#// d'aw thanks
hells-musing-along · 3 months
Comes in and kisses his wife sweetly and dips her a bit, “good morning my love~ I had the kitchen staff make you a little bite to eat”
// *hugs* hope you have a great Friday//
Lilith sighs happily during the kiss, naturally draping her arms around his shoulder while she returns the kiss sweetly. “You’re the sweetest. Could I just gobble you up instead?” she teases, playfully tilting his tophat forward.
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chewbokachoi · 5 months
Sending you a lil froggy from the poll you just reblogged 💚
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I'm imagining it looking like one of these lil guys!
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ofstarsandskies · 9 months
{from Mana} She's still slightly terrified of Julius and even Ludger but she has come to bring them gifts. For Ludger there is a few cookbooks and a few daggers. For Julius she made a few tomato plushies, and since Sunny said something about him wanting a prized possession box, he gets one with little cats carved into the side. And she brought Lulu some treats she got from the katz. "Happy holidays from my family to yours!"
@pastelfates cause the boys got gifts (and some in return~)
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Right as Ludger's oven went off, so did their doorbell. Did Nova come early? "Nii-san, can you get the cookies?" It might be a gamble to ask, but surely Julius wouldn't set the house on fire opening an oven door. Guess they'd find out.
Anyway, the door! To his surprise, his guest wasn't Nova (well she wasn't too surprising; she's never early) or even Zig; Mana came bearing gifts! "Oh, Merry Verius Evening to you too, Mana!" Ludger greeted. "Could you step inside for a minute? I've got something for you in return!"
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"Merry Verius Evening to you, Mana," Julius managed to not burn anything down by himself, allowing him to offer the welcome guest fresh, warm cookies. "We're both honored you'd come to personally deliver our gifts. Then again, finding an interdimensional mail courier is the bigger hassle." Not unless Lady Norn pulled small favors, wherever she was.
"While I stall for time, we have gifts for you and Ms. Sunny as well. We kept them in Ludger's room so Lulu didn't use the box as a scratching post--" A loud ting rang from the railing in Ludger's closet. He told him not to stash it too far back; little brothers never think ahead. "--So they should be unharmed. But while we wait, do you mind if I open mine?"
Julius set the cookie tray down on the table and opened his box. His eyes settled on the tomatoes first, big shock, giving them a gentle squeeze. Definitely plush; good thing he tested first. "These are lovely, Mana. My room needs a bit of sprucing up."
As for the cute kitty box, it took Julius a second to realize the inspiration behind it. When it clicked, he couldn't help a hearty chuckle, "Ms. Sunny got a good memory-- I didn't think she'd remember that compliment on her prized possession box idea." Suffice to say, he'd already put one thing: an old photo of Ludger's 10th birthday party Julius used to remember why he never stopped fighting.
How it held up without creasing this long, call it an Origin's miracle.
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And after all that talking, Ludger returned with custom gift boxes cut into a sunflower and rabbit respectively. "Sorry for the wait! I uh-- I'm sure Julius said why," Julius' wry smile said as much. "I won't talk your ear off after you endured his stalling. Merry Verius Eve to you and Sunny!"
Mana's box held two items: the first, a hand-printed and published fifty paged animal pun book, illustrations included, by Julius himself. At its side would be a doll of the book's cover mascot, a custom sewn Bunnykins. Its arms were positioned and reinforced enough to hold Mana's new book, should she want to display them both.
Sunny's box also came with two separate things: Ludger's gift was a hand-selected copy of several Elympion and Rieze Maxian dishes cook book Ludger tortured a copy machine to cobble together. Julius' gift required some serious networking to recover a milennia old Spyrix casing which Julius managed to buff off the rust and dirt off of. Wouldn't trump her milennia old keepsakes, but it'd sure try its best.
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"Enjoy the holiday your world celebrates! We're happy to have you around any day you'd like--" Wait a second... did Mana have cat treats in her hands? Well, it was the holidays; he'd let it go this once. "A-And I'll open my gift if you don't mind!"
A new set of twin daggers! Always good to have a backup-- his Ardent Vesperias weren't shining as much as they used to. "I'll never turn down a nice pair of weapons," He'd give them a test run out on the Highroad when it warmed up. The books though, oh they'd get used right away! "And cookbooks from another world? Sign me up every time! Thank you and your sister both! Keep warm and safe!"
