#feel free to tag me once you post it cuz i wanna see it
ccasey0 · 2 months
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Here is my bunny oc
if you wanna give me some tips :3
ooo okay so there are a lot of ways to make an anthro rabbit look more Rabbit-Like.
starting with the feet! first of all, rabbits hve claws that arent retractable, so include those :) next, see the way you have made your feet they are flat on the soles and really short and simple:
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however, rabbit feet are much longer for more propulsion when leaping. there are two way to show this: stanign on the toes or standing on the soles. typically, rabbits will be on their toes when they are walking, standing, running, ect. but when they are resting/sitting they will be on their soles. as shown here:
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see how the feet positions change depending on what the rabbit is doing? try to show this when you are drawing the character, kinda like this:
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Hands! i got nothing to say except for add pads on the palms and beans on the fingers. also claws. example here:
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Now, ears!! the way you drew the ears they kinda looked like they were in a ponytail maybe? as if they were a substitute for hair. shown here:
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There are plenty of other ways to show the ears that will translate as more like Rabbit ears rather than just like hair. examples shown here:
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Tail! you didnt show the tail in your drawing since it was a front-on image, so imma just show different kinds of tails you can give her. first: realistic. a little scruffier and pointed upwards, like an actual rabbit's tail. fur will be the same color as the rest of the fur on the body on top and white on the bottom. example here:
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next: round/cartoon. totally white, fluffy little cottonball on the butt. the way pretty much every cartoon depicts it. this isnt realistic but a cute design attribute nonetheless. example here:
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last: hare. hares have slightly longer tails than rabbits. this isnt quite realistic most of the time when depicted in art, but it looks interesting enough. fur would be the same color as the rest of the body all over the tail, no white underside. example here:
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Eyes! Rabbits are prey, so they have to be able to watch out for predators on all sides. that's why they have eyes on either side of their head. try making the eyes on your character more wide set(kinda like those from asian have). y'know how people are always criticizing Usagi for having eyes too far apart. yeah, there's a reason for that design choice lol. anyways example here:
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Nose! just a little button nose. tiny upside down triangle on the face. simple as that :D example shown in the previous image
Body shape! yeah, i really dont have much advice for this one. if you want it to be realistic have thinner, bonier arms and legs with the same body shape you already have for her. here is your Og with the advice next to it:
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hair! yeah, this one is really just ideas. i sa you added fluff to the top of your character's head, but it look really choppy and more like a weird hat tbh(not trying to hate just stating my observations). try making more fluid and going on one general direction rather than all different directions. want some different options i thought up? first, fluffy: more rounded and floofy looking. i dunno how to explain it so example here lol:
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Next, scruffy: uhhh....i dunno how to explain this one very well either. curved points that go in mostly the same direction with a few outliers. example here:
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last, Human-like: this one is kinda self explanatory. give her human hair lol.
Clothes! okay, this is that last tip i promise. listen, i love the skirt. it's cute, it's personalized, its stylish......But give her shorts or pants. she is a rabbit, which means she will be super athletic and will definitely be jumping/leaping and all-in-all moving around a lot. so yeah, unless you want people looking up her skirt all the time you might wanna give her different bottom apparel. of course, feel free to give her a skirt or dress if you wanna! now, for a top i really like the one you already gave her. it's sleek and looks cool! however, might i suggest a slightly baggier shirt? simply because tight tops like that would be restricting for movement and definitely uncomfortable since she has fur. a baggy shirt would allow for looser movements and wouldnt compact her fur and make it uncomfortable. belt could go either way. keep it or dont, its your choice. it might hurt a bit when she wants to bend over or something(i know from experience lol) but it also wouldnt hinder her like, at all. good for carrying pouches and stuff, holding weapons in shethes, ect. i personally think it looks great. i have a few outfit suggestions that you might like, feel free to use/mix and match any of them. they are yours now :DD
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well, that's about all ive got for you. you dont have to use any of this if you dont want to. these are all just suggestions! anyways, have a good day! imma go hide in my cave now :)
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kpop-with-mars · 8 months
|Ateez X Trans (Ftm) Reader|
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{disclaimer; I dont own any gifs used, this is also inspired by @kittensyoonie and their ateez x trans reader so please check them out as well~.}
{Summary: Ateezs reactions to learning that your trans/you coming out to them.}
{Tags; fluff, angst, hurt comfort, just having a silly old time (mostly),}
{⚠Warnings⚠; I haven't had top surgery or any other forms of gender affirming medical care so some things might be wrong. this also might not relate to every trans person so im sorry T^T. Also look out for misgendering, dead naming, transphobia,}
{ Hi guyss I haven't been writing alot cuz I have so many drafts and i've been working on NONE of them T^T, but don't worry I will post them soon once finished. i've got some goodies in the vault so please look forward to them. alot of these scenarios might be pretty dramatic so sorry ✌ but without farther ado you can read now. Enjoy! maybe? idk its up to you - 🃏}
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You were with him on vlive for your 1 year anniversary of being together so you both read atinys questions and blocked disrespectful ones.
hongjoong attached himself on your arm while you read. "Do you look at other idols?!" you read in shock, hongjoong looked directly at you menacingly. you looked away from him "no~" you answered tucking hair behind your ear.
"You better not" he kissed your cheek making you giggle while hongjoong looked at the other questions until he found one.
"Is y/n transgender?".
hongjoong stared curiously at you "yes, im transgender" as soon as you said that, the viewers and comments spiked upward.
"Im so proud of you for coming out, ill always support you" he gave you a gentle peck on your lips before he turned to the camera.
"Atiny, lets all show our support for y/n okay?. if I see anything that doesn't i won't stand for that, this is a space for everyone so lets make it feel like it" he smiled at the camera when he finished.
You both read more questions and felt thankful for the support from atinys, eventually the camera was turned off and when it did, you and him were getting ready for bed when he pulled you into his chest "I can't believe you came out like that, you didn't feel pressured into it right? " he gently stroked your hair.
"I never thought i could do that, but ever since i met you i've felt more like me" he hummed in response before he put his hand on your cheek lifting up your face "I love you~" he cooed "I love you too" he chuckled at your shyness and he hugged your head to his chest.
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You were at home recovering from your top surgery, you felt like tired didn't wanna move from your bed while you hugged your pillow to your chest, until you finally decided to get up and eat.
But as you walked into the kitchen to grab a quick breakfast you heard the front door unlock. you looked at the door wondering if this is the day you die until it opened to seonghwas smiling face.
"Hi honey" he walked up to you and kissed your forehead before he looked you up and down "Did you just wake up?" "No i woke up an hour and a half ago, i just got out of bed tho" he brought his hands up to your face and turned it from side to side "Did you eat yet?" you shook your head "good thing I got you some food" he handed you the food, which you ate in minutes after seonghwa guided the two of you to the table.
"Are you alright y/n?, you seem tired did you get enough sleep?" he bombarded you with questions while rubbing your back. "I feel fine, maybe just about sluggish" "I know im busy alot, but i just wanna know if something happened while I was away, please?" he moved his hand from your back to your free hand.
You decided to tell him "im sorry I didn't tell you sooner but, I got top surgery" seonghwa looked into your eyes waiting for you to explain "because im transgender" you added.
"That's cool, im glad you're okay" he smiled brightly you responed by giving his lips a gentle peck "I love you" you said making eye contact with him "I love you too, my handsome man".
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You and yunho were looking at pictures from his childhood while he told the stories behind them, alot of them making you laugh.
He was flipping though more photos when he paused "what?, what is it?" you asked him and he turned his head to you. "I don't think i've seen your baby photos before, have i?" he tilted his head to the side with curiosity in his eyes.
You didn't know what to tell him other then lying "Well i- um" you stammered "You're not embarrassed about them, right?." yunho asked when he noticed how anxious you were getting.
"Yeah, a little bit" you took a deep breath, you pulled out you're phone and showed him a picture of you as a kid. he looked at for a moment then smiled "I don't see any problem with it" yunho said with confusion.
You scrolled through your phone until you found one from prom, and you showed it to yunho. He took in the photo he was seeing before he responed "Oh, oh, you looked..." he had an awkward smile on his face "What" you asked knowing exactly what he was gonna say, until he said something you haven't heard.
