#// This made me more emotional than I should've gotten but I just love them so much!
deputygonebye · 1 year
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@wexarethewalkingxdead asked: Andrea hadn't thought much about the passing of time or the fact that she knew it had to be pushing late September and remembered Shane mentioning that his birthday was later on in that month. She wasn't the sentimental type. Well, not anymore. Not since getting Amy the mermaid necklace back in Atlanta, but something deep down inside her wanted her to keep some traditions alive. Birthdays were simple, right?
So she spent days searching for the right gift for him. And she finally found it when they lucked up on a department store that hadn't been ransacked as badly as the others they had already checked. She managed to slip it into her pack without him noticing and then managed to find some orange tissue paper to wrap it in. There was a tube of wrapping paper as well, but that wasn't as easy to conceal as the tissue paper. And it wasn't as practical either.
She went off to herself that night to wrap it carefully. She managed to find a small box to slip it into so that he wouldn't know what it was from simply the shape of it. She smirked as she looked at the finished product before picking it up and approaching him slowly.
"Not sure if it's still September or even if it is September at all, but Happy Birthday." She pulled the small box from behind her back and offered it to him. "It's not much…"
Happy Birthday, Shane!
Two lone outlaws with nothing but the sun on their backs for company. A packet of peanuts for dinner, if ever Shane and Andrea were so lucky, a quarter of water left still in the plastic bottles that they carried for drink. Dangerous was the life they shared together, but better was it spent than remaining as black sheep among their former group. Wherever that little family went, further into the woods or past the crumbled cities, Shane knew that they would be alright. Just as he had left them - with promise and good fortune prayed for - Andrea beside him and the long road before them both. It wasn't so terrible a journey. Days bled into each other, unable to be distinguished but not so bad as would've been imagined, companionship in Andrea was more of a comfort than Shane dared to admit. A warmth that kept him safe when the nights grew cold. A bliss that didn't end; somehow made the Walkers easier to bear. Foul flesh that was more of an annoyance than true threat, an enemy that could be defeated just through conviction alone, birthdays memorable despite the lack of party streamers and confetti.
Box opened with mindful hands, gentle around the corners but dedicated with the tissue paper, torn without resistance, Shane admired the coffee mug as if it were pure silver rather than ivory porcelain. Dusty around the rim, a few chips nearest the handle, the mug wasn't perfect, but Shane didn't wish for it to be. Preferred it just as it was, smiled as he inspected the cup in his hands, bold black print read: Life Is About More Than Coffee.
"Thank you." Shane said, smile still upon his lips, a glint to brown eyes that spoke of wanting his birthday cake and eating it, too. "To tell you the truth, I almost forgot about the day myself. Bein' out here, time goes by different. Don't count the same as it used to. But let me be clear, I will be usin' this from here on out. Better to be drinkin' my water out of a good mug than from a days old piece of garbage plastic. You better start doin' the same, too. Ain't no reason for you to be gettin' crud backwash when there's a decent cup for us to split. That's just what we're gonna have to start doin' a lot of now, you know. Sharin' and everything."
Shane stepped closer to her, gaze fallen from her blues to her lips. "I don't mind sharin' things with you, Andrea. Hey, what do you say to doin' a bit more birthday celebratin'? Just you and me. I don't think I'm ready for this party to end yet."
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ofswordsandpens · 8 months
Finale Thoughts
The show stuck the ending far better than I thought it would and when compared to the preceding episodes it knocks it out of the park. That being said, I think because the bar was so low going in, that it makes this episode feel spectacular when really every episode should have done this well, at minimum.
Solo Lessons and Ares Battle
I'm so happy they included the one-on-one training sessions with Luke since its so essential to foreshadowing. I also liked the setting in the woods but why was it like autumn/fall in the flashback lol? However, I think that did unintentionally add a dreamlike quality to the scene which I did really like so whatever I'm here for it.
That being said I do wish these scenes were in episode 2/3 alongside the other chb stuff instead of being a flashback in the finale because it makes it just so on the nose that Luke's the traitor. However, the shot panning from Luke's extended sword to Percy's on the beach ate I can't lie.
Honestly it may have been interesting if they had established some of the solo lessons early on in episode 3 and then done periodic flashbacks to expand on them throughout the series. That way, its not so obvious that Luke's the traitor in the final hour and we also get cool transition shots and establishing that Percy is thinking about what he's learned from his lessons with Luke.
#Relieved that the Ares and Percy fight was not a single sword strike and then cut to black. Glad we had some action. Still think we should've pushed the limits much harder tho.
Oh but Percy's wave did go hard. They actually made the wave much bigger than what happened in the book and now I'm just sitting here wondering why we couldn't see some more of this instead of 10,000 cut to black scenes every time Percy uses his powers.
I wish we had gotten this Ares's reaction from the book when he lost: "The roar that followed made Hades’s earthquake look like a minor event. The very sea was blasted back from Ares, leaving a wet circle of sand fifty feet wide." Show Ares's reaction seemed so anticlimactic in comparison.
And no curse???? huh??
I know Ares was like "we're enemies 4 life now" but the curse and dialogue from the book goes so unbelievably hard: “You have made an enemy, godling. You have sealed your fate. Every time you raise your blade in battle, every time you hope for success, you will feel my curse. Beware, Perseus Jackson. Beware.”
Why couldn't show Ares say that??
Olympus, Zeus, & Poseidon
[Insert aw, she's ugly John Mulaney Meme]
sorry Olympus could've should've been prettier.
Like Olympus in the book felt a lot more wondrous and lush and colorful. But in the show it seemed so dull. Idk if its cause the "war's happening" or whatever it was just bland. a wash of dull-looking cgi and then an instant cut to the Big Palace.
Lance Reddick's Zeus was amazing tho. He had that godly presence I've been waiting for.
And Toby Stephens's Poseidon? oh I loved it.
I especially loved their conversation in greek.
I still wish however they would have done effects on the gods' eyes. Like glowing with energy or something when they get emotional. I felt like I was waiting to see electricity burst from Zeus when he was yelling at Percy.
And so it turns out that the reason why they changed it to Percy missing the deadline in the show was to create a situation in which Poseidon surrenders a war for his son.
And listen, if this scene existed in a vacuum I'd be so here for it. I guess a part of me can't fathom the solstice being anything other than a hard deadline. I enjoy the scene without context, within context I have mixed feelings about it.
But the "do you dream?" convo between Percy and Poseidon. Oh my god no notes. I loved it.
Some more book dialogue that I wish made it: “You did well, Perseus. Do not misunderstand me. Whatever else you do, know that you are mine. You are a true son of the Sea God.”
Luke's Betrayal
Okay here's where we get some high highs and low lows.
Some things I sincerely liked:
The setting. Fireworks going off in the background. The lantern illuminating the side of Luke's face with the scar. So visually nice.
Luke actively trying to recruit Percy! I've always joked that if Luke was just a little smarter he would have tried to persuade Percy to join his side rather than immediately kill him. And I do like that the show went this direction.
While I do mourn the loss of the scorpion them battling via swords is a great subversion of the sword mentor/mentee dynamic they share. It makes the scene tense and fast pace.
And its all of the above that makes me wonder why we didn't have more of this throughout the show: talking while battling, visually appealing and dynamic settings, unique visuals, etc.
I love how triggered Luke was at Percy's mention of meeting Hermes. I still hate how much Hermes introduction bogged down the show but damn if it didn't lead to one singular funny moment.
Percy getting a hit in on Luke and then immediately apologizing
"I didn't think you'd give the shoes to Grover." Oh that was cold.
Walker and Charlie deserve their flowers and more they were fantastic and carried.
Now things I DIDN'T like:
I don't like how Percy pieced it together with the information he did have... which honestly isn't a lot in the show? If he was going to figure out that Luke was the traitor I would've have had Luke show more of his bitterness like he did in the book. Like the fact the show never even mentioned Luke's failed his quest loses the entire element of Percy succeeding an "impossible" quest and being celebrated while Luke only got a scar and a chip on his shoulder from his failed one.
Luke's scar shoulda been worse idc.
Percy should have been mortally wounded. That's where we run into an issue with there being no scorpion because yeah, a fatal sword injury probably would've been a bit much to depict. I also 10000% think that Luke is enough of a baby to get his daddy issues triggered and then try to off Percy for it even if his original intention was to recruit him.
Also the fact that you see Luke raise his sword for a damning blow and then the very next day you have Percy like "I don't think Luke was trying to kill me." and Chiron agreeing? asdlkfjsdlkf WRONG.
Also, sorry, I don't like that Annabeth was there.
But if you're gonna have Annabeth there, her reaction to Luke betraying her and trying to hurt Percy should've been way more severe than a solemn "I heard everything."
She shoulda been crying, questioning, yelling even if she had suspected him. It's one thing to suspect it, it's another to see the person you consider your family to actually prove it true.
(And this isn't on Leah! It's 100% on the directors cause what was the thought process here? Her brother figure betrays her and she's like :/)
And sure, in the book Annabeth isn't actually all that surprised by Luke's betrayal when Percy tells her about it... but we also never got to see her initial reaction to it. Percy was out for 2 days.
Just, if book Annabeth had been there, she would've been so emotional and that's okay!! let Leah show off her chops!
I mourn book Sally. I mourn her arc. I mourn the power of Sally unapologetically petrifying Gabe with Medusa's head.
One of the most iconic storylines from the book and it was sanitized in the show to the point that it lost all sense and meaning.
Honestly one of the biggest disappointments of the show for me.
I love the fact that a flower is the searcher's license for satyrs its just so silly and sweet.
I love Annabeth sincerely hugging Percy but also using it for strategizing purposes it feels very on point for her.
Also her braids at the end!! so sweet!
I am very very bitter that Percy didn't see the fates. This + the changes made to Sally's characterization and arc... the show truly doesn't get it.
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spyderlondon · 2 months
Pls write story where caine shuts down out of no where, leaving the members trapped and slowly going insane
A/N: I'm a fan of your current comic series! Glad to know you're enjoying my stories too! Though, I'm gonna make this more sad than going insane since I saw this and thought of a tragic showtime story.
CW: Grief
Why'd You Leave Me...
"He's gotten too attached." A figure spoke at a round table that had other people in the other seats.
Another who sat right below the C&A logo responded in agreement, "He's starting to figure out how to restrict *our* access to the game now!" They slammed a hand on the table in frustration, "Making it near impossible to find a way to help those players!"
"We need to remove him before he finds a way to fully block us out of the program." Another answered, hands clasped.
There was a scoff, "He hasn't been able to succeed in his original goal of keeping the humans who find themselves trapped in there safe and sane." Another sneered, "Deleting him may be a mercy for those remaining."
The figure at the head of the table looked around the table and gave a curt nod, "Then, since we're all in agreement-" He began to remove the AI programs from the game, "Once we remove him and Bubble, we will can begin to delete them and rewrite the game's code to allow us full access again."
Pomni woke up the next morning with a yawn but refused to open her eyes to the light just yet so instead she simply reached over blindly to sleepily nuzzle the man next to her... huh?
Her eyes finally cracked open, "Caine?" She stared at the empty spot on her bed where her boyfriend should've been, she knew he decided to sleep with her last night. She sat up as she began to look around in confusion- maybe he was planning on surprising her? But he would've left his coat, hat and cane on the hat rack to at least make sure she knew he was going to be back since he knew she'd get anxious if he didn't. But... they weren't there.
