#// but this takes place during her FIRST reincarnation if it's not clear in the text
starlsssankt · 2 years
@noblehcart / luda
“Some things you can never leave behind. They don’t belong to the past. They belong to you.” 
𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐊𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐏𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓, but his gaze does its absolute best not to stare at her, for his thoughts focus only on Luda. There is a threat to them all rising, and he knows what this world does to people like her.
Good people. Kind hearts.
They're burned and killed. Destroyed.
❝ Is that a promise that you will not fade away this time? ❞ he murmurs, more to himself than to her directly. He'd lost her before, never having known he'd find her again. Oh he'd vowed to, vowed to make every last soul pay for her death.
He just hadn't thought to be given this chance again.
Hands reach for her, and Aleksander cups Luda's cheek. ❝ The past, this world, it has taken too much from me, Luda. From us. I cannot bear it if it happens again-- ❞
Because as it is, it's a miracle by whatever saints and gods exist that actually smile upon him. He's found her, she's found him, and as the sound of carriages pulled by horses and the smoke from chimneys, the sounds of rain outside the door and windows... as the world echoes its way around them, he doesn't want to lose it. To lose this.
Her death at the hands of those villagers centuries ago plays like a morbid film in his head. He'd hoped to find her again, but had sworn vengeance at the very least against those--and all of those who descended from them--who had harmed her.
He knows he was cursed then, to lose... to lose her.
So to have her now, here-- It is a wish, a hope, that he hadn't even thought to hold for longer than a millisecond lest it vanish, unfulfilled.
❝ You belong with me, Luda... ❞
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satorugu · 10 months
In Every Era Part 2 (Sukuna x f!reader)
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She is the reincarnation of his love, and he plans to be with her in every era.
Warnings: Blood, violence, fighting, angst, lots of fluff
Note: The readers technique relates to ice and being able to lower the temperatures around her enough to create it. If the text is italicized it is one of the dreams she had. All take place during the Heian era, both Heian era and the version of Sukuna in Itadori's body is included. Takes place during the Shibuya Incident, and quotes the episode's sub at times.
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The dreams hadn't stopped.
First, it was that night, the night she fell asleep in his arms.
Then she had another one following it.
Then a third.
It was always a memory from her point of view, so vivid she felt she could still feel his touch when she woke up. They were small, but they got her through the night, always sleeping straight through it.
That kiss was imbued with cursed energy. She didn't know how, but she knew that had something to do with it.
She couldn't take her mind off of it.
Every single night.
"Curses and mutations are mindless, you don't need to harness much cursed energy to exorcise them, although it is made out to be that way," Sukuna said. "If you make a hit on them before they can attack you, you have a better chance at survival."
She was sitting on his lap, up upon his throne. His body heat radiated onto her shoulders, his strong abdomen pressed against her back.
"Is there a reason you're sharing this with me?" (Y/N) asked curiously.
"So you will utilize this information when the time may come my dear," he told her. "Aim for the head."
"I don't think it will ever come," she laughed.
"You are correct to assume that," Sukuna said, putting a hand on her waist and pulling her closer to him. "I won't allow for anyone to harm you."
This was a trick.
The King of Curses wouldn't and couldn't possess emotions like these. He murdered hundreds of thousands, known to be the most powerful sorcerer in history. He needed something from her, to get her to trust him so he could use her and kill her afterward.
These memories were false, she was sure of it.
So she began avoiding Itadori, training after hours and for longer durations to be able to both strengthen herself and not be confronted by the eyes below his. In the end she would return to her dorm exhausted, forgetting that when she fell asleep she would be greeted by what she fled most.
Then a week had turned into a month.
"Master Sukuna had a gift delivered to your dressing room," the maid said almost timidly to (Y/N), as she bowed her head.
She made an emphasis on the fact it was in her dressing room rather than her bedroom. Being that her quarters were Sukuna's, the only part of the palace that was officially hers was her dressing room, which translated to a massive closet. It was filled to the brim with the nicest jewelry available in the lands, along with dresses he had especially picked out for her. It was also a known fact that the garden belonged to (Y/N), although it wasn't claimed by her. She fell in love with the area, so he made it off limits to others.
Unfortunately for her, he was away, handling a nearby village.
Two more servants gathered at the large double doors that led to the dressing room, opening them for her.
Inside was a large bouquet of flowers, white at the tips that slowly faded into a reddish-purple. It was as if they were glowing, vibrant and perky underneath the lighting. The vase was a piece within itself, like clear vines that curled around the stems of the flowers and bunched them all together.
Next to it sat a scroll, bound together by a cursed energy imbued seal. She was quick to unravel it, reading the hand-written, inked message.
'Although I am far away, I will remind you of my love.'
'These flowers are eternal, they will forever stay by your side, just as I will.'
'Sincerely, Ryo.'
She didn't think much of the dream, assuming it was some way of trying to make her think he actually loved her. Instead, she lingered around the campus after hours, honing a new ability with her ice technique. Once she grew sleepy, she returned to her dorm, entering the dark room to see something glowing on her desk.
It was a vibrant and perky flower, with white at the tips that slowly faded into a reddish-purple. While it didn't sit in a vase, it was unnaturally filled with life, acting as a light in pitch black atmosphere.
She thought she was hallucinating, reaching out a hand to pick it up, hoping it would dissolve as soon as she touched it.
The flower sat in her room for a week after that, as she continued to deny the significance behind it.
(Y/N) thought she could get out of having to see Itadori, but it seemed otherwise when another crisis hit.
A large curtain was cast around Shibuya, along with one at Meiji-Jingumae Station. Reports that mutated humans were attacking civillians inside were quick to spread, and both (Y/N) and Itadori were sent to handle it.
"I'll deal with the mutated ones, you search through the station for anymore hostages," she told him quickly, hoping they wouldn't have to interact much.
As soon as the two had met up inside the city, the eyes underneath his own appeared. They felt familiar now, a burning reminder of the dream she had the previous night.
They were in his bedroom, if it even could be called that.
It was larger than the average, with a desk that sat by an extravagant stained glass window, and a large table towards the center. The bed for the two of them sat against the wall, both of them already out of it, yet choosing to stay in one another's company.
Sukuna stood around the table, eyeing a set of scrolls as his wife sat at his desk. The chair was far too big for someone of her size, which he grew to love.
“I want to perform a binding vow between you and I,” he started.
“A binding vow?” (Y/N) asked, having yet to take her eyes off what she was reading.
“A pact bound through Jujutsu, except this one has specific terms accounted with it.”
As the words left his mouth he slipped his hand around her jaw, taking her by surprised as she looked up at him.
"I want to be with you in every era, as you pass, and once you are reincarnated. We will be bound together, it will be destined for you to wed me."
"And it's consequences?" she wondered.
"There are none, this vow is unable to be broken, it will see through that we are meant to be," Sukuna said. "And that you will remain mine."
She wasn't that knowledgeable on binding vows like the one he described, except for the fact it was supposed to leave a mark on your wrist. (Y/N) didn't have one though, so she assumed it was false.
A mutated curse barreled towards her, shards if ice being driven through it's skull as her pink haired friend ran down the hall. She flipped over it's corpse as it fell to the ground, attacking the others before they could make a move on her, and aiming for their heads.
The efficiency behind it was impressive, as she scolded herself internally for doing as the King of Curses had once advised.
And yet she continued for what felt like an hour, going through the motions up until the lights flickered off and she could hear fighting in the lower levels of the station.
Something was off.
(Y/N) jumped down the set of escalators and began running through the station that was almost unrecognizable. She could tell Itadori had fought here, as the remains of his strength imprinted different surfaces.
She was following her gut at that moment, turning down a set of halls until she saw a light bloom at the end of one. She could feel the heat as she got closer, as it formed an orange and yellow blur.
Screams came after the flames.
Two girls who had somehow survived being burnt alive, each coughing and holding onto one another.
As she turned the corner she saw him, Itadori, laying against the wall unconscious. He was littered in cuts, specifically his shoulder which was bleeding out. A special grade curse, Jogo, stood over him, a finger in his hand as he slipped it down the pink haired boy's throat and tilted his head back. She recognized him from the time he fought Gojo, as her eyes lingered over Itadori's figure.
(Y/N) could see the markings on his face.
She thought she might throw up.
"Don't waste my time," the special grade squinted is eyes at the three of them.
He went to lift up his arm and attack, only for it to begin bleeding out in front of him.
"I'll give you one second."
It felt like everything had frozen in place.
Silence in the dark hallway.
The special grade fearfully jumped back, now a line of four.
(Y/N) felt her hands tremble, as sweat formed across her forehead and her heartbeat picked up in her ears. They were all that way, as the figure slowly stood up and brushed himself off.
Strength of a different kind than Satoru Gojo.
Overwhelmingly evil.
Fear that even the slightest move could lead to death.
He began to come towards them, as the wounds across his body healed themselves.
As his footsteps grew louder, she felt as if she might pass out.
Then they stopped, and he brushed his hair back in orderly fashion.
"You hold your heads quite high."
That voice.
It felt like there were invisible hands that wrapped around her back, guiding her down to a bowing position without control over her own body. She ended up in the same formation as the other two girls, as a wave brushed over top of the four that would have killed them.
"Did you believe taking one knee was enough?" Sukuna questioned.
The top of Jogo's head was cut off, considering he only kneeled. It was similar to a volcano, purple blood spewing out the top as he bled out.
"The greatest men bow the lowest, or so it goes. I see you value your heads quite lightly."
She could feel him looking down at her, as she stared at the cold floor and begged that whatever this was wasn't real.
She was terrified.
"You brats, I'll start with you," he said. "You wished to speak to me, yes?"
The girl nodded, tears staining the concrete surface below her.
"I'll grant you a fingers worth of audience. Now speak."
"Below us there's a man in monk's robes with a suture across his forehead," the dirty blonde began to say. "Please kill him, please free Geto-sama."
(Y/N) recognized that name, although she thought the man who had it was dead.
"We know the location of one more finger," the girl added. "If you'll kill that man for us, we'll tell you where it is."
"Raise your heads."
(Y/N) still kept hers down, although she could see the two girls raise theirs through her peripheral. It was a moment of relief, as he seemed to have agreed to their terms.
The head of the brown haired one next to her burst into nothingness, blood coating the other girls face as her corpse fell backward.
(Y/N) felt it splatter onto her uniform, shock pulsating through her veins as terror overrided her senses.
"MIMIKO!" the blonde screamed, shaking the lifeless body next to her.
"Did you think a measly one or two fingers would grant you the right to order me around?" Sukuna asked with amusement in his voice.
It seemed the girl couldn't care less, continuing to scream out her friends name.
"How offensive."
"SUKUNA!" she cried out in anger, slipping out her phone. "DIE!"
As soon as the words left her mouth, it sounded like a blade had cut through something. Similar to the one she heard months ago, when he had saved her.
Then, it sounded like several cuts going at someone at once.
One corpse turned into two, except the blonde had no remains. He killed the both of them without lifting a finger, a copious amount of blood being the only proof.
"You all are desperate," Sukuna turned to Jogo almost knowingly.
(Y/N) felt the invisible hands that once held onto her gently guide her to sit up again, looking at the King of Curses.
"This is the reward for the cursed fingers, come at her," he said, making eye contact with her. "If you manage to land even a single blow on her, I'll work under you all."
"What?" (Y/N) said under her breath, she felt like she couldn't breath.
Jogo slowly looked at her, as if he was making up his mind.
There was no way he was considering this.
"You're true to your word, yes?" he asked Sukuna.
(Y/N) stepped back, like her legs were going to come out from under her at any second.
This was suicide, she couldn't fight him.
Jogos demeaner changed, as Sukuna's hands remained on his pockets and the curse went to face her. He held out his hand, a ball of fire forming within it, as (Y/N) tried to conjure ice in her own.
Again she was airborne.
Too quick for her to react as it all happened at once.
A familiar pair of arms held her bridal style, as she felt herself rest on his chest. It was cold, the fall wind curling around the two as they had fled the building.
He casually dodged them vast amount of fire-charged bullets being sent at him, as he looked down at her.
"Your avoidance has been quite amusing, I see you don't understand yet," Sukuna said, his tone changing into a softer one.
"What have you been doing to me?" she spoke boldly, like a wife would to her husband.
It made him smile, as he leaned on the edge of a building that Jogo shot more bullets at. Soon enough they were inside of it, Sukuna casually walking through a corridor as fire burned around them.
"That's my thank you for ensuring you sleep well?" he spoke teasingly. "I've been restoring your memories, although I knew you would doubt them to the best of your ability."
"They're not real," she mumbled, forgetting what he was capable of.
"And yet how relaxed you are in my hold says otherwise, little one," he said. "Your body reacts naturally to my touch."
(Y/N) opened her mouth to reply but the words never came out, as he jumped through the window of the building and met Jogo's fist. Sukuna was currently holding her securely with one arm, taking up the curse in hand to hand combat. He was quick, catching every single one of Jogo's attempts before holding onto his hand and slicing through his arms with his cleave technique.
The Special Grade was sent flying back, as he shot another beam of fire energy out of his head and (Y/N) watched it blow a whole through a building.
She had never seen a fight like this before.
Sukuna caught up with Jogo, taking his free hand that wasn't carrying her and wrapping it around his cape, throwing him down towards the streets. Smoke emitted from the area that he hit, as he continued to bounce off of it from the force before Sukuna came at him again. This time, he bashed his head into the ground, taking them below the level of the city floor.
She felt the King of Curses abdomen tighten against her side, as he laughed to himself. (Y/N) wasn't looking at him though, as her eyes were on the curse that hadn't landed even a single speck of dust on her.
His free hand slipped underneath her jaw, turning her head to face him.
"Impressed are we?"
Suddenly everything around the two seemed to burst into flames, as the blue skinned curse screamed out and flooded the street with Lava.
This was hell.
Sukuna didn't even react, as a wave of it blanketed over them, yet never touching their skin. He jumped up onto a building that was soon crumbling underneath the hot liquid as well, continuing to dodge without question.
The entire city was on fire, as hands made out of lava held onto two office buildings and lifted them up out of the ground. They surrounded the both of them, Jogo standing on a rooftop in front.
(Y/N) thought she was dead.
Out of pure instinct she took her arm around Sukuna's neck, burying her head into his chest and squinting her eyes closed.
It was only when she heard the sound of the buildings being bashed together, that she realized what she had done. Instead of feeling the impact of her skull being crushed, she felt a delicate kiss be pressed to the top of her head. A large hand then held her hair in a comforting manner, keeping her against him.
"Do you trust me, little one?" he asked her softly, low enough that Jogo couldn't hear.
(Y/N) felt weightless, like she was on one of those amusement park rides that threw you up into the air. Except for the fact that there was no harness, and nothing holding her anymore. Sukuna had thrown her up so far she felt she might touch the clouds, watching his figure dart towards the curse and throw him into a sky scraper.
She could see Jogo come out the other end of it, soaring through the air as Sukuna stood above him. The King of Curses drove his hand into the Special Grades head, sending the two through a roof of another office structure.
Meanwhile (Y/N) began to descend, screaming out and watching as the windows on each level shattered with each level Sukuna shoved him through. She grew anxious as time passed and nothing happened, until the bottom of the building burst out into flames and traveled upwards. She could make out the smaller details of the city now, as she picked up speed in falling and felt the wind course through her clothes. Her best bet was trying to use her ice to impact the fall, although she became distracted by what happened before her.
The building that Jogo had blown up began to form into a ball of fire, and Sukuna was nowhere to be seen.
Or so she thought.
She was trying to conjure up enough cold air around her to form the ice needed to brace her, but knocked into something else, throwing her off guard.
She wasn't surprised when she felt his heartbeat against her side again, but he moved at unregistrable speeds.
Suddenly they were on the ground, in the middle of the street, underneath the meteor Jogo was creating. All of the people around Sukuna froze in place, fear evident in their eyes.
Everyone knew who he was.
"I hereby forbid every person in a 100-meter radius from moving until I say 'now," he started. "And of course, I'll kill anyone who violates that rule."
The silence was horrifying, no one daring to take a step.
"Not yet," he teased.
(Y/N) could feel his hands underneath her weight doing something, as if he was now controlling the ball of fire above them.
"Still not yet."
The ground began to tremble, as it came closer.
The sound was overwhelming, as Sukuna brought himself up above it as it crushed everything beneath. He sat down on the meteor, adjusting (Y/N) so she was sitting in his lap, his hands around her waist. Jogo was in front of the two, having yet to turn his back around.
The atmosphere around them was a swirl of orange smoke and broken glass that looked like stars. It floated gently in the air, as more debris from the architecture around them crumbled.
"I've grown tired of this, so I will fight you with your own specialty," he said, allowing for (Y/N) to get up as he stood and faced the Special Grade.
She stepped back, quick to cool the temperatures underneath her feet so she wouldn't burn.
Fire began to emit from his fist, beginning to curl around his figure.
"Arm yourself."
Jogo formed a small sphere of fire in his hand, as Sukuna stretched his own out to form an arrow.
The Special Grade burnt to ashes within a moments notice, while the King of Curses turned around to face the woman behind him.
"Your denial is in vain," he said. "There is nothing I am not capable of, and your death would have already occurred if i wished for it. In your moments of fear you trusted me by instinct, the vow formed between us guiding you to me."
"I don't understand."
"Because you don't want to," he corrected, coming closer to her. "Allow me to show you."
The king lifted her jaw up, taking his hand around the side of her face and kissing her lips.
It felt unworldly, as she slowly returned it and could feel him smiling. Her wrist suddenly tingled, making her to break away to see what caused the sensation.
It was a mark on her wrist, the same one that was on Sukuna's forehead.
"I will love you in every era," he said, taking a step back.
The markings on his face faded, his hair returning to hanging down.
"What happened?" Itadori asked.
She looked into the eyes underneath the original pair, not knowing what to say.
But she understood now.
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A/N: I have a part 3 in mind. If you're interested let me know!
Tag List: @daydreamshenanigans @witchmoon10 @@spiderlilytengu @sircatchungus @sunshine7queen @yandere-consumer @emryb @96jnie @frogzxch @toshirolovebot @rottinginvelvet @rorel1a @cax-per @butteredwalnut @sweetcoorpse @mynewblackdress @serafina-nyx @karmazwrld @gambighoul @honestlysublimecherryblossom @sy557 @mag-chan
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evilhasnever · 1 year
A little Mother's Day drabble, set in the same reincarnation AU as this ficlet by me and this (by @lansplaining)
tl;dr Lan Huan visits Meng Shi to tell her about his intentions with A-Yao
Somehow Lan Huan ended up gardening with Meng Shi today, because the community garden is the only place where he can reasonably intercept her without her son around - and well, if someone is gardening right in front of you, you ought to roll up your sleeves and help. 
He has occasionally visited her with A-Yao before, and he got to bask in their easy, comfortable banter even as a bystander. But today he has to ask her something that A-Yao is not privy to yet. 
When he approaches her, she smiles with a glint in her eye. “Lan Huan! What a surprise! I’m sorry you have to see me in this state.” 
“I happen to think Ms. Meng looks great in dungarees,” Lan Huan replies. “I hope A-Yao will follow her example sometime.” 
She giggles pleasantly and stands up from her crouch with a little effort, eyeing him up and down. She seems to have already guessed that he has something to say - A-Yao takes after her, without doubt. “Well, don’t stand on ceremony.” 
Rather than stopping what she is doing, she hands him a plastic container. “Help me pick these strawberries. Isn’t A-Yao with you today?”
A gentle platitude, because she likely knows where A-Yao is at all times. Lan Xichen has spotted the mother-son text chats on A-Yao’s phone several times, with a mix of envy and fondness. 
He squats obediently and sets to picking the strawberries very carefully. “I am going to pick him up at six today. That’s why I wanted to speak with you before then.”
Meng Shi gives him a curious side glance, just this side of inquisitive. “I am all ears, dear.”
The endearment somehow bolsters Lan Huan’s courage. He had never known Meng Shi… before, only heard stories of her kindness and wit from A-Yao, but he was both relieved and awed to find that she is very, very similar to her son in more than just facial features. The first few times they’d met, he had earned from her the same scrunched up nose, the same squint of polite suspicion that he got from A-Yao when he’d asked him out for the first time.
It had not been quite perfect on the first try. Remembering a past life did not give him perfect insight on the current one; if anything it encumbered him with the fear of messing up and giving himself away carelessly. 