"You just don't look happy in that picture, and i don't like it" he put his hand on your back. "I like who you are now because I know that you're happier this way" yunho wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you into one of his special hugs.
You would cry but yunho made you too happy to, that's what you loved most about him, and that's what he loves most about you.
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You and yeosang started working out together, nothing more sexy then seeing a muscle-y yeosang with an extra shine on his skin.
After more grueling exercise the two of you were taking a break and eating lunch together. "t-that was...alot to say the lest" he wiped sweat from his forehead with a rag and drank his shake.
"Yeah, I think im all worked out for the day" you smiled at him, mean while your sleeveless shirt puffed out and yeosang couldn't help but look "woah-" he admired your toned arms and chest, making you straighten yourself up and cross your arms over your chest.
"It's no secret your totally hot, even with scars" he laughed "Wait what scars??" yeosang made a confused face "the ones on your chest?"
"What- I don't-" "but you do?" he was getting concerned about the way you were suddenly so defensive. "Are you getting self conscious about yourself?-" "no it's just-" you felt you'd just ruined this nice day working out with yeosang by making him upset.
Yeosang came up to you and held your hand "What's wrong honey?" he asked in a sweet but worried tone making your heart sting a bit. but that made you realize this was stupid to keep from him.
"Those scars on my chest..." he looked intently at you "they're from top surgery... im transgender" yeosang pulled you into a hug while he stroked your muscles "that's nice. Im glad you're happy with who you are" he looked at you and gave your lips a quick kiss "and with me~"
You and him laughed about it and continued on with lunch "oh y/n!, can I see your abs again?...please?" his confidence faded to embarrassment when he asked, this caught you off guard but this was at KQ's gym after all, might as well give him some fan service.
"Sure" you lifted up your tank top for him, making him choke on his food for a second. you asking if he's okay until he answered "im fine...but not as fine as you~" you laughed at yeosang's cheesy pick up line and enjoyed the rest of the day with your boyfriend.
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San was having the best day of his life when you came out wearing some of his clothes, the way his clothes looked so baggy on you made him feel like he had to protect you at any cost.
"Cute~" was the only thing he could say in awe as he stared at you, you gave him a little spin "All of your stuff is so comfy~ it was hard to choose which to wear" you went up to him and threw your arms around his waist and hugged him tightly.
He pet your hair lightly "ill let you wear anything of mine if it makes you happy" he stroked your cheek and kissed your forehead. "Are you ready now?" you nodded your head and san began to walk you through the bouncy choreography.
The two of you were having a fun time and laughed whenever you made a mistake, or when he did. he was showing you how to go down for the chorus. "Then we do that for one, two, three, four. got it?" he demonstrated for you while he spoke "yeah I think so" san nodded then played it for you.
You started going down with the beats while san counted. but even though the shirt you were wearing provided some good ventilation, it was going down your chest more and more with each move.
"Oh-" san laughed out and paused the music. you laughed too with him and the shirt was falling off, revealing most of your chest. san noticed this and smirked when he walked toward you then noticed your scars. "What are those?" he pointed to your chest and you looked down.
"Oh" you pulled up your shirt "those are top surgery scars" san nodded then he suddenly got a look of surprise on his face "you're transgender!?" you put a thumbs up and smiled "Ooo that's cool, like pungja right? but just the other way around?" You nodded.
San picked you up in his arms and lifted you "no wonder you have such a feminine body" he teased you and ruffled your hair "That's why I kinda like wearing your clothes, they're good at hiding it when I want to" you giggled he squeezed you tightly.
"Well like I said, ill let you wear anything of mine if it makes you happy~" he kissed your cheek and put you down. "Alright now since you wanna know how, let me show you right now~".
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Mingi had took you with him and the members while touring around, he really needed cuddles after performing his heart out and you were his stress reliever.
He walked into the hotel room and you were on your phone and he went straight to the shower after greeting you, having been covered in sweat while you waited quietly for him on the bed.
He came out of the bathroom with his pajamas on and his hair wet. you opened your arms out to him "come here princess~" you understood how tired he was and he flopped down on your side, his head on your shoulder as his hands moved around your body.
He was obviously much taller then you but he felt so small hugging your body. "I love you~" you told him and kissed his forehead while your hand held the back of his head. "I love-" mingi froze when his hand reached a small long bump on your chest, his sleepy eyes widened a bit.
You chuckled lightly at his reaction and you held his cheeks "those are just scars. im transgender, I used to be a woman so I got surgery to get a flat chest" you explained and he nodded "That's cool~ are you happy?" he asked in a deep sleepy voice. "Of course I am. im even more happy with myself after I met you~" you kissed him lightly on the lips.
He gave you his gummy smile and he cuddled you closer to your body, laying his head against your collarbone. you turned your body to him and wrapped your arms around his head and back.
"I love you" his voice was muffled against your chest. "I love you too princess~" he smiled and you turned the lamp off and the two of you fell asleep. your princess finally getting the sleep he needed while knowing you're happy.
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"Come on babe!, let's go to the beach-each what they gonna say~" you heard him sing from down the hall while you were getting ready. you and wooyoung decided to go on a beach date when he had a break from promoting, and now that day was here.
You hurriedly searched for a swim shirt of any kind but to your dismay you couldn't find one. "im coming!" you threw on a shirt and run out the door with wooyoung.
At the beach you and wooyoung ate lunch that the two of you prepared together, after wooyoung finished he threw his shirt off and on your towels and booked it to the water, "Come on y/n!, let's cool off!" He yelled for you when he was in the water.
You grimaced nervously and walked over to the shore, you sat down and brought your legs to your chest. you felt the water lightly brush your feet. wooyoung raised his eyebrow at you "is something wrong babe?" he was confused by your actions.
"N-No.." you denied, but you knew wooyoung would keep pressing you til you dropped dead so you stood up and took your shirt off. you stepped into the water near wooyoung.
"See~, its not so-" he noticed your scars. "Babe?!, did something attack you in the water??. Is that why you were nervous?" he quickly stepped up to you and took your hands.
You chuckled lightly "No... im just transgender" you smile feeling your unease drip away. "Oh, well of course that's alright dummy" he hit your shoulder lightly. "I love you~" he said in a cheesy tone. "I love you too~"
He pecked your lips "I've never actually been to the beach without a shirt on sense surgery, i just get kinda nervous you know?" you admitted while the two of you were in calif deep in the water.
He smiled sweetly "I understand but lets not worry~. I promised to give you some of my confidence when we started dating..." he took a short pause to look in your eyes before he gave you a big smile "so come on lets go have fun!" He dragged you further into the water while the two of you laughed.
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A sudden knock interrupted your thoughts while in a cracked voice you said "Come in". the door opened to jongho's handsome face making you straighten up and try to make it look like you weren't crying.
"I was told you weren't feeling alright" he explained himself and sat next to you giving you a kiss on the cheek. "Do you wanna talk about it?" he looked at you with pleading eyes.
He held your hand in his squeezing it gently until you gave in and started tearing up again, "If -i was different back when I was younger, would you still love me?" he stayed silent allowing you to continue. "I know I shouldn't care what people think, but i don't feel like ill be- anything to anyone, really. I hate how people looked at me---and still look at me---especially because I knew what they were thinking"
you took in some more fresh air and wiped some tears before jongho spoke "Why would people ever judge you?". you responded "because I didn't want to be what they wanted" he thought on that for a moment before he asked another "What did they want you to be?" his voice held nothing gentleness and compassion, instantly you felt safer.
"A girl they could control" you put your face on his shoulder and lightly sobbed, jongho wrapped his arms around you and helped control your breathing. he held you in his warm chest for awhile, until you pulled away.
"You don't have to deal with this alone, okay?... I'm sorry you didn't feel safe telling me before but," he paused for a minute and held out his pinky "Let's get through this together now, promise" you let out a light chuckle and interlocked pinkies with him.
His arms snaked around you while you held him tightly hoping to never release, jongho turned your head to him and he gave you a kiss you'd been dieing to get. his lips fit onto yours like a puzzle piece, and like a puzzle you were complete.