She felt herself tense up at the feeling of abandonment that was beginning to push it's way into her head. "Caine?? This isn't funny!" She tried to call out to him as she looked around her room, even opening the toy chest and closet. Her eyes began to swirl as her heart started to race as her anxiety rose. She paused as she reached her desk, a note laid there with fast, messy handwriting but she could tell belonged to Caine:
I'm sorry I won't be there when you wake. It's not by choice, I swear to you, I would never do that to you, my love.
The company that made me... I can feel them yanking out my code.
I'm sorr-
The note ended there. There were multiple scribbles here and there, probably from him struggling to keep himself together long enough to write the note. Even though he ended up being cut off at the end anyways.
Teardrops fell and hit the paper as she covered her mouth as she could feel sobs coming out. She slid to her knees, a hand still gripping the desk as she felt her heart shatter into pieces at the news. She had to tell the others... but she needed time to herself for now.
Why would they remove the AI that was supposed to help keep everyone sane and happy?
Because he hasn't been able to keep everyone sane. The programmers no doubt knew of how many of the past humans had gone insane and abstracted- she knew that had to be why they decided to just remove him.
They wanted progress on getting the humans out- not for him to become attached.
She gripped the sides of her jester hat and pulled against it hard, letting out a heartwrenching sound that was in between a loud sob and a scream. She didn't care if the others heard her through the door or not, she needed to let her emotions out or she'd burst.
There was knock on the door after Pomni exhausted herself crying and screaming, as if whoever was at the door was just waiting for her to stop making so much noise before making their presence known. It was a kind gesture, she supposed, letting her get out all of her emotions before doing anything. "You can come in..." She spoke, only loud enough that she could be heard through the door but her voice was hoarse and her throat hurt like hell.
Ragatha had entered her room quietly with Kinger and Gangle behind her. They sat down near her but made sure she had her space since they could tell she needed it. They remained silent as they watched the jester sniff and wipe her puffy eyes.
Ragatha was the first to speak up after a couple of minutes of silence, "...what happened, Pomni?" She asked softly, her eyes soft but concerned.
"Where's Caine? I would've thought he'd be here to comfort you..." Gangle questioned with her own soft concerned tone.
Pomni didn't answer with her voice but instead held out the small note that was left for her from the ringmaster, her hands were trembling as she held it out for them to read. Kinger took it from her and read it before quickly gave it to the rag doll so her and Gangle could read it while he brought the jester into his embrace, rubbing her back.
Pomni normally hated being touched and would wrench away if someone touched her without asking but right now, especially since it was her father figure who was hugging her. Instead she trembled in his embrace as she wrapped her arms around him and began to sob again, "I-I-I don't want... him gone..." She cried into the chess piece's purple robe, clinging to him tightly.
She could hear quiet gasps from the two girls after they read the note, "He's gone...?" Ragatha mumbled in shock before looking up at the jester with sad eyes, "Oh, Pomni..." She didn't touch her as she knew only Kinger really was the only one besides Caine who could without permission.
Gangle had raced out of the room after reading the note, only to return a few minutes later with some coloring books and colored pencils so they could do art together as a sort of coping which Pomni ended up very grateful for after she finished crying.
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taylortruther · 6 months
I'm a 'TTPD is Red coded' truther, and seeing the "I'm the best thing at this party is based off a real party" discourse is altering my brain chemistry because Red also heavily focused around the detoriation of a relationship through the cycle of parties i.e. The party where he dropped her hand and ignored her infron of his friends (as seen in ATW mv) and then obviously THE bday party. Maybe there was also a real party this time where Joe made her feel insignificant. I mean yb and Jake do strike me as the same pretentious person in different fonts. So yk. Social validation obv means a lot to Taylor and if he was a jerk to her in public or "hid" her from everyone (again very ATW adjacent) then we might be hearing a lot about that.
i love that you pointed out the recurring party metaphor! i agree that there is a lot to be said about taylor wanting validation (who doesn't?) and the parties are certainly real (because we know taylor loves a party, but her life is full of them - from high school to the high school-esque scene of the industry)... the rejection and excitement is certainly real, as well. PLUS, as she's gotten older, taylor herself has recognized her own power to be the party, meaning, "the liquor in our cocktails," the figurative mirrorball, the person scheming to get everyone to have a good time.
tbh whether there was a specific party or just a metaphor is unimportant, imo, because it was always clear to me that taylor felt triggered more than once in this regard. we see this fear throughout her discography, preceding jake and joe. and she previously described it as more her problem to fix: "i should've known," or "you will never learn your lesson"... in lover and tgw, she describes how she would explode, "put you in jail for something you didn't do," and was begging for help through those difficult emotions. she believed "EVERYONE WILL BETRAY YOU" (anti-hero), and acted accordingly: running off to spare herself from hurt, or seeing things that weren't there and picking fights, sometimes to self-sabotage.
what was unclear is whether she was given a real reason to be suspicious. i think on april 19 we will find out, and we will also see taylor being even more honest or clear about what wasn't her fault/her responsibility.
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Hi! wondered if i could request a Masky x Fem reader? Where the reader is injured because of something Masky did?
Ty if so! <3
~ Posion anon
Thank you so much for requesting!
TW: brief mentions of domestic violence ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Masky with an injured fem!reader
This was probably the most heated argument you've had in a while with Tim
He came home pretty tired, and he didn't feel like putting his things away
Which you can understand, that's not the part that made you mad
The part that made you mad was when he began to take off his sweaty clothes in different areas of the house as he moved to your shared bedroom
One boot was by the door, the other by the couch, his shirt on the stairs and his pants tossed carelessly over his dresser
And then next morning as he was getting ready, he got mad at you for not getting his stuff together
Now, you love Tim and you are more than willing to help him out in his times of need
But you are not some sweet little houswife that will clean up all his messes
He is a fully grown man and he can start acting like one
So as he yelled and bantered about how you should've at least gotten his stuff together, and how he'll now have to work in sweaty, dirty clothes because you didn't wash them, you could feel your anger level rising higher and higher
Eventually you'd had enough and began to yell back, telling him if it mattered that much to him he could've done it himself
The argument continued to escalate until you were both just screaming at each other unintelligible style
You are starting to get tired of this, so you push him a bit just to move him out of the way
Immediately he punches you square in the face
You are thrown back, your hand going up to touch your now aching cheekbone
You look at him with a trembling lip and watery eyes, and you could tell that as soon as he'd done it he regretted it
His expression softens from an angry glare to a look of pure sadness as he comes to hug you
You let the tears fall and the sobs leave your lips
Tim rubs your back and kisses the top of your head "shit, baby I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to, please forgive me" he whispers into your hair
You like the comfort, but he also just punched you in the face. As far as you're concerned, he can suck it
So you push him away and storm up the stairs, slamming your bedroom door and continuing to cry
Leaving a very panicked Tim on the first floor
He would've gone after you, and tried to concole you further but he had to go to work, lest he be punished by Slender fo being late
While at home, you went through a flury of emotions
Sadness, anger, doubt
You had hidden yourself under a blanket so you couldn't see any of Tim's belongings
The punch had now bruised over, making you cringe when you saw it in the reflection of your phone screen
Instead of being bothered by this any further, you decide to fall asleep
You were only awoken by the sound of heavy boots on the floor, coming up next to you and rubbing your covered back
You roll your eyes and flip open the covers, giving him a nasty glare
It breaks his heart to see you like this, especially when he notices the huge bruise
He sets a big bag of things on the bed and motions for you to open it
He got you your favorite restaurant's food, some snacks and a cute little teddy bear
You raise a brow and look at him
"You really think that food is gonna excuse you punching me?"
He shakes his head and sits with you "No, definetly not but I figured you still deserve something nice"
You scoff "get the fuck out"
He looks at you, shocked "Out?"
"Out." You say again
"Out where?" He stands and rubs his hands together nervously
"I don't care, just not around me." You state simply
Tim really doesn't want to leave you, especially right now
But he also doesn't want to make you more angry than you already are, so as he walks to the front door to go out somewhere he racks his brain for any possible solutions that could allow him to make it up to you
Let's just hope he figures it out soon....
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middlechild404 · 1 year
Flying over the Atlantic
Five letters 
Three vowels. 
A word that describes a  physical state where you are physically by yourself. 
A word that I wouldn't use to describe myself. 
Six letters.
Two vowels. 
A word that describes an emotional state where you feel disconnected from others. 
A word that I would use to describe myself. 
But, all it would take to make me stop is to book a flight from Los Angeles to London and sit next to an enlightening man 35000 feet in the air. 
Statistics show that there is a 2% chance to find love on a plane. My chances were very low. Thankfully, the odds were in my favor. 
I loved to travel. It was a way for me to take a break from life and reset my energy. But, I didn't like sitting next to someone for the next 11 hours who would be shaking his gigantic leg the entire flight. 
This man was so big that my seat that was attached to his was shaking too. I was trying to concentrate on my book, but my tired eyes and the shaking made it impossible. 
In my head, I was cursing at him and making him stop. However, I was never the confrontational type. I always took the high road. Hence, I kept my mouth shut and kept trying to read my book. 
His leg finally stopped shaking. But before I could have some satisfaction he spread his legs wide enough for one of them to touch my leg. He was in my space. I hated it when people were in my space. He didn't move. I didn't move. I felt this burning sensation of discomfort where his leg was touching mine. This time I couldn't keep my mouth shut. 
“Sir?” I said loud enough for him to hear me. 
He didn't budge. He didn't even turn to look at me. Therefore, I managed to nudge him with my leg which got his attention, as he turned to face me. One could barely see his face with the cap and sunglasses. 
“Sir?” I said again with more aggression in my tone while I was burning holes in his leg with my eyes. 
He kept quiet and stared at me for a second. Then, he moved around in his chair to find a comfortable position. 
I only got to read one page from my book before he gave up on shuffling around in his seat. 
“Sorry mam, but there is literally no place for my legs to go, and I can't find a comfortable position to sit in for the next 11 hours.” He said apologetically. 
I don't know where my courage or rudeness came from, but I managed to let words I would've never said slip my mouth. “Well, maybe you should've gotten yourself in first class.” 
He thought I was a bitch. I thought I was a bitch. We were both shocked at my remark. 
“I am so sorry, I didn't mean..I am so sorry. I don't know what got into me. I'm not usually like this. I think I'm getting my period soon. Sorry again, that was too much information. I talk too much...  ” I kept apologizing and scrambling for words, while a smile grew on his face. 
“I tried” He managed to slip between my endless rambling with a chuckle. 
I fell silent, looking at him to continue. 
“I booked last minute and it was fully booked, so I had to get bumped here.” He said with a shrug. 
“Sorry that you had to be stuck in these trashy seats then.” I said, waving around the area where his legs were. 
“No need to be sorry, this place is less trashy now that I have a beautiful girl to keep me company for the rest of the flight.” He said charmingly. 
A blush grew on my entire face. I'm pretty sure I turned into a tomato, earning me another chuckle. I was speechless. I was never good at receiving compliments. Hence, why I only gave him a nod and kept reading my book. Although, I could still feel his eyes on me. 
“Oliver Twist huh, you don't see many people walking around with that book in their hands these days.” He pointed out, drawing my attention from the book I've read too many times. 
“Yeah well, Charles Dickens just hits different” I answered. 
“I would've pegged you more of a Colleen Hoover fan than someone that many in our generation feel is outdated.” He stated. 
