reach.
crezz-star's Jean: the artist, the muse, the sweetheart.
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byemambo · 2 months
We Are Main Characters as BTS Songs: A Deep Dive
Everyone on my dash is assigning BTS songs to the We Are characters and I have to put in my two cents actually 5 million dollars because I can't be normal or shorthanded about anything but this time it's about We Are and music:
Peem - Just One Day
I wanna be locked in you and swim in you I want to know you more, an explorer venturing through your deep forest of mystery I appreciate the masterpiece that is you because your existence alone is art
Just One Day always had the nostalgic, sitting in an empty classroom on a sunny day with the windows open and the curtains flowing from the wind, and I associate that feeling of warmth and solace with Peem. He's always been someone with a big heart and we can see that through his upbringing with a loving family and earning a solid group of friends and juniors that love and appreciate him just as much, if not more than how much he loves and appreciates them. Despite their rough beginning, slowly but surely, Phum and Peem become each other's safe space and lets each other enter into their individual worlds: the art studio, Phum's apartment with his stuffed plushies, the festival, the art gallery, the beach, the pool, Peem's hometown in Chiang Mai. Once both of them start exploring each other's existence and leaving room for vulnerability, Peem showers Phum with affirmations (along with teasing of course) and the physical touch he was depleted of, while also leaving room for his own boundaries and desires that build up their relationship rather than beating down.
From constantly reminding Phum that he validates his existence, to allowing Phum to express his own affection through physical touch and words of affirmation, Peem becomes someone that attracts the admiration of others. He becomes people's home away from home, or a home that one never had. Not only from Phum, but also from Kluen. His selflessness and attention to detail is vital for long lasting relationship with others, but one of his best qualities will always be his temperament. That he doesn't have to condemn himself to hell on earth, either for himself or for others. That he can be content over the smallest of things, disappointed when things don't go his way, angry when he confronts mistreatment from others, calmness and empathy when letting another person down but still having the capacity to continue on with how a dynamic currently stands and at the same time, having the ability to relinquish and let go of feelings and experiences that no longer serve him. Now that Phum has earned a prominent spot in his life, as a fellow artist, I can only imagine how exciting it is to claim and adore your muse.
Phum - Hold Me Tight
Hold me tight, hug me Can you trust me? Can you trust me? Can you trust me? Pull me in tight
Hold Me Tight is one of my favorite songs, especially when I'm feeling down and need music to reflect that. Phum has always been a shut off person that hid behind money and arrogance to brush off how much his trauma affects his every day living. Knowing that his family failed to meet his emotional needs as a child and neglected him once he was sent abroad, he lived a life full of inconsistency from the people who should be most important to him, Fang being the only solidarity in his life that he can really allow himself to exist in his own right. Once he meets Peem, he uses their unusual circumstances to bring entertainment into his life, even if it meant compromising someone else's comfort and security. However, a turning point takes place around the time he ditched Peem at the mall in episode 3, believing he would give up after some time and wondering why Peem continued to wait. Once Peem establishes a moment of clarity by telling Phum "You said to wait, so I did," and setting a boundary due to his mistreatment, Phum confronts his complicated relationship with the integrity of others. How there are people who are consistent in saying what they mean and meaning what they say: if he met someone that does just that, that doesn't make him different from those that consistently disappointed him.
We see Phum's first attempt at accountability by apologizing to Peem, which he was very reluctant on doing so due to his value system at the time. But knowing that he must earn the trust and presence of Peem just as everyone else that's important to Peem has earned, Phum starts realizing why so many people love and adore Peem. His straightforwardness, his passion, his wit, but most importantly, his compassion are all things that become a karmic mirror to others, forcing those around him to start questioning their own values and beliefs and if they deem so, change for the better. Once Phum does earn his way into Peem's daily life, Peem becomes a safe space for Phum, allowing him to express who he is and how he deals with his response to dysfunction: confrontation rather than avoidance. Even though he'd rather not say, Peem understood this immediately and offered his reassurance through physical touch: holding him tight.
