#/ let's freakin goooo!!!
Rimi and Noelle arrives at the Universe with a password: DFP-LOU-STP. They appear right near tower's entrance.
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Yea, our trip here was a disaster though...
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Agreed. We don't wanna talk 'bout it.
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But man, how many years passed since we were in our Dragonspiral Tower... Not much, but still. Hopefully it'll be more lively here. And hope no accidents.
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Should we go date at the summit?
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Sure. I hope it's safer than our trip...
The girls walk to the summit. It seems they a bit exhausted halfway here and were stopped at this tower's hallway.
Rimi and Noelle are arrived at the sleepover and open for asks.
Ask hints has been added.
[ Entrance background belongs by @/lightofunova ]
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slowdrifts · 2 years
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lemon & tangerine stimboard!
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justsomewhumpee · 2 years
Gooood morning lovelies! As promised, this week is my birthday week (u g h), so I'm gonna be writing and posting at a faster pace to celebrate (distract myself)
I have a new fic with some new characters in the works that will be up soon, some more whumpy blurbs, and I do hope to get to some more art as well. Strap in!
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ladyelissarose · 1 year
‘A Mother’s Revenge’
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Chapter 6 ‘I Don’t Know’
Warnings: LONG ASS CHAPTER!!! But it does justice considering how long it takes to be able to write and put something out. Pay attention to details. Lost of guns and rifles mentioned, call of duty stuff. Drugs mentioned a few times. Enjoy :
Melione’s POV
“Alright Boys, Melione.”
I liked how he addressed me separately, such respect for women that work in a field full of men. Anyways, we all walked up to Price as he shifted his hands to hold onto his vest, while gazing at us with a disappointed look. It was 3am as we stood outside, waiting to see the reason why we weren’t on our way yet. He then began to explain,
 “Listen… Shepherd wants us to check something out, see which missiles we’re actually finding. The ones that Graves spoke to Melione about. So that’s what we’ll do first as we arrive in Mexico. Copy?”
 “”Copy Captain.””
“Then onward we go. Let’s get on board!!!”
Like perfect soldiers we followed our leader into the plane, ready to take off, and head off to the next step. I adjusted myself into my seat trying to get comfortable, maybe rest a bit before we actually arrive, for indeed I still felt exhausted. I sat in front of Ghost and next to Gaz, while Price stayed in the front with our pilot along with Graves, who was directing them to the exact place where the missiles rested. Thudding sounds on the platform of the plane could be heard approaching loudly and closer as Soap’s figure came into view, he was somewhat out of breath as he chattered like a little mouse,
“Sorry, was preparing one of my best teas for the ride and din’t wan’ it to spill as we took off. Want a cup lass- I said LASS not Ghost! Han’s off mate-“
I stood up almost immediately and politely shoved the tea in Soap’s hand towards Ghost as I insisted,
“Hey it’s ok, Ghost is used to you making his teas most of the time, let him have it-“
But surprisingly enough the cup was firmly put in my hand, by Ghost who gravely replied,
“no no... take it Meli. Was just pestering the Scot here.”
I let a soft huff of what could’ve been a laugh,
“oh! well thanks boys.”
After officially taking it I noticed Soap grin triumphantly at Ghost,
‘weirdo... hopefully this keeps me up but well rested.’
Soap’s POV
‘Alright lass... let’s see if this works-‘
“da fuck did ya do McTavish?”
‘O- he called me McTavish. Nice.-‘
Before Ghost could try and whisper growl at me again I replied calmly,
“Rem’ber tha’ guy back in Tokyo? Da one who I gave tea to in the garage?”
“you thought I was insane for not torturing him like you do. But saw him hearin’ fuckin’ colors by the time he went through it... and told us all the information we needed. Same is gonna happen here. Just watch.”
I guess it clicked for Ghost, the vivid memory of what I spoke about, because all that came out of that thick balaclava shite was a pleasant sound of agreement,
A few beats of silence followed afterwards, as we watched Melione contentedly chugging the tea, and finishing it as she tilted the cup all the way back, it suite with her head as she desperately tried to reach for the last drop. 