“well I am a Colleen Hoover fan, but it's completely idiotic to claim that Charles Dickens is outdated.” I said.
We fell silent again, while simply staring at each other. “Is it better to have had a good thing and lost it, or never to have had it?” He blurted, quoting Charles Dickens from his book Our Mutual Friend.
“Are you a Charles Dickens fan too?” I asked curiously. 
“Yep, see we have something in common. We should probably just skip to our wedding.” He joked. 
He stretched out his hand for me to shake while introducing himself. “I am Jack Harlow.” I introduced myself hesitantly, knowing that I recognized his name. 
“Ahh, a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” He flirted.
This time I managed to get a word out, but unfortunately, the tomato issue was still in need of work. “Charming”. 
“I wouldn't have thought that a famous rapper like you would take an interest in Charles Dickens.” I teased. 
He simply laughed as he looked around making sure that nobody heard the famous rapper part. When he noticed that the coast was clear he took off his glasses, revealing the most beautiful ocean eyes. People say that the eyes are the windows to the soul, and his soul was drawing me in. If I had looked a bit longer, I would've drowned. 
I cleared my throat, taking myself out of my trance just in time to hear his question. “So what would your answer be to the quote I said before?”
“Wow, you just jump into the deep questions, don't you? People usually start with what are your hobbies.” I stated jokingly. Earning another chuckle. 
“Anyway to answer your question, I would've chosen to have had a good thing and lost it. Isn't that what life is all about? I mean everything you go through ends up shaping you as a person, and the more you go through, the more you learn about yourself.” I added. 
He nodded approvingly at my answer. 
“I knew I liked you, how about we skip to just having children by now.” He reasoned with a mischievous glint in his eyes. 
I playfully hit his arm and from there our conversation flowed. It's so interesting finding a stranger that you feel you've known your whole life. 
He was just perfect, the more we talked the more I could feel those walls I had all those years crumble and fall to the ground. For the first time in forever, I felt like someone got me. He listened and paused before giving his thoughtful opinion. At this point, we knew everything about each other. Nine hours had managed to fly by, as we were talking for what only felt like an hour. 
“So what are your plans here Mr. Harlow, are you going to London for business or pleasure?” I pondered with a playful tone. 
“I was initially here for business but if I get to spend some time with you it will be both.” He answered with a smirk. 
“Then we better make sure that you have some pleasure, it would be a shame to travel all this way only for business” I answered with my newly found confidence. 
We resumed our talks about everything and nothing. We even threw in weird questions every now and then like “If your parachute were to fail, would you rather land on solid ground or in water?” or “Would you rather be a kangaroo or a koala?”. 
Before we knew it, we had landed safely and were already moving to the baggage claim. He was such a gentleman, insisting on carrying my things and picking up my very heavy bag from the baggage carousel. 
We stood at the exit and exchanged numbers to keep in touch. 
“How about we meet at this location at 8 pm?” He asked while pointing at his phone. 
“At eight?!? That's in an hour!” I exclaimed, knowing that I would never make it in time. 
“Aaand?? You will make it. I'm sure of it. If you want, we can make it interesting.” He said with a mischievous grin. 
I nodded hesitantly, wanting to know what he had in mind. 
“How about we strike a deal? If you get late then you lose and have to do whatever I want to do for the rest of the evening, and if you win and get there in time then I'll have to do whatever you want for the rest of the evening. This will surely motivate you more to come on time.” He explained. 
“Okay, fine” I said intrigued. “Let's seal the deal for this challenge.” I continued as I stretched my hand for him to shake. 
Instead, he pulled me in by my hand as his lips crashed on mine. I couldn't help myself from threading my fingers through his curls as he kept pulling me impossibly closer to him. The butterflies in my stomach were getting crazier by the second. 
Once we pulled apart completely breathless he managed to say “Now that's how you seal a deal.”
He quickly looked at the time, reminding me that time was ticking. He started backing away to one of the taxis as I was doing the same. 
Before he hopped in the cab, he shouted “Best believe I'm going to win this!”
Hiiiyaaa lovies, know it's been a while. Many of you have been asking me if I still write and I do. It just takes me some time to post because I've been very uninspired lately, and I don't want to post anything I'm not satisfied with. Buuuuttt, watched a movie yesterday that was called Love at first sight, and it just got the ideas flowing. Plus I wanted to post something on my bday. Hope you like it and stay tuned for more🥰🥰
Taglist: @jackharloww, @j-worlds-blog @itsyagirljaz, @harlowcomehome, @neon-lights-and-glitter
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polyhexian · 3 months
The more I think about it the more I love the Jasper/Enoch rivalry.
Well, to be fair, I think Jasper actively hates her, and she's just there. She's murder daughter because she sees murder as the best way to achieve her goals, not because she enjoys murdering people. She's not looking for a fight, she just calls it as she sees it, and she sees Jasper as un unimpressive wimp who failed to kill Belos because he was too sentimental.
Enoch: I'm just saying, you could totally have killed him if your feelings hadn't gotten in the way.
Enoch: Yeah, ironic.
Jasper can't comprehend this kid. She knew she was a person?? with EMOTIONS??? AND SHE THREW THEM AWAY??? Jasper took 12 years to come to terms with the fact that his feelings WERE real and they DID affect him and they DID matter and meanwhile this kid had just decided emotions were useless and didn't bother with them??
Jasper: HOW was someone who HAD emotions and KNEW she was a person BETTER at locking all those feelings away than I ever was??
Enoch: Skill issue.
Caitlyn: To be fair, I didn't exactly do a good job modeling feelings for her.
Jasper sobbing around a bottle of god-knows-what while Caleb awkwardly pats his back and Jasper's like "Hunter's gonna end up like ENOCH."
Tell: Okay on the one hand I can see how that'd be distressing, but Jasper, that IS my kid.
Enoch: No, no, he has a point. I still failed to kill Belos. We should be hoping that Hunter is even better than me at killing Belos. *watches Hunter follow his uncle around with stars in his eyes* But in all honesty he's shaping up to be a spectacular disappointment.
She doesn't really hate Hunter, probably. She thinks his loyalty is stupid, obviously, but like. When he was a baby she just saw him as an obstacle Jasper failed to overcome, and as the Golden Guard she's like "when I was his age I was actively plotting an assassination", and after Hunter runs away she's like "well he's got half the right idea now that he knows the truth but of COURSE he's just running away, ugh" and then Hunter attempts to murder-suicide himself and Belos and she's like OH YES FINALLY OKAY RESPECT ACQUIRED GET IT BOY!
She probably can't even fault him for not succeeding in killing Belos. Like that wasn't his fault. He gave an honest shot at it and for all we know the only reason it didn't work is cuz Camila pulled Hunter out of the water which let Belos depossess him.
She just judges everyone by how close they got to killing Belos and what made them fail, and the people who get judged the harshest are the ones who came close but failed for whatever she perceives as a stupid reason. Virtue, John, Temperance? Not even worth judging over this, they were too stupid to even think about killing him. Dust? An attempt was made, not a very good one but it's not like he had much time to think about it, he can have a You Tried sticker. Miles? Should've used those bombs on BELOS, yeesh, and he was more concerned with running away than with killing the guy, BUT he earns a lot of points for spending his final moments writing out a warning to anyone who'd come after, which may eventually lead to Belos's death, so A for effort. Jasper? Colossal disappointment, oh my god, you literally HAD HIM, IF IT WASN'T FOR THE BABY YOU WOULD'VE KILLED HIM, GOD. Hunter? Disappointingly brainwashed, but the moment he decided to kill Belos, he WENT for it, and she can respect that.
Luz? Oh my god she's probably so pissed at Luz. Like. You beat him! You literally beat him! You had god-given powers the likes of which no witch has ever been graced to wield, you took him out when he was arguably at his most powerful, and YOU DIDN'T EVEN TAKE THE SHOT?? YOU LET THE RAIN DO IT? AND THEN YOU LET RAINE AND EDA AND KING DO IT?? WHAT DOES IT FEEL LIKE TO WASTE MY DREAM???
So yeah, just. Jasper actively hating Enoch, and Enoch passively hating Jasper.
Enoch: Why are you booing me? I'm right.
In the far distant future, Darius passes away from old age, and one way or another, he's finally going to see Jasper again--
Darius: Jasper. I spent sixteen years having beef with a child, and then I felt extremely bad about it, and strove to become a better person. And now I have died, and I find out YOU'VE spent the last SIXTY years having beef with a child??
Jasper, glaring at Enoch in yet another staring contest: When I first met her, she'd been dead longer than I'd been alive.
Darius: I just feel like maybe I beat myself up a little too much regarding how upset you'd be at how I treated Hunter.
Jasper: YOU were a dick to a brainwashed child soldier who needed healthy adult relationships in his life because you were misplacing your anger and grief. I am having a mutual standoff with someone who ACTUALLY believes I'm a failure for NOT LETTING MY BABY DIE, and who continues to be a bitch despite having DECADES since her death to figure out how to not be.
Enoch: I don't "believe" you're a failure, it's just an objective fact.
Darius: I can see why your ortet keeps the liquor cabinet well stocked.
Uruwydhfjdijebrg riqyshJFGHEHAH I'm fucking OBSESSED jasper having genuine beef with a fifteen year old and desperately trying to justify why that's different from Darius having beef with hunter and he has a lot of points but he keeps saying "SHES OLDER THAN ME LIKE SHE LIVED LONGER THAN I DID AND SHE HAD SO MUCH MORE AGENCY AND ALSO SHES BEEN DEAD LONGER THAN I WAS ALIVE LIKE COME ON
Enoch: Darius you were mean to a brainwashed child soldier. How could you possibly not see what was happening and realize it was evil?
Darius: I know, and you're right, I should have been kinder. I wish that I-
Enoch: how could you not see Belos was evil right then and there?? Like, he killed your boyfriend and you didn't even murder him for it?
Darius: I mean. I.
Enoch: pussy
Jasper: come on
Darius like okay I get why JASPER is still here watching hunter sixty years later but why are YOU still here
Tell: Enoch won't leave
Enoch: for the bit, mostly
Enoch fucking... ROASTING previous Grimwalkers.
Miles: Had no reason to seek vengeance yet. Passable if only because he is so early in the timeline respects the viciousness of his ending. The anger and the commitment to warning the future.
Virtue: loser who died too fast and didn't learn to think for himself
Dust: easily manipulated but most of them are since they've been groomed to be. Hard turned at the end, respect. Willing to take child hostage +10 points for commitment. Ultimately a failure but she'd share a beer with him
Temperance: idiot loser who didn't even learn anything
Caleb: you RAISED his ass and didn't see he was an evil fuck? Wow. Yeah sympathy is great huh tell that to the kid you didn't raise shit lips
Jasper: you're the fucking worst oh my god. You had the best chance and threw it away. Absolutely pathetic. You're grounded kid
Tell: lame dad. Complacent and pessimistic. I want a bed time story but also you're mid af
She's just like. The worst. They're all dead they've had to get past the point of "she might actually be evil and I don't really want her here" and just have to live with this thing in the house and she's emboldened by the fact she is tolerated
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tanenigiri · 1 year
Episodes 6 and 7 of Our Dining Table have my favorite ever scenes in the manga (and that's not even considering that scene) so my opinion of the whole show was pretty much contingent on these two episodes.
And they knocked them out of the park.