{Hi guyss~, I sadly couldn't finish my hongjoong x trans reader one shot I was writing for his birthday so ill be working on it and ill post it when its done or just work on some other fics, speaking of them ill probably do some sort of poll or vote for these other fics I really wanna write so that I know what y'all will wanna see next~~. I got inspired by @kittensyoonie I read their ateez x trans reader thing and I was inspired by them to write this. So thank you to them and also read theirs!. - 🃏}
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actualbird · 1 year
so true about Luke being the one to fall harder bc hes the sort of person who doesn’t realise it’s a date until WAY later. like marius could even be asking him about his valentines plans and luke would just not get the hint and then would realise WAY later and scream into his pillow (THIS IS BASED ON MY OWN EXPERIENCE AND EVEN NOW I FEEL LIKE A FOOL 3 YEARS LATER!!)
irt these mariluke tags i left on a post yesterday about "A fell first, B fell harder"
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ANON, YOU GET ME!!! SHAKES UR HAND both on the front of agreeing with this dynamic and also ur personal experiences. like yeah same there were many experiences i did not notice i was being courted. oblivious idiots unite!!!
but EXACTLY LITERALLY KJHVJASHFA i feel like....even if marius hides his true feelings and largely suppresses his pining, he does do some Glaringly Obvious Things Like That to like test the waters
and itd be easy for him to deny it by playing it off as teasing or a joke
but he doesnt need to cuz luke just
Does Not Get It
marius, putting out his feelers to see if luke is maybe interested: hey, are you free on valentine's day?
luke, hasnt yet realized his feelings but theyre There but he doesnt Know What They Are Yet and only has one singular braincell when not working on a case: i think so, why?
marius, saddened by the immensely casual response and concludes that luke is not interested so now it is time for Operation Backpedal Via Over-The-Top Teasing Or Jokes: hehe, wanna make your single bachelor woes go away and hang out with me then? ;D
luke, just way too easy to fluster: w-what! dont mess with me, man, maybe i do have plans now actually >:/
luke will realize that was marius asking him out on a date like way wayyyyyyy later. probably once theyre already together actually, and luke stands there with an expression of horror while marius laughs his ass off
marius: hey dont blame me, that hint was the size of a brick and you didnt notice it! it was very straight-passing of you
luke: //head in hands
in conclusion: mariluke in their pining stage goes a lil smthng like this in my head
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silly guys
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i0veless · 1 year
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Welcome to the lines in red. my February event is where I share my fav lines from some fics I have written and others I have read. I plan to do more events like this every one or two months, but we will see how this goes. feel free to do one yourself and tag me in them, as I would love to read some of your recs and be introduced to some amazing new writers. also, I must preface that some of these fics are 18+, including smut and possibly triggering content, so please proceed with caution (also, these are only a handful of the amazing fics that are posted by these amazing writers, so I recommend that you check out some of their other works as they are well worth a read).
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fics :: mine
🎟 - "He wanted Y/N L/N, but unfortunately, not all dreams came true." ➛ guitar string heart by me
🎟 - "Hello, Kylian and friends, have you seen my fucking food." ➛ sweet ice skater by me
🎟 - "Oh, and yeah, and by the way, my man's name is Kylian Mbappé." ➛ let me make it clear by me
🎟 - "she was obsessed with being the belle of the ball, having her "perfect" love story - an ideal devotion." ➛ toxic attraction by me
🎟 - "Y/N come home the kids miss you" ➛ wag in traning by me
🎟 - "nice flowers who choice them..." ➛ red + blue by me
🎟 - "cuz your his at the end of the day." ➛ dating achraf haikimi by me
🎟 - "you deserve to be spoilt like royalty" ➛ dating kylian mbappe by me
🎟 - "but god, did his beauty look insignificant standing next to you" ➛ dating joao felix by me
🎟 - "everyone wants to be you or be with you" ➛ dating jude belligham by me
🎟 - "he looked at her like she hung the moon and the stars, and perhaps in other life, she had." ➛ dog days by me (coming very soon)
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fics :: football
🎟 - "star girl makes her entrance." ➛ star girl by @like3dbypierregasly
🎟 - "100%, hey if they get married we will be related." ➛ like their older brothers by @mbappebby
🎟 - "The only number 7 I wanna see lifting that trophy is my number 7— Our seven." new romantics by @peaky-shelby
🎟 - "giving you a long lasting strawberry scent all day— the only problem? Neymar was severely allergic to them." ➛ love to hate me by @luvneymar
🎟 - " you and kylian have a complex history, complex relationship." ➛ valentines day disaster by @prettypleiades 
🎟 - "everything you wished I gave you?" ➛ it was never us by @photmath
🎟 - "She may have been called silver but he had got the gold. And he was never going to let her go again." ➛ jealous love by @silvervioletvalentine
🎟 - "we get another cat." ➛ ball gowns and galas by @neymarsangel
🎟 - "you came in a time in my life when I needed something extra and I don’t need it anymore." ➛ the other woman by @70strekkie
🎟 - "Still here? Might as well cuddle with me, chère." ➛ the butterfly effect by @kiryoutann
🎟 - "hop in then, princess." ➛ psg sweethearts by @photmath
🎟 - "why couldn’t people love me? Why not me? Why can’t I be loved?" ➛ why not me by @applejuicefruit
🎟 - "you felt like your heart had been ripped out your chest and smeared across the walls of the shared home you once had with mason." ➛ betrayed by @tomsparkyr
🎟 - "when we were seventeen he birded me up and the rest is history as they say!" ➛ behind the dream by @stopsavinchat66
🎟 - "it meant so much to you then, but now it meant nothing to you." ➛ space by @iguessweallcrazyithinktho
🎟 - "maybe your joão was never really yours but always kind of hers." ➛ her by @yungbludz
🎟 - "they both knew it wouldn't be the last time." ➛ I'll always be there for you by @richarl1son
🎟 - "i’d be ronaldo by the way, he’s the better looking one of the two." ➛ tell me lies by @okayymochi
🎟 - "chérie? How much hair do you think I have?" ➛ a little bit of care by @karotland
🎟 - "always passing, never meeting." ➛ the sun and the moon by @notbluees
🎟 - "It would be an absolute bestseller" ➛ when in paris by @keanureevesisbae
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fics :: formula one
🎟 - "oh, good heavens!" ➛ the origin of russy bussy by @sebscore
🎟 - "it can still be me." ➛ love you goodbye by @micks-afterglow
🎟 - "actually, it’s black coffee with four sugars." ➛ people watching by @silverstonesainz
🎟 - "is little lando in his emo phase?" ➛ lonely hearts club by @astonmartinii
🎟 - "I don’t need his approval." ➛ disapproval by @holllandtrash
🎟 - "at this point, you were ready to throw a match at McLaren headquarters and call it a day." ➛ angry by @whorekneecentral
🎟 - "I live fot it." ➛ unless you like that by @monzamash
🎟 - "I’ve always been creative and good with words, hence the love letters"➛ love languages by @astonmartinii
🎟 - "people, don't take the words of twinks seriously" ➛ twitch war by @sebscore
🎟 - "there in the corner of the room where you placed the engagement ring back in his hand and left his life behind quietly." ➛ overly sincere by @leclsrc
🎟 - "what's a charles?" ➛ european romance by @leclvrc
🎟 - "liked by pierregasly" ➛ trophy husband by @leclercs-posts
🎟 - "now would be a bad time to start negotiating..." ➛ homecoming by @danielfuckingricciardo
🎟 - "she got scouted by a moulding agency when her mugshots were leaked" ➛ bad bitch by @schuvries
🎟 - "why did you get to be the golden child? did he not deserve the same treatment?" ➛ the red string of me and you by @libraryofloveletters
🎟 - "I’ve got a lot to make up for then, haven’t I baby." ➛ first time for everything by @paradisehamilton
🎟 - "he goes, and wonders for the rest of his life what would’ve happened if he stayed." ➛ you gotta move, or move on by @absolutelynotmate-archive
🎟 - "she was used to suitors being somewhat reserved and intimidated by her title or being blinded by it." ➛ royal by @pucksandpower
🎟 - "here is a simple device to cut your own hair!" ➛ all I want for christmas by @micksslut
🎟 - "I'm completely in love with you." ➛ let it snow by @writingshushf1
🎟 - "Max had one question left." ➛ romeo asked juliet three questions by @xhopelesslyromanticx
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youredreamingofroo · 2 months
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OKAY!!! Thank you @slightly-ludic @kuroashims @groovetrys for the tag !!! Ya'll tagged me in this last week and unfortunately it was when I was lowkey depressed BUT NEVER FEAR!! I did see ya'lls posts and have finally gotten motivated enough to do this!