During his first date with A-Yao, Lan Huan had learned from trial and error like anyone else. His car was apparently too new (he should have biked!) and his watch was too expensive (it was Shufu’s gift!) and A-Yao had been quietly wary of his intentions. Lan Huan couldn’t blame him, in hindsight. In damage control mode, Lan Huan had asked him if he wanted to split the restaurant bill or if he’d let him take care of it, and A-Yao had relaxed minutely. “You can take it this time,” he’d said. "I’ll pay next time.” Lan Huan had smiled brilliantly in agreement, and the evening had only improved afterwards.
“Are you zoning out thinking about my son? As you should, I suppose!” Meng Shi’s knowing laughter draws Lan Huan back from his reminiscing. 
“I apologize, Ms. Meng,”  he blushes. “I have a lot on my mind, and it concerns A-Yao as you may have guessed.” He holds out the container full of strawberries and brushes off his knees to clear some of the dirt.  “He and I have been dating for seven months now, and I want to ask him to take the next step.”
Meng Shi’s eyes widen briefly and she purses her lips before setting down her gardening gloves and ushering Lan Huan towards the nearby bench. “Have you asked your family already?” she asks, neutrally.
“Not yet,” Lan Huan admits. “Whether they agree or not, I intend to propose to A-Yao anyway. If he agrees, only then I will tell them.”
Meng Shi’s lips quirk up in a smile, a single dimple popping on her cheek. “Why ask me, then?”
Lan Huan folds his hands in his lap, frowning. “I… I want your opinion, Ms. Meng. Do you think he will say yes? You and A-Yao are close. I have not been lucky enough to have such a relationship with my mother, but I admire it. Your opinion holds weight because you have A-Yao’s best interest at heart, as do I.”
Meng Shi observes him quietly for a moment, the declining sunlight making her look older than her years in the half-shade. Lan Huan tries not to think about how close she had come to death only a few years ago. It had been a story like many others; expensive treatment, nebulous chances of success. History almost repeated itself, but medicine had come a long way and her son had not spared any expense to get her treated, putting all of his other plans on hold. 
Secretly, Lan Huan had talked to a few doctors and made an anonymous donation through a charitable company, unable to stand aside and do nothing despite his family’s rules about interference. But money could only do so much. He had not been able to hold A-Yao’s hand through sleepless nights at her bedside, or comfort him in any way. They had been strangers, still. 
“A-Huan,” Meng Shi says, and Lan Huan startles like a deer. “For the longest time I thought you were too good to be true, and I could not trust you. I’m sorry about that. I have made mistakes in my youth and they have left me… afraid.” 
Lan Huan nods quietly. It is not his place to divulge how much (or how little) A-Yao has told him of her life. 
“But I believe in the evidence of my eyes,” she continues, patting his forearm with a gentle hand. “You make my A-yao so unspeakably happy, it cannot be a mistake.”
“Likewise, he does,” Lan Huan replies, finding his voice rough with emotion. 
“What I want to know,” she continues, careful but not stern, “is how you think you know him well enough to marry, after only seven months. He is too pragmatic and too sensible to jump into something like this recklessly.” 
Lan Huan sighs, shaking his head. “If I told you I have dreams of a past life, would you believe it?” 
Meng Shi tuts gently and raises her brow. Lan Huan returns her smile, and continues: “Of course not. So it must be fate.”
“Usually people invoke fate when they are not willing to put in the work,” Meng Shi chides, “but you have done right by my A-Yao. Some people have tried to change him, some have tried to advise him, some have tried to take him away. You won’t take him away from me, will you?”
“I would never,” Lan Huan murmurs. “The only thing that would change is that I may visit you with him more often in the future, if it isn’t too much of an imposition. I would… like that.”
Meng Shi smiles knowingly, gently. Lan Xichen remembers the timeless gaze of a deity’s statue, and a shiver runs down his spine despite the warmth of the late afternoon. 
“You’re such a good son,” Meng Shi sighs, “of course I’d love to have you.”
With a sharp inhale of breath, Lan Huan reaches up to wipe his eyes. A frail hand beats him to it, Meng Shi’s cool fingers patting his cheek patiently while he tries to get his breathing in check. 
“So, how are you going to pop the question, A-Huan? Tell me everything.”
“I-I was thinking of taking him to the restaurant where we had our first date,” Lan Huan says, a little shaky.
“Oh, that’s going to make him so terribly nervous!” She laughs. “Maybe you should bring him these strawberries to mollify him, he loves them.”
Lan Huan smiles and pushes the basket of strawberries back towards her. “Keep them with you, with some luck he’ll visit you to share good news soon. Besides, he’s too clever. He’d know we talked without him, and I don’t want him to suspect anything yet.”
Meng Shi thumbs a perfect strawberry and nods conspiratorially. “Alright, I’ll keep your secret, my dear.”
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summertimemusician · 2 years
Thinking about The Original Attempted Calamity Hero and Ganondorf again and the implications of the Calamity even existing in the first place.
(Warning, this post has spoilers for basically all of the Zelda franchise and is pretty long, if there's a game or thing you did not read but would like to like the manga then please turn back, or stick around if you don't care lol)
I know there's a lot of theories about him floating around, that either he was half Gerudo, part of the Zonai tribe or at least half Zonai and Zonai raised or even Ganon himself because for some reason something might have happened to that era's Link, but that's a fairy better released at another day. But can y'all imagine being the guy back then? I don't think we discuss this enough to be honest.
So far, almost all of Ganon's incarnations have been at least somewhat mortal before BOTW, with the exception of obviously Demise who was a deity, and the whole thing with the Four Swords Adventures portion of the timeline that kind of itches at me that it has time travel involved though that's yet another fairy, but almost every single one of them started as a human even if they do get more and more animalistic over time. What with Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker's Ganondorf being by far the most human, but during the second part of Ocarina of Time and later on Twilight Princess they descend into Beast Form, which is a power boost yes but definitely a downgrade as it doesn't leave him as sane or cognitive, given that at the end of Twilight Princess Ganon returns to human form to fight Link rather than remain in that form. It's telling that he much prefers being human to being a feral boar.
Then we have OG Zelda's Ganon, the general downfall timeline Ganon that is, from A Link to The Past to Oracle of Seasons/Ages to A Link Between Worlds to the very first Legend of Zelda and Link's Adventure, it's clear that Ganon has fully descended into a feral state and that whatever bit of humanity there and cognition as a result was, he very rarely talks in LTTP, in a LBTW he's at his most coherent when Yuga fuses with him, by the OG Zelda he doesn't speak at all and twice in that time frame he had to be revived rather than come back on his own like his more human like iterations can if they wait and chill for a couple hundred years. He's basically no more than a feral animal, he isn't interested in ruling Hyrule, he's very darn interested in destroying the hero and making Hylia herself suffer and definitely doesn't care about burning Hyrule to the ground and killing anyone in his path if that does the trick, whatever sanity there was is too far gone.
Stick with me here, I'll get to the point.
It's an interesting descent and detail to pivot and follow after. It's obviously a result of Demise's corrupting divine fury and curse, you know what's technically a similar case? Zelda.
I think we can all agree that Zelda isn't Hylia, she's Hylia brought to earth or at the very least her vessel if we go by Breath of the Wild, because Zelda praying for herself wouldn't make any logical sense otherwise even if by order of her father, with no memories or rememberance of what she was, just that she is the holder of Hylia's divine power and her will and responsibility to protect the people and specially the Triforce/Light Force the Original Three left behind. No Cost Too Great you could say in the words of the Pale King from Hollow Knight, the only time she remembers in full is in Skyward Sword, it's confirmed that Zelda gets Hylia's knowledge and maybe even her memories after praying in the springs and it doesn't matter if she's just a vessel to her power or a reincarnation or if this is a Cú Chulainn situation where she is Hylia yet isn't (Schrodinger's Deity?), and her behavior shifts a bit then, not by much but it's definitely noticeable if you look at the text.
What if it's a similar case for Ganon? Zelda is what you get when you don't have the memories, when you take something barely comprehensible with a though process you can't even begin to understand with an intense capability for emotion that's practically suffocating and compress it into a mortal form to start again as a blank slate and it mostly remains that way. Ganon is what you get when the memories slowly seep back in as well as the intense, overwhelming, all consuming divine rage and fury and wish for vengeance seeps into a mortal vessel that very obviously can't fully hold it, couple that with Demise's curse and you have a cocktail for disaster, Ganon was doomed from the start just by being Demise's vessel, man never stood a chance. Though there's no way to say wether he fought against the influence or not, that's something we are unlikely to ever know since we only play and read from Link's and Zelda's perspective.
The Calamity and Malice is the result of when that divine fury breaks out, when there's a break in the already spilling over and cracked goblet. But it couldn't have broken on it's own you know? We see that cursed enemies were always a thing in Zelda games and as far back in the timeline as Skyward Sword it already existed, remember that corrupting and harmful 'water' at the Ancient Cistern's basement? The cursed enemies and dark crystals there? Possibly a leftover of Demise's power after the original break through the surface as seen in the First Hero's manga, a prototype of Malice, hence why Ghirahim was sniffing around there for a way to bring him back, it's the only other place in the franchise after BOTW we see a prominent number of cursed enemies, and the Malice is clearly a thing that can learn and evolve, it can possess enemies and technology, it can revive the dead and control it and possess people too and create beings from it (remember the Phantom Ganon in OOT and PH guys), but it's not a discernible pattern, we didn't know much about it at all until recently and that right there? Is some terrifying lovecraftian/ancient mythology thing.
Because we clearly see it puppeteering scattered pieces of Sheikah Tech in the form of the Blights, possessing the Divine Beasts and the Calamity Ganon form in BOTW, Tears of the Kingdom shows us how Ganondorf's corpse is still around and clearly was revived, like a lich being corrupted from it's own energy. It's not Ganondorf doing anything anymore, it's the curse, it's Demise's Will, and as his corpse has not fully perished yet it likely is but a puppet to it.
It was not a pattern anyone could have predicted much less the hero back then, would he and his Zelda have an inkling about the pattern of Ganondorf always reincarnating and maybe have tried to do something about it early? Absolutely, heck maybe Ganondorf was even sane enough to fight back and try to go off script. Would they have predicted that some kind of freaky kill switch would actívate to keep his reanimated corpse going only powered by the original curse Demise set up, which is basically fueled by pure divine will for vengeance on the one with the spirit of the hero who bested him not once but twice and the goddess that twarthed him at every turn from throwing that little green glad bastard at him with a sacred sword to seal him to basically sabotaging the Triforce so divine beings cannot use it and fury so strong it transcends time and space if we count games like Cadance of Hyrule and Hyrule Warriors (which we are doing here by the way) being a thing and presumably happening in different worlds? Absolutely not.
Honestly I see people compare BOTW and AOC Link to the guy back then and how they should have done better in game and that BOTW Link failed not living up to the standard he set up and how he stopped talking under the pressure and I'm just, y'all ever pause and think he wasn't anymore prepared than you people? Maybe I'm remembering it wrong due to sleep deprivation, I haven't slept well in months and woke up in a cold sweat at 3am to start writing this down but just- He didn't have Shrines to prepare him, he didn't have the Divine Beasts back then to weaken the Calamity before they were built by the Sheikah with presumably Zonai aid (and oh boy to I have thoughts and headcanons on that) and that would have taken time, it was basically just him, Zelda, the other races and Fi as the Master Sword (or heck even without her, we all know it always takes any Link time to get the Master Sword in the games, he likely didn't pull her out straight away like how presumably BOTW and AOC Link did) holding the fort against Malice enhanced monsters and likely revived undead because we know even while sane the previous Ganon's were definitely not above doing that.
So it was most likely a Phyrric Victory, the few times we hear about things that happened to previous heroes, is that we either don't know what happened to them at the end of the story (which is extremely concerning if you ask me because something should have been recorded right? They should have at least recorded how Zelda got her powers to give other Zelda's a better point of reference that just stay in a spring and pray to yourself apparently) Or that they just straight up died (The Hero's Shade being OOT Link, The First Hero being left behind rather than being able to ascend with the other humans to Skyloft, OG Zelda's previous Link most likely being killed in an attempt by Ganon's cult to revive him or to seal him away again), and we don't hear what happened to him or Zelda or the original Champions. History is written by the victors after all, Hylian history has a tendency of erasing details, take from that what you will.
TL;Dr My headcanon is that him and his Zelda were unwittingly cataclysms to the Calamity being unleashed in the first place, and that's why we don't hear much about what happened to them and, since 10000 years have passed there was likely a lot of time for erasure and cover up to happen by the crown. And that the man himself would be very proud of his descendants for being able to deal with at least part of the problem he unintentionally caused and surviving even with worse odds in spite of being better prepared unlike him who most likely died even if BOTW Link and AOC Link should get at least one sucker punch in if they're told that wasn't even the original goods they thought they dealt with as a treat if we go the LU route, in this essay I will-
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todorokibois · 4 years
{1} - Spring Day
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Reincarnation AU - Part of the Spring Day Series
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Possible Smut (In later chapters)
Pairing: Itadori Yuuji X Reader X Ryomen Sukuna
Words: 5,059
A/n: I just recently got into Jujutsu Kaisen but I love it so much already! Ever since I watched episode four and five this little idea has been running around in my mind, and I've seen a few others do an au like this so I decided I'd give it a shot. I’m still learning all the rules and stuff of the world, so please bear with me. Some of the characters may be ooc for the time being, as well as for plot purposes. I hope you enjoy what I have planned, and please do let me know what you think of this. Feedback is always greatly appreciated!
Summary: Being Yuuji’s best friend? Piece of cake. However, you never expected to be the reincarnation of Sukuna’s former lover. - You promised each other forever, but forever came.
Note: The characters are all aged up for this fic, so now they will be in university.
You can still remember the first day you met Itadori Yuuji like it was yesterday. Nothing really eventful happened on that day, but you know that it’s one you’ll never forget, for he’s your best friend and you are his. In fact, having just entered middle school at the time, he was one of the first friends you ever made at your new school. 
He seemed impressed by how unafraid you were of the supernatural, the two of you spouting ghost stories to one another during lunch every day. Each day was a competition to see who could freak the other one out the most with an even gorier horror story every lunch period. So far, your record is thirty to twenty-nine in your favour, with more ties than you can count.
Soon enough, middle school came and went, and then the two of you found out that you were to go to the same high school. Both of you were excited that you would know at least one person, not to mention that that person is your best friend. At least you wouldn’t have to give up your daily routine with him. Needless to say, it came as quite a shock to Yuuji when you stopped coming to school about halfway through your first year.
Even though the two of you continued to text every day since your transfer, things never felt the same to either of you. Every time Yuuji asked what school you transferred to, you’d brush off the question, or give him a fake school name. He knows they’re fake since the one time he wanted to surprise you after school one day by visiting you, but when he went inside and checked the registry, your name wasn’t even close to being listed there.
That was a small rough patch in your relationship. Yuuji was hurt that you would lie to him like that, and it took about a week before you could cheer him up again. He just had to see you in person, that was the only way he would stop moping about. That, and he jokingly said it would be the only way he’d forgive you.
Again, as the two of you were walking around the shopping district, he asked you which high school you transferred to. Well, you couldn’t exactly tell him you transferred to a school that teaches you how to become a jujutsu sorcerer, now could you? So, you gave a vague description of the place, stating that you honestly always forget the name, but it’s hidden somewhere in the mountains surrounding Tokyo. Regardless, he made you promise that he could come visit at some point.
Every day, you miss him, just as he misses you, and every day you wish you could see more of him. Despite the amount of trips you plan together, nothing can replace no longer seeing each other every day. Oh well, at least you still keep in touch.
Yuuji never told you, but it was pure agony for him when you left without a clue as to where you’d gone. The fact that you couldn’t answer him for a few days made him go crazy. When he finally got an answer, it felt as if the world had finally started moving again, because to him, you are his entire world.
He doesn’t exactly know when his platonic feelings towards you turned more romantic, but he knows that they’ve never gone away, no matter how many years have passed. Perhaps it was that time in your second year of middle school when you tricked him into playing shogi with you, a game you had convinced him he could beat you at, only to be severely disappointed. How was he to know you were the best in the year when you had never mentioned it before that day? Or perhaps it was that one day during the summer break before the start of high school when the two of you were running through the park, laughing at each other as the sunlight reflected off of your hair, lighting up your eyes in a way he’d never seen before. Either way, he knows he’s been in love with you for a long time now, and he’d never do anything to jeopardize your friendship. He just hopes that someday, his feelings are returned.
Unfortunately for you, you didn’t get to spend as much time with Yuuji over the break as you wanted to, what with your duties and all. However, you’re hoping you’ll be able to soon. You wanted to see him one last time before he started university, but unfortunately you couldn’t. Weeks passed, and you finally made plans to visit him a few months into the semester, but you had to cancel due to a last minute mission you got thrown on. Little did you know what would happen that night.
Earlier that evening, you had gotten a voicemail from Yuuji, informing you that his grandfather had died. You managed to take a detour long enough to call him back, making sure that he’s okay and letting him know that you’re sorry for his loss. His grandfather was the closest family he had left, so you know that as soon as you’re done with this mission, you’re going to see him. He told you he was fine, but you want to make sure. After all, you know how he can get.
Shaking your head to clear your thoughts, you focus in on the task at hand. Clearing this abandoned building will be easy for you, nothing you haven’t done before. All there are are two level two curses to take care of, piece of cake. You only wish it was located closer to where Yuuji is, that way you could get to him sooner.
It took a few years, but you managed to quickly work your way up to a grade one sorcerer. You’re a very quick learner, and the fact that you already had strong reflexes thanks to always competing with Yuuji helped a great deal. You’re only surprised your mother kept her family secret for so long. However, you’re grateful for how long she kept it secret, because if she had revealed it sooner, you might not have met Yuuji, and you don’t know where you’d be today without him in your life.
With a sigh, you enter the building. Shifting your gaze around, you begin to hunt the curses currently within the vicinity. It doesn’t take you long to find the first one, quickly disposing of it before it even has the chance to retaliate. Locating the second takes a little bit longer than anticipated, but eventually you find it, preparing yourself to take this one down just as you did the first.
“Man, you really are one ugly thing, aren’t you?” You tut, shaking your head.
The curse in question did not seem to like your words, letting out a screech and lunging for you in the next moment. Quickly dodging, you parry the curse’s attack, managing to sever one of its many limbs before jumping back and keeping a bit of distance between the two of you. You’re just about to jump in for another attack when you falter, a sudden wave of specialized curse energy pulsing throughout your entire body.
Taking advantage of your momentary loss of composure, the curse lunges at you. You just manage to block the blunt of the attack, still getting a small scrape on your cheek in the process. You curse.
Another two minutes pass by and you’re finally able to dispose of the second level two. Immediately, the air in the building seems lighter, and you know you’ve cleared all the required curses and purified the space. Breathing a sigh of relief you head towards the exit, ready to be clear of this building once and for all. 
As soon as you step outside, you feel your phone vibrate in your pocket, signalling that you’re getting a call. Thinking it to be Yuuji, you don’t even bother checking the caller id before answering right away.
“Hello?” You say, just as you hear the door fall shut behind you.
“(Y/n)! So glad you answered on the first ring,” the voice of your personal teacher and trainer, Gojo Satoru answers in a chipper voice. “Listen, I have some news for you.”
“Listen, teach, if you’re just gonna tell me about the mochi you bought today-“
“Ryomen Sukuna has been released,” he cuts you off, and you can only freeze in your tracks as your breath hitches in your throat. “We currently have control of his vessel.”
“What happened?” You ask, steadying yourself with your back against the side of the building you’ve just exited.
“Ah, nothing to worry about, nothing to worry about,” Gojo assures you. “We had it under control.”
“We?” Your brow quirks slightly even though he can’t see it.
“Yeah, Fushiguro and I,” he replies. “Well, it was mainly me, but who’s keeping score?” You can faintly hear grumbling in the background and then a chuckle from Gojo. “Anyways, best return to campus as soon as possible.”
“I can’t,” comes your immediate response.
There’s silence for a moment until, “and why’s that?”
“I have to go visit Yuuji,” you bring a hand up to rub at your temples. This conversation is giving you a headache.
“You mentioned he lives near Sendai, correct?” Gojo inquires.
“That’s correct,” you confirm, “why?”
“The incident was near there, so you can’t come, it’s not safe for you,” he explains.
You scoff, “since when have you ever been concerned for my safety?”
“I’m offended,” he feigns hurt. “As your teacher, I’m always concerned for your safety.”
“Bullshit,” you huff, rolling your eyes. “Anyways, that’s all the more reason I should go and see him. Now I have two reasons to make sure he’s okay.”
You hear a deep sigh on the other end before Gojo is speaking once more, “listen, (Y/n), you know I’m not usually one to be a stickler for rules and such, and I hate enforcing things, but I’m going to need you to get back to campus and wait in your dorm until I come get you.”