(Stray thoughts and ramblings on Our Dining Table eps 6 and 7. Some light manga spoilers but nothing too revealing.)
Our Dining Table was one of the first manga I read, and by then I was very new to the concept of Christmas in Japan being a primarily romantic thing. So that whole scene about Minoru struggling to ask Yutaka about his Christmas plans flew over my head during my initial reading, but after re-reading it it made a lot more sense why Minoru was so on edge about it. I thought the show did this really well, and that added scene with Minoru and his manager in the ramen shop was a great way to contextualize it too.
We only see her for a single scene so let me just say: Ohata you will always be famous. (And her outfit looked so good??? We should've had a scene where Yutaka asked her for advice on which scarf to get.)
The whole "taking care of your sick loved one" trope is 50/50 for me as those scenes seem to be quite predictable, but I really like how Our Dining Table uses it as a catalyst for both Yutaka and Minoru to start truly opening up to each other. Sure, they've gotten very close over the past few months and I think both of them recognize by this point that their "friendship" is something special, but I found it very interesting that it's only by this scene - both in the manga and in the show - where they start digging deep into their issues and expressing why that friendship means a lot to them.
I've already said it in my previous two posts but it bears repeating: how they're handling Minoru's past in the show is such a step up from how it was in the manga. Minoru deciding to open up first so that Yutaka can be comfortable sharing his own past is so in-character and honestly makes that Christmas scene even more of a gut-punch than it already is.
And THEN we get that absolutely devastating scene with Tane and his dad, with the latter worrying about Yutaka dying. I feel like this scene was given a lot more weight in the show - mainly because I felt it gave the scene the space and time to play out - and I am still recovering from it. Very much a top 3 scene of the series for me.
(Also, shout out to the dad for getting the memo not once, but twice and letting Minoru get his much-deserved alone time with Yutaka. I'm sure he's making up for interrupting them in Episode 5.)
Cannot stress enough how fantastic the show's little plot additions have been, and the matching scarves as gifts is probably at the top of my list. I could go on and on about how it represents warmth and comfort and all that, but really I'm already screaming at the fact that they had the same idea on what to give each other.
I also want to point out how much I love that the very first shot of Episode 7 (after the opening credits) is Yutaka's dish rack with the washed bowl and utensils as it takes the viewer a second to realize that this was Minoru's doing. It's up there with the shoes in Episode 2 for me.
While I fell in love with the manga by like the first chapter, I think what cemented its grip on me was how they decided to gives us Yutaka's backstory in the style of Tane's drawings. That was definitely the scene I was most looking forward to in this entire series, and when I saw the Episode 7 preview at the end of Episode 6 with Yutaka just tearfully recounting his story to Minoru, I was worried that they were gonna do away with it. So you can imagine my reaction to not only seeing that Tane's drawings were kept, but that they also decided to animate a significant part of that backstory with the drawings. (All I'm gonna say is that I had to pause the video to calm down.)
Tane clinging to Yutaka like a koala was the best shot of the episode. It was a nice break from all the heavy emotions. And then Tane said sike and gave us that head patting scene and he really got us while our guard was down huh.
I really have nothing to say about the kiss as I'm not really a fan of dwelling on these kinds of scenes, but I will say that how understated it was fit with the tone of the show. If anything my only complaint was how I felt that scene was a bit dark (as in it lacked lighting haha not that it was grim).
Next episode is gonna be a rough and frustrating one I'm pretty sure, but I am curious on where they're gonna end it. There's one more scene I'm really looking forward to seeing but I think that's gonna come at like the finale.
I love this series so much. It's nothing flashy or groundbreaking but it takes pride in its simplicity and makes the most out of it. And I'm so glad more people are discovering it thanks to this show.
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My rewatch of Hilda season 3
It has been an hour since I finished my rewatch of season 3. And what's amazing, I finished it about 4 minutes before it struck 12 am in my area. if you don't count the extra credits after the original or something. It was 11:56 pm when I was looking at my phone.
Anyway, it's also Christmas today. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of you who read this. Or if you're a Hilda fan, Happy Sonstansil if you want to say that.
Again, I'm not spoiling anything huge. But I want to mention this information. The fact that Luke Pearson and Andy Coyle said that there were 6 more episodes planned for this season. But it was shortened to 8 episodes. And I agree with many that I would've liked it if was the usual 13 episodes we got like we did with season 1 and 2.
But to be honest with you all. After my rewatch, even with it being shortened than the previous seasons. I legit think season 3 is an excellent season that is brings an emotional closure to the series. I agree with Andy that we were incredibly lucky to have that third season be even made. And while I do think it being short was fine with me. It still saddens me we didn't get more of the extra episodes we should've gotten.
And I'll admit, I'm sorry I didn't get this out right away. But compared to my reaction last time. The first time I finished season 3...I essentially broke down crying. But this time around, I guess you can say I was happier? More so, I was pacing around in the kitchen, thinking about a lot of stuff. Wondering if I should do a retrospective on the series. And that seems like development for me that the first time I finished it, I was heartbroken. But now, I feel like maybe I've accepted it this time around. Unless the feeling returns, but I felt much better this time around.
I will admit, I still did tear up/cry at that "Memory" part and I'm not spoiling that.
Will admit, I'll never forget my experience watching season 3 for the first time. First time watching something is always special. But back to the point, season 3 is still pretty excellent. Everything about it still oozes brilliance with its animation, writing, voice acting, and many other things. Even if some things could've been dealt with better. But I still appreciate the end result.
Also, I legit think Ryan Carlson legit outdid himself this time around. Season 3 probably has the best score in all the series. Also, the sound design is insane because I mentioned this already. I swear, my volume was only at 18. But I swear, it's so loud that I feel like I'm in an IMAX theater. Or simply a movie theater, but I'm going with the IMAX option because dang, the sound design is some powerful stuff.
And to be honest, when I was pacing around. I was really thinking what my favorite season is of this show. And I don't want to choose favorites for some stupid reason because I love them all. Even though I had wondered about picking season 3 because similar to how I feel about season 2. It was so nice to finally get season 3. Seeing all these characters again, but just how this season goes. And I feel like if we had those extra episodes. This season would likely be my favorite.
I also wanted to talk about something concerning the fandom. The ones that were...a bit negative I could say. With opinions I can understand. Mainly the idea some folks didn't like the idea that this season was more serialized than the other two seasons.
To be honest, I heavily disagree with someone's notion that season 3 was underwhelming, forgettable, and disappointing. I felt the opposite because after watching this show for five years. Even with a shorter season. The crew managed to deliver a satisfying final season. And I'll admit, while chapters 3 and 4 were fun and nice in their own right. I actually didn't mind season 3 being more serialized this time around. Especially with what the focus was on.
And there's also parts of the fandom or...I don't want to sound mean. But to the people who have an issue with certain reveals this season. I totally understand if you don't like season 3 for some of the decisions they make in this. How this may...mess up your AU's or something. But these days, I'm usually all for a creator going with their vision of a show or a movie. If this is how Luke Pearson wanted for season 3, then I will respect his decision. And I honestly loved his direction for season 3. Also, I think if we had more episodes, I think maybe things could've been more cleared up. That's what I hoped the other episodes could've been. Maybe episodes on the Marra, Trylla, Erik and whoever else. Mainly epilogues to certain characters we saw in the finale.
It's almost an Owl House season 3 situation. But in other words, I really don't mind teen Hilda. I don't mind Anders, and I don't mind some of the reveals in season 3. And along with the fact what the themes and story they were telling in season 3. I appreciate what they were doing. Even though I question if my opinions should be considered valid because I don't own any of the books or that's a whole other thing.
I want to finish this soon. But I want to mention two things. You know when I said chapter 2 and even chapter 8. I was getting Silent Hill vibes from certain scenes. I didn't say this the first time. But chapter 6, I think saying Resident Evil vibes or so is the best way to describe how scary that episode is.
And you know what? There are certain characters the Hilda fandom hates. Erik, the Committee of Three, Trylla and even Anders. There are some others. But you know...despite my issues with those characters, season 3 introduced I hate. While I could say the Spider-Frog/Frog-Spider, but no despite how I feel about that character.
The Fairy Entity...that is a character that I would straight up become Bayformers Optimus Prime and be like "Time to find out" to this character. If you've watched season 3, or you know personally, you'll understand why I'm saying this. Screw that character, yet I'm likely overreacting.
Anyway, it's been two hours now. I should post this now.
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So after letting it shimmer for a while, some reasons why the Ted Lasso finale didn't quite land for me:
- I get what they were trying to do with Roy and I thought the message was beautiful, BUT I feel like they shoud've shown his 'relapse' in a more subtle way. Having him get into a physical fight with Jamie, after all they've grown, didn't feel right to me.
-Also the whole "we're letting YOU choose" thing felt uggggg. I wouldn't mind it if they'd spent a whole episode adressing it, but it was not something to just toss into the finale and run.
-Maybe this is the Keelroy shipper in me, but I feel it's a bit of a waste that they spent 2 seasons developing a relationship that was flawed, yes, but still it was one of the healthiest and most wholesome m/f ships I've seen, and then not give them proper closure. I feel like Roy and Keeley shoud've had at least 1 truly positive and heartfelt scene together in the finale. Even if it were only Roy saying that, after all, he's not ready yet to be in back in a romantic relationship, and they hug it out.
(Honestly, Roy's arc this season shoud've been entirely about accepting that he is enough and that he deserves love and happiness even when he doesn't perform perfectly, and have him spend the final episode basking in that love and happiness. But I would've taken the aforementioned option as well)
- Keeley was barely in the episode, she barely said goodbye to Ted, and she didn't get to voice her own view on her feelings about the bloody love triangle (other than "get out of my house you jackasses"). Overall her arc has had great moments but it has felt all over the place this season.
- Beard and Jane. Enough said.
- It was great seeing Sam playing for Nigeria at the end, but honestly, they shoud've devoted a whole episode to dealing with the aftermath of the attack to his restaurant and closing his storyline with Edwin Akufu.
-I expected a bit more of the Ted-Nate reunion. I understand that after a whole year to process and forgive, Ted wasn't angry anymore, but still. That was one of the most important relationships in the show and deserved more screentime for closure.
-In general, I personally would've liked more Nate. Maybe one last genius strategy for the road.
(As I said before, this shoud've been 2 episodes to fit in proper goodbyes for everyone.)
-Ted should've cried as much as Rebecca in the airport. It would've shown that he's gotten better at accepting and expressing negative emotions. And it just felt wrong to me to see him so dissaffected while Rebecca was going through the 7 stages of grief.
-The reapperance of the Dutch Guy felt a bit tonally off in respect to the rest of the episode. They were going for a subversion of tropes of the genre and a vibe of "real life is not like stories, sometimes the perfect happy ending isn't possible and that's fine" with all the other storylines, and then...then they go and pull off a rom-com deus ex machina, "destiny" or "serendipity" brought them back together, with Rebecca. It felt weird to me (though I never quite warmed up to the Dutch Guy, so I may be biased).
-As sad as it makes me, and as much as I love found families, Ted going back to Kansas to be with Henry made sense. He clearly missed his son, and making a kid leave his school and his friends and all that's familiar when there's another option it's just harsh. HOWEVER they could've shown that Ted was still part of the life of the Richmond crew and viceversa. They could've shown him facetiming with them while they were at Higgins' barbacue, for example.