“Fuckin’ genius McTavish... though I have to mention it... I thought you tossed it-“
“-You’re kidding me? Shite is effective-“
“-Yes but Price-“
“-Said it was illegal yesss... but... he doesn’t have to know I still use it-“
“-Will you tell-“
“-Absolutely not. Because you remember our promise-“
“-That if I use it on you you’ll know and kill me and blame it on the drug-“
“Hmm hmm.”
He side eyed me with a twinkle in his eye, they even crinkled, telling me that this Brit was freakin’ smirking. 
‘Bastard... if only he knew how effective his existence solely has on humanity.’
I only rolled my eyes at him before focusing on Melione, who began to rest her head back and close her eyes, I could already imagine the drink beginning to take effect... 
‘Le’s fuckin’ goooo.’
Hours later...
Ghost’s POV
Landing in Mexico at midnight was not on my list, we require more equipment to wear in order to see clearly, and plus... many things hide in the shadows at night. Wearing a balaclava under a skeletal mask was part of my cover for many reasons, but fuck it was sacrificial. I was dying of heat all the time. Most of the time I mentally block the thought of it, but like right now.. I’d kill to take it off for a bit, my skin was sticking to it for how much sweat I had produced in this short amount of time. I hoisted my rifle into good hold when I felt the most soft nudge on my shoulder, I turned thinking it was Gaz, for he usually approached me quietly, but it was Meli, who held the widest puppy lookin’ eyes, like the ones Johnny would give me when he’d beg me to play cards with him on night watch. 
“i can’t put this on.”
She held up her night-vision goggled helmet right under my chin, looking hopeless. 
“come ‘er.”
I noticed her seem a little more.. different per say? Her little wide eyes and the holding her hands behind her back, she was bouncing her knee a bit too-
‘Fuck it’s the drug... ok.’
It was effective.. she was vulnerable. I didn’t want to start to rough on the questions, so I asked her a normal one,
“What’s on yer mind Meli?”
I adjusted the large helmet on her head, making sure it was alright as she went on to say in between little hums,
 “Mmm.. nothing much Ghost. Oh- ummm... Graves is like.. suspici- well.. yeah it’s nothing-“
‘what about Graves?’
“Ok... so absolutely nothing-“
“-Yes. Is it ready?”
‘Shite she might just get hyper not cooperative... ughh another Johnny to deal with.’
With a last check up I finally let down the goggles, watching her take it in with an awe, as she stepped away slowly,
 “It’s ready Meli... just follow me as I follow Price. We’re in Mexico, remember-“
“-Of course she remembers Lieutenant. Why are you talking to her like a child-“
“Gravessss! Awww... I’m not a child he was just helping me out!”
Graves and I gawked at hearing Melione awe in a high pitch. She only sent us a thumbs up and skipped to stand next to Soap, tugging on his arm to walk with her off the plane. I could see Graves turn to look at me as he questioned curiously,
“Is she ok?”
I didn’t spare him a glance as I replied while walking in suite behind them all,
“She’s never been better.”
‘Please don’t do anything stupid Meli.. please.’
Price called me over as a large SUV pulled up, he was quick to inform,
 “Keep Laswell and Shepherd on your line, they want to be informed immediately on the count of the missiles.”
 “Affirmative sir.”
“Great. Let’s go.”
Graves POV
I wanted to talk to Melione alone for a few seconds before driving off, or at least have her in the same ride as I was in, but she ultimately refused to leave Soap’s side for some God-forbidden reason. I had never seen Soap so excited in a while, as he had her clinging on his arm. Honestly she was totally acting pretty off compared to the usual ‘cold shoulder’ type. 
 ‘What did they do to her or is she just out of it? Damnit! It’s gotta be him.. Soap is always up to something and you never know what it is until it’s too late... fuck.’