“That’s an order,” his voice is firm, and you know that there’s no arguing with him once he’s made up his mind.
“Fine,” you sigh, pushing yourself off of the wall in order to head to the train station. “Will you at least tell me the name of Sukuna’s vessel?”
“All in due time,” he says, sounding too cheerful for the current events which have just taken place this evening. “See you back at the academy!”
Without another word, the line goes dead and you know he’s ended the call to avoid answering any more of your questions.
Letting out another sigh, you tuck your phone away in your pocket. You sent a quick text to Yuuji beforehand, just explaining that something came up and you’re still thinking of him during this time. You hope you can see him soon.
The ride back to campus is spent thinking about the effects of Sukuna now being released. You know the elders will probably fight to execute whoever the poor idiot is that ingested his finger. Knowing Gojo, he’d fight against whatever the elders decide to do. You’re just hoping that whoever the idiot is that turned out to be Sukuna’s vessel is strong enough to both contain and control him.
Making it back to campus, you immediately head to your room, just as Gojo had instructed you to do. Figuring you have enough time before he comes calling, you take a quick shower, washing off the dirt and grime from the events of this evening. Once done, you change into some comfortable clothes and lay down on your bed, scrolling through your phone as you wait for Gojo to appear.
It’s not until noon the next day when Gojo finally shows up at your door.
“Took you long enough, I’m starving,” you grumble, noticing he’s carrying what looks like two prepackaged lunches in his hands.
“You could have gone out for food, you know,” he chuckles, already moving to sit down in your desk chair.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I was told to ‘wait in my room and await further instructions,’” you cross your arms, allowing your door to fall shut as you return to sitting on your bed.
“Details, details,” he waves you off as you grab one of the lunches he hands you. “Anyways, I came to update my favourite student about what’s going on.”
You simply quirk a brow at him as you open your lunch, waiting for him to continue.
“Well, for starters I’ve delayed the inevitable,” he begins, to which you only give him a look. He goes on to explain that the vessel will most likely be joining the other first years in training to become a sorcerer until the proper time comes. “I’ve basically convinced the elders to allow the vessel to consume all of Sukuna’s fingers before being executed.”
“Okay, and?” You stare at him expectantly.
“Please, do hold your applause,” he grins, expression only faltering slightly when you continue to remain silent after a few moments. “Geez, tough crowd. Anyways, I thought you’d be more happy about this.”
“I only feel bad for the poor idiot who got involved in all of this,” you sigh, continuing to place food in your mouth while chewing thoughtfully.
“Oh, he’s an idiot alright,” Gojo chuckles.
“And who exactly is he?” You tilt your head slightly, looking at him expectantly.
Gojo lets out a deliberate yawn while standing up, stretching his arms above his head, “would you look at that? I’m late for a meeting with the principle. Toodles!”
Without another word, he vanishes from your room, only leaving you just as frustrated with him as you were before, with many more unanswered questions building in your mind. It’s just like him to do this to you, too. Always keeping information this important from you until you’re thrust upon a situation where you’re forced to confront the facts of the matter. You just hope that this is another one of his stupid training exercises and not him purposely avoiding telling you straight up who the vessel is. You also hope whoever the vessel is, is someone you don’t know since it’ll probably make it easier when the time comes. Still, knowing Gojo, he probably will come up with a plan to save the poor soul set for execution even after everything is said and done. If the poor boy even lives that long.
Finishing up your lunch, you decide to head towards the principle’s office. You are technically considered a first year in the university courses, so maybe you’ll have a chance to sneak a look at the vessel if you’re lucky. Besides, Gojo did mention something about Fushiguro and you meeting up with the other new first year tomorrow, so you want intel on what’s happening in regards to that.
Just as you raise your hand to knock on the principle’s door Gojo opens it as if he was expecting you. You attempt to sneak a glance past him but to no avail, only causing him to chuckle as he steps into the hallway and shuts the door behind him.
“How can I help you, my dear student?” He smiles, leaning against the now closed door.
“When are we meeting the new girl, and is the vessel accompanying us?” Your questions are direct and straight to the point.
“Ah, yes, Nobara,” Gojo nods. “Unfortunately, you won’t be accompanying us guys to meet up with her tomorrow, you have another mission to attend to.”
“Since when?” You scoff.
“Since now,” he singsongs. “Level one curse spotted at an old primary school. I would take care of it myself, but as you know, I care deeply about every single one of my students so I must be there to meet Nobara on her first day! Besides, you’re the only one I trust to do this assignment right now.”
Any protests you had soon die in your throat at his last statement. Though still ticked off you won’t get to go with them, you understand why he’s chosen you. Besides, this is your job, and you know it will help with your training.
“Fine,” you grumble, “but I still want to meet the new kids.”
“All in due time,” he waves you off with the same words he told you last night. “Now you better get planning before that curse gets too out of hand! I’ll text you the details!”
“Yeah, yeah,” this time it’s your turn to wave him off as you turn around and start walking back to your dorm to grab your stuff, muttering under your breath, “you old croon.”
The offended gasp you hear behind you is enough to drown out the sound of the principle’s door opening once more, two people stepping out to join Gojo in the hallway.
“Who’s that?” Itadori asks Gojo as they watch your retreating form disappear behind a corner.
“One of my best students,” Gojo hums proudly in response.
“Funny, she looks just like my best friend-“
“C’mon, I’ll show you to your dorm!” Gojo cuts him off before he can finish his sentence, leading him down the hallway in the opposite direction to which you disappeared in, Itadori not being able to do much else but follow close behind.
Sure enough, about twenty minutes later Gojo sends you a text with all the details you’ll need to exercise the curse tomorrow at the primary school. You plan to leave early in the morning since it’ll take you at least an hour or two to get to the location, and then another hour or two to get back. You also want to see if you can catch the guys before they leave, see if you can introduce yourself to one of the two newbies at least.
Unfortunately for you, it doesn’t seem like the luck of coincidence is on your side in the morning as you prepare to leave campus. Letting out a small sigh, you make your way to the train station, ready to begin your mission for the day and get it over with as soon as you can. Perhaps you can time things just right so that you get back to campus around the same time that they do. After all, this task should be a walk in the park.
Oh, how wrong you are.
Not only did it take you three hours to arrive to the primary school, but the curse, which was supposed to be one level one turned out to be two level one curses sharing the vicinity. They cornered you and you ended up getting thrown harshly against the wall, causing your whole body to ache all over once you finally managed to exercise the curses. You’re pretty sure you pulled a few muscles in the process, too, and the amount of scrapes and bruises you acquired since the other day has tripled. Damn Gojo.
Limping back to the train station, you check your phone. Speaking of your personal trainer, he’s been keeping you up to date with the newbies all throughout the day, though he keeps referring to the boy as ‘the vessel’. Furrowing your brow, you find it strange how he hasn’t told you the boy’s name yet, only making you believe that it probably is someone you know. There’s still a tiny sliver of you that’s hoping Gojo is just testing your deduction skills, but at this point, that’s probably not the case.
Sitting down in the first free seat you find, you text him back. Almost immediately you get a response, letting you know that the two newbies have just passed their first test and that you should be proud of your fellow students. You play along with his enthusiasm for the time being, being obviously sarcastic in your responses, but Gojo doesn’t seem to mind. In fact, it seems as if he’s amused by your reactions, only serving to irritate you further.
By the time you get back to campus, you’re drained. All you want to do is take a nice, warm shower, curl up in a ball on your bed and sleep. You don’t even care if you miss meeting the new students. That’s how your day is going so far. Besides, it’s getting late and they don’t seem to be back yet. There’s always tomorrow.
Except, you don’t get to meet them the next day, nor the day after that. It takes a full week before you even cross paths with Nobara, and even still, the meeting seems rushed. Luckily, you manage to properly introduce yourself to her the day after that one, but for some reason, Sukuna’s vessel just keeps eluding you. That, or someone is purposely keeping the two of you apart. It’s not until two weeks after that fateful day has passed that you finally get your answer.
The three first years have been tasked with handling a few curses at a juvenile detention centre while you accompany Gojo on one of his missions at the same time. You’re getting real tired of his antics, every time you ask him about the boy who’s Sukuna’s vessel he answers you either cryptically, or changes the subject. The worst is when he ignores your inquiries all together. You’re hoping to get some information out of him this evening though, otherwise you might just sneak over to ‘see’ Megumi one day and actually go to see his neighbour who just so happens to be the vessel.
Another reason why you’re in a bit of a grumpy mood recently is that Yuuji seems to be distancing himself from you. Your conversations are very dry as of late, and he doesn’t seem to want to tell you what’s going on in his life. There’s even been a few day where you’ve tried to sneak away to go visit him, but each time, Gojo has stopped you in some way or other. You’re convinced he’s hiding something, but you don’t want to accept the reality he’s been presenting to you as of late.
“(Y/n), I need you to focus,” Gojo snaps his fingers in front of your face, successfully startling you back to reality.
“Huh? Oh, sorry,” you blink a few times to clear your head, needing to focus since this is a serious task for the both of you.
“Everything okay?” He asks, the two of you now continuing to move through the labyrinth laid out before you, having yet to stumble upon any one of the four special grade curses you’re supposed to be exercising.
“Just fine,” you sigh before muttering out, “it’s not like I’m going to get answers anyways.”
“Now, now, you don’t know that for sure,” he grins, hands in his pockets as he walks beside you nonchalantly.
“Considering every time I bring up the new guy you avoid the topic, I’d say, yeah,” you peek around the corner before confirming the hallway is clear, turning back to face Gojo who already seems to be looking at you amusedly, “I do know.”
“I’m surprised you haven’t figured it out yet,” he hums.
“There’s not much to go on,” you reply.
“Oh, I believe there’s plenty,”
“Yeah, well, that’s cause you already know everything there is to know about this subject,” you huff.
“Oh, you flatter me so,” he chuckles, only causing you to roll your eyes at him in exasperation.
“Well, I suppose there is one question I have for you, teach,” you start to say, until you finally come across one of the special grade curses. 
The two of you quickly press your backs against the wall, preparing to attack. Gojo gives you the go ahead to attack first, and you do, using his quick distraction of walking out and gaining the curse’s attention to sneak up on it and destroy it. No more than two minutes pass and you’ve succeeded.
“What’s the question?” Gojo calls your attention back to him as you both continue on through the hallway.
“On the day he was released, I felt a sudden wave of specialized curse energy ripple through me, almost as if there had been a part of it dormant that had suddenly been awoken,” you say, turning to look at his face in order to gage his reaction. “Is that normal, considering how far I was from the main site?”
“Hmm,” he brings a hand up to cup his chin in his fingers, contemplating the new information you’ve provided him. He only wishes you would have told him sooner. “Considering the distance and Sukuna’s total power, it’s not that surprising.” You let out a breath you didn’t realize you had been holding. “However, since at the time it was only one-twentieth of his power over that great of a distance, that is very odd. Considering that you know our reputation with strangeness in this trade, this makes it even stranger. Has it happened at any other point in time after that?”
Your brow furrows as you contemplate his question. “Actually, yeah, now that I think about it. I think it was a day or two after the initial release.”
“Huh, interesting,” he hums once more, a slight frown pulling at his lips as he considers what this means. Looks like his original hunch was correct as both these surges you’ve felt correspond with Itadori ingesting one of Sukuna’s fingers.
“What, exactly, is interesting?” You stare at him expectantly.
“Nothing you need to worry yourself with for the time being,” he assures you, just as another one of the special grade curses jumps out at the two of you. In an instant, Gojo has eliminated the threat, neither of you faltering in your steps down the hall.
“You know, sometimes I swear you take the phrase ‘having blind faith’ too seriously,” you let out a long breath.
He laughs at this, “what makes you say that?”
You just raise a brow at him in response, the look on your face enough to convey your thoughts. He laughs once more.
“Nothing wrong with having a little faith in me, you know,” he jokes as you two near the centre of the building where you can feel major curse energy pouring out.
You say nothing, opting to shake your head at him in response as you ready yourselves to enter the main room. Slowly opening the doors, you walk in, the two of you scanning the room for either of the final two curses that have still yet to show themselves. 
All is silent for a few moments until you feel a pang reverberate through you, the familiar feeling of specialized curse energy flowing throughout your whole being. Your eyes widen as this one far exceeded the power of the first two.
“Hey, uh, teach?” Gojo pauses mid-step as he observes you, hearing the uncertainty in your voice. “It just happened again.”
As soon as those words leave your lips, the final two curses you’ve been hunting for pop out of nowhere and attack the both of you. The one closest to you manages to knock you into Gojo, him steadying you as the two curses near the both of you to attack.
“(Y/n), I’m sending you to where the first years are, I have a bad feeling something terrible has happened,” he says lowly in your ear.
“What? Right now?” You don’t even have time to look at him incredulously as you both jump in opposite directions to avoid the attacks of the curses.
“Right now,” he confirms. “Don’t worry about me, I can handle these two clowns.”
The curses growl at him as he says those words, with him managing to split one of them in half in the next moment.
“I wasn’t,” you reply, unamused.
“Well, best hurry, wouldn’t want Sukuna wrecking havoc,” he grins at you and something clicks in your mind.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” you growl. “At least tell me the name of his vessel!”
“You already know it,” is the last thing you hear before your vision shifts, you now standing on a path outside in an unfamiliar area.
You mentally curse him as you collect your bearings, noticing Megumi standing across from you, facing towards you as another man stands between the two of you with his back turned to you. You’d recognize that back anywhere, not to mention the hair. Now you’re really mentally cursing your teacher.
You remain still, noticing how Megumi darts his gaze over to you as if to tell you not to move. Assessing the situation, you begin to plot your best course of action as you see drops of blood dripping onto the ground near Sukuna’s feet. A quick scope of the area has your eyes widening slightly, telling yourself to remain calm as you see a heart laying in the grass as if it was tossed carelessly off to the side.
Of course, Sukuna felt your presence before even bothering to turn to look at you. At the moment, he’s more focused on talking to Megumi, then he can deal with this newer secondary presence, no matter how familiar it seems. He can feel the eyes trailing over his back before he even sees them, but your voice has him halting his actions momentarily.
“Damn, Yuuji, I leave you alone for two weeks and you decide to get tattoos?” Your voice is light, playful even, despite the grim situation you know that you’ve been thrust into.
Megumi shoots you a cautious look as you both notice Sukuna tense slightly between the two of you, before standing up straighter and rolling his shoulders once. A chuckle escapes him, causing you and Megumi to share another concerned look between you both before his movements catch your eyes.
Sukuna would recognize that voice anywhere. Oh, how cruel fate can be.
Turning deliberately slow, he faces towards you, eyes roaming over your figure and nearly sending a shiver down your spine until they come to lock with yours. With a smirk on his features, he licks his lips, “(Y/n).”
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Evak Fics - Religion
This is for the anon from this ask who asked for religious/church fics back in April 2020. 
*** Christianity Themed *** Other Religious Themes *** Bonus
***** Christianity Themed ***** 
Belief by bri_ness (921 words) - Isak reflects on his own beliefs while attending an Easter service with his family.  
Split Leviticus by Siren_whispers (3k words) - Without any kind of supernatural clairvoyance to speak of he couldn't predict what would become of his innocent question. “What if God is real?” 
oh holy night by smileymikey (3k words) - Marianne has a lot of favourite Bible verses, verses that bring her peace and settle her heart whenever she is anxious, but she does not think it is a coincidence God chose to give her a child on this day at this time. 
the binding of isaac by thekardemomme (3.4k words) - There used to be a Bible verse hanging up in Marianne’s house, on the empty spot of wall at the top of the stairs, to the right of Isak’s bedroom door. It was needlework, done on a white evenweave canvas, decorated with stitched green ivy. There’s lots of religious decor around the house, especially now that Terje doesn’t live there anymore, but none of it sticks out in Isak’s mind quite as much as that specific embroidery. 
Sweet Boys Shouldn't Drink Hard Liquor by wordsarelifealways (4.6k words) - Isak's mother is spiralling again and the texts are getting to Isak. Unfortunately, Even only finds out when Jonas calls him to tell him that Isak got really drunk and had a meltdown. Even looks after Isak at arguably his lowest point since he moved out of the Valtersen household. 
Wireless by ChrisJordyn (18k words) - That’s when The Thought pops back into in his mind. The Thought he had managed to cram back into the deepest corner of his memories. Right there it is again. Loud and clear. "What if I’m gay?" Church band au. before i ever met you, i never knew i liked to be kissed for days by Skamtrash (22k words) - Isak, the pastor's closeted son meets Even, who's out and proud and the brother of his best friend. Even helps him explore his sexuality.
(WIP) Heaven In Hiding by intothewind (26k words) - Isak is the preacher's son and Even comes to town looking like every one of the seven sins. 
All this and heaven too by champagneleftie, nofeartina (28k words) - Isak is a (closeted) pastor’s son AU. Even shouldn’t want the closeted pastor’s son like this, but it’s impossible not to. Especially when he’s already had a taste.
Can it Stay Between Us by photographer_of_thoughts (46k words) - Before Even starts his last year of high school, he moves to a farm in a small, remote town well outside the city limits of Oslo. Even's father thinks the country life will help him escape his past - the chaos of last year - but all the move has done is make him feel isolated. But then Even meets Isak, the pastor's son who lives on the next farm over, and life suddenly doesn't seem as lonely anymore.
Firestarter (Modern Boys part one) by Laika_the_husband (52k words) - Religion is an important theme in this fic but it’s not the focus I think.  Welcome to the nineties! Isak is a regular teenager who hates his parents, loves his Walkman and is secretly in love with his best friend. Then, out of nowhere, the most beautiful boy he has ever seen appears into his life and turns it upside down. 
Blanket Fort Gospel by Sabeley (59k words) - Isak Valtersen met the love of his life when he was eleven years old. It was a truth he had long tried to deny, but it was the truth nevertheless. Childhood friends au.
Storm Before The Calm by NeonViolet (88k words) - "He watched the ground beneath him start to get smaller as it faded away and he reminded himself that no matter how much everyone else would hate him for what he did, no one would hate him as much as he hated himself.  So even if he seemed to be losing control of everything else in his life, at least he had that." Or: Coming of age story as Isak navigates what he's been taught to believe and what he actually believes. Learning to love himself and falling in love in the process.
Don't leave me (alone) by Crazyheart (106k words) - Isak (25) is home in Oslo after several years of studies in Trondheim, feeling lonely and lost. One cold evening in October he meets a tall, blonde guy filming outside Sagene Church. Isak and Even have some strange sensations when they meet, like they have known each other in another life. Slightly magical AU.  Not sure how much of religious theme this fic has. 
***** Other Religious Themes ***** 
i'm choosing my confessions by w1ldestdreams (2.2k words) - Isak, Even, and their relationships with religion. (Christianity and Islam)
The Believer by folerdetdufoler (2.6k words) - Isak and Even talk about religion. 
(WIP) My Fossil is Bright in the Sun by allisonbucky (3k words) - Even lost himself, ran away from everything and everyone he ever knew, and found religion and some peace. He happened to leave Isak behind in the process. Two years later, Even comes back to Norway, and he has to visit the man he once loved. Judaism. 
Somewhere A Clock Is Ticking by staylucky (25k words) - The Afterlife is not what Isak Valtersen was expecting. He didn’t think he’d die at 18 years old in the first place. Purgatory’s ‘Apprentice Leader’, Eskild, is a wildcard, Isak's 'Angel Mentor' Noora doesn’t like Isak and he never got to even a kiss boy while he was on Earth. Thank Goodness, while he waits for reincarnation, for Jonas (another’s mentor) who takes Isak under his (literal) wing but most of all for fellow spirit and member of ‘Limbo Land’ Even Bech Naesheim, a beautiful boy with a past of his own. All isn’t what it seems, and Isak has a lot to discover. Influenced by various religious beliefs. 
***** BONUS ***** 
Faux Pagan Verse by colazitron (SERIES. 3 Fics) - I wish there were more in this series. Isak and Even represent different aspects of pagan rituals. 
(WIP) I could put a little stardust in your eyes by shinystar66 (4.1k words) - Isak is a god who comes to Earth every once in a while. During a particular midsummer night, he meets a human named Even who is about to change the course of his existence. 
6 notes · View notes
popculturebuffet · 4 years
Hickman’s X-Men Line: One Year in Part 1: Prelude, House and Powers of X, X-Men and New Mutants (Hickman)
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Under the cut is an explination of how hickman’s run happened (the mass decay will be covered another time probably), and dives into his x-books: house of x, powers of x,x-men and his breif run on new mutants and what i thought. Pax Krakoa baby. 