I'm kinda surprised I got Lawful Good, I honestly see myself as Chaotic Neutral or Lawful Evil 🤔🤔 But anywho! I did the picrew for me AND Roo (as always), I was REALLY cooking up ideas for what kind of adventurers we'd be so if you'd like to read all that, it's below the cut :)
I'm not tagging anyone cuz I'm 5 days late but- if you wanna do this, feel free to do it and tag me!
Quiz and Picrew
If I was an adventurer... I'd be some conglomerate of Arachnid/Reptile Alchemist, in the case of a game where you choose a character to start with (no character customization to start with), my character would have a frustratingly high Strength attribute only for me to not be able to do Melee damage (for example, if the average beginner Strength attribute was 5, my character would have a +8 Strength Attribute and a special passive along the lines of "Cannot do melee damage / Perform melee attacks." My main source of power/magic would be Water, who can also do Lingering Poison and Electric damage (While Poison and Electric are also an area of strength, I wouldn't do as much damage with either than I would if I were fighting with Water). If I had a familiar/companion, it'd be a black cat (reflecting my irl pet, a cat :))
My Adventurer name would probably be something like "Achar the Aracho-alchemist" (alliteration ftw)
If Roo was an adventurer... Roo would be an Elf/Goat (Satyr?) Archer, he's a lot more feeble and fragile, however does pretty reputable damage, although he's a master in normal flint/iron tipped arrows and a wooden bow, he can also deal damage via crossbow bolts and a crossbow, or variously tipped arrows (poison, fire, etc), but like me, the damage wouldn't be as comparable to what he's good at using. Along with being an archer, he's also a bard and has a once-per-battle spell where he can enchant the opposing party into being distracted for 3 turns / 2 turns ( smaller enemies / bigger enemies [ In the case of a time-based battle and not turn-based like bg3, it would be somewhere around 1 minute / 45 seconds for smaller / larger enemies respectively ]). He's also that one character that makes you wonder if he's dressed for the role and the answer to that would be no, no he is not, but somehow makes it work LMAO His familiar/companion would be a deer (I think it just fits his twink-ish vibes </3)
His Adventurer name would be something like "Roo the Rising-in-Fame Archer" (rising in fame would be a nod to his musical talent and the archer part is obv OASJHDNB)
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lokiina · 6 months
WIP whenever~
Tagged by both @therealnightcity and @dreamskug
What am I doin? I'm finally actually doing things, which is the important thing. Cuz Christmas is done and stress at work has finally dropped off significantly.
Mod stuffssss: I'm almost done a super fun mod that was mostly self indulgent but I know there's a small handful of peeps out there who enjoy this band as well. An Electric Callboy vest~
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It was a vanilla mesh, I added extra submeshes too and made custom decal images for. I based the design choices off their Tekkno tour gear the guys wore with the paint splatters in their colours.
I'm trying to see if I can get an emissive piece of it working and once I'm content enough I'll snap the icon pic and get it out there.
Writing stuffssss: Also forever snail pace plugging away at some writing but like def don't expect that any time soon cuz I keep going back and rewriting things over and over again. Which means this lil excerpt might be entirely different when I finally post the whole thing one day. dfkjghdfkjgh but a smol piece? okeey.
"Jus’- slow down. Please. I dunno what the fuck is goin’ on. My head’s on fire, I just woke up from the world's shortest sleep and my face was in a pile of actual fur. I panicked. Fuckin’…. Start over." Dino sighed, briefly pinching the bridge of his nose, "What the hell’s goin on? Am I trippin’?" "Me…" Zayn’s eyes scanned over the man watching for his reaction, "That was me…" There was a moment of silence as Dino tried to process that. Him. He was pretty sure that it was a huge ass animal but okay. The man let out a snort and half chuckle, "What l-like a werewolf?"  Zayn stared at Dino, looking more annoyed now that it felt like he was making fun of him. "...You're shittin’ me." Dino put a hand on his forehead still processing everything. He blinked at Zayn who was unmoving realizing he was completely serious, “You’re not shittin’ me…”
I wanna go back and also properly write out all the old VP stories I did on insta too. Flesh em out more. Am I gonna be at this for like ever because I write like a snail? Probably. dkjfghkdjf
ANYWAY I'm sure almost everyone at this point has been tagged I'll slap some more anyway. Feel free to ignore if you don't feel like sharing or already did it. It's all for fun, no pressure.
@pinkyjulien @chooh2 @sammysilverdyne @elvenbeard @afterdark-vp @wraithsoutlaws
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facesbehindglass · 7 months
Casual doll collector. I barely know what I'm doing.
I want to collect at least 1 of each fashion doll brand. Especially early 2000's ones. There's plenty so I don't count knockoffs (unless they're really interesting....)
If you ever look for info like
-do X doll clothes fit Y doll
-doll id (try google lens first tho!)
-size comparisons
then feel free to poke me after checking the list below (cause you'll know what dolls I got)
If there are any dolls you find interesting and aren't on the list, share, I wanna see :3
(Also, personal posts are tagged as #rustyspots)
✓ Owned
🔜Will arrive soon
👁️‍🗨️ Have my eyes on them
Arabian Friends
✓ Barbie (My First, Extra Mini, Extra Mini Mini)
✓ The Beatrix Girls
👁️‍🗨️Beauty Cuties
✓ BeKind Dolls
Be Fashion Academy
✓ BFF Crybabies
✓ Boxy Girls
✓ Bratz (but the tall ones lol)
✓ Bratzillaz
👁️‍🗨️Bratz Kidz
👁️‍🗨️ Bright Fairy Friends
👁️‍🗨️ Candyloks
Catwalk Kitties
✓ Cave Club
✓ Creatable World
Crush: Urban Energy
✓ Cutie Pops
✓ Cyborg Rocks
👁️‍🗨️DC Super Hero Girls
✓ Decora Girlz
Defa Lucy
✓ Disney Descendants
✓ Diva Starz
✓ Dream Ella Extra Iconic Mini
✓ Dream Seekers
✓ Enchantimals
👁️‍🗨️Ever After High
✓ FailFix
Fairy Tale High
✓ Famosa Club Hello Kitty
✓ Fidgie Friends
✓ Flavas
✓ Freckles & Friends
✓ The Fresh Dolls
Glitzeez ?
👁️‍🗨️ Glossy Bossy
👁️‍🗨️ Glo-Up girls
✓ Gorjuss
Gorgeous Creatures
✓ Hairdorables
✓ Hairdorables Hairmazing
👁️‍🗨️ Hello Kitty and Friends
✓ Hi Glamm
iBesties (?)
Juku Couture
Just Grrls
👁️‍🗨️Kawaii Crush
👁️‍🗨️ Kindi Kids
👁️‍🗨️ Kurhn
👁️‍🗨️ Kuu Kuu Harajuku
✓ Lalaloopsy
✓ Lammily
✓ La Dee Da
✓ Licca
👁️‍🗨️Little Bebops
✓ Locksies
✓ LOL OMG Fierce
✓ LOL Tweens
✓ Lottie
👁️‍🗨️LPS Blythe
✓ Magic Mixies Pixlings
✓ Mermaid High
✓ Mermaze Mermaidz
👁️‍🗨️Mia by Hello Kitty
Miss Scouby
✓ Monster High Frightfully Tall
✓ Monster High G1
✓ Monster High G2
✓ Monster High G3
👁️‍🗨️Moxie Girls
👁️‍🗨️Moxie Teenz
👁️‍🗨️Myscene (any...)
✓ Myscene Fab Faces
✓ My Little Pony Equestria Girls
✓ Na! Na! Na! Surprise
Na! Na! Na! Surprise Teens
Naija Princess
✓ Nebulous Stars
✓ Novi Stars
✓ Once Upon A Zombie
✓ Pinkie Cooper
✓ Piny Doll (PinyPon)
Pixie Doodles
✓ Power Puff Girls Z
Precure Bandai (?)