Soap was famous for his crazy little shenanigans, he impeccably slipped in and out of ways like a damned bar of soap. His ways were smooth and effective, not always according to protocol, but he managed to get away with it. Maybe he pulled a stunt in Melione now. Second bad thing, I was on a private call with Shepherd earlier.. and I didn’t realize she was there who knows how long until I had ended it. I was about to call her out on it but she mindlessly ran to Soap again.
 ‘You better keep your mouth shut Melione... please.’
Price‘a POV
“Alright boys, Melione, off!! We’ve arrived.”
Melione came up behind me as soon as she got off the truck and stuck to me like glue, a little shadow. I had noticed her being awfully close with a couple of the guys sense earlier.. maybe she was scared, so I made it a point to let her know she’d be alright. I knocked on her rather large helmet as I chided,
 “It’s alright lass... keep yer head in the game and you’ll be alright. Understood?”
“Yes Ja- Price.. yes Price.”
‘what?.. was that a name? was she going to say Jack? Jacob? Jake? Jason-‘
 “Captain we got a situation.”
My head clicked to Gaz as he approached me with a frown, only rising up my blood pressure and curiosity of everything around me,
“What’s that Gaz?”
“The missiles... come and see.”
‘ohhh nooo.. this doesn’t sound good.’
Melione’s POV
Soap gently pulled my hand off of his arm as he worded kindly,
“Stand here and don’ move. Ok?”
“Ok!” ‘he’s so kind.’
I had felt incredibly safe with Soap, especially after our car ride to here, I had told him many things, I just don’t remember anything about what it was. But he promised he’d keep it a secret, so I was good about it even if I didn’t remember. I now stood in front of what look like huge crates, all holding something incredibly large on top, but their size wasn’t what had caught my attention, it was the fact that it looked like something was missing.
‘1.. 2.. huh? Where’s the 3rd one?’
“Soooooap? Why am I only counting 2?”
“Hold on Melione they’re still checking on the rest-“
Graves tugged my shoulder wanting me to set my eyes on him while trying to explain but I felt like he was wrong. I knew what I was looking at. I called out for Soap again, amid what Graves has tried to explain.
“-Melione wait!!!-“
“Stop fucking yellin’ at her! What is it Meli?”
I wordlessly pointed towards the missiles as Ghost glared at Graves, making him back off. Ghost then laid his attention on me. Soap returned in that moment as he muttered,
“There’s no other ones here but these.”
Ghost and I in sync then replied,
““then were missing one.””
“no fucking shit Sherlock.”
That was Graves of course, who appeared pissed off now, but someone else expressed their anger when he seethed,
“Who the hell got their hands on this!!”
‘Damn the Scot’s pissed… just as I am.’
I took into account Soap’s anger which had me expressing my growing one as I asked,
 “What the hell?? We’re missing a missile? AN AMERICAN MISSILE!?!”
Ghost looked behind me towards Graves as he growled,
 “Did ya know ‘bout this? Graves?”
My eyes followed where his rested and I found Graves to be defensive yet nervous as he responded,
 “No, I even showed and had proof that this was all accounted for and untouched!! No one should’ve been around here at all.”
I scoffed as Gaz quietly pointed out,
“Well someone certainly was.”
I nodded my head in his direction to show I agreed with him, for I whole heartily did.
 Laswell and General Shepherd spoke with Ghost as he addressed to the them about our new predicament, I then walked up to Graves and explained,
“You understand that this is bad right? They are expecting 3 whole missiles! And if I don’t have them-“
 “I KNOW! I know. They won’t believe you or it’ll cause a problem. I get it. This is definitely not my fault though.”
 ‘Who said it was? Why so defensive Graves?’
 Doubt now began to settle in once again. But I held up strong when Price suggested,
 “Why don’t we see if Alejandro and steer us towards anyone he thinks might know about this?”
 I swore I could see Ghost arch a brow while Soap questioned suggestively,
 “Ye mean like he knows someone tha’ knows someone tha’ knows ‘bout this goin’ missin’?”
“Hmm hmm… I’m sure he does, he runs this city like he owns it, or doesn’t give a fuck about who does.”