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zoe-oneesama · 3 months
Congrats on the Official End, Zoe!! As someone who's been here from the start it's kinda wild that it's over. Also holy carp your voice is so sweet!!
D'aw, thank you! That's quite the commitment on your part, I really appreciate it!
(My voice sounds so much like it's Not Mine, but I think everyone feels that way, right? Thank you~! 💖💖💖)
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xeas · 5 months
Can you please do a Norton and fool's gold with a reader where the reader has cinnamoroll personality (cinnamoroll is from sanrio)
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🍍 IN WHICH: drabbles (seperately) of Norton Campbell and Fool's Gold with a reader who is like cinnamoroll from sanrio (basically, shy yet sweet who will also help out their friends whenever they can)
🥥 NOTE FROM XEA!: thank you so much for your request! i love writing for norton but im wary my fools gold may ooc...haha...
🫧CONTENT WARNINGS: pre-established relationship, Norton may appear overprotective, mc may appear to be 'pure and innocent' in a fashion that may be perceived as corny to some readers. reader is referred to as "doll" in Norton's section, "babyface" in Fools Gold's. Seer is mentioned and Grave keeper is implied in Fools Gold section. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!
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NORTON swears up and down he's done nothing worthy of him deserving you.
The way your thumb grazes his knuckles in a comforting manner--whether to soothe your own nerves or his is unsure-- but the expression of innocence coated on your face both makes his heart sink to his stomach and gives him butterflies.
You have the eyes of someone who has gazed at few possible traumatic scenarios and the skin of one who not been lashed by the harsh truths of the world. He squishes down his feeling of envy when he feels he's going too far down the rabbit hole of his thoughts.
But now, as he bandages up your wound from the cold Night Watch, he can't help but realize how that weighs you down. It wasn't supposed to be you with the gash in your thigh it was supposed to be the teammate you wasted no time saving. You took a hit for them, and for what? So they could have a futile 5 seconds to run as fast as they could only for the harsh winter wind to yank them back to the hunter? You we're such a fool, having so much faith in these people.
But that's what led you two to become such a power couple. You gave him a chance.
"Hush up, doll." And you do just that.
He looks angry and you feel nervous because of it.
"I'm sorry for getting injured." You mumble quietly. You don't expect a 'Its fine' or a 'Its not your fault' because this was a rookie mistake and you by no means are a rookie.
He remains silent, finishing up dressing your wound. His gloved hands go to hold your thighs as you sit in some corner of burned down building in the Arms Factory.
"Don't do that again." He states. Its not up for debate and you silently nod, moving to give his forehead a kiss as you steady yourself to get up and work on getting out of here.
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NORTON CAMPBELL; Fools Gold (Hunter Identity)
"Hm, shame. Really."
Fools Gold let out a teasing laugh as he shoved you into a chair. He leaned on the wall behind it as you glared up at him. Fools gold clicked his tongue (does he even have one??) and fake pouted, most likely mocking you.
"D'aw, don't look at me like that, Babyface. You wouldn't be like this if you didn't sacrifice yourself for that silly little seer."
At least he was brutally honest.
Your muscles are screaming at you and you can feel them throbbing after you spent the last 2 minutes running and jumping and rolling to get away from him.
He traces your jawline with his pickaxe, you can feel your face heat up as Fools Gold lets out a wheezing chuckle. "All bark huh?"
You try to stutter out a response not until you see the ground beside you break. This was going to take a while.
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ffiahh · 1 year
Being a housewife for Vi and Sevika
☾*:・゚✧ Will both definitely have a power trip that they're the breadwinners
☾*:・゚✧ Both definitely calls you their pretty little housewife
☾*:・゚✧ They like the thought of coming home to nice, warm food, a clean house and a cute little housewife
☾*:・゚✧ Both definitely have thoughts about making your little family bigger- ahem breeding kink
☾*:・゚✧ Would definitely smile down at you as you take her boots and cape off
☾*:・゚✧ Sevika would buy you cute aprons
☾*:・゚✧ "I have a new apron for you. It even has pockets. I won't mind if I come home next time and you're just wearing the apron. Stress relief."