Q - Still Life (with Anderson .Paak)
I'm still life, but I'm movin' Just live now, goin' forward, yeah A still life that does not stop, keep my flower blooming again Gimme no name 'cause I'm untitled (Oh, yeah) My life is on display, still life, still life
Still Life is such a groovy and upbeat song, which I feel best suits Q as a person. Someone full of passion and care for his work and the people most important to him, he becomes someone where "what you see is what you get." Just his mere existence seeks out praise, admiration, and respect, which of course the best example of this is Toey's relationship with him pre mentee and post mentee. Q has very few areas where his life isn't transparent or straightforward, but he had been protective of revealing much information about his first love or allowing someone to enter his arena.
I think of Q as someone that has capacity in candidly opening up to his friends or noverbally through his own artistic expression, but when it comes to love (which I've seen people claim his demisexuality which as a fellow member, I 100% agree), an entirely different battlefield presents itself. The challenges of opening your heart to others due to immense protection and guard, the lengths we go by jumping to conclusions or setting ourselves up for failure by choosing inaction to prevent further disappointment and guilt rather than action in fear of not being met with the same feelings or worse, hatred and disregard. Knowing how special his relationship was with Milk Frappe Boy as Pencil Senior, Q reveals a sensitive side that's avoidant of deceit, entertainment from his personal matters, and the potential of pursuing someone who cannot return the same feelings and being met with heartache. Regardless of the trials and errors when he established his coping mechanisms to move on from the past, once he is convinced and torn apart of his logical fallacies, Q becomes the same, if not more, vibrant and radiant person he had always been. You can see his love and adoration with Toey once they made up and he took that final leap of fate.
Toey - Euphoria
You are the sunlight that rose again in my life A reincarnation of my childhood dreams I don't know what these emotions are Am I still dreaming?
Toey is easily one of my favorite characters and how much glow and aura he has with the other characters, which is how I feel when listening to Euphoria. We see how Tan is the main bridge between all the different friend groups and dynamics, but Toey also plays this role in a different way by being the junior/younger brother figure that everyone wishes to take care of and adore. His energy is full of life and magnetic in pulling anyone in, as he creates soft spots for a lot of the people in his life. Peem and Q being his seniors/mentor that he can play with and tease, Phum and Fang being older brothers that he can cling onto as they protect him.
The backstory of Milk Frappe Boy and Pencil Senior is one of the sweetest depictions of young romance I've seen in awhile and really encapsulates the puppy love that Toey has for Q before they truly knew each other and the journey they embarked on. Knowing how Toey risked going to the same school as Q despite having plans to study abroad, we can see how Toey is willing to take risks and chase after his dreams, while still being someone who's afraid of the ever changing future if his past is revealed to the person he loves and honors the most. Feeling like his world filled with affection and "one sided love" shattered when his feelings were accidentally revealed to Q and presenting itself as if his actions were a joke and form of entertainment for the rest of the group due to their involvement, we see Toey fall apart as if he woke up from his dream. Luckily, which I can see how Q's temperament as a person allowed this transition to flow in a realistic way, Q yields to Toey shortly after their misunderstanding, bringing their relationship back full circle and entering a new era of authentic love and desire for the whole world to see, not just between them in their own intimate world.
Tan - Friends
A somewhat strange kid Me from the moon, you from the stars Our conversations were like homework BFFs on one day, enemies on another I just wanna understand
Friends is such a heartfelt song that reflects the upbringing and memories of the BTS members, but I feel that it suits Tan well. It highlights the duality of Tan's personality, where he has a very lovable and bright aura with various moments of silliness and fun, but once those moments pass or may be inappropriate in certain situations, Tan is actually a very serious person when it comes to caring for the people who mean most to him. Knowing the backstory of how his friends mentioned his days of being a playboy and getting into fights (which I can't get over that being how he and Fang first meet), we see him softening up after realizing the worth and value of those that care so deeply about him to the point where he must choose between having them remain an important part in his life or to continue heading down a rocky decent from his resorts to violence and impulsivity.