One year ago, I breathed a sigh of relief as I read the utterly masterful house of x #1.  See for the past few months, i’d been waiting on baited breath for this comic with a level of anticipation not matched by any before or since. Even the debut of a spinoff to Chew, one of my faviorite comics of all time that i deftnetly need to do a retrospective on, this week got within the same galaxy and it still wasn’t on the same level. This was big, grandiose and everything I hoped for. And whatever issues I had as House and it’s sister series came out slowly died out as the full story unfolded, my jaw dropped and my faith in Hickman to save the x-men was  fully delivered. At last the x-men were back on top. And it was going to be one hell of a ride.  
As you probably know the x-men had been treated pretty badly at marvel due to fox having the movie rights, a move that still baffles and frustrates me. Instead of making money to rub in fox’s face by promoting the hell out of them in merchandise, animation, video games and of course comics ALONGSIDE the avengers, they basically ignored the x-men and fantastic four to give fox less to work with to spite them while fox.. entirely ignored this as since both franchises have been around since the 60′s and the x-men had had mountains of spinoffs to give them mountains of characters. So in short: a decision to spite and hurt their compeitors only cost marvel money, pissed off fans and fox’s eventual absortion as far as I can tell had absolutely nothing to do with any of this. 
Thankfully marvel DID stop being stupid eventually and relented: The Fantastic Four came back a year before house of x with a decent run by dan slott, which is thankfully more like earlier spider-man work and ff work, and less like what his spider-man run became from superior onward despite the ocasional misfire but i’ll talk about both runs another day. I mostly bring it up because with this revivial, marvel also slowly reintegrated the four back into the marvel universe and made their return feel like a big deal.  The X-Men however took a bit: while they got an earlier shot at returning with ressurxion. Buuut with the idea of having hickman return in their back pocket, marvel apparently refused, at least according to cullen bunn who I fell has no real reason to lie, to let the writers rock the boat too much and the era perdictably was just meh, especially flagship book X-Men Gold which was written bafflingly by Mark Gugenhiem and outside of one or two good ideas basically felt like the comics equivlent of one of those party store albums where every song is a cover done by someone who couldn’t give half a damn. There were bright spots though with Cullen Bunn finishing out his awesome x-men tenure with x-men blue, Sina Grace’s wonderful iceman that took the wonky execution of Bendis’ decision to make bobby drake gay and made it work beautifully, and the decent if somewhat baffling x-men red. But overall it just felt like a missed opportunity and with the fox deal in bloom and a new EiC, marvel NEEDED something bigger, bolder and grander to do with marvel’s strangest heroes of all. After all all eyes would be on them while Marvel’s Movie department took a few years, probably longer now thanks to the pandemic, to let things cool off before bringing the x-men into the mcu.  Enter Jonathan Hickman: Writer of another one of my faviorite runs of all time, his Fantastic Four run, along with an enjoyable but heavily flawed avengers run, a secret warriors run i’ve read half of that was a hell of a ride, tons of ultimate comics, and a bunch of indies I haven’t read but are probably great. A wordy weirdo and i’m convinced the second coming of grant morrison, and I hope one day the two work together on something tha’ts equal parts weird and amazing.
The morrison comparison is also apt as both came into the X-Men at a time when the x-men badly needed them: Just like Hickman morrison had to deal with a largely stagnant x-men and changed them to fit the times. And yes unsuprisngly i’ll also be covering morrisons run, warts and all, and it’s also one of my faviorite comics of all time. However Hickman was given a huge advtange his spirtiual predecessor, and really few comics writers EVER have gotten: full control of the x-men line.  Unlike morrison who wasn’t even allowed to use certain characters despite writing the main fucking x-book, Hickman got full creative control: full say in the direction of the story, full say in who came on board and to let them pitch whatever they wanted to do. And honestly it’s an apporach that’s not only reovlutionarly but makes the books FEEL like their actually occuring around the same time. Sure their all still seperate entities, but it DOES feel like one coheisive universe. Contrastingly with the avengers Black Panther’s solo has had him on a year long sojurn in space, before returning to earth.. while also running the avengers over in jason aaron’s run and having his own spinoff team, without any fucking clue as to when intergalactic empire of wakanda takes place in relation to everything else. Tony Stark is currently just taking back both his own damn name and the iron man name in his own book, but is also a major player in avengers, and empyre with no mention of his seeming drunken spiral (itw as a ploy) or arno taking up the armor and I feel these issues rather than the neglect the x-men once had are why krakoa’s impact isn’t being felt more in other titles. I’m not saying don’t let books do their own thing, but I am saying let them have fucking consequences and weight instead of just acting like one isn’t happening or at the very least have a character be absent for an arc so you can fit the other stories into continuity easier. As X-Men’s shown it dosen’t stifle inovation and hell even immortal hulk easily fit into no road home with a fucking note saying “this takes place before x issue” it’s not that hard.  This advantage was likely part of Hickman’s terms for coming back. See the x-men were the one thing at marvel he never got to do. The Gillieon and Aaron runs and Bendis runs meant the spot simply wasn’t open and by the time he was leaving it was clear marvel wanted to bury the x-men not praise them, so his ideas had no run. But the X-Men were what got Jonathan into comics. A shocking fact I learned at last years comic con, during which most of the dawn of x titles were revealed, was he WASN’T a fantastic four or avengers fan as a kid, not hating them but like me with the avengers for some time, not really caring about them. But with both runs, he did his homework, read as much as possible, and BECAME a fan, and it shows as both runs show a deep love for both marvel and the teams present. With X-Men they were his dream, his golden goose, his windmill, he just never was in the right place at the right time... but with Marvel needing his starpower and creativity and having nothing to loose with the x-men and badly needing a big run to hlep keep intrest in the x-men till the new movies, he finally was. So seeing the company needed him and he could get his dream and the control he needed, while dc had just taken bendis, didn’t need him and until very recently was ran by a moron, his choice to come back to marvel instead of go to dc as he’s admitted, was obvious. And it ended up being the right one. House and Powers of x were massive creative and commerical hits and the following titles have all been mostly praised. The new direction has been a boon for the franchise,k the fans and marvel.  So being a fan of this direction, as you can tell by the massive intro, to give my thoughts on each book so far: what I think their doing right, where some went wrong etc, since I’d rather wait another year or so befor ediving into these and let some more of hickman’s plans and future story hints spread throughout his books pay off first. WIth that all out of the way it’’s time for a deep dive of x.So grab some plant based snacks, your x-shaped helmets, and your krakoan coffee, it’s time to finally get into hickman’s era of x-men. 
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HOUSE OF X AND POWERS OF X The opening salvo and just with two mini series that are one, though why he DIDN’T just have them be one big mini series I genuinely do not know, probably to justify having two diffrent artists to carry the load, is an utter masterpiece. Plain and simple. Let’s get the status quo the series set up out of the way so I can dig into it more: Magento and Xavier were revealed to have been working together for years behind the scenes.. with Moira Mactaggert, one of my favoirite x characters who the series changes utterly and forever. See instead of being the one human who consitantly is on mutants side and one of the x-men’s staunchest allies who sadly hadn’t been resusrected in 20 fucking years, she was a mutant herself, her ablility being reincarnation.. and thus had lived through 9 of her 10 lives seeing mutantkind always loose so told xavier and magneto about this in the hopes of breaking the wheel and letting mutantkind live this time.  However hickman , while revealing the alliance does brilliantly still make it work in continuity for me: it’s clear from moira’s notes in one issue, as house and powers and any following titles love having charts or text based sections that I feel give the comics a unique flavor and really help boost most issues, that Charles optimism she was trying to break him of and faith in humanity took years to fully shatter: he plotted and schemed with her to protect his species but it was clear he probably felt it woudln’t be necessary that humanity would prove her wrong.. and by this series it’s clear, no they haven’t changed, the majority of them just want to genocide mutants and have tried again and again and again while the rest who don’t necessarily want it, paticuarlly the superheroes did nothing while Magneto chaffed against her after the whole “alter his infant self after he was deaged by a mutant he made into a baby to be more pacificsitc which naturally pissed him off when that wore off”. Yes that’s a thing that actually happened pre and post retcons it’s why a survivor of the holocaust is , while not a YOUNG man, still healthy and vibrant. It’s a clever way to not undermine those stories while still telling this one and this retcon is a move I like as unlike most retcons it’s both there to tell a good story and excuted in a way that outside of moira dosen’t undermine anything. The Moira retcon I was and to a degree still am mixed on. While the new version of her is brilliant, creative and intresting and I can’t wait to see what happens with her next time she shows up, I do mourn the old as the x-men had few human allies and now their only big one is now a mutant herself, but it IS in service of a really damn good narraitive and the twist that the bad futures presented were in fact other lives of moira was brilliant, and it’s nice to see SOMETHING done with her. I’d rather something that i have a small problem with lead to really great things and be worth the sacrifice of her former character, than just changing things because “fuck it I want to do this and their letting me do this’ as a lot of retcons tend to be. Hickman’s story needs moira and her cycle of defeat to truly soar to the heights it’s reaching, and to make Charles and Xavier’s back alley actions make sense, so i’ll glady sacrifce one version of a character that I really liked for another version of her that’s also really good.  The other big swing though I was completley on board for: Hinted at early on by serveral dead mutants being alived, after a sucidie mission against new big bads and mutant hating extermists orchis, who are far better written than other extermists,   it’s revealed just why death has seemingly taken a holiday: the big plan that has been decades in the making for xavier and co? That will reshape mutant kind and required working with mr sinsiter of all people? Revivie all dead mutants.  See in a brilliant reveal Cerebro isn’t just a mutant tracker; It’s a copier, copying their essecnes reaguarly and storing them for later, updating them every so often and thus meaning any who died can come back. Why it took Chuck so long to do this is also explained as he needed 5 specific mutant power sets to do it and thus had to wait till they had everything they needed: Goldballs, yes goldballs, spits out his giant golden balls, phrasing, which hickman in an insane and awesome turn revealed to be EGGS. Yes EGGS. Proteus, Moira’s son and former villian whose now pacificed since this body cloning process means he has an infnite suply of xavier bodies to burn through and thus isn’t killing people, warps reality to mamke the eggs viable. Elixir, a healer whose been through some shit the poor guy,gives the eggs , once injected with the mutant in questions dna via syringe because of course, life, and Tempus, goldballs former classmate fellow bendis creation and mistress of time, speeds it up a bit so they don’t have to wait a good few decades for some mutants to rerez. The fifth that makes all this possible is hope summers, mutant messiah and adopted daughter of cable returned to promence once more, whose power is revealed to be power maniulation and thus can boost their powers to the degree neded for this. it’s a BRILLIANT turn that not only undoes all the pointless deaths mutants have undergone, but changes the game: Genocide is now near impossible, as humanity has no idea bout any of htis, and instead of mutant lives going down, they can only go once.. as one man once put it...
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And as an x-men fan having watched characters I love die again and again for stupid reasons, especially int he placeholder run right before house of x, this was so satsifying. Everyone the x-men had lost, every character I loved who was gone and forgotten.. they were back or would be back.  And thanks to Krakoa they were thriving: By giving mutantkind a homeland instead of a headquarters, a nation given to one of their own because he demanded itbasically, or an island fortress designed to give a dying species refuge, they have a goregous sentient island (I’ve always loved krakoa for the record though I wonder what happened to his clone son), with abundant food, teleporting gates across the world to visit wherever they like or live in the various worldwide habitats if they please, and peace and security they’ve neve rknown. No more being woken up to get to a panic room because a sentienl attacked. No more having religious maniacs blow up busses containing your tine. No more having the vast majority of the superhero community do nothing as a fucking plauge cloud wipes out your species. Anything apporaching krakoa now has hundreds of the most powerful beings alive defending all mutants.. and that includes the worst of the worst, all given amntesty.. but they must tow the line or else be given a fate worse than death. After years of pain and suffering and misery mutantkind is free safe and happy. They still have to fight to get the rest of their kind out of racist hands and to saftey, the fight’s not over.. but now the odds are in mutantkinds favor. It’s paradise.  And yet this mini, and this whole run dosen’t run from tough issues; The mutants are now isolationists and only mutants are allowed on krakoa itself.. on the one hand this is a bad idelogy and potentially dangerous, instead of fighting for harmony fighting for my land alone.. but it’s also see why Mutantkind has taken to it. The X-Men have tried for at the least a decade in universe and at the most and most likely 15 years to live in harmony, fight for mankind and make peace with them.. and only a small chunk has acutally tried to help them with that. The other large fraction? They either build death machines to try and wipe out all mutants, and in the case of Cassandra NOva who while not a human is still a racist genocidal bitch, SUCCEED in wiping out a large chunk, or do nothing while mutantkind suffers.  The series forces you to think about the implications that marvel comics themselves previous ignored: That with all the superheros in this world who arent mutants.. more often than not htey’ve done fuck all when terrible shit happens. When Genosha died, not a one asked the x-men what happened or tried to hunt down those responsible. When Decemation happened, the avengers were more concerned with helping the x-men cover it up than helping them move on and did nothing as the goverment made xavier’s into a reservation, even after regrestration happened and the goverment had more heroes than ever to spare to helping them. When the T-Mist happened years later instead of stopping terrigin or asking the inhumans to stop it for the good of another race, the rest of the heroes just did fuck all. Sure the avengers were on a budget and the ff were asbent, but there were enough heroes in the world still and enough teams to do something about it and only the ones with mutants on them did!. IT’s hard to say “well you shoudln’t exclude them”.. when the rest of superhero kind has been subtly doing it their whole lives.  But it dosen’t shy away from the claims of racial superiority the isoaltion or the fact the x-men basically sued for nationhood by making requiring recognizing their nation hood the price for trading for their life saving and extending, world changing drugs, which you would still need to buy. There’s other issues, one that i’ll get to in a moment as it was only revealed in x-men. Various characters, Corsair in issue one of the ongoing, the fincial summit in issue 4 and the ff both in house of x #1 and ff/x-men, all question this and some of the ethics. Hickman brilliantly decides instead of just painting the x-men as absolute moral rights, to show their new nation warts and all: the genuine good their doing and trying to do but also the price they have to pay for it and the mistakes they may be making. And the compromise necessary to build a nation. It’s all chiling, compelling shit that’s even more releveant in a time when bigotry is piling up like crazy. Both house and x-men, which i’ll get to in a second, ask questions with no easy answers and it makes them a compelling read.  Also compelling is the two mini series use of flashbacks: The two previous moira timelines, which we learn are just that as we go, are compelling with the apoclaypse timeline having loveable heroes were are heartbroken to see die in the struggle, while the last timeline seemingly sees the mutants turn as bad as the humans.. only to peel back a layer at the end and reveal humans are still very much the real monsters, and them evolving via machine is a threat to mutant kind's natural evolution. It was a good story twist and of course there’s FAR more to dig into in both books, and I defintely will at some point in the future as I said. But there’s tons of great ideas here: Sinsiter not only being a mutant but a reluctant ally, the same of apocalyspe, the heavy questions I got into above, the idea of machines being mutants greatest threat which makes a ton of sense, and the various ones I already went into. I can’t gush about this book enough, but since this is already long enough i’m trying. The point is both mini series are great and how you do a self contianed event perfectlY plenty of consequence, plenty of scope but enough character and brilliant ideas and a FUCK TON of quotable and iconic lines, all blend into one of the very best series i’ve ever read. And lead directly into..
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X-Men I talked about a lot of what this book represents above as it’s a direct continuation of the above, but the book on it’s own is still something diffrent. while it continues setting things up, playing with the new toybox hickman set up, and asking the tough questions, x-men does it in a diffrent way. House and Powers bounce around through time while all telling one huge story and one huge bundle of setup for this status quo.  X-Men instead is a bunch of single issues. It’s still a ton of setup, though with enough payoff to house and powers that it at least so far hasn’t become tedious, especailly since hickman specifically has plans for all of it and has shown in the past he’s a long game man when it comes to storytelling, but through more action packed stories that, with the exception of mistque’s spotlight issue so far, have one shared element: Cyclops, aka Scott Summers, who as grand captain of krakoa is the nation’s ruling council’s go to guy for missions and who he himself can form any team he once for any mission.  Cyclops, like the x-men hadn’t been treated well for years; Various characters lambasted him after the phoenix force drove him mad and lead to him killing charles xavier, and before that his run as leader of utopia, not helped by x-force painting him as a cold heartless dickweed, had him forced to make questionable decisions that made fans turn agains thim despite the hard position he was in. But now with the burden of absolute leadership of mutantkind in other hands, HIckman writes scott beautifully and has restored him to his proper place.  WIth Xavier taking over as absolute leader of mutantkind and his race no longer hanging by a thread for the first time in years scott can relax and ENJOY himself. As the first issue shows he has everything he ever could have possibly wanted: A healthy marriage with Jean again, and an open one at that with him free to still see emma and Jean openly seeing Logan. Logan himself no longer trying to murder scott for his mistakes or kill his teenage self due to bad writing, but being his best friend again and also living with him and presumibly having threeways because they have connected bedrooms and of course jean would want both at once. Maybe they also just fuck each other sometimes again the details haven’t exactly been clear but it’d explain the tension disappearing. Maybe the schism would’ve ended quicker if Cyclops and Wolverine just fucked each other after children of the atom. Hey not every question is a deep personal one on krakoa sometimesm it’s just “Are these two fucking and could it have solved things faster in the past if they did?”. Also I almost forgot to mention, and added this near the end of writing this, in additoin to everything else scott now lives ON THE FUCKING MOON, on the blue area with a breathable atompshere, on a moon house with his family and fuckbuddy and Vulcan’s buddys. It’s fucking amazing. But moving back to other things scott’s gotten besides logan’s wang up his butt, as seen in issue one thanks to the gates his dad can now visit anytime, his brothers live with him with Vulcan going from genocidal dickweed to weirdo thanks to his experinces between his “death’ and this series, and he’s just. happy. And as a leader he takes the x-men on thrilling missions: the series combines action with character and worldbuilding and it is great.  The worldbuilding part has been tremendous; we’ve seen new foes in the returning children of the vault and horticulture, aka what if the golden girls were tv ma, and also plant based  supervillians plotting a better future for mankind that krakoa’s drugs clash with. We’ve seen nimrod creeping close, charles and magneto not playing ball with mystique start to backfire, the return of krakoa’s lost love, and in my faviorite arc, we’ve seen broo, one of my faviorite x-people and intellegent brood, eat an egg and thus become god emperor of the brood, not only giving the vicious race a chance to reform but giving the x-men a huge advatange in space, doubeldby events we’ll get to in a second.  And biggest of all we saw the crucible: Since those depwoered by the decimation can get power back by dying again, and to prevent overworking the five with mass sucidies krakoa came up with a nasty solution,: earning resurection via ritual combat. And like the above there aren’t easy answers to this: mass sucidie isn’t better or faster, but having mutatns forced to EARN repowering by dying brutally isn’t a great solution either and is kind of sick. And it also opens up questions about ressurectoin that Nightcrawler feels made need reegion to answer htem. It’s again good heavy instreating stuff.  We also got my faviorite issue #4 where the x-men go to a fincial summit, and while security detail cyclops and gorgon fight off hired goons...
Xavier, Magneto and Apocalypse discuss with world leaders about the implications of krakoa’s policys, with Magneto not hiding his love of flexing his superiority. And Charles ends the confrence, after it’s revealed one hired them in an utterly masterful moment: Taking off his helmet to reveal no this is charles, this is him and that even after they tried assintating him he has and always will love humanity he’s just sick of being treated like crap and suffering for doing it and his people suffering for it and he won’t tolerate this sort of shit again. See it for yourself it’s an absolute triumph:
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 It’s a great scene. Overall an utterly great title that really keeps the momentum moving and I feel is only setting up for even more things.. the only real issue is that A) the title’s been slower at coming out than the other dawn of x titles, though in the case of the empyre tie in’s it’s not hteir fault but the rest sure as shit are, and B) that it has mostly been just setup but it’s been good enough and enjoyable enough and I feel payoff is coming, so I truly don’t care. At long last we have a main x-men  book that’s not only fantastic but uttterly engaging and I read most issues multiple times. An utter slam dunk
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Giant Sized X-Men: This one is incomplete, so I can’t fully say what the full picture is.. but for the three released so far it’s a mixed bag, though the art in all three is gorgeous as Hickman brought on the best artists in the buisness but it’s telling that while New Mutants bellow had issues that bugged me but was still kinda fun, and the above havem y utter priase I nearly forgot to include these issues. None of them are bad and all have gorgeous art as I said, these are some of the best in the buisness, they feel padded. These were supposed to be annuals, but when they decided to change this to one shots.. they shoudl’ve just made them regular length instead, as there simply isn’t enough story here to fill them and so far only Davis’ issue has both had huge setup (both revealing doug’s fusion with warlock is a secret for some reason and that he is indeed still fully alive and revealing what happened to the x-mansion), and due to Davis background as a writer/artist the pacing to fill one issue and even then it could’ve been trimmed. Not bad and I don’t fault the artists for not being used to being writer/artists or having to do so while also conforming to a larger narriative which likely didn’t help or in the third one’s case having to take over for someone else entirely, but it’s , while not bad no ton par with the two above books and I expect better from hickman. 