☾*:・゚✧ Knows not to interfere; looking after the house is your territory
☾*:・゚✧ Takes the cute lunchboxes to work, and then (accidentally) eat the cute little notes you'd written for her, before she would even know there's a note for her
☾*:・゚✧ "Hm? Notes? No, I don't think I've seen them, they must've fallen out."
☾*:・゚✧ Sevika will have you on her lap the minute you've given her her food.
☾*:・゚✧ "Thank you, my queen. This looks amazing. What? I will absolutely not let you sit on your own chair. You're comfortable here, so you will be sitting here."
☾*:・゚✧ Likes the thought of you clinging onto her when she comes home.
☾*:・゚✧ As soon as she comes home, you're her cuddle bear; she'll have you in her arms at the couch
☾*:・゚✧ Vi would definitely sit back and watch you care for; she's never felt so safe before
☾*:・゚✧ Would hug you from behind and try to steal you away to the bedroom (does not succeed)
☾*:・゚✧ "You're so beautiful. You dress makes you look even more so, why don't I help you take it off, my pretty little housewife? What do you mean I need to eat? I have my dinner right here~"
☾*:・゚✧ Vi would try and help, only to get scolded by you and forced to sit and watch
☾*:・゚✧ "Are you sure you need help? I can take the dishes out! No, I'm not tired, oh the bruise? Someone at the bar was a bit too drunk."
☾*:・゚✧ Is happy to take your lunches you made for her to work, and show them to everyone
☾*:・゚✧ "My wife made me lunch! Look! Even a note, d'aw I love you too."
☾*:・゚✧ Would definitely say: "happy wife, happy life," and "I'm the 'man' of the house" but then kiss the ground you walk on
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howlingday · 3 months
mafia!au: la familia arc no son exactamente una honorable o compuestas de heroes, pero tienen principios, protegen a comercios y pequeños pueblos de ataques grimm o de ladrones siempre y cuando se les pagué, no limitándose a sólo vale teniendo conexiónes y propiedades en vacuo, mistral y hasta cierto punto atlas ,desafortunadamente no todo es perfecto, ocurrió un ataque en un pequeño pueblo en mistral con un grimm mas fuerte de lo normal destruyendo el antes conocido kuroyuri, es algo que suele pasar en está línea de trabajo, así que nicholas arc va personalmente junto de su joven hijo quien insistió en acompañadorlo con el pretexto de aprender mas del trabajo familiar solo siendo una excusa para no estudiar. Juntos van a ver el actual estado del ex pueblo antes ser saqueado por los bandidos y quien sabé talvez acabar con el problema de raíz hasta que su hijo encuentra una joven niña de aproximadamente su misma edad sucia y desnutrida, presuntamente una sobreviviente del pueblo, su hijo insiste en salvarla y bueno no llegó tan lejos sin aprovechar las oportunidades.
Hola howlingday!, me alegró mucho de que respondas mis preguntas y publicaciones, admitió que también me gusta noras'arc otra razón por la que sigo tus publicaciones y esta se trata del típico líder de la mafia y su guardaespalda.
Mafia! AU: The Arc family are not exactly honorable or composed of heroes, but they are principled. They protect businesses and small towns from Grimm attacks or thieves as long as they are paid, not limited to just having connections and properties in Vacuo, Mistral, and, to a certain extent, Atlas. Unfortunately, not everything is perfect; an attack occurred in a small town in Mistral with a Grimm stronger than normal, destroying the previously known Kuroyuri. It is something that usually happens in this line of work, so that Nicholas Arc personally goes with his young son, who insisted on accompanying him under the pretext of learning more about family work, only being an excuse not to study. Together they go to see the current state of the former town before it is looted by bandits and who knows, maybe nip the problem in the bud until their son finds a young girl of approximately the same age as dirty and malnourished, presumably a survivor of the town. His son insists on saving her and, well, he didn't get this far without taking advantage of the opportunities. Hello, howlingday!, I was very happy that you answered my questions and posts, admitted that I also like noras' arc. Another reason why I follow your posts and this one is about the typical mafia leader and his bodyguard.
D'aw, shucks~! And thank you for the prompts! Y'know, I think I could cook something up with a mafia/gangster style AU. It's a pretty interesting AU idea.