Although impressions with Fang were far from glamorous (which I talked about in one of my deep dives!), Tan's walls start crumbling once he realized that he must do better for his loved ones, not for his sake but for theirs. That his friends and loved ones deserve someone of honor and integrity. And he does just that: becoming the lovely and compassionate person he is today. His emotional intelligence is well balanced, making room for both reassurance and playfulness when dealing with the mental distress of others. Tan has an innate quality of protectiveness and care for the people around him, which we see most clearly with Fang throughout the series but also seeing him taking care of Peem's dad in episode 14 when bringing him a drink after he arrives home. He has one of the purest hearts and easily became one of my favorite characters in media, not just QL!
Khaofang - Love is Not Over
Love is so painful Goodbayes are even more painful I can’t go on if you’re not here Love me, love me Come back to my arms
Love is Not Over is one of my top BTS songs, which gives me similar feelings as Hold Me Tight but with more longing and adoration. Fang has also become one of my favorite characters due the handling of the juxtapositions he deals with on so many levels. His inability to yield between his younger brother feuding with their parents, his deep rooted insecurities of his sensitivity and "unattractive" moments of vulnerability, his abandonment issues and dealing with survivor's guilt. He is such a well written and admirable character and this reveals itself once Tan integrates himself back into his life, which took a pause from their times in high school where they were like water and fire.
Because of his family's dysfunction and angst, Fang also deals with the inconsistencies and develops his own coping mechanisms with the trauma, through a reserved facade which actually contains the deepest of wounds. Feeling as though it's his responsibility to sacrifice himself for the family to not enter war times, refraining from expressing himself from shyness and fear of abandonment. His definition of love is complicated and pessimistic, his anxiety driving a wedge between his desire for love while questioning if he's worthy of it. When he revealed to Tan that if he ever chose to leave, to tell him so he could prepare his heart for the heartache, Tan immediately inserts confidence in their relationship through his vocal expression of devote and earnest love for Fang, showing Fang that there's nothing to fear and that he will remain in his life for the long run. Once this moment occurs, we can see just how much more expressive and bold Fang becomes in displaying his love for Tan, realizing that their love isn't over, and won't be for a long time.
Chain - Embarrassed
Why am I getting weirder in front of you? I’m not a pre-schooler but why is everything so childish? Look at my eyes, my jokes aren’t serious Saying this is so hard, I like you
Embarrassed/Blanket Kick is one of the most wholesome songs and I think is describes Chain's dynamic with Pun within the friend group. Someone who is clearly displaying individual interest and adoration towards Pun, however, Pun's density and ignorance whittles each and every moment. Even if Pun doesn't show clear signs of understanding Chain's true feelings towards him, we can see how reliable and attached Pun is to Chain on a platonic level. How Chain is always willing to yield himself in taking care of Pun's needs, whether it's sitting through and accompanying his off key singing, being the first person to call when Pun finds the injured bird, going out of his way to coparent the bird back to good health while also caring for Pun (the bird being called Guin is just too cute).
Even though Chain's efforts in being alongside Pun and his shenanigans are physical, as of episode 14, we still haven't had a moment of clarity in addressing the elephant in the room and finally dedicating their feelings for one another, becoming the slowest of slow burns. I can only imagine all the moments they share where a moment of intimacy comes up and Chain has every opportunity to confess, however, I know they will arrive at their destination in due time and in their own silly little way. It's one thing to be physically present for the person that means most to you: it's another thing to lay out your feelings with the chance that they won't be reciprocated. The battle between "should I or should I not" is what Chain is currently dealing with, only making you want to root for their success even more.
Pun - Moon
You were the one that made your way to me I do believe your galaxy, I want to listen to your melody Your stars in the Milky Way, don't forget that I found you anyways
Pun's character has always been so endearing to me and on the surface, seems like he's just serves as comedic relief alongside other characters that serve the same function. However, we start to see the multitude of qualities Pun exhibits as a person and how he carries himself: that even though he's usually upbeat and playful with lots of unserious moments, he's a deeply empathetic person that wants to give back to the world around him. Although he needs lots of help with navigating the world sometimes, Chain has become such a person that it's second nature to rely on him for all sorts of things, truly becoming the Moon revolving around the Sun. However, the beauty of Pun's relationship with Chain is just how unconditional Chain's care and willingness to do just about anything for Pun is crystal clear.
