#// Sona is a cat confirmed.
darlingcloudie-9 · 2 months
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Hopped on that one ai site just to relentlessly bully my boy Silv because i love him and wtf. We cool now
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locusfandomtime · 6 months
Rating each hermit’s likelihood of being a furry
scar keeps getting furry allegations so i thought i’d make this post
Joe Hills - 7/10 he doesn’t really consider himself part of the community but he has a sparkledog sona and dresses up in his homemade diy fursuit sometimes. he respects furries deeply and does not tolerate hate towards them
Xisuma - 8/10 totally a furry he changes his skin all the time to dress up as the latest minecraft mob. he already has a “cringe” oc (evil x). he doesn’t even know what a furry is i think but he probably owns a fursuit anyway because he thinks its neat
Hypno - 3/10 he’d say no but give him cat ears to match with max and he’ll be wearing them every stream from now on
Keralis - 2/10 pretends to not know what a furry is but he does. he does.
Mumbo - 1/10 logically he would know of furries due to his young age and activeness online but i don’t believe he does, he has never heard of a furry and never will
Cleo - 6/10 with enough encouragement she’d wear a fursuit. maybe if joe made one for them. she’s got a vtuber avatar so this is just next in the pipeline i think
Jevin - 3/10 he isn’t one but he does have a non-human character which technically qualifies him as one. instead of a fursuit i think he’d have to coat himself in jelly or something
False - 3/10 she already dresses up as a banana on stream how far away is dressing up as an anthropomorphic animal you must ask yourself. plants and animals had their last common ancestor 1.6 billion years ago, keep this in mind
Tango - 7/10 his fursona is an evil ravager named “skadoodler evil the third” and mrs tango has a matching fursona and they do that furry couple thing of commissioning art of their ocs kissing
xB - 4/10 not one but I don’t think he’d be opposed to the idea of being a furry. i think ferks could be a furry
Impulse - 4/10 i was gonna say no but then i remembered the imp + skizz cat fursona thumbnail
Etho - 3/10 he isn’t a furry but he is a weeb. maybe he’d wear like a fox tail or something
Doc - 9/10 he has an oc which is half creeper half robot half goat and has butterfly wings and is an evil scientist. this guy knows cringe is dead and is living his life playing as his middle aged man Mary Sue fursona
Ren - 10/10 “ren the DOG” 🤨? this is confirmed his minecraft skin has fucking dog ears
Wels - 5/10 he is not a furry but i like to think he’s a LARPer irl and has a knightsona so he gets an honourable mention.
Iskall - 2/10 i could see him wearing cat ears, only as a joke though
Cub - 7/10 “cub”? “wolf pack”? furry cub just makes sense and he’d be an epic furry. the world isn’t ready for furry cub
Scar - 9/10 the other hermits call him a furry for a reason. his fursona is anthro jelly i guess. there are so many disney movies revolving around anthropomorphic animals this is natural
Beef - 3/10 he never truly becomes a furry but at night he daydreams about what his cool llama fursona would look like. he peaks a little at furry art but is never brave enough to venture further. in another lifetime maybe…
Bdubs - 8/10 he seems disproportionally offended at allegations he’s a furry and is incredibly obsessed with horses. furry with internalised furry hate i think
Stress - 2/10 i think she’d find the idea of furries cute and funny but wouldn’t be one
Zedaph - 9/10 you’d see him rocking up to furcon. his fursona would be a weirdass sheep worm hybrid
Grian - 4/10 i can see it. despite fan interpretation, i don’t think he’d be a parrot though i think he’d be a cat tbh
Gem - 7/10 she would have the cutest most cottagecore deer fursona of all time and it would have a beautiful design and outfit and bi flag. she’d get a vtuber model and a custom fursuit and art made. it is insane to me that this hasn’t happened yet
Pearl - 5/10 she isn’t but she does seem like the kind of woman who was obsessed with wolves at the age of 12 and has never outgrown that. also double life pearl deserves to be a beautiful silver wolf
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Okay- I swear I do not have an issue-
So meet Kit. They're a murder cat.
She's got a confirmed body count. Basically if I was in murder drones but as a cat.
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I hope you like her! This is purely just for self-indulgence and because I keep imagining my drone-sona fighting cool ass battles.
When I was designing her I forgot the eyes are actually those orbs on their heads and I moved them.. to her... neck- like a collar...