Uh, if there's anyone out there who actually do have connections to certain... legitimate organizations, please note that this is a parody and draws inspiration only from fictional works of the same setting, such as the Mafia and Yakuza video game series, Lackadaisy, and the Godfather.
Nora exhaled a yawn through her nose. She hated jazz clubs, always did. They were so slow and boring. But Mr. Arc and Jaune were right there. Last thing she wanted to do was ruin tonight for them. She looked around for anything, anyone, that would liven up tonight. Sadly, nobody was that stupid.
The music died down in the lounge and the audience clapped for the young performer from Atlas. Nora'd heard about Atlas, nothing that made her interested in going to visit. Nothing but cold winds and colder people, and she's met some pretty cold people in this business.
"What'd you think, Nora?" Jaune asked, looking up to her from his comfy seat.
"Uh... Pretty good, I guess." She said, scanning around still. She then sighed and looked down. "But I think it would be a lot more fun if there was a boxing ring, too."
"Boxing and jazz don't got too well together." Papa Arc chuckled. "Believe me, I've seen it for myself."
Nicholas "Papa" Arc was the top dog in the city of Vale. When everyone else was trying to set up business in Mistral, competing with the Spiders, he stayed in Vale and made a family business grow without much competition. Sure, there were still a couple rival factions still around, like the Torchwick and Xiong family gangs, but they were pretty small-time compared to the Arc crime, er, "legitimate business" family.
Before this life, Papa Arc was a huntsman, barely making ends meet in a kingdom that taxed the bread off the family table, thanks to that bastard, Vanille. On one of these jobs, he found a girl who survived a horrible Grimm attack and brought her home. Tired of being thrown around, Nicholas Arc, along with some friends of his, decided to set up a business, a charity, if you would, that would clean up the dirt and grime staining this beautiful city. It took them almost ten years, but here they were now, sitting pretty in a jazz club with lien left to burn.
"Enjoying the show?" A familiar voice asked. Before Nora could see, she was already in front of Jaune and reaching into her jacket. "Whoa, whoa! Easy there, sweetheart! I won't bite." Roman Torchwick puffed on his cigar, blowing smoke into her face with a devilish grin across his lips. "Not unless I feel like it~."
"There's no smoking in here, Roman." Papa said. Roman rolled his eyes and put out the offending piece on the top of his cane. "What are you doing here?"
"I'm a friend of one of the performers tonight." He stepped around Nora and sat next to Papa and across from Jaune. "A miss Honey Wine." He shot a smirk at Jaune. "I think she'd like you. You look like her type."
"R-Really?" Jaune gulped. Nora put her hand in Jaune's way. He pushed it down. "What's she like?"
"Jaune, go get some fresh air." Papa Arc held his nose and waved his hand. "This smoke ain't good for ya."
"Oh, uh..." Jaune looked between his father and their sudden guest. "Sure thing, Dad." Jaune got up and walked down the stairs from the balcony lounge. Passing a bunch of boozers and oglers, he made his way up the stairs and out to the street. Nora stayed right by his side, walking following him to the car. Before he got in, Nora tugged him away to the alley. "Everything okay?"
"No, it's not okay." Nora scowled. She then put on her dopiest smile. "What's she like?" She scowled again. "Do you hear yourself? Roman Torchwick is a bad guy, remember?"
"I know, but..." Jaune furrowed his brow. "What if isn't all that bad? Maybe he came by to make up with Dad."
"He isn't, Jaune. Trust me." She made a deep frown. "There's something about him that just makes my skin crawl."
"Jaune." The two looked over to see Papa Arc standing by the car. "You good?"
"Yeah, Da- Er, sir." Jaune nodded, getting a chuckle out of his father.
"You're still my son." His gaze turned to Nora. Without saying a word, he got the response of her shaking her head. She ran up to the car and checked under the carriage. As she did, she saw a pair of shoes, fancy looking boots, walking around from the other side. Getting up, she saw a young woman with multi-colored hair carrying a parasol under her wing and approaching Papa Arc.