I understand Chain's innate attraction to Pun and his character, just based on individual moments throughout the series that establish Pun has someone that doesn't have a mean bone in his body. How despite his silliness, he's actually a well rounded individual that has the ability to command a room and establish himself in a leader position through his empathy and desire to make the world more beautiful (which always cracks all of us up that he's a political science major). Even though we know Pun is capable of taking care of things himself if need be, he's someone who allows himself to let go of his seriousness and seek out help and assistance from those around him in any given moment that feels necessary. I think his relationship with Chain really encapsulates the trajectory of where Peem and Phum's relationship is slowly amounting to: that there doesn't have to be a moment where you have to handle life alone and that someone is willfully ready to be by your side. Pun is slowly starting to realize how much Chain has been by his side through all their adventures, which makes me root for their slow burn that will end in a wholesome establishment of what their relationship truly became over the course of the series: an established married couple.
This was so fun to sit and talk about despite not being a hardcore BTS fan like I used to back in the day, however, maybe I'll assign my more current favorite group songs to the We Are characters. I'm thinking ATEEZ, THE BOYZ, ONEWE, DAY6, Xdinary Hereos, definitely groups with well written lyrical content and a diverse range of genres.
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jade-green-butterfly · 6 months
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Greatly inspired by my good friend, @mintsuwu's take on this cool relationship chart @valentinbelleyh505 did (along with the relationships for her own own adorable OC, LoolaLamb and our recent RP~ c: Thank-you so much, dears!💕) I decided to a shot at it myself with my very own lil' critter, DeerDelight~🦋🦌 As you can see, DeerDelight gets along with everyone in the group ^.^ Allow me to go into further detail! :3 DogDay: DeerDelight has had feelings for DogDay from the moment they met. She is deeply charmed by his sunny personality, empathy, leadership and positivity. Enamoured with him even, which leads to her great inspiration to write her plays and poems with a romantic theme (even love letters~). DeerDelight loves to shower DogDay with much affection and praise whenever she can, much to his confusion, though he does his best to reciprocate her feelings, since he liked her a lot from the start and is intrigued by her performing art skills. Although DeerDelight secretly wishes for DogDay to feel the same way about her as she strongly feels about him, she is patient. Though it may come true someday when she least expects it...~ Bobby BearHug: With Bobby being the most loving and affectionate of the group, DeerDelight finds comfort in sharing her romantic poems and plays with Bobby the most. Bobby takes such thrill and excitement into reading them, finding them so romantic~ She even gives DeerDelight some love advice and suggestions if needed, for Bobby really hopes she and DogDay will be together someday~ CraftyCorn: When it comes to sharing their love for artistic passions and representations with one another, DeerDelight and CraftyCorn are like two peas in a pod. Sometimes, you'll find DeerDelight being a model for one of Crafty's paintings, her being the most expressive of the critters. They also have a dear sisterly relationship between them, DeerDelight being quite protective of CraftyCorn now and again as she attempts to comfort her if needed to. Kickin'Chicken: According to Kickin', DeerDelight was the first to 'appreciate his talent', much to Hoppy's disbelief. Despite him being whiny, dramatic and loud when she first arrived, DeerDelight has always nice to the cool critter and has taken a liking to him. This caused Kickin' to develop a little crush on her, though he tries not show it. But over time, after seeing how much DeerDelight loves DogDay, she and Kickin'Chicken remain besties to this day, and he supports and respects her feelings for the happy leader, though he likes to tease her about it now and again~ Hoppy Hopscotch: DeerDelight admires Hoppy for her outgoing personality and great determination. Sometimes, Hoppy likes to get DeerDelight to join in with her games and try new things. At the time, she enjoyed teasing Kickin' about his small crush on DeerDelight, and theorized that there was a love triangle between them and DogDay. Bubba BubbaPhant: Bubba, being the brightest critter of the group, has always impressed DeerDelight with his intelligence and wisdom, especially when it comes to cracking math problems. She always asks for his opinion or solution if there's ever a problem, and sees him as a brotherly figure. He's also the one who usually translates her dramatic dialogue if the others are unsure what it means. PickyPiggy: While not eating, Picky is curious about DeerDelight's work and likes to ask her questions, which she is happy to answer. Even when Picky is eating when hanging out with DeerDelight, she likes to offer a bite. She is mostly the one who asks what DeerDelight's dramatic dialogue means when used.