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blimbo-buddy · 6 months
Adore your bone design btw! And the way you draw bigger cats in general. I'm fat n usually draw myself as a cat instead of a human, and your art is really inspiring me to try n draw my sona more accurate to my actual body type
Thank you anon! Fat characters can have such a wide array of shapes to their body and especially when it comes to fat distribution, that's something to keep in mind whenever designing fat characters.
I think when it comes to fat animal designs (specifically for Warrior Cats), some people opt for just a bit of pudge in the stomach area and call it a day. It's annoying especially when it happens to characters who are confirmed to be chubby/fat.
And to the people who struggle with drawing fat character designs; Keep practicing and take lots and lots of references. Take references from photos, models, hell even take references from how other artists draw fat characters. And as for animal artists and specifically warrior cats artists: Making the character fluffy shouldn't be the only way you draw fat characters, fluffy fur is not a stand-in for fat body types
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circuslemon · 9 months
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Gonna be sort of spamming art dumps because I wanna share my notebook doodles.
I'm going to be posting about 2-3 years worth of notebook doodles so I split them up into categories that compliment eachother.
This post is themed after things relating to me, EX, self portrait doodles, the cat I put in my signature, sonas, random doodles, and just any lil doodles that don't really connect to anything I wanna make a sepparate post about.
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This doodle comes from my Autism brain reading the french word for vegetables on a can of vegetable soup ((I'm Canadian)) and becoming obsessed with the word.
This happens often
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I mis-remembered some song lyrics I heard on the radio while I was in the hospital and just
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I straightened my hair for the dirt time while my bangs were long and I became off-brand Sia. ((My hair is naturally alot wavier irl then how I draw it))
I was wearing my jacket I painted to look like Nagito Komaeda's, and it made me very happy.
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I had a dream one night about receiving a Lil plush duck with three eyes, one on its neck, I loved it so much I drew up a sewing pattern when I woke up ((you are allowed ro create your own)) he had the weird thready fur some webkinz have.
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This page was me just doodling and writing down the first thoughts that come to mind
And my brain just
I ended up creating my snail sona
((My brain is full of the Vocaloid song, Colorbars, by GHOST))
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Maybe 1-2 years later, while I was in the hospital, I redesigned my snail sona and confirmed that I was, in fact, a snail. ((I also did a full traditional piece - it's on my deviantart))
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Reiny is my sona. I made for an original closed species I made, you'd be able to find my species somewhere on my toyhou.se profile ((though I still need to reorganize my account sobs)) The species is reffered to as Bridge gaurdians and are based on these Lil ghosts with long legs I like to make.
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This is my Dungeons and Dragons sona, They are a Leech that takes control of a dead body, in which I have to redesign.
Their name is Marshel
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skunkes · 1 year
ough i have seen people draw weasels and ferrets and raccoons etc with pointed ears, i think its like, only-ever-drawn-wolves syndrome lol
INSANE❗❗❗ ive not seen this ever i thought they were safe...thank u for confirming this for me. It definitely is that but i think its sooo strange how often i see it with skunks specifically. Like. I feel 90% of skunk fur art i see is drawn """incorrectly"""...i had to fight thru the learning furry art with skunk sona trenches because of no stylized art to ref off of, because its sooooo common for it to be wolf snout cat nose cat ears pink dog looking pawpads but um black with a white stripe!
I didnt even consider raccoons as example though youre so right they also always get huge ears drawn on em + make you rely on the patterns/colors to find out what they are huh
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biomecharnotaurus · 10 months
YOU! DINOSAUR FUN FACTS OR FACTS ABOUT YOUR DRAGON-SONA!!! NOW!!! (so so lighthearted but please please feel free to write as much as you like, your mind is so so swag)
Random dinosaur facts:
Stan the T.Rex is the most brutally injured male tyrannosaurus specimen we currently have public access to. His neck was broken off by another t. rex, so was part of his jaw and skull, but all of these injuries healed back at the point of him reaching adulthood. We even found a tooth that pierced through his brain still inside of his skull and he very likely had to live through all of his life in pain (the bones didn't heal exactly right). He is the confirmation that these animals were stupidly strong and resilient.