"Whoa, whoa, where do you think you're-"
Nora didn't finish her sentence as she was struck hard in the cheek by the woman who was now making a beeline for Jaune. He backed up to a dumpster as the stranger made her aggressive stiletto charge towards him. Nora grabbed her arm, only to immediately fall through her. Some kind of semblance, Nora thought, as she was suddenly beaten into the ground, face-first. She pushed herself up, seeing Jaune was still under attack.
The dark-and-light-haired woman tossed away her parasol cover, revealing a hidden blade. Nora tackled her from behind, forcing the two into the stones of the alleyway. Flipping the assailant around, Nora reared back a fist, only to find Jaune underneath her. Stunned by the confusion, Jaune chopped Nora in the throat with a knife-hand, making her roll over in pain.
"Enough!" Papa Arc barked. "You made your point, Roman."
"I knew you'd see it my way." Roman Torchwick chuckled. "Neo, heel."
As the woman gave a faux salute and skipped up to the two older men, Jaune helped Nora to her feet. As she rubbed her throat, she saw Papa Arc coming at her with a fury in his eyes and a hand clenched tightly. She knew a punch was coming when she saw it, but it never landed on her.
Jaune took the hit instead and fell back against the dumpster. Nora looked between them, bewildered. Papa Arc shook his hand, flexing his fingers as he breathed out. Roman Torchwick and "Neo" simply looked on and laughed. Or, at least, Roman laughed. Neo just stood there with an even more unnerving smirk.
"Still hard as a brick." Papa Arc groaned. "Clean yourselves up in the car." He looked to Roman and Neo. "Can she drive?"
"She can do a lot of things." Roman answered. "Driving is a bit menial, but it's not something she can't do." He looked to his accomplice. "Neo?"
Out of thin air, the woman brought out a driver's cap and gave another faux salute. She then walked into the driver's seat and started the car. She waved her hands as if to say, "Ta-da~!"
The three entered the car together with Neo driving, Roman sitting passenger, and the Nora sitting on the far end from Papa Arc with Jaune in the middle. The drive was a bit quiet at first, but soon after, Papa Arc and Roman started talking. Well, at first it was Roman and Jaune talking.
"What do you know about me, Jaune?"
"What?" Jaune asked.
"Me. Roman Torchwick. If you haven't heard of me, then you've been living under a rock for years!" Roman tapped his cigar outside the window, ashes flying by in the wind.
Jaune looked to his father and, getting no response, he looked to Nora. She shrugged.
"Uh, well, you're Roman Torchwick."
"Yeah, I just said that." He waved his hand for Jaune to continue.
"You're... You're a gangster."
"Well, that's one way to put it." Roman half-nodded, half-shook his head.
"My dad says, uh..."
"...Yes? Go on?"
"Tell him, Jaune." Papa said. "I won't hide it."
"...He says you're a street-punk who lies, cheats, and steals, and will do anything to make a name for yourself."
Roman pursed his lips. "I would prefer that second half be said more like, "does anything to survive," but you're not wrong." Finishing off his cigar, he tossed the stub out the window. "I'm also going to be your dad's new best friend."
"See, Jaune Arc of the Arc family, I know things. Not exactly everything, but I know just enough to be your dad's friend. I'll be over for just about everything; tea parties, birthdays, goodnight kisses..." In the rear-view, he made waggled his brows at Nora, making her fists ball up. "But mostly I'm just going to be there to tell your dad when something is a good idea or a bad idea. For example," he turned in his seat, "how much do you know about the Spiders?"
"They're a crime family in Mistral." Jaune answered. "They're killers and thieves who run drug rings, sex-trafficking, and-"
"You don't need to give me the rap sheet, Jauney-Boy. I already know all of that because I used to work for 'em."
"What?!" Jaune and Nora shouted.
"Sheesh, inside voices, kids." He winced. "But yeah, they're looking to come into town to set up shop. And that list of things you said? They're bringing all that with them."
Jaune felt his chest tighten. Nora resisted the urge to calm him like she'd always done since they were younger. Not while Torchwick was in the car.
"And just so you know, there's even worse new, too."
"Worse than the Spiders?"
The air became a lot harder for Jaune to breathe, so he rolled down his window. Papa Arc scowled and shot a glare at his son. Roman was drinking the fear in like it was his favorite drink. Nora was constantly looking between the three men, and occasionally at Neo whose smile was even worse.