 ‘Yup… sounds like Alejandro.’
I started to walk away from everything and everyone as I ordered,
“Alright then, let’s head that way.”
Price pat my shoulder and sent me a short nod,
“After you Melione.”
Ghost’s POV
There’s no fucking good explanation for that missile going missing. It’s guarded by high security around the fuckin clock. That means it already got there messed with. Missing that third missile. I noticed that Laswell actually seemed more worried and concerned than Shepherd. Shepherd had a fake tone of concernment in his voice, and he sounded like he already knew about it. Fucker is going to wish he never lived if he’s playing us all onto something nasty. My thoughts must of been loud as Soap suddenly slid next to me, unfortunately bumping into my leg and side as he whispered,
 “Ay LT… ye alright? Can see the smoke comin’ out of ya ears.”
I scoffed at his wording, but nonetheless replied honestly and in his tone,
 “I don’t know Johnny… something about this is all off.”
“And I thought I was crazy.. I felt the same too.”
“Hmm… let’s hope our guts are wrong, if not it can become a big mess.”
“I know.”
My eyes then settled on Melione, who sat across from me as she played with her necklace, twiddling the rings on her fingers as she glared at Graves. Soap oddly enough commented on what I was thinking,
 “Ye think she has something to do with this and him, Graves?”
“I hope not. But everything in her story is fake, all that we have discovered about her is either off or unaccounted for… so you never know.”
 “I’d hope not either… she doesn’t appear tha’ way at least.”
I huffed lowly and side-eyed him,
“Trust me... we talked.”
“oh yeah?”
“yeah.. but I can’t repeat it here.. too many untrusting ears..”
‘Hmm… Ya seem confident Soap… better be right Johnny boy.’
About an hour later..
Alejandro’s POV
I stood next to Rudy by our Jeep as I saw the incoming SUV, I heard Rudy let out a broken sigh,
‘What is it Rudy?’
“Ruudyyy... que pasa my friend?”
Rudy shuddered as he spared me a quick look,
“I don’t like-“
‘Ay they were quick to get off!’
I couldn’t hear what Rudy said as Soap yelled for her to be careful as she jumped out of the still braking vehicle. I couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Ayyy mi corazon!! At least someone is happy to see me.”
I watched her hold a bright smile while she jogged to embrace me. I watched how Ghost got off after her and didn’t like her sweet gestures, but it was nice to see someone like this once in a while. After separating she bounced on her heels and asked curiously,
 “Sooo Price said you had someone we need too see?”
Yeah, Price has spoken to me a while ago, and I already had who he needed in hand. Anyways, Her being a bit hyper was new, I took that into note for just in case. But I replied,
 “Yes cariño… come on muchachos.”
Soon they settled into the jeep, squeezing up pretty tightly as Melione sat between the two large men of steel. Rudy then looked back, smiled at Meli and Soap, and sent Ghost a short nod as he told me,
“Tiengo miedo a los fantasmas.”
‘ohhh that’s right! you’re scared of Ghosts.. can never ‘not be funny.’
Ghost was definitely intimidating, looked like the son of la Santa Muerte and killed like the chupacabra. I was easy around him, but Rudy wasn’t. Melione was the only one who laughed when Rudy had the balls to say,
“With your mask you’ll fit well here Ghost.”
We all glared at him as he began to sweat out his audacity but Melione laughed out loud and leaned her head on Ghost’s shoulder after she stopped, and muttered under her breath,
“I still like you Ghost. And your mask.”
This was all seriously going to be interesting.
Rudy’s POV
The rest of the ride was awfully quiet, especially after what I said. But I could only hear Melione chatter about something incoherently until I heard Ghost say in a little tough tone at one point,
‘Don’t touch. o-ok.. Fine. Jus’ up to there that’s fine. Not passed my elbow.’
Now that we were off the Jeep and standing in front of the crate, I realized that she had been drawing on his tattooed arm, for all the little spaces were colored in. Unfortunately He caught me staring and he roughly pulled his sleeve down. I hurriedly stood next to Alejandro as he started to tell the us,
“Alright hermanos... this is it. Beware.”