There is a probability that the spinosaurus is a chimera of different species of theropod we just mixed together, because its current anatomy doesn't make much sense. Its legs are too short for its weight, it's built like it should swim but its hydrodynamics are awful (its finned tail didn't have muscles and bones made to swim like in the case of the tails of modern crocodilians) and we are still not sure what was the purpose of its sail. Also, the specimen we currently have was literally bombed during WWII 👍🏻
Ceratopsidae dinosaurs (the family of triceratops) didn't have cheeks. And they had actual reptile-like "paws" with fingers, not elephant meat-mittens. Also, most of them were murderous tanks
Non-avian theropods had lips that covered all of their teeth when closed, kinda like monitor lizards.
Cyrav facts:
He has both mammal and reptile traits. He has dog-like ears, lion-like teeth, theropod legs, scales, feathers and osteoderms. Warm blooded.
He is technically a very stylized eastern dragon with some western dragon traits.
He has a swordfish nose-horn and he uses it pretty much the same way.
He has a scorpion-like tip of the tail.
Color choices and multiple eyes are a reference to ophanims/thrones.
He technically should have antlers to resemble the Tree of Life.
He can "summon" bird-like wings like some eastern dragons.
He also has cat-like whiskers, other than the catfish-like ones.
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the-cat-and-the-birdie · 11 months
Hey, I saw your post about your spider-sona! I don’t have one myself, but more of a variant of Black Cat. She’s a thief, but has a Japanese (kitsune) fox theme and is from Hobie’s universe. Her name is Amaransu Yoshimoto, but goes by Ama for short. Her thief name is The Masked Fox. She wears mostly pink and black, mixing lolita and punk aesthetic, along with traditional Japanese garb for her crime sprees.
Ama has pink hair and lavender eyes, and is a lot shorter than Hobie (which he teases her for).
I know you said that you wanted to hear about other people’s spider-sonas, but I’m neurodivergent too and just wanted to share. I’ve been obsessing over Ama for a while now and didn’t really have many people to talk to about her. I hope this is ok and that I’m not being too cringy about it.
You're not being cringy at all!! (Kill cringe culture kill it and bury it)
ANd thats!! SO CUTE!! Honestly, that confirms that Hobie's universe has the best fashion! I don't talk about much else other than Spider-man on here, but I actually dress in lolita myself, so this made me so hype to hear <3
And the idea of a fox is so clever, foxes being known for snagging things and being mischievous thieves and stuff!!
Hobie would probably think her clothes are so punk, because Lolita is going against the grain and reclaiming femininity in the pinkest way possible so he'd probably be amazed seeing it for the first time. Especially as a punk who mends his own clothes he'd see ALL the work that goes into lolita dresses.
Thanks for sharing this! I got a inspired and a bit carried away. Disco would LOVE hanging with Ama - girls with fashion sense always stick together :)
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This is apart of the Spider-Society Welcome Committee:
Welcome to Spider Society!
Have you ever been bitten by a radioactive spider? Are you aware of the multiverse? If you’ve answered ‘yes’ to these two highly-specific questions, Welcome Aboard! Miguel’s created the Spider Society Welcome Committee - and Diane ‘Disco-Spider’ is your advisor! Armed with welcome pamphlets, extracurriculars, and the greatest gossip, Disco is here to give every spidersona a warm welcome :) [Just a silly thing I’ve doing as art practice. I’m neurodivergent and love seeing spidersonas, so I do this in my spare time. I’d love to hear about yours if you have one. Submit or tag me in art of yours, send me an ask describing them, or just chat away to Disco - The Spider Society Welcome Committee is here for warm welcomes and rad-worldbuilding. No matter the spidersona, or the material you have :) It’s all love and fun]
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thewertsearch · 2 years
Asks Compilation 11/07
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[ I have a list of fanworks to send after the end of Hivebent but feel free to send more :D - Cat ]
That’ll be a fun diversion! Yeah, definitely send them on!
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Honestly, the fucked up Fetch Moduses was a big part of what got me hooked initially. Programming trivia used as an in-universe mechanic? I mean, come on. 
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Good idea. My anime-addled brain initially pronounced Karkat as Kakorot...
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I watched the first two(?) seasons in a single day when I was a student. I remember thinking the weapons were cool as shit, but I clearly wasn’t hooked enough to continue. 
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I mean, tell me this doesn’t look like an alchemy weapon.
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You know, I’ve never actually seen Homestar Runner? I think I confused it with Homestuck a lot before I started reading the latter.
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Honestly! I’ve come to accept that that’s just how they communicate. 