CatNap: Although she is friends with him and they get along, just like the other critters, DeerDelight finds CatNap to be quite a mysterious fellow, but obviously not in a bad way. She does wonder about him now and again, so the feeling is quite neutral between them. On a fun note, she often carry him if he suddenly falls asleep during the critters' antics. 'Phew'...there we go!😚Hope you all like, I had real fun making this!👍🏻✨
*~Reblogs are also deeply appreciated as well, so please do reblog as well as like! Thank-you kindly!~*
Smiling Critters (c) Poppy Playtime/Mob Entertainment DeerDelight (c) @jade-green-butterfly (Me~!) Relationship Chart (c) @valentinbelleyh505
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kischiko · 14 days
⋆: જ⁀➴₊⊹yandere brotherhood of justice
♡;fem! reader
♡; page one
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if you guys think this is half decent I’ll think about making a part two
Y/N had always been a bit of a mystery in the high school. They had a unique aura that drew people in, and it wasn't long before the members of the Brotherhood of Justice took notice. What started as a simple fascination quickly spiraled into something much more intense.
Derek, the leader of the Brotherhood, was the first to become obsessed. He admired Y/N's strength and resilience, qualities he valued in himself. But there was something more—an inexplicable pull that made him want to protect Y/N at all costs. He found himself constantly thinking about them, his thoughts consumed by the desire to make Y/N his own.
Kurt, Derek's right-hand man, was equally captivated. He was drawn to Y/N's intelligence and wit, qualities that complemented his own. Kurt's obsession grew with each passing day, and he couldn't stand the thought of anyone else being close to Y/N. He began to follow them, ensuring they were always within his sight.
Scott, the quiet and brooding member of the Brotherhood, was also not immune to Y/N's charm. He admired their kindness and empathy, traits he often felt he lacked. Scott's feelings for Y/N became so intense that he started writing about them in his journal, pouring out his heart in words he could never say aloud.
Even the more distant members of the Brotherhood, like Eddie and Mark, found themselves drawn to Y/N. Eddie was fascinated by Y/N's creativity and artistic talents, while Mark admired their athleticism and determination. Both of them found ways to be near Y/N, whether it was joining the same clubs or sitting next to them in class.
As the days went by, the tension within the Brotherhood grew. Each member wanted Y/N for themselves, but they knew that acting on their feelings could tear the group apart. The obsession became a silent battle, each of them vying for Y/N's attention in their own way.
One evening, Y/N decided to take a walk through the quiet streets, unaware of the eyes watching them from the shadows. Derek, Kurt, Scott, Eddie, and Mark all followed, each determined to make their feelings known.
"Y/N, what are you doing out here alone?" Derek asked, stepping out from the darkness.
Y/N turned, surprised to see him. "I just needed some fresh air. Why are you all here?"
"We were worried about you," Kurt said, his voice tinged with concern. "We wanted to make sure you were safe."
Scott, unable to hold back any longer, stepped forward. "Y/N, you mean so much to all of us. We can't stand the thought of losing you."
Eddie and Mark nodded in agreement, their expressions mirroring the same intense emotions. "We just want to be with you," Eddie said softly.
Y/N looked around, their heart racing. They had never felt so overwhelmed, so surrounded by love and obsession. "I don't know what to say," they whispered.
"You don't have to say anything," Derek replied, stepping closer. "Just know that we're here for you, no matter what."
As the moonlight cast a gentle glow over them, Y/N realized that their life was about to change forever. They were caught in a web of obsession and love, with no clear way out.
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onewistotoro · 10 months
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My SHINee World 11/17/2023
A compilation of the past SHINee World Concerts. It felt surreal seeing the five of them on the big screen again. It was a night of tears and cheers. SHINee really is the best when they are together. I really thank the universe for putting these five brilliant artists in one group.