Upon walking in we beheld quite the sight. 
Valeria Garza... one of the biggest drug dealers of Las Almas, period. She was fearless and cold, evil too.. and madly cursed at whoever crossed paths with her. I made sure Melione stayed behind Soap and I, as she stayed glued next to Ghost for now. Alejandro walked you to Valeria as he immediately jumped onto the point of our meeting, as he began,
“You know about the missile right?”
She let out a breathless laugh,
“You think I know where everything is huh puta?”
‘Ay madre... starting off big i see.’
That only led to the both of them arguing back and forth for a while, with heavy insulting words and lots of tension. It had come to enough when Graves stepped in and questioned,
 “You two know each other?”
He sent Alejandro a questioning look as he replied,
“Ha, something like that. So Valeria... where the missile?”
She shrugged and tried to look behind us while sassing,
“I know there’s a woman behind you mensos putas.”
Melione tiptoed as she agreed,
“Yeah why am I hiding-“
“-shut up Meli.”
That was Ghost.
Alejandro then was growing more pissed as he interrupted,
“-where’s the missile?”
“I don’t know cabron!!”
Gaz looked at Price while he asked us,
 “What the fuck is going on?”
Price spoke up and questioned,
 “So you know about the missing missile? The third one?”
Valeria chuckled,
“Oh I didn’t count them, I have men for that-“
“-she’s lying-“
Ghost then intervened as his thick accent came out gruffly,
“Where’s the missile?”
Everyone kept spewing questions and curses until Melione squeezed through us. I tried to catch her but she only stood in front of Valeria and plainly asked with a soft voice of shock,
“You gave it to Hassan... didn’t you? That’s why he hasn’t called about the deal.. he has it already because of you.”
Valeria smirked at Melione while she openly checked her out, then sputtered,
“Of course-“
Her hand raised up but Ghost grabbed it rapidly and pulled her back to his side, she struggled a bit but he not had to stare at her to calm her instantly. She looked furious as Alejandro breathed heavily,
“You think you can do anything with anyone huh??!”
Valeria say back in her chair and sasses once again,
“Even the dogs in Las Alma’s know not to bark at me.”
 A little scoff was heard behind me so instinctively I turned to see who it was, but that’s when I caught Ghost pinching Melione’s waist, right below her bullet-proof vest. She flinched a little and sent him a glare that he completely ignored. I shook my head at her as her eyes locked on mine, but she only sent me a small smile.
 ‘Ayyy que niña.’
My focus unfortunately went back to Valeria as she teased with some suppose seduction in her voice,
“Y quien es esta bellesa? I like her.”
I couldn’t hold back my patience with her anymore and especially more sense she was being a little mouthy about Melione, so I seethed,
“Deja la-“
“You like me mama? Huh… let’s see… if you can tell me at least… the place where we need to go to find what we need. I’ll give you a deal.”
‘Ayyyy mi corazon… that’s new.’
I caught everyone and myself gawk at Melione’s words and sassy attitude. It had never been seen before, or even used, she was usually cold and silent, letting everyone do the talking. Plus she had been angry at first. But now this and her coming out first? That’s was definitely new. Ghost was the most intrigued by her words, as his eyes hadn’t left her at all, you could tell he was trying to read her, understand her. My ears then fell upon Valeria’s words as she pointed out,
 “Give me 5 minutes with you… and I’ll tell you the place.”
Ghost grunted at the offer and just interrupted,
 “Just tell us where the missiles are!-“
Melione then stepped closer to Valeria and replied to her ignoring Ghost’s words,
“-yes. 5 minutes. Then you tell me-“
Ghost yet dared again to growl even deeper and meaner when he saw Melione pushing it,
“-Where’s the missile-“
Graves reached for Melione’s arm while trying to bargain,
Soap pulled him back as Melione countered,
“-shut the hell up Graves. Let me handle this, sister to sister… huh?”