"Tell me, Jaune," Roman leaned in, "have you ever heard of the Xiao Long family?"
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manlyster · 3 months
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d'aw thank ya!
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otomotoelzhinee · 4 months
I love your comics shreebs very much. Well here my question.
Who was the first to confess his love for each other? shrike or beebs?
Thank you so much!! Gosh, this one I left pending for a while, very sorry about that.
This one has been hard to figure out for me, as I think both characters have a likely chance to confess their feelings for the other:
For as friendly as they are with one another, I find it difficult Shrike would ever tell Beebs about his feelings towards him, which seems obvious as he avoids being vulnerable with others. He's the one most likely to withhold info from Beebs or even lie if necessary. (Not out of maliciousness necessarily, but out of a selfish desire to preserve himself, or even just avoid being made a fool out of.)
But so could Beebs, as there's many things he hasn't told Shrike about his past. I feel that, in Beebs' case, although he trusts Shrike for many things, he also can't quite trust him for others. He still tries to give him the chance to prove himself, but there's a certain fear of that trust being broken over Shrike's inability to control his own impulses and being... Well, not really emotionally intelligent.
There's also the awkwardness of falling in love with someone who's not just a friend, but a business partner. "What if things become strange if I tell the truth, but he doesn't feel the same? Will we be able to go back to normal? Will he think differently of me?"
Change is a scary thing, even in small ways!
Of course, ideally, they both like eachother. But they don't actually know what the other feels.
If Shrike were to confess, the only possible scenario I can imagine is him being drunk out of his mind. Yeah, it's that old trope~
I feel that Beebs probably doesn't think highly of himself, so in a random conversation with a couple of drinks, they start to open up just a bit with eachother. Beebs would feel embarrassed saying he doesn't think he's that attractive, that he can't see himself being liked by someone else.
To which Shrike beings a long, almost nonsensical ramble, not really thinking about his words or how to articulate them.
"Nonono, no Beebs, listen. Listen-- HIC! Bee... You are, SO beautiful, amigo...Ur like, REALLY handsom' an'-- an' tall... An' real nice! And..."
He makes random gestures with his hands before pointing out Beebs in his entirely. "Well y-your such a good guy too, damn it!"
Beebs laughs at this, but Shrike only grows more frustrated, crawling his way over Beebs and getting closer has his rant continues.
"Look, look. When I see u. I see this guy... This nice guy doing his damn best! ...To do da right thing... You are annoyingly nice about it!! You're too kind! And so--" Another hiccup. "S-strong! Th-There's so much about you to love!!"
He grabs Beebs face, with Beebs continuing to laugh at Shrike seemingly so angry over the subject.
"Fine, fine!" Beebs goes. "I get it!"
"No! No quiero escuchar esa mierda...Salir de tu boca otra vez. Okay?"
Beebs nods.
"I love you a lot, man. Donchu know?"
"D'aw, yeah." Beebs replied. "I love you too, man."
"No, no, no..." Shrike's head falls on Beebs shoulder.
Beebs chuckles and pats Shrike's back, reassuring him again that he means it. But he stays there for a little bit, and Beebs just let's him be.
Until Shrike pulls away with a weak grasp, and looks at Beebs in the eyes again.
"I don't..." He mumbles.
"...Say that..." Something, something.
"...Cuz I..."
Beebs calls for him, confused as he realizes Shrike's trembling arms over him.
But before he can put together what's going on, Shrike puts his hands to squeeze his face again, and Beebs heart starts to race with Shrike only getting closer by the second.
"...What's going on."
And just as that thought crosses his mind, Shrike falls on his other shoulder, a long and strenuous snore coming out.
But Beebs stays there, his legs, his arms, his heart, all numb. He can't even tell if he's breathing anymore.
It takes him a couple of minutes, until he looks down at Shrike, completely gone.
He'd take him back to his bedroom, clean after their mess, walk around the place. But nothing is gonna help him release these thoughts, all these questions of what just happened. And more importantly, what will he choose to do about them.
I don't think Shrike would remember anything the next morning, but here it depends on Beebs if he will bring up the situation to Shrike. Or if he will let it pass as another one of Shrike's antics because of the alcohol.
If Beebs can trust Shrike enough to discuss something like this with him, then I'd like to think they would have an honest conversation.