Also, I think words are not enough to express how I miss jonghyun but i type here anyway. I hope more people would get to know how much of an amazing artist he is. I will always thank him for his words and music. His wisdom, his empathy and his love for the people around him - i really admire him for that. He is one of a kind..... watching the film just made me miss him even more. ❤️
SHINee will always have a special place in my heart. I hope the boys will always be happy ✨️
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ghostlyferrettarot · 29 days
🖤🎀Venus in the signs🎀🖤
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❗️All the observations in this post are based on personal experience and research, it's completely fine if it doesn't resonate with everyone❗️
✨️Paid Services ✨️ (Natal charts and tarot readings) Open!
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🖤Venus in Aries: gives impulsive and receptive love. They fall in love quickly and value mental compatibility. They are magnetic, quick thinkers, but can be demanding and overwhelming in relationships. They enjoy social situations and give surprises to those they love.
🩷Venus in Taurus: is loving, romantic and sensual, but does not give in easily. Prefers stability and fidelity in love. Is generous with the loved one but can become possessive. Enjoys luxury, nature and the arts, and often has good material fortune.
🖤Venus in Gemini: seeks intellectual connections rather than emotional ones, being frivolous and changeable in love. They value freedom and variety in relationships, enjoying company and diversity of interests. They are attracted to intelligence and a sense of humor in a partner.
🩷Venus in Cancer: shows an emotionally deep and sentimental nature. They seek emotional security and value loyalty in relationships. They can be maternal or paternal in their approach to love, needing to feel loved and protected. Their home and family are central to their emotional well-being.
🖤Venus in Leo: stands out for its warmth, loyalty and dramatic love. They are ardent romantics who seek attention and applause. They enjoy luxury, parties and creative expressions. They seek devoted love and are generous with their affections, expecting reciprocity and admiration.
🩷Venus in Virgo: is cold and practical, hindering emotional development. They are meticulous and analytical in love, seeking perfection and security. Sometimes distant, they prefer relationships based on shared interests. They excel in professions that require precision and empathy.
🖤Venus in Libra: is refined and aesthetic, more spiritual than physical in love. They seek harmony and are talented in art and music. Sensitive to the environment, they detest vulgarity. They are romantic but less sensual, they value the soul more than the exterior. Attractive and social, they enjoy company.
🩷Venus in Scorpio: This is an intensely passionate and emotional position. Love is all-consuming and can lead to obsession. There are possessive and jealous tendencies, with a strong need for control in relationships. This intensity can be both attractive and intimidating.
🖤Venus in Sagittarius: Adventurous and sociable, seeking ideal but ephemeral love. Prefers freedom over deep commitment and can disillusion those seeking long-lasting connections. Emotionally idealistic and outgoing, values ​​honesty and a sense of humor, but can lack tact in intimate relationships.
🩷Venus in Capricorn: Shows a cold and earthy persona in love, jealous and possessive. They are reserved and require certainty before committing, seeking moral beauty over aesthetics. Slow in relationships, but loyal once committed. Proud, caring and status-seeking.
🖤Venus in Aquarius: Focuses affections on humanity and the spiritual rather than physical passion. They are selfless, popular, and seek intellectual friendships rather than long-term romances. They prefer personal freedom and are prone to friendships rather than love relationships.
🩷Venus in Pisces: Shows deep devotion and sensitivity, with a tendency to love widely but suffer for wrong choices. They are compassionate, artistic, and intuitive, but can be sensitive and prone to sacrifice themselves for others. Ideal for expressing feelings through art.
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unpopularwriter25 · 3 months
Hello, can I ask for a kny match-up? If the commission is closed please feel free to ignore it.
I'm 20, female, and straight. I'm also introverted to the max— I don't talk much but I really appreciate good vibes (as in my friends always drags me everywhere which I'm grateful for).
Personality wise: Adores the idea of falling in love, Soft, have cold poker face but in reality 'head nothing but love for everyone', a bit of a slacker, loves to help and encourage people, yearning for freedom? 24/7 curious about humans (even tho I'm a human myself— wait that sounds like I'm an alien or something...)
Likes or Love things: Friends, Family, music, drawings, children, sweet foods, books, and the idea of love.