And again her eyes found Valeria’s, looking so lusty and shimmering, luring her into her trick. Valeria was a tough bottle to crack, so I wasn’t sure how this would play out, it always took larger measures to get to her. But I was beyond surprised when Valeria suddenly spurted out with a smirk,
‘Ay mi vida… she must really want her.’
Melione smiled with triumphant and then ushered us out with a snap of her fingers,
 “Unlike you guys I keep to my word, let us have our 5 minutes. Out.”
I eyed Melione hoping she’d read me trying to tell her to be careful, to which she sent me a wink, and patted my back. To say I was comforted a little was an understatement, I was still extremely nervous about this. For Valeria was a cold and good killer, but you wouldn’t know who she really was until you were trapped in her jaw… she was like Satan. So I was the second to last out as Ghost stayed behind, and could only glare at Melione before stepping out and slamming the door shut, leaving the two alone. It was obvious he was utterly pissed off about this, and Soap was the first to ask him if he was ok,
 “Ye alright mate?”
Ghost stood in front of him completely still and only shook his head as he replied simply,
 “She’s a daring bastard. Think she’s out of cloud 9 now.”
With a sigh he walked away to stand by the door, not to listen in, but to make sure no one came in or out until it was said to do. Gaz walked up to me with his watch in hand as he put forth,
 “I got a timer going, don’t want time to slip pass us in case something goes wrong.”
I gave him a grateful nod as Alejandro worded,
 “Gracias Gaz.”
Now it was the waiting game… we all held the same expression as we thought,
‘What the hell can be going on in there?’
Valeria’s POV
To say this woman was beautiful would be an insult, she was far more than that, and held something I had never seen before. And it drew my attention sense the minute she walked in through those doors. She stood in front of me with eyes that held so many secrets, and so many lies. 
 ‘Quien eres…. I know you’re not a killer.’
“Venga aqui.”
I called out to her softly, her change in expression at my demeanor told me she was slightly worried but curious at it. But she still walked closer and asked in a low tone,
 “What do you want? You only have 5 minutes-“
“Who are you mama? This façade you have going on fits you, but it’s not you.”
Her face dropped a little at my words, but in a second it clicked for her. With some kind of power in her presence she leaned forward towards me and held each hand on the chair beside my head as she sternly said,
 “If you want this conversation to go on, you have to stop calling me ‘mama’-“
 I huffed out a dry laugh as I pushed on,
 “Because that’s what you are? Come on hermana… once you become one you never stop being one-“
She jerked away from the chair and seethed in one breath while holding a frown,
 “Unless it’s taken away then yes.”
Her reply kept me silent for a second, as I registered what she meant. It stung a little to realize, but unfortunately life was a bitch and it’ll ruin good people. I heard her sigh heavily as her eyes closed while she pinched her nose and asked,
 “What was said you don’t repeat. You are in no position to mess with me because I will personally find you and kill you. Understood?”
I watched her as she tried to subtly wipe away tears with her fingers while still holding onto her nose. My heart never felt bad for anyone, I’ve lived this life long enough where we don’t feel anything anymore, but for some reason, it clenched at the sight of her breaking, because she looked so strong.
 ‘Que lamento..’
And her threat, well, I wouldn’t take it as a joke either, her rage was enough to take out a whole city if she wanted too. So I leaned back in my chair and replied,
 “It’s a deal mi Reyna. I’ll look forward to seeing you soon.”
 For the first time a tiny smile made it to her lips as she scoffed,
 “That’s if we see tomorrow Valeria. Adios.”
 ‘People like you and me… always see tomorrow. Because death, is even scared to take us.’
 She walked towards the door as I gave a farewell, 
 “Adios amor.”
Melione then turned back and asked,
 “Was that all you wanted?”
I nodded,
And there she stepped out without another word.
Melione’s POV
‘She’s quite the person… but I think I can trust her with that.’
First person I saw while walking out was of course, Ghost. Though Alejandro was the one who spoke to me first as he asked worriedly,
“She didn’t do anything to you right, corazon?”