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New Mutants (HIckman’s Issues)  I’ll cover Brisson’s issues next time as they feel like a diffrent run entirely, but New Mutants was.. a disapointment. I was utterly pumped for this title going in being a huge fan of the team thanks to finally reading the claremont and sikenwitz run and before that re-reading abnett and lannings utterly great run and hey jonathan hickman who’d already done gangbusters was writing it! It had a great roster! 
And it starreed one of hickman’s faviorite mutants and one he’d taken a shine to on avengers, and one of my faviorite superheros, Roberto DeCosta, aka Sunspot. On Avengers hickman took Roberto , already a decent character and made him amazing. He was still rich, young and a playboy as ever.. but he used said wealth and his love of fun wisely. When undercover at an AIM casino instead fo throw down, he offers the agents a free day of partying and gambling on his huge dime, then puts them on payroll as his undercover agents. So to recap Roberto DeCosta won the avengers two valuable double agents in what at the time was one of their biggest threats.. by buying them tons of beer and gambling and presumibly hookers. And later got the loyatly of the rest of AIM through these guys, and when Steve found out tony betrayed him and went off hte deep end hunting him instead of stopping the end of the goddamn world, TOOK OVER AIM HIMSELF IN COMBAT WITH THE AIM SUPREME, and then formed his own avengers. 
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Literally. He got his own avengers team, most of which left after the apocalypse but he simply found younger and hungrier replacements, and aim.. with blackjack and hookers. The man is a legend. And knowing Roberto if hookers were actually involved he probably treated them with respect and overpayed them because he’s a class act. Then under Al Ewing’s mighty pen, Roberto not only formed another avengers team since most of the avengers he formed to stop the end of the world were busy elsewhere, of young and great avengers, while dying of the aformentioned death cloud, but became an utterly brilliant chessmaster, only failing ONCE becaue of hydra cap getting into his head while AIM was working for the us goverment towards the end as the USAvengers. And yes that’s a real team. It’s as insane and beautiful as it sounds. And his new avengers once fought american kaiju, a godzilla with a flag painted on it chaning usa. Al Ewing is the best and I love him. But he also became a master stratigest and schemer with schemes within schemes within schemes, his crowning one being faking his own death and using his fake funeral to clear out any remaning enimies in AIm, and only quitting AIM to keep it out of goverment hands and in the hands of a trusted friend. He was and still is one of the best avengers there ever was and ever will be.  But here, as the new mutants go on a road trip to get sam? He’s a fucking dumbass who hires the worst space laywer possible, only gets off trial because Sam and his wife save them, glad they weren’t broken up by the way,  and is utterly useless most of the time. It’s like HIckman forgot the last part of his run.. granted time runs out isn’t very good but still, that wasn’t a good thing to forget and like Hickman wants to ignore ewing’s work for no damn reason, even though Ewing did great things with Roberto and kept him relevant when marvel was choking the x-men to death. It’s fucking embrassing and disapointing to see.  The rest of the New Mutants aren’t much better mostly being happy but also not really acting like themselves, with only mondo really standing out since he gets great moments and hasn’t done anything in a while. And Doug, who I negelcted to mention above is one of my faviorite mutants and thanks to being krakoa’s primary method of commuincation, is now one of krakoa’s most important mutants, has a seat at the council with krakoa, and weirdly has his best friend warlock hiding on his arm for reasons that haven’t been explained yet. In Short doug went from beign forgotten to being used awesomely again. Roberto instead of getting the same is set back as a character and ends the arc deciding to stay in space because he misses sam, and will likely become third in his marriage i’m sure, and wants to bone deathbird, x-men villian and frequent shiar usuper. But while rahne actually being happy is a good sight to behold they , except Dani, really dont’ do much. Though Magik gets a fucking amazing scene where she asks the various assasians sent ot kill them if they want to make out , not only revealing she’s bi, but that she’d prefer that to killing them all but does so when they dumbly refuse .. I mean seriously who, whose not in a relationship that’s open or way older than her, not take her up on that?  The plot their thrust into isnt’ great either, mostly just more setup but not present as well as in x-men about Gladiator giving the shiar empire to xavier’s daughter.. yes charles has a daughter that was created from his and his ex wife lilandra, whose still dead’s dna, and letting DEATHBIRD Of all people teach her instead of his damn self. Xandra taking over isn’t a terrible idea it’s just handeld poorly. It just feels disapointing.. like hickman WANTS to do a JLI style book here but the combination of him only doing one arc and not really wanting to write the characters as they should be, an issue that only pops up here and in the new mutants cameo during x-men proper and not for doug ever, that makes it fall falt.. I mean there are utterly great moments like the above, and hte image i used to lead off their just stifled by misusing roberto and everyone else. 
But overall hickman’s works on x-men  are fucking great, intresting and engaging. I’ve read the issues a ton and will again. One small mistep dosen’t take away from all the large good he’s done and he’s made the franchise feel alive again and hopefully the MCU take on it will take after this run, as it’d be a great way to break from the endless xavier vs magneto battles of the fox universe. So yeah overall 2 great books and a thankfully short misfire, HIckman’s on top. And next time we’ll see who he picked to help him carry the x banner home to us all, and who did well with it and whose stumbled a bit as part two delves into the rest of the dawn of x. For now subscribe for more comics stuff as I plan to get back on that, including I hope a restrospective on the fox era x-men sometime soon, animation reviews, and more fun stuff. And until then, courage. 
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stringsxfate · 4 years
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* ✶ 「 lana condor, 24, female & she/her 」 welcome to the mortal realm, MIRANDA TIEN— though, the fates whisper that they could only be ARIADNE reincarnated. it seems in this life they’re instead known for being a BAKER. what a downgrade. nevertheless, mortality can be confusing, so it’s understandable they can be COURAGEOUS and TRUSTING, but also INSECURE and DESTRUCTIVE ; maybe that’s why they remind people of DRIVERS LICENCE by OLIVIA RODRIGO ? but not all history is washed away by time — just as the poets say, they still remind others of HALF SMILES WITH EYES FULL OF TEARS, MESSY KITCHENS FULL OF LAUGHTER, LATE NIGHT DRUNK TALKS IN BATHROOMS WITH STRANGERS. hopefully this life treats them a little better.
hello all i am back with new child, she’s a bit of a mess and doesn’t know what any of her emotions and feelings are but she’s working on it. and until then she makes a really good cupcake and loaf of bread.
tw: parental death, alcohol mentions
about / socials
Miranda liked to break her life down into sections. There was the before and and there was the during and there was the after. Everyone tells her she’s in the after now, that she’s made it through the hardest part, but it still feels like she’s in the middle, stuck in a never ending loop with only glimpses of the after. 
Miranda was born to Hien and Aida Tien, the youngest of four, she discovered very early in life that there was very little she couldn’t get away with. All high expectations were placed on her elder sister and brothers meaning Miranda had freedom to make as many mistakes as she wanted and run a little wild. Not that she did, but the option was always there, which was nice to know. When she looks back on her childhood it’s with warmth and joy. Family dinners where they would all laugh and her brother helping her with maths homework and long afternoons in the back kitchen decorating cakes with her dad. Her childhood is tinged in yellow and smells faintly like baking bread and spices and sounds like easy laughter in country songs. 
The diagnosis came two weeks after her sixteenth birthday. It’s sudden and unexpected and throws their family into chaos. Miranda feels her life slowly start to revolve around her dad's doctor's appointment and rushing to the bakery after school to help out. She does it willingly, gladly, happy to help in any way she can, to take a little of the stress off her parents' sagging shoulders and her siblings' stressed backs. 
She meets him when she’s seventeen and he’s twenty. Justin, who’s older and drives his dad's old car that he’d painted new and gives her flowers he’s stolen from neighbours gardens and showers her with pretty words that make her blush. He walks - staunters, really - into her life when she needs him most, when she needs someone most. Sweeps her off her feet and takes her on wild adventures through the city and convinces her to sneak out of her house late at night. When she’s with him, Miranda forgets all about hospital beds and medication littering their kitchen table and how her dad isn’t getting better. She tells him she loves him as they’re curled together on the back seat of his car and she believes him when he says it back. Kisses his collarbone and lets him kiss down her neck, saves every whispered compliment in her mind. 
Her dad's illness isn’t short and it isn’t pretty. Twenty rolls by with a shakily decorated cake and balloons in her favourite colours and everyone avoiding asking about college. She spends her little party holding Justin's hand and laughing with her dad and trying to memorise every little detail. He doesn’t see her turn twenty-one. 
He breaks up with her two days before the funeral. In a text. It’s a text she’ll always remember. Because it was two lines and he hadn’t even been bothered to fully type out the word ‘you’.
 ‘Can’t do this anymore. ur just too much right now and i dnt sign up for it.’ 
Very little makes sense in her life for the next few months. She wakes up, she gets dressed, she goes to the bakery, she mixes batter and decorates cakes, she hugs her mom and smiles with her sister, she goes home and sleeps. Trapped in a loop of the same things over and over and until it finally hits her what’s happened. 
Miranda doesn’t really remember turning twenty-one. She knows her friends take her out and tap glasses together as they do shots and her mom smiles at her fondly as she stumbles through the door later that night. Because all she can think about is how Justin had talked about how they’d spend her twentyfirst, all the plans and places they’d go, how he’d been excited, so she’d been excited. And how she’d spent most of it alone and that somehow, the pain of missing her dad had been overshadowed by someone else. It’s the first time she lets herself hate Justin and start to realise that all the pretty words and whispered promises hadn’t been true. 
Now she’s twenty-three and crawling her way out of the during with her nails still. She overhears her friends whispering worries about how she seems like a bystander to her own life. It knocks her back, hits her in the heart as she realises how true it is. So she starts to make an effort again. Starts to pick up the fallen bricks of her life and tries to rebuild. 
She starts with taking a more active role in the bakery, allowing her mom a chance to step back a little, to take more time for herself. It gives her something to focus on and pour her energy into and it’s just an added bonus that she finds the sounds of stand mixers soothing. Miranda’s first major change in the bakery was clearing out the space they’d used for storage, knocking down a wall and giving the place a small sitting area, effectively making it a cafe. 
She starts going out with her friends again, starts conversations first and brings up possible plans. She agrees to be set up on a date, and when it doesn’t go terribly she lets herself start looking to the future again. 
tl;dr : in summary, she had a very lovely childhood with two lovely parents and the regular amount of sibling drama. her dad got sick, she meets justin, her dad gets sicker, justin makes her feel special, her dad dies, justin ends it. it takes her nearly three years to realise that she never really dealt with her dad dying or her grief because of it, so now she’s in therapy and taken over running the family bakery by turning it into a lil cute cafe too. 
( miranda is very easy to get along with and will honestly talk to anyone because girl is way to trusting for her own good which is why she’s just gonna keep getting her heartbroken. she wants to see the best in people and will ignore all the red flags that pop up along the way, despite people's warnings. she’s actually really got her shit together when it comes to the business and networking and stuff, she’s just a hopeless mess when it comes to her emotions. )
headcanons / facts
she’s shockingly good at finding her way through mazes – hedge, corn or just drawn ones – she can find her way through in record time. whenever people ask her how she does it (if she’s cheating somehow), she simply shrugs and says ‘i just get a feeling about which way to go, so i go that way’. the same logic applies to detangling wires, especially headphones and messed up balls of wool. most of the time she doesn’t even realise she’s untangling something until it’s done and someones looking at her weird.
her parents bought their bakery when they first moved to the city and named it laurel leaf because the first time they met was when aida accidentally threw a laurel wreath at hien’s face. for the holidays the family always tried to decorate with laurel wreaths when they could, after hien died aida couldn’t face doing it for a long time. now that miranda has taken over the day to day running of the place she’s hung up a permanent laurel wreath above the door. 
because baking is basically her job she’s taken up knitting and running for hobbies. there’s a basket on the counter at the bakery of all the many, many hats she’s knitted free for anyone to take. she really hates running, but also knows it’s probably going to be good for her in the long run (ha!) so she just complains to whole time to her friends via text whenever she goes.
wanted connections 
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easystate · 4 years
Priestess of Holy Wisdom intro to filianism.
I loved this. Reposting this here for fellow deanists and filianists (credits at the bottom): 
“Rayati (“Hail to the Sun within you”),
My name Sorella Roselyn and I’m a Filianist.
Filianism is the religion of Our Mother God and Her Holy Daughter. The Creed above, very briefly, outlines the basis of what we believe.
Our religion is a subset of Déanism; an umbrella term for those who worship God the Mother independent of a male consort, father or son god (however some Déanists do incorporate the divine masculine in their faith, albeit carefully to avoid His image overshadowing Her). Déanists may or may not believe in the Holy Daughter, or follow the Filianic scriptures, or observe the Wheel of the Year. All that one requires to be a Déanist is the belief in God as Mother; the Supreme Deity, immanent but also transcendent from Her Creation rather than being an earth or lunar goddess as observed in Pagan Goddess religions such as Dianic Wicca.
For Filianists, God (who we call Déa) exists as a divine feminine Trinity. She is the Bright Mother, the Creatrix of the cosmos and God-above-Us. She is also the Holy Daughter, the dimmed reflection of Her Mother who commands the energies of creation and who is God-with-Us. And lastly She is the Dark Mother, also called the Mysteria, who is beyond all knowledge and form – God-the-Absolute. While it common to compare the Filianic Trinity to the Christian Trinity, a more apt comparison would be to the Hindu God Brahman who exists as Brahma (Creator), Vishnu (Preserver) and Shiva (Destroyer). Their feminine counterparts, found in the Shaktism, would be the closest parallel to the Filianic trinity; Saraswati, Lakshimi and Parvati. The concept of a Triple, or Tri-unity Goddess, is one that has been replicated across many cultures and religions, primarily those now considered Pagan, yet still have thriving traditions in modern times.
Even in esoteric Christianity, particularly Gnostic and mystic circles, there is growing number of believes in a feminine Trinity to balance the masculine Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Others believe the Holy Spirit to be feminine Herself and correct Her name as ‘Mother Spirit’. The Divine Sophia, who is the form of which Déa came to myself as, exists in a three-fold form as Barbelo or Sige; the forethought of the All and cosmic mother, the creatrix Sophia or Pistis, and the Daughter Soul; Zoe. Sophia is the Greek word for Wisdom; Her trinity names thus translating as Silent Wisdom, Faithful Wisdom and Living Wisdom. While many Gnostic traditions regard Sophia as at fault for the flawed creation of the world, or personify Her as the lost soul desiring her male bridegroom and saviour (Christ), there are many who detach Sophia from her patriarchal demotion and worship Her as God in Her own right.
For Filianists; the Holy Daughter does not represent the soul in need of a saviour. She IS the Saviour. As explained beautifully in our scriptures, we believe that the Bright Mother created all things perfectly in the beginning, to be one with Her. Maid, the soul of humanity, was created in Her likeness as Her First Daughter. However the Maid wished to experience that which was outside Déa and so turned from Her, unable to look upon Her brightness or live in perfection. To Orthodox Filianists, the reason for this was due to temptation by the ‘Snake’ which represented the illusion of separation from Déa. However in the Janite Tradition it is believed that the motivation for this was not of deception but to seek knowledge. To experience both pleasure and pain which she could not when living with Déa. And this was done so according to Déa’s will as the soul of Maid came from Her and was a fragment of Her being. Whatever the intention, for Filianists that is the reason for why we live in a world of khear (separation) where suffering exists, where we are subject to the wherde (karma) of our actions and where our souls are reincarnated on the wheel of life. Déa did not exile us or punish us, rather we chose this state and each life we live is another step on our journey back to Her.
We believe that the Holy Daughter is the reason we have any hope of purifying our souls from khear and reuniting fully with Our Mother. According to the mythos, the Mother birthed the Holy Daughter (different from the First Daughter) as an aspect of Herself to reach Her children beyond the illusion of khear. While the Bright Mother is symbolised by the sun, beautiful yet blinding, the Daughter is symbolised by the moon, reflecting the light of Her Mother for us to see in the darkest of places. While the Bright Mother is the Light of Déa, the Holy Daughter is Her Love given form. It is the mission of the Daughter to spread Her Mother’s light to every corner of the cosmos, even to the farthest reaches where all hope seems lost.
The Mythos tells of how the Holy Daughter wilfully descended into Hell itself, suffering agonising torture and humiliation, before coming face to face with the Dark Queen; the antithesis of Déa who represents the soul of Maid at her most lost and cruel. The Holy Daughter allows the Dark Queen to ‘kill’ Her, only for the Bright Mother to shatter the gates of Hell after following Her Daughter’s descent. The Bright Mother’s tears of sorrow revived the Holy Daughter and restored Her to life; thus managing to conquer death itself. She is thus able to rise from Hell and carry the souls of all those lost with Her into Heaven.
This is of course a fictional story, but its purpose is to explain the mission and passion of the Daughter in images for Maids to understand. There are obvious parallels to other dying-and-rising saviour gods and goddesses. While Christians recognise similarities to the passion of Christ, there are also illusions to the descent of Inanna, the return of Persephone and also the shattering of Sophia as the Holy Soul unto the world. We believe these myths and more are evidence of the truth being shared and interpreted differently throughout time of God giving a part of Herself to save us from being eternally lost from Her.
Whether the mythos of the Scriptures is taken super literally or figuratively or a mixture of both is irrelevant for a Filianist. To be a Filianist is to follow Our Lady, the Holy Daughter, and Her teachings. Many of these are included in the Clear Recital along with the Mythos. These teachings as they are written were compiled by a group of women in Oxford during the 1970’s who referred to themselves as Madrians. While the themes and images of God the Mother and Daughter have existed for thousands of years, the structure of the Filianic faith arguably began with the Madrian movement (though the beliefs of those women at the time do not always represent those of Filianists today). Many accept the Teachings, though inspired by Déa, to still be subject to criticism as – like all religious texts – they are still the work of Maids, who are not perfect.
However, when reading the teachings, their central message is clear; Love. Love of each other, Love of Self and Love of Déa.
Therefore, the very nature of being a Filianist, is to Love.
Our Lady is the form of Déa’s Love. To worship Her is not simply through prayer or studying scripture, important as those aspects are. It is in being compassionate, in being kind and loving, to ourself and others, we are worshipping Her. In sharing the light of Déa to all the earth and beyond, we are ensuring that Her suffering was never in vain. To worship Her is not to hate, or envy, or seek revenge or harm unto others. To worship Her is not to proselytise or judge but to be a friend to every living creature and seek to do Good in Her name.
As Filianists we also believe in the Seven Janati; the seven great ‘angels’ or powers that are aspects of Déa given form:
Sai Raya (Jana of Light, Joy and Brilliance) Sai Candre (Jana of Purity, Reason and Reflection) Sai Vikhë (Jana of Strength, Courage and Valour) Sai Mati (Jana of Knowledge, Intuition and Wisdom) Sai Thame (Jana of Justice, Harmony and Order) Sai Sushuri (Jana of Mercy, Compassion and Love) Sai Rhavë (Jana of Discipline, Restraint and Faith)
To be a Filianist is to try to live in the image of the Seven Janati and inhabit their virtues. While most Filianists have a patron Jana they connect to, the goal of a Filianist ideally is to balance these virtues within oneself and society so as one does not become unbalanced. For instance many believe we are in an age where the ‘Vikhelic’ (Sai Vikhë) principle has overtaken the others, and thus we have more violence in the world than compassion or joy or restraint. But when channelled correctly, the virtue of Sai Vikhë can be used to help Our Lady’s light shine brightly, so long as it remains in balance with the others.
Our Lady Herself has been given many names throughout eternity, as has Our Mother. Most Filianists refer to the Mother as Mari or Marya; a holy name which has its place in multiple cultures for the Divine Mother, outside of the obvious Virgin Mary of Christianity. The most sacred name for the Holy Daughter in Filianism is Inanna (distinct from the Sumerian goddess of war), also referred to as Janah (pronounced ‘Yanah’, ‘Anna’ or ‘Hannah’) or Rhi’annë. She has also been called Kore, as in ‘maiden’, as well as Zoe by those like myself whose form of Déa has been Sophia. Anna often means Grace and ‘Jana’ also means Gateway, as well as being strikingly similar to the Islamic word for Paradise; Jannah. I personally call Her Janah. Whatever Her name or Her image, She is there for those who seek Her. The Dark Mother, Déa Mysteria, has no name or form – She Is Who She Is.