Dislikes or hated things: spicy foods, rude people, yellings, and bullies.
Hobbies: reading, writing, listening to people talk/play music/sing, enjoying tea/coffee in a good place, rain.
Most people that didn't know me well would think that I'm smart, cold, and loner. But in reality I'm just awkward with people considering I have no idea how to talk to others, most my friend would describe me as 'Innocent, pure, kind-hearted, otome-game-heroine (which I keep on questioning how), and childish'
Is this description enough? Because I litterly have no idea how to describe my personality, most of this are what my friends and others think of me (except for my dislikes & hobbies). Thank youuu!
Thank you for the request!! Sorry this took me a minute. I've been busy with work! I hope you enjoy!
I ship you with Tanjiro Kamado!!
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Tanjiro is known for his deep empathy and compassion towards others, traits that would resonate with your own kind-hearted nature. He would be attentive to your subtle cues and understand your need for quiet moments, yet he would always bring warmth and positivity into your interactions. His gentle demeanor would help you feel at ease and appreciated.
Both you and Tanjiro share a strong appreciation for friends, family, and the idea of love. He would admire your dedication to these values and would naturally support your desire to help and encourage others. Tanjiro's own journey emphasizes the importance of bonds and relationships, which would align perfectly with your own views on friendship and love.
Tanjiro's curiosity about demons and humans alike would match your own fascination with people. He would eagerly listen to your observations and insights, sharing his own experiences from his travels and encounters. Together, you would have deep conversations about human nature, empathy, and the complexities of emotions.
Tanjiro's role as a supportive figure would be pivotal in your growth. He would gently encourage you to step out of your comfort zone when needed, while also respecting your introverted nature. His belief in your abilities and strengths would inspire you to overcome challenges and embrace new experiences, fostering personal development and confidence.
Beyond your emotional connection, you would bond over shared interests such as music (enjoying moments where Tanjiro plays his flute), drawings (appreciating his artistic talents and eye for detail), and books (discussing stories and histories that intrigue both of you). Your mutual love for sweet foods and appreciation for quiet, rainy days would provide many cozy moments together.
Tanjiro would see through any misconceptions others might have about you being cold or distant. He would recognize the genuine innocence, kindness, and purity in your heart, appreciating the sincerity behind your interactions. His understanding nature would create a comfortable environment where you could freely express yourself without fear of judgment.
As Tanjiro values deep emotional connections and meaningful bonds, your shared yearning for love would naturally deepen your relationship. He would be respectful and patient, allowing your romantic feelings to develop at a pace that feels comfortable for you, while cherishing each moment of closeness and understanding.
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"Jimin was written by a woman" moments:
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For Jimin, the love that he aspires to have is something that he hopes will be strong enough to last until the end of his life with him. He treasures love.
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He has never been ashamed to admit that among his ideal films, there is that kind of love that moves him. He loves romantic movies, which he usually watches up to 3 times or more without getting bored...like The Notebook.
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Jimin thinks that the more you flatter someone, the more gentle and beautiful they become. That's why you'll never see Jimin not compliment others and that's because he believes that kindness makes other people better. He has a beautiful way of expressing the love and affection he feels with kind words, hugs, kisses, kind actions. His gentle way of speaking makes you feel calm and at ease.
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Jimin asked: Is this how I will feel when I have a baby?
Imagine being a man who is so empathetic that he thinks of children or family before having gone through something similar.
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What moved Jimin on this occasion?
An elderly couple. The man was pushing his wife's wheelchair and it had such an impact that Jimin actually stopped to look at them in admiration.
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He casually talks about clothes made for women without any taboos. He is not scared of wearing then because the designs are beautiful and clothes don't have a gender and he says "they look beautiful on a man" so why should we be scared if so many men and women share the same clothes. He tries to empathize with female public by considering how the clothes he has designed will fit them as well.
Rejecting the stereotypes of your gender while still being a man is something very revolutionary especially when being an artist who preaches love to others and yourself.
But Jimin supports social causes while being true to himself. He doesn't do this just to fit in with what others have to say.
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His letters that speak of love to his fans, how much he appreciates their support, the constant "I love you"s that he says to people he may never meet, the empathy to always give us sincere words that come from his heart.