Maybe they’ll start to relax when they’ve been out of Alternia for a while, but I’m not holding my breath.  
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Oh, they’re good. Guns & Roses is a fucking excellent RoseJade ship name. 
You have my blessing to use the LeaderShip, but damn.... Communism is pretty amazing. 
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Yeah, I think you’re probably right. I don’t think the ‘Grief = Crabdad is doomed’ thing was intentional, but damn is it good. 
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Ok, that makes a lot more sense. ‘Freak of nature’ usually denotes an abnormal or unnatural life form, so I wonder if that implies the Lusi were engineered by Alternia, who wanted a biotech nanny monster to automatically raise their little soldiers.
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And I’m not the only one wondering this, it seems! 
Honestly, the entire troll life cycle reeks of bioengineering, so I think this is actually pretty likely. The Mother Grub ensures that as many trolls are born as possible, the Trials ensure these trolls are as brutal as possible, and the Lusus ensures that trolls don’t need to waste time raising children. 
@iris-in-the-dark-world asked: i just realized that jade's tower looks like one of the moon towers from the frog temple [snipped for spoilers - C ] 
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Yup. We already know her house is a copy of a Prospitian Dream Building, and this is another example of Grandpa’s house following the ‘Sburban architectural style’.
It hasn’t been explained yet, but I guess the default explanation is that Grandpa built it this way on purpose. Who knows why. 
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[ yeah, friendsim isn’t canon but this is implied there xD - Cat ] 
Space empires have no need for flying machines that can’t destroy the enemy’s planets!
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‘They’re a military state’ explains it all, really. 
Sburb can hit any civilization, including ones which would be the villains of a sci-fi movie.
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They’re awfully amorphous, aren’t they? Maybe that’s her real psychic power. 
I’m just going to assume the shape we see in her main sprite is the canon one.
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This was the real Mistake.
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Noted - I was probably just going to keep doing what I was doing - reading the full comic while omitting quotes with slurs. It’s not like I need to include them to analyze the comic, or anything.
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Does the fact that I’m considering making theme music for my ‘sona change anything? 👀
Probably not any time soon - I do not understand FL Studio - but maybe eventually. Gotta give her the full set of Homestuck patterns!
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One thing I’m not is the Blogger of Consistency. Rest assured, I’ll always come back when the hyperfocus returns time is right. 
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Thank you! My blog is a safe space for lurkers of all kinds. I’ve certainly done my fair share of lurking.
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Gamzee is the first pattern breaker of the trolls. Gamzee x Jade confirmed??
Haha, but no, these patterns are really more like guidelines these days. Terezi already doesn’t have a lusus, and TA quit his own introduction page in a huff. We can’t be 100% sure that any of these will hold anymore. 
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That’s the closest thing to a ‘canon’ pronunciation of Terezi’s name as we’re going to get - although, really, it’s up to the reader. 
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If any class would just have things given to them, it would be the Heir. John is much more likely to react to things than be pro-active, and I think the fact that he has a class that evokes just being given things is deliberate. 
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This is why I don’t think GA is Vriska. She just doesn’t have that X-factor.
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Literally how. HOW did Homestuck characters get into a Namco game.
Is it a fangame? This is so funny to me for some reason, it feels like two streams that should never ever cross, but I suppose Toby Fox has done some music for Nintendo before...
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Yeah, the tumblr mobile app is a mess. I’ve tried to make liveblog posts on it before, but it’s much too fiddly, and it completely breaks my workflow. The mobile browser works fine - it actually respects the custom HTML on my theme - but I doubt the app is even using HTML. 
The green background fixes the hyperlink contrast issues - and as a bonus, I actually really like it. I’m keeping it. 
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proxylynn · 11 months
Hi Lynn :D
I’ve read somewhere that TK ((YBF)) is a furry, is that true?? I’m pretty sure the person I read it from said they’d be a wolf if they were a furry. Pls confirm 😭
[It was mentioned in some of the lore shared on Discord that TK is a bit of a furry (probably to go along with his Sonic the Hedgehog love). I don't know if their fur-sona would be a wolf. I remember there was a question of "What kind of animal would all the characters in the game be?" This was answered as Don is a bear, both Peter and Sarah are cats, Lucy is a cougar, and TK is a wolf. Other characters were added later so I have them here too...Vio is a snake, Roy is a coyote, Bell is a tiger, and Brenda is a dove.]