👁️‍🗨️Prettie Girls Tween Scene
✓ Project Mc²
✓ Queens of Africa
✓ Rainbow High
✓ Rainbow High Junior
✓ Rainbow High My Runway Friend
✓ Regal Academy
Secret Jouju
✓ Shadow High
✓ Shibajuku Girls
👁️‍🗨️Shopkins Shoppies
✓ Sindy (Hasbro)
👁️‍🗨️Sindy (Pedigree)
✓ Snapstars
✓ Star Darlings
✓ Steffi Love
👁️‍🗨️Strawberry Shortcake
Style Bae
Sunny Day (?)
✓ Sweetyz
✓ Tattoo Divas
Twilight Teens
👁️‍🗨️Unique Eyes
✓ We Teens
✓ What's Her Face
Wild Childz (?)
✓ Wild Hearts Crew
✓ WWE Superstars Wrestling
Vibe Girls
✓ VIP Hair Academy
Vi and Va
Yue Sai Wa Wa
Zeenie Dollz
👁️‍🗨️Zombie Girls
Side quest- Mini dolls? Chibi or kid-shaped
👁️‍🗨️Best Furry Friends
👁️‍🗨️Lady Lovely Locks
✓ Sparkle Girlz Little Sparkles
Dolls (or their remains) that are pretty much impossible to get but one can hope ;w;
-Country Kuttiez
-Trashion Alley
"Duplicates" I want anyway cause they're my grails:
-target exclusive Pinkie Pie EG
-failfix, the blondie one cuz shes smoler than the rest
-Novi Stars Doe A Deer
-Monster High Isi Dawndancer
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woniverse-writes · 7 months
Some of my pet peeves in fanfiction (sharing this because I can and I’m bored)
these are just my opinions. If you disagree, frankly I don’t care but these are things that annoy me. I’ve read a lot of fanfiction in the last few years, so this is just what my taste has developed into. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions though, so these are just things that I PERSONALLY don’t like when reading fics.
(This is kinda long. sorry lol)
Tagging unrelated subjects
If I search something for Bada Lee, I don’t wanna see something about Jam Republic
Unless both of them are in the post, then duh
I don’t care if I like both of them, I’m searching for a specific thing so why would I want to find something else
And I mean specifically if I look up one person, and I’m met with a post for someone else, but the person I’m searching for is still tagged for no reason
I don’t care if you’re trying to get reach, I think it’s annoying
ESPECIALLY if you’re tagging someone or something that’s completely unrelated
I’ve literally blocked people for saying they do it for reach- sorry but you’re really fucking annoying
Poorly written conflict
Fight scenes coming out of nowhere especially physical fights
I just read a fic where the reader slapped the person for no reason, like- girl wtf
And another one where the person it was about showed up out of nowhere and punched this person and knocked them out because they were jealous
Like- I get it, it’s all fake, but can we be a little realistic please 😭
This one feels a little mean, but poor grammar
If it’s once every now and then it doesn’t bother me, cuz even native speakers mess up their own language
But constantly using the wrong tense or spelling of a word really makes it hard for me to immerse myself
But again that’s just me personally
Misspelling and idols name
Girl I’m sorry but how are you gonna write about someone and not know how to spell their name correctly🧍‍♀️
Google is free babe
Changing the POV every other sentence
It throws me off so bad when I’m reading and the reader is referred to as “she/he/they” and then it suddenly switches up to “you” like- just pick one and stick with it plz
And don’t even get me started me started with first person povs- I will simply not read it, I’m sorry
Rushed relationships
Especially when it comes to enemies to lovers
I hate, hate, HATE when the pairing will meet each other and then be romantically involved like a week later
Or specifically in enemies to lovers, they hate each other for three years, and then the second they show one tiny ounce of anything other than hatred, the reader has forgotten everything
Again it’s just not realistic to me and it makes it hard for me to enjoy
Fluffy language
Like- over describing things and making it try to seem so much more descriptive
Or when coming up with nicknames
Unless it’s written satirically and meant to be cringy and weird on purpose, I can’t stand it
It just makes me cringe and I literally will not finish reading
Smut written but people that have no idea what they’re talking about
If you’ve never read smut, you probably shouldn’t write smut
Unless you’ve like- had sexual experiences
I’m just really picky with smut specifically
I’ve just read (and not finished reading) so many fics written by people that are either clearly underage and trying to sound like they’re adults, or from people that sound like they’re trying too hard
I promise you- we don’t need the 12 different descriptors of how the pussy feels in one sentence
Not understanding the person/character you’re writing about
I get this more if you’re doing a request for someone and you maybe don’t know them as much
But if you’re a fan of a group or show, how are you not gonna know the person you’re writing about…
Like just missing key factors in their personality
zeroing in on ONLY certain factors of their personality and throwing away the rest of it
Some big ones I notice are people not knowing how to write for Ni-ki from enhypen and Hao from zerobaseone
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prismonautic · 1 month
ALIA'S BLESSING - a spell to send love and comfort to someone you care for.
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good news, prismonautic hiatus is over!
that means, more spells for you to learn and use :)
today, we're going to be covering the myth of alia and tash, two sisters who are experiencing hardships in their connections due to pressure in tash's life starting to take a toll on her. alia goes out her way to do what she can to comfort tash, even if it may not seem like a lot has been done to the naked eye.
+ witchy writers seeing this, you can incorporate alia's blessing into your fantasy works! credit and tag me cuz i 10000% wanna see what y'all do with it in your own stories.
i'm not sure if i can label this spell as beginner friendly, especially since you need a good grasp on your shadow work + energy work to ensure you're not projecting egotistical / restrictive desires upon the person.
the main goal of this spell is to wish the person alignment to their highest good - and their highest good may not agree with what your ego says it should be. approach this with an open mind and heart, and make sure you're not trying to make yourself feel better by trying to cast this for someone.
this should be done out of love, not fear.
to read my recent post elaborating on intent vs. impact in casting spells, click here.
in order to read the myth, PLEASE CLICK HERE.
the myth serves as a small form of divination - it's like a black mirror that looks back into you. what you gather from the myth will rate your compatibility with this spell, and give you an idea of if this is the right spell for your situation or not.
this is gatekept by the mythos - it's likely that if you don't understand it or know how to decode the myth, it's not for you.
things that you need:
a strong understanding of your target's emotional state, emotional needs, and their current situations.
+ bonus if you have their astrology chart - look at their moon sign and its aspects to have a stronger understanding of their emotional nuances/archetypes.
either creative medium: something to WRITE on or DRAW on.
doesn't matter if you're doing this electronically or not. what matters is that you're able to portray the uplifting comfort you want to bless your target with. if you are not adept in either of these skills, create an altar where you will place corresponding herbs/gems/oils that align with the energy you're trying to bring to your target.
what to do:
with your knowledge about the target's emotions + your blank canvas (whether written or drawn), create a clear image of the blessing you want to send to this target - imbue things such as comfort, love, vitality, and life as deeply as you can into your work. the more details, the better.
if you're having trouble completing this step, take a look at the myth again and read the part where alia draws out tash as blessed and happy.
if you're completing this artwork electronically, save it and place it within a zipped folder on your device.
if you are completing this artwork physically, place it in a sealed envelope if it's written on standard paper. if you've made a painting, find a place to hang it where the sun will shine upon it. if you can't hang it, charge it with an appropriate energy that can be aligned with the sun's energy - light, invigorating, etc.. whatever is most suitable for the spell at the time.
^ once you complete the work and store them appropriately, consider the spell cast. there is no more action needed on your part. if you want to boost it, feel free to charge the artifacts under the sun / use energy work to charge it according to what best suits you.
to break the spell, destroy the work and dispose of it away from where it was originally stored. using this method simply makes the spell inactive, it's like cutting a cord. the target will need to maintain the positive energy of the blessing, or else it will fade over time.
if you need to break the spell and wish for it to be offensive, destroy the spell with water. it "drowns" the blessing, returning the energy you poured into them to you + removing the blessings you've conjured for them. i do not recommend destroying the artifact like this unless the person has explicitly done harm to you or your loved ones, and has no intention of stopping.
get creative with this spell. it's a launching pad for your masterpiece.
happy blessings to you all, keep taking care of those you love with all you can!
that's all from me for now.
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claymorexpunisher · 2 years
Together We Make Magic... (Roman Reigns x Fem. Reader 18+ Fic) (Pt.4)
(gif made by me. Vid cc to: Your Tribal Chief on Youtube.)