In closing; this blog is simply one Maid’s attempt to log her own journey as a Filianist, to walk in the path of Our Lady and help guide others into the arms of Our Mother.
Blessed is She.
“Take heart, My children, take joy and courage in our Mother. For She that created you also loves you, even to the end of the age. Take heart, though you have turned from Her. For She has not forsaken you, neither are Her eyes filled with anger. And Her hands that have shattered the gates of Hell shall not harm you; that have broken Hell’s foundation, shall be lain on you in gentleness. Therefore hide yourself not from Her, and put aside the tangled weeds of thought that strive each with the other. For of all things, Love is the simplest.” – Teachings 1:4 (“On Our Mother’s Love”)
Source: https://priestessofholywisdom.wordpress.com/
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thelonelymonths · 4 years
Plants Love Sonnets
I’ve been thinking about my plants a lot, lately. I usually do, but they are one of the only things keeping me sane during this uncertain time. I technically have six at this present moment: three succulents, two foliage plants, and my basil, which has just started sprouting. One of my foliage plants, Romeo, is dying currently and there’s nothing I can do about it. I like to read to him sometimes, and I think in moments like this it eases the pain. My mother is a sort of plant whisperer and I always text her whenever something is wrong. She thought it was bugs at first, so she told me to spray him with neem oil, but then he kept getting worse.
I’ve never been too good at accepting death; I usually push it out of my head and try to forget. Either way, I end up remembering again and I get sad for a little while. I miss my old plants, and some people. I think this is because everyone I’ve ever interacted with has had an impact on my life. A lot of them are small, but it’s still happened. This is no different with plants. They’re around to provide oxygen and be a touch of life in a world of chaos.
Like I stated before, Romeo is dying. I’m trying to make his last few days comfortable, because I’m sure plant’s deaths, similar to other living things, are not. Imagine feeling your life leaving your body so fast, so cold, so lonely. His passing makes me almost as sad as Martinique’s, an aloe plant I had. She had been around for almost a year, but she got over-watered when I was away and I wasn’t able to save her. By the time I was back to help, most of her leaves had turned to mush. My mom always told me to wait a couple days to see if they’ll make it, and then return them to the earth from which they came. I hope they reincarnate, whether it be to another type of plant, or anything else; I just want someone or something to take care of them.
I’ve discovered that plants like when you read aloud to them. Not that they can tell me or anything, it’s just a feeling I get. I try to stay in touch with nature; it’s one of those things that can bring peace just by living. Obviously, I can’t just go outside always and stick my feet in the grass and feel grounded that way, so having a little bit of nature around me is the second best I can get to that.
When I think about it, I’ve been surrounded by plants my entire life. When I was younger, my mom had tons of plants around the house and we had a beautiful garden. I lived with my sister when my mom moved out, but she took all of her plants with her and my dad didn’t care for the yard. I had a few plants when I lived with my sister. They obviously weren’t fully mine (Penelope stayed in my room, I had an unnamed terrarium, and we had a fern named Vern), but I still cared for them. Then I got to college and little by little collected plants here and there, but my roommates hated having the blinds open and I was hardly in the room, so a couple of them died. I stay with my dad now when I’m not at school and keep my plants in places where they can get good sunlight, and slowly but surely (with lots of texting between myself and my mom), I am restoring our yard.
Surprisingly a lot of our plants survived, so I pulled what died, trimmed down some of the overgrowth, and I’m clearing out weeds to make sure that the plants are getting what they need. I have seeds to grow cosmos, poppies, and forget-me-nots, and I hope to clear out the space in our back yard, where we grew herbs, and plant new ones. I’m not sure which ones yet, but ideas include mint, basil, rosemary, cilantro, and lavender. I’ll visit every once in a while to make sure weeds stay pulled and I will make sure the yard thrives as it deserves. Maybe I’ll read aloud outside in hopes that they will listen to me too, since my indoor plants love it so.
Everything is going to constantly change, and I know I cannot fix and make everything to the same extent that it was before everything changed, but I’m making it my own. My mom is the one who gave me the inspiration to keep things growing around me to remind myself that I need to keep growing. If we stay the same all of our lives, how will we show off what we have learned? We deserve to be able to change, and in turn we need to accept that other things will change. I know that Romeo isn’t going to be okay, but he will live on in my heart, and I will get a new plant to fill the void on the table, and I will be okay.
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1dfangirls35 · 5 years
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Voir Dire- N.H
A fake dating AU about contracts, soulmates and risking it all for love.
Masterlist // Tell Me What You Think!
"What's going on in that mind of yours?"
"Huh?" Niall replied suddenly, his mind drawn out of its daze. He turned to look at Krystal, her eyebrows furrowed in a concerned gaze as she takes another sip of her red wine. 
It was Valentine's Day, and Niall and Krystal found themselves at yet another PR dinner. Appearances like this had a least become more bearable recently, especially as Krystal and Niall had developed a bit of what one might call a friendship. It was bound to happen, though, especially with all the time they spent together on the road. 
What was going on in Niall's mind was a million things. A million complicated, complex things. Things that all centered around one specific person. After Kelsey's wine-fueled breakdown about the status of their relationship, Niall was feeling the pressure. He wanted to prove to Kelsey that this was, in fact, real to him. But just how he was going to do that was uncertain. He also knew that having to spend Valentine's day with his other girlfriend surely wasn't helping things. 
"I said," Krystal began again setting her hand on Niall's forearm, looking directly at him in a way guaranteed that he would understand this time. "What's on your mind? You're off in your own little world."
"I'm fine. Just thinking." 
"About your real valentine?" Krystal asked, crossing her arms in front of her. 
"I guess you could say that," Niall shrugged. But Krystal didn't stop her gaze, instead her eyes bored into Niall's, willing him to speak the truth. That's one thing he'd learned about Krystal during his time as her "boyfriend"- she had the uncanny ability to convince anyone to answer her question, until she got the answer she wanted.
"She's freaked out that what we have isn't real," Niall sighs, running his hand through his hair. "And I don't have the slightest idea of how to fix it."
"You really like her don't you?" Krystal asked, the corners of her red-stained lips turning up into a grinning tease.
Niall looked down at his glass of wine, then back up at Krystal. "I do," he took a sip of his wine before adding "And it's fucking terrifying."
Krystal smiled. A small, knowing smile. She took another drink before saying, "So tell me about this real relationship thing."
"Are we really doing this?" Niall groaned, sitting up a little straighter in his seat. "Here?" The restaurant they were in was hardly a place for a heart to heart conversation. It was too stiff, too posh. Every inch of the place, from its tile floors and bleached white tablecloths to the high ceilings and crystal chandeliers, screamed politeness and class. 
"Yes, we are," Krystal declared. Because first of all, you aren't great company when you're all in your head," Krystal pointed at Niall. "And second of all, I'd like to think that I'm getting paid to do more than just sit here and look pretty."
"Don't really think they are paying you to give me advice on a secret relationship Krystal," Niall rolled his eyes. 
"Maybe not. But who better to figure out your relationship problems than the girl who is in a relationship with you?" she winked at Niall, which only made him want to let out another groan. 
Niall shook his head. This girl, she didn't take no for an answer. "I think she just feels like, I don't know, we can't do the things a normal couple would do. Like right now, we can't go out for a nice dinner."
"Why not?"
"You know exactly why not. People recognize me all over the place, we'd be waiting for a disaster to happen."
"But you've been places before haven't you? I mean we've been trying to get papped and sometimes haven't."
Krystal had a point. There had been dozens of times in his life when he'd slipped in and out of places unseen. It just took more planning, and a little diligence but it wasn't impossible. And it didn't have to be a constant thing. Just enough to show Kelsey that he wasn't trying to keeping her in the shadow. Just one, normal date. Easy, right?
"I mean it would take some planning, but I suppose you're right, I could make it work."
Krystal clapped her hands in excitement, a little too much excitement for setting up a date for someone else in Niall's opinion. But that was another thing Niall had learned about Krystal. She liked to be needed and she liked to be right. Niall only hoped that she was right about this.
Niall sent Kelsey a simple text. 
We're going out tonight
He knew it could be risky, taking Kelsey out in public. But he also knew that Kelsey needed to feel like this relationship could be somewhat normal. He needed to prove to her that this was real to him. Realer than any relationship he'd ever been in before. And what better way to prove that this was real to him than by taking her on a real date? (With slight modifications of course). 
When Kelsey first got the text, she was confused. Niall had made it clear from the beginning that this thing going on between them had to be kept on the down-low. All her wine-fueled confessions about the status of their relationship had been true. But she worried that they had made Niall feel as though he had to do something drastic. And while, a night out like a normal couple was more than Kelsey could have asked for, she only hoped that it wouldn't end up being something Niall regretted.
Kelsey picked out a slim black dress with a plunge down the middle that showed just enough. It was her first date with Niall, well her first "real date", and she wanted to look the part. When Niall comes to pick her up, he stands at the door to her apartment speechless.
"Ya look amazing," he said softly, leaning over to plant a kiss on her cheek. His words send butterflies through Kelsey's stomach.
Niall takes Kelsey to an upscale pizza joint in downtown LA. The place was best known by Hollywood's elite for its private back room dining area and a VIP entrance. It was the perfect place for taking Kelsey out, yet keeping her safe from any looming paparazzi. When they arrive, the manager, Antonio, greeted them with an enthusiastic smile, shuttling them to a table decked with a white tablecloth and flickering candle. 
But it wasn't just the setting that made Kelsey feel like she was in a made for TV movie. It was the way Niall pulled her chair out for her before she took her seat. Or the way he grasped her hand from across the table as the sipped a glass of wine. It was the way he looked at her, under the flickering candlelight like she was the only girl in the room, which to be fair she was. Kelsey began to wonder if all her fears were unfounded. Because how could Niall act like this if it wasn't all real?
But then the voice in her head reminds her that he is doing all this stuff with another girl. In a relationship that is far from real. 
"Have you been here with Krystal?" Kelsey blurted out. She knew she shouldn't bring up the other woman in this scenario, but she couldn't help herself. When she thought of Niall being out of public all she could picture were the endless pap pics of the pretty blonde hanging onto Niall's arm as they got out of a limo, or stealing a kiss as they sat at a soccer match.
"No, I haven't," Niall paused. He knew Krystal would always be apart of the conversation and this relationship. And he understood that having a fake girlfriend was always going to make Kelsey a little anxious. But he wished Kelsey wouldn't see her as the enemy. In fact, Krystal had played a large role in them getting to this point in the first place. "She's actually a nice person, you know. I guess when I first heard I was getting a fake girlfriend I figured she'd be some awful, attention-seeking girl who was just in it for the fame. And she's not all that, I mean she's definitely trying to get her chance at the spotlight but there's more to it than that."
Kelsey had come to the conclusion that Krystal could be Mother Teresa reincarnated and a part of her would still loathe her. It wasn't anything about Krystal in particular it was just...the principle of the matter. "I believe you, Niall, I really do. But who decides one day that they are going to be someone's fake girlfriend? Like doesn't that just seem...I don't know, morally wrong?" Kelsey interjected.
"That's what gets me too. Every time I think, hey I could really be friends with that girl, I just think about what she stands for and...I just can't move all the way past that. A part of me will always wonder what kind of person she really is." 
"I guess some people are willing to go to extremes to follow their dreams."
"That's one way to put it," Niall said. He knew what that sometimes pursuing dreams involved risk. He knew that sometimes you had to put your own needs in front of others. But volunteering to manipulate the public, all in the name of publicity? And seeming to enjoy it? Now that didn't sit right in Niall's stomach.
He glanced over at Kelsey. She's picking at a hangnail on the edge of her thumb, a sign she's probably thinking something and isn't sure if she should say it. Niall set his hand on her leg, a sign of quick reassurance.
"Just promise me one thing?" Kelsey's voice grew soft.
"Anything, Kels."
"Promise me you won't fall in love with her."
Niall looked at Kelsey, her brown eyes showing all the pain and heartbreak she'd been through. This girl was broken, scarred, vulnerable. But she was also the strongest and most resilient person he'd ever met. He never wanted to be the one that caused her heart to ache again. "Promise," he replied. 
"Besides," he added, his pulse beginning to quicken at the thought of saying the words aloud. "Can't fall for her when I'm already falling for you."
Kelsey didn't consider herself to be a hopeless romantic, at least not anymore, but something about the way Niall's blue eyes glistened as he said those words made her heart flutter and her fingertips tingle. 
"Kelsey Benton," Niall grabbed Kelsey's hands, looking at her like she was the only person in the room. "Will you be my girlfriend? My real girlfriend?"
Kelsey nodded feverishly, yet she can't seem to form any words. This is what she had wanted. This was what she had needed. This confirmation that things with Niall were more than just a fling. That what they had was real. More real than anything he had with Krystal. "Yes, yes!"
When they leave the restaurant, Kelsey felt giddy. She grabbed Niall's hand as the walk a block down the street where the car awaits them. Niall had called and requested they give themselves a bit more of a walk so, as he told Kelsey, "He could just feel like a normal guy walking with a beautiful girl."
The night air is cool, but the sky was clear, with millions of twinkling stars and the bright moonlight. And holding Niall's hand, walking down the dim lit streets of Los Angeles, Kelsey didn't feel like she was dating a famous popstar. She didn't feel like she was the hidden relationship behind a PR stunt. She felt like an average girl, with the hand of a boy who's just admitted he's starting to fall for her intertwined in her own. A girl who maybe, ever so slowly, was starting to fall for him too.
As they pass an alley and walk away, Kelsey swore she saw the flash of a camera, but when Niall failed to react, she brought her head to rest on his shoulder as they keep walking. She was being paranoid after all.
Taglist: @awomanindeniall​ @niall-is-my-dream​ @ihearthemcallingforyou​
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gunterfan1992 · 6 years
What Became of Marcy and PB?
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I thoroughly enjoyed the finale, but I was left with one nagging question that is still bothering me: what became of Marcy and PB? I’m not talking about their relationship status. (The epilogue of the episode makes it pretty clear that they ended up as a happy couple.) I’m talking about 1000 years in the future.
In an interview with TVLine, executive producer Adam Muto noted, "I don’t want to lay out their entire future ... but there are enough pieces there that you can kind of construct what their life will be like going forward.” If that’s the case, then let us follow the hints and try to figure out what became of our two favorite (quasi-)immortals.
Reader be warned: this post is full of half-baked conspiracy theories and cherry-picked data points, all assembled in a way that vindicates my theory that Marceline and Bubblegum are still alive in Ooo 1000+. I make no claim that this is 100% full-proof. I just don’t want to believe that they are dead!
Let’s start with the King of Ooo: BMO. After Beth and Shermy question the robot about what happened to Marceline, Bubblegum, Finn, and Jake, BMO responds that they “kept living their lives.” This, combined with the fact that Marceline no longer lives in her house and the Candy Kingdom is in ruins, suggests that the two are dead. But while this answer might seems obvious, it leaves a lot to be desired.
First off, Marceline’s cave-house being abandoned is not indicative of anything too major. Remember, she used to live in the Tree Fort before eventually abandoning it, too. By the time that Ooo 1000+ rolled around, she could have easily moved to another locale. In fact, I would argue evidence within the episode suggests that sometime (probably awhile) after the Tree Fort was destroyed, Marceline gave her cave-house to Finn, Jake, and BMO, and then likely moved in with PB (given that at the end of Stakes, Bubblegum offers to let her move into her castle, an offer which Marceline initially declines, but implies she might one day take up). Not only would this be thematically fitting, as it was she who “gave” Finn and Jake the Tree Fort in the first place, but it would also explain how some of Finn and Jake’s belongings found a home at the house (1) and how BMO came to be in possession of a few of Marceline’s items, like her DARE shirt, sunscreen, or Simon’s broken glasses. These were items that Marceline probably didn’t care that much about (2) and consequently left behind when she moved.
Perhaps a bigger issue is that Marceline, for all intents and purposes, can’t easily die—if at all. She is immortal, and while she has her weaknesses, it’s unclear if they truly are lethal weaknesses: we’ve seen her survive being exposed to sunlight (“Henchman”, “What Was Missing”), cut in half (Stakes, “Everything Stays”), bombarded with garlic (”Henchman”), and poisoned (Stakes, “May I Come In?”). You might be asking, ‘The previous Vampire King was killed? Could not someone have staked Marceline, too?’ Unlikely. We know from Stakes that the Moon—the vampire from whom Marceline derived her healing powers—could survive being staked in the heart (remember, she was only defeated when Marceline absorbed her vampiric essence, not when she was staked). Marceline absorbed the Moon’s power, therefore it follows that Marceline can’t die from being staked. Perhaps Marceline had her vampiric essence removed by Bubblegum, and she grew old and died, just like her fever dreams in Stakes? While this is certainly a possibility (we know that Bubblegum can remove the Vampiric Essence from Marceline, given that we have seen her do it), it negates the main themes in Stakes, which focused on Marceline coming to terms with her immortality and learning to love her lot in life. If Marceline can die even in her undead state, then all the suffering unleashed upon Ooo during Stakes was for naught, and that just doesn’t seem like something Adventure Time would do.
And what of Bubblegum? We know that Bubblegum’s biological age is correlated with her candy biomass (“Mortal Recoil”, “Too Young”). This means that her “rate of mortality [is] decouple[ed] … from chronological age,” heavily suggesting that she is ‘biologically immortal’. This concept—which is a real thing, fyi—does not mean that she can’t die, just that she won’t die from old age (3). Thus, she likely lived hundreds of years into the future after the age of Finn and Jake, probably into the Graybles 1000+ world. This is implied by the state of the Prizeball Guardian: it looks rather pristine, in comparison to pretty much the entirety of Ooo, suggesting it is a somewhat new creation. Given that the guardian was almost certainly created by Bubblegum (I mean, just look at it), and the guardian is new-looking, it suggests that Bubblegum herself was alive at least recently (4). (This is also suggested by admittedly non-canon drawings that Steve Wolfhard made clearly showing his belief that Bubblegum is alive in the Ooo 1000+ world.)
Given that Bubblegum cannot die readily from old age, the only other thing that could have killed her, I argue, would be some sort of calamity. Ooo 1000+ looks pretty wrecked, and was not the Candy Kingdom destroyed? Yes, and in both “Lemonhope” and the intro to “Come Along with Me”, we catch glimpses of the ruins! But, if one peruses the storyboard of “Lemonhope II”, one will notice Tom Herpich’s purposeful note that the kingdom is “abandoned (not bombed out)” [emphasis added]. Indeed, the kingdom looks overgrown and desolate, but not like the site of a war zone (e.g. the main citadel is mostly intact, and a number of skyskrapers are unscathed, unlike others we’ve seen that we know were caught in the crossfire of war). This, coupled with the fact that the Prizeball Guardian exists suggests that, rather than having her kingdom extinguished in a war, Bubblegum loaded up her citizens into the Guardian, put them in what is effectively cryogenic sleep, and then abandoned her old realm (5). Why? We’ll come to that in a second.
But before we jump into that, let me entertain the idea that Marceline and Bubblegum are dead and living together somewhere in the afterlife, say, the 50th Dead World. While a sweet idea, it is complicated by the fact that Bubblegum is the embodiment of the candy elemental, and will almost certainly be reincarnated in the future. [I now enter into headcanon territory] Also, Marceline is the daughter of the Lord of the Nightosphere, a deathless entity. Given how much he wanted Marceline to “take over the family business” (“Daddy’s Little Monster”), do you think he’d really let her succumb to a mortal’s demise? Almost certainly, he would have had a few words with Death. While this is extrapolation beyond the text, I think it’s worth thinking about.