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airis-hunter · 11 months
So I'm writing a story with my sona (Airis) and Batman and I need help from Batman and Danny Phantom fanfic writers to tell me if my Batman and Alfred are accurate
Bat Meets Dragon, Dragon Meets Bat
The dark knight was facing off against the Joker once again. The clown threw something down on the ground that caused Joker Gas to explode out of it. Batman backed up as he covered his face with his cape. He was about to go back to fighting the clown prince when a growling noise sounded from inside the alley he had backed up in front of. Both of the Gotham residents paused and looked into the alley. The growling got louder as whatever was making the noise got closer. The first thing they were able to make out were two front legs that were dark-ish light blue. Within the next few seconds, they couldn't make out much else, besides some of the creature's face. Its face looked to be completely white, with small horns on top of its head, its eyes glowed a bright blue, and most terrifying of all, its giant mouth was open in a salivated snarl, showing off the creature's massive sharp teeth. Batman raised one of his hands in caution as he got ready to take a step back. The Joker, seeing that the creature was completely locked onto Batman, grinned.
"I'll just leave you two here to get acquainted, catch you later, Batsy!" he laughed before running away into the night. The Joker's signature cackle echoed throughout the streets. Batman grunted under his breath in frustration.
"Just what I need," he grumbled. The creature made no move towards the bat, only its tail flicking back and forth. Now that it was just him and the creature, he was able to try to get a better look at it. From what little he could see of the creature from outside of the alley's shadow, the creature was covered in wounds. Cuts and scratches littered its body, most of them looking somewhat fresh. Glancing downward, he saw blood covering the alley floor. The bat's eyebrows furrowed underneath his mask. All the creature saw was the eyes of his cowl narrow. It growled a little louder in response.
"I'm not going to hurt you," he whispered gently as he put his hands up in the universal sign of surrender/peace. "I can help you." he continued while daring to take a step forward. The creature made no move to retaliate, only growling even louder and narrowing its eyes at him. Batman understood the look, 'You hurt me, and I won't hesitate to eat you.' Nodding to himself, he walked forward slowly. When he got within two or so feet of the creature, it opened its mouth a bit more and spiked the pitch in its growl. Batman held his ground and gently set one of his hands on top of the creature's snout, the other disappearing inside his cape. He watched as the edges of the creature's mouth tried to relax but it seemed to try to stop it from doing so. The edges of the creature's eyes glistened. Clenching its teeth it tried to hold itself back from, inevitably, breaking down. The final straw was the creature's breath becoming ragged before it broke down and pushed its head against Batman's chest. The capped crusader stood still as he rubbed the side of the broken creature's jaw gently. The dark knight kept his shock to himself when the creature started to shrink. Batman caught the creature in his arms. It was the size of an average adult cat. One hand held the bottom of the cat-sized creature while the other rested on its head, holding it close to him. Walking towards the Batmobile, he commed Alfred.
"Alfred, I need you to get the medical wing of the Batcave ready," Batman stated.
"Sir? Are you alright?" Alfred questioned worriedly.
"Yes Alfred, I'm fine. However, I can not say the same for my," he paused as he looked down at the creature silently crying in his lap. "guest."
"Very well sir, it will be ready as soon as you arrive," Alfred confirmed. Nodding, Batman cut the com. Stepping on the gas, the Batmobile took off. He glanced down when the creature flinched.
"Hurts," a weak girl voice whimpered out. Grunting the dark knight put one of his hands on top of the creature's head and began scratching gently while still keeping his eyes on the road. Even when she relaxed he still kept one of his hands on her head. His eyes narrowed slightly when he saw one of the secret entrances to the Batcave. The entrance flew open and closed again once the Batmobile had entered. Stopping his car he got out. Making sure not to jostle her wounds as he moves.
"Oh my," Alfred muttered with a hint of sympathy. Batman followed Alfred as they both headed to the medical wing in the Batcave. He set her down on the bed as Alfred began to get ready to clean and bandage all of the creature's wounds. Opening her eyes more the creature looked around the white room. Batman saw it before it happened. The creatures hackles rose as it began looking around a little more frantic. Putting a hand on the side of her head Batman began scratching gently again.
"You're alright," he whispered. The creature turned to him, looking at him. He could see the fear in her big eyes. He observed that her dilated pupils were surrounded by the same aqua marine green as her horns and the rest of her iris was the same blue as the spikes going halfway down her back.