Soooo... So sorry the smut scene is pretty short but like... where I've got one 1 Roman fic posted, I got another... 10000 cookin' LOL! Love you guys and I hope you enjoy!! 💙💙💙
Summary: Theory crosses the line and Roman decides to make him pay...
Tags: 18+, misogynistic language, age gap, smut, violence, unprotected sex, size kink if you blink.
Word Count:
As soon as Austin left and the guys got back, I asked them to leave Roman and I to ourselves.
Ignoring their suggestive stares and comments, I focused my eyes on my boyfriend, who didn’t meet my gaze.
He knew I wasn’t happy.
When I heard the door of the locker room click shut, I sat down on the couch, a few inches away from Roman.
‘’Austin was here.’’ Roman murmured without any doubt in his voice.
I watched as he clenched and unclenched his fist, and I rolled my eyes.
‘’Well, someone had to tell me what went down out there. Cuz you clearly didn’t care to. Even when it had to do with me.’’ I said, my tone suddenly sharp and cold.
At the sound of my voice, Roman turned to look at me, as if he had just snapped out of whatever he was feeling at that moment.
‘’What’re you talkin’ about, babe? You weren’t feeling well so I didn’t see the point in bringing any of it up-‘’ Roman started, only pausing when I held a silent hand up.
‘’I’m a big girl. I can handle myself and I can decide whether or not I wanna deal with shit that has to do with me. Can I not? Or do you see me as this dumb little girl that can’t handle herself?’’ I bombarded with accusations that seemed to fly out of my mouth by their own accord.
I don’t know why I let Austin’s words get to me, but the confirmation that something had gone down and Roman hadn’t bothered to tell me didn’t really help.
‘’… Look, why don’t we talk about this later? Let’s just get you feeling better, and we’ll talk about this.’’ Roman said.
I shook my head.
‘’Stop making it seem like I’m being irrational, Joe. It was a simple question.’’ I replied.
I shrugged and gave him an expectant look.
‘’I don’t think you’re a dumb little girl. I just think that there are certain things that you don’t need to hear. And if it bothers you that I wanna protect you from that, I’m sorry. I can’t just let some little bitch ass punk run his mouth like that about you,’’ Roman ranted.
My eyes lit up in amusement before I groaned and plopped my head down onto his thigh and I looked up at him as he stroked his hand over my hair.
‘’I can’t stay mad at you,’’ I glared playfully to which he responded by chuckling and bending to press a series of light kisses to my lips.
‘’What did he say?’’ I asked Roman once we pulled away.
I could see in his eyes that he didn’t want to tell me.
But that wouldn’t do much good.
For how much shit I was giving Roman, I needed to put my foot down.
Deep down I knew that I had been hiding behind him in some ways.
Squeezing his hand in mine and reaching up to hold his cheek with my free hand, I willed him to tell me.
‘’Babe, do you really think I don’t hear the shit people say about me simply because I’m with you? That I’m a gold digger- as if I don’t earn my own paycheck- that I’ve got Daddy issues, that I’m ridin’ your coattails… I’ve heard it all. And it honestly doesn’t bother me… But I do think that Austin needs to be dealt with. But I need to know what he said so that we can come up with a solution together. I don’t give a crap that I have a migraine- he’s a bigger migraine and a bigger pain in our ass.’’ I shrugged and Roman stared at me for a moment before he chuckled and shook his head.
The chuckle quickly died as he began to tell me in full detail, what went down outside the locker room.
I wasn’t shocked.
I wasn’t even offended.
And now that the fog that Austin tried to put in my head, had cleared, I remembered Roman was the man I loved.
Austin was… nobody.
And thinking about his behavior as of late, it was easy to see that, yes.
Austin Theory needed to be dealt with.
So, Roman and I got to scheming.
We agreed that he didn’t need to lose his job, but he definitely needed to be humbled.
That night, Theory was involved in a segment with The Bloodline, and he left in a stretcher.
The boys didn’t absolutely pulverize him, but it was enough.
It was enough for Theory to realize that neither Roman nor I were fucking around.
Roman got to settle things his way, and I got to have my say.
And everyone was happy.
Well… except Theory.
But the important thing is that he learned his lesson and once he was healed in the next few months, he apologized and began to keep his distance once again…
Pt. 5/5
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the-houseryn · 5 months
People I want to get to know better
Tad embarrassing of me but 😭🫶 @getawayfox thanks so much for the tag, tis my first to be tagged in something like this and I’m probs a tad too excited about it lol
Last song: Seeing All Red by Shakey Graves
Favorite color:
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Last film/ show: Leverage Redemption (Thank you @leveragehunters for bringing Leverage into my life. I’ve been following you for like a decade and I’d have never watched it w/o all those gif sets and meta you’ve reblogged worming into my brain lol)
Sweet/savory/spicy: Oh, sweet for sure. I have a voracious sweet tooth (not for candy tho. I want fruit and ice cream and baked goods always)
Relationship status: A very single pringle
Last thing I googled: “voracious” only a seedling of doubt for a word I know and use when I’m going to post it is enough for me to check to make sure I 1) spelled it correctly 2) am using it appropriately #anxiety 😌 lmao
Current obsession: A hp rare pair has wormed itself into my brain. I haven’t read any of this pairing yet cuz I want to write whats in my head before I absorb whats in other heads. But Draco/Goyle has put a hand on my neck for sure
Last book: if poetry books count, flower crowns & fearsome things by Amanda Lovelace. If not, Abyss Surrounds Us by Emily Skrutske
Looking forward to: the magical day I finish some of my wips. Been drowning in them lately, but I know the tides will turn eventually and that’ll be good 🥰
As I said up top, I’ve never done this before. This whole tagging others thing is a tad scary tbh. Feel 1000% free to ignore it. Um but since I’ve already tagged you once, if you wanna join @leveragehunters you’re welcome to 😊 As far as the hp/ao3 peeps ig @eloiseevans @fictional @oflights @schmem14 @nv-md
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riodoesstuff · 2 years
i would love if you would tell me a little about your ocs? like their names, whatever you want to say about them, and maybe what colors you associate them with.
You have opened the gates of hell and now i will not shut up im so sorry but also thank you so so much this makes me so happy
Okay so these are my main ocs from my project "The Doomed's Vale":
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Matt Myers! (They/She/He); They are one of the protags of my main story!! She like supernatural and paranormal stuff and wants to become a cryptozoologist someday :] Hazel and Liam are basically his only friends and all 3 are haunted by the horrors! I associate him with this color:
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Liam Cruz Reis! (He/Him); Matt's best bro! The two have been through some rough ups and downs trust me on this one; He likes fixing / creating machines and robots! He's got a lil helping bot named Pascal that is a modified roomba; He wants to go to university so he can better his skills; I associate him with this color most of the times:
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Hazel Calimeris! (She/They): Alienish monster whos escape module crashed on Liam and Matt's town; Is an incredible fighter (for human standards); She has a body condition where she needs to wear a suit that helps regulate her body temp; They want to remember what happened after the crash and find her missing family! This is the color i normally associate them with!
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==> Some side notes and little things abt the 3!:
> Matt's first job was at their towns local library, run by their favorite (retired) cryptid: Mr. Mothman!;
> Liam’s bots are all named after coding languages, hence "Pascal";
> Matt is Hazel’s romantic interests in the first part of the story, later on the feelings between the two turn out to be mutual!! Love wins! ;
> Liam is Trans and Ace; Matt is Nonbinary and Sapphic along with Hazel who is also Sapphic! ;
> Their bdays are on the 13th of May (Matt), 25th of November (Liam), and something close to 28th of February (Hazel) ;
> Hazel loves the new world that they are in, but these are her favorite things: The Sun (cause its warm), The Stars (cause she never saw them), and little creatures (esp bugs);
> Liam accidentally recreated a sylladex once;
> In the start of the story Matt opens a "agency" that focuses on controlling and solving supernatural related problems; She dragged Liam with them on this one but he doesn't mind at all lmao;
> Matt calls Hazel "Haz"; Hazel calls Matt "Boo" cuz of the word BOO written behind her jacket </3
> Liam likes chill music but especially Jazz, blues and bossa nova; it helps him while hes working on stuff;
But these 3? they own my heart they live rent free in my head, everything I do I do it for them
sorry for the long post it will happen again
OBS: i post abt them and my other characters all the time on here and on twitter, so if u wanna see a tad bit of more stuff check out "The Doomed's Vale" tag thumps up
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northlight14 · 2 years
✨Intro post✨
Hey, welcome to my blog! You can call me North. My blog is mainly me rambling about anime and reblogging stuff. I also wanna start writing fanfiction again once I get the chance. Anyway, if you decide to stay, I really appreciate you being here :)))
All religions, ethnicities, members of the lgbtqia+ community, etc are welcome!