With a hand on his shoulder I admitted,
 “She’s an interesting woman, but no. She’s alright and ready to go.”
Graves came around as he tried to bark orders,
 “We got to get going, if she knows where the missiles are then anyone else she works with does, so we need to get there first.”
 ‘Always in a damn rush. That Graves.’
Price’s voice went ‘command mode’ as he spoke to Alejandro.
“Alrighty then, Alejandro, Valeria is all yours. Soap initiate our next flight, if the missile is in Chicago-“
Ghost and I then muttered at once,
“Then Hassan is there too.”
At the sync we had it took us a second to glance at one another before following Price’s steps as we began to head onward. For some reason, Ghost and I actually had one thing in common… we really wanted Hassan over everything.
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mugs-n-cans · 27 days
LETS GOOOO RADIATION SHIRT (the letters should be transluscent so his natural glow shines through ^_^)
-a very excited ☢️
these are so old i’m so sorry ☢️ anon
Hey, what would happen if ya blasted me with radiation again? Would it still be the same or like…more. I mean I respawned so I’m kinda radiation free now! Except if I drink a Bonk!
Then my shirt can really freakin’ shine! I hope I get really fast instead…
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apollothemechanic · 6 months
what happened in the mindtrap au
(FIRST FREAKIN ASK LETS GOOOO AHSGAGSHAFSHA) ok so very basic rundown of the au: peppino with his failing business finds this poster that's supposed to help his business and after realizing "oh fuck it was a trap" he falls into the tower which is its own magical hell and he has to get out soon and beat the bosses to progress before he goes insane (yeah, that'll be its uh own post one day)
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babygirlbdubs · 1 year
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i made a gif for the alliance, it's in the reblog of both posts but i rather it was spread everywhere!
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iridescentclaws · 2 months
THAT WAS SO CLOSE AAAAA!! Let's freakin goooo!!! 🐇🐇🐇🐇🫧🫧✨️✨️
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seobseobs · 1 year
🎧 album 'deadlock' by xdinary heroes
wake up @seungycunt a bad b just listened to a badass album
freakin' bad — i have nothg to say except im blushing and opening my mouth and then closing and then opening and and yeah alsp that ending part was chefs kiss
bicycle — thought i wouldnt be into it at first but damn now kind of want to vibe to it live (not really my cup of tea sorry)
checkmate — first impression, like a soft version of happy death day. which is good btw because i love happy death day. also the vocals feel more highlighted here , and oh that guitar rizz time <33
man in the box — raspy sexy voices.. mmhm.. nods in agreement.. FUCKK IM LOSING IT I NEED THEM AND FUCK TJAT RAP PART AND THE WHINE AND AND HUEHWUUEHE TWIRLS MY HAIR
dear h. — (cw delusion /j) im entering the bar and then suddenly the music stops and the stage suddenly shines and they start performing and i make eye contact with all member who actually is my ex as our flashbacks start playing in the background as he expresses the depth of his love for me and how much he feels my presence and absence in his life and he wants me back in his life and we try to hold back ourselves from crying as he near me and cups my cheek and we smile at e/o tenderly
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almightaylor · 5 months
I just found out george villiers and i have the same birthday. Bro he’s a freakin virgo??? Let’s goooo!!!
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theaccursedninth · 6 months
//one of those nights I’m sitting here marveling that in the ten-ish years I’ve been roleplaying, this Accursed sonuvabitch is the last man standing😂 of all characters in all franchises, it’s freakin’ Malekith the Dark Elf that no one remembers from a movie not many liked but I just can’t let him goooo. He’s too much fun to write and I’ve put so much work into his backstory and regenerations - he’s such a fascinating character study for me and the possibilities never really end. I love it. I love it so much. Plus…he allows me to hold onto my favorite Doctor, and continue his story, however tragic it’s become.
I’ll never let go of Nine🥺❤️he was my first Doctor and single-handedly made me love the franchise.