Now, let us jump back into the main discussion by considering BMO’s collection of Ooo memorabilia. Eagle-eyed viewers will note that BMO’s trove of junk is made up almost entirely of bits and pieces from the show’s past: including Finn and Jake’s clock, a King of Ooo figurine, Simon’s glasses, Carol’s elf drawings, Ice King’s drums, and a collection of princess crowns. While a handful of the items almost assuredly belonged to Marceline (e.g. Simon’s glasses, sunscreen the DARE shirt) and Bubblegum (e.g. one of the crowns), there is one item of immense sentimental value missing: Marceline’s ax bass. Surely, if BMO were to keep sentimental reminders of previous friends (notice, BMO has both the shattered remnants of the Finn and Jake clock, as well as Jake’s favorite cup, which has been glued back together) the robot would have kept the vampire queen’s most prized possession? Its absence suggests one of four things: a) Marceline is still alive and in possession of the bass, or Marceline was killed and the bass was b) buried somewhere (a la Finn’s robot arm or as a grave marker), c) carted off by scavengers, or d) returned to the Nightosphere. All are viable possibilities, but the fact that BMO tracked down some rather valuable items (GGGG’s groovy Martian headgear, the crowns of power, etc.), it seems strange that the robot could not have also tracked down the bass, given that BMO liked Marceline (“Ketchup”) and probably knew how much the instrument meant to her (based on their interactions in “What Was Missing” and “Ketchup”).
Given all the issues above, there is one answer that I believe solves the mystery: Marceline and Bubblegum are both alive, but have chosen to abandon the portions of Ooo that we know. Perhaps they are off exploring on their own, or perhaps they have left Earth far behind. Why would Bubblegum abandon her realm? Simple. She was ‘tired’. She expressed these exact same sentiments in “Varmints”, only after her citizens had ‘voted her out of office’. Perhaps by the time Ooo 1000+ rolls around, Bubblegum was once again exhausted by the duties of office (having ruled for 1800 years), but decided to leave on her own terms. Simply abandoning her kingdom would have caused it to quickly collapse (cf. “The Pajama War”), and every time she created and/or appointed a successor, they turned into a tyrant (”Too Young”, “Goliad”, “Bonnibel Bubblegum”). Thus, the only option left was to load up her citizens in a device that would keep them safe until she eventually returned at some point in the future to resume control of her realm.
But could not the Prizeball Guardian simply be a defense mechanism in case the kingdom is attacked and/or Bubblegum is killed? Possibly, but cryogenically preserving candy citizens would do them no good if their creator—the one who could wake them up and then take care of them after some calamity—was gone (consider, for instance, that during times of war or natural disaster, governments don’t load up refugees onto buses, anesthetize them, and then drive them around in circles for decades). Indeed, the Prizeball Guardian seems less like a disaster-evasion project and more like a stasis chamber to keep the candy people safe until some future time. The storyboard for “Graybles 1000+” seems to back this up: when Crunchy is removed from stasis, he mumbles, “What time is it? Did it work?” In other words, it is as if Crunchy was expecting to be displaced in time and to be revived at some future date, rather than simply ‘saved’ (7).
The theory that Marceline and Bubblegum are still out there sidesteps many of the problems we have considered. It explains why some of Marceline’ stuff was picked up by BMO, whereas other items of greater sentimental value (e.g. the ax bass) are missing. Likewise, it nicely explains what happened to the Candy Kingdom. But where did Marceline or Bubblegum go? That is the real question. Perhaps they hopped down to the Nightosphere (unlikely), or perhaps they set off to find parts unknown. Maybe the went to Mars. (There’s even substantial evidence that they might be in the finale’s intro sequence!) The Oooniverse is pretty much unlimited, meaning that so too are the possibilities. Given that the Prizeball Guardian was designed to one day ‘wake up’ all the candy citizens, it is likely that Bubblegum (and Marceline) will one day return to Ooo, but for now, they are outies.
Still not convinced? Think I’m grasping at straws? Then let me present one final piece of evidence. Into 2016, Cartoon Network released a bonus video on their YouTube channel that features Marceline singing a song about “someone kind of special” to her. This song is a cover/reworking of the shows ending theme, "Come Along with Me”, in which Marceline lovingly intones:
Run away with me And the poltergeists and ghouls. We can wander through the darkness And play by our own rules.
Run away with me To a cavern shaped like home Where we'll build our own forever And never dance alone.
[emphasis added]
While rife with similes and rich language, the lyrics of the songs are pretty easy to decipher: Marceline cares deeply about someone and yearns to literally run off with them, living forever in a state of happiness. And what’s the name of this song? Why, the “Happy Ending Song”! While one could argue that the song isn’t canon and thus shouldn’t be considered as evidence (6), I think it nicely foretells what Marceline and Bubblegum‘s future holds. For one thing, the song is a play on "Come Along with Me", which in many ways is canonically 'prescient', as it is the song that plays during the montage depicting the future of Ooo's citizens. By alluding to and building off this tune, I would argue that "Happy Ending Song" arguably absorbs some of the original’s 'prescient' nature post facto (8). For another, the very last shot shows two feminine figures silhouetted against the setting sun, holding hands. Notice that this shot follows the lyrics and Marceline’s dialogue, subtly implying that it is depicting some future event. Ultimately, both the imagery in the video and the lyrics themselves hint heavily that Marceline and her paramour (which the series finale finally confirms to be Bubblegum) end up living together happily, free from the cares of modern society, as they “build [their] own forever” [emphasis added]. This nicely echoes what Marceline told Bubblegum at the end of Stakes: “Now, I guess we get to hang out together forever.”
Long story short: I believe that Marceline and Bubblegum are still alive and kicking, but have left Ooo far behind.
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1. For instance, the the weird diving bell that used to hang from the Tree Fort is on the porch. While Marceline certainly lived in the Tree Fort at some point in the past, it's not entirely clear why she would've hauled this item all the way to her house and then abandoned it. It's more likely that it was scavenged by Finn and Jake, who arguably had a much more sentimental attachment to the old fort.
2. But Marceline loved Simon like a father! Why would she leave behind his glasses? Likely because these glasses were the ones that Simon wore while he and Marceline wandered the wasteland (you can tell because the left lens is broken). When he was returned to his normal state, he likely got new glasses, and these older ones were forgotten about.
3. While Bubblegum fully admits in “Goliad” that she will likely one day die, it is heavily implied that she believes her death will come from some horrible accident (like the Lich possession), rather than just old age. Furthermore, Bubblegum and Marceline’s discussions about mortality in Stakes suggests that Bubblegum would outlive Marceline were the latter to turn into a mortal. Remember, that in Farmworld, Marceline lived 1000 years as a mortal before she was killed by the Mutagenic Bomb. This means that Marceline as a mortal in Ooo Prime would likely live 1000 after turning mortal again (with the 1000 years she lived as a vampire not counting, since she was essentially ‘stuck’ at age ~20). Putting these puzzle pieces together suggests that Bubblegum believes she can easily live another 1000 years.
4. Notice also that in “Graybles 1000+”, the interior of the Guardian is dark but not dusty or abandoned. In fact, it looks quite well-lived in (and the storyboard for that episode, described as “cozy”); this suggests that someone was living here not too long ago. Given Bubblegum’s love of knowledge (note that books are strewn about as if they were recently read), and the portrait of the candy kingdom on the wall, it is heavily suggested that Bubblegum herself was the one who was occupying the space.
5. You might asking: what about Neddy and his love of the Candy Kingdom tree? Is not the tree dead in “Lemonhope”? Yes, but you will also notice that on the Prizeball Guardian, there are trees very similar to that which grew out of the Kingdom’s main tower.
6. The song was neither featured in nor written for a specific episodes, per Adam Muto. However, because Muto is very good about confirming/denying what is and is not canon (e.g. “The Adventure Time comics are as canonical as a Funko Pop”), the fact that his answer does not immediately decanonize the song is notable. Furthermore, the song is sung by Olivia Olson (that is, the official voice actress of Marceline), and the video even features new footage (albeit, mostly composed of flash-edited scenes from “Marceline’s Closet”).
7. Also, consider how hopelessly bleak and cruel it would be for the Prizeball Guardian to have been destroyed in “Graybles 1000+” if Bubblegum isn’t around anymore. The candy citizens would either sleep for eternity, or die a la 2001: A Space Odyssey. Neither fits with the arguably bittersweet (but certainly not mean-spirited) world of Adventure Time.
8. Perhaps this is why Marceline ends her song by noting it is an example of how "totally deep" she can be.
* As an aside, I also like the idea that Bubblegum, before she left, gave her crown to BMO (after all, were PB to have effectively abandoned her post, she would have no longer needed the crown), jokingly anointing the robot the “One True King of Ooo”, or something like that. It’s fitting that a joke like this would be taken up by BMO and turned into a veritable legend. It would also serve as one last dig against the charlatan King of Ooo, whom we know Bubblegum hated.
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serjacobdezoet · 5 years
A Web of Stories Part 0.5: A Word on Epigraphs
First of all, I apologize for my long absence. School does not leave me much time to write or to read, outside of what I do in class. Now that summer has started I will hopefully have some time to do some reading of Ghostwritten. It’s a hell of a lot better than the drivel that is Maria Doria Russell’s The Sparrow which I am currently halfway through. However, I haven’t dedicated the time quite yet to give that sonufabitch Neil Brose the attention he deserves. So I’m going to talk a little bit about epigraphs, more specifically about Ghostwritten’s epigraph and how it is a dead giveaway of the theme/Central Narrative Thread(CNT)/etc….
I’ve only personally seen epigraphs in books that are attempting to be literary. Maybe that’s literary snobbery, after all some books that claim to be “literary” are little more than the author preaching through flimsily constructed mouthpieces (I’m looking at you Atlas Shrugged). However, despite their various flaws I think literary books do all attempt to engage with a larger set of ideas. Which is, to quote GRRM out of context “is their great glory and their great tragedy.” All literary books, without strong enough characters or plot, run the risk of turning out like Atlas Shrugged.
Epigraphs are a way to begin this discourse by citing and suggesting an expansion or a response to the ideas put forth in previous work. Citing your sources, as you will. Epigraphs suggest that the author has done their due diligence and read widely. Usually the book is better for it (guess which book does not have an epigraph :) ). Oftentimes however, the epigraph kind of gives away the chase: it can make the point of the book VERY apparent, although perhaps I am speaking with reread bias. Let’s take a look at a couple examples and then I’ll dive in to what I think Ghostwritten’s epigraph is all about.
The celestial spheres endlessly resound.
But an instant is invincible in memory.
It comes back in the middle of the night. Who are those holding torches
So that what is long past occurs in full light
-Czesław Miłosz
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This is an epigraph from Guy Gavriel Kay’s newest book A Brightness Long Ago. The text of the epigraph itself is from a Czesław Miłosz  poem called “The Master”. The poem is about an old musician/composer remembering some sinful event from his past, and remarking on how clear it seems and how he is glad he remembers in it. In A Brightness Long Ago, the main character Danino is also stuck in the mists of the past. He is old, serving on the council in Seressa (analog of Venice) as an important noble, but it is this event from his youth, the meeting of two mercenary leaders who engage in a struggle that ends up being pointless, is the thing he remembers. This epigraph tells us that it is this act of memory that we should be focusing on: the how he remembers and the why, not the what.
TRIPITAKA: Monkey, how far is it to the Western Heaven, the abode of Buddha?
WU-KONG: You can walk from the time of your youth till the time you grow old, and after that, till you become young again; and even after going through such a cycle a thousand times, you may still find it difficult to reach the place where you want to go. But when you perceive, by the resoluteness of your will, the Buddha-nature in all things, and when every one of your thoughts goes back to that fountain in your memory, that will be the time you arrive at Spirit Mountain.
-The Journey to the West
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This is an epigraph from Kim Stanley Robinson’s The Years of Rice and Salt. The Epigraph is from the 16th century Ming Chinese novel The Journey to the West. The former tells the tale of an alternate history in which the black plague wiped out the entire population of Europe. The latter is a Chinese folktale chronicling the seeking of enlightenment by pilgrims traveling the Western regions of China (i.e. India and Central Asia). Robinson’s novel focuses on two things: a world and a group of reincarnating individuals, both of which seek to come to some kind of balance. In the Bardo, a limbo-like state between incarnations, the characters find themselves and the world in a state of anarchy. China is first too powerful and then the Arab states and so on and so forth. The reincarnated characters, each delineated by the starting letter of their name, also swing back and forth on the pendulum. From coward to scientist, from hero to murderer. It is only in the chapter entitled “Window Kang”, in which the title character reflects on the best years of her life being those of “rice and salt”, i.e. the ordinary, hectic child-filled years of her life, in which enlightenment begins to be achieved.
...And I, who claim to know so much more, isn’t it possible that even I have missed the very spring within the spring?
“Some say that we shall never know, and that to the gods we are like the flies that the boys kill on a summer's day, and some say, to the contrary, that the very sparrows do not lose a feather that has not been brushed away by the finger of God.”
-Thorton Wilder, The Bridge of San Luis Rey
And now finally Ghostwritten. I have not read The Bridge of San Luis Rey (it’s on my reading list I swear), but the central event of the novel is a bridge collapsing in Lima, Peru which kills seven people. Brother Juniper, a local monk, takes it upon himself to find out these people are and perhaps see the workings of the hand of God in their deaths. I have not read the book, so I do not know the intricacies of the ending, but the Abbess of the monastery: "There is a land of the living and a land of the dead and the bridge is love, the only survival, the only meaning."
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Ghostwritten also focuses on the question of the existence of the hand of God. In some ways Mitchell comes to the same conclusion as Wilder. So many of the characters make the decisions they make because they love. Yet like all effective authors, Mitchell goes beyond merely affirming the ideas espoused by the epigraph. First of all there are the non-corporeals, an invisible force that influences our decisions in inexplicable ways. Then, more importantly, the CNT is a train hurtling towards the creation of the super intelligent AI Zookeeper and the destruction of the human race by a comet. In Ghostwritten we are shown many gods: some that view human beings as mere distractions to their larger purpose (chance, the noncorporia), others that make it their work to know all the workings of the human soul (Zookeeper and the author). Perhaps it is not one or the other, as brother Juniper suggests, but both.
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Why is this helpful? Hopefully you’ve already picked up on some reasons. This epigraph gives a better idea of theme (looking for the hand of god) and gives the seemingly unrelated narrative threads a clear direction (we are hurtling towards the creation of a force that can we can tangibly prove will affect our lives). This realization, combined with the long fiction writing class I took during the spring semester, has convinced me that I need to switch directions slightly on this blog. I need to move away from the discussion of complex vague thematics and towards something more tangible like story structure. I will be replacing my three thematic sections with two core pillars of discussion: 
“Spring Within a Spring” which will focus on the central narrative thread, the narrative arc of each chapter and other storytelling techniques. 
“Hand of God”, which I will focus more on thematics, specifically on love, chance, authorial choice, noncorporia. 
The other sections will remain the same.
See you soon (hopefully) in Hong Kong.
Ser Jacob De Zoet
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hollandandi · 6 years
“come on, have a bloody heart.” “i do, i’m holding one.”
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type - angst
tom or peter?
au? - mobster tom (mob!tom)
word count - 3.4k
warnings - swearing, gore (sorry about it! but he is a mobster.)
w/n - honestly, thanks so much for the positive response i received on my first imagine that wasn’t a chapter to a series yesterday. i am so glad people enjoyed it. if you haven’t seen it, feel free to click here.
It was a ordinary, simple-minded Thursday. The trees were hit with bursts of hot wind, knocking dying leaves from the branches onto the pavement throughout the city. You gripped the blush pink strap, attached to your bag, and pulled it closer to your neck from your right shoulder as you slowly breathed in the summer air racing past you. After finishing your shift at the local book store, you decided to take the longer route home due to the warmer weather and clearer skies that blossomed above you - you walked swiftly, but made sure you fully appreciated your calm surroundings during the journey; unknown to you, however, that would be that the last peaceful memory for a while.
Even after a week passed from that journey, all you could remember was the feeling of red once you returned home that day. Red was the best colour to associate to the memory; blood, confusion and danger were the best words to use. As you reached your house, which usually oozed love, tranquility and safety, you realised the front door was unlocked, and gently pushed inwards. Though strange and entirely unusual as it was unlikely this was intentional by your parents, your mood was carefree, quiet and absent-minded, so you proceeded to enter the house that was beginning to no longer feel like home. You took slow, careful steps into the main living room - but even with a newly-hesitant outlook on the situation, you could not escape the picture immediately painted into your mind in seconds.
Bursting your eyes back open with a familiar panic, you sat up immediately from your best friend’s sofa-bed, clutching the grey, fabric duvet that covered you strictly in your hands. It had been a week, but you were still having the recurring, yet simple nightmare. It was a straight-forward, complete re-enactment of the moment you desperately tried not to think about throughout the day - though this was often unsuccessful, one thing that was always guaranteed was this reminder as you attempted to gain at least a few hours of sleep.
Across the city, however, it was also not a calm day for many. As the days grew colder, the area’s crime rate was rising - from dodgy drug deals, to manic murders and sickening sexual assaults, it was proving difficult to escape the increasing fear many people were beginning to feel. Like you, many people were no longer feeling at home; instead, many were anxious to return to their houses and apartments that were supposed to be their comfort spot after a stressful day at work. Of course, the situation was not helped by a certain arrival in the city - known to many, but not all, was a quick, but heavy movement into an incredibly expensive building of offices and work-rooms that had been very recently renovated. Though the move-in was widely noticed, only few were aware of those featured in the arrival.
“Tom, she is a family friend. We knew her parents incredibly well, they were very good to us. Always.” A female voice uttered to her stubborn and cocky son, who was sat comfortably behind a large, glass desk at the very top of the skyscraper.
“Mum, I already told you - I don’t care who she is, she could be the fucking reincarnation of Jesus for all I care - she is not staying at our home. You’ve already mentioned that she is staying at a friend’s house; I am sure she is perfectly fine there.” The suited, straight-faced boy responded abruptly, looking up to make contact with his mother’s eyes. In response, there was a gentle scoff from her, before a hard glare met his face. “I didn’t raise you like this.” She hissed, before turning swiftly on her heels and making her way out of the modernised office, as the mobster, named Tom, shook his head and huffed. He couldn’t believe his own mother wanted to bring a stranger into his home - the home he designed and bought, but most importantly the home he made safe for his family.
To his relief, his thoughts were interrupted by a buzzing sound from the delicate desk in front of him. A text had come through his phone, and as he roughly picked up the device, he began to bite his lip while reading the message. Only three words lay on the screen, but that was all it took for a smirk to emerge on his face, his body to rise from the chair he was originally seated in and his legs to start moving towards the exit of his office. “We got him.”
As you wiped back the loose hairs that had fallen onto your face during your panicked wake up, you took a long, breathy sigh as you glanced down to your hands, now in your lap. Your fingers brushed over each other as you closed your eyes carefully, still sat up - and remembered how much scrubbing you were compelled to do on the day of the accident. There was so much blood you started to think it was seeping through the first few layers of your skin, and you could just not feel clean afterwards. Before hot tears took their opportunity to emerge within your eyes, you quickly shot your head up and made your way from the sofa, pulling down the legs of your pyjama pants softly so they were back in the appropriate place on your hips. Beginning the kettle, you saw a lilac-coloured post-it note on the counter, telling you that your friend was at work and would be back tonight after her shift. You smiled softly, but it was still fairly weak, but grew slightly stronger as you poured the hot-water into your favourite mug. It had been a small Christmas gift from your dad in the past; a huge, cream coloured one with “You’re Brilliant!” enscriped onto it in large, skinny letters. Just the memory made you smile truly, but it was accompanied with a sharp, quick jolt to your heart, so you quickly finished your tea and began to walk to the kitchen table that you kept your laptop on.
However, as you walked, you heard a muted shuffle of feet, before a crisp sound of paper sliding underneath your door frame. Slightly alerted, you froze with the mug within your hands, but as the feet underneath quickly ran away, you began to feel a little more at ease. Placing the heavy cup on a cork coaster, you swiftly walked towards the doorframe and carefully picked up the envelope that was resting on the hard-wood floor. Your hands began to shake a little - you didn’t really know why, but I’m sure no-one would blame you for little bursts of worry every now and then. Your fingers moved swiftly underneath the envelope’s opening, before pulling it upwards and revealing the blank card within it. Once slotted out, you anxiously separated the two sides, before glancing upon a scribbled message on the right-hand side.
“Y/N, it’s Nikki and Dom. We heard. Please come stay with us and the boys - you are family to us and we all want to make sure you are safe.
If you take up my our offer, which we hope you do, come to the fourth office of Holland Incorporated any day of the week.”
Well, to say the least, that was definitely not what you were expecting.
While you were taking a breath of relief in the small apartment across the city, Tom was taking a breath of pride. Sitting in a dark, cherry-red pool of blood was an unlucky traitor, that had posed a threat to the business for several weeks - spooled out along the floor, major organs carefully removed or toyed with, sat a clear example of what would happen to those who chose to disrespect a powerful mobster of England. However, the glory did not last long for Tom, as his powerful glee was interrupted by his Dad, Dominic, trying again to convince the boy of an important decision.