One where Shrike might try to deny everything at first, but Beebs would push him to stop running away from it. And with no other choice, Shrike faces his friend and comes clean.
And with that, so would Beebs.
I also think there's other situations where Beebs could be driven to confess to Shrike, but I think part of me finds it more satisfying having Shrike facing Beebs and being vulnerable.
Probably a first for him, but it gives him an opportunity to trust Beebs, that he can trust someone, despite what his fears tell him. And by extention, so can Beebs. Finding someone to believe in again, to love, even.
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ant1quarian · 9 days
He's so pretty!
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"d'aw, thanks love."
( let us know if the nickname is uncomfy )
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janzoo · 4 months
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WolmericWeek 2024 Day 7: Aymeric Day
Every day is Aymeric Day, but today is a special Aymeric Day. So here's Aymeric getting some special attention. D'aw he's so flattered.
And that's all for this year! Thanks for joining in.💙
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hells-musing-along · 4 months
💘 - Three ways my muse shows they have a crush (hiiii love your Lilith)
Three Ways Meme
Level 1: Perks up upon hear crush's name or voice, compliment them, and asks questions about them.
Level 2: Find ways to interact with them publicly, maintain eye contact with them, offering a genuine smile, offers to assist them
Level 3: Sends or casually gifts them with presents, remember the little details about them, respect boundaries, and makes time for them
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peachykeenman · 4 months
ROBERTSKY! Haiiiii :3
Here is a pie🥧 it’s peach pie
"D'aw thanks! Yoh shouldn't hav
Say yoh should hav slice w'me get a taste of t'results of yoh hard wok"
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igneous-crocnroll · 4 months
I love your art style!! the way you draw furries is so cute!!! Very nice very awesome. the sun ain’t got shit on you
D'AW THANK YOU!!! That's very sweet of you!!
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Hey hey! Idk if you’re up for headcanon requests or if you have a limit but if you’re vibing with this, I’d like to humbly request a headcanon about your 6 JJK characters realizing they’ve caught the feelz for someone! Please and thanks!
Requests are always welcome, I'll get to them all as soon as I can, always!
Thank you for requesting, I had a very traumatic day today so this gives me something to focus one :) I did my best, sorry if they're awful.
As requested, headcannons for Nobara, Yuuji, Megumi, Gojo, Nanami and Sukuna catching the feelz:
Kugisaki Nobara
She hadn't thought much of (Y/N) to begin with; She's not at Jujutsu tech to make friends, but it happens anyway in the most unexpected of places.
(Y/N) is someone who gives gloriously few fucks about what people think, they live by their own rules and they do not apologise for it. It's usually something Nobara would find infuriating in someone, but the way (Y/N) carries themselves with poise and dignity just isn't something she can hate.
It doesn't take long for her to pick up on her feelings, she wants to be close to (Y/N), hopes to be paired with them on missions even though (Y/N) always seems to end up dealing with the worst curses.
Seeing as she's not exactly one to be silent, Kugisaki outright comes out to say it.
'Hey, you're pretty cool.' Her tone was an attempt at casual, but (Y/N) knows that blush on her cheeks isn't from the makeup. 'We should, hang out, outside of class.'
(Y/N) can't help but giggle, Kugisaki isn't as subtle as she thinks she is, the older sorcerer has noticed that crush, mostly because they return it. 'Sure, Saturday, there's a restaurant I want to take you too. Six?'
'It's a date.'
Fushiguro Megumi
What the fuck does he do with this? Feelings he can't control? This is not what he calls fun.
He's known (Y/N) for years, ever since Gojo rolled into his life, (Y/N) had been around. His age, the unwanted child of a powerful family, they couldn't be any more like him, and yet, they were night and day.
He's quiet, (Y/N) makes their presence known without fear, a beacon of light in his world of shadow.
It's only now that his feelings crept up on him, but in truth...he's loved them for years.
Does he know what to do with those feelings? Absolutely not!
It's up to (Y/N) to pick up on the lingering stares, the warmed cheeks, that smouldering look in his eyes. Suddenly, he's concerned about what missions they take on, suddenly he cares about how many hours they spend training, how well they sleep... it's obvious what's going on, but it takes them time to decide what to do.