Feel free to talk to me via asks. I’m also cool about DM’s as long as we’re mutuals and you’re a similar age to me (preferably 17+)
If you like danganronpa, hermitcraft and/or my hero academia, consider following my queer platonic partner @iridescentsky29 cuz they’re really cool
Side blog is @north-writes where I’ll post book things, writing and OC stuff
😜Facts about me!
- I’m an INFP
- I’m a Scorpio
- I’m aro/ace but I’m still simping for Shigaraki, Aizawa, Mr Compress and Levi Ackerman (they’re pretty, ok?😅)
- My current hyperfixations are ace attorney (currently on Duel Destinies), my OC’s, Osamu Dazai (the author, not the character. Although I do adore the character), and danganronpa (only finished the first and second game tho so no spoilers past that point!!)
- I have a lot of dnd characters that I might start posting about
- I have other OC’s I sometimes post about. Intro post to them here if anyones interested (aro/aces who are fans of QPR rep and sun/moon or opposites attract dynamics might like these guys)
- I’m British
Pronoun card: here
Anime watch list: here
Playlists: here
MHA ships: here
Kin list: here
Fan fiction: here
Aro/ace headcanon’s: here
Trans/nonbinary headcanon’s: here
#spoiler demon- something that would be a spoiler for my partner that I don’t want them seeing yet
#north speaks- short post
#north rambles- longer post
#north rants- me venting
#north writes- my writing
#northsky- me and my partner
#multishipper moment- rambling about a ship that probably doesn’t make much sense
#tw cursing (I cuss a lot tho and may sometimes forget to tag so feel free to remind me if that happens cuz the last thing I want is to upset anyone)
#tw vent
#Kim and Chana (my OC’s)
#Darling Trouble (the ship name between my dnd OC’s Leucis and Greyson)
(If I don’t tag anything that’s triggering please tell me and I’ll tag it straight away cuz I want my blog to be a safe and comfortable place for people)
Trump supporters
Homophobes/transphobes/TERFS/super straights/aphobes
Pro shippers
People who think it’s ok under any circumstances to tell someone to k*ll themselves
🤓Non anime fandoms
🏳️‍🌈Sander sides/roleslaying with Roman
🌎Avatar the last airbender
💚3rd life/last life/double life (mainly Grians POV)
🎢Dead end: paranormal park
📚Anything by Alice Oseman
🎲Danplan (I only really post and reblog stuff from DP season 2 tho cuz honestly I just wanna move on from discourse and I love the new videos by the channel just as much as the old videos)
S*lf h*rm
Hair pulling (specifically someone pulling their own hair)
👎Don’t tag me in
Discourse, fandom related or otherwise
Anything character critical
Stuff containing spoilers (I swear if anyone does that, you’re getting blocked without hesitation)
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i don’t wanna be cringe and vaguely vent on main but todays just been so aggravating- my dad not taking anything fucking serious me having to make analogies and hypothetical comparisons about my physical body being graphically harmed for him to feel empathy other than “oh yeah i guess that stuff is bad. but doesn—“ shut up hoe. he’s no biden worshipper by far but isn’t being smart rn and acting like there’s nO wAy hE cAn hAnDlE tHingS bEtTer and whatnot- And with general stuff i know his mental health isn’t the greatest (at least he stopped screaming in the middle of the night after drinking a little) but he just has become more increasingly passive aggressively rude to my mom- but when i bring up instances when he’s been rude to me to her she basically tells me to bear it ig. But i’ve been less passive as of recent when shit happens but idk. but back to taking about me, him, and Palestine— it’s just so fucking frustrating cuz on top of everything YOU ARE A PUERTO RICAN!!! A BORICUA!!! SOMEONE WHOS LAND IS CURRENTLY BEING WRONGFULLY OWNED AND OPERATED ON! OUR PPL ON THE ISLAND CANT VOTE FOR PRESIDENT AND YOU KNOW THAAAATT!! YET SOMEHOW YOU OF ALL PEOPLE ARE COMPLETELY AS USELESS AS THE AVERAGE SLIGHT LEFT AMERICAN ON THIS CONFLICT???? you used to actually talk to me about freedom and our people’s historically revolutionary hero’s, i used to think you thought like a revolutionary but i guess not, i thought you were smart- i hate your job too i hate so much i can’t even be coherent i don’t wanna hate i dont. i wish you and mom didn’t take away my life and will and implicitly lock me up for a year and a half so i could’ve had less struggle adjusting with the real world after developing the worst reclusive habits and other shit . i love my parents so much but i don’t think anything will be the same since the old times where i’d beg you to be out of that intensive study scam school that made me very physically sedentary (and gave me a vitamin d deficiency cause i rarely had time to leave the house) every fucking day and the only thing that changed your mind was not your child’s suffering but some psychiatrist you’ve seen twice telling you that it just MIGHT be beneficial to let me be normal. i don’t care if i’m overdramatizing i don’t know how i can explain this experience and it’s impacts on me in a way that’s normal or not trauma dumpy. I wish this post wasn’t all over the place and didn’t spiral out to get this personal so i won’t actually tag with Palestine related things but don’t forget ur daily clicks if you do see this vvv
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haraways · 2 years
tagged by: 7thkarma Thanks for the tag sorry I’m late I’m just so busy right now!
 Fave color: millennial green: it’s a vibe
Currently reading: Nothing because im a bad book lover even though I got a tbr 100 titles long
Last song:  Love we lost by Armin von Buuren this is also a vibe
Last series: The Boys and Attack on titan because I like mindless crap at the moment
Last movie: idk what the last one I watched was, I feel l9ike I should  know this. I wanna see NOPE tho cuz I, too, would nope the fuck out of there if there are aliens.
Sweet/spicy/savoury: I like fruit so sweet then spicy then savoury if I have to put an order to it.
Currently working on: a jonsa future fic that’s a little messed up cuz no one is good and I set sansa up to have made a bad move right at the beginning. I’m hoping it will be a 3 parter told from 4 maybe 5 povs but the parts and their chapters will be posted all at once so no one suffers. So part one will come out then two then three easy.
 I’m not gonna tag anyone because I don’t talk too much to people and I don’t wanna bother them but, please if you see this meme and you wanna take part feel free to do it and tag me so I get to know my followers better!
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indigoh4ze · 3 years
use your words || t.n & d.m
warning- SMUT // face riding, blowjobs, mommy kink, d/s dynamic, a lot of praise, lmk what else
sub!draco x dom!theo x switch!fem!reader
a/n- i've never wrote for theo but this idea came to mind cuz i've been seeing alot of him sooo here it is! enjoy and send in some theo requests if you have any. also i tagged my draco taglist for now since i only just added theo
taglist | << add yourself to the theo taglist | turn on notifs on @slvt4fakerealities-library to be notified when i post
looking to your right, draco’s feet were draped over the arm of the couch, his head on your lap like your thighs were his own personal cushions.
theo, who sat on the left, was playing with the strings of his joggers mindlessly, and your head laid limp against his shoulder, fingers raking through the blond hair on your lap.
draco was beginning to get whiny, squirming as he turned to nose at your thighs, almost hitting your crotch- causing you to tense mildly and inhale sharply.
“dray, y’alright?” you questioned with a knowing gaze, coaxing him to look at you, which he did, though a pout was drawn onto his lips.
“wanna go t’bed, mommy,” theo now put his attention on draco, cocking his head and scanning his eyes over the boys state, a mess with glossy eyes and flushed cheeks.
you looked over at theo for permission, wasting no time in bringing draco to his feet with the gentle touch of your hand on his bicep. once you all made your way over to draco’s private dorm, theo guided the both of you to the unmade bed.
draco immediately found shelter by your side, nuzzling into your neck and leaving wet kisses along your jawline, pulling quiet and breathy moans from your throat.