(I didn't get the vibe that he got back together with Michelle, just that they are co-parenting? But if they'd gotten back together my answer would be NO)
Anyways. It's been a good run. I love this show and overall I've really enjoyed season 3. Headcanons and fix-it fics can deal with the rest.
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redrisingsun · 2 years
when i had watched the episode i promised myself i wouldn't write this post but i've seen like three laena posts and i'm in pain so here goes nothing. i haven't read the books so. don't be mean to me thanks <3
if they HAD to kill laena off without delving deeper into her and daemon's relationship, they should've killed her in child birth but still made it her choice.
the maester turns to daemon to let him make the decision, but he doesn't. you know why? because laena is fully capable of making that decision herself and daemon knows it. he cares for her!!!!!!!! or at least he fucking should!!!!!!! he doesn't want her to die!!!!!!! he doesn't want their baby to die!!!!!!!
and like it pisses me off that they just had her go outside. like yeah, it ties the whole "i want to die a dragon rider" line together with her death, but wouldn't it have been so much more tragic if she didn't die in flames?
throughout the episode we see a woman who cares for and loves her children and her family. would she, even when in pain, not say goodbye to her own children? would she KILL HER OWN BABY???? HUH???????? NO!!!!!!!!!!!! we know that her baby isn't healthy (or at least book readers know her baby isn't), but LAENA DOESN'T. or at least there is no indication whatsoever that she or anyone else knows that her baby isn't even alive.
and the worst is that they could've set the scene up the same way. they could still have the maester ask daemon what to do and they could still have daemon ask him if laena would survive. she clearly knows what they're talking about!!!! she should've walked straight up to them, told the maester to save her baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we could still have gotten an emotional scene (that would be more emotional than a dragon blinking for ten seconds) with daemon telling her not to do it or some shit.
it would make so much more sense than having them cut aemma open in ep 1, too??????? if you HAVE to have the stupid c-section in the show, it would've made SO MUCH MORE SENSE TO GIVE IT TO LAENA. that viserys made that decision when he claims to have "loved his wife so much" all the time is literally one of my biggest issues with the show so far.
and then we could've gotten a better laena and daemon story altogether, still in the same amount of screen time. tell me it wouldn't be so much better if 1) they actually loved each other, 2) laena made a tough decision (showing that those often fall on the women's shoulders because men can take whatever they want, since the creators are so adamant on "keeping the misogyny realistic") and 3) daemon would've been an actually good dad.
like it feels as if they just kept laena and daemon's story line (if ten minutes of screen time can even be called that) to set up daemon and rhaenyra's relationship and it makes me so angry. i love daemyra!!!!! but guess what!!!!!!!! i love daemon and laena too!!!!!!!!!!!!! do they even have a ship name!!!!! he should've been seen as a better fucking dad!!!!!!!!! because there is no way in hell rhaenyra would have children with him (which i'm fucking sure they will eventually) IF HE IS A SHIT DAD. there's no way in hell laena would STAY WITH HIM IF HE WAS A SHIT DAD.
there was just so much with this episode that felt forced and stupid and i am so not here for it but i unfortunately do not have the patience to read the books so i guess ill just have to suffer. like don't even get me started on laenor or we'll be here all day
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darkleysgarden · 2 years
A Drunken Mistake
Written August 29th (Posted November 12th)
Warnings: alcohol, suggestive themes (making out and referenced sex)
Ship: Solodeus
Type: Angst | Hurt/Comfort | Fluff
Words: 1632
Summary: When drunk, Asmodeus and Solomon get into a bad argument.
After going to Satan, he convinces Asmo to try and resolve the misunderstanding.
Fluff ensues.
How could this happen?
What had he done to make things turn out like this?
A mistake. A stupid mistake at that.
He'd invited Solomon out to a party. One of the biggest ones of the year! It was supposed to be fun. It wasn't supposed to turn out like this.
"You act like you don't even love me!" He admitted in a slurred voice, sobs breaking through his words.
Solomon scoffed, "What would even make you think that? I do plenty for you! You must be out of your mind if you think that it isn't enough!"
Another sob ripped through him, "And what is it that you do? Show up once every three months just to fuck me? If I didn't know better I'd shove you into the same space as every other greedy asshole who wanted me for my body!"
The sorcerer looked at him like he was the stupidest being to ever live, "You know what? Showing up here tonight was a mistake. Goodbye, Asmodeus."
Before leaving the room they'd both went off to together, Solomon had said his full name.
They practically only ever used terms on endearment for eachother! And if it was ever their name it would be a shortened version of it. Because their relationship was cute and cheesy and stupid and so them.
Maybe he was just overreacting. It wasn't that big of a deal. Just his name.
How did that fight even start anyway?
They'd both gotten way too drunk that night. Completely wobbly and over the top.
He retched pathetically into the toilet. Tears laced with mascara combining with the liquid.
He'd become a complete mess after their fight.
Could he blame it on stupidity? Being an emotional drunk? The longing feeling that constantly told him he needed to be there with Solomon? But no, he was busy. He can't see you Asmo! Even if it's been four months. Just shut up and be patient. It will be fine.
Asmo had said that he didn't want to have sex that night, much to Solomon's confusion. He'd had questioned that were concerned because that was so unlike him. Usually he'd be begging for it.
It was concern. But of course, in his drunken state, he took offense to the concern and had to cause a fight.
A pathetic wail came from him. A sound he didn't even know he was capable of making.
Mammon had come in at some point, holding back his hair, wiping away his tears and mascara, cuddling him close to his warmth. All things Solomon should've been doing with him.
After much protest from him, Mammon got him into the car and home.
Which lead him to where he was now, laying in bed, still in those too tight clothes from the night before.
Mammon had tried to change him, but Asmo insisted he leave him be.
He felt completely numb.
Should he do something? Probably.
But part of him was scared. Scared that Solomon was still mad. That he wasn't ever going to forgive him for the fight. Break up with him like many in the past did after he rejected sex.
He wouldn't break up with him, though..........right?
No, he would never. Solomon saw him for more than his body. He was different!
In that moment, the line blurred.
He thought every ex had been 'different'. Was he wrong about Solomon? He couldn't be! But.... he wasn't sure.
In his moment of vulnerability, he got up. He needed to talk to Satan.
He always relies on his older brother in any sort of problem. That was normal. Now wouldn't be any different.
And Satan was smart! He'd know what to do!
Before leaving, he still made sure to fix up his outfit and makeup.
Even if it was just Satan, he shouldn't underperform. Nobody liked it when he did so. He can't be anything less than perfect. No, he isn't overthinking this! Last night was a clear example. Asmo didn't fill Solomon's needs and look where that got him.
He can't say that it's just Satan, because he had said that it was just Solomon before too. He never knew who he could trust. Hell, could he even trust himself?
Once he looked delightfully perfect again, he stepped out of his room. He gripped his arms tightly as he pulled the door shut. With slow cautious steps, he stopped in front of the fourth born's room.
He gave one knock, which was more than his usual, before barging in immediately, not even waiting for a reply.
Satan looked up, confusion evident on his face. He was half sitting, half laying on his bed, a book in his hand.
Asmodeus rushed over, throwing himself into Satan's arms. Tears welled up, but he didn't let them fall.
The fourth born returned his hug, hand running through his hair. He clearly realized that Asmo was upset, and was going to help his younger brother, "Asmo, what happened?"
The dam cracked, but didn't break, "Oh Satan it was horrible! It was just terrible! Everything went wrong in all the worst ways! I didn't know what to do! And then we started yelling! Why did we start yelling? And then he left! I don't know what to do! Can I trust him? Can I even trust myself!?"
Satan whispered soothing words to help calm his breathing, then asking, "Did you and Solomon fight?"
He didn't know exactly what word caused it. Whether it was the mention of Solomon, or the fight. But, as soon as Satan finished his sentence, he started to sob.
Asmo didn't know how much time had passed. Whether it had been a few minutes, or a few hours.
He stayed cuddled in his arms in a way that made him long for his boyfriend once again.
Eventually, Satan spoke again, "I'm sure this is just a big misunderstanding. I know Solomon well, and I'm sure that he didn't want to hurt you in anyway. He was just being drunk and stupid. I think you should just go and talk to him. Though, if you talk to him and he makes you sad again, let him know that I will not hesitate to f-"
Asmo cut him off, "Okay! Okay! I get it! Please don't kill my boyfriend!"
Satan scoffed, "I make no promises."
They sat there in a peaceful silence. Asmo thinking about what the blonde had said. Maybe he should just go talk to him.
Like he said, it was Solomon. And he's the smartest idiot he knew!
Still in the same clothes as last night, Asmo stood in front of the Purgatory Hall. He still had some mascara stained on his face, as he had failed to wipe it off fully. And his eyes were red and puffy, tear tracks still evident.
He knocked a small tune, pulling his hand down nervously.
Every second that passed without an answer made him want to go back home and cry a bit more.
As he was about to leave, the door opened. There stood Simeon, who had a frown on his face. The frown only worsened when he saw Asmo's current condition. He seemed to understand immediately what was wrong, "Solomon is in his room. Nasty hangover and such."
The words were laced with sadness that made Asmo frown.
Simeon stepped aside, allowing him to enter. He wasted no time, instantly making his way to the sorcerer's room.
With no knock, he entered. Solomon groaned at the small flash of light made before he closed it, "Simeon, I told you to leave me alone."
Asmo stood awkwardly, "Guess again....."
At the sound of his voice, Solomon darted up, "Asmo! I am so so so sorry! I'm stupid and said stupid things and didn't mean any of it!"
A smile made its way onto his face, "Funny, I was gonna say the same thing."
He sat on Solomon's bed, holding out his arms. The white haired man greedily accepted, "Sol, I know you're busy. It was selfish of me to think you should put me above your work."
Solomon's grip tightened, "No, you were right. I never even see you anymore. I shouldn't be getting so absorbed into other things and just completely ignore you."
He grinned, "I guess we were both idiots then, huh?"
Solomon laughed, smiling back up at him, "I guess so."
Their lips locked in the same way as always. They had become so accustomed to eachother, mouths moving accordingly.
Asmo pushed himself harder against Solomon, focusing on nothing else but him.
Solomon bit his lip, causing him to open his mouth wider, accepting his tongue against his own.
Just as Asmo was about to pin him down, Solomon gently pushed him away, "As much as I love you, we shouldn't go that far today. Even if you didn't mean it, I don't want you thinking I only want you for sex. Your cuddles and love are amazing too. Plus, I have a pounding headache right now."
He giggled at the last statement, pulling Solomon into a lying position. He buried his head against the younger's chest, fluffy hair bunching up against him.
The sorcerer kissed his forehead, "If you want we can cuddle all day just like this. Maybe even turn on a movie. And I think Luke was even planning on making that dessert you liked."
Asmo perked up, "Blood macarons?"
"Mhm," Solomon kissed the tip of his nose.
He curled against him once again, letting out a sigh.
Why did he think this would be hard? It was Solomon, after all. They were both drunk and stupid.
Solomon was an idiot.
But admittedly, so was he.
Sleep started to overtake him as he cuddled closer.
Damn were they both idiots.