It might be easy to say that it is all an act and that no one can truly be a good hearted person like Jimin. But he has been in the spotlight for the past 10 years and his behavior has been consistent and truly remarkable. It is impossible to dislike him when you actually sit down and learn about who he really is.
Translated from: Jimin Latino fb.
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emerald-notes · 1 year
The Astronaut, single by Jin
Note: It’s been a long time and here I am, still stuck in ‘The Astronaut’. Gonna share some personal opinion on this and I swear, I’ll shut up.
Rating - 10/10
“A life, a sparkle in your eyes, Heaven coming through, And I love you.”
Where do I even start? I feel like no matter how much I rant, my love for this song can never be expressed in words. The lyrics, the music and the mv, all of these have their own charms. I just absolutely love it.
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Let’s start with its lyrics. I love the references of the cosmos used in this song. If Jin was an asteroid drifting all alone, Army was his heaven, a safe place. When Jin is in darkness, Army shines upon him like the Milky way. “You became my universe” is enough to prove how Jin dedicates his life for us and how we have become everything for him. We all know from the previous solo works of Jin that he is someone who constantly doubts himself and it is the love of the Army that brings him back from despair.
Isn’t it amazing how Jin, and all the BTS members in general, show how grateful they are to us? I am also grateful to them for making us feel loved. This song directly touches the heart. It is, in fact, the best kind of love letter one can ever wish for. It is a song that feels too personal. I feel like it was meant for me, as an individual. That’s one of the best achievements of this masterpiece.
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The music video is so cute. Jin, representing an alien crashing on earth, who apparently doesn’t have any emotions. The little girl of his neighborhood plays with him often and he unconsciously grows empathy within himself. On the day his spaceship is finally leaving to go back to space, Jin realizes that it is the earth that is his true home and comes back.
Here are a lot of indications. For a start, the little girl represents Armys. If Jin was someone without dreams, the Armys made him want to dream. Just like the little girl helped him with the development of emotions. Again, though unconsciously, when the alien Jin decided to leave for good, he left his helmet with the girl so that she doesn’t hurt herself riding the bike alone without him around. As our Jin was leaving to join the military, he had left his precious song and along with it, a lot of content for the Armys to enjoy in his absence. Even the morse code for ARMY was literally tattooed on his neck in the mv. Just like the alien Jin realizing that the girl was his true home and coming back to her at the end, our Jin also promises us his coming back after serving his time in the military. Hence, I love the music video so much and I keep coming back to it time after time.
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I will forever be grateful to Coldplay for accepting Jin’s request and making this song a reality. They are the sweetest souls ever. It shows how a real artist can recognize and appreciate another great artist. I love the bond between Jin and them, especially with Chris. It makes me immensely proud how far Jin has come. While he considered Coldplay as his idol in his youth, he is now collaborating with them side by side. Both of their styles of music are evident in this track. As if two beautiful melodies came together to become a better version of themselves.
I can’t talk about the Astronaut without bringing up the concert in Argentina. Here’s another reason for me to be grateful to Coldplay. They really understood the significance of this song for the Armys as a goodbye gift from Jin and that’s why they decided to have him at their personal concert. I could see the admiration in their eyes when Jin was performing. I also enjoyed the part where Chris opened his arms for Jin to run and embrace him while he sweetly kissed him on the cheek. This interaction was everything. When, both Chris and Jin were singing together to my favorite part and they couldn’t help but laugh in between, we could see Jin’s sparkling eyes so clearly. It shows how overwhelmed he was with emotion. I won’t lie about crying to that part myself.
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Finally, the “I love you” part deserves its own paragraph. Would you think that it wasn’t intentional of Jin to finish his last live performance for the Armys by saying that he loves us? I think not. Jin is a genius and an absolute sweetheart for that. The reactions of the Armys at the concert was genuine. They looked so happy and sad at the same time. And I love you too, my Jinnie.
I am fully absorbed in this piece of art. It has become a part of me and I am totally obsessed with it now. I thank you, Jin, for making me feel this way. This work of yours is going to live in my heart rent free for the rest of my life.
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