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dabisqueen · 2 years
I've been thinking about how when the lov was on the run and hiding out in abandoned buildings it probably got really freakin' cold at times and Dabi would be happy to warm you up. He'd hold you tightly to his overheated body and fill you with plenty of hot cum.
🫣 anon, why yes of course!
He'd so do that. Warm you up, inside and out.
And who are we to not let him, huh?
Let's goooo!
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zatsy · 2 years
Tagged by @secretagentdragon ! Sorry I took so long to get to this skckfijdks
Rules: You can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. Put your favourite playlist on shuffle and list the first ten songs then tag a few people.
I don't really have a favorite playlist, so instead, I put my entire Spotify library on shuffle! Let's goooo
Rock Steady—No Doubt
SIMP—Full Tac, Lil Mariko, Rico Nasty
Mary Jane's Last Dance—Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
Sprawling Idiot Effigy—Nero's Day at Disneyland
Slim Pickens Does The Right Thing And Rides The Bomb To Hell—The Offspring
P.A.T. FEAT. PLAYTHATBOIZAY—Denzel Curry, PlayThatBoiZay
2 Minutes to Midnight—Iron Maiden
Eventually—Beach Bunny
Normally I don't tag people, but fuck it. No pressure of course, do as you please! @eight-freakin-gids , @spider-haven , @self-ships-ahoy , @honkinjester , @distressedwalnut , @lalazynax-arts , @breadthecommunist , @enequinox , @cruisingheightswithdragons , @evilmorn , @glitzphantom
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ghostboneswrites2 · 2 months
*me after watching more walking dead*
Cough cough I can read Doe Eyes now cough cough :D
Gahhhh I hope you enjoy it!! It’s def a slow burn & you’ll see I’m a sucker for angst 😅
It also follows the show very closely and has a ton of canon dialogue so it’s probably best you waited!
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oakhold-cheerios · 2 years
Drayden :))))))
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five more to do let's freakin' goooo
other people send me your requests in the mail!
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Ok, so upon revisiting Vol. I and scrolling on tumblr for several hours, I’ve realized there are some things we are going to (potentially??) see/discover in Vol. II, so imma put them all here so I’m not just screaming into the void of my mind:
•WILL’S PAINTING!!!!??!!!! Literally the thought of what it could be (considering it went through several versions with the duffers) lives rent. free. in my mind
•Will (hopefully 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞!!!!!) coming out!!!!!!!!???? Possibly to multiple people (and I absolutely CANNOT handle the idea of Will coming out to Jonathon or Mike ((OR JOYCE IM————)) )
•More! Gay! Robin! Moments! I need to see my lesbian THRIIVVVEEEEEE
•More fruity four let’s goooo!!!!!!
•Jopper confirmed??
•More Vecna victims + potential (and likely) main character deaths. Istg if ANY of the mains (or sides like Eddie or Argyle) get killed off imma R. I. O. T
•Eddie being found “guilty” or innocent by the town. I haven’t seen anyone talk about this yet, but I need to get it out there. I’m thinking how they get around that one (should our boy be let off) is that the local authorities will be informed as to what’s going on by the higher-ups who know about El + all the Upside Down shenanigans and the town police or what have you will create some story about another person who did the killings & how they’re dead now (+ I think there might be a scene where Jason goes a little insane over it bc he “knows Eddie’s guilty”)
•What happens with Nancy and the Vecna situation? My prediction is that Robin (who was going through Nancy’s things, including music tapes) will use one of those or will at least know what to do? (But like also they don’t know about the musical connection with Vecna sooooooo idk. Maybe there’s another way?? Ahhhhh———……….)
•More Lumax!
•More! Argyle! And! Eddie!
•Literally the entire thing with El. I’m actually so intrigued it’s not funny??
•The freakin’ time lag in the upside down! There are probably so many theories circulating around, but I haven’t seen them and I have no clue what’s going on with that
•California gaannggggg we didn’t see them at all I think in the last ep. I miss themmmmm
•So many other things but I have to post this now before everyone’ll watch
We’ll see w̶h̶o̶ ̶d̶i̶e̶s̶ what happens 👉👉
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