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sodrippy · 4 months
hii it's op anon, i'm at the start of marineford rn :3, where are you? how are you liking it?
sabaody was fun, i love that the strawhats are all enablers to each other, so slay, they should've gotten to wreak more havoc against the celestial dragons
impel down was great! i loved the wacky hijinks and seeing all the little villains return + jinbei seems cool!
i miss my friends thooo this isn't fun anymore :c and i know what's gonna happen soon and am NOT looking forward to seeing that
but roger babytrapping his two biggest rivals is sooo funny to me (ik it's not technically baby trapping but it's funnier to say)
ooh also are there any new characters you really like? c:
HIII ough god marineford................godspeed dude!
saboady and impel down were so fun i really enjoyed both of them! it was great to have some idiocy moments w buggy back and stuff, and yeah exactly the carousel of returning character cameos and everything was neat! saboady was just SO good and i thought the last fight w the pacifistas and kizaru and all were really good like the tension was so high in them even though i knew ultimately where everyone ended up yknow?
no same god i felt the exact same way going into marineford like. i know whats going to happen AND i dont even get to see any of the besties for emotional support?? but we soldier on !
BABYTRAPPING HELP thats so fucking funny yeah youre right its way better to phrase it like that. i loved the flashbacks soooo much like they are so cute and silly and brothers<3 ace really fully tried to kill baby luffy though it made me laugh so much like. he does nawt want you around bud, sorry!
i just finished up dressrosa, which i also really enjoyed! it drags a little towards the end for me but overall i found it really interesting and fun, maybe just bc the setting was quite cool. faves from that arc are viola and corazon i wish we got to see even more of them but obviously the arc isnt about them + theres a lot of random guys introduced in dressrosa in a sort of similar Assortment way as impel down which was exciting, like bartolomeo and cavendish who are just so fucking funny i really really enjoyed them too.
fave 'new' characters are ofc sabo and law. im such a sucker for like, 'disillusioned guy who has a shit family runs away to become a feral dude w a good heart' sort of stories so sabo is my bestie forever. also, lead pipe<3
laws abilities are soooo cool am obsessed w him + the way he is so smart and has really well laid plans...except then luffy happens is so so funny. sorry you are losing everything so badly all the time buddy</3 im really glad hes sticking around i hope he gets to have a win someday...
actually insane to think about how fast everythings moving post-ts i didnt realise it was all SO quick. like from the vague things i knew it seemed like soooo much stuff happens in terms of plot and each arc getting longer that i assumed it took a little while in the story timeline as well but thats not the case at all. i know in general the 'timeline' is very unspecific and fluid (like even just thinking about how the entire pre-ts story takes place over probably less than six months ???? is crazy to me) but i definitely feel like oh shit ok everything is just at hyperspeed now bc its all so Serious, alright !
0 notes
webdollzz · 7 months
hiiiii i love your blog so much😭😭😭💕💕💕 I absolutely love this mechanic of sending requests🤭🤭
🌶 ex!hobie like an enemies to lover to enemies to lovers again omg does that make sense?😭
anyways have a gorgeous day/night <33 love u!💋
a/n finally starting this. I hope I do it justice for you, doll! I tried my best. I luv this idea sm! I fr and lowk did the plot of 10 things I hate ab you...
warnings: praise, small degrading? mocking, p n v, slightly cunty hobie ngl, fem!reader, manhandling, slight dumbification? tad bit angsty, language obvi, angry/make-up sex
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you and hobie had a very difficult relationship. you hated each other all through secondary school, despised each other when you chose the same college, but by second year, you guys were dating. And in love. Or, so you thought. You had been dating each other for a little over eight months, and it was great. until you overheard his mates talking amongst themselves in the halls a few weeks ago.
"ya' owe Spike £50! he made 'er fall in love."
"But i' lasted more than a month! Tha' means I get £70." and other chatter, but by then your ears were ringing so loud you couldn't hear them.
you've never felt your heart drop deeper than that. since then, you had been avoiding Hobie like the damn plague. Every text, call, ignoring him in the halls, lessons. He didn't exist to you no more. you should've known, really. it was hobie. he didn't care about others' feelings. you thought he was in love with you...even though he never said those words, you thought the way he looked at you..spoke to you..touched you, held all his feelings. Guess you were fucking wrong.
you were walking home from college, your heart still heavy weeks later. you felt betrayed. but who were you to think Hobie could be a genuine, nice, committed person?
he's the same guy who threw a dictionary at your head in year 10.
you got dragged out your thoughts by someone following behind you, and you immediately recognised the thumping boots on the pavement.
"Oi! Wai' up." Hobie barked, his lanky stature making him next to you in no time. "The fuck is going on wit' you? Ya've been ignoring me fo' weeks!" He said, his hands shoved into his pockets.
"You noticed? Colour me surprised." You scoffed, not even looking at him, despite feeling his eyes bore into you. his face scrunched, eyes narrowing.
"A'ight, the fuck 'as gotten you into such a foul mood?" He asked curtly. You ignored him, letting out an incredulous huff. He really doesn't know what he did? What a dick.
You walked up the steps of your house, hearing him quickly follow you as you unlocked the door. Nobody was home, that'd be good if you get into a screaming match with hobie. You left the door open for him, knowing he'd just let himself in either way.
"Ya gonna fuckin' speak to me, or what?" He scoffed, slamming the door shut with his foot before approaching you. You couldn't help yourself.
"How much money did you get?" you spun round, throwing your bag to the armchair, along with your keys as you stared at him. You saw his face twitch, anger leaving, confusion and...worry replacing it.
"Wha'? What're you talkin' 'bout?" He asked, brows pinching together. "How much money did you get when you bet that you could get me to date you?" You reiterated, extending it so his simple brain could click. You watch his face fall, and it almost made you laugh at his dumbfounded face.
"W-wait — baby, it's not wha' you think." He panicked, reaching out for you and winced when you slapped his hands away.
"Oh, fuck off with that. I don't wanna hear it. I was just a bet to you, all this time? Everything we ever did, every kiss, every touch, every fuck, every date — a lie." You rambled, your emotions getting the better of you, eyes filling with tears as you stared at him, gesturing wildly.
"Shh shh, ay — calm down -"
"Don't tell me to calm down!"
"Calm down then." You glared at him. "You're a fucking joke. I wish we never dated. It was all a fucking bet to you! I was just some extra cash!" You yelled.
"Not anymore." His voice raised above yours, startling you. He never shouts at you — not really. "The fuck is that supposed to mean? Not anymore?" You hissed, your brows furrowing together as your nose scrunched. "Just stop fuckin' talking! You're making no sense, Hobart, you're literally so fuckin' st—" you got rudely cut off by his lips smashing against yours, his hands on your cheeks.
You tried your hardest not to melt into him, the two sides of your head wrestling. You haven't felt his kisses in weeks, you missed them. but on the other hand, it's probably fake. that gave you enough courage to put your hands flat against his chest and shove him away, shaking your head as you wiped your lips, as if you were getting rid of his kiss.
"No, no! You don't get to kiss me and —..and think everything's okay! It's not! You're a selfish, self centered, rude, arrogant cunt. These last eight months were a waste of my time. I could've been fucking alot hotter in this time." Your words flew out your mouth before you even had time to truly consider them, but honestly? he deserved that. you watched him stare at you, his eyes darkening but his breathing surprisingly calm.
He moved towards you, you stepped back, he stepped forward, until your back hit the wall. his hand gripped your jaw, forcing your head up to him as you let out a quiet grunt.
"Tha' so? Jus' a big ol' waste of time for ya?" He asked lowly, tilting his head at you as his stature blocked out anything else.
"Was just a bet to you," you shrugged. "so, why you throwin' a fit?" you watch him run his tongue along the inside of his cheek, glancing off briefly before his eyes dragged back to you.
"Lemme tell you sum, doll. You're real fuckin' stupid." his lips crashed back against yours in an aggressive, but needy kiss. His hand on your jaw drifted through your hair to the back of your head, forcing you close to him. you kiss back absentmindedly, your hands finding purchase on his shoulders, balling his shirt in your hand and yanking him flush against you, making him groan.
His free hand trailed down, fumbling with your jean button and pulling them down to your mid thigh before he pulled away from the kiss. He gripped your hair, not tightly, but enough to maneuver you to the sofa, bending you over the arm rest. you gasp, your hands bracing yourself and attempting to push yourself off the armrest, only to be pushed back down by Hobie's large, calloused hand between your shoulder blades.
"Stay down. Lemme do my shit." He huffed, sounding fed up as he practically ripped off your panties. you shivered at the cool air, feeling his hands pull down the rest of your jeans, spreading your legs.
"Ya' could've fucked hotter, y'say? Can hotter make you cum fifteen times in one night?" He scoffed, grabbing a handful of your ass, making you huff.
"Oh, fuck off with that already. It happened one time!" you tilted your head back at him, watching him fumble with his belt, dipping his hand into his briefs.
"Don' look at me like tha'. Might jus' hit tha' score again." his breath hitched as he swiped his tip through your folds, making your eyes flutter shut. Three weeks and no sex, and definitely not in the mood to touch yourself, it's safe to say you're pretty pent up.
"Please," you whisper, feeling his tip repeatedly hit your clit, making you jolt or twitch each time.
"Please, wha'? Please forgive me for bein' a miscommunicating bitch? Please forgive me for not talking to you? Please fuck me?" He mocked, watching as you glare at him and grind your teeth.
"The last one." You hissed. You had no reason to apologise! who the fuck did he think he is?
"Ah, righ'. The impor'an' one." He lined himself up with your entrance, tucking his pierced bottom lip in his teeth, sinking into you with a throaty groan from himself and a whimper from you.
"Fuck. I fuckin' missed you. You n this pussy s'bad." He drawled, already pussy drunk. You clawed at the sofa, feeling his hand force your back to arch as he set a steady pace, watching him disappear inside you, the view hypnotising.
"Oh, fuck. Hobie — Hobie!" you squealed, hands fumbling to grip onto something - settling on a nearby cushion. The armrest of the sofa was right at your lower abdomen, pushing on the bulge of him, heightening the pleasure. He speeds up, a bruising grip on your hips, huffy growls spilling his mouth as he watched how your ass jiggled everytime his hips snapped against yours.
"Yeahh, tha's wha' I thought. Ya' jus' needed to get dumb on my dick again, didncha?" He mockingly cooed, slapping your ass.
"Sh-shut the fuck up n jus' fuck me." You scoffed, leaning back to hold his arm, purposefully digging your nails into his forearm alot harder than needed. He grabbed your arm, pinning it to your back.
"Oh? Still talkin' tha' talk, eh?" he smirked, making his strokes slower but harder and deeper, watching how your eyes flutter before rolling to the back of your head. he grinned.
"oh shiit. feels s'good - fuck." you whined, burying your face into the sofa. he hummed, running his hands over your waist.
"Yeah, I know. I fuck ya' dumb, don' I?" He rhetorically asked, not expecting much of an answer as his thrusts finally sped back up, hitting that sweet spot inside of you, making your legs shake. "Hobie - shit. can I come? please?" You whined, pushing your hips to meet his with a loud gasp. Fuck, your head was spinning. You swear you could see white spots in your closed eyes.
"C'mon. Be a good girl, y'got it. Tha'sss it. Fuck, yeah, cum all over this dick, sweetheart." He coaxed you through your well pent up orgasm, your loud moans bouncing off the walls.
"Fuck, look at her. Always coverin' me in her mess." He hummed, pulling out of you and watching your release drip down. He softly grabbed you, sliding you up the sofa so you were now sat on his lap, too dazed to even feel his still hard cock resting just below your wet, throbbing cunt. You were panting, unfocused until you felt his finger tap your cheek.