“Right, now that’s over with - you need to listen to me, boy. Like your mother has already told you, she is like family to us. And one thing I am sure I have drilled into that stubborn brain of yours is that you help family - always.” The father spoke harshly, standing at the back of the room with a full view of the events which took place minutes before.
Instead of giving an immediate verbal response, Tom simply scoffed, turning around to look at the man that stood before him with dark, cloudy eyes. “The important word you used right there was ‘like’, she is not my family.” He expressed, using his free hand to point at his chest. “She may be yours, and Mum’s, and the other’s for all I care. But she is not mine - family means more to me than words and titles.”
An eye-roll ensued, followed by a head shaking and a raised voice. “Come on Tom, have a bloody heart.” Dom spat - he was in disbelief that his own son would disrespect his wishes like this - right in-front of his own face.
“I do, I’m holding one.” Tom responded in an equal tempo and tone, before dropping the bloody organ that once was beating, to the concrete, tiled basement floor of the building. “At-least I was.” He chuckled to himself, taking out a handkerchief from his front pocket to attempt to wipe some liquid from his bloody, bruised hands. When he glanced up, however, his father Dom was only a metre or so from his son, his eyes slightly softer as he parted his lips to retaliate. “Well, it’s a shame you don’t agree, but your mother has already invited her. So it’s up to Y/N if she wishes to take up the deal.”
“For fucks sake!” Tom yelled, clenching his fists within the silk handkerchief before passing his father and heading for the steel door that marked the difference between beatings, murder and interrogation, and that of business, meetings and phone-calls. “You’re a bunch of bloody cunts, I fucking swear.” This was all Dom heard before his son stormed out of the room, and towards the elevator which opened almost immediately - almost as if an inanimate object could feel the tension within the air.
“Jesus Christ, it’s not like she’s staying in your bed.” Dom uttered to himself, before shaking his head and choosing the stairs instead.
Days passed by quickly, including the weekend separating July and August, and soon enough, it was Monday again. Four days had passed since you received the letter, and it was only until the morning of August 2nd that you finally made up your mind. The choice was concluded from various factors - one, you were beginning to feel like a true burden to your friend, especially when she began to bring guys home at nine o’ clock, which was unfortunately a peak time for your hot, salty tears to begin flowing down your cheeks. Two, you didn’t think that distancing yourself from everyone else was helping, and although you had received a few texts from friends; curious about your wellbeing, you honestly felt a rush of protection when you re-read the letter. It sounds ridiculous, but even through handwriting, the choice was consistently playing on your mind. Two reasons were enough for you - you had always told yourself that if you only had a single excuse for something, it wouldn’t be strong enough to hold you if it went wrong, and as you learnt that the hard way recently, once natural, easy reasons were flowing off your tongue for running across the city, you wasted no time packing back up your chosen belongings, leaving a lilac-coloured post-it note and making your way from the small apartment block you had stayed for almost two weeks.
After a short walk, a long bus ride, and another short walk, you made it to the fairly intimidating building on the other side of town. It must have been at least twenty floors high, and at certain angles, you couldn’t even see the top of the construction. “I wonder who got that unlucky office.” You laughed lightly to yourself - it was the first one in a short while, and perhaps it was because you were actually in an area, standing in front of a building that didn’t trigger deadly memories for elongated periods, that you could. Seeing other people enter through the main doors, you made your way through the first before seeing at least a hundred different guards standing next to numerous security machines. “Brilliant, fucking brilliant.” You sighed to yourself before beginning what was only going to be a tortuous hour or so.
Twelve security measures, three full-body scans and five bag x-rays later, you were finally allowed access to the sacred building that the family, once like family to you, stayed throughout the days of each week. Pulling your cross-body bag strap closer to you, you stood in front of a marbled desk that spread across the entire room. Behind it was a blonde, fairly young girl wearing a fairly revealing uniform, if you can even call it that.
“Hi, my name is Y/N Y/L/N - I was hoping to see Nikki or Dominic?” You bit your lip after expressing the request, before smiling softly to the receptionist who seemed unamused, glancing you up and down with judging eyes. Your hair was down, and you had dark blue jeans with a black blouse tucked into the top of them. A ring hung securely on your middle finger on your right hand, and blue Converse sat underneath your feet. “They’re busy.” She smiled sarcastically back to you, before looking back down to her computer and beginning to type something into the screen. “Oh, erm, do you know when they will be available?” You asked gently, cocking an eyebrow slightly at the hostility expressed to you so quickly from the woman, but all you got in response was a chuckle and continued obnoxious typing. “Am I missing something here? Aren’t you supposed to be a receptioni-,” you began to retaliate, before being interrupted with a cheery welcome from a familiar female voice behind the counter.
“Y/N! I am so glad you came!” Nikki practically yelled, before nodding towards a final security guard by the entrance to the open space behind the counter, causing the receptionist that had ‘greeted’ you to freeze and begin squirming in her seat. “Nikki, it is so good to see you.” You smiled towards her - which although was still weak, warmed Nikki’s heart as she wrapped you in a tight embrace. “I was actually just leaving, come come! We’ll take you straight home.” Your lips parted in surprise, but relief - this building was incredibly intimidating, and you could not wait to get to a house with a comfortable bed again. “Is anyone else coming with us?” You softly exclaimed, nodding in agreement to her previous idea and beginning to exit to a black car towards the side of the metal building. As you climbed into the seat gestured to you, she shook her head gently before uttering, “Not yet, the boys will meet us later once work is finished.”
Although you smiled towards her and nodded once again, clicking in your seatbelt and sitting back against the head-rest, you couldn’t help but gulp at the thought of Tom, Harry and Sam returning home tonight. You were looking forward to seeing Paddy and Dominic, but the others were a little nerve wracking. It had been years since you last properly encountered with the brothers, almost a decade with Tom specifically, and an adult reunitement was replaced with hushes, dangerous whispers and terrifying stories as the power was passed on through the family. You had no idea what to expect - what he looked like, what he sounded like, but more importantly, what he acted like.
Your thoughts, though, were quickly interrupted with eager chit-chat from Nikki about your life. Hobbies, aspirations and friends were a few of the topics quickly brought up, and soon enough, the car stopped and the car door beside you was being opened. As your shoes hit the pebbled floor, your eyes immediately hit the sight before you. A house, a mansion, laid before you, placed behind an extensive arrangement of flowers, plants and a breath-taking fountain. Before you could even fully capture and grasp the beauty of the exterior, Nikki was eagerly pulling you inside to show you the sights behind the entrance. Just when you thought you could not possibly see something prettier, you did. Firstly, the hallway was bigger than your parent’s home, and the bathroom was bigger than your friend’s apartment. The guest room - which Nikki now insisted was your room - took your breath away for the fourth time since arriving. A king-sized bed stood against the back wall, with oak-wood furniture, designer rugs and a dazzling chandelier surrounding it. You could definitely get used to this.
Tom had finally calmed down at the office, and was somewhat civil with his father after the argument earlier that day. However, Dom was yet to confess the sight he would see in the guest room later tonight, but as the brothers were laughing amongst themselves in the car-ride home, he decided against it. “You should have seen his face, Sam. Practically begging me to kill him quickly - they’re hitting a new low I tell you, they don’t even bother begging for their life anymore.” Tom laughed, before resting his hand behind his head and allowing the journey to return him to his safe space. The windows were heavily tinted, so only people who knew the official address to the residence could find the house, but Tom felt the car begin to drive over pebbles, alerting him he was about to reach home. Once he felt the car stop gently, he opened his door and began making his way to the entrance, his brothers and father following behind him, still smiling and joking amongst themselves over several topics. After greeting his Mum, grabbing something quick to eat and washing his hands briefly afterwards, he expressed he was going to change before making his way up the wooden, oak stairs which led to the variety of bedrooms on the upper floor.
As you used the following hours to slowly un-pack your bag; carefully hanging your clothes on silk-covered hangers and slotting them gently into your one, of many, wardrobes, you set out a pair of pyjamas during the process. After arranging the clothes and other essentials you brought with you, you realised how much everyone else in the house must own if they fill the space provided, before slipping on a pair of blush-pink pyjama shorts and a white t-shirt and brushing multiple knots that had formed in your hair during your arrival to the Holland home. As you sat with quiet music playing out of your phone speakers as you performed your nightly routine for sleep, you faced the wall, miming lyrics of your current favourite song, pulling the brush down in several areas.
Tom’s room was the last of all rooms, against the back wall of the floor. In a swift route towards it, he almost walked directly passed the guest room on the left side of the arrangement, but quiet music hit his left ear for a second. As soon as he heard the sounds, his feet halted, as he turned quickly to face the room that should have been empty. His mind immediately flew to the previous conversations he had uttered with his parents, and as his eyebrows raised and jaw tightened, he stepped closer to the doorway to get a better glimpse of the intruder in his home. As you were so in-touch with the song playing, specifically the lyrics being spoken, you initially overlooked the quiet footsteps that were now making their way into your room, one step at a time. After several steps onto the grey carpet, he could finally see the stranger in his home, and as his lips parted, with his fists clenched, ready to yell and shout, he quickly stopped his actions. His grip loosened, his eyebrows softened and his lips curved into a slow smirk.
“Well, shit, love. If I knew you looked like that, I would have carried you in myself.”
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itsclydebitches · 6 years
RWBY Recaps: Vol. 5 "Unforeseen Complications"
This is a re-posting from Oct. 28th, 2017 in an effort to get all my recaps fully on tumblr. Thanks!
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This RWBY review had to be put on hold while I finished Stranger Things 2. In all honesty if you're reading this instead of watching the new season... please re-think your life choices.
For those of you who have binged properly you'll already know that though RWBY doesn't do holiday-themed episodes, they're still bringing in the Halloween spirit this week with the rather terrifying title "Unforeseen Complications." We open on Blake, Sun, Kali, and a pacing Ghira, wearing his tiny reading glasses that everyone was gushing over when the promo picture first dropped. Luckily we haven't lost the adorable cat Dad (yet), but things aren't looking good, especially when he's given this much screen time in a show that just loves breaking up happy families. Ghira is prepping a speech in regards to Adam's recent power-play and the only thing that eases the tension is a warm, family hug.
And Sun's awkward fourth-wheeling. Honestly, that was funny about ten episodes ago. For a side character that's been thrust into one of the main cast's storyline, Sun sure hasn't justified his place there yet. He's done little in the way of really assisting Blake in her work and the injury that worried everyone last Volume was explained away this very episode, amounting to nothing. The guy either needs something to do or finally needs to clear out--which, I should add, Blake wanted him to do weeks ago.
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Sun aside, Ghira remains a favorite among fans for his sweet nature, fair views, and unending support of his daughter. His speech here, laying out Adam's rogue faction in the White Fang and his involvement in the Fall of Beacon, isn't anything that the viewer didn't already know about. In fact, the scene is a little confusing if you don't catch that Blake's story is apparently taking place a month behind everyone else's. There's no overt indication of this using text on screen and given that we're following so many characters, there's no easy way to imply an ellipsis, let alone that we're jumping around a suddenly non-linear timeline. I had originally taken Ghira's warning that Adam intends to kill Sienna as an indicator that news of her death hadn't reached the island yet. However, it was pointed out to me later that Ghira mentions Haven opening in two months time whereas Ozpin, later in the episode, says that school starts up in a month. I'm not sure why RT has chosen this form--or why they've made it so convoluted--but I'm trusting that it will somehow benefit the overall structure of the Volume.
Ghira's call to assist the humans in Haven certainly doesn't get an outcry of support from the crowd, but he's entirely undermined when Ilia (dramatically) throws off her cloak and reveals herself, shouting that they should never help the humans when they've done nothing but harm the faunus in turn. Sun tries to grab her (he fails) but the damage is already done. As we see through the camera focusing on our two creepy fox brothers, Adam's splinter faction has wormed its way in deep. We know thanks to Ilia's scroll that Adam not only plans to attack Haven but take out their CTT tower as well. RWBY is chock-full of themes surrounding communication (or the lack thereof) and literally taking out the kingdoms' one way of contacting one another is highly reflective of that. Combine that with Ilia’s few words sowing so much discord. Divide them and they’ll fall, and all that. 
The real action of the episode though is with Team RNJR. After a full two weeks we finally get to see the gang's reaction to Professor Ozpin's return and oh boy, it did not disappoint.
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Ruby: "Isn't it weird?"
She's so excited about this! Qrow reminds the kids that this is strange for everyone involved, including the boy you're hounding, so they sheepishly give Oscar some space. He admits that he's a little nervous because he's never met real huntsmen and huntresses before, which is a wonderful callback to Ruby's excited, "Can I have your autograph?" to Glynda in Episode One. She's come far enough now that she's the one people look up to with awe. There's also perhaps a bit of rosegarden here, but that's obviously a ship that can only happen if Ozpin gets a body of his own.
We then (bless) finally get some actual information regarding this Oscar-Ozpin situation. Oscar shows everyone his "parlor trick" where, with a flash of green aura, gold eyes, and white hair, Ozpin takes control of his body, making everyone emotional with a sincere, "It is so very good to see you again, students."
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It's a remarkably light scene for all the revelations. Like I've been noting in all these recaps, Ozpin admits how pleased he is that Ruby and the others can retain their sense of humor in the face of confusing and traumatizing circumstances. We get another callback as Ozpin apologizes, saying that he wasn't exaggerating when he once told Ruby he'd made more mistakes than any man, woman, or child. We learn that he has been “cursed” by the gods for failing to stop Salem centuries ago. For thousands of years Ozpin has lived, died, and reincarnated in the body of a "like-minded soul," though there's still no explanation of what exactly constitutes "like-minded” in this scenario. 
Jaune: "So who... what are you?"
Ouch. Though not an entirely unwarranted question when you’re suddenly dealing with the impossible. Ozpin says that he is the "combination of countless men" who have spent their lives trying to protect Remnant. The implication that he only reincarnates as a man aside (seems like a missed opportunity there), this seems like a pretty firm confirmation of the merging theory. The person we know as Ozpin might not entirely erase Oscar, but it certainly sounds like they won't remain completely separate people for forever. Indeed, Ozpin says straight out that at some point, "eventually," they'll “merge” and become the new Ozpin, a man who retains the memories of all his past lives. It’s all still horrendously murky, but honestly, if Oscar doesn't have at least a little bit of a freak out over this I'll be sorely disappointed.
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We still don't know who or what Ozpin was originally. Was he just a man who took on too much, cursed by the gods for his failure or arrogance? Was he the wizard, one of the few capable of wielding magic in Remnant, thus making his survival (and the curse to ensure as much) a necessity? Ozpin isn't saying just yet. After assigning Qrow to find them more huntsmen he turns his sights on Team RNJR, telling them that they'll need to get into "fighting shape" before they can face Salem.
There is nothing that I don't love about this scene. Bringing back Ruby's lack of skill in hand-to-hand after Yang's character short spent so much time emphasizing it? Check. Implying that we'll finally unlock Jaune's semblance this Volume? Check. Ozpin confirming that outside the confines of his headmaster persona he's a happy, dramatic showoff?
Triple check.
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All poor Oscar asked is that Ozpin not do anything embarrassing while he has control of their body and what does this man do? Act extra as fuck of course, performing a backflip onto the chair and spinning his cane far, far longer than he needs to. Nora is the only one unimpressed by this display, but I personally can't wait to see Ozpin training the kids. It should be especially interesting given his sudden loss of control--Oscar coming back unexpectedly and losing his balance, toppling them off the chair. Training is hard enough. Training while you're stuck in the body of a weak, undisciplined child... that's something else entirely.
The end of our episode takes us back to Weiss, still guarded by Raven's bandits. It's a moment of psychological torture, with her captor taunting Weiss with her own weapon and demonstrating that the one tool she has, information, is severely outdated. Ironwood has recalled all his troops from Mistral, including Winter. She's not around now to save her little sis’ like Weiss had hoped.
Which is hilarious, because in no world does Weiss Schnee need saving. Our last shot is of the miniature knight she's made out of a tiny glyph and her confident smile. Can't wait to see what she's planning to do with that.
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Other Details of Note
I was incredibly nervous during the later half of Ghira's speech where he's just going, "We have ALL this INCRIMINATING evidence on this ONE SCROLL that I'm going to WAVE AROUND out here in the OPEN where anyone could EASILY STEAL or DESTROY IT..."
The faunus press all using their scrolls instead of cameras or old-fashioned pen and paper. It's a small but enjoyable bit of world-building.
The voice acting for Ozpin as Oscar was incredibly well done. Jury's still out on whether the echo is just a byproduct of his control or is somehow more meaningful. One theory currently says it's used whenever Ozpin says something that references all of his past lives, not just his last two.
Qrow immediately gets Ozpin coffee. Or hot chocolate. Whatever it is. He might be in the body of a 14yo, but you know as soon as he has control he needs a mug in his hands.
... Qrow then breaks the table and the mug. Hello, semblance. I'm looking forward to seeing more of that as the Volume goes on. Does the bad luck get worse the longer Qrow stays in one place? Is that why he's so eager to leave and recruit more huntsmen? What exactly are the rules here? No one has laid them out and (like silver eyes...) no one seems very interested. 
Oscar upon learning that he'll be training too: "Wait, what?"
And you've gotta love Nora. She went from thinking over how she could bribe her powerful, dignified headmaster ("No wait, he has a school") to flouncing about and calling him their "little cute boy Ozpin." I really hope she ignores his request and keeps calling him that indefinitely. It's very amusing.
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poorlyconditioned · 4 years
“Writing for Building” a project by Joanne Bristol at M:ST Festival, 2018
Just as Emma-Kate says “dad,” a huge chunk of snow breaks across the right half of my skull. Those Calgary BEWARE OF FALLING SNOW AND ICE signs are no joke but offer no help. We chortle and are still excitedly slicing into each other’s words when we enter CommunityWise Resource Centre. The threshold to the room is a soft membrane and on the other side live the quiet focused feelings of a library without a librarian. It’s clear to me that I have entered the work. There are two tables, chairs, papers and writing utensils, and the things that live in the space, it’s not too precious. There is a microphone in a stand at one end, empty and blinking. Joanne sees us and greets. She’s wearing a t-shirt printed with the same text as on the signs around. It says:
write and share a text addressed to the building
your text could be a political manifesto, or a love letter, or a useful question, or...
your text could be read aloud, or placed within the building, or...
I like it. Especially the “, or...”s.
I sit down to write. People are softly focused but sometimes someone is loud and that is okay also. It is not facist feeling. Joanne encourages us to be wherever we’d like in the space. I feel sky and scuttle onto an arm chair away from the other bodies. Someone starts reading into the microphone. It’s beautiful. Each person who reads, writes in their own way. Some instead/also fold up their papers and tuck them away into the building which Joanne has described as “quite porous” and with many places to leave a letter to it. And I begin to hear intimate letters to the building. I learn about its holding of feminist organizations, how it was a landing spot for “mail order brides” so that they didn’t land directly into their new husband’s home (I feel weird about the term “mail order brides” so decide to listen more closely and see what I can learn). The building was apparently somewhat-squatted by NGOs and now those same orgs have the space.
I start writing my letter
It would be, I think, rude to address you without first attending to you over time and with heart. So instead, This Building, as a visitor (which you are too to these lands), I’ll tell you of the place I know best. I’ll read to you my love letter to another building, hoping that offering some of me to you is more generous:
My ribs are the building that stays, but they learned that from you.
In them, nested and fluttering, are too many bedrooms and roommates to count. Learning the word DECAPITATION with a soft butch on a water bed at 3; learning about okra in south-west Florida at 12, during the Bush-Gore election when another butch—harder this time—taught me that I couldn’t believe in reincarnation and go to church. (I hate okra.); seeking the quietest kid in the school yard to befriend has turned into seeking the grumpiest art lady writer with glasses to date but it’s the same thing. Still there. We change but not much.
My ribs learned about holding play: create it, world it, sparkling light through glass. These white bones learned your way of holding grief, her face blue and ear lobes swollen from pooled liquids.
You taught my ribs secreting (as in to produce and discharge a liquid) which is spelled the same as secreting (as in the verb of “to keep a secret”) and, not caring, my rib buildings take them as one act.
And though I still wake up in a different place each week, I know the thatch of my iraqi-thick hair that I tied to the branch out back, that I embed with czech magic passed on through the women in my family, that the tree imbibed and grew over, ties me to you.
So that once Grandma—my godsend—dies and I am left alone, I will be rooted through and into the grounds where you stood, blue and warm. __
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Photo’s source: https://www.mountainstandardtime.org/project/writing-for-building
More about the event: https://www.mountainstandardtime.org/project/writing-for-building
More about CommunityWise Resource Centre: http://communitywise.net/
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