With (Y/N)'s mind made up, they knock on Megumi's door after curfew, and the moment he opens the door, they pulled them in, and kissed him.
'You could have just told me, you ass!'
'Would you have kissed me like that if I had?'
Itadori Yuuji
Sunshine ball has no shame, none. When his feelings started, you'd have no idea, because he's always so damn kind.
He knows (Y/N)'s favourite foods at every restaurant they've ever gone too. Café order? Knows that one too.
He knows that their right knee hitches when the weather changes suddenly and he knows that extra training makes them crave savoury things, and yet, he can't remember what the hell he had for breakfast that morning.
He's at their side every chance he gets, lavishing them in attention or just being with them in silence. He's learned which is needed and when.
It's (Y/N) who's convinced they fell in love first, not with what he does, but the way he does it all with a smile, determination. He's hosting the King of curses in his head and yet he doesn't let that horrendous curse drag him down.
Itadori confesses shamelessly after a mission, declaring his crush after a mission like it was common knowledge, even though he's already wincing for a rejection.
The blush on his face when (Y/N) kissed him was pinker than his hair.
'D'aw, you're so cute!'
'Nah, you're cuter!'
Gojo Satoru
Him? Feelings? Like...real ones?
He hates it. Borderline bullies (Y/N) over it. Or he would, if (Y/N) didn't nip it in the bud. If he even thought about having an attitude they'd kick his ass, verbally at least.
Feelings break sorcerers, feelings are the reason curses exist at all. Make no mistake, it takes months, months for him to come to terms with himself.
Loving (Y/N) means someone he can't lose, someone who could stand to be yet another failure if he did lose them. Loving (Y/N) means putting a chink in his armour in a world where special grades aren't so special.
Most of that time, he spends trying to talk his stubborn heart out of love. He can't care again, he already cares too much, but (Y/N), gorgeous, stubborn creature, kicks his ass at that too.
For a straight week, they have the worst luck known to man, meeting special grade after special grade, and every single time he was called in to back them up, they'd exorcised it by the time he got there.
There is an infinity between them...hell of a slim infinity.
'Hey, are you flirting with me, seriously?' (Y/N) drawls playfully over breakfast. Was that hope in their eyes?
'Sure am, what do you say, are you madly in love with me yet?'
'Wouldn't tell you if I was, Mr Ego.'
'Well, I am the strongest. I'll just try a little harder next time.'
Nanami Kento
He is a grown adult, a grown man, he does not have a crush... but if they bite their lip like that one more time he will have no choice but to smile.
(Y/N) is nothing short of adorable, every little mannerism and quirk, he knows them all and spends copious amounts of time wondering what causes them.
They roll their eyes whenever an assignment comes in at an inconvenient hour (or when Gojo talks). They wrinkle their nose at the sight of literally any raw meat or bad coffee. Honestly, their face is a catalogue of their day written in a code Nanami is eager to decipher, bit by bit.
Small tokens of his affection pop up in (Y/N)'s life at random. Late night? Coffee's on your desk.
Skipped lunch? There's a sandwich waiting for you.
He never asks for thanks, never admits to doing it, but (Y/N) knows precisely who it was, and the moment he knows his feelings are reciprocated, he's made a reservation at a restaurant he knows they'll love and has a rose in hand for the invitation.
'Would you like to join me for-?'
Ryomen Sukuna
God, help, you.
Sukuna does not have feelings, he has wants, and he wants (Y/N). Broken, obedient, quiet. He's done it before, he's done it a thousand times. Hunting from a body not his own is a mild inconvenience at best.
The only thing that gives him pause is (Y/N) being more powerful than he gave them credit for.
They lash out without fear, they fight with their brain, not in blind panic.
All it is, is a chase. The longer they make him wait, the more he will enjoy breaking them apart, piece by piece.
'Keep running, little rabbit, look forward to the day I catch you.'
'Dude, you are creepy!'
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maxphilippa · 3 months
Giggles I’m gonna go anon for this one
YOU!! hi oomf!! I just wanna say you’re a very amazing artist and person and your very fun to talk to!! Your gijinkas are also really creative and accurate too AAHHH They’re mine now thank you. (/silly)
Please continue being yourself!! I really enjoy seeing you pop up on my Tumblr feed
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