"Cmon. I gotta talk t'ya'." He murmured, his other hand rubbing your back. "M'listening." He sucked in a harsh breath.
"Yes, you started as a bet," He began, feeling your body tense. "But, but. You're not anymore. It was selfish, yes, i know. And I regre' i' everyday, n' 'specially not tellin' you 'bout it. I fell in love with you. I am in love with you. Which is why 'it went on for so long'. It got real. m' infatuated wit' ya, my luv." He explained, his perfect face scrunched up as he thought carefully. you could cry. he just fucked your brains out, now he's giving you a love confession.
"I love you, sweetheart." He added in a soft whisper, glancing down at you. You guys hadn't said i love you yet. But he just did. After fucking your brains out. Romantic. You leant up, sniffling softly as you placed a quick kiss to his lips."You promise?"
"I pinky fuckin' swear it. cross my heart, hope to die." He kissed you lovingly, his hand on your cheek as he did so, the other hand trailing up your thigh, his thumb just brushing over your sensitive clit. you broke the kiss, gasping softly.
"what're you doin'?" you asked, feeling him rub small circles onto your clit, making your hands grip his shoulders.
"we got fourteen more ta go, baby."
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littlespoonevan · 2 years
An essay about the significance of "We're way past that" "I'm not - I should've been there", you say? 👀 🍿
aslkdfjds okay allow me to Attempt to express my feelings about this scene in an articulate way
i know everyone loves the Kitchen Scene™ because of the “wanna go for the title” of it all and the flirting and the belt buckle-grabbing and the beer drinking, okay, i get it. i Do. but also. i feel like we overlook the conversation that comes before it way too much
i’ve made posts about it before but one thing i find fascinating about buck and eddie’s dynamic is that eddie, who so regularly clams up when discussing his emotions (though he’s gotten so much better in s5!!! proud of u bb!!!!), is almost always the one to initiate emotional conversations with buck. likewise, buck is generally quite good about discussing his feelings/wearing his heart on his sleeve and yet he can never seem to find the words when it comes to eddie.
i think there are a few reasons for it, honestly, but mostly i feel like it comes down to buck regularly taking his cues from eddie (as we saw again in 5a re: the shooting). funnily enough i think that’s why eddie so often does initiate the difficult conversations - because he knows buck needs him to. and reassuring buck is more important to him than whatever discomfort he might feel at being vulnerable.
as such, it’s very rare we see buck being the one to push back between them (though it’s become much more common with s5 but we’re talking s3 era here) and tbh prior to s5, this and confronting eddie in 3x06 are the only times buck is the one to bring up the hard conversation. 
and what a conversation it is!!!!
for a number of reasons:
1) eddie’s reaction is very much on par with some of his reactions to buck pushing in early s5. he can be the softest, most earnest person on the planet when he’s decided he wants to tell buck something important. but if buck initiates it his instinct is to push back. bc he doesn’t expect it!!! bc he doesn’t know how to react to buck so blatantly caring about him!!!!
2) i know buck mentions chris when he says “you and chris needed me” but i do think this is one of the few conversations that very much feels like it’s about them. about buck and eddie. again, we’ve all made a million posts about how buck and eddie use chris as a shield to say how they really feel but this conversation - much like the expendable portion of the will reveal - for the most part feels like it’s just buck talking about how much eddie means to him and vice versa.
3) buck’s steadfast insistence that his place is at eddie’s side, that he wants to be there for eddie, is just. so much. i love it i love it alexa play your mess is mine by vance joy
4) buck acknowledging that eddie’s fight club sitch probably wouldn’t have gotten as bad as it did if he’d been there as a support is just askdjhfas very similar vibes to eddie yelling in a grocery store about how he’s not allowed to call his best friend. these men are codependent and they Know It
finally, i actually think it kind of adds to the flirty nature of the rest of the scene??? like, it gives it more weight???? because they’re talking about their relationship and acknowledging aspects of it they rarely have before!!!!! 
TL;DR the horny flirting is actually only as extra as it is because of the emotional conversation that comes before it 💖
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peakyblindersxx · 3 years
whiskey business - john x reader (part 3 of ?)
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gif by @michaelgreys but i cropped it cause god daMn 👀
read part one and two! | my masterlist
a/n: this one goes out to all my john bitches!! i know it's hard out here, we get no new content but this part is steamy as hell. its not over yet, though! i'm a sucker for happy endings, ok? i hope you all like it, i'm still working on requests as i go :) much love to @stxdyblr-2k for ghostwriting on this series, she has the most amazing ideas in the world 🖤
love, abi xxx
tagging: @datewithgianni
prompt: john's been ignoring you and you want to know why.
warnings: fluff, angst, nsfw!! smut, cocky john, just straight up porn at the end but can you blame me
John hadn't spoken a word in your direction for a week. Despite constantly seeing you glued to Ada's hip, he’d barely acknowledged you since the wedding. He didn’t even bother looking up. Instead his jaw tensed, taking longer inhales of smoke, constantly examining the pocket watch dangling from his right hip. You were the last person John wanted to see right now. He couldn’t get you out of his head, the flush of your cheeks as you had moaned for him imprinted in his memory. You were fucking picturesque writhing around in his lap, a mess for him, and only him. He’d never felt like this; never wanted someone so badly it hurt. Usually, he drowned what little emotions he had in the nearest bottle of whiskey. You, however, were igniting something inside him he’d never felt. Lust, yes, but it was more. A yearning, a need, to see you smile at his crap jokes for the rest of his fucking life. God, you were getting to him.
His coldness and distance towards you hadn't gone unnoticed. To John’s embarrassment, his brothers regularly referred to it as "a little tiff", usually when you were within earshot, as they loved embarrassing his brother. They were blissfully unaware of the full story, assuming his cockiness had put you off him. He sometimes wondered the same; even though you remained polite by greeting him despite the minimal nod he responded with, you seemed ashamed. John only hoped it wasn't because you were ashamed of him. The truth was, he couldn't get the intensity between the two of you off his mind. Whenever he so much as caught a glimpse of you, he remembered how pretty you looked begging for him, then the embarrassment of having to reject you out of family loyalty. You admitting you wanted to have sex with him, him getting fucked off at you because you were off your face, complicating everything. Yet, every night, he held your words close to him, trying to decipher them.
He knew his brothers wouldn't get it. They wouldn't understand how tragic it was; they'd think it was funny that Ada's best friend wanted to fuck him. Either way, John would always rather put himself in the firing line of his brother's jokes than risk your reputation being blemished. He just couldn't look at you without a wave of guilt and sexual attraction flowing through his veins, causing his jaw to clench and his shoulders to stiffen, his suit jacket expertly covering strain on the crotch of his trousers.
A full week had passed since the wedding, of a man Tommy had recruited in an assassination effort. It was embarrassing how his family used money to attempt to push the trauma they created under the carpet. He knew he didn't have room to talk, but fuckin’ hell, a wedding? Maybe Tommy should've just not hired him to blow the brains out of his own father. Well, it was one way to get rid of the police commissioner who got too nosey, John guessed.
He had hoped that you were a passing phase of infatuation. He’d had many before; he’d been notorious around Birmingham for his conquests. Sure, it was possible he had just gotten overly excited and intoxicated around a beautiful girl. Yet, in the quiet moments of his life, in between his kids and business, his mind was only on you. You, straddling him in that booth, the way you grinned at him as he approached you at the wedding party. Sometimes when he was driving home, his mind would drift off thinking of the feeling of your figure pressed against him, the feel of your lips, your laugh, the sound of your heaving breaths against his ear. You haunted him the most at night, visions of you with his name on your lips in his silk sheets. You were his forbidden fruit, dangling barely out of reach.
John was at his desk, paperwork long abandoned in favour of whiskey and a cigar, lost in his own thoughts. The loud tapping of rain and the wind of the storm outside shook the windows, yet John felt somewhat at peace; a temporary peace, but he could unwind. Just his desk, the moonlight, the gas lamp illuminating his empty glass and the heavy English rain for company. He found far more joy in the simplicity of life than his brothers, who reeked of new money. He liked his things the way they were, it all worked, but he had to admit he was a sucker for a good suit. The kids were long in bed, the nanny to comfort their nightmares. It made him feel like a shit father, and he didn't want to be like his useless dad. He had started resenting the life Thomas was forcing him to live; the booze, the partying, the Tokyo, the fighting. It was wearing on him. He needed a break from everyone in this town, he reckoned.
However, a certain unexpected guest was always welcome to him. You had just drifted across his mind when a firm knock at the door caught his attention. He straightened his tie, leaving his legs outstretched and crossed on the dark oak desk, calling for the visitor to enter.
There you were. Dripping from head to toe, but still as beautiful as ever to him, despite your damp hair and slightly smudged makeup. You had caught him off guard, and in his surprise, he couldn't suppress the cheeky grin which spread across his face.
"Got caught in the storm, eh? I'll put the fire on and pour you a drink yeah? Warm you up." He slurred slightly, springing into action, lighting the fire and going to fill two glasses with whiskey, which you politely refused.
"I'm not drinking tonight, Mr. Shelby."
He decides he won't either. He tried to ignore your piercing gaze, motioning you to sit across his desk from him, reaching to put the whiskey in his drawer. "That's not like you. Where you headed, love? That lecture with Ada?"
"I came to see you."
He noted your firm tone, the flirty smile, the coy eye contact.
"What's the occasion?"
"You've been avoiding me." You told him bluntly, his cheeks reddening, eye contact breaking momentarily.
"Yeah, I know." He took a draw from his cigar, rolling the smoke from between his lips on the exhale. "M’sorry."
You watched him for a moment and he met your eyes, suddenly softened from his usual icey blue inquisitive stare. To shame, he looked so vulnerable right now. You could feel yourself falling for him again. This is what you hung around for, the fleeting glimpses of the authentic John Shelby. The lad you'd first giggled about in the girl's bathroom at lunch, barely knowing what sex was. Barely understanding power and politics. Unaware of who you'd both end up as.
"You're fucking soaked to the bone. Come on, I'll put your clothes to dry by the fire. And don't give me that look, I'll give you my coat to save your modesty, lass." He teased. You ignored the way his muscles flexed as he reached for his woolen jacket, some outrageously expensive tailored affair from some London boutique, his large rough hands brushing your fingers. "I'll turn around."
You grasped the coat, heading to the fireplace and warming up for a moment, checking that you were far from his line of sight. This was a dangerous game for you both. You wished he'd grab you, take you on his desk and finish what he started, but the way he absentmindedly drummed his fingers on the desk as he waited indicated that he was restraining himself.
You'd rid yourself of your thin jacket, bought from the market stall last week, effortlessly trendy but an imitation of the pricey stuff Ada and the blinder wives and girlfriends you knew. You were jealous of their fur coats, they were always warm and glamorous looking even on the coldest winter night in Birmingham.
You glanced across the room to John. He was staring intently at the wall lost in thought, teeth gritted.
"John? Could you unzip me?" You asked, purposefully making your voice sound as neutral as possible, looking at him over your shoulder.