"If you enlarge your self to about my size it would be easier for Alfred to treat your wounds," he pointed out. Looking at Alfred, who was standing next to the bed patiently, she seemed to contemplate it. Setting her head down in front of her she whimper before enlarging herself to human size. Alfred took his time cleaning each wound and bandaging it. Everytime she would flinch or whimper in pain, Batman would rub the side of her head.
"All finished, a few days of rest and you should be good enough to run around again. However, I suggest not using your right wing for at least 3 weeks, whatever happend to it has severely damage the bones in it," Alfred assessed. Sighing in relief the creature nodded. Both males watched as her breath evened out as she fell asleep. Batman stood up and headed out to the Batcomputer. Pulling his cowl off Bruce began to tried to find anything on the creature.
"Sir?" Alfred asked.
"Yes Alfred?"
"I am greatly concerned for that creature," he voiced. Bruce raised a brow at his butler. Clearing his throat Alfred continued. "Their wing was not just injured by some other animal, nor were any of their wounds for that matter." Narrowing his eyes, Bruce added.
"So you're saying-"
"That every injury on that creature was caused by human hands? Yes," Alfred confirmed. Grunting, Bruce turned back to the computer screen. Pulling up a scan of the creature, him and Alfred looked at the scan. The more and more he read, the more and more angry he got. The creature had multiple bones that were broken and then healed wrong. Some even looked like there were broken repeatedly. The blood sample proved even more disturbing information. Her blood was filled with all kinds of poisons and diseases. Someone was experimenting on the creature, seeming to test over and over how much she could take.  A low growl surfaced out of Bruce's throat.
"Why would someone do such horrid things to this creature?" Alfred contemplated out loud. A loud cat like yowl mix with a roar echoed across the Batcave. Standing up imediatly Bruce ran to the medical wing, followed by Alfred. The creature had enlarged to the height of the ceiling as she yowled. Spotting the two males she snarled, but Bruce could see the fear in her eyes.
"You're okay," Bruce whispered as he put up his hands and stepped forward. "We aren't going to hurt you." She glanced over him before looking around the room more frantically, calling out in distress.
"Sir? Maybe they are looking for Batman?" Alfred theorized. Nodding, Bruce got the creature's attention.
"Hey, hey look at me," once the creature looked at him he pulled up his cowl. "It's me, I'm right here," he consoled. Her teeth clenched as tears dripped down her face. Shrinking to cat size she nestled into his chest and began sobbing. Her smaller wings wrapped around his torso as if trying to grab onto his as close as possible. Holding her like he did before he let his cap enclose her. Grunting he walked back out to the Batcomputer and sat down. Alfred watched as he began to type on the keyboard again, the creature resting under his cap, still clutching to Bruce he assumed.
"I am assuming you will be down here all night, Master Bruce?" Alfred raised a brow. The only response he got was a grumble. Nodded, the butler walked towards the elevator. "I will bring your breakfast down in the morning. Goodnight Master Bruce."
"Goodnight Alfred," Bruce mumbled, his attention fully on the screen in front of him. With that the elevator doors closed, leaving Bruce and the creature all alone in the Batcave.
"Do you have a name?" Bruce prompted after a few minutes of silence. The creature poked her head out of his cape and looked up at him with a tilt of her head.
"Do you have a name?" He asked again while glancing down at her. He observed as the creature's ears flatted against her head.
"Yes and no..." she answered. "I do have a name, but they say I don't have a name," she mumbled out.
"Who's they?"
"The scientist," she whimpered. Putting one of his hands on top of her head he started petting her, all though he couldn't go very far down her neck thanks to her spikes.
"I don't care what the scientist say or think," he grunted as he looked back up at the computer, keeping his anger inside. She hummed before tucking back into his cap to curl up on his chest.
"Airis," she finally told him after minutes went by. Grunting in acknowledgment he continued typing. He continued long into the night, even after Airis had fallen asleep, he continued to try to find anything on the people who had done this to Airis.
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virgilisspidey · 1 year
My art journey in the start of pandemic til now through the eyes of how i draw my persona Nari
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Very first iteration of the Nari sona lol
(ew boobs)
I used to draw on paper and trace it on ibispaint and color. I used to shade with black. Pretty much looks shitty and the colors clash a lot, i dont know how to do color combos yet. This was around February of 2021
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Thus is where the whole arm warmers thing cane from!!