“how about you tell mommy what you want, dray, use your words like a good boy,” theo gently purred, now squatted in front of draco, two hands placed soundly on the boys knees, the pad of his thumb soothing circles.
draco seemed to hesitate, awfully flushed in this headspace, distracted by the intense whirling in his core. “w-wanna feel good,” he mumbled, though he was nudging so close to you that his words came out muffled.
it took theos strong grip on his jaw to steer him away from you, and you placed a hand on his thigh to relax his nerves. “c’mon now, be a good boy and then we can help you, alright?”
nodding, draco slowly parted his lips, “want you to touch me, please?”
“with what, baby?” now it was your turn to question, and draco looked up at you, gulping.
“dunno, mommy.”
but it was evident he did know, because he looked down and bit his lip, feeling even more nervous as all the eye were on him.
so you ran tender fingers through his hair and placed a kiss on his cheek, bringing him to lay back. the boy followed without question, then scrambled to meet your requests of discarding his shirt.
theo stood, doing the same and then moving onto his buckle, the metal clacking together and filling both you and draco with suspense of what’s to come.
“doll, wanna be a good girl and get on your knees?” theo insisted, and you practically fell to the floor, urgently doing as he asked, in return gaining a proud smile from the boy.
the brunet walked over, stroking a piece of hair behind your ears and then looking back at draco, who was sat up on his elbows and awaiting attention. “dray, how about you ask nicely, and y/n/n will make you feel really good?”
“p-please, wanna feel your mouth around my cock, waited all day f’you, please?” draco hastily blurted, a glimmer of lust molded into his gray eyes.
“good boy,” with the praise, draco’s heart swelled, and theo leaned down, tilting the boys chin up and placing a lingering kiss on his lips. draco melted into the kiss, desperately using his tongue and making theo grin slightly into the kiss before moving away.
you were simply watching from your knees, a pout constructing its way onto your lips at the lack of attention. as if reading your mind, theo spoke, “go on, bunny, suck him off like a good girl and then i’ll make that little ache in your tummy go away, how does that sound?” his soft spoken words and vibrant visage had you nodding eagerly. as a reward for your obedience, theo mirrored his previous actions, leaving a kiss on your lips and pecking them once more for extra effect.
theo aides draco in taking off his undergarments, and now it was your turn to comply to theos requests, signaling draco to move closer to the edge of the bed so you could get the perfect angle of his cock from your kneeled position. he was gripping the silk sheets with a strong hand, watching the way you took his cock in your hand and began to set a rhythm around it. your simple actions drew soft whimpers from the boy, and theo watched from where he was leaning against the wall, cock straining against the material of his boxers.
“does that feel good, dray?” you inquired, and draco nodded quickly.
“words, dray,” theo reminded the boy from the side.
“y-yeah, feels really g-good mommy,” his sentence ended with a yelp as you brought the tip of his cock between your lips, the warm muscle stroking it before fully submerging it inside the warmth of your mouth.
draco released a lewd moan, and in the corner of your eye you saw the licentious smirk drawn on theos lips, which had your cunt throbbing through your panties even more. the boy in front of you had his eyes closed, though he couldn’t keep them shut for long as he wanted to watch how well you took him.
pre-cum dribbled from his tip, and you gagged lightly around him as theo padded over to assist you - holding back your hair in a makeshift pony tail and guiding your head so his cock slid gingerly through your swollen lips. a few bucks of his hips was all it took for him to become a moaning mess, whines spilling freely off his tongue with less shame, eyes unable to keep off the sight of theos lips attaching themselves to the flesh behind your ear every now and then.
soon, draco was emptying inside your mouth, cock driving into you one last time before he dissolved into pleasure. you dragged the climax out as long as you could before gasping for air, licking your lips and lulling your tongue out for theo to show him you swallowed everything.
theo gave you a pleased smile and an affectionate kiss on your temple before standing to sit by draco. “feelin’ better?” theo queried with a lopsided grin.
“much,” draco nodded, kissing theos cheek and then looking down at you. “thank you, mommy.”
“of course, love,” you were standing now, giving the silver haired boy a kiss and then looking at theo expectantly.
“i want you to ride my face now, angel, sound good?”
“yes please.” you said with eager eyes.
“good,” theo breathily chuckled, “and draco, you’re gonna be a good boy and suck me off, yeah?”
once draco had responded with just as much eagerness- enthusiastic at any chance to pleasure his boyfriend- it had begun.
theo’s on his back, your flimsy panties discarded along with your shirt, and draco between theos legs and in front of his now exposed cock. slight hesitation came over you before you managed to maneuver yourself above theo’s face. the heat of his breath fanned against your cunt and you shivered from that alone, non stop blood rushing through your body.
finally, theo’s lips connected with your folds, already soaked from your arousal. his tongue worked deliciously against them, opening your lips and gaining access to your bundle of nerves, suctioning the nub with fervor. draco began his ministrations on theo’s cock, which had the brunet groaning into your pussy.
moans were pouring out of your mouth, fingers intertwining with the strings of hair at theo’s scalp, your free hand gripping the top of the bed frame as you slightly rolled your hips against his mouth. draco was speeding up, which meant theo was gaining more and more pleasure, resulting in you shivering from the stimulation.
“fuck— theo, right there!” you gasped as his tongue flicked the perfect spot repeatedly, swirling and sucking as wet noises echoed throughout the room, along with other sounds of groans and moans.
lifting your hips from theo’s grasp for a second, the boy peered up at you through half lidded eyes, rosy cheeks and disheveled hair making your thighs quiver. “c’mon, love, ‘m not finished tasting your sweet pussy,” he rasped, digging his fingertips into the fat of your ass before pulling you back towards him, this time not letting you escape his clutch.
theo’s tongue worked rapidly against your cunt, eventually sheathing it into your fluttering walls, and drawing a lewd whimper from the pit of your chest, “i’m coming— theo fuck, fuck please,” you were begging and blabbering as arousal dripped from your cunt and smeared itself around theo’s mouth. your orgasm took over, your body going limp as you held onto the headboard firmly and threw your head back in ecstasy.
just as you did so, draco swirled his skillful tongue around theo’s length, taking all of him and getting theo to his peak. his moans into your overworked cunt were heaven and hell, sensitivity and pleasure swirling within you as you panted above him.
eventually removing your cunt from his mouth, you sat on his bare stomach, soaking the outline of his abs with your slick, your lips puffy and achy against him.
draco lift his head up, kissing your hip from behind and then sitting up fully. theo released a sigh before sitting up, grabbing your by your underarms and pulling you down into a sloppy kiss- the taste of your juices still on his tongue- then settled you onto his chest. he outstretched an arm for draco to join- the boy crawling towards you and snuggling close to theo’s chest as well, your faces turned towards eachother.
you looked up at theo, dotting a kiss near his chin and doing the same to draco’s forehead, then settling back onto the boys comforting warmth and allowing your eyes to flutter shut from exhaustion. the last thought that went through your head before sleep fully overtook you was,
i’ll worry about the mess later.
@arcaneslut @ayaosk @kollirium @marrymetheonott @pbnjami @malfoysbiitch @shabeebaby @scentedtimemachinesheep @spaceconstellationss @fleursbabe @malfoyxxdraco23 @desiredmalfoy @fredshufflepuff @littlemissnoname13 @whaddyam3an @abigailmalfoy @cherylm @malfoybws @trashyvicks @sw33tgirl @malfoyswhxre @dracomalfoys-wh0re @dracomalfoyisminez @justaplainfangirl @narcissacore @bby-gxrnet @honky-karl @houseofhufflepuff @fredandgeorgeweasleywhore @lunar0se10 @yumicloudshp @wh0re4blaise @bella-lxhp @4kweasley @riddleswh0r3crux @sapphicprinc3ss @dracomalfoyswifeee @dawnmalfoy @1800-shutup @petitfruitmarocains @emma67 @drxsbvttrbr @jdrlia @turn-to-page-394-please @spencervera @savagelysarcasticslytherin @sluttylea @dlmmdl @blowing-mikey @methblinds @draysslytherclaw @silverdelirium @etherealdm @Imtryingbutithurts @Jbus3888 @dracomalfoysfavoritewhore @oliv-005 @alyxa07 @dracosbaibe @justasmolballofstress @mrsmalfoy @louweasleymalfoy @microwavedhampster
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