He paused, bringing his fingers to rub circles against his jaw. You caught a glimpse of white teeth and dimples as he glanced at you out the corner of his eye and you can't help but match his coy grin. He pushed himself off the desk and quickly closed the small distance towards you, his hand finding first your shoulder then the zip at the nape of your neck, your breath hitching as he pulled the zip to your waist. You could feel his eyes tracing the curvature of your spine and hips. You both hesitated for a moment, before John’s warm fingertips grazed your waist, lips pressing into your hair affectionately. His mouth found his way to your ear, cheekbone, jaw and then neck, encouraged by the way your left hand cradled his head as you pressed your body back into his and how your eyes drifted shut at his touch.
"Sweetheart, why did you come here?" He muttered into your ear, his words and casual affection causing your core to swell in response.
"Couldn't stop thinking about you. I've barely slept in a week, feel terrible. Then you've been ignoring me-"
"It isn't personal, Y/N. You know this isn’t how I want it to be." His hands found their way to your waist, gripping lightly at your hip bones, sending a shiver down your back.
"Well this is how it is, John. It's never going to be any different. So, what are you going to do about it?"
"What are you fucking on about, love?"
"I reckon that just once can't hurt, nobody would know but us. Then we can both move on with our lives..."
John hesitated, "What about Ada?" His head rested on your shoulder, the scent of your sweet perfume causing him to want you even more. Jesus, he was too far gone.
"We were so close the first night I got here and we didn't. No one caught on then, why would it be different now?"
He wanted to trust you so badly, it ached inside of him. He wanted to feel you around him, make you cum for him again and again, for you to be breathless and shaking under him. He wanted to give you everything he could, even if just once. But he couldn't.
"She's my sister. Family is everything; if I don't have them, I’ve got nothin’." He stated firmly, yet his palms lingered on your hips, the liquor destroying his perception of the distinction between friendly touching and actions that made you swallow deeply and pray for relief.
"You have me for tonight." You pulled away from him, ignoring the groan that escaped from his lips at the loss of contact. You locked your eyes with his blue ones and pushed the straps of your dress from your shoulders, allowing the damp material to pool around your feet, standing in front of the man you'd wanted for years. It was now or never.
He stayed silent, watching you, eyes not leaving yours, challenging you for a brief moment before his eyes flickered over your figure.
"Is it such a crime to want to fuck you?" You asked, the silk of your skimpy underwear forcing John to wipe the corner of his mouth absentmindedly as he drank you in, mumbling profanities under his breath. Yet, despite the glances and his sudden frustration, you could tell you had him. His eyes were feral and hungry, daring you to keep pushing him. His shoulders were squared, he was ready for action. The crackling firelight illuminated you beautifully; you were irresistible to him.
"It's not a crime. Where'd you get this backbone from?" He asked, reaching for you but you stepped away, teasing him.
"University up north does sommet to a woman."
"You can fuck off or fuck me with that attitude."
"The latter if you behave yourself, Mr Shelby."
He smirked at you, holding his hands up in mock surrender, before wrapping his coat around your shoulders, pulling you towards him by the back of the collar. "You've got a mouth on you, love. You gonna put it to good use?"
"I was told months ago that you'd sort me out, John-" Your speech was interrupted by a small squealing giggle as he tugged at your hair lightly for mocking his voice, his eyes bright and crinkled at the edges due to his grin. "I'm disappointed with these delays, especially from the Shelby Company."
"Well, as the boss, I'll sort it for you, personally and immediately. Let me make it up to you, lass," John crooned, his lips meeting yours once again, fingers pushing your thighs apart, still clad in your black stockings and garter belt. "This is where we got up to last time, yes?"
"Yes Mr. Shelby, I believe so."
He pressed his lips and teeth against where your jaw met your neck, tracing his index and middle fingers over the silk of your underwear which covered your slit. You couldn’t help but lean into him, a slight hiss escaping your teeth.
"You like that, huh? You're fuckin’ soaked for me already, love," John muttered against your neck, lifting your left leg to hook around his waist, easily lifting you onto his desk, scattering loose papers and heavy accounting books onto the floor in his urgency to feel your bare skin on his. "They teach you how to push a bloke over the edge at that fancy university?"
"No, I figured that out on my own actually."
"Always knew you were bright," He smirked, quickly ridding you of your flimsy panties, the pads of his fingertips hot against your thighs. "Always going for the ones smarter than me, Tommy reckons it's not difficult."
"Your brother's chatting shit, he's not the one ‘bout to fuck me on his desk, yeah?" You shot back, opening your thighs to encourage him, your cunt exposed, cutting off John’s laugh. He couldn’t help but stare, eyes glued to your dripping cunt. "You're my favourite brother, always have been. If you tell Finn, I'll kill you," You teased.
"Come off it," John grunted in reply, unable to restrain pressing kisses to your inner thighs, your head tilting back, fingers desperately clutching at his hair. “Need t’get a proper taste of you, yeah? Look so fuckin’ sweet for me.” His mouth reached your core, slowly dipping his tongue into you, causing your mouth to fall open in ecstasy. God, his lips were even softer than they looked. His movements switched from light and teasing to purposeful and focused, his fingers curled and pumping inside you, tongue and thumb attacking your clit. He'd gotten on his knees, your legs wrapped around his neck as he groaned into your cunt, causing you to buck your hips wildly at the sensation, moans falling out of your mouth.
“Fuckin’ christ, John,” You swore, feeling yourself pulsate and twitch around his nimble fingers, crying out into the empty office building. You were getting so close, your hips jerking independently, chest heaving as you gasped for air. You were quickly getting overstimulated, you were so close. Before you could finish, John raised his head back to yours, letting you taste yourself on his mouth, his hands moving from your cunt to your tits, finger tips tracing the outline of your nipples through your silk bra.
"If we get to do this once, I want to feel you finish on my cock, doll," John grunted in a hushed tone, pointedly moving his lips to your collarbone when you opened your mouth to argue back to him.
"Then I get to ride you." Your statement took him by surprise; most women he'd slept with seemed fairly passive in bed. Sure they enjoyed themselves, but they never took control. He could feel himself swell in response to your words. He'd never been put in this position; he was a stranger to it, but the idea was thrilling and wickedly seductive. Especially from someone who was the epitome of "girl-next-door" as they were growing up.
"Polly reckoned you'd be trouble since Ada told us you'd returned. Don't mind getting into trouble with you, though," He teased, his plump mouth dipping to your cleavage, unclasping your bra, tongue circling your hardening nipples.
"John, fuckin’ christ, need you to finish me off, yeah?" You begged, voice shaking, much to his amusement, his fingers re-entering you roughly. John pressed open-mouthed kisses to your neck, soothing your body from the sharp sensation, the slight pain exacerbating the pleasure arising from his mouth and fingers.
"I've barely started with you, and already you're begging for me to fuck you." He muttered into your skin, as he watched you writhe and lift your hips, reacting beautifully to the feelings he was reawakening within you.
"John, m’not fucking about, yeah? I need you," You whined, hand resting on his inner thigh, fingers grazing the fastenings across his groin, gazing up at him from your seat on his desk. John hated waiting for relief, he had very little patience, and almost immediately he gave in and collapsed into his large armchair, pulling you on top of him, letting you pin his wrists to the chair and grind against him as your mouth found his, then his neck, removing his waistcoat, shirt and tie, revealing his muscular chest. The bruising kisses you pressed to his skin left him breathless and needing more, helping you unbuckle his belt and push his suit trousers down his legs. You couldn’t help but take him into your hand, moving it up and down his sensitive shaft.
“Christ, you’re too fuckin’ good at this,” John groaned as you spit on your palm to better move your hand up and down his cock, teasing the sensitive tip with your fingers and tongue. He couldn’t help but watch you, keeping eye contact as you toyed with him, blue eyes heavy with pleasure and lust for more.
You angled your hips above him and he adjusted himself, using his hand to better push himself inside you. You yelped lightly as you adjusted to his girth, his mouth distracting you by pressing kisses on your shoulder and tangling his hands through your hair, trying to control his breaths as you adjusted to him, soft moans falling from your mouth, your tight cunt gripping his cock.
“S’fuckin’ perfect, like your pussy was made for me,” he groaned, breath growing heavier with the sensation of you grinding against him. Pushing his hips up into you, he couldn’t help but grab at your hip bones, grip burning into your skin, bouncing you on his cock, mouth slightly slack, groaning as he grasped at your flesh. You’d imagined hundreds of times how fucking irresistible John would look underneath you, but it was nothing compared to the real thing.
The thrill of having John Shelby with his trousers down in his office, quickly dissolving into a moaning and grunting mess with every rotation or twist of your hips, in the midst of a stormy night while the thunder echoed around the empty streets below was almost too much to take. You should be home right now, curled up in that empty unheated flat, behaving yourself. Even on a date or fucking someone else. But instead you'd gone to him and now you were riding him. You wanted the moment to last forever, right now everything felt so right, you knew when it was over the guilt would hit. But you couldn't avoid it, you could feel your legs start to shake.
“Look so god damn pretty ridin’ me, love. Makin’ me wanna cum inside you.” John growled, panting, struggling to keep pace as you moaned on top of him. Your fingers found his jawline and guided him to look up at you, craving to see how his face looked when he finally came undone. He reached between your legs, torturing your clit with his fingers while he slammed into you a few extra times, using up the rest of his energy. The extra stimulation pushed you over the edge, crying out John’s name as you felt yourself release. Watching you whine his name was the last straw for him, spilling into you as your dripping cunt squeezed him, reveling in the image of you a mess for him.
You finally came back to your senses, catching your breath, John clutching you to his chest protectively for a minute or two, enjoying the tranquility and post-sex clarity. He checked his clock, sighing and lifting you from his lap to his desk, running a towel under the sink in the corner of his room and passing it to you to clean up between your legs with.
"Charming," You smirked, tired but satisfied. "No wonder the ladies always come back for more."
"Not you though, aye? One night only exclusive, this." He matched your playful tone, but his eyes were dull with exhaustion and he looked almost upset. He was probably just knackered after working all day and then going overtime just to please you.
"Make yourself useful and grab my clothes for me John-lad." You teased, thankfully changing the subject. He rolled his eyes in the waning firelight, locating the clothes the two of you had left scattered around the room. You quickly dressed, not caring how he watched you silently, as though trying to memorize the image of you. Your clothes were far drier than earlier, the last remaining remnants of damp clutching to the fibers and freezing you all over again. Yet before you could even comment, John's wool coat was wrapped back around your shoulders.
"Because you're cold, not because you look fuckable in it." He said pointedly, smirking slightly, the edges seeming artificial.
"Remind me not to fall madly in love with you. Won't be able to help myself if you keep talking like that, Mr. Shelby." You retorted sarcastically with a grin, earning a gentle dig to the ribs.
"It's Mr. Shelby if you're trying to fuck me. John is between friends and family, right?"
"Someone better inform Mr. Solomons of that distinction, then," You paused, "Mr. Shelby."
"Don't be a fucking cocktease." He scolded with a small grin, grabbing his car keys and hat from the door. "You want a lift then? Don't dick about being polite, Y/N, it's fucking midnight, just accept it."
"Since you asked so nicely."
"You know you've got worse since you've been at uni? Too fast for us lot now." He teased, half serious, as he led you to his car. He couldn't believe the beautiful woman in his passenger seat was the girl with pigtails who'd chase Ada around the canal with their girl gang for hours, the pretty teen who read for hours in his sister's bedroom, comparing notes together. No one was surprised you got a scholarship to university, despite your gender and class. You'd been incredibly lucky. Yet, you'd seen the world and had come back to Birmingham and picked him.
Shame you could only pick him once.
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