And the start of ne figuring out my identity!!
I also drew this on paper i think, and it's the start of my thin line art style. My sona usually copies what my hair looked like currently and this was the time where my hair was pretty short, but long enough to look girly.
The skin tone was fixed too
This was June 2021
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This one had my real name in it so i had to edit lol.
This was the start of me drawing on my phone full time, i think. No more drawing on paper ans tracing it. This was legitimately drawn digitally.
i think i only ever mentioned it once or twice but i only draw with my fingers btw. A stylus and an art tablet is expensive so i only have mt fingers and phone.
This is also the start of the appearance of the signature striped hoodie as well as the return of the purple hair
This was in August 2021
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I think this was also fully drawn digitally
Also the first appearance of the bat and the choker, as well as the purple bangs. And also the bandage on cheek (that i somehow forget sometimes)
The colors were definitely darker.
Not much to say about this. Tho i didn't like the way i did the blush.
Also cut my hair during this time for the first time ans changed my sona accordingly.
Made in September 2021
From here on out its all drawn digitally
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Fully digital again and the start of a more stylized version of my hair.
This is the start of the fluffy hair era.
Not much to say here. Tried a new pose, it sucked, colors are still the same.
This was made in November 2021
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Full body this time
Nari starts to look like a little shit. This is honestly where the smug cat personality came from, and i startes to sign my art using the name Nari too.
Still pretty much wonky with the anatomy but i'm proud!!
The hoodie became a croptop but i dont follow it lol, it's still a normal hoodie in some art.
Added stripes to the sleeves too.
The short remains plus differenr colored socks!!
This was January 2022
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The era of the thick line art art style
This was also one of the drawings that featured fluffu hair Nari.
I deviated from the usual hoodie and gave them some new clothes since i drew them alongside two other ocs.
The story that my sona Nari is in requires them to have an eyepatch since red eyes aren't really that natural lol.
Still have that smug cat smirk.
This was August 2022
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This is the latest drawing of Nari before i stopped using them as a sona and actually using one that looks closer to me. Nari is back to being an oc now but they're still my mascot.
I forgot the bandage here lol, but that cat grin is still there. I also added my beauty mark!!
This is January 2023
Lately my sona is just this funny little thing:
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It looks more closer to what i actually look like irl.
I started drawing myself with my glasses more too, which i think i got in like 2022-ish.
I started feelong a bit jealous that my other artist friends had a cute style so i started making this little thing when j got bored during pur chemistry subject and it just stuck.
So this is my actual sona now, but i still use Nari from time to time and also took the name Nari as a pseudonym online.
The name cane from me misspelling the word Ocarina with Ocnarina, so you can see me use that name throughout my art journey.
Not really comfortable sharing my actual name yet tho, but it does start with an R since the people on my header (art made by a friend) is called the Toys R Us trio since out names start with an R lol.
As for my username, i used tumblr before to look at Sanders Sides art. It came from Virgil lol.
Virgil was confirmed to be connected with spiders and i thought
Virgil is spidey
And that stuck.
Plus he's purple lol, i love purple.
Anyways that's all
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artinandwritin · 2 years
hey its me otwdfanfic lol, for the ask game: 🐢 for the main gang or whoever you want, 🌌 especially your dragon, and 🎶
Omg hi!! I already had a suspicion this was your other account so its fun to see that confirmed! <3
🐢: for spirit animals (I've actually never been that good with thinking up spirit animals for characters, dunno why lmao), I feel like Snotlout's would be a boar. Idk why, but he just... Feels that way haha. For Astrid, i immediately thought about a hawk. Can't explain it, but they're both sharp and quick and I love that for them. For Fishlegs, a hedgehog! They're both adorable but feisty when needs to be. A snake for Ruff, for obvious reasons, which is why we love her! For Tuff... I don't know why, but a dog? Funny but witty? Can't tell you what type of dog tho, lmao. And as for Hiccup, a fox is what came to mind. I... Again don't know why. It's a vibe? Oh, and as an extra, cuz we both adore the good boi Gustav, let's give him a... Raven. I... Again don't know. Either a raven or a crow, I feel like.
🌌: i have a feeling I would definitely survive the HTTYD world - but barely. I think I'd be a sort of a village cat-lady-artist-storywriter, probably on Berserker Island, just doing my thing. Advocating for the arts to be an integral part of Berserker society cuz DAMNIT Dagur we need more cool art. As for the Dragon I would ride... In the HTTYD sona I made last year-ish, I believe I gave myself a Flightmare, named Bram/Brammetje. Typical Dutch name, I know, named him after the rabbit my family had for years before he passed in 2020. Bram the Flightmare would keep the light on so I'd be able to draw deep into the night, which I think is an adorable idea and f u c k now I wanna redraw my httyd sona
🎶: ooooh my God you do not wanna know my struggle when I learned the Once There Were Dragons (wait. Wait a fucking second. Maybe me loving otwd wasn't coincidence pfff) song from movie three on piano. It's easily my favorite piece on the album, I don't know why, but it's just so comforting and sweet. Maybe even bittersweet. Anyways, I'm usually more of lyrics girl, so I love Where No-One Goes as well. It's very comfort and takes me right back to being 10 again and watching the second movie for the first time <333
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melty-milky-chocolate · 2 months
Intro || About Me! || Boundaries
My name is Kat, or Cat, both are correct ways to spelling my name! Most people just tend to use Kat :3 Anyways! Here’s some things to know about me!
I am Vietnamese! 🇻🇳(stuck in America tho 😔)
I am autistic and most likely have adhd
I use any pronouns, she, he, they? Go the whole nine yards if you wanna with neopronouns too! But if you aren’t sure, you can always ask me 🥰
I am bisexual/omnisexual, I use those terms interchangeably, but yeah! I love everyone in the spectrum of gender and outside of it ❤️
I am aromantic/demiromatic. Romance is hard, especially with the way my attraction works lmao!
I am nonbinary/cassgender. I typically use nonbinary because more people know what nonbinary is. But more accurately, I am cassgender 🥰
I am a multifandom person! The fandoms I’m mostly in is : Lego Monkie Kid, Welcome Home, Jujutsu Kaisen, and Dungeon Meshi
I am a self indulgent artist, I draw ship art of my OCs, self inserts usually, or my sona straight up with canon
I am best known for my Welcome Home AU called the Seasons AU, but I currently have 2 Welcome Home AUs. The other one is called the Funny Love AU, it is based on my childhood show Pucca.
My favorite color is purple, I think it’s a problem lmao
My birthday is on April 6(I’m an Aries RAAAAAAA)
I swear a lot, like A LOT! I swear like there’s no tomorrow! Like FUCK! ASS! BITCH! DICK! My friends can confirm lmao
I am a very character obsessed person, my friends can confirm. My current fixations is Gojo, Sun Wukong, and my OC Mikey
I am cringe, intentionally, usually because it makes me happy! 🥰
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the-meme-monarch · 2 years
have you ever considered making a monstersona?
for undertale/deltarune? or just like an unrelated monster
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withperfecttempo · 4 years
@sahraim asked:  'You're safe now, thank me later if you want.'
It is a curious thing how each trial Sona has stumbled upon peels a layer of herself away and reveals remarkable aspects of herself. Remarkable in a way that they are often unexpected or long-thought to have been grown out of from childhood. Underneath the prim and proper exterior, a gilded display of a noblesse. The modest, more known temperament of a classical musician lies a refreshing and livelier core. A cat is able to maintain an unmistakable stoic exterior then with swift and smooth transition inflict an incredible sense of confusion when indulging in curiosity or frenzied impulse.
Sona could not make odds and ends of what had occurred other than noticing a tense air between two groups of patrons who had entered the vicinity. Thin-pressed lips, a haughty laugh from one, and clenched teeth lying behind a grimace was what she saw before colorful words were thrown at one another followed by balled fists and bottles. The first word of insult was thrown and shattering glass breaks the strained aura before the establishment erupts into a complete state of chaos. She was quick to act, having little thought about her actions other than to simply ensure that she was out of harm’s way as her arms clasp tightly around 
In her own defense, there could have been no better way to avoid collateral damage should she remain as where she stood. With a split thought and reflex, she sways to a side with outreached arms that enclose onto a firm, warm body. Sona only thinks of this a time after she and the individual in her company has removed them from the turbulence. The woman does not even put any effort into prying her off her person as her statement alone produced a more than satisfactory outcome. Her laughter rings through the air as quickly as Sona’s face colors and warms, her eyes darting to anywhere else but Samira; swift to retract herself and yield generous space between where